Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ When Two Worlds Collide ❯ Chapter 11

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: Pokemon belongs to Satoshi Tajiri, Nintendo and Shogakukan Comics. This non-profit, non-copyright infringing fanfiction belongs to me under international copyright laws and taking it is plagiarism. Thank you. *Phantomness bows*
Notes: <> for telepathy, ** for thoughts, italics if a pokemon talks
Chapter 11/Epilogue
They found Clair and the rest of the Elite Four waiting in Red's living room. "Where have you been?" asked Lorelei.
< In another world. > Lance sent.
Charlotte came in from the kitchen and saw the eggs. She quirked an eyebrow. "Are those pokemon eggs, Red?"
"Yes." Red blushed slightly.
"...Actually... no." Lance corrected her. "They are ours.” She slid an arm around Red's shoulders.
Charlotte's eyes went wide. "But how? The guardian's blessing - or curse - makes it impossible to have children."
She blushed. "Well..."
"We went to another Realm. I suppose the legendaries decided to grant us some time to rest and recover after the Cerise incident." Lance stated. "And there, we were in Dragon Mating season..."
Clair giggled. "You were busy then..."
Red looked ready to sink into the floor. "Well, yes."
"Did you meet anyone interesting?” Karen inquired.
"Actually, we met a couple named Ash and Wataru who were very interesting." Lance smirked.
Red nodded.
"How so?" Agatha asked.
"They were kind of like us." Red said, ignoring Lance's look. "Ash was kind of like me, but he's a Lugia, and Wataru was a Rayquaza, except he has pink hair and he's a dragon master too, and he was kind of nice."
Clair blinked and tried to imagine Lance with pink hair. She began to laugh until she had tears in her eyes and had to hold her sides.
"It's not that funny." Lance said. "And Ash was like Red. Kind of ditzy though." She said in an undertone.
"I think that was an act. Oh! Charlotte... we have stuff for you!"
"Me?" Charlotte blinked. "You didn't have to..." But Red was already rummaging around.
Red pulled out a Moltres, Honou and Entei doll. "Here, these are from that other world."
"Wow, thanks!" Charlotte said, amazed as she hugged the dolls. "Looks like you two had fun."
Lance grinned as Lorelei whacked her on the back.
"Bruno quit." Agatha said quietly.
Red grinned. "We got these at what they called the Dragon Festival.”
"Cool." Lorelei said, admiring Red's Articuno doll.
Agatha smiled as she watched the younger trainers chat and have fun for a bit. It must be nice to be young...
She beamed. “Oh! Ash and Wataru have their own prophecy that sounds a bit like ours… it's a bit strange.”
"The Dragon Master to protect the Dragon's Child..." Lance quoted. She smiled.
Karen jumped when Will pinched her, giving him a glare. Charlotte poured more tea for all of them.
Red giggled at their antics. "Ash blessed our eggs..."
“That sounds wonderful!” Lorelei said. Clair had starry eyes as she imagined it.
The Pallet trainer blushed. "Yeah it was... A human was cheating the - Oh yeah! Every person there in Blackthorn City was a dragon, except one. He was swindling the dragons..."
“Ooh." Clair winced. "He got screwed."
"Quite." Lance agreed.
"The game he was running, He had balls that were to large to fit in the bottle openings. We should know, that's where we got the Entei doll..."
Charlotte grinned. "Ahh..."
The girl nodded. She pulled out her new Salamance doll and hugged it.
They had some more tea and snacks, before Agatha finally spoke. "Bruno's gone, and Cerise Island is destroyed... I'm not sure if we can salvage our plan."
"I was afraid of that..." Red said quietly.
"Bruno was always weak." Karen agreed.
"Stupid Yellow..."
"Yes, I think she influenced him." Will frowned. "Speaking of which, was she eliminated?"
Red nodded. “If she had succeeded, these eggs wouldn't be here...”
Clair shuddered. "That's good."
"... You know," Charlotte commented, looking at the blanket, "I think the white one's about to hatch."
The Guardian quickly put the one she was holding down gently and picked up the white one. The egg began to shake; as Lance moved next to Red and the others drew back to give the new parents some privacy. After a few minutes, the shell cracked into pieces as a baby Eevee emerged.
Red smiled. "Kawaii!"
The Eevee blinked open her brown eyes, and cuddled. Lance smiled as she petted her ears.
< Yes, sweetheart, I'm Mommy. >
Red turned so the baby could see Lance too. < And this is Mother. >
Oh. The baby Eevee said, and wagged her tail. < I'm hungry. >
Red moved so that the Eevee could get at her milk.
Lance smiled as she watched the Eevee begin to nurse, soon falling asleep with a full tummy. < She's beautiful. Our daughter... >
< Yes, she truly is. We should show your Father. >
< Good idea. > Lance agreed, as the others left the couple alone so they could get some privacy. They carefully loaded the other two eggs onto Kairyuu, and then they set off for the Whirl Islands.
Lugia was waiting when they arrived, though his eyes widened in surprise. < What's this? >
< Grandchildren~! > Red said happily. The Eevee had woken up just before they landed.
< Oh.... oh my. > Lugia staggered. < I can't believe it. The curse... > He hugged Red, then hugged Lance, and hugged the Eevee when it licked his face.
< We were in another world… > She was glowing brighter then when she had been with the eggs.
Lugia giggled, holding his granddaughter. He was a bit surprised that she was an Eevee, but no matter. There would be two dragons, and he loved all pokemon.
The Dragon Master hugged Red tightly, before kissing her.
< Eevee is our daughter. There are still two eggs, and I hope they hatch soon...> Red giggled at Lugia's affections. She told their tale of traveling to the other world.
He smiled. < I'm so happy for you both. >
< We're happy too. > Red told him.
Lance gave her father a hug, and they made some more small talk, before heading home.
The Eevee was hungry again when they got home.
Red blushed when she fed the Eevee in their bedroom - more so when Lance smirked at her and decided to help. Red wound up gasping against her pillows while Lance suckled on her other breast.
< I can't wait to see what dragons we have… > Red said breathlessly.
< Me too... > Lance purred, as she began to lick her way down Red's flat stomach.
< Lance! I'm still feeding Eevee! >
< Sorry. > She paused, as the Eevee continued to drink, completely oblivious to what her parents were up to.
Red shook her head.
The next morning, one of the two Dragon eggs began to hatch.
Lance gently shook Red awake, and they both sat down to watch. It was a Dratini.
The little Dratini sneezed, before he slithered over to Red. Hungry…
<Yes, sweetheart, I know...> Red allowed Dratini to nurse.
Lance looked worried. < You'll have three of them soon. Maybe I should help? >
< Maybe? > Red looked happier then she had very been.
< I mean, I've got the equipment and all... > Lance flushed. < And ... > she broke off as the last egg began to shake. They froze and Eevee woke up as well.
Red looked happy, their youngest was about to be born.
Eevee curled up next to her mother, butting at her breast to get more milk.
Lance watched as the egg cracked, before revealing a little Larvitar.
Red shifted so Eevee could reach. She was very happy.
< Shall we go see your father? > Red asked Lance.
< Just a moment. > Lance picked up the Larvitar as it began to nurse from her. < They're still hungry... >
The younger girl nodded.
< You are wonderful, Red. > Lance murmured. She stroked the Larvitar's head.
Eevee finished first and settled for a nap in Mommy's lap. Dratini finished soon, and slept next to his sister.
After a few minutes Larvitar also finished.
Red took Larvitar carefully from Lance.
Lance sighed, and hugged Red. < I'm sorry. It's hard for me to be patient... >
< You are a dragon, though. > She teased before she turned to Larvitar. < Hello, little one… >
Mmm. Larvitar smiled, before nuzzling Red for a moment.
< Darling. >
Mommy's warm... Larvitar yawned sleepily.
The Ice Guardian just smiled.
< Yes, I suppose I am, sweetheart. Tired? Get some rest. > Red was grinning madly and glowing.
Lance moved next to Red, with Larvitar in her arms, Red holding Eevee and Dratini, and grinned. < You're Brilliant. >
< So are you, Mother… >
< Really? >
She smirked and nodded. < I wouldn't lie to you. >
Lance kissed Red, and then closed her eyes. < I love you. >
< I love you too. >
Days later, they flew back to the Whirl Islands. Lugia was very surprised to see them again, but delighted with the two new additions to his family - their family.
And so they lived happily after all.
End FIC!
Completed 8/19/07
So, while babies irritate me and watching people breast-feed is squicky and I hate MPREG, I still wrote this.
This fic took quite a long, *long* time to edit. I'm glad it's finally done!
Lance: *Smirk*
Red: ^^V
Phantomness: *Collapse* Phew. One-shots are so much easier…