Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ WTF! ❯ WTF! Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

WTF! 1 by Kelvin's Choice


Pokemon is a copyright of Nintendo. Pokègirls and Pokèwomen come from the Pokewomon Forum at http://disc.server.com/Indices/169881.html.

"Wild Horses and Pokègirls" is the creation of Metroanime.

C&C, MSTs are welcome E-mail: kelvins.choice@comcast.net or kelvins.choice@att.net

WTF! 1 by Kelvin's Choice

_ _ _ It began when we found that dead Team Rocket idiot. I know he was an idiot, Because I easily defeated, captured and controlled what killed him. And it wasn't that difficult. Dangerous, unhealthy, and vicious yes; difficult no. I smirked down at what had killed him, and had tried to kill me. The others want me to just slit your throat, or shove a stick of dynamite up your twat and set it off, I thought, letting my expression betray my calm resolve, Neither will really solve the problem, will it?

_ _ _ I could hear the muffled whimpering, the faint clink of the chains that bound her to the main reason we'd stopped here, massive stumps, one for her wrists, and another for her feet. I could also smell the familiar mix of scents that came off her at such times. She knew what was coming, and knew she was helpless to do anything about it.

_ _ _ You think you can get loose and do something? When I'm done with you, even if your life depended on it, you won't be able to move! Dangerous, but not difficult, I thought.

_ _ _ Normally, I don't go in for this sort of thing. It is however, occasionally necessary, I thought as I examined the tools I had prepared, And two such reasons have made it more than doubly necessary. The length of pipe was capped at both ends and had a rawhide-wrapped handgrip inboard of the cap at both ends. I felt the shift in the balance as I raised it and the clattering sounds of the lead shot inside falling/rolling towards my hand.

_ _ _ With no warning, I swung down hard, catching her leg just under the knee. On a human, or even on most Pokègirls, I thought, as I remembered the pattern I'd worked out with my Harem, That's a broken leg, or a dislocated knee, or both. Due to her gag, she could only managed muffled screams. She now had no doubts what I had in mind. That knowledge made her cries and struggles more animated, but my girls knew how to implement restraints, even makeshift ones like those chains. I think Eloise enjoyed making them as tight as possible, stretching you out uncomfortably, I thought and allowed myself a smile at that, If she could have, she would have ripped your arms from their sockets, just to get your attention. How you inspire such hatred in her, is amazing. A second swing connected with her other leg, right on the knee this time. A shattered knee cap will cripple most girls, and tough as Pokègirls are, they can be reduced to pulp, if you are diligent, I thought, I'll be able to unchain you, and do whatever I want to you, when I've finished. Not that I'll want to do much of anything with you when I'm done. But the girls have such high hopes and elaborate schemes. My girls had caught her, but I'd finished her off in that battle. I lowered the weighted pipe, tapping her leg, advancing from her battered knees, inch by inch, inside, top, outside, top, inside, top, outside, troubling her about what was going to happen next. She whimpered and squirmed, but I had my plan in mind, and nothing she consciously did, would alter it. The clink of her taut chains intensified as I drew close to what we both knew was my ultimate destination. Except I have a little detour in mind, I didn't warn her. There are nerve clusters in the outer thigh. A solid blow there hurts a lot. I swung with all my might at one, stepped over her writhing form, oblivious to her screams, and pounded the second. For a moment she lay still, no rustling leaves, no clinking chains, no little noises. She'd flipped herself over, incidently taking any slack out of the chains holding her. She's realized I could just turn her over and over until either the stumps give, or her joints do, I thought as I grinned at her, and the target she'd presented, Sometimes you just have to adjust your plans and go with what the universe presents. I had a length of finger-thick wire rope as part of my kit. I whipped it through the air, unable to get the supersonic 'crack', but it made an interesting noise nonetheless. I know she is staring, waiting, and not knowing, I thought as I whirled it over my head, But she'd be stupid if she didn't figure it out. Her struggles flip her over on her back, before I can really get to the bottom of things. So I take up the pipe again.

_ _ _ On my other girls, I sometimes draw things out, far gentler things than this, I thought as I tapped and stroked the tops of her legs with the pipe, But with this one, a certain momentum is needed. Giving her a moment to think clearly would be dangerous. I slipped the end of the pipe between her legs, and I feel her writhing on the ground at the prospect of what will come next. The bindings don't let her close her legs completely, so she struggled to keep the pipe at a distance as she rubs her legs together. She struggled in vain. I could turn and twist the pipe, slowly worm its way to the target, as her muffled pleas and struggles grew more frantic.

_ _ _ As the pole just touched her crotch, again she's still. If I could see her face, I would know she would be begging me. If she were ungagged, she would be telling me to either do it, or not to. But it's not a blow to the crotch, or my shoving it in her I have in mind, I thought as I let her expectations drag out, Surprise and uncertainty are what I need here, besides, I other plans for that later. I rubbed the rawhide binding of the pipe up and down on her clenched inner thighs, moving slowly, teasingly knee-wards, then back upwards. She stretched to close her legs to increase the friction, as well as trying to catch the rawhide and hold it against her. I heard the stumps groan as it became a contest between the ancient wood and her muscles. I let her, as I sit astride her hips. Her bucking hips felt almost like a Ponytaur on a gentle walk as she twisted and ground herself onto that gentle pressure. I kept rubbing, letting her lose herself.

_ _ _ The sudden outrush of breath from my punch in her gut told me she hadn't expected the change back to violence. I felt her curling under me, trying to protect her exposed stomach and get her breath back. I adjusted so I could keep rubbing, while with my other hand, land blow after blow into her yielding gut. She whimpered as she twisted, trying to get enough play to roll her belly out of my reach, but with the chains, the pipe as leverage and my weight across her hips, she couldn't move far enough to keep me from using her as a heavy bag. As my hand began to throb from the impacts, I eased off her stomach, but I also stopped gently rubbing her crotch.

_ _ _ Putting the pipe aside, I made sure I didn't touch the rawhide wrapping. I could smell what she's left on it. I transferred my weight to her abused belly and wrapped my legs tightly around her small waist. I knew I wasn't anywhere near strong enough to strangle her that way. I was just making her work harder to breath against my weight and grip, and I was preparing for what I'd do next. I reached for and stroked her nipples, and could feel her racing pulse through the steel hard nubs between my fingers. Pinching and rolling them gently, I thought, Whoever you killed was an idiot. It was so easy to catch you, and even easier to keep you in your place.

_ _ _ Next, I braced the edge of my hand against her aureolae and pull on her nipples, hard. The pleased little moans and gentle undulations ended with an outraged squark and the beginning of a ride more like the bronco busters of old. I upped it to crushing them between my thumb and forefinger, and pulling on them hard. The noises through the gag and the clatter of the chains made the depth of her reaction clear. Her pitching side to side didn't distract me either. The sound of splintering wood and the stumps pulling their way out of the ground showed the strength of her reaction.

_ _ _ Her bucking and squirming slid me forward, until I could have pulled my shorts down and thrust between her melons to feel the warm softness envelope me until I sprayed in her face. Another pleasant, though a far darker image appears in my head as I get harder, bouncing against her tits, If only I could get truly hard, harder than steel and shape my dick into a blade. Then shove it into her bellybutton, and rip her open from navel to sternum and scatter her guts for the ants and the Ferals to eat. I put the image aside, for all the logical reasons, and for several emotional ones. Most importantly, killing her quickly would spoil my plans.

_ _ _ Her smooth warm skin sliding on my inner thighs was all I allowed myself for the moment. I continued rolling and stretching her nipples as I had while her cries faded to whimpers. She knew she couldn't throw me off, so her struggles subsided, although her whimpering did not. After a time, I leave her abused nipples alone, remembering that I have to keep her off balance. This time, I will ramp thing up, instead of changing tacks. I let her watch me pull on my gloves, and the whole ride gets new life.

_ _ _ The gloves were meant as a bit of a joke, I remembered. Leather, of what kind I neither knew nor cared, I can't possibly help her, whoever she was, But on each finger, a steel strip like a Kitten's claw. With a bit of reinforcing and diligent sharpening, they still aren't useful in a hand to hand fight, I thought as I pulled them tight, and heard the girl gasp, But they've become something infinitely more useful.

_ _ _ I wanted everyone to hear, one person especially, so I pulled the girl's gag off. I don't really have to worry about her trying to bite me now, I thought. "You remember these?" I asked smoothly.

_ _ _ "Please, please," she pleaded as she squirmed underneath me, her voice thick with emotion. She knew, or suspected what was coming.

_ _ _ I ran the unsharpened back of the claws across her throat. I felt her frantic breathing as it bounced her tits between my legs, and her triphammer pulse when my fingers passed over her throat, as all her attention and anxiety concentrated on what I might do next. Frankly, I thought, I want maximum response.

_ _ _ "Do you remember these?" I asked again, as the tips crossed her throat. Through the gloves I felt her neck tighten up. She doesn't dare breathe, she feels the sharpness and pressure, although it isn't hard enough to even scratch, yet, I interpreted, But if she breathes? I made little circles near the most vital blood vessels. She stiffens again. A puncture in one of those, and even a Pokècenter with a NurseJoy standing by won't save you, I thought. When they are no longer life-threatening and I stroke the back of my hand across her throat, she nods, still holding her breath.

_ _ _ I leisurely reached back. I heard the rustling of the bracken as she tried not to move her body and still peer around me to see where my hand was going, without me feeling or hearing she was doing that. As if she could fool me that way. Will I scratch up her thigh? I knew she was asking herself, Will I do more? My other hand rested on her breast, kneading that soft mound. Occasionally the tips pricked her skin. She gasped, but that was all, she knew it was a diversion.

_ _ _ When she felt the two claw tips prick the lips of her labia, she arched her back, straining at the chains. "Don't - don't - don't - " she panted.

_ _ _ You hurt my girls. Now I'll break you, so you can serve my goals, I thought as pressed hard and yanked straight up.

_ _ _ The screech she let out could raise the dead, as she nearly pulled the stumps clear out of the ground.

_ _ _ There is a monster here, Eloise thought as she listened to the echoes, then glanced down at the young human girl bound and gagged at her feet, Two monsters, she corrected herself.

_ _ _ The screams of exaltation as her Master brought that damned Damsel of darkness to orgasm again and again lacerated the NurseJoy's soul. Why doesn't he simply kill her, or let us? She glanced at her Harem-sisters who seemed willing to assist her. She tried to kill you, my Master. She insults you, and she will never be the evolution you hope she will be. A dozen other girls would be better served as our Harem-sisters, and your Pokègirls.

_ _ _ She looked down at the human girl, who despite her bonds and gag, seemed to be trying to suck her thumb. And this one is a bigger monster than the other one, the NurseJoy sighed and considered what they would be facing in the days, weeks and months ahead, This hellion was unraised by her `Progressive` parents, until they couldn't control her violent outbursts and she seriously wounded one of her `playmates`, one of the more frequent victims of her bullying. So instead of owning up to their duties and fixing their problem, they foist her off on the `Black Kung-Ewe` of the family, my Master, and us. So we are saddled with a bully who has had nine years of the world revolving around her and absolutely no consequences for her actions, and a monster in the shape of beautiful Pokègirl. I'm not jealous of her figure. She might as well be a rock for all the sexual pleasure she gives to our Master.

_ _ _ The Damsel cried out again as her Master wrenched her tits up and slashed the claws against her invulnerable flesh. Eloise frowned at that. No, you couldn't ever be satisfied with a regular Taming, his hands caressing and massaging your flesh. Sensitizing you with little tickles and kisses until you're ready to throw him down, suck him hard and thrust yourself atop him. But if you can endure . . . she sighed and rubbed her thighs together in unwitting mimicry of the Damsel's earlier struggles, No, you only get off by humiliation, by knowing that his blows and torture are useless, but to you, it's as good as a Taming. To you it is Taming, humiliating my Master. She fumed again as the Damsel let the world know she was being thoroughly Tamed, and was quite satisfied by her Master's efforts.

_ _ _ Eloise smiled as she realized the little baggage hadn't recognized that the screams were orgiastic, not tormented. Now who has to turn her back into a human being from a Feral in all but name? The outcast and embarrassment to the family of course! That's who! She wanted to howl herself at the unfairness of the universe, But it would spoil my Master's plan, and this is the first lesson to the young ear-ripper who needs a crash course in the harshness of the real world, before she becomes completely irretrievable. I just wish I could take him aside and Tame him right now, he'll need it. And the rest of the Harem can service that . . . abomination, she thought sadly, Just a little poison, no one would know . . . except me, and my Master would figure it out, and that would hurt him worst than she has.

_ _ _ The Damsel had nearly screamed herself hoarse as the claws played over her body without leaving a trace of the wounds or blood her cries would seem to imply. Not even a scratch. A display that would have gotten me arrested for abuse in even the most sadistic League, was just foreplay. I've never met, I've never heard of a Pokègirl who got so turned on by a beating that failed to do any damage, I thought as I scratched across her throat, Except that might be her kink.

_ _ _ I felt more than a little dirty at doing this, Even if it is only play, and gossamer play from her point of view. I remembered the battle where she `introduced` herself , as I packed the gloves away and replaced them with the careful tape job Eloise taught me. She lay gasping for air, desperately trying to get her breath. I slid back to sit astride her hips. Her breast bouncing and stomach heaving.

_ _ _ As she finished her exhale, I smashed my fist into her gut. She let out a little gasping cry. I wait for that to subside and for her to try to inhale, then strike with my other fist. I briefly consider raining blows down on her tits, Drive my fists deep into those massive breasts. But giving into that, just trying to deliver pain, will lead down a path I want to avoid.

_ _ _ She stretched, nearly dislocating her shoulders and hips, to thrust her belly up at me. I could feel her quivering with the effort of holding it there. Presenting it as a challenge and a target. I accept. I drove blow after blow into that taut, trembling, little tummy, letting her barking cough between blows mark each of her mini-orgasms. My shorts are also straining worse and worse, as disgusted as I am by what I am doing, I can't help but be aroused by it too. Growing harder and harder with each punch and gasp.

_ _ _ Eloise heard the Damsel squeaking as her Master wore her down. Stupid, you think you're winning. If this was a battle, you'd already have lost! No matter how tough or unflagging you are, or how high your libido, giving her 50 to 60 minigasms, and 5 to 6 big ones, will take the starch out of any Pokègirl, she thought, In a real fight, you'd be totally helpless. Durable as you are, once my Master finishes with you, a Titmouse could drown you!

_ _ _ When the Damsel finally sagged and lay quivering at her Master's feet, Eloise ungagged the monster at her feet, and carried her to the Damsel. Her Harem-sisters had already covered the Damsel with a blanket, not to protect the sweaty, exhausted girl from the chill of the night or to protect her privacy, but to disguise that she hadn't been stripped naked or beaten to a pulp. Eloise untied the girl when they arrived. The blanket-wrapped Pokègirl could barely raise her head. Their new burden tearfully looked from the Pokègirl, to Eloise's Master, and back again, clearly misinterpreting what she was seeing.

_ _ _ "How could you!?" the child screeched as the first cracks in her invulnerability pained her terribly.

_ _ _ "Like I told you. When either of you misbehaves, both of you will be punished," her Master told them, "You don't have a free ride anymore. I won't give you a time-out or a scolding. You disobey or run away, I'll let the Ferals eat you." He looked down at the dark Damsel. "You fail to keep her in line, and I'll let you go Feral and you know what you'll do to her if we lock you in a room together. Do you both understand?"

_ _ _ Both of the monsters nodded.

_ _ _ "Take her back to her tent and put her in there, Dancer," he told the Herokapoeraa, "Harpy, Madge, when you're done, put her new guardian in the tent with the supplies."

_ _ _ The Herokapoeraa gave her Master and Eloise an unreadable look, and took the girl away. The Valkyrie and the Harpy nodded.

_ _ _ "So Rack-Sasha, I am to protect her from your depredations?" the Damsel asked with a sneer, still barely able to raise her head from the ground.

_ _ _ Harpy looked ready to tear the Damsel to pieces for the insult.

_ _ _ "No you idiot, you are going to have to protect her from herself," their Master said with a friendly smile, "Or until she kills you. Then I'll have a drink, and a barbeque party." The smile vanished as he stood up.

_ _ _ Eloise led him away, to her tent. While I am not his Alpha, Whisper is, Eloise thought as she took his arm, as she often did when they walked, I can soothe him better than she.

_ _ _ The huge Francinestein did come up to him, and enfolded him in a hug that he clearly looked wretched at receiving, as if he doesn't deserve it. Whisper gave Eloise a meaningful look. Telling me to do my best to heal his body and soul, the Nurse Joy thought, 'Later,' she mouthed.

_ _ _ The huge Pokègirl, assembled from over half-dozen Coyotits, giving her fur a patchy look almost like a camouflage pattern, nuzzled her beloved Master again, before walking away. Leaving the pair to continue.

_ _ _ Just tear out her heart, Eloise wanted to shout to her, but restrained herself, When I get him in my tent, and get him seated, I'll begin my work. In her tent was pair of air mattresses piled atop each other, dominating the space the tent afforded.

_ _ _ She smiled as she thought of it. I hated sleeping and worse being Tamed on the ground, she considered briefly just tossing him on the stacked mattresses, Dirt and debris would get into places it really didn't belong. So we got that old air mattress, and I filled it until it was springy. She smiled wickedly at the memory, Until we popped it too much to patch. Back when he wasn't quite so tentative. The replacement from Silky Doll was guaranteed as tough as Dragonslave underwear. Now she really smiled. Although we popped one of those too, when all of us had a Taming frenzy on it. Silky Doll was so amazed that anyone could manage that, they sent out two replacements and a set of instructions. Since then, no problems. She regarded her Master and considered how to make the last truly true.

_ _ _ Now that they were alone, she let her dress fall. While he cannot see what I've done, he's heard the cloth fall, and he knows I am willing, nay, eager to accept him. She kept her hat on. Not because it makes any difference to him, but because it reminds me of my duty is first as a healer. My duty as a lover and Harem-sister comes later.

_ _ _ She ignored the enormous tent in her Master's shorts, knowing in part that was what troubled him. Not that he seeks the release, she thought, But what caused it. You are not a cruel man Master! The bindings on his hands protected them, but didn't prevent the bloody abrasions. She drew his hand up, his forearms against her breasts, bowing her head over his hands, thus placing her hair nearer to him. Let him smell the jasmine shampoo, and my own pheremones, she thought as she tenderly licked the blood from his hands. Her healing power leaving only unbroken, undamaged skin where her tongue has gone.

_ _ _ While I love the taste of my Master, the clean saltiness of his sweat and blood, the feeling of power in his calloused hands, she thought while wrestling for self control, I must continue my healing, no matter the presence of his erection and the smell of sex on him makes my body scream for a Taming. The vaguely rough softness of her tongue and the suggestive way she played it over his fingers, made his tent grow, and grow. Now that I've finished dealing with the injuries to his body, I can appreciate it and start on the injuries to his soul. And he's beginning to react, Eloise thought happily, As I want, and both of us need. She reached for his shorts.

_ _ _ When he felt the tug, he grabbed her hands. "I- "

_ _ _ He cannot say 'I am unworthy', but I know what he is thinking. "You did not respond to hurting a Pokègirl. Your excitement just mirrored her own. The best aphrodisiac is a responsive partner," she told him, slipping her hands out of his, and pulling down his shorts and underwear in a smooth movement. She was nearly mesmerized as his erection was revealed, pulled down along with the waist band, then snapping back up, bobbing slightly. I WANT! her thoughts screamed as she felt her own juices flowing. "You should see this," she teased, "It requires immediate treatment."

_ _ _ "I've been blind since birth," he reminded her, "You know that."

_ _ _ "Yes, well, I'm prescribing total immersion therapy with vigorous massage and I shall try to suck out the poison."

_ _ _ "I thought aspirin was the prescribed treatment for swelling," he teased as she guided him to lay back on her bed.

_ _ _ Her Master flopped onto the half-inflated top mattress, which was only slightly springy, and sank nearly onto the second, which was filled to rock hardness. When she climbed on, the mattress moved him up as her weight displaced more air. She took her hat off, and placed it on his chest, signifying she wasn't his nurse anymore, but his lover.

_ _ _ She looked at his body, and enjoyed what she saw, even more when he reached out to touch hers. Running his hands over her skin, giving her pleasure and promising more, but his expression was one of apprehension, not lust. Eloise knelt looking down at her Master. From his expression, I almost feel that I'll be raping him, she thought of his apprehension, I want a thorough Taming, even if it is a little rough. Rough would be fine, but his tepidness is driving me crazy, I can't even guess how Madge and Harpy feel about this. I know they're taking it out on our guest, but I'm not allowed to do that. I - AWK!

_ _ _ Someone had picked her up and tossed her away. Since she's felt the leathery palms and had landed on her feet, she knew it was, "Whisper, what are- ?"

_ _ _ The powerful girl had pulled their Master into beginnings of a submission wrestling hold, her legs wrapped around his and him lying atop her. Before Eloise could move out of reach or protest, Whisper grabbed her leg, and pulled her close. Then the Francinestein folded the NurseJoy's legs and body at their joints like a jackknife, her knees pressing tightly against her breasts.

_ _ _ Eloise gasped as Whisper lowered her onto their Master. The NurseJoy savored their Master's hard cock inside her, but the Francinestein had other ideas.

_ _ _ "Fastest," the huge girl whispered.

_ _ _ As Whisper moved Eloise up and down on their Master's cock so fast her whole body jiggled, she worried, If my breasts weren't squashed in place, they'd be slapping me in the face.

_ _ _ Eloise tried to speak, but all she could manage were higher and higher pitched gasps, as the Francinestein showed her power and precision, by adjusting the NurseJoy's and their Master's posture and angle.

_ _ _ Oh that vein! Eloise thought madly as the big vein in his cock flickered across her clitoris.

_ _ _ Before Eloise could reach release, Whisper stopped. "No, Whisper, just a little more, please I'm begging you!"

_ _ _ The Francinestein responded by moving her up and down only fast enough to keep her riding the edge. The NurseJoy squirmed uselessly in Whisper's powerful grip. "Please Whisper, I need this, don't do this, let me finish!" she whined, now feeling just the tip of his cock stroking across her opening, driving her into despair as it seemed her gut were tying themselves in knot with her need for release. "Please Whisper, I apologize! Whatever I've done, just tell me, I'll make it right! Don't punish me like this!"

_ _ _ "Whisper," their Master began.

_ _ _ "Shh," Whisper replied, and lowered Eloise agonizingly slowly onto his cock.

_ _ _ "Please, Whisper, please!" Eloise begged.

_ _ _ The Francinestein sped up enough to give Eloise hope she'd reach release. Before she reached it, she felt herself flying through the air to flump onto her mattress, like a sack of laundry, with her ass in the air. Before she could even growl a protest, she felt as if a thunderbolt had exploded inside her. Master's inside me! she tried to gasp as his massive cock plunged in and out of her, the force of the thrusts and his weight bearing down on neck her kept her pinned to the mattress and she briefly worried about suffocating as the slick material clung to the face.

_ _ _ "Master!" she squealed as she climaxed and her muscles turned to jelly. She sagged. "Master," she sighed in quiet exaltation.

_ _ _ "Master," she heard Whisper say as she left.

_ _ _ Whisper!? She - she was fisting me, then finished up with a light shock attack! Before she could protest, her Master put his hands and whole weight on small of her back, forcing her back onto the bed's pillowy confines, then he thrust inside her.

_ _ _ "Yes, good Pokègirl," she murmured, feeling a little like a Feral-shocked newbie, "Yes! Master. Yes! Master," she chanted feeling herself drift away as she felt the signs of his climax. When he spurted inside her, there were no explosions or fireworks, just a satisfied lethargy. As he sagged down onto her, she wrapped his arms around her, putting his hands on her breasts and folding her own arms over his to keep them in place. "Yes, Master."

_ _ _ She crawled further onto her bed, her Master draped over her like a blanket. At peace, she thought muzzily with a broad grin, Master is my Master. Just proved it. She felt oddly at pleased, even smug, floating among the post-coital glow and her own certainty of being possessed by a strong Master.

_ _ _ She barely noticed when Whisper slipped in and began licking her clean, then sucking off their Master.

_ _ _ That's the other thing I hate about her being here, Eloise thought and signed to Whisper over their sleeping Master's back, Suddenly he treats the rest of us as if we're made of fine porcelain. I don't want to get a beating like he gave her, but I didn't mind when he `held me down` while he Tamed me. Maybe if he pinched or squeezed instead of massaged, maybe tied me up, or something to remind me that he is my Master. The first time he's done that in months, and you had to do it first! I'm not some whiney Pureline girl who has to be pampered. I'm a Pokègirl, I need - she paused to consider, I don't even know the word in spoken language, but thought it was him when you held me down, and then when he held me down himself, I know I could have fought him, but I couldn't, I was enjoying it too much. Am I making any sense?

_ _ _ Whisper nodded. My blood calls for a certain roughness too, Eloise read Whisper signing, We knew you would not approve, but at the Pokècenter near Bronson Canyon, we fought.

_ _ _ Eloise stifled a gasp and gave the Alpha a venomous look.

_ _ _ I was merely counting coup, or using the gentlest sweeps and throws. He I had made promise to go all out, and he kept his word, Eloise read the signing, but still heartily disapproved, then she saw the girl smirk. The NurseJoy there wondered why the lights in the Taming Room were off and mistakenly walked into the middle of it.

_ _ _ The one with the rather . . . disturbing tastes? Eloise asked silently.

_ _ _ Whisper nodded and grinned. Since she was defeated, I held her down, while our Master `ravaged` her, with great cries for help and piteous complains about her standing in local society, and so on. I think she rather enjoyed it, just like you did. There's a bondage/submission streak in Joys I think.

_ _ _ The big Pokègirl smiled at Eloise sticking out her tongue at her. Just enough joint lock and spanking so she . . . What's wrong? The Francinestein looked at the Nurse Joy.

_ _ _ I'm just jealous. I want my Master to be able to do that with me! Without his Alpha showing the way. He doesn't `play` with me, the way he does with you, and Madge, Eloise pointed at herself to underscore the signing, Harpy and Dancer only like it one way. You my friendly once-Coyotits are a complete pervert, for which I am eternally grateful.

_ _ _ The girl bowed regally. The Francinestein had the good manners, and the good sense, not to laugh. I'll have a talk with him. I suspect that having gotten his revenge on that - on both these little bitches - and having seen you not only didn't break, but enjoyed it immensely, he'll be more reasonable, Eloise read the Alpha's signing, I think if we use the word, intimidating, rather than violent, we'll get a better response. Also, have you considered that perhaps he is the one needing gentleness. People tend to project their wants on others.

_ _ _ No, I hadn't considered, Eloise signed back, That's why you're the Alpha.

_ _ _ You had him and guided him many years longer that we knew him, Eloise read the girl's signing and grave expression, No one can take that away from you, but perhaps you wish to protect him too much, and he you. Both of you need to give permission for the other to go into danger, and forgive them for doing it in the past. It is something else to think about.

_ _ _ Eloise took the message and carefully climbed into bed with her Master. Moments later Whisper also slipped in, jostling both of them, before she pulled them both against her and wrapping her long arms and legs around them.

_ _ _ I swear, Eloise thought as Whisper rolled slightly to rest their Master's head atop her breasts, From the different furs, they used at least eight different Coyotits to make her, and she's got the arms, legs and breasts of all eight of them. She climbed up and lay beside her Master, pillowing her own head on Whisper's breast. And brains, she added, as she felt her Master's breath tickling her skin. I'm glad she's a bit of a pervert, and that she get off on watching others have sex.

_ _ _ Eloise stifled a laugh as she remembered how they had capture their current Alpha.

HARPY -Harpy

DAMSEL HUNTER, the Invincible Lethal Dainty Pokègirl
Type: Very Near Human
Element: Normal/Dark/Magic
Frequency: Extremely Rare (1 in 100,000 of a particular Pokègirl species is a Hunter)
Diet: Human-style diet plus all show carnivorous tendencies
Role: Sexual exploration, Ego-stroking, Domestic uses, Assassin
Libido: High
Strong Vs: Ghost
Weak Vs: ücTechnically Fighting, but really nothing.
Attacks: Sing, Cheer, Cry, Yell, Dodge, Recover, Once More, Helping Touch, Overwhelming Attraction, Blow Kiss, Puff Puff, Probing Tongue, Angel Eyes, Charming Look, Sexy Rubdown, Warm Oil Rubdown, Rock that Booty, Dark Goggles, Dark Blade MKII, Dark Shield, Dark Bomb, Dark Mist, Imitate, Absorb, Energy Blade, Power bolt, Teleport, Cure, Night (except for self), Drain, Ingest*
Enhancements: Enhanced Endurance (x4), Enhanced Durability (x60), pheromone release, Longevity, Enhanced Strength (x6), Enhanced Dexterity (x4), Endurance, Recovery, Enhanced vision (x4), Enhanced Olfactory ability (x4)
Evolves: Matron (Must be Pokèwoman, giving birth or gaining permanent custody of children in some way), Ice Princess (Ice Crystal) (All evolutions keep the Hunter template)
Evolves From: Ingenue (orgasm) (All evolutions keep the Hunter template)

Story this Pokègirl appears in: The Harris Saga, written by Kerrick Wolf

_ _ _ It is well documented that Sukebe was a genius and possibly a madman. Few consider the fact that he wasn't perfect. Sukebe, however, knew this fact quite well. He realized that sometimes his creations wouldn't be quite what he wanted and that this fact might not become obvious until after some time had passed. Therefore he created the Hunters to eliminate any unsatisfactory Pokègirls that might prove resistant to self-termination.

_ _ _ The Hunters were designed to hunt down and eliminate problematic Pokègirls, whether individuals or groups. They are tireless predators when seeking out their targets and relatively normal Pokègirls otherwise. Hunters can be from any species of Pokègirl that was specifically created by Sukebe.

_ _ _ The loss of Sukebe has left the Hunter types at loose ends. Each responded to this new condition in different ways. Some have kept hunting their previously assigned targets while other have stopped and gone on to seek other pursuits.

_ _ _ Damsels are a rather interesting type of Pokègirl, mostly because of people's reactions to this breed.

_ _ _ Formed from the common Ingenue via orgasm evolution, they have had their share of controversy. Some say Damsels were made to insult women. Others say it was to fill a sense of need for females of this type, since the vast majority of Pokègirls have personalities that are the polar opposite of this breed. Others say that Sukebe was so fucking nuts by the end of things he had little idea of what he was making.

_ _ _ Damsels are generally slender, dainty Pokègirls that have very curvaceous bodies, with slender waists, breasts that are D-Cup at the LEAST, flawless features, and long, silky hair. They get stressed out easily, and are easily frightened as well. Damsels emit a pheromone that draws any attackers in the area towards her. She has almost invulnerable flesh and can take damage that would otherwise maim, kill, obliterate, and generally destroy anything short of a Widow. Unfortunately, they are totally inept at battling, and bend to any will stronger than their own. For years, the remaining scientists in the world were at a loss as to why this was so, until they discovered that Damsels have no sense of pain, and a heightened sense of pleasure. It's theorized that they cannot become Penances, but no one is willing to test this theory. Dominas and their evolutions adore them, as they can do whatever they want to them and get a reaction that pleases them. Conversely, Pokègirls such as Psi-Dykes hate Damsels with a passion for their submissiveness.

_ _ _ People saw little use for them at first, but many uses began to arise for them. Some Tamers greatly enjoy the 'damsel-in-distress' routine, and set up situations where their Damsel is put in 'danger', and they can 'rescue' them. As mentioned earlier, they can be used for keeping Dominas busy and getting their focus away from dominating the harem. Some Tamers use Damsels as training targets for weaker Pokègirls, as they can take a lot of punishment before getting tired out. Another favorite use for Damsels is tying them up and using them as bait for randy wild Pokègirls. This use is generally discouraged, but efforts to put a stop to it were quickly abandoned, as they couldn't find the Tamers doing it

_ _ _ All Hunters, regardless of actual libido, are sexually aggressive and do not hesitate to communicate their status to their Tamer or to the members of his harem.

_ _ _ Mainly Damsels are used to fulfill the need most male Tamers have for a submissive, subservient woman to stroke their egos and make them feel like a man. Damsels are very loving, affectionate Pokègirls, always ready with a compliment or kind word.

_ _ _ All Hunters eat meat. In fact, to use one of their most potent abilities, Ingest, they must feed off of a target. Once they do this, they gain the ability to shapechange themselves into their target for twenty four hours. This was developed to allow them to take out a member of a group and then assume its identity to infiltrate the rest of the group. They keep their own powers, however, as well as Type, Strengths and Weaknesses. If they ingest brain matter from their target, they gain its memories for the same interval. Note that Hunters with total recall keep the memories forever.

_ _ _ In a harem, Hunters will not necessarily reveal their extra abilities, and so even an approximate idea of the number of Hunters existent is impossible to determine.

_ _ _ They were never produced in large numbers and were deliberately given reduced rates of fertility. As all Hunters have longevity, and as of 300 AS, none have currently become Pokèwomen.

_ _ _ Hunters are ferocious mothers and refuse to be separated from their young. They will kill their Tamer or anyone else who tries to interfere with their offspring and flee with the young if necessary.

_ _ _ Hunters will try to seek out a Tamer before going feral and with their teleport ability have a very good chance of attaining this goal. Feral Hunters are much more sexually aggressive and will seek out a human male to regain their sanity. They will destroy anything that stands in their way of attaining Taming.

_ _ _ It is suspected that a feral Wildcat Hunter was responsible for the destruction of a series of harems in the northwest Indigo Plateau over a six month period. All of the attacks followed the same pattern: the harem was destroyed and then the Tamer was Tamed to death over a period of several days. In each of the cases, evidence indicated that the Tamer frequently accessed his or her Pokèdex and other net capable items. It is suspected that the Wildcat Hunter had been hit with an extremely powerful Psychic attack and had become confused about its location and therefore was unable to successfully teleport.

_ _ _ Using a Pokèdex on a Hunter will not reveal anything out of the ordinary.

_ _ _ The Hunter class was designed comparatively quickly and so all Hunters show a personality quirk. Personality quirks vary from individual to individual, and even parthenogenic litter mates do not have the same quirk unless the mother's personality was also included. Some examples of quirks include extreme superstition, various phobias, and various 'locked in' speech patterns, such as using the royal we or the inability to use personal pronouns.

_ _ _ Existence of the Hunter is not commonly known and it is suspected that some Hunters are actively working to keep things that way.

_ _ _ There are several dozen known cases of Thresholding into a Damsel. It's not the most common result of Threshold, but it's one of the higher end ones.