Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Whitewing ❯ Chapter 7 ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon. Only the idea and OC's.
Author Notes:
-- This will be used for scene breaks and for when the story switches to another character, but it does not mean that a new section of the story has started.
xXx This will identify where each paragraph breaks.
(Character thought)
Disclaimer: Don't own Pokemon, never have, never will. Only the idea and OCs behind the story are mine.
Chapter 7
Alex prepared a late dinner shortly after the two of them got done talking with Aelita's father over the phone. It was little difficult for two reasons. The first was that Alex was leaning on a crutch keeping weight off of his leg. The second reason was his mind was else where at the time. Alex was so worried, he almost burned the fish and potatoes he was frying. Aelita managed to keep him on track though and thus, the meal turned out fine. Once again, they ate on the couch.
“I think I'd rather take on a Spellsworn dungeon gauntlet then face your father after what he said.” Alex said as he poured himself a glass of water before returning to Aelita in the living room.
“I know you're worried, but he won't hurt you.” Aelita told Alex.
“How sure are you on that?” Alex asked.
“He's protective of me, but he's understanding. I have no doubt he'll cleaning his rifle, but he won't use it.” Aelita explained. “He never has.” Both of them were worried. Alex was concerned about his safety and Aelita was concerned about how her father was taking the news. They continued to talk for while. Alex was still forced to use his crutches, so he was going to put off cleaning the dishes until tomorrow. Aelita however volunteered to do them for Alex.
It was a quick chore and once done, Aelita returned to Alex on the couch for a while. It was getting late and the two of them headed to his room to get some sleep before their talk with Samuel tomorrow afternoon.
The night passed quickly as the sun began to rise. Alex had slept somewhat peacefully with Aelita lying on his chest, her arms wrapped around him. She had fallen asleep before him and she was still sleeping as he woke to the sounds of his phone going off alerting him to get up. He had forgot to switch it over to the second alarm last night. He turned off the phone and looked down at Aelita who shifted a bit upon him.
Alex just lay there on the makeshift bed he had created out of a pair of hammocks. His thoughts were still replaying the short talk he had with Samuel, the talk afterward with Aelita, but they were mostly trying to predict how his next talk with Samuel would go. He laid there for about two hours just thinking before Aelita had finally begun to stir. She smiled seeing his face there to greet her.
As they got up, Alex's leg was still acting up. Perhaps Aelita was right and it was twisted. If wasn't any better by the time the sun had set, he would head off to the Pokemon center to have it checked out. Breakfast was simple, just a few berries and a glass of milk, neither one of them were very hungry knowing what was coming up later that day. The day was mostly quite. Other then an E-mail from Johnson indicating that some of the gems Aelita had picked had sold, there wasn't much else going on. As it came closer to four in the afternoon, they knew that they would have to leave soon having put it off long enough.
With Alex's leg still sore and somewhat non-responsive from yesterday's events, Alex called Justin for a ride. Justin arrived soon enough and transported them to Aelita's.
Aelita's house wasn't a mansion, but it was still large. It was an old two-story house with four bedrooms, an attic, and three bathrooms. Nothing too fancy, but it was still an expensive home. Painted green with black shingles, the house partially blended into the forest that was behind it. A large ford Truck sat in the driveway. Alex could see Samuel threw one of the windows and it looked like he was doing just as he said he would. Justin saw him cleaning the rifle as well and decided to stay just in case.
Alex approached the front door on his crutches with Aelita at his side. Aelita opened the door. The door led into the main hall of the house. A staircase on one side, with three doors leading off of it. To their right was the living room. It had an oak floor and two large couches filled the center of the room. A large TV lined one wall with a bookcase on either side that were mostly filled with photos of Aelita's family and books. A fireplace took up most of the far wall, the mantle above it had several picture of Aelita's mother on it. Many of were the young Absol Samuel had fallen in love with long ago. Unlike most, Erika had a light silver tint to her fur, a very odd case, but that was what made her so beautiful to Samuel.
At the end of the hall was the kitchen. It's usual black and white chess pattern tiles lined the floor with granite counters visible. Other then a few appliances, Alex couldn't see much more of the kitchen at this point. Looking up the staircase, Alex made out the upper hallway and the few doors that were there.
Finally, the group's gaze settled on the other side of the doorway opposite the living room. The room was large with a redwood table and matching chairs around it. An old grandfather clock occupied a small section of the wall. Samuel had his rifle lying down on the table, each part laid out nicely on his right and left sides. The handgrip was clearly locked up showing he had no intentions of using it…yet. He did however had two rifle shells in front of him. He motioned for them to gather around the table.
As Alex took a seat, Samuel placed one of the two bullets in front of him. Alex could already see his name etched into the shell and also saw that the shell in front of him was a blank. “That is your reminder.” Samuel began holding up the second shell which also had his named etched into it. “So, the two of you are mates?”
Alex nodded his head. Aelita was a bit shocked herself. Every time before she had brought a friend over before, her father simple left the rifle to hang above the door with a shell hanging under it. This was the first time he had actually etched someone's name into the shell.
“I'm going to tell you something that Erika's father once told me.” He informed them. “I know I can't control my daughter's life. I can however see to it that she will be cared for.” He gazed was locked onto Alex. “Unlike my father-in-law, I don't see any problems with the two of you becoming mates. I think you two might have rushed it a bit while I was gone, but I'm going with hold my judgement. I have no doubt that the two of you have even mated a few times by now… and I'm fine with that.” Aelita did turn a slight shade of red about hearing her father talk about such things. “Be warned however that if you abuse my daughter, this shell will find you.” Samuel held the live rifle shell in his hand for Alex to see. “If my daughter gives birth to your pup, then you support the child whether you still love my daughter or not. If you don't support your child, this bullet will find you. I don't care if it doesn't work out between the two of you and you go your separate ways, but I think the two of you could make a good couple.”
Alex kept his eyes on the bullet I Samuel's hand.
“Now that I've warned about what will happen should you try to abuse or abandon my daughter, we can move on to the next topic at hand. Alex.” Samuel put the rifle shell in his hand back on the table.
“Yes?” Alex responded now too sure about what about the next topic.
“Are you able to support my daughter right now, or are the two of you hoping that William and myself will help out?” Samuel returned to cleaning his rifle currently working the barrel.
“I can support myself easily, I've done it for three years now and have collected a fair sum of money in my account.” Alex explained, his eyes watching Samuel hands taking extreme care to remove any possible dust from the barrel. “I have more then enough to support the two of us for a year at least at this moment.”
“Good. And I hope you can provide a proper house. I've seen your place, and I'm not sure four rooms will be big enough for a family.” Samuel commented as he reassembled his rifle.
“I've already added a closet and the dining room since you were last there.” Alex informed him to which he nodded his head as he put the rifle back into gun safe located in a nearby closet.
“I assume that there will be more additions later.” He asked to which Alex quickly replied with a yes. “Alright, then I have one last topic to discuss before I'll be satisfied.” He smirked. Alex feared the worse, but when Aelita saw that smirk on her father's face, she got curious. What was her father planning? Justin just sat there at the far end of the table glad that his presence wasn't needed.
“Aelita, this last question is for you.” Samuel lost the smirk he had and did his best to keep a straight face. Aelita was the only one who could see through it though.
“Yes?” She asked slightly curious with a bit of worry in her voice.
“I just want a yes or no answer, nothing specific.” Samuel began.
“And what is the question?” Aelita asked.
A short silence filled the room before Samuel spoke still just barely able to keep his straight face, which only Aelita could see past.
“If I let Alex spend the night here so that he can help you can pack up your things and we can talk for a while,” Samuel began before pausing for a second. “Am I going to need ear plugs to drown out any noise tonight?”
Alex stared dumbstruck at the question while Justin had a look of confusion of his face trying to figure out how the topic had changed to this. Aelita came up and tried to smack the back of her father's head with a shocked look on her face for even suggesting such a thing. “How could you even suggest such a thing.” She half shouted caught between embarrassment that her father had even asked, confusion as she wasn't even able to tell how this topic came up, and finally happiness knowing for a fact that her father without a doubt a approved of her choice in a mate. There were also traces of anger and surprise in her voice as well.
“I uh… think I…might have missed something.” Alex finally managed to say something.
“I have no argument to break the two of you up, just remember what I told you.” Samuel got and walked into the kitchen to start on supper.
“I take it I'm no longer needed. I'll see ya later and good luck.” Justin got up and walked to the front door.
“Aelita, I know you're going to move in with Alex, go ahead and start packing your things.” Samuel said as she started to warm up the oven.
“I wasn't expecting anything like this.” Alex said as he got up. His leg was doing better, but it still hurt to put weight on it. Aelita helped Alex up the stairs to her room so that she could start packing with his help. Aelita opened the door to her room. It wasn't as big as Alex's room, only about half the size. Still considering how big Alex's room was, Aelita's room was still bigger then most bedrooms in standard houses.
The walls of the room were a light velvet in color. Aelita had her bed in one corner of the room with a window over the headboard and just past the bottom of the bed. The bed itself was pretty basic, a plain white in color. There were two blankets, one thin one which was more of sheet, but the other one was more of a heavy quilt. Both had a light floral design around the edges with a large velvet rose in the center. The pillows also had velvet rose pillowcases.
Beside the bed was a small nightstand that held her alarm clock and lamp. Her dresser was of basic design, nothing too fancy about it other then the rose shaped handles on it. There was a full size mirror beside her closet. Aside from a few pieces of clothing, Aelita's room was mostly clean.
The only detail that stuck out was the suitcase on her bed. It seemed like Samuel was planning on Aelita moving out and was willing to let her go to Alex since he found out last night.
Alex helped Aelita to begin packing. She only took the essentials at this point, a few additional undergarments, some extra tops and pants, a second set of pajamas, and a few shampoos she used to keep her fur extra nice and clean. It took her a few hours to decide what she was going to take however. Just as Alex finished putting the shampoos into a pocket, Samuel shouted their names. “Aelita, Alex. Get down here.”
“Oh, supper must be ready.” Aelita looked at Alex.
“We mustn't keep him waiting then.” Alex's leg was back to normal, well normal for him anyway. It still hurt a bit, but he could walk on it with out anything more then minor discomfort.
Samuel had prepared a large meal. He had prepared lasagna as the main dish with salad and bread sticks as sides. The table had been set for three with Alex and Aelita's plates on one side and his own on the other side. “So, Alex, how have you been?” Samuel asked as though his talk with Alex from earlier had never happened.
“Except for some minor discomfort in my leg, I'm doing fine.” Alex replied before taking a bite of the lasagna. Alex knew Samuel could cook, but he didn't expect a five star dish. The meal tasted as though it was from one of the finest restaurants around, just a perfect mix of spices, meat, cheese, sauce, and pasta. “This is a wonderful dish.” Alex complemented
“My father taught me how to cook.” Samuel replied.
“He did a good job.” Alex decided that since Samuel was fine with his presence, he wouldn't have to be so tense and worry about what he was going to say as much. He relaxed some seeing that Samuel appeared to accept him.
“I've done some last minute thinking since our talk.” Samuel said as he used one of his claws to slice open one of the bread sticks. “Aelita, I want you over here for dinner with Alex at least twice a week for dinner when possible.”
“We can do that.” Aelita nodded her head.
“I'm happy to hear this.” Samuel looked at the two of them. Both of them seemed happy to be with each other. “I'm also glad that you told me the news by phone. I fear it may not have turned out so great if you had told me that you were mates in person. I spent most of the night unable to sleep fearing that my daughter had made a grave mistake.”
“Mistake?” Aelita asked. “Alex loves me. He's saved me three times. He cares for me.” Aelita blurted out.
“Take it easy. It took me a while, but I realized that there was always a connection between the two of you.” Samuel explained.
The three of them talked about a few things while they had supper. Alex and Aelita's fear of her father had passed by the time supper was done, but his words still remained in their minds. Night came along and Aelita went back upstairs to finish packing. Samuel started work on cleaning up the kitchen and requested Alex to help him.
“Alex, I have to say that we are both in for some changes.” Samuel began cleaning by putting all of the excess food away into containers while Alex started filling the sinks.
“I know this.” Alex replied.
“The biggest change I'll have to go threw is not seeing my daughter as often.” Samuel gathered the pan used to the lasagna and everything else needed to make the meal as Alex stopped filling the sinks. “I'll have to get used to an empty house again.” Samuel looked around.
Samuel continued to talk for a while Alex threw in a comment here and there. Sure he had known Samuel for about as long as he had known Aelita, but he never really got to know him. Alex still listened though.
Samuel knew how Alex was about opening up to others and didn't expect too much at first. It took him about a month just to warm up to Aelita and began to talk freely around her. He had never taken the chance to get to learn much more about other then the things Aelita had told him.
By the time Alex and Samuel had finished the kitchen, Aelita had the last of her things all packed up that she was taking with her for now. Alex only had one dresser and the bottom drawer was more for storage rather then clothing.
Once again, the three of them sat down to talk about various things. Alex was a bit more open with Aelita there, but not entirely. As the clock struck ten, Samuel retreated to one of the bedrooms that had been turned into a small study of sorts leaving Alex and Aelita to whatever they choose to do. Aelita suggested a movie and Alex saw nothing wrong with that.
“Alright, I don't watch too many movies, but what do we have to pick from?” Alex asked as Aelita headed over to the case where the discs were stored.
“My dad likes old action flicks, but I like a good horror movie now and then.” Aelita told Alex.
“I wouldn't have guessed you were into scares.” Alex thought about for a second. Aelita was kind and gentle. She knew how to defend herself, she could was even pretty good with first aid, but Alex just couldn't see how she was into horror. There were definitely a few things left to learn about her.
“How does the movie A Day of Darkness sound?” Aelita asked.
“Ya know me, I've never heard of it.” Alex replied taking a look at the cover. The title was in red letters on top of an eclipsed sun. Below the sun was a large double edged axe which sort of had the look of a cross to it and standing in front of it was a Anthro Houndoom wearing a large cape. “What's it about?”
“It an older vampire movie. The basics of the movie are that a scientist who wants to rule the world wakes up an old vampire that decides to take over for himself. A second vampire has to take him down.” Aelita explained.
The movie started and Aelita curled up with Alex after he had taken a seat on the edge of the couch. Aelita skipped the commercials at the beginning and went straight to the movie
The movie started with a lone figure running on the edge of a forest near a mountain range growing slightly bigger in the background. The man ran form something, the camera moving quickly behind him changing angles as the Houndoom ran. Occasionally, it would show an image of the forest and the shadow that ran threw it. The whole time the Houndoom was running, names of actors would appear in blood red letters across the screen before they faded away. Finally, the title, A Day of Darkness, appeared on screen as the man stopped running for just a second.
“My name is Talon Gathe and I am a Vampire, a demon of the night. I used be like everyone else, until `it' attacked me.” A deep male voice sounded from the movie.
The camera darted upward turning to face the woods as a shadow sprung out of the woods and stuck the Houndoom down. After tackling down the Houndoom, the shadow bit down on the Houndoom's neck before darting back into the forest. The camera quickly circled the area and by the time it had gone full circle, the shadow was gone. The camera zoomed back toward the Houndoom who was lying there unconscious, eyes closed. It's eyes suddenly opened and they flashed red before the screen faded out. The next picture was of a large city. The camera started up very high so that the whole city could be seen, then it quickly zoomed it.
Except for the opening scene, the movie started out slow. It took about twenty minutes for the blood to really start flying. The city was tossed into darkness as new vampires and mutant monsters began to run wild in the city. Aelita clung to Alex at times during the most gruesome points in the movie. As for Alex, he wasn't scared, just a bit disgusted at a few things. He was used to seeing blood, but the sheer amount that was, at times constantly flowing through the air was a bit.
It was a little past midnight when the movie ended. Alex couldn't see how, but Aelita was already partially asleep. She didn't cry out in terror once during the movie, just clung to Alex a few times. The two of them headed up the stairs to Aelita's room. Her bed was big enough for the two of them. Alex saw nothing wrong with the floral pattern and agreed to sleep with Aelita. She changed into her pajamas while Alex striped himself of his shirt and socks. They lay down together and quickly drifted off to sleep in each other's arms.
Alex and Aelita awoke to Samuel calling out their names. Sunlight filtered in throw the two windows of the room. “Breakfast.” Samuel shouted.
They got up slowly. Alex stretched some while Aelita got properly dressed. Once they were ready they headed downstairs where Samuel had just finished putting breakfast on the table. There was a bowl of scrambled eggs, a small plate of bacon, and another small plate of toast. The three of them ate quietly.
After breakfast, the phone rang.
“Hello, Kilter residence. Samuel Kilter speaking.” Samuel picked up the phone. “Yes… I understand…Very well…Would you rather meet here or at the office?… I'll be waiting.” Samuel hung up the phone. “Aelita, go upstairs and grab your suitcase. I'm afraid I'll have to take the two of you back to Alex's house. My boss has sent a very…let's just say strict and over demanding client over here.”
“I understand.” Alex said as he grabbed the crutches that he had brought over with him yesterday while Aelita went up stairs to grab her suitcase.
Aelita came down a minute later as her father pulled out the keys to his truck.
It was a short ride back to Alex's house. Aelita grabbed her suitcase and once clear of the truck, Samuel headed back to his house. Alex headed in first with Aelita right behind him.
“So, I think yesterday went better then we had originally thought.” Aelita walked to the bedroom behind Alex. Alex opened the dresser and began pulling out the clothes he in the top drawer. The dresser had four rows of drawers. The second row from the top was split into three separate drawers though. He put the clothes he had taken out back in the second drawer from the bottom.
“I agree.” Aelita set her suitcase down.
Alex then cleared the left-hand drawer from the second row and put the clothes he had in it in the middle drawer of the same row.
“You can use these two drawers for the time being. I'll have to remember to get a bigger dresser later on.” Alex knocked on the two now empty drawers.
Aelita opened up her suitcase and put her undergarments and pajamas in the empty drawer of the second row. She filled the top drawer with everything else she had. She pulled out a small pile of shirts, the top one on the pile had an image of rose circled around a pillar.
A sudden idea struck Alex. “Hey Aelita, I've just got a crazy idea that you might like.” Alex told her as he headed back to the living room leaving a puzzled Aelita behind.
When Aelita had finished emptying her suitcase, she headed for the living room to find Alex looking throw one of his architecture books. He had a slight grin of his face and Aelita knew that he was drawing something out in his head. “What are you planning now?” She asked.
“What you say if we moved this summer, or possibly sooner?” Alex asked.
“Move?! Are you mad, my dad would throw a fit if we moved mid school year.” She shouted. “Not only that, but where would we move?”
“Not too far, just up to the old bathhouse.” Alex's grin grew bigger as his found a page in the book that seemed to suit his needs.
“You mean that one you took me to when we first became mates?” She was confused now. How would they even pull that off?
“I've been thinking about restoring that old place since I first found it. Haven't thought about it much until now because I couldn't figure how to restore the place properly.” Alex informed her. “I think I just figured it out though.”
“How?” She moved closer to see what Alex was looking at in his book. Alex turned the book so that Aelita could look at it. The page on the left side was filled with various images of plants being woven in and out of walls. On the right page was a basic description of the technique used.
“I'll make a bet that over half of that building is still in great shape. With the plants growing in and out of it like they were, it'll probably be standing for several more years. All we would really need to do is clean the place up, install proper windows, and possibly do some work on the walls here and there.” Alex explained. “But nature has done most of the work for us. We just need to clean up the excess.”
“That could work?” Aelita knew that Alex had spent a few years designing houses and building them. He even went so far as to pay about four hundred dollars on various books on construction and home design.
“It'll take some planning, but we wouldn't move far. We'd have our own hot spring and I can add a basement level which would be similar to this place.” Alex told her. “And the best part is that you would be able to grow your own Velvet Roses.”
“Yea, your right. But how could we restore the place alone? I'm not skill with construction like you are and I don't think you'd be able to do most of the work by yourself.” Aelita questioned.
“Johnson already agreed to help me every time I find a new place to live. I'm sure he, well for that matter, the whole team would be willing help. The biggest problem would be finding an alternate route to the bathhouse so that we can move our things up here.” Alex pulled out his phone and brought up a satellite image of the mountain. “So, Aelita, since this will be a house for both of us, what do I have to include?” Alex asked. He pulled out a notebook and flipped to the last page of it.
“Huh, what do you mean by include?” Aelita asked.
“I know that you'll just have to have a garden, but is there anything else that you're going to want?” Alex asked.
The next few hours were spent going over possible ideas for their new house. They exchanged ideas about gardens, rooms, and they even had a few ideas about the hot springs.
Alex had begun to cook lunch, frying up some ham for hot ham and cheese sandwiches when a blast similar to bomb sounded. It was a ways off, but still very loud. Alex charged toward the living room. Looking out the window, Alex was both impressed and shocked by the sight before him. Several bolts of lighting flew forth from the city over where the high school was. A large pillar of smoke rose up as well. Alex's phone began to ring and Alex quickly answered, but he did not leave the window.
“Hello?” Alex asked as the bolts of lighting came to a stop.
“Alex, its Justin. Where are you?” Justin demanded sounding as though he was out of breath. The sounds of falling objects could be heard in the background.
“At my house, where are you at?” Alex replied a slight bit of fear in his voice.
“I'm outside the high school and I'm perfectly fine. I knew you sometimes spent the weekend reading at the library.” Justin sounded relieved to hear the Alex was not at the school.
“What happened? I could bolts of lighting rising up out of the city form my place.” Alex asked.
“The school was having some electrical problems.” Justin began. “They called in a crew who had some feral Magnezone to fix the faulty wiring they found. From what I've overheard so far, two of the five Magnezone brought in got into a fight about something and starting attacking each other. Soon enough, all five of them throwing attacks at each other until they used Self-Destruct trying to end the fight.”
“All five Magnezone used Self-Destruct?” Alex asked. That explained a lot the loud boom, the stray bolts of lighting, and even the sounds of falling debris in the background, but it did seem like overkill.
“I don't think there will be school for the next few days. It will take an Imperial Crafters construction team at least four days to rebuild the school.” Justin explained. “I was just checking to see if you in the school. I'm gonna let ya go since I know your safe. I'll let you know what happened later.” Justin hung up before Alex could ask any more questions?
“What happened?” Aelita asked.
“Justin says that if what he overheard was correct, 5 Feral Magnezone used Self-Destruct at the school. We should be receiving phone call later alerting us to the fact that there won't be school all week.” Alex explained. He stood there for a while before the smell of burning ham caught his nose. “Oh carp, I left the ham on the stove.” Alex dashed back to the kitchen.
Most of the dish Alex had made was salvageable, but not all of it. By the time they had finished supper, the school had sent a recorded message to almost all of the student's parents. Johnson called soon after the school did since he also received a call being classified as Alex's guardian.
“Alex, are the two of you alright?” Johnson asked, his voice had some worry in it.
“We're fine, I assume you just got the call form the school.” Alex replied.
“Yes, I just got the call. I'm glad to hear you weren't hurt.” Johnson was quite relieved.
“Since you called, I've got a question. You remember that bathhouse I found on the mountain?” Alex asked.
“Yes, I recall that you said it would be a nice place to live if restored.” Johnson had never been to the bathhouse, but Alex told him a lot about it. He also knew how to get to it as Alex had drawn him up a very detailed path on a map of the area.
“I'm thinking I may move there.” Alex said.
“Alright, I guess that you'll be putting off that offer of a solo recovery.” Johnson asked.
“I completely forgot about that.” Alex suddenly remembered the offer he was given back at the ceremony almost three weeks ago.
After a long talk with Johnson, Alex hung up the phone. “Aelita, pick out some clothes. We'll be hiking up the mountain again. Since we won't be having any school this week, now would be a good time to check out the rest of that bathhouse.” Alex informed her.
It was only a little after four when they left to climb up the mountain. Like before, it was an hour hike to the cave Alex had built by the lake.
“We take a break here.” Alex said as he moved under the willow tree that hid the cave. He was about to turn inside when a stream of water hit him in the face. “What gives?” Alex stood there in confusion wiping some of the water off of his face. There in the cave was Julian. She had grown since Alex and Aelita had last seen her. When she had been born, she was barely a foot tall, but now she was about twice that height. There behind Julian was her mother, Aurora.
Aurora had been sleeping when Alex's words had woken her. She quickly woke upon seeing a face in the cave entrance. She quickly took a defensive stance until she realized who was there. Julian ducked behind her mother as she calmed down.
“I thought you would have been long gone by now.” Alex said as he pulled out a towel to dry off his face.
“Alex, what happened?” Aelita rushed to the cave entrance after seeing the stream of water. She quickly understood what had happened when she saw Julian and Aurora.
“I am sorry for my daughter's behavior. There have been a few Houndoom who like to tease her around her lately.” Aurora bowed her head, the dark purple hair flowed freely behind her head. “As for my reasons for not leaving, Julian is still unable to keep up with me as I run and she is now too big for me to carry her.”
“That's fine.” Alex said as he put the towel away. “We were on our way to the bathhouse a short way up the mountain and can leave here now if you would rather be by yourself.” Alex offered.
Julian looked to her mother wondering about the two people in their cave. “I am afraid that I would like some privacy right now yes. I have suffered a fall trying to keep my daughter safe. I am fine, but I hit my head rather hard. Perhaps I shall talk with you later. It is not often that others like yourself give me these options and would freely leave upon my request.” Aurora smiled and nodded her head.
“I hope it wasn't a bad fall.” Aelita said.
Julian decided that she was hungry and made a small whining noise to alert her mother. “If you'll excuse me, my daughter claims to be hungry.” She leaned on her side letting her daughter suckle one of many teats.
“We'll be on our way then. Like I said before, you're welcome to use this cave as long as you wish.” Alex said as he got out of the cave. “I hope you will be feeling better soon. I must however warn you that I have invited some friends this way. I haven't told them about you, but they may stumble upon you. I'm only expecting one to come tomorrow, a Shiny Anthro Umbreon by the name of William Johnson Yelstien.” Alex informed her.
“I would prefer if he didn't come to know of me.” Aurora said as her daughter continued to suckle.
“He may want to look at you and ask you some questions if he finds you, but he would do nothing to hurt you. All I ask is that you don't just attack him without cause. I'm not sure who would hurt who worse and personally, I'd rather not find out.” Alex said. “He will defend himself if he has to, but he won't attack you.”
“I hope you feel better soon, Aurora.” Aelita said as she moved out of the small cave.
Seeing that Aurora and her pup were still occupying his cave, Alex and Aelita headed further up the mountain towards the bathhouse. Like before, two large stone Dragonite statues greeted them.
The two of them slowly made their way into the bathhouse on the lookout for Feral Pokemon as they moved. At last they came to the center room of the bathhouse. It had been only a little over three weeks since they were last here, but a few things seemed to have been moved. One of the blazers in he had been knocked over. Part of berry bush was trapped under it leading Alex to believe that a Feral Pokemon had knocked it over. That meant that they would have to keep their eyes open should the one responsible for knocking over the blazer return.
Alex had packed a full set of camping gear rather then just the basics and he went to work clearing out a patch of vines. With Aelita's help, the two of them managed to clear up a good portion of the floor in the room. Alex however had the vines they cleared away stacked up against one wall saying that he had plans for them later. The two of them also cleared out the blazers in the room and gathered up the torches. They both knew that they had some work to do before the sun had sun. They were lucky and found a storeroom Alex had somehow missed coming across all the times he was there before. It was filled with unused torches and oil for the blazers.
After a good four hours of work collecting torches, tearing down the old curtains, and clearing vines, Alex and Aelita took a well deserved break. The work they had done certainly paid off though. Where the room was once dominated by roots, vines, and plants in general, it was now a half way cleared. The stone floor still held a few old painting upon it. No doubt the vines had kept them protected from the elements and other things which could damage them.
“I don't think I've ever worked so hard in such a short period of time before.” Aelita told Alex. She was out of breath and leaning against the wall just to stand up completely.
“Come on, we both deserve a nice soak in the hot spring after all that work.” Alex said. He pulled out their swimsuits and a few towels. He also gathered a handful of torches and a lighter he had. “There is one last thing I need to do before I can join you though.” Alex informed her. “I need to set up a few of these torches for tonight so that we have some light once the sun sets.”
Alex handed Aelita her two piece swimsuit and she agreed to meet him there. Alex went about placing torches in the hallways that connected the hot spring to the main hall. He lit every third one thinking that there was a good chance that the two of them could end up staying in the hot spring even after the sun had set. The sun was already sinking to meet the horizon.
Alex entered the private hut that contained the hot spring to find Aelita there in the water waiting for him. Alex place four torches in slots on the wall and lit them before changing into his swimsuit. Once in his swimsuit, he checked the weather not wanting a repeat incident like what happened the last time that they were here.
As Alex climbed in to join Aelita, the warm waters over took his body. He sat down, his muscles relaxed to match Aelita's, and she leaned up against happy to spend this time with him. The two of them sat in peace with the water gently warming their bodies and soothing their minds.
Day became night as the sun set. Alex and Aelita got out of the hot spring, dried off, and then headed back to the center of the bathhouse. The torches Alex had lit were still burning bright and easily guided them on their way. Alex picked up the last torch they passed as they walked into the center of the bathhouse. He only left a pair of torches lit here and they now barely lit the room. Alex used the torch in his had to light a blazer and the room was quickly illuminated by its large fire. After a few minutes of starting a small wood fire by their tent, Alex started dinner.
Knowing that they were going to be there for a few days, Alex had packed a few foods, but not many. The berries in the area would provide more then enough of meal, but he still brought some extra food just to add some variety to their diet. Alex heated up two cans of soup he had brought. Their meal was a quite one. Alex had set his phone to start beeping rather loudly should anything more then a light shower show up on the weather scans.
After supper, they changed into their nightclothes. Aelita put on a pair of her floral pajamas while Alex put on a very light pair of shorts and an equally light T-shirt, both red in color. Alex began to grab a large number of the vines he had taken care not to destroy, but simply separate into large ten to twelve foot lengths.
“What are you doing?” Aelita asked as Alex began to line the vines up on the ground along one of the walls, which was still lined with vines.
“Making a decent cushion to lay the sleeping bag on. This stone floor isn't the most comfortable place to sleep.” Alex answered.
“A bed would be nice, I would like that better then sleeping on the stone floor.” She commented. After about ten minutes, he had the vines lined up in three layers, alternating directions with each layer. He laid the sleeping bag down on top of the vines before he slowly got onto it. Alex could feel the soft vines beneath his hands and feet as he crawled on the sleeping bag. After a quick check around the edges, he was satisfied with his work confidant that the vines would collapse or shift under their weight. Motioning for Aelita to come join him, he sat back against the wall.
Aelita made her way over and joined him. From where they sat, Aelita had a nice view of the moon from one the upper windows. Its sliver light seemed brighter then most other nights.
Alex leaned back with Aelita laying on top of him somewhat. Alex looked down some and from where she was laying and how he was sitting behind her, he had perfect view into her pajama shirt and what lay beneath. He quickly looked away, but couldn't stop thinking about how beautiful Aelita looked in the light of the fire. He saw the shadows shift and change as the fire burned. Alex lightly took hold of her shoulders and began to rub them.
Aelita began to feel something poke lightly at her back. She quickly realized what it was lightly nudging her back.
“Alex.” Aelita looked up at him.
“Yes, what is it?” Alex looked down and saw a slight look in her eye.
“If you want to mate with me, all you have to do ask politely.” She rolled over letting Alex's slowly growing member rise up some more.
“I can't help it. You looked better then ever by the light of the fire.” Alex told her.
“Thank you.” Aelita got up some and kissed Alex lightly while one of her hands began to rub his slowly growing member just as he had rubbed her shoulders. “Now then, would you like to mate with me?” She asked with a slightly teasing tone tilting her head some.
“Even if I wanted to say no, I just couldn't.” Alex brought her in for another kiss. Aelita gripped the sides of the Alex's shirt and pulled up bringing it over his head. Once his shirt had been removed, Alex went to work on hers.
With their shirts gone, Alex pulled her in for another kiss. One hand went for the tied used to keep her pajama bottoms up while his other hand was placed between her breasts. His eyes began to glow as he once again expanded his spirit energy into her stimulating multiple muscles. She moaned in pleasure under his gently touch.
A minute later, both of them were completely stripped down. Aelita brought Alex down onto the bed and slowly positioned herself on top of his stomach.
They kissed again as Aelita raised herself up and positioned her sex over his. She lowered herself taking in his rod bit by bit. Once she had taken all four inches of him in, she gently raised herself back up and lowered herself down. They quickly gained a steady rhythm as they went. Alex would thrust his hips up lightly to meet Aelita as she came down.
Both of them were growing closer to release the longer they went on. Aelita was once again the first to climax her walls clamped down. They began to work on milking for the seed he had. It didn't take much for Alex to give in. He hilted her and shot the first spray of his seed deep into her quickly firing a second shot, and third. As their climaxes came to an end, Aelita leaned forward onto Alex as they slowly began to recover. Alex's member was starting to shrink within her and she scooted forward and moved into a sitting position. After a minute, she lightly gripped his member behind and starting working to get him hard again for round two.
“Alex, can we try something new?” she asked. She remembered how kind he was and always asked before trying something new, so she thought it was only polite to ask in return. “I'm sure we'll both like it.” She hand one arm behind her lightly squeezing his rod every so often as she moved her hand up and down to get him hard again.
“I'll give it a try depending on what it is.” He told her. Aelita adjusted her position so that she was now lying back on the bed. She pulled Alex up as she laid back. Alex got on his knees over her. He was once again completely hard and ready for another round. She once again placed her hand on his rod and pulled him closer. His thought that she was pulling him toward her sex, but she pulled him a bit lower then he had though.
“I want to try anal sex.” She said as she pulled his rod down so that it was resting by her anus.
“Are you sure?” Alex asked. Sure, he had fingered her ass before a times, but it was always tight and he wasn't sure if their combined juices still left on his rod would be enough to allow him to slide into her.
“I kind of liked the feel of your fingers in my ass.” Aelita told him. “I want to know if having your dick there will be just as good.”
“Alright. Just tell me if you don't like it and I'll pull out.” Alex told her. He gently pushed forward. His rod met a slight amount of resistance before he felt her hole start to expand to allow him entry. Alex kept his eyes on her face looking for any sign of discomfort. He saw that she had tensed up some, but she had wrapped her legs around him to encourage him to go on. After a few seconds, he felt the head of rod slip into Aelita. She pulled back on him slightly with her legs urging him to continue. She felt a little bit of pain since it was her first with anything larger then a pair of fingers in her ass, but she also felt some pleasure.
Alex managed to get his entire length in her and she held him there. “Are you okay?” Alex asked.
“Just give me a minute to adjust to this.” She said. What little pain there was passed away soon enough. “Go slow at first okay.”
“I will.” Alex assured her. He slowly backed out until only his head was left in. Just as slowly as he had pulled out, he pushed back in. Alex could feel the difference easily between Aelita's pussy and her ass. Her ass was much tighter and he liked it, but it was also harder for him to move in her. He could feel her anus clench down now and then as he moved.
By the third time he had done this, Aelita was used to the feel of him inside her ass. She began to move her hips in sync with his movements and he got the idea. He was careful as he began to move faster. When Aelita had started to moan in pleasure and purr, he knew that was she was enjoying it. He had moved up to a fair pace, not as fast as he was with her in her pussy, but both of them were still feeling the pleasure behind the selected action.
Alex was the first to lose it for once. He hilted himself in her ass and began to fire his seed into her. This was indeed a first for her, she could feel the hot liquid inside her. By the time Alex had let loose a fourth shot into her ass, she reached her peak. A fresh gush of her juices poured forth from her sex and down between her legs onto Alex. They gathered on the edge of the edge of the sleeping. Alex was going to have to have it washed later, but he was too busy to be concerned about that right now. He pulled his softening member out of Aelita and laid down on top of her. He rolled over with her so that she was now on top of him. Her fur resting against his skin felt nice. After their previous activities, both of them were tired. Aelita covered them with part of the sleeping bag as they went to sleep. The torches and blazer still burned as they went sleep. Their light would hopefully keep away any unwelcome guests.