Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Whitewing ❯ Chapter 10 ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon. Only the idea and OC's.
Author Notes:
-- This will be used for scene breaks and for when the story switches to another character, but it does not mean that a new section of the story has started.
xXx This will identify where each paragraph breaks.
(Character thought)
Disclaimer: Don't own Pokemon, never have, never will. Only the idea and OCs behind the story are mine.
Chapter 10
As day turned to night, Alex and his family settled down in their cabin. After a fine supper, everyone unpacked and then went to bed.
Erika was the first to wake with first light. She knew all too well that today, she would be allowed to accompany her parents to a site and her hopes were high. There were so many things she wanted to see. Hardly able to contain her excitement, she rushed for her parents' rooms. She was about start knocking on the door, then remembered what her parents had constantly reminded her about waking them up to early.
Deciding against losing the chance to see the site, Erika headed for the main room. The fireplaces still burned lighting the room. Since they were the main source of heat of for the cabin, there were uniquely designed to burn off of a specialized wood that could burn for days. A new log needed to be added every few days, but fire itself would be left alone to burn almost nonstop for a month.
Looking for a way to occupy her time, Erika began to look around the cabin. Looking around provided her with little more then a few paintings to look at, all calm and quite. This didn't suit her taste of adventure, so she turned to look elsewhere. On a shelf in the corner of the room, she found a few puzzles. Hoping that this would cure her boredom, she grabbed the first one she could reach. The cover showed a picture of Stone Mountain with its icy peak. Although the picture showed a calm scene, it would provide with something to keep her busy.
A little over two hours had passed since Erika has started on the thousand-piece puzzle as the clock quietly declared that it was eight o'clock. Like her mother and father, Erika was a problem solver. In the time that had passed since she had started, she had already completed one puzzle and was halfway through with her second one, but it was smaller.
Just as she finished the upper half of her current puzzle, the door to her parents' room opened up.
“Well, you've been busy.” Alex laughed upon seeing the completed puzzle on the corner table.
“When do we leave?” Erika asked.
“We haven't even eaten breakfast yet. Are you really that eager to see this site?” Aelita responded.
“I can't wait. I hope there's lots a treasure. I want a great big sapphire.” Erika exclaimed.
“I doubt that there will be much. It's just a ritual site.” Alex stated. As far as ritual sites went, there wasn't much more then a large stone platform, an altar, sometimes a cover for the platform, but that was it. Ritual sites were places where offerings made by a number of cultures to the feral Pokemon that were their gods.
“Come on, let's get breakfast and then we'll see if Johnson is up.” Aelita smiled as she headed for the kitchen followed by Erika and Alex.
Breakfast was a quick meal, some yogurt and berries for Aelita and Erika while Alex had some sausage. Afterwards, the three of them got dressed, and headed over to Cheryl, Andrew, and Bryan's cabin to find that everyone was up.
“We were just about to send someone over to check on you.” Johnson stated.
“Sorry, but that bed was comfortable.” Aelita joked.
“Well, it's a little after nine right now. We're just waiting on Celia to show up. The Snowmobiles are ready, the gear is packed, and we have enough power bars and energy drinks to hold us over till nightfall.” Andrew stated.
“I be ready to go and check dis site out. What be taking da lady so long? Once dis is ova, I be gettin a real vacation.” Bryan added.
“You sound just as eager as Erika.” Alex commented getting a good laugh from the group.
“Come on, we've all earned a real vacation. This will be a two day job at most.” Cheryl said.
“More like one day. Simple documentation, a few photos, maybe a small find.” Justin stated. “And once we get back, Vivian has promised us all a wonderful supper.”
“Well, Putanna will be helping so I can't take all the credit.” Vivian replied.
“Which reminds me. Putanna what are you doing here if you weren't coming to look the site?” Johnson asked.
“I've still got another week that I've been assigned here. Imperial Crafters figured that since I was already here, I could help you if I wanted.” Putanna explained. “The real reason I am here for two weeks however is to honor a commitment to a friend I made a long time ago. My and three others will be meeting up at the base of Stone Mountain to remember a few family members and friends we lost about twenty years ago. We do this every five years.”
“I remember reading about that avalanche.” Cheryl commented. “I think the death toll topped off at 89 by the time rescue crews made it in.”
“It was ninety, my aunt never made it to the hospital.” Putanna corrected Cheryl.
“We are all sorry for you loss.” Alex stated.
“It's all right. I've accepted that fact and that is why I am here.” Putanna stated nodding her head as there was a knock on the door.
Aelita being the closest opened it to allow Celia entrance. “Hello.” She said as she walked in.
“Ah yes Celia.” Putanna greeted the new arrival showing that she was easily ready to pass up the previous subject.
“Celia, before we head out, can you show us about where this site is?” Johnson asked pointing to a map on the table.
“I can do one better and show you where it is from the outside.” Celia replied.
“Really?” Alex asked.
“Come on.” Celia led the group outside. As the group walked outside, Celia pointed up to the mountain. The mountain was large and the appeared to be built in two sections. The lower section had various slopes, some gentle while others were steeper allowing for all kinds of ski slopes.
The upper section of the mountain from the view that the group had was very rocky. While there was still a large amount of snow, the sheer number of rocks jutting out of the ground made if impossible to ski on. As for where Celia was pointing, everyone noticed a dip in the mountain. It looked like there was just a small missing section of the mountainside high up on the mountain. “We'll have to ride around the mountain to get up there because that cliff is too steep to climb.” Celia stated. Just as she had told them, there was large drop just under the dip in the mountain.
It was a three-hour ride from the resort to the forest valley on the far side of the mountain.
Justin volunteered to stay behind here and watch the vehicles as the rest of the crew went on foot. Erika was all too eager to walk and following in Celia's footsteps. She still had to jump from footprint to footprint in a few places though, but this wasn't about to stop her.
After a good twenty-minute walk, the tree line finally broke revealing the large stone platform. Although partially hidden by the snow, the group was easily able to identify the platform as Spellsworn. The platform itself was a large rounded platform with at least a forty-foot diameter. Seven pillars held up a rough roof that had long since caved in and decayed. The platform was raised a solid three feet off the ground on solid stone with a pair of stone steps leading up to it on the sides. Nestled in a moderate crevice in the mountain, a pair of rock walls lined both edges of the platform and on the far end was a sheer drop.
“That's it?” Erika asked. “Where's the danger?”
“I'm sorry Erika, but if it was a real dangerous site, we couldn't have brought you.” Aelita told her daughter resulting in a partial sigh from her daughter.
“Well, let's sweep it off.” Johnson said attaching a few handles to a set of stray brooms he had packed. Given that it was an outdoor winter site, the crew had anticipated on the area being covered with snow.
Alex took one broom, as did Bryan and Celia. The three of them swept off the platform revealing a solid marble surface with a pattern etched into it. The more they uncovered, the more recognizable the pattern was. After ten minutes, the platform was cleared off; an engraving of the icy bird Articuno was revealed.
“This would have to be a site dedicated to the ice tribes who worshiped the Articuno as their god above all others.” Aelita stated.
“I would agree.” Johnson agreed.
“Be careful, there is some ice up here.” Alex warned as he swept off the last of the snow from the far end of the platform near the cliff's edge.
Like with all ritual sites, the platform wasn't much of discovery. The crew documents the basics. Things like materials used, runic styles, and of course the placement of the pillars. Other then that, there wasn't much to do here. The crew took some final pictures as the got ready to leave after a long four hours of work checking over the platform. Most of that time was just spent coping down the runes all over the platform.
Alex was careful as he walked to the far edge of the platform to get one last picture of the Articuno symbol from an overhead angle. Erika was with him and was being just as careful having fallen on the ice once before today. Alex took the shot just as Erika slipped.
“Ahh.” She screamed as she fell hard on her backside. “Ow.” She whined. Alex knelt down to help her up. Just as he was about to get back up, he noticed something. There on the platform was visible crack and while it was small, it wasn't there before. A sound of a loose stone coming free from above caught everyone's attention as a few larger rocks hit the platform hard. Alex grabbed his daughter dropping the camera. Using the slippery surface to his advantage, Alex threw his weight back allowing his to slide to safety as another large rock came down.
Everyone's face turned to horror at the sound of further cracking rock, but it wasn't from the cliffs above. The just noticeable crack on the platform had gotten much larger as the far end of the platform began to shift. The slippery surface that has just saved Alex and his daughter now played against them as the far end started leaning towards the drop behind them.
“Daddy!” Erika's voice was of nothing but terror as they slid back despite Alex's efforts to climb. Johnson was too slow to throw a rope as the platform dipped further back. Erika gripped her father tighter and tighter having her first real experience in fear. This was never supposed to happen. It was meant to be a safe site, but turned into a real wake-up call to just how dangerous Alex's life was. Alex lost his footing sliding off the platform and down off the edge.
With no other options Alex did the only thing he could do. He summoned his spirit form. Eight bright green wings burst form his back as his eyes gave off their own green glow.
Erika wrapped her arms ever tighter around her father for dear life as he did the same to ensure his daughter lived. Aelita screamed out behind them from the platform and Johnson had to restrain her from diving after them.
With a mighty flap of his summoned wings, Alex slowed their descent fast enough just before hitting to avoid any serious injuries. It was still a rough landing, but it was safe. He took the fall hard, but by holding onto his daughter, prevented any harm from coming to Erika.
As his wings returned to his body, Alex gave off a bright white glow that engulfed his entire body. The wolf head necklace around his neck did the same.
From his face, he grow a small snout, from his fingers grew small claws. Pure white fur sprouted all over his body as a tail erupted from the base of his spine. His ears moved to the top of his head while new fangs grew in. His eyes were now deep velvet in color with red tinted pupils partially looking like a velvet rose. Where Alex once stood, there was now a fox looking much like a Ninetails, but with just one tail. The sapphire eyes of the wolf head necklace vanished as it returned to normal.
At last the light died down and Erika knew what had happened. Despite all her fear, she was easily able to tell that her father had not only saved her life, but also evolved as a result. This was not new to her; she had seen a few evolutions before. Her father was just the next one on list.
Alex looked himself not knowing what he was. His body was vastly different from what it used to be his senses seemed sharper and there was no pain in him what so ever.
“Alex?” Aelita screamed from her location unable to see her mate and child. “Erika?”
“We're fine.” Alex shouted as his daughter looked upon his new form.
“Daddy, you evolved?” She questioned.
“We'll meet you at the resort. It's just a short walk down the mountain.” Alex shouted. From where he had fallen, it would be about an hour's walk back to the resort if they were left alone, but it would still take time for the others to get back.
“We'll meet you there.” Johnson shouted. Aelita wasted no time and charged back through the forest path to the snowmobiles.
Alex once again looked over his new body. His leg appeared to be perfectly fine as fair as Alex could tell, but given that he had just taken on a new body, all he could rely on was how much pain he felt in the leg. “Erika, I need to get up.” Alex stated.
His voice was still his own which was a good thing. That would help give him some way to prove who he was. Aside for his daughter's word and his voice, there was no real way to truly prove who he was. Even answering questions that he should be the only to answer was no good anymore with the number of powerful psychic types who could acquire that information through the use of their abilities.
As Erika got off her father, Alex slowly stood. He appeared to have a mostly humanoid body with very similar muscles to his older body, which made using this new body easy. There were some pokemon that changed so much during a single evolution that they would basically be considered an infant and have to take baby steps to learn how to use their new body.
In his mind, his thoughts were storming about. What was he now? He appeared to be a werewolf of sorts, but not quite. There was just too much of a fox like appearance. He recalled old Ironhold runes depicting a fox like human. Of course everyone thought that this was just how those of the Ironhold religion viewed feral Ninetails with their tails all gathered up and painted as a single tail. Was it possible that those images weren't of the Pokemon Ninetails, but of another evolved human.
“Wow, daddy. You look so cool like that.” Erika was constantly walking around her father looking him over. “Now you got fur like me and mommy”
“I know.” Alex replied.
Alex spent the entire hour walking down the resort in confusion attempting to figure out how to explain to his mate and the rest of the team that he was Alex Whitewing. As for Erika, she spent the trip looking her father over making comments about how he looked so cool as a fox and kept asking what all he could do know. At last, Alex and his daughter stood before the resort. Both of them made their way in towards the central room of the resort where they could sit down and have some hot chocolate while they waited.
It was a partially painful wait for Alex. He couldn't stop thinking about how Aelita would react to this. Perhaps he really should have told her when he first got the suspicions that he might evolve. It was far too late now for that now though. Although his daughter seemed very happy by the idea, Alex wasn't so sure if he was.
Finally, after another hour since he arrived at the resort, Alex looked up out the window towards the mountain where he could see the small troop of snowmobiles coming in fast. Just like Alex knew she would, Aelita was fair deal ahead of the others. “It looks like there back.” Alex stated.
For fear that something may of happened despite what Alex had said, Aelita charged into the resort leaving her snowmobile running outside the front door. “Alex?” Aelita shouted. A quick scan of the room revealed Erika's location to her, but Alex had chosen his seat for a few reasons. The first that it allowed him to see the team before they saw him thanks to the window and second that even after they entered, he was hidden behind a pillar but Erika was clearly visible.
Alex took a few deep breaths as he heard Aelita run their way. “Erika, are you alright?” Aelita demanded as she rounded the corner.
“I'm fine.” Erika proudly stated with a smile on her face.
“Where's your father?” Aelita asked seeing Alex, but mistaking him for a Ninetails.
“Hey.” Alex replied, his voice a bit hesitant. “We've got a few things we need to talk about.”
“Huh?” Aelita looked over at Alex. “What's going on here?”
“Daddy evolved.” Erika shouted as Johnson and the others walked up.
“Alex?” Aelita took a hard look at Alex. Alex partially smiled at his mate, still unsure on her reactions.
“Yea, um.” Alex was at a loss on words on how to explain what had happened.
Johnson was the first to turn the corner and see Alex and Aelita looking at each other, but just like with Aelita, he didn't recognize Alex.
“Hey Johnson.” Alex turned to look at the explorer.
“Alex?” Johnson questioned. “You actually evolved? How?”
“I guess all I had to do was take on my spirit form. “ Alex quickly explained.
“Alex, what are you?” Aelita asked taking a seat next to him. She looked over his body. Aelita noticed a rather powerful resemblance to an anthro Ninetails, but he only had one tail.
“How should I know?” Alex replied. “There's no one to compare myself with. I don't even know what my abilities are much less how to use them.”
“Alex, ya alright mon?” Bryan asked as he rounded the corner. “Hold on, am I see dings or did ya evolve mon?”
“Yea, we're discussing that topic right now.” Alex informed Bryan.
“What do you mean…” Cheryl looked over at Alex as she rounded the corner with Justin and Andrew by her side.
“Well, this is different.” Justin replied. Out of the whole group, he was the only one who seemed to show no signs of confusion.
“I would have to agree.” Andrew stated his face showing that he was obviously trying to work out if Alex's evolution was even possible.
“Okay, I would suggest that we all head back to the cabins. We can discuss this further there.”
The team quickly made their way over to the cabin where Cheryl, Bryan, and Justin were staying in. Just like the rest of the group, both Vivian and Putanna were quite surprised by Alex's unexpected evolution. The team had almost forgotten about the site all together and the primary topic at hand was what had Alex involved into. It was a lot easier on Alex now that he knew everyone knew that he was himself. With the fear of them not accepting his new form gone, he was easily able to talk with the others. Still, there was a fair amount of fear left. He had no idea what he was anymore. At least in his human form, he had a general idea of what he was but not anymore.
The group talked back and forth discussing various ideas on what Alex was now. By the time the discussion had come to a close, the sun had already set, but the group had not gotten far. The only plausible idea at this point was that Alex was some sort of stage 2 evolution of a human. Alex's own theory of being the creature that many had mistaken for a Ninetails in the Ironhold religion was as close to anything as the group could come up with.
Seeing that they had gotten nowhere, Johnson made the choice to call it night and had everyone head back to their cabins for the night. They would have their site review meeting in the morning and then discuss any new theories they might think up that night on Alex's evolution.
As Alex headed for his cabin with Aelita at his side and his daughter walking beside them, Alex was still a bit worried. He couldn't help but think about what he had become.
As they got inside, Erika let out a short yawn. The day had been eventful for her and she was getting a bit tired.
Erika went straight to her room once in the cabin. As for Alex, he headed for the kitchen area and started up the coffee maker. Aelita knew that even though he had spent half a day talking about what he had become and trying to figure it out, he was still from okay with it. “Alex, are you sure your okay with this?” Aelita asked.
“I thought I had figured out what I was. Now I don't know anymore.” Alex responded.
“Alex, this is just another challenge for you. It's Johnson keeps telling you, there are some questions that you can only answer yourself. Just keep in mind sometimes, you get more questions then answers.” Aelita informed Alex hoping that she could use logic to help Alex some.
“That's right. Sometimes one answer will lead to thousand questions and the one question can lead to a thousand answers.” Alex sighed. “The real question then becomes what is the proper question to ask.”
“That's something only you can answer.” Aelita stated. “But come on. We can both use a relaxing shower right now. It's been a long day and you're going to need to learn who to take care of your new fur coat.”
“This is true.” Alex stated looking over his body once again.
“I guess we're going to need to buy some new shampoo and body wash when we get back cause I don't you're going to want to use mine.” Aelita stated.
“Even though I do like the smells of those scented body washes you use, I'd prefer a scentless one for myself.” Alex commented. “I don't think I can go around all day smelling like a velvet rose.” The thought of Alex smelling like velvet roses all day made Aelita smile.
Aelita and Alex both headed for the bathroom where they slowly got undressed. Not free of clothing, Alex took a good look over his body. The fur that covered his body was mostly short and soft, but it would don't keep Alex warm well into the night. A further look over his body showed obvious signs that he was now most definitely a canine class Pokemon now, which would provide him additional muscles and greater endurance.
Aelita showed Alex the basics of keeping a fine fur coat before they stopped the shower and got dressed again. Alex quickly found out that with his new body, he would need a new wardrobe as well. While some of his larger clothing articles fit, the smaller ones that used to fit him did not.
“We're in for a lot of changes.” Alex stated as he found a decent shirt to wear over his now larger chest. Even with the fur, Aelita could make out the basic shape of the muscles Alex had gained from evolving. She had to admit though, that this new form kind of turned her on a bit. Alex on the other hand was still quite worried. He already had to buy a new wardrobe, he would also have to custom order a sew head for his explorations, not mention that he would have to train himself in order to figure out what his new abilities were. He sighed again realizing that this evolution was truly going to take a long time to get used to.
“Hey Alex?” Aelita asked.
“Yes Aelita?' Alex looked over.
“You really need to calm down. Things will turn out just fine.” Aelita told her mate.
“And just how am I supposed to do that. It's not like that I know how to deal with this.” Alex took a seat on the edge of the bed. “I'm the only one of my kind and now I'm not even sure what that is. I mean I look like a Ninetails but I only have one tail.”
“I don't really care about you are.” Aelita calmly stated peaking Alex's interest. “All I care about is who you are and that's all that should matter to you as well.”
“You always seem to know just what to say.” Alex smiled for the first real time that day. While with many species, evolution was normal, for Alex, it was something a bit more then a shock. When other Pokemon evolved, they had a general idea of what they would become and in some cases even had a choice in what they wanted to be. “But you sure seem calm about this yourself. Don't tell me that you're perfectly alright with my new form.”
“I've learned to accept the unusual living with you.” Aelita replied. After seeing all of those dungeons and ruin sites and everything in them, not all of which has been explained, she learned to deal with things slowly rather then quickly. One of the most valued rules she learned was that a rushed job will lead to mistakes.
“I'll give ya that.” Alex said. He scooted back so that like his mate, his back was resting against the headboard of the bed.
“Its not going to be an easy thing to accept, but this is your body now.” Aelita told Alex. “Even though some Pokemon don't want to evolve, they sometimes do. It's just another part of how we live.”
“You really make it hard to put up an argument at times.” Alex looked at her as she smiled knowing that she had helped calm Alex down just a bit. “I guess I'll just go out and walk around for while and think this over for a bit.”
“I'd rather you stay here with me.” Aelita said giving a slight tug on Alex's arm when he went to get up.
“Alright, I'll stay here with you. Any real reason why though?” Alex asked.
“Because I know you. If you start thinking too deeply on this matter, you won't stop.” Aelita informed Alex who nodded his head knowing that could very well be true. “Besides, your new body looks very nice and I want to see the rest of it.” She smiled knowing just how to get Alex to clam down and she could deal with a small urge that had been building up since she was the in shower with him.
She gently started rubbing Alex's newly given sheath that now covered his rod.
Alex could slowly feel her working to clam him down in sense, but get him excited for something else. Before he could object saying something about everything that he had on his mind, Aelita placed her lips over his. Seeing that Aelita was going to be persistent about not letting think this over right now, he gave in.
Alex began to kiss his mate back as she slid her hands under his shirt to help him remove it. Knowing that she gotten his attention now, she smiled as she removed her top. Slowly, she began to slip her pants down reveal her black panties. They kissed again as Alex removed his pants. “Prove to me that you my mate.” Aelita asked quietly.
Alex just smiled as he gently began to rub her back right along her shoulder blades. Like every time he had done this before. Aelita completely relaxed under his touch despite the slight change she felt. With his new hands, Alex was easily able to gently, yet firmly rub her back causing her to lean onto him. Whilst rubbing her back, his other hand slowly undid the clasp to her black bra. She just laid down on his chest under his careful touch as he continued to rub her shoulder blades. “So, are there any doubts left about who I am?” Alex asked.
“No.” Aelita purred.
Despite how relaxed she was, she knew that this was meant calm Alex's mind. She gently lifted herself up leaving her bra still resting on Alex's chest. She picked it up and threw it off to the side. She kissed Alex again as she now stood on her knees above Alex. She slowly began to slide off her panties as Alex slid off his boxers. “Now that won't work.” Aelita stated as the last of their clothes came off. Alex's member had only partially surfaced from its sheath. Aelita leaned back some so that her thighs rested on her ankles. She reach forward with one arm began to rub Alex's sheath again to coax out his member. It didn't take long for Alex's new length to come out. Both were quite surprised by the size. With this one evolution, Alex had nearly doubled in size.
With his member now all the way out, Aelita pulled Alex up to a sitting position as she laid back. “I'm ready when you are.”
Alex adjusted himself so that he could enter his love. She gently wrapped her legs around to get him to continue. As Alex began to penetrate his mate, he could feel the pleasure take over the doubt. Aelita was also experiencing the same pleasure as Alex. As Alex hilted his new rob in Aelita, he made the attempt to expand his spirit energy into her, but found it a bit hard for the first few seconds. Once the connection was made however, it was easy to maintain.
Alex slowly pulled himself out and slid back in. With one hand, gently rubbed the valley between Aelita's breasts while he used his other hand to lift up her bottom to allow himself better entry. Alex continued like this, slow and steady working like he always had to make sure Aelita was feeling as much if not more pleasure the he was.
Aelita soon moved her hips in sync with his. Both of them were now lost in each other. With their spirit based link between them, they both felt what the other felt increasing their own pleasure. By the time Aelita was getting close to her climax, Alex was barely tired out. His new body had presented him with all sort of energy, which was now getting put to good use. Aelita climaxed, her pussy clamping down hard on its welcome invader. It worked hard to milk Alex for his seed, but didn't secede just yet. Alex's knot was just start to form, but neither of them took note of this yet.
As Alex continued, Aelita was in heaven. Having already cum once and well on her way to a second time, Alex was still going it at adding to her pleasure. Then Aelita started to feel Alex's knot start to enter and leave her pussy. With each thrust it was just a bit bigger. She was so lost however that she failed to realize where this would leave them.
Alex continued to thrust deep into his mate, each time reaching the furthest depths he could. As his knot kept on expanding as he prepared for his release, Aelita was stretched open just a bit more. At last, Aelita had cum for a second time and this time, she was determined to get Alex to join her. Her pussy worked harder then ever before acting almost like a flexing vice to get the seed it so badly wanted. As Alex continued to slam into his mate, he met some resistance trying to fit his knot in. With one final thrust, his fully grown knot popped into Aelita's warmth where it refused to come out. Now tied together, Alex buried his seed deep into Aelita's womb.
Alex collapsed onto his mate and rolled over pulling her on top of him. They lay there for several minutes resting in each other's arms. Aelita was the first to try to move only to look down and realize that they were tied. “I guess we're stuck with each other.” Aelita lightly moved her hips, but quickly found that they were firmly tied.
“Well, this is new.” Alex stated.
“Oh well, I couldn't ask for a better mate anyway.” Aelita smiled laying back down. She grabbed the blanket and covered the two of them up. The two of them talked for a while before they fell asleep.
After his night of peace and relaxation, Alex had calmed down considerably. Taking Aelita's view on the matter, he would wait and see how this new body of his was before making a judgment on it. In any event, he knew that he must live with it. While the morning had been spent with the post site meeting, the afternoon was free marking the first day of the team's real vacation. With a good ten days left, the team was sure to make the most of it. While Bryan, Andrew, and Justin deciding to go skiing, Erika decided that she wanted to try sledding while Cheryl gave snowboarding a try. As for Vivian, Putanna, and Johnson all decided to see what activities were at the resort while Alex and Aelita went to the cliffs to do a bit of climbing.
“Alright, let's see what this body can do.” Alex exclaimed as he neared the cliffs with the rest of the group that had come with them. Taking it easy, Alex and Aelita choose to join one of the easier hiking courses with group of other Pokemon. While Aelita easily made to the top faster then anyone else, Alex took a bit more time still getting use to just how his new body worked.
Thanks to his claws and new muscles, Alex found it much easier to climb then he thought, but he still took his time on the first climb.
The next part of the hike was a small trek up the mountain towards a cave. Alex walked with Aelita, both of them taking in the views around them. It had been over two years since they had seen a real winter and with the calm weather around them, they respected the beauty of winter. It got the point however that Alex undid his winter coat.
“Alex? Aren't you cold?” Aelita asked as they made it to the cave.
“I'm actually a bit warm.” He replied. “I guess this is a stronger fur coat then I first thought.”
“That could be. It may be soft and short, it packed to together nicely.” Aelita commented.
As the group started to make their way through the cave, light levels were dimmed a bit, but Alex seemed to have moderate vision in the caves. Of course his eyes were still no match for the Glameow's that traveled with the group. As the group entered the midpoint of the cave system, the group entered a chamber of ice.
“Everyone watch you step.” The leader of the group announced. Light seemed to bounce off every surface lighting the room up wonderfully. Everyone except for Alex and a Glaceon in the group also felt a slight drop in the temperature. “This room is the coldest place on the mountain. The seven tunnels which provide light to this chamber all bring the winds with them were the collect in this room. It's said that on days with a light snow, the snow collects in some pretty fancy shapes near the ceiling.”
After spending a while in the chamber, people decided that it was time to start moving again.
As the group made it out of the cave, another small cliff lay before them. Like before Aelita lead the group up the cliff while Alex was more towards the middle. Once on top of the cliff, the group started down a small slope towards a forest path. While the forest path was nice and quite, the group was amazed to see the sight on the other side. There before was a frozen waterfall. It looked like it had been a very gently flowing fall as the ice was almost smooth. Behind the frozen fall was a small cavern that like the chamber in the cave was lined with ice. With the sun in its current position, it gleamed right through the falls hitting the wall on the far side. There in the ice coated were an assortment of sparkling objects, and while the gleamed brightly thanks to the light, not one of them could be clearly made out.
“Now here's a sight. It's said that all of those objects in the wall are just pieces of wine bottles. The story goes that some guy about twenty years back was caught here beneath an avalanche with nothing but wine and beer to drink. To pass the time, they say he carefully melted the ice and placed the glass shards all over the wall.” The leader explained. “According to the story, his partner then froze the glass in place. Now what really makes it strange that while they both died, there was a note scratched into the wall claiming that anyone able to decode this wall would find a treasure map hidden in this room. Of course, no one's ever found it.”
Alex and Aelita just looked at each other thinking about whether or not they wanted to try their luck. In the end, they decided against it and just continued with the group.
Now on the last stretch of their trip, the group had to hike down a small crevice in the mountain. This time, Alex was the first one down, although not by logical means. He tripped just a bit, but rather then fall back, Alex leaned forward for some unknown reason. He surprised everyone there including himself by gracefully landing on the bottom after a series of well timed jumps and flips down the mountainside. He chose to walk in the back of the group as they began their short walk back to the resort.
“Okay, I have no idea how I did that.” Alex said to himself.
“That was amazing.” Aelita complemented him. “How did you do that?”
“I started to slip… and I just went with it. I don't know how, but I'm not too sure I want to try that again.” Alex stated as he looked up the mountain towards the ski slopes. He could make out Bryan's large form and Cheryl's pink snowsuit. “Well, I think they're having fun.”
“Come on, let's grab some hot chocolate. I'm getting cold. Aren't you?” Aelita stated.
“No, even having my jacket open for the whole hike, I'm still comfortable.” Alex replied.
As Alex and Aelita walked into the resort, they could already see Johnson, Vivian, Andrew, and Putanna all talking with each other towards one corner of the room. Vivian Alex and Aelita and waved them over.
“Hey, how did your hike go?” Johnson asked. “I assume it went well.”
“Well, I don't see this body being a problem for hiking or ruins.” Alex exclaimed. “I've still got to figure what my new abilities are, but I've still got plenty of time to do that.”
“I'm glad to hear this. I wouldn't want to lose one of my best team members.” Johnson stated.
“Come on, you guys must be cold. I'll get you some hot chocolate.” Justin offered.
“Thank you.” Aelita said as she took a seat.
“I'm doing pretty good actually. Either this fur coat is really good or I may be an Ice type.” Alex informed the group.
“We'll have to have that checked out. Luckily for us, there are a few elemental types that a blood test can confirm and Ice is one of them.”
“That is true. All Ice type have a natural anti-freeze like chemical in their blood.” Alex recalled the lessons he read about when trying to figure out what exactly he was long ago.
Everyone met for supper that night in the large cabin. This time, Alex decided to make dinner where he found out that claws are a very useful thing to have. He was easily able to open the cans of preserved sauce with them and easily cut through the plastic of a bag that didn't want to open. Still, dinner turned out fine and everyone spent the night talking and having a good time. Even Alex was getting back into the base flow of things thanks to Aelita.
As the night started, everyone returned to their cabins.
With the morning sun, the first complete day of vacation for the crew was underway and everyone already had an idea on how to spend it. Aelita had decided that it was her turn to do some skiing while Alex borrowed a snowboard to keep up with his daughter's sled. It wasn't as easy as Alex thought however and took him half the day to actually learn to stay on the board. Cheryl had a few good laughs along with Erika watching Alex on his few several attempts on the snowboard.
“Okay, let's try this again.” Alex said as he stood up on the board. Beside him, Erika was getting ready to sled down the again on the round sled her father had rented for her. Cheryl just looked over as Alex got ready.
“I'll meet ya down at bottom.” She said as she started down the slope taking it easy. Oddly enough, it was her second set of jaws that she used the most to keep her balance. This gave Alex an idea as he looked to his own tail.
“Let's go.” Alex told his daughter who took a running start and jumped onto the sled.
Alex quickly started down after her, this time attempting to use his tail to keep his balance rather then just keep it wrapped around his waist. This time, by using his tail, either leaning it to his left or right, he was able to his balance as he sped down the mountain beside his daughter. An unseen tree limb just barely sticking out of the snow however was all it took to ruin his good run. The front end of the board hit it causing it to jolt up just a bit. Alex unaware of what had just happened leaned too far to right causing him to land on his chest and slide a short ways down the mountain before coming to a stop at the bottom, his face covered in snow. “And I almost had it.” He sighed.
As the group decided to head in for some hot chocolate, they were surprised to see Bryan with someone.
“So, Bryan. Who's this?” Alex asked taking a seat next to the Aggron.
“Guys, dis be Ellen. She be spending da next week up here finishing up the da new pamphlets for da resort.” Bryan motioned over to the Shiny Smeargle who had taken a seat behind. Her blue tipped tail rested around her waist as she smiled at the group.
“Wow, it's certainly a surprise to meet you Cheryl. I've read a lot about you.” Ellen nodded her head. “But who is this?” She looked over at Alex.
“I'm Alex Whitewing.” Alex informed her. “And this is my daughter Erika.”
“Your tail is all wet. Is that really paint?” Erika asked having not seen a Smeargle before.
Ellen laughed a bit. “Yea that's really paint, but I thought Alex was human.”
“Well, he used to be until two days ago.” Cheryl informed Ellen.
“You're not telling me that he evolved are you?” Ellen asked.
“Yea, I evolved.” Alex stated.
“The media are going to have a field day with that.” Ellen stated.
“Oh crap.” Alex had completely forgotten about the media. “This is going to be a nightmare when I get back.”
“It can't be dat bad. You've survived da worst of it when ya first made yourself known.” Bryan countered.
“I certainly hope so.” Alex stated as he looked at Erika who was inspecting Ellen's tail.
After having spent a while talking with Bryan and Ellen, Alex and Erika headed back out to get in a few more runs before the sunset. While Alex had learned to keep his balance, he was still a far ways off from performing any tricks or jumps on the snowboard.
As another day came to a close, the crew returned to their cabins.
The rest of the vacation was spent having fun and just enjoying the free time. While Johnson and Putanna may have spent it together, it was still impossible to tell if they were anything more then friends at this point. Bryan however seemed to have something started with Ellen and everyone was surprised to hear that Ellen lived near Kartonu City majoring as an artist in a nearby city college.
With their vacation spent, the team gathered up their things and prepared to return to their daily lives. Bryan had of course set up a meeting with Ellen a few days after she was to return back to Gelgon City.
As the crew finished packing up, Johnson took care of a few last minute things with Alex's help. Since Alex had evolved, this meant that he would need a whole new set of ID papers and registry cards. By calling ahead in advance, Johnson saw to it that the entire list of documents Alex would need to fill out concerning his new form would all be waiting for him back at the pent house. With that last detail taken care of, the group all returned to their cabins for the last night at the resort.
With the morning sun, everyone gathered up there packed belongings and returned to the airfield. Ellen said good-bye to Bryan knowing that they would meet up again soon enough. Once the plane was packed and everyone was set, the plane took off. Like normal Erika was by the window pointing out the sights, even the smallest ones, to the crew as they flew by. She was always so eager to point things. And like always, Erika made the announcement when Kartonu City came into view.
As the plane set down, everything was fine. The crew loaded up the two HUMMERs they had taken with them before returning to the Dragon's Den. Just like Alex expected, none of the staff recognized him, but they did get the memo about his new body. It was luck that Alex wasn't recognized b the few reporters they had passed on the way there. Everyone knew however that once his new body was common knowledge, there would be a flood of reporters and it would just be another head line that they cared nothing about.
Alex was quick to get on filling out his new identification forms. Once they were filled out, Alex and Aelita both headed down to the local ID Center to have the forms finalized and get his new ID. One of the fortunate things about living in the current world made it easy to get new licenses. Then again, with fact that a massive number of various Pokemon had evolutionary forms, changes had to be made anyway. With Aelita there to prove his story, Alex was able to get his new ID and registry papers with in the hour.
With new ID and papers in hand, Alex and Aelita returned to the Dragon's Den. They spent a few nights there before returning back home to the mountain outside Nenwill.
I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while, just not feeling it. I'll also be rewriting chapter 8 in a while. I'm hoping to get back on track soon.