Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Whitewing ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon. Only the idea and OC's.
Author Notes:
-- This will be used for scene breaks and for when the story switches to another character, but it does not mean that a new section of the story has started.
xXx This will identify where each paragraph breaks.
(Character thought)
Disclaimer: Don't own Pokemon, never have, never will. Only the idea and OCs behind the story are mine.
Chapter 4
“So I assume I should give you a tour of the place. Or would you rather your mate give you the tour. He's been here plenty of times already.” Johnson offered.
“I'll give her the tour.” Alex informed Johnson. “We'll start with my room and drop off our things.” Alex pointed down one of the halls leading out of the initial room of the pent house. The halls appeared to be void of any paintings or relics, but Aelita wasn't expecting what she found in Alex's room. Alex opened the wooden door to reveal a room even bigger then the one back at his place. The walls were covered with various pictures of items from all the sites he had been to. The large bed along one wall was huge and had full set of eight pillows and four different blankets and covers. Every flat surface in the room that could be used as a table was covered with so many old relics and books, Aelita wasn't even able to identify when half of the had come from. There was even a mini fridge in one corner and wall-mounted plasma TV that looked like it hadn't been used in ages. A large yellow envelope was lying on Alex's bed.
“It's not what I would call bedroom. More like my private study with a bed.” Alex walked over to one door and opened it to reveal a small walk in closet. It was mostly empty, but there were still some things in it. Aelita laughed a bit at seeing the all out business suits and a pair of Tuxedos.
“I can't even image you in one of those.” Aelita told Alex as he hung up the two hiking packs.
“Come on, we got a few more rooms to explore.” Alex walked out with Aelita at his side.
The first room Alex showed to Aelita was the study.
“This is the most important room we have here.” Alex began. There were four bookcases, all of which were filled with various books lined up by location and then by time period. There was a large table in the middle with what appeared to be a liquid surface. Unlike the small desks, it was void of all materials.
“What kind of table is this?” Aelita asked as she touched it and the surface rippled.
“This is a Liquid Projection Table.” Alex walked over to the side where there was a small control panel. He pressed a few buttons and the liquid surface of the table shot up taking the appearance of the Dragon's Den Hotel. “This is where we meet before we go out to any site. We go all over all the rules, possible scenarios, and most importantly, safety procedures.”
“I've never seen anything like this.” Aelita was quite impressed by the table.
“There are only four of these in the world right now. Not very easy to build and ver expensive to make.” Alex informed her. “Now then, the next stop is the kitchen.” Alex turned to leave after resetting the table back to its neutral setting. Alex lead Aelita down the hall to kitchen was just as big as the one in his own house. The difference was that this kitchen was completely set up with a full set of counters, cabinets, two stoves, two fridges, and a small wine cabinet. “It's pretty much a fix it yourself set up. Since we all have mini fridges in our rooms, we keep any thing special that we don't want others to eat in them. Almost everything in here is fair game minus the wines. Those are for special occasions.”
Up next was the dining room. A single large table was in the center of the room and a pair of buffet tables lined one wall.
The next stop was one of the three bathrooms. The shower was very similar to the one Alex had built in his house, but this one was just slightly bigger. The tub was about the size of the bed in Alex's room.
After that came the living area. Two plasma TVs, three full sized couches, a set of card tables, and various other things like board games and an entertainment center filled the room.
After about an hour tour, Aelita was pretty familiar with the place and rather jealous of Alex.
“You must enjoy coming out here.” Aelita was surprised by the pent house to say the least. It was far better then she could have imagined.
“I hate the big city. This place never sleeps.” Alex told her as they made it back to his room. “Now then, let's see what's in the envelope.” Alex picked up the envelope off his bed and opened it. He poured the contents on the bed with a slight smile on his face. Two stacks of bills came out of the envelope with a letter.
Alex was very pleased with the letter. “Looks like I got a few thousand extra this month.” Alex told Aelita.
“How did you get that?” Aelita asked as Alex put the two small stacks of bills in his pocket.
“Private collector paid my for an emerald I found in the last site I went to. The cool thing about Johnson is that he may take first pick on the prizes we find, but he does share with the crew.” Alex told her. “And since I have some extra money this month, is there any place you'd like to go before it gets too late?”
“Really?” Aelita couldn't believe it. Alex had just offered to take her out into the city. What made it so much better was that he was willing to go into city when Aelita knew he would rather stay in the hotel.
“I may not like the city much, but I've got the basics down. I know most of the city by heart and got a GPS in my phone in case I get turned around.” Alex informed her. “Call it an early birthday gift.” Alex smiled as he grabbed a fancy wallet out of the nightstand and alerted Johnson of his plans before he headed to the elevator with Aelita.
Since Aelita didn't know where to start, Alex led her to one of the three shopping plazas in the city. Even though the sun had gone down, the city still teamed with life. Just as Alex had said, the city was still very active. Aelita was in constant awe by the sheer number of shops in the area ranging from jewelry stores, toyshops, and electronic shops to fancy restaurants, antique dealers, and even a movie theater.
“So, where to first?” Alex asked. They had stopped by a late night café to grab a drink before moving on.
“I just don't know. This city is so big.” Aelita sipped her Pepsi while Alex had a cup of coffee, an acquired taste as he put it.
“Well, this is your birthday present. We've got about four hours before Johnson wants us back.” Alex looked up at the clock in the café. It was roughly nine-o clock. “The only thing I know you will need is a dress for tomorrow night. The museum in the area along with Imperial Crafters happen to be holding a ball or something like that in honor of the last site I helped Johnson with, but I'd rather not talk about that.”
Aelita decided to stop by a clothing store and pick out a dress first then. It took her a while, but Alex was patient. After an hour, she finally settled on one, but wouldn't show Alex. “You'll see it tomorrow.” She teased him.
The next stop was to a small shop filled with odds and ends. A small statue in the window of an Absol resting with a human had caught her eye and she couldn't help but want it.
By the time midnight rolled around, Alex had spent a good eight hundred credits on one large bag of things. The two most expensive items were the dress
Aelita had picked out at three hundred and some odd credits and a diamond choker to go with it which was roughly the same amount. Aelita was so happy, this was the best gift she had ever gotten.
“So, we still have an hour. Any ideas on how to spend that hour?” Alex asked as he had stopped by another café to take a break from walking.
“I'm not sure. These last few hours have been the greatest gift I could ask for.” Aelita scooted closet to Alex and laid her head against him.
“There's a park near here. You up for a walk before we head back.” Alex offered.
“Sure. Let's go.” Aelita was delighted by the idea.
The park was a quiet little place, calm and peaceful. It may have been on the edge of town but that was what made it perfect. There were very few sounds of the city here as Alex and Aelita walked along. The dirt path had small lights on each side placed out just far enough to easily see the path for anyone who walked it at night.
It was peaceful walk. Alex held the bag containing the items he had bought for Aelita in his left hand while Aelita held his right arm. The two of them walked on just enjoying the moment. The two of them walked on until at last, Alex's phone alerted them to time and they started back to hotel.
Alex and Aelita walked back into the main lobby. The Dratini in the pool were sleeping, each one curled up with another. Alex led the way back to the elevator and pulled a keycard for the pent house out of that fancy wallet he had picked up before leaving. Once up top, the two of them headed for Alex's room. Everyone but Cheryl was already asleep, but she left them alone as they headed for Alex's room.
Alex handed Aelita her gifts and cleared off a desk for her to put them down on. He let her get dressed in her pajamas as he took off his shirt. Like normal, he just wore a pair of shorts or something to bed. Aelita joined him under the covers kissing him goodnight before she quickly dozed off. It was a little after one in the morning anyway. Alex laid there for a second watching Aelita resting before heading to sleep himself.
Alex and Aelita awoke the next morning in time for breakfast. Andrew, a Linoone had shown up early that morning with the last of the supplies the crew would need for the exploration. He was the last member of the current crew and was in charge of various things, most of all dealing with any public relations type of job.
The day was quite until late afternoon when everyone was getting ready for the event being held in their honor. Johnson couldn't care less about the event. Cheryl on the other was going all out. Alex really didn't like the idea and would have skipped it like he did the others that the crew was given on occasion. Alex agreed to go in the end at the request of Johnson though who had said that this was earned by the whole crew after the events that took place at the last dig site. He had even go so far as to say that he wouldn't accept it without his full crew there, which included Alex. Aelita asked what happened during the last trip and Johnson gave her the short version when Alex once again avoided the topic.
What was meant to be a two-day exploration became a week-long fight for survival. Not only did they discover a lost tomb in the Hoenn Region, but they also released a small number Regirock from the tomb, which were thought to be extinct and they even helped out a Mew trapped down there as well and that was just the beginning. An earthquake in the area had even caused a mountain slide which covered a near by mountain resort. Everyone in the resort was just lucky that the place had been built so close to one of the many tunnels of the tomb and that served as the escape route. Aelita immediately recalled the incident a few weeks back. Alex had missed a week for some strange reason he didn't feel like discussing. Everyone agreed that Alex was the most deserving of the ceremony considering the amount of pain he went through.
“Alex, you mean that you helped save all those people and didn't tell me.” Aelita was shocked. She knew Alex did a lot of ruin exploration, but didn't know about anything like this.
“I'd rather not talk about.” Alex turned away. Something about that trip must have got to him.
“Why not?” Aelita asked slightly concerned.
“I can answer that.” Cheryl spoke up moving in behind them. “He took three poisoned darts in his ass when one of the people from the resort set off a trap. Alex saved her, but not without a price. Then a short while, he took a boulder to the back. By the end of the trip, he wouldn't have anything to do with those people after how much trouble they caused.”
“You're joking right.” Aelita looked to Alex who had a very annoyed look on his face. “I can see why you didn't want to talk about it.” Aelita felt sorry for Alex, but she now understood why he missed that week of school.
“I'm going to get dressed. It's almost time anyway.” Alex got up and headed for his room. Johnson and Justin were already getting dressed as well.
“I guess we should all finish getting ready.” Cheryl headed for her room as Bryan walked out of his room in his Tuxedo looking like proper gentleman.
“I tell ya, I hate da suit. Ya just can't run in em.” Bryan sighed. Johnson was the next out and ready. Instead of just wearing a black Tuxedo though, this one had an emblem embroidered on the left side. It was his family insignia, a fancy golden Y over a Kite Shield.
Alex walked out next in his Tuxedo with his hair combed back and a slightly unhappy look on his face. “Your turn.” Alex told Aelita as she entered the room to get changed.
“Hey Alex, we'll be waiting in the lobby. Andrew said he'd meet us at the ceremony.” Johnson alerted Alex as he boarded the elevator with Bryan and Justin at his side.
“He never did tell us where he was going once he got back.” Alex replied as the doors closed.
Cheryl walked out of her room a few seconds later. The top of her pink dress was loose. “Hey, could you zip the back of this up for me?” Cheryl asked. She moved her second set of jaws to the side of her body so that Alex could zip up the dress. It was a fancy thing and hugged her body a bit favoring her right and leaving most of her left leg for the world to see. Alex zipped it up for her careful not to catch the back of her bra in the zipper.
“There you go.” Alex stepped back some. “Justin and Bryan went with Johnson down to the lobby to wait for us.”
“Alright. Is Aelita getting dressed?” She asked.
“As we speak.” Alex informed her. It took Aelita a few minutes to get ready, but when she did, Alex was quite impressed. Aelita was wearing an ocean blue dress that sparkled in the light. It hugged her body well. She had combed her hair all to one side leaving her horn on the other side. She had wrapped her tail around her waist under the dress so that it was comfortable and wouldn't get in the way. She had on the diamond choker Alex had bought her as well.
“How do I look?” She asked turning slowly. Cheryl had given her a pair of fancy short heels to wear, which made her appear as tall as Alex. She wobbled a bit not used to them.
“You bought her all that last night?” Cheryl asked surprised by how fancy Aelita looked.
“That I did. And you look beautiful.” Alex bowed over some lowering his head below hers his arm across his waist.
“I never knew you were such a gentleman.” Alex laughed just a bit. The three of them took the elevator down.
Bryan took one look at Aelita then turned to Alex. “Ya got to tell me, Alex. How ya got a girl like dat.”
“She picked me, Bryan. I don't know why, but I'm glad she did.” Alex told him.
“Aelita, Cheryl. The both of you look absolutely wonderful.” Johnson pointed to the door. “Our cars are outside. Alex, Aelita, the two of you are with me. Cheryl, Bryan, and Justin will be in the second car.”
Outside were two very fancy black HUMMERs, both the latest model to date. While they had the look of H3's there were much better. Using a new Solar Energy System, they didn't need any gas and were the perfect vehicle for both off-road travel and the city streets. They both had the Yelstien Family insignia on the hoods. Aelita opened the rear passenger door and found that the inside was a little strange. The passenger seat was turned around to face the back of the vehicle rather then front and there were obvious signs that some sort of desk or something had been setting right behind the drivers seat.
“I've never seen a layout like this before.” Aelita commented.
“These are custom built vehicles. Both of them are like this for a few reasons. You'll see why when we head for the ruins in two days.” Johnson informed her.
It was a quick ride to the Imperial Crafters primary speaker hall, which had been refitted for the ceremony that was to take place.
Even before the HUMMERs pulled up, a large group of reporters had already gathered, each one wanting to get pictures and quotes from Johnson and his crew.
“I'm really gonna hate this.” Alex said as they vehicle pulled in stopping by the gate. Johnson rolled down the window and showed his I.D. The guard opened the gate and the way to the underground parking area. Several other vehicles had already parked down there, but there were two spots reserved for Johnson and his crew. Once the vehicle was parked, Johnson got out followed by Alex and Aelita. She was still wobbling some and leaned on Alex for support.
After another minute, the second HUMMER pulled in and everyone else stepped out. The group of six met Andrew by the elevator. Just like the others he was in a fancy Tuxedo. “They're waiting for us.” Andrew said as he opened the elevator for them.
The seven of them boarded the elevator and rode it up to the ground floor where a large number of reporters had been waiting.
Cameras flashed non-stop as Alex covered his eyes.
“Johnson, how does it feel to have saved Millina Crafter, daughter to the man who owns Imperial Crafters?” One reported asked. “Tell how, what are thoughts on the matter?” another asked. Then one reporter singled out Alex.
“Alex, is it true that you carried Millina Crafter out of the ruins in your arms after she fainted?”
“No comment.” Alex replied moving the microphone out of his face.
A second reporter tried to copy the first, but Johnson intervened. “Leave the boy alone, he wants nothing to do with you.”
“If you have any questions, I can answer them.” Andrew raised his voice as he moved away from the rest of the group. Upon hearing this, the reporters flocked to him, but cameras still tried to capture as many pictures of the group as possible. The group entered the main hall where the celebration was already taking place.
“And here they are. Come on up here please so that we may begin.” The announcer shouted. Johnson led the group up to the stage that had been added to room.
Alex remained quiet just standing there with Aelita by his side. She could tell that this was not fun for him as his gave avoided the crowd before them.
After several minutes, the award had been given and the official party began as Johnson walked over to Alex. “There's a quite little balcony over that way and down the hall. I'll send for you when we're ready to leave.”
“Thanks.” Alex said as he slowly made his way to hall with Aelita at his side as a Typhlosion in the back of the room watched in disbelief.
“You really don't like crowds.” She said as they walked. Down the hall was an open glass doorway, which lead to the balcony Johnson had told them about.
“I hate most gatherings. Never went to any of the dances or celebration at the school because I just hate large crowds.” Alex told her. The two of them just stood quietly there for a while looking at the courtyard of the building. A few stars had already appeared in the night sky.
“Well, I'll be damned. If its not Aelita and the human.” A voice snapped behind them.
Both of them turned to see Michael dressed in a suit. “What are you doing here?” Aelita demanded.
“My father brought me. I have to say though, I'm surprised to see the two of you here. How'd you bride William to let you join him up there on stage?” Michael asked.
“I work with Johnson. I was there the day the rockslide crashed into the resort.” Alex replied.
“Ya right. Why would he let a boy like you travel with him.” Michael demanded.
“Just us alone.” Aelita half shouted.
“Such a wonderful dress, Aelita. Who bought it for you?” Michael asked as he looked at her.
“I bought it as her birthday gift along with the diamond choker she is wearing.” Alex informed his unwanted guest.
“Come on, tell me the truth. That dress makes you look so beautiful.” Michael reached to put a hand on Aelita's cheek, but Alex grabbed his hand.
“Keep your paws off my mate. I'll not have you touch her after trying to take her by force.” Alex threw Michael's hand off to the side.
“Why you.” Michael drew back his fist and was ready to hit Alex, but someone grabbed his paw.
Michael turned to see Cheryl holding his arm tightly in place. “Are you sure you want to do that?” She asked moving him against the wall. “Just because I'm a woman doesn't mean I won't pin you down.” She threatened as her second jaws began to show its fangs.
“I'll deal with you later.” Michael forced him arm free of Cheryl and ran off back down the hall.
“Thanks Cheryl.” Alex looked on as Michael returned to the main hall.
“Johnson said you'd be back here. I'd thought I'd see if you were up for a dance?” Cheryl offered.
“Not here, the place is too crowded and fancy for my liking.” Alex replied.
“It never hurts to ask. I'll see ya later.” Cheryl slowly walked back to the main hall.
Johnson showed up an hour later with a Raichu by his side dressed in a business suit.
“Alex, this the person who funds a few our explorations. His name is Chris Blackrock.” Johnson introduced the person beside him.
“I've been keeping an eye on every report filed from Johnson when you were on a dig with him.” The Raichu extended his hand out. Alex extended his own arm out. “Johnson has informed me of how useful you've been and after talking it over with him, I'd like to give you a chance to prove yourself.”
“Prove myself? What are you getting at?” Alex questioned.
“I've some documents of an necklace that I want. The temple however has fallen down on top of it. I would like for you to go retrieve this necklace.” Chris explained his idea.
“Okay, I'll need a proper layout of the land and all the basics. What kind of temple are we talking about anyway.” Alex asked, this opportunity did peek his interest.
“Old Ironhold design. Class C traps, maybe a string of poison darts, but they were known more for their mind teasing puzzles and less for dangerous traps.” Johnson told Alex.
“Sure, just get me what everything I need to know about the necklace and the temple. I'll get to it once I can, but it will be a while until the next school break.” Alex thought it would be nice to try a recovery on his own.
“The temple is located about a day's hike from the Suicune falls. I am told that is where you reside in cave in the same mountain as the falls. Shouldn't be too hard to get to.” Chris explained.
“If that's the case, then I can get to it this next weekend unless we finish here early.” Alex bowed his head.
“Now that that's settled, I'll take my leave.” The Raichu walked off leaving Johnson with Alex and Aelita. “Just to let the two of you know, we'll be leaving soon.”
Alex began to head back to main hall with Aelita at his side. Several people were in the middle of the room, dancing as the music went on.
“Alex, I know you don't like crowds, but could I ask to escort me to school dance next week?” Aelita had her head resting against Alex as they moved to meet up with the rest of the group.
“I wouldn't normally go, but for you, I'll make an exception.” Alex told her.
The ride back to back to the Dragon's Den was short one, but there were no reporters, which was the best part. Once back at the hotel, everyone changed back into their usual clothing except Cheryl who had changed into a two piece swimsuit with a towel over her shoulder. Johnson collected the tuxedos and dresses and sent them to be washed properly.
“I'm heading down to one of the pools. Anyone else coming?” Cheryl asked as she headed for the elevator.
“Pool?” Aelita didn't see any pools around the building.
“Yea, there are four of em here. The biggest on is on the roof of main building in between the three towers.” Cheryl informed her.
“Cool. That's why you told me to bring my swimsuit wasn't it.” Aelita turned to Alex.
“I knew you'd want to go swimming sooner or later.” Alex replied.
“Will you join us?” Aelita asked.
“Not this time, my leg is acting up a bit. I'll just wait here for you to get back.” Alex shook his head slightly.
After Aelita changed, she went to join Cheryl. As for Alex, he chose to cook up a meal for everyone. He may not be a five-star chef, but he had plenty of practice living on his own for a few years.
In just under two hours, Aelita and Cheryl returned talking and laughing with each other as Alex pulled out the last of the fish out of the oven, hand breaded, and cooked to perfection. Everyone was pleased with how well Alex could cook.
“You get better every time you come over here.” Johnson gave his comment.
“I can bake meats and I'm great with seafood. I cannot however bake breads of any kind.” Alex admitted to which everyone but Aelita burst out laughing.
“What's so funny?” Aelita asked.
“Alex doesn't make biscuits, he makes hockey pucks.” Andrew informed Aelita.
“They can't be that bad.” Aelita went to defend Alex.
“It took a chisel to crack open the last batch of biscuits I made.” Alex told Aelita.
“They were that tough?” Aelita was hard put to believe it at first, but if Alex admitted to it, then it must have been true.
Dinner was spent talking with each other about various things. This was the first time Aelita had ever seen Alex talk this much. Aelita decided to ask Alex about it after dinner.
“Alex, I have a question.” Aelita walked with Alex back to his room.
“Ask away.” Alex opened the door.
“You seem open here. I've never seen you talk so much in one setting.” Aelita said.
“This place just makes me feel at like I'm with family. While none of us are related, we are open with each other.” Alex replied. “They have invited to live here a few times, but I prefer living out on in the country.”
“You turned down living in a place like this?” Aelita couldn't see how anyone could turn down an offer like that.
“I did. I just don't feel truly at peace in the big cities, even in a few smaller ones for that matter. That's part of the reason I'm building that house in the mountain.” Alex moved over to window resting his arms on the window ledge. He stared out at the city with all of its lights and sounds, all of the buildings and the people. “This place may seem like a dream to some, but I just couldn't stay here for weeks at a time.”
Aelita nodded. She was starting to understand how he felt. The city was wonderful, but it lacked something. A peace not found in the big city. “I think I get it.”
“Yo Alex, ya up for a game of Risk. Johnson and Justin are setting up as we speak.” Bryan shouted down the hall.
“I'll give it a go. Need to get back at Justin for taking me out last time anyway.” Alex shouted back. “Risk is a game of strategy if you want, I can show you how to play. Be warned however that a game of risk with us can last for hours depending on the dice.”
“I'll watch.” Aelita didn't have much else to do right now anyway.
It took two hours just to knock out the first of the four players, Andrew. Everyone seemed to be playing cutthroat tonight. Alex had two complete regions at his disposal while Bryan and Johnson each had one. Aelita seemed to be having fun watching constantly going back and forth. The different sections of the Kanto Region seemed to be under attack the most and never stayed under any one player's command for long. It took another two hours of the game before Alex and Johnson called it a draw. Bryan certainly lasted a while, but after thee hours, he was knocked out of the game.
“And that was one long game of Risk.” Alex declared looking at the clock that showed it was almost one in the morning.
“We had all better get ready for bed. I'm waking everyone up around eleven tomorrow so we can go over the plans for the exploration.” Johnson announced as he headed for his room.
“I'll be heading back to my room.” Alex got up and started for his room. Now that he was reminded of what was going to happen the day after tomorrow, he seemed a bit worried. “Let's hope for a good run.”
“Hey Alex?” Aelita tailed Alex to his room.
“Yes?” Alex turned to find Aelita wrapping her arms around him as he entered his room. “You seem a worried.”
“Of course I'm worried. We're all worried.” Alex told her as he took a seat on the bed. “We never know what to expect on these ruins. I don't even know what the basic architecture layout for the ruins are going to be like.”
“You need to calm down a bit.” Aelita said as she sat next to him.
“Easier said then done.” Alex looked at her.
“I think I can help you relax.” Aelita moved closer to him and drew him into a short sweet kiss. “And that's just the start.” Aelita rolled over on top of him getting him to lie back on the bed.
“I think this just might work.” Alex drew her into another kiss, which lasted slightly longer then before. Aelita began to remove her shirt as Alex pulled out a remote and pointed it at the door. He pressed a button and door locked itself. Alex removed his shirt as Aelita unhooked her bra tossing it into a clothes hamper nearby.
Aelita smiled looking down at her mate. She knew just how to help him relax. She leaned in and kissed Alex again as her hands traveled to his shoulders, then to his chest slowly working they way down. Once she came to his shorts, she rested a hand over a growing bulge. “Show me how much you love me.”
Alex reached down and undid the button on her pants. She rolled over letting him take over again now that he knew what she wanted. This would be there sixth time mating and Aelita had taken lead more often. Now, she once again wanted Alex to take the lead. Alex began slowly, just massaging her breasts bringing Aelita to moan out in pleasure. Once he saw that her nipples were nice and erect, he lightly pinched one between his thumb and finger inciting a loud, excited moan out of Aelita.
After a short time of this, Alex decided it was time to move lower. He gently slipped off Aelita's pants leaving her in just her white panties with a little heart on the front. He ran his finger over them feeling a slight wet spot. Alex put his hand over on top of the fabric over her pussy and gently expanded his spirit energy into her. Aelita began to purr under his touch.
Alex removed his hand much to the disappointment of Aelita who turned to look at him with a slightly sad face. Alex removed his shorts and dropped them before taking off Aelita's panties. She raised her legs a bit to help him.
“I wonder.” Alex leaned over Aelita.
“What is it?” she asked as she felt his hand on top of her moist sex again. Alex gently ran a pair of fingers between her folds, before he gently parted them. Rather then answer her directly, Alex gently began to move his fingers into her. Once they were all the way in, he moved the around a bit feeling her insides, but mostly just collecting the juices on his hand.
“I'm wondering how you taste.” He pulled his fingers out of her and brought them to his lips. He stuck his tongue a bit before taking a lick. It was sweet liquid that he really liked. “Mind if I try something new?” He asked.
“Go ahead.” Aelita knew what he was planning and began scooting back on the bed just a bit. Alex got down on his knees. He parted Aelita's lips gently with his fingers looking at the glistening liquid. He leaned in and gave her a quick lick. Aelita was very pleased by the feel of Alex's tongue. Alex licked her again gathering more the sweet nectar on his tongue. More he licked Aelita's most sensitive region of her body, the more of the sweet nectar he got. Soon, just licking the surface was not enough for him and he pushed his tongue into Aelita. He grew bolder as he worked more his tongue into his mate with every lick. Unable to hold out any longer, she grabbed the sheets closing her legs around the sides and back of his head pulling him closer as her walls tightened around his tongue. He quickly locked his mouth over her sex not wanting to let one drop of her love juices go to waste.
It took Aelita a few seconds to calm down after her orgasm, but still felt the effects. Alex joined her on the bed. “Now just relax and I'll take over for a bit.” Aelita slowly got the bed and lowered herself to her knees on the floor. Alex was already completely erect , his member standing up.
Aelita took the base of his rod in her hand lightly rubbing it as she lightly began to lick the head. It was now Alex's turn to feel the pleasure he had given Aelita. She gave him slow, long lick from the base of his shaft to the head causing him give a sigh of pleasure. “Ready?” she asked taking a second to tease him. She licked the head once more before taking the head into her mouth rolling her tongue over the top it. Her hand continued to slowly stroke his shaft.
Aelita switched between sucking lightly on the head and licking the shaft as she worked to please Alex as he had pleased her. Alex was soon gripping the bed as Aelita worked on pleasing him. Going a bit further, she took some of his shaft into her mouth sucking a bot harder then before.
“I… I'm gonna… cum.” He warned her, but this only seemed to make her work even harder. Unable to resist the pleasure Aelita was giving him any longer, Alex shot the first bit of his cum into her mouth. It had a salty taste to it with hints of sweetness that Aelita was easily able to identify as Yoshama berries. Alex was known for eating a small sum everyday. She swallowed as much of his cum as she could, but couldn't get all of it. A small trail leaked out of the side of her mouth, down her chin and onto her breasts.
A few seconds passed before Alex handed her a small rag he had used to clean the artifacts in his room. Rather then use the rag, she smiled. “You taste like Yoshama berries.” She used her fingers to pick up the excess and then licked her fingers clean.
After a minute, Alex was hard again and Aelita was ready to feel him within her. She laid back using one hand to part her lips waiting for Alex to continue. Alex leaned over her using his hand to guide himself. Gently, he pushed into her spreading her lips a bit more until the head was completely in. He continued until he was completely inside her. Gently, he pulled out and then pushed back in. Alex picked up a fair pace gently pumping into Aelita who enjoyed how gentle Alex was.
Aelita leaned up and Alex kissing him as they made love. Alex sped up bit by bit showing his love for Aelita. He spread his spirit energy in her again and the two of them gave off a light green glow. Both of them knew that their love would last forever as they kissed again. Aelita was the first to reach her limit for a second that day. Her walls clamped down milking Alex for everything she could. Alex couldn't take it any more and hilted himself as he cummed deep into Aelita.
The two of them rested there for a few enjoying the fact that they had each other. Alex rolled over to grab a blanket. Aelita laid down on top of Alex. She had indeed helped him to relax. Smiling, Alex covered the two of them up. Aelita fell asleep lying on top of Alex's chest with his arms around her. He drifted off shortly after, his mind no longer plagued by the thoughts of what was going to happen in two days.
Alex awoke around with Aelita still resting upon him that morning. A check of the clock had shown that it was only a little after nine. Aelita shifted some rolling off of Alex and to his side. Alex took this chance to put on a pair of shorts and grab a change of clothing smiling the whole time. He headed for one of the bathrooms for a shower. Johnson was up, but this was no surprise. He was almost always up by eight. Alex stepped into one of the bathrooms and started the shower.
By the time he was done, Cheryl and Andrew had also woken up. Alex walked back to his room. He opened the door and came upon Aelita putting on her undergarments. Alex walked in and closed the door walking over to here.
“Morning my mate.” Alex said kindly. “You're welcome to take a shower. I'd join you, but I just finished mine.” Alex walked over to a dresser and pulled out a towel for Aelita to use. She put on one her over sized shirts that came down to her knees with the towel over one shoulder and the clothes she was going to change into in her arms. Alex put his necklace back on, but rather then hide it, he left it out for the others to see. There was no reason for him to hide it here anyway.
A few hours past as the rest of the crew woke up. The group grabbed a quick breakfast before heading to the study. They all gathered around the table.
“We leave tonight for the Gekcro temple grounds.” Johnson started the meeting. Pressing a few buttons on the control to the Liquid Projection Table brought an image of the area. The silver liquid that made up the temple went green and brown to imitate grass, trees, and dirt. The basic layout of the area was a valley that had been zoomed out quite a ways. There was only one visible road in and out of the area for vehicles considering the number of trees and large boulders in the area.
“We'll start the exploration at sunrise tomorrow morning. I want everyone to keep an eye on Aelita while we're there. I don't expect anything fatal, but we all now that traps break down over time and don't always function as they should.” Johnson continued
Everyone but Aelita nodded at this. “What kind of architecture are we dealing with?” Alex asked. He had chosen a spot next to Johnson with Aelita on his other side.
“Upon basic inspection, the temple appears to be of late Spellsworn design.” Cheryl replied.
“The Spellsworn Empire, masters of mind games, archery, and the first people to build any type of bomb.” Justin said. “Very secretive, not much is know about them. We can expect C class traps with the occasional B class. They will have built a labyrinth to keep intruders in often filled with A class hazards.”
“I hate Spellsworn ruins.” Alex sighed.
“The Spellsworn Empire?” Aelita had never recalled such an empire in school.
“The schools refuse to teach about Spellsworn. What little is truly known about them is not pretty. Records indicate ritual sacrifices, mating with a few select legendary feral Pokemon, and a few other bizarre rituals.” Alex informed her.
“Mating with feral Pokemon?” Aelita was shocked and a bit disgusted by the idea.
“At the very least, we'll need to prepare for long climbs, endless walking, and carry extra medical supplies against darts.” Cheryl explained.
“I'd pack extra clothing and water proof hiking packs as well. The Spellsworn have water hazards in half their temples” Alex spoke.
“I agree. Dar is no telling what kinda hazards we be facing in there.” Bryan commented.
“The thing that concerns me most of all is the final rite of passage.” Johnson spoke up. “Our knowledge of mid-evil trivial facts and brains in general should get us past most of the puzzles. However, their final rite of passage always differs from temple to temple.”
“Rite of passage? You mean like a trail.” Aelita asked.
“Sometimes we be facing a big puzzle, sometimes it be a great big riddle. Ya neva know what da be having lying in wait for us.” Bryan informed her.
“I've already got the tents packed up and have selected a place to make camp.” Justin nodded and Johnson had the projection table zoom in to the area right around the temple entrance.
Aelita could easily make out the large area of collapsed debris on the valley floor. Directly above it was some sort of carved out stone ledge and doorway. What appeared to be a clawed hand surrounded the stone doorway.
Justin pointed to area a short ways south of the temple entrance to what looked like a small spring. “There is fresh water spring here which will supply us with a viable source of drinking water. I still recommend bringing a fair some of water though.”
“Okay, let's go over safety procedures. Normally, there are only six of us and we would split up in groups of three. With Aelita with us, I want a change in grouping. Cheryl, I want you to take Justin's place on my team and Aelita will also be joining us.” Johnson explained
“I've no arguments there.” Cheryl agreed to the idea. “It might be nice to work with another woman for once.”
“I don't see any problems with that either.” Justin commented.
“Aelita, the rest of the team already knows this, but always watch your step. The floors need to be watch at all times. Even the slightly change in tile pattern could serve as a warning. Another important rule is if it looks easy, be extra careful. Nothing in these ruins can be called safe at first glance.” Johnson used a very strict voice. “The best thing you can do is listen to me and Alex at all times. If we give a command, don't question it, just do it. It may save you some pain.”
“I'll do my best.” Aelita responded.
“That's good.” Cheryl said. “As long as you keep you eyes and ears open, you'll most likely hear the traps before they can get you. Use your abilities to their full potential and you'll be fine.”
The meeting ended about four hours later. Everyone there went over reports and records of other Spellsworn designs and basic traps. By the end the meeting, Aelita was pretty familiar with the basics of Spellsworn designs, as she was fast learner.
The HUMMERs were packed over the next few hours and Aelita understood the purpose of the reversed passenger seats. They were built that way so that the person in the passenger seat had easy access to the computer systems the HUMMERs could have removed at any time. Whilst loading, Aelita was also shown the rest of the surprises the vehicles were equipped with. Both of them had a mini fridge in the back as well as added compartments below the vehicle for extra supplies. One even had a generator to power what electronics were brought on the digs. The HUMMERs alone acted as command tents carrying everything that the crew would need. The only thing that they didn't do well was serve as beds.
The crew met once more after loading up the vehicle for a last minute review and check of their supplies and knowledge of the area before they set out with the evening sun.