Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Whitewing ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon. Only the idea and OC's.
Author Notes:
-- This will be used for scene breaks and for when the story switches to another character, but it does not mean that a new section of the story has started.
xXx This will identify where each paragraph breaks.
(Character thought)
Disclaimer: Don't own Pokemon, never have, never will. Only the idea and OCs behind the story are mine.
Chapter 2
Alex and Aelita got dressed for the day. Alex had chosen to wear a pair of large cargo pants with a matching shirt, both a light tan in color. As for Aelita, she went to put on a pair of shorts, but Alex stopped her. “You'll want long pants and a light shirt. I've got an idea as how we can spend the day.”

Aelita looked up in interest as she put the shorts back into her suitcase and pulled out a pair of jeans while Alex began to check something on his phone. “So, where is this place you happen to be thinking about?” Aelita found a suitable light blue T-shirt and put it on as Alex pulled out a large hiking pack out of the bottom drawer of the dresser.
“Up the mountain some. Pack up a pair of shorts, your swimsuit, and something to sleep in tonight. The weather reports says there is almost no chance for rain today and I know for a fact that tonight is going to be a full moon.” Alex explained as he packed up a few things including a very large sleeping bag.
“So, we'll be spending the night outside with the stars then?” Aelita couldn't exactly think of any place on the mountain other the few hot spring bathhouses, but they were on the far side of the mountain. Aelita had her things ready to go in a few minutes still pondering where Alex was taking her and then handed them to Alex to put into the hiking pack. He also grabbed a smaller backpack and stuffed that into the hiking pack.
“Not exactly, I already have a small cave set up for when I head up the mountain. Come on, I'll make some breakfast before we leave.” Alex finished packing the bag and made his way to the kitchen.
Alex and Aelita had a quick breakfast of eggs, berries, and milk before they left. Alex carried the hiking pack and led the way down the cliffside. “So, where are we going? The hot springs are on the other side of the mountain?” Aelita asked. She couldn't keep herself from asking. It wasn't that she was curious about where they were staying, it was more a matter that she couldn't figure out where they were headed. On the route she thought they were taking, it would take them all day to get to the hot springs where as if they had gone around the other way, it would only take a few hours.
“You'll like it, I can guarantee that much.” Alex replied giving no hints as to where they were going.
“Come on, tell me.” Aelita asked again.
“Just trust me on this. It will be well worth the hour hike.” Alex smiled.
After a short ten minutes of walking, Alex stopped and looked toward the cliff. A small network of large vines had been growing up the side of the cliff and Alex knew exactly how strong they were from past experience. “I thought you said it was an hour hike?” Aelita was really starting to get confused.
“Alright, I know that you can climb this. Just wait until I'm at the top then you can follow me up.” With those words, Alex grabbed onto the network of vines and quickly worked his up the cliffside without fault. By wrapping each vine lightly around his wrist as he climbed, then releasing the vine for a new one, he was able to fully support himself against the cliff without the risk of falling off even if he foot had slipped off the cliffside. Alex climbed up to the ledge that was his goal for now and looked on at the forgotten path he had traveled many times before. The only difference was that this time, he would not go it alone.
Aelita was faster to climb the vines then Alex as she had claws to help her with her footing and there was the fact that she was both, a bit lighter and slightly stronger then Alex. Once at the top, Alex helped Aelita up the cliff and onto the ledge. “I've never been up here.” Aelita had been on this mountain a lot, but this area was very new to her. A large gathering of maple like trees littered the area and there were no visible marked trails.
“Follow me.” Alex told her as she followed him into the trees. Alex knew the path he was taking by heart as he had been up here several times before. Aelita on the other hand was very lost and had to stick close to Alex. She was very impressed by the variety of plants on the unseen path that Alex was following. There were several different berry bushes like Oran, Pinup, Razz, Ganlon, and even a few of the very rare Yoshama berry bushes that was valued for its medical uses. The berry itself was a light yellow in color, round, very smooth, had a sweet taste to it. It revitalized the body quickly as well as purified the body of poisons. What kept most people from eating it however were the thorns that grew by the dozens all over the bush.
It was a long walk and Aelita was able to keep a general idea of which direction they were traveling. Finally, Alex stopped in front of patch of vines that covered path. “You remember that trip to Suicune falls correct?” Alex as he turned to face Aelita.
“Yea, but that was at the bottom of the mountain.” Aelita knew that couldn't be anywhere near the falls since they had been on a slow, but steady rise up the mountain on whatever path Alex had led her.
“Allow me to show the lake that feeds the Suicune falls.” Alex lifted his arm moving a large number of loose vines out of the way. On the other side of the vines was a large lake. Trees lined the lake and several feral Pokemon could be seen all over the place. One the one side of the lake was a river which must of fed the Suicune Falls. On the other end was another waterfall, just not as big. “They say that Suicune has a nest here. Many people claimed to have seen Suicune head this way, but the last sighting of such an event was back in 2132 when a plane crashed here.” Alex pointed up to the northern end of the waterfall that fed the lake before them.
“I know all that. We have the same history class.” Aelita stated.
“But there's more to it then that. That plane that crashed is was created the waterfall that feeds this lake which in turn flooded this area which caused the creation of the Suicune falls.” Alex continued. “I however think I found something a while back that may prove all of those Suicune sightings were true.” Alex smiled.
“Huh? And just how could you do that?” Aelita asked.
“Because there was one cave that was much too high to climb to before this area got flooded and became the lake it is now. However, with the water like it is now, we can swim there.” Alex informed Aelita. “Come with me and I can show you what I found.” Alex led the way along the lakeside before coming to another cliffside, only this one was much taller then the one that Alex had built his house in. Alex turned and started walking along the cliffside and away from the lake. He stopped as he came up to large willow tree.
“Well, this is where we'll be sleeping tonight.” Alex said as he walked under the willow tree.
“Here?” Aelita asked. There was no flat ground here, just a bunch of roots and a few berry bushes. She soon realized that Alex had been busy up here once she was under the willow tree. There in the cliffside was a large rounded hole, which was very smooth and very familiar to Aelita. Aelita walked over to the hole as saw a small room that had been into the cliffside much the same way as Alex had built his house he currently lived in. “You've been busy haven't you.”
“This is where I like to spend those extended weekends we get from school. It's quite, calm, relaxing, and most of all, a private place that very, very few people know about.” Alex pulled out his blue swim trucks as he handed Aelita her two piece bikini that were a lovely blue with white trim. Both of them removed the clothing that had worn to get here and replaced it with the much lighter swimsuits that they had packed. Alex set the hiking pack down on a large wooden log that was standing up serving as a makeshift desk. Alex once again led her to the water where he slowly waded into the water.
Aelita followed Alex's example and made her way out to meet him as he slowly swam along the cliffside. It was only a short swim around the corner before Alex stopped. “This is it.” Alex said as he pointed up the cliff a bit. A small ledge about two feet up off the water's surface hung above them.
“And how do we get up there?” Aelita looked at the cliffside, but couldn't find any useable ledges to climb on.
“Like this.” Alex eyes went green as he gather up a very small sum of his spirit energy into his hands. “One of my more interesting traits is climbing up walls like this.” Alex one hand on the cliff and it stuck like glue. It took him a minute, but he climbed the wall almost like a spider and once the ledge, he dropped a vine down to Aelita so that she could follow.
“How did you do that?” Aelita asked once she was up on the ledge with Alex.
“The same way I mold rock into rooms. I expand my spirit energy out, but instead of forcing the rock and dirt outward, I force myself to stay firmly attached to the rock instead.” Alex told her. “Problem is that I can only hold myself to any one spot for about ten second or the rock will start to shift and then I loose my grip.”
“So basically, you have move fast or else.” Aelita asked as she began to walk into the cave with Alex.
“Yep. Now then this is what…That wasn't here before.” Alex looked into the center of the small room that the cave led into. The cave was no bigger then the living area of his house and there were small white and blue eggshell fragments littered about. However, there in the center of the room was a large white and blue egg about the size of pair of footballs.
“I think we had better leave.” Alex took a step back, but Aelita seemed fascinated by the egg in the room.
“Alex, this is amazing. I've never seen an egg like this. How long has it been here?” Aelita came to the conclusion that this egg was what Alex wanted to show her.
“I've never seen that egg before, Aelita. Whatever kind of egg it is, it wasn't here two weeks ago.” Alex walked over and grabbed Aelita by the shoulder only, he never got a chance to pull her out of the cave.
A low growling could be heard behind them. “Don't move.” Alex whispered to Aelita who was still on her knees. Alex took a chance and very slowly turned around to see one very beautiful, but angry looking Pokemon looking right at him.
The creature looking at him stood on four legs with a light blue, almost aqua colored fur all over her body with white diamond shaped patterns on her legs. A pair of white ribbons like appendages served as her tails. She had small blue horns had a headdress like effect to them covering a large stream of purple lair on the top of her head.
“Who are you?” The creature spoke.
“I'm Alex Whitewing, some sort of evolved human and this is my mate Aelita. We swear we did not know that this egg was here.” Alex spoke slowly and calmly.
“Why have you come here” She barked.
“I meant only to show my mate the egg fragments that littered this cave. I was here two weeks ago and there was no egg, so I assumed this cave to be abandoned. We shall leave at once.” Alex motioned for Aelita to slowly rise.
Aelita's eyes went wide as she suddenly felt impending danger. Just like her feral Absol brethren, she was more then able to sense a natural disaster coming. “Earthquake.” Aelita shouted. A sudden violent shaking of the cave startled them all as a large section of the cave roof began to come down. Suicune rushed for her egg, but a large piece of rock fell from the ceiling causing her to jump back. As she landed however, the ledge gave way under her weight and the shaking of the quake. She fell into the as Aelita ran out of the cave and dove into the water just before the cave began to collapse with Alex still inside.
He hurried over to the egg and grabbed it. Holding it tightly against his chest with one hand, he used his other hand to fire the attack know as Spirit Surge, the Spirit based equivalent of Aura Spheres, at the larger falling chunks of collapsing rock as he ran out of the cave. He jumped just in time as the cave gave out. A large chunk of the cliff side slid into the water as the quake stopped. The result of the cliffside changing as it did changed the water slightly creating a larger, much calmer waterfall as the water was not all rushed out of such a small space anymore. Alex hit the water rather hard face first almost knocking himself out, but he still had a tight grip on the egg.
Suicune was quick to rescue him and her egg, then she quickly raced toward the shore with Alex in her mouth hanging by his swimming trunks. Aelita hurried to keep up with Suicune, but she was still no match for the Suicune's speed on water.
Suicune gently placed Alex on the shore making sure he would not crush her egg. Aelita rushed up the shore to where Alex was set down. Alex was slow to regain himself, but once he did he went to make sure the egg was unharmed.
“Why would you risk you life like that?” Suicune asked. Her rear left leg had been bruised and she lifted it up some to take the weight off of it.
“It was right there in front of me. Just couldn't let it stay there with cave collapsing down on us.” Alex responded. He shook his head to try and shake off the remaining dizziness that remained from the rough landing in the water.
“You have my thanks. Please forgive me for being so rude earlier. I just don't come into contact with many people.” The Suicune walked over to Alex and inspected her egg. “Now then, I must find to hide my egg.”
“I have small cave down along the cliff side. It should still be there.” Alex got to his feet, the egg still in his hands. “You could leave the egg there while you search for another suitable cave.”
“I would rather not. I'm already uncomfortable enough with just the two of you knowing about my egg.” The Suicune told them.
“It's just me and Aelita. No one even knows were up here. We can watch over your egg while you look unhindered for another cave to hide it in. I can promise you that we will tell no one about your egg.” Alex was finally back to senses and able to stand up straight without feeling dizzy.
“I thank for saving my egg, but I would still rather do this on my own. Forgive my not trusting you, but many before you have tried to capture me. Normally, I would not be so concerned about such things, but I can't risk capture before my egg hatches.” With that, the Suicune gently took her egg into her mouth and ran off across the lake searching for a new nest to place the egg.
“Well, Alex. You certainly proved her existence.” Aelita took a seat on the shoreline, her legs just barely in the water.
“Not the way I planned on it though.” Alex took a seat next to his mate. Both of them sat there for a short while recovering from the small shock of the earthquake and would have sat there longer, but hunger got the better of Aelita.
“What all did you bring to eat?” Aelita asked as she slowly got up.
“I didn't bring anything. The berry bushes around here provide me with more then choices to have a balanced diet. Come on, I know the perfect little spot to pick some Yoshama berries.” Alex pointed down the lakeside away from the cliff.
It was a short walk to where the lake became a river. The few feral Pokemon that were there quickly took cover upon seeing Alex and Aelita come up to the riverbank. Alex just smiled as he looked upon the several Yoshama Berry bushes that grew here.
“Just take a few from each bush.” Alex pulled out a small sack he had tucked away in the pocket of his swim trucks.
“And how do we pick them? Those thorns are sharp.” Aelita questioned.
“Watch and learn.” Alex bent down next to the river and picked up a small stick. With the stick firmly in hand, he walked over to the nearest bush and tapped the base of the bush. A few berries came free and rolled down the bush before landing softly on the grass. Alex picked them up and put them into the sack. “A light tap on the base of the bush will cause the ripe ones to fall free from the bush.”
Aelita copied Alex's example and soon enough, they had a few large handfuls of berries taken from the many bushes around them.
After they were all in the sac, Alex dipped the sack into the water and left berries to soak while he bent down to wash his in the river. Once he was done, he picked the sack back up and handed it to Aelita. “I'll let you take the first pick on what berries you want.” The two of them moved back to cliffside to enjoy the berries they had picked.
After eating, Alex Aelita decided to do some swimming before heading back to the cave. The rest of the day much quieter as it had been very uneventful compared to that morning.
After an hour or so, a pack of clouds covered the sky. They were not dark in color, so it did not look like it would rain. Alex looked at his watch and thought it best to head back to the cave and get dressed again. “Aelita. Let's head back and get dressed to do some exploring. I got a few more things I want to show you before the day the is done.” Alex shouted as he walked up on shoreline. Aelita nodded and made her way to meet Alex.
Alex had packed a few towels before they had come here and handed one to Aelita. They changed back into the clothing that they had worn to hike up here that morning before. He picked up the smaller backpack and stored his swimsuit and Aelita's in it before he took off, but he made sure not to let Aelita seen him pack their swimsuits. Once ready, Alex took her hiking again along the cliffside, only this time, away from the lake. “So, where are we going now?” Aelita asked as they left the cave. Alex made sure to take his cellphone to monitor the weather and make any calls if needed.
“A short ways up the mountain. I found something interesting.” Alex informed her as they moved along. Several bushes, fallen branches, and thorny underbrush lined their path and while most of it was avoidable, some of it had to be moved, but Alex took care of what had to be moved. “I think it might be the an old bathhouse. Anyway, I know for a fact that the place is still standing and they have a wonderful garden which is still intact.”
“That doesn't sound too special. What else is there that you want to show me?” Aelita knew that if had to be more then just an old bathhouse that he was going to show her if they were going through the hassle of getting there.
“You're familiar with the flower called the Velvet Rose. I remember your father always saying how much you admired that flower.” Alex pointed up the mountain a bit and Aelita could make out the red roof of a building, but all sorts of various plants had grown over it.
“The Velvet Rose hasn't been seen in nearly eight years. They only grew on Mount Moon.” Aelita stopped for a second.
“I think I may have found a few that grow else where.” Alex told her.
“We'll see if you just pulling my chain soon enough.” Aelita hopped gracefully over a fallen log as Alex decided make his way around it.
The old building stood before them. A pair of Dragonite statues greeted them, both of which were covered up to their bellies with moss and vines. The stone walkway was pretty much barren of plants and you could still make out a few of the pictures in the stone tiles. Alex led her closer to the building.
The building it was of an old design, there were no glass windows, but rather, a set of wooden rods cut into various patterns served to keep people from falling out. The pillars that held up the building very large having a sort of spiral design to them. The walls were large and red in color where the paint could still be made out among the many vines and other plants that now coated the outer walls. The main door was formed by a another pair of Dragonite statues, only these two were holding hands form an arch between them.
The inside looked just as old. The building was mostly made of stone and wood, very little metal anywhere. Large torches and fire pits seemed to have provided the light for the building when it was in use long ago. With the sunlight still going strong however, no torches or any other such light was needed though.
“The garden is this way.” Alex pointed to hall on the left side of the room. He slowly walked along making sure that Aelita would keep up with him. The halls had several types smaller dragon Pokemon statues in them, each one in a different pose. This place must have belonged to some one who enjoyed the company of dragons. The remains of old curtain that served as doors lined the sides of the hall. Each room was a small bathing area. Finally, Alex turned down into a second hall with Aelita at his side. This hallway led away from the bathhouse a short distance and did not have walls letting the sun light illuminate the area.
At the end of the covered walkway was something along the lines of a large private bathing area. The small building was just one of a few that still stood. Aelita could already make out the signs of poorly kept garden ahead. Several pots were now entangled in the mess of roots and leaves.
“Here we are.” Alex lifted what was left of the curtain aside and there in the middle of the room was a large pool. The vines and plants had recently been pulled to the side of the pool, which gave a small amount of steam. On the sides of the room were several velvet colored roses, each one a brilliant shape of purple. The steam rose up out of the room and out the windows on the side of the room. “I come here every so often to relax. It helps to calm my nerves when I have doubts about finding my past. Today however, I share this hot spring with you.” Alex took off the pack he brought with him and set it down.
“Alex, its perfect. But didn't tell me to bring my swimsuit.” Aelita was unaware that Alex had planned ahead and pulled out their swimsuits from the pack he had. He also pulled out a pair of towels and the remainder of the Yoshama berries that they had not eaten leaving the sleeping bag in the pack for later to watch the sunset.
“We couldn't walk here in our swimsuits, not with those thorns in the way.” Alex had already begun to remove his shirt again.
“Ya know, it's just the two of us right. Do we really need them?” Aelita asked thinking that it would be nice and could possibly end up as something more then just a nice long soak in the hot spring.
“I would rather have the swimsuits on. Occasionally, I have found a few feral Pokemon that also enjoy this hot spring. I'd like to have something on just in case they show up.” Alex told Aelita as he changed into his trunks.
“Wait, what kind of feral Pokemon?” Aelita asked as she swapped out her current clothing for her bikini once again.
“I've come across a few Shiftry, the occasional Roselia, I even found a Mawile once.” Alex gently lowered himself into the hot spring. It was a little deeper then most, coming up over his waistline a little even while he stood. The bench that had lined the sides of the hot spring was in mostly good shape, but still, parts of it had crumbled.
Aelita entered carefully taking a seat next to Alex and choose to use his shoulder once again as a pillow. The water came up to their shoulders as they sat on the bench. The peaceful water and the calm weather presented a certain peace that was rarely found in the city. It was calm and quite, no city noises like crowds of people or vehicles going by. Alex set his cellphone within arms reach of the hot spring before he leaned his head into a string of vines that he had arranged to support his head the last time he was there. It didn't take long for the two of them to fall victim to the relaxing atmosphere and drift off to sleep for now. A few darker clouds began to gather and the light at the bottom of Alex's cellphone began to flash yellow.
Alex awoke to the noise of angry cellphone. It's not stop beeping had finally awoken him, although it was a little dark out. His first thoughts were that the soothing waters and calm weather had kept them asleep all day. As he came to his senses, he could hear the sounds of heavy rain outside the building they were in. He looked to his phone to find that the screen had been flashing red and yellow, a sure sign that bad weather had moved in quickly and would most likely get worse. He shook Aelita some and as she rubbed her eyes, a loud boom of thunder sounded through out the night shaking the building they were in some.
“Come on, you've got to be kidding me.” Alex reached over grabbing his phone as Aelita clung to his side scared by the sudden change in weather she had been woken in. Alex flipped open his phone to find that most of the area was come under a sudden and severe thunderstorm. He now questioned his decision to come here. A bright bolt of lighting streaked across the sky lighting the area and causing a small commotion above them.
Looking up, Alex saw several Pidgey and a few Pidgeotto had take refuge in the small room housing the only usable hot spring left in the bathhouse. They must have sneak in while Alex and Aelita were out cold before the storm rolled in.
“We need to get dressed.” Alex stood and climbed out of the water and immediately felt the cold flow over his wet body. He was perfectly fine in the hot water, but that just made it so much worse getting out of the water into the cold air. He hurried to dry himself off, as did Aelita and the two of them quickly got dressed.
“We need to make it back to the cave on the cliffside by the lake.” Alex packed up the bag quickly and started down the hall.
“I'm not going anywhere in that weather.” Aelita objected. She had a rather strong dislike and small fear of storms. She stayed in the room with the hot spring.
“We can't stay here. If you refuse to head back to the cave, then we at least have to make to the center of the bathhouse where it's dry and hopefully warm.” Alex held out his hand and Aelita reluctantly took it not wanting to leave the room she was in, but she knew she had to.
Alex quickly led her down the halls. Rain poured in through the openings that served as windows and it had more of an effect on Alex then Aelita. Alex had no other coverings on his body then the clothing he wore, but Aelita not only had clothing, she also had a fine layer of fur which was very proud of.
After a few turns and a couple long hallways, Alex and Aelita arrived in a large room. The plants in the room had dominated most of the area covering almost everything in their twisting vines and roots. Luckily, there were no feral Pokemon to compete with for rights to the room. Very little rain managed to make its way into this room and so it was very dry. Alex finally checked his watch and saw that it was still mid-afternoon only being 4:06.
Alex had planned on being up here a while and had brought the sleeping bag with him in the smaller hiking pack he had. Alex laid it out in the middle of the room and then took out the remainder of the berries they had. Like the kind person he was, he offered Aelita first pick again. They ate quietly, the storm raging on around them.
Finally, the rain ended late that evening. Rather then head back down the mountain in the dark, Alex and Aelita agreed that it would be best to wait until morning when the sun was rising. Using a pair of stones he had found, Alex collected some usable wood and lit up one of the fire pits in the room.
They lay there peacefully watching the last of what they could of the sunset through the bars of the windows.
“So Aelita. Are you glad that I brought you up here?” Alex sat down with Aelita leaning against him, her head resting on his shoulder with a smile on her face.
“It had its rough points, but I spend it with my loving mate. I'll cherish this day for rest of my life along with the all the others we have together.” Aelita adjusted her head and pulled Alex into a small kiss.
“I'm hoping you'll cherish this just as much. I was hoping to give you to you earlier, but the storm got in the way.” Alex pulled out a necklace from one of the many pockets on his pants. The necklace was made of a silver chain. Each link of chain was in the shape of teardrop and had a small ruby center. The last link on the chain however was much larger then the rest and had a much larger ruby in it. “I've had it for awhile, but I've only just found a use for it.”
“Alex, it's amazing.” Aelita could not take her eyes off the necklace.
“And it's yours if you so desire it.” Alex undid the hook and prepared to place the necklace around Aelita's neck.
“Where did you get this? I've never seen anything so beautiful before” Aelita moved her braided hair to the side making sure that it would not get caught as Alex placed the it on her.
“This is something that me and Johnson found in one of those ruins I like to explore. He said it was worthless to him, so he le me have. Forgot I had it until this morning when I found it again while putting our things in that large hiking pack of mine.” Alex smiled as the gently placed the necklace around Aelita's neck and then adjusted it to fit her comfortably.
“Johnson? Isn't he the one who pays for your schooling?” Aelita recognized the name, but she had never met this Johnson, only heard things about him.
“His name is on the account I use yes, but that money in that account is all mine. I've earned every last credit in there.” Alex told her. “Legally, he is my guardian for another two years until I turn eighteen, but that's only so that I don't have to deal with any unwanted questions.”
“I thought that you lived on your own.” Aelita was once again a bit confused.
“For all intensive purposes, I do live alone. Johnson is just there to sign as an adult on the land where I build the houses I use for the school year. Then at the end of school year, he files the paperwork so that I can sell whatever house I've made.” Alex turned to face. “I have to say that you look lovely with that necklace.”
“You're not planning on selling the house you currently live in are you?” Aelita began to worry that Alex may leave her.
“If you had asked me that question a week ago, I would have said yes I was going to sell it once the school year ended, but with fact that I now have a mate.” Alex went quite for a few thinking things over. “I'm not sure at all what I'm going to do now.” Now that he thought about, his life had just gotten very complicated compared to what it had been.
It used to be very simple. Pick a school based on what the classes it had versus location and build a house in the area over the school year. During the year, he'd learn as much as he could about his past and as a hobby, explore any nearby ruins. At the end of the school year, sell the house to raise the funds needed to repeat the process until he had the answers he was looking for. Now, he wasn't just thinking about himself, but he had to include his mate into his life.
“I hope you'll stay.” Aelita once again rested her head on his shoulder.
“I'll stay. This is going to be a big change for me though. You know that right.” Alex told as the last golden rays of sunlight faded from view.
“What's going to be a big change?” Aelita asked.
“I'm used to spending weeks alone in the house. I'm used to the quite and the solitude of living my life as I have.” Alex informed her. “Sharing a room with someone and waking up to see their face there with me in the same room is not something I do often.”
“You'll get used to it sooner or later.” Aelita snuggled closer to him.
“Later most likely then sooner.” Alex sighed.
“What? You mean that you would rather go to bed by yourself without your mate? You'd like to wake up alone then have me there to greet you.” Aelita asked getting off his shoulder just seconds after she had gotten comfortable.
“Its not that, it's just going to be a change for me. That's all.” Alex looked at her unaware of plan she was quickly formulating.
“Perhaps I should show what it is like to go to bed with your mate.” Aelita moved in close to Alex, one hand on his pants, the other on his face pulling them together. She closed her lips over his in deep passionate kiss then pulled back some. “But if you'd rather go to bed by yourself, that's fine with me.” Aelita could already feel a slight bulge forming in Alex's pants.
“I just said it would take some getting used to. I never said I wanted to go to sleep alone.” Alex stated.
“Can you prove that?” Aelita asked turning her head some lifting one ear straight up to catch his answer.
“I believe I can.” Alex raised his head in confidence that he could.
“Then show me.” Aelita got up moved back over to where the sleeping bag was next to the fire.
“Alright I will.” Alex got up and gave chase taking a seat next to Aelita on the sleeping bag.
“Alright, show me. How can you prove me wrong?” Alex moved in this time. He knew he had been setup now that he could see that she wanted him to take the lead. Alex stood there for just a second before he moved in and kissed her, lightly at first. He wrapped one arm around her waist and the other held her head. He knew it was little old and he got the idea form a movie he had seen before, but he had no idea where to begin.
Aelita fought the urge to kiss him back. She wanted to tease him for a bit, have some fun with him before they mated again. Alex broke the kiss and looked into her eyes. “That was a good start.” She said lightly turning away from just a bit.
“A good start? Come on, I'm new to this whole thing.” Alex told her.
“You'll just have to do a bit better.” Aelita teased him adverting her gaze trying not to look him in the eye so that he wouldn't pick up so quickly on her game.
“Fine, then how about this?” Alex moved in again. This time he wrapped his arms around her back drawing them as close as possible to him, her breasts placed firmly against his chest as he once again kissed her. While he kissed, she reach back and prepared to removed his shirt. The kiss ended and as he backed up some, she quickly jerked up on the back of his shirt pulling it right off him. “Hey.” Alex was annoyed by her attack on his shirt, but he finally got a look into her eyes. “You're having fin with this aren't you.” Alex asked finally realizing that this was nothing but a game to tease him for now.
“What makes you say that?” She asked holding his shirt behind her back as she leaned forward some.
“So it's a game huh?” Alex raised his head to one side. “I think I beat this.”
“Can you?” She leaned forward a bit more, the angle that she was leaning just barely gave Alex a view what lay behind the fabric of her shirt.
“Yes I can.” Alex moved in and kissed her again, but this time he held on to her head some as he pulled her back. She was trying her hardest not to kiss him back and didn't realize that she was beginning to lean too far forward. She began to fall forward, but Alex caught her in his arms and gently set her down on the sleeping bag. He took a spot behind her and began to message her shoulders.
“That was cheap shot, setting me up like that.” She said as she relaxed quickly under his touch.
“No lower then the game you started.” Alex replied. Slowly one of his hands moved down her chest before it had found its mark. Taking a rather daring and direct move on his part, he gently grabbed and began massaging Aelita's breasts in his hands inciting pleasant moans from her.
It took Aelita a few tries to say it under the work of Alex's gentle yet firm hands, but she finally managed to get out the words, “Now this is low.”
“I'm just attempting to play the game you wanted me to.” Alex stopped for a sec. “And I think I'm winning.”
“For being new at this, you're pretty good.” Aelita complemented him.
“I may be new to romance, but I've done a lot of studying comparing my biology to recorded mutations found the books I read. While I was at it, I found out quite a bit about the basic body of an Absol like yourself.” Alex informed her moving his hands down her back. “For instance, did you know that I can get quite the reaction from doing this?” With one finger, Alex gently poked a spot right next to her left shoulder blade causing Aelita to completely relax. He quickly focused his efforts to the sides of her shoulder blades causing her to practically melt in his arms.
“That's not playing fair.” Aelita said as she leaned back further into Alex's arms.
“As a hunter, I have to aim for the weakest spot so I can take out my prey quickly.” Alex once again took another risky move and moved his hand down to Aelita's pants and undid the button the kept them around her waist.
Aelita gently grabbed his hand knowing what he was up to. “You're taking a lot of risks here.” She teased him moving his hand away from her and standing up again taking off her shirt in the process. She set her shirt on top of Alex's which was now lying on top of the hiking pack. Since it was just the two of them, Aelita had decided against wearing a bra today. She had told Alex that it just messed with fur a bit and of course, he didn't think anything of it at that time.
“I'll get the hang of this eventually.” Alex stood up with her and kissed her again. Seeing that Alex could tease her just as much as she had teased him, she decided that she had her fun. She was ready now and she knew he was as well feeling the bulge in his pants poking at her stomach a bit. Aelita's hands moved down and began to work on Alex's pants. They were off soon enough leaving him in just his boxers. Seeing as how her pants had already been undone, they slid off easily and joined the pile that was growing on top of the smaller hiking pack. The fired seemed to burn brighter and hotter providing the warmth for the entire room. Embers that had fallen off the burning limbs seemed to have ignited some sort of old fuel source still left at the bottom of the pit.
Aelita lay down with Alex beside her. As she lay there, she began to pull down the only remaining clothing on her body. Alex copied her actions as he discarded his bowers allowing his member to stand unhindered by the fabric of clothing. Aelita spread her legs nodding her head giving him the go ahead to make love to her. Alex leaned down over her as she helped guide his member to her entrance. Alex pushed in gently, parting her folds as he entered her. Aelita wrapped her legs around Alex and pulled him closer until their lips touched again.
Aelita felt herself take in more and more of her lover until at last, she had taken him in completely. She could just barely feel his rod touching her cervix and it felt wonderful to say the least. Alex pulled out some before pushing back in. He watched as Aelita's small breast bounced slightly each time her hilted her. He leaned in and began to lick her neck trying something new. Aelita wrapped her arms around his neck holding him close to her. Alex sped up his pace some, but not much. He was going to make this last as long as he could. He could fell Aelita's tails wrapping around one of his legs holding them together making sure he could not dismount her even if he wanted to.
Placing a hand over each of her breasts, Alex mimicked the same action he had done with her pussy before. Aelita once again felt the light of vibrations in her breasts now messaging and stimulating her body. She was in pure heaven, purring with Alex mating her. It was like a dream. To her, there was no outside world, there was just here and now, herself and her lover.
Alex could feel everything in her body by connecting his spirit energy to Aelita. He could feel her love and pleasure as he spirit energy spread through her. Without realizing what he was doing, his eyes began to give off the lightest of green glows. He could feel her heart beat, her pulse, even her spirit energy that all creatures had to some degree. Like the tides ebb and flow, he pulled out and then pushed back into his love, showing her just how much he loved her. He mouth found her neck and he subconsciously drew out his fangs hidden beneath his upper. Ever so gently, his fang pierced Aelita's necking marking her forever as his own. Alex carefully pulled his fangs out once again hiding them behind his upper lips as he kissed her.
The storm was once again picking up outside, but neither of them cared to notice.
Aelita was first to climax under Alex's pleasurable touch, but he was still going. Her inner walls tightened around him trying to milk him off the seed it Aelita so desperately wanted. Alex removed one hand from her chest and held her head kissing her deeply yet again. Alex did not slow down one bit during this, but rather he sped up again. Aelita was unable to control herself as Alex continued to pump into her. She climaxed for a second time coating Alex's member once again with her juices. As her pussy clamped down around him again, this time it worked even harder to milk Alex and it worked. Alex could not hold out any longer and hilted himself into her shooting his seed straight into her womb.
They two of them lay there unable to do anything else. Alex rolled over so that Aelita was resting on his chest. He grabbed a side of the sleeping bag and covered them both as they lay there once again drifting away from consciousness.
End notes: I've spent the better part of two days arguing with myself over this chapter and second guessing the work I put into it. Hopefully, it has come better then it looked to my second guessing eyes. I'll be taking a break for a short while, but expect to be back and writing again soon.