Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ WTF! ❯ WTF! Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

WTF! 4 by Kelvin's Choice


Pokemon is a copyright of Nintendo. Pokègirls and Pokèwomen come from the Pokewomon Forum at http://disc.server.com/Indices/169881.html.

"Wild Horses and Pokègirls" is the creation of Metroanime.

C&C, MSTs are welcome E-mail: kelvins.choice@comcast.net or kelvins.choice@att.net

WTF! 4 by Kelvin's Choice

_ _ _ Morning, the beginning of a new day. The faint smell of singed Pokègirl tells me that Whisper will be enduring a suite of fat jokes with her usual stoicism, I think as I carefully pat the somewhat groggy Pokègirl.

_ _ _ "Ma - ma - ma - ma - ma - master," she manages.

_ _ _ "You know that ball lightning is no good, no matter how good it tastes," I tell her as I stroke her upraised fur, all of it standing on end from the lightning strikes, "Are you going to be okay to travel this morning?" I ask.

_ _ _ Scraping her finger across my shoulder tells me 'no'.

_ _ _ "Okay, get to sleep quick, I think our new friends are late risers, but once they're up, their fireworks will prevent anyone from sleeping."

_ _ _ Whisper walks unsteadily to her tent.

_ _ _ I should send her in to snuggle with Eloise, but with her hair impersonating a porcupine, Eloise would fret about getting herself or her mattress punctured, I think.

_ _ _ Madge and Harpy are up, and I can hear their low tones and muted conversation.

_ _ _ All I ever hear is 'Harpy' and a few human words, I think, The others `hear` so much more. As I approach the fire, Harpy thrusts a cup of coffee in my hand and helps me sit down. She's getting better, I think, But she really needs to sit me down, then give me the cup of scalding-hot coffee.

_ _ _ "Harpy," she purrs as she nuzzles my face.

_ _ _ "Yes, your night tonight. I assume you want Whisper and Eloise to help?" I ask innocently, making us both remember the 'tickle-torture' we gave her the first time we Tamed her, and how much she enjoyed being at a NurseJoy's mercy.

_ _ _ "I'll keep an eye on them," Madge says innocently, too innocently.

_ _ _ "Harp. Ha. Harp - harp - ha - harp. Harpy!" Harpy jumps from her place, flaps her wings angrily and insists at Madge.

_ _ _ There's a long, tense silence.

_ _ _ I can feel she's too angry to use human words, I think and wait.

_ _ _ "Harpy likes," she manages as she sits back down next to me.

_ _ _ At that point, I pull out the soft brush I'd concealed when I left Eloise's tent, one of the few brushes the girls didn't insist on keeping themselves. I begin brushing out her wing feathers. She makes the familiar purring coo as I carefully brush. And they say your breed doesn't like being clean, I think disdainfully, Your breed really hates being wet. That's why you're the first to don your rain poncho.

_ _ _ "I saw Whisper," Madge says conversationally, "So I assume we camp out here until noon. Where are we headed after that?"

_ _ _ "Considering the size of the stipend we're getting for our babysitting, we could go anywhere, but I want to head north. I've never been to Redwood, and there's some weird stuff going on up there."

_ _ _ "Spinnenangsts up there," Madge warns while Harpy is cooing.

_ _ _ "If what I read on the news alert is correct, they took care of them, and the source: a pair of mini-Cocooners," I tell them. I keep forgetting, Eloise is probably the only one of them who can read, I remind myself.

_ _ _ "Too late for Sadie Pokèns," Eloise says as she approaches. "I hear they have a festival of arts, crafts and skills, as well as a show for all the new technologies," Eloise says in one fast, breathless sentence as she approaches and sits down.

_ _ _ I'd say that's a 'yes' vote from Eloise, I think as she pulls out a spare brush and begins brushing out the Harpy's wings, especially the pinion feathers. Harpy's cooing increases in response.

_ _ _ "So north," Madge says, "Maybe up to the Cascade Isles? I've heard they have good fishing there."

_ _ _ "Harpy?!" The girl sits bolt upright.

_ _ _ "Use the word girl," Dancer teases as she gets some coffee and joins the circle.

_ _ _ "Fffffisssses!"

_ _ _ "Fish," Eloise tells her.

_ _ _ "Ffisssess!" Harpy insists in a nearly mesmerized tone.

_ _ _ The breakfast Pokèchow is doled out. Madge always makes it too bland, I think as I eat, Of course she complains others, especially Dancer, make it too spicy. So we rotate. Not that they'd let me get even close to a fire now. Sometimes they coddle me worse than my parents did.

_ _ _ As we finish up. 'I want my breakfast!' comes the Imperial Command.

_ _ _ "Oh what a lovely thing to wake up too," Madge comments.

_ _ _ I can hear the others nodding, I think as the tent flap is thrust aside.

_ _ _ "I want my breakfast!"

_ _ _ "You get the same breakfast as everyone else," I tell her, "And keep your voice down."

_ _ _ "You aren't the boss of me!" comes the reply, "I'll call my parents!"

_ _ _ They aren't the boss of you either, which is why you're out here. If they were smart, they changed their number, I think rather uncharitably, Although I doubt they are that smart.

_ _ _ "You're the slowest, so the Ferals your yelling is attracting, will chase us, and catch you first."

_ _ _ "Harpy," the girl offers.

_ _ _ "Good point," Madge adds, "Most Ferals will cut you here, or here, to keep you from running away. Those're the best places, right Eloise?"

_ _ _ "No," Eloise replies in a bored tone, "Most just slit open your belly, so your intestines fall out. A little dirt in their food doesn't bother most of them."

_ _ _ I wish I could see her expression, I think as I try to analyze the effect, Between her silence and Harpy smacking her own lips, the girl is getting an awakening she didn't expect.

_ _ _ "The point is," Madge continues, "They prefer live, still wriggling prey."

_ _ _ "Harpy, harpy," the Pokègirl says sagely.

_ _ _ " 'Morning," comes from the newly arrived Damsel.

_ _ _ I think if I could harness that glare, we wouldn't need fires to cook food. I can feel that Damsel staring at me from here.

_ _ _ "Grab a bowl and dig in," Madge manages a polite tone.

_ _ _ "And one for your charge," Eloise says so coldly that Harpy presses herself tightly against me.

_ _ _ Cold or fear, I wonder at Harpy's shivering. The sound of two of the metal bowls being filled with Pokèchow `porridge` is the only thing I hear, even the chewing has stopped. Are the others expecting a fight, or a show? I wonder as the Damsel's footsteps take her out of the circle, As delusional as she is, she has to realize the rest of the Harem hates her guts.

_ _ _ 'I don't want Pokèchow! I want real food!' I expect to hear.

_ _ _ "This is Pokèchow! I want Human food!"

_ _ _ Close enough, I think of the little girl's protests.

_ _ _ "And if I don't get some right now -!"

_ _ _ My cane flicks out along her path of approach to the pot. It scrapes something wooden before it meets the girl. Probably Madge's spear shaft.

_ _ _ "You will not ruin everyone else's breakfast because you don't like what's being served. If you don't want to eat it, you can do without."

_ _ _ "You'd starve me?!" she shrieks and Eloise leaves the log, presumably to protect breakfast.

_ _ _ "You'd starve yourself," I reply.

_ _ _ "I'll get you! You'll be sorry!"

_ _ _ I stand and catch her forehead easily, then remain there listening to her blows whistle through the air. I've got better reach, combat training and common sense, I think as I consider the 7-foot long stick I have in my other hand, Naw, keep that for when she's done something other than throwing a tantrum. I let her tire herself out before I shove her back.

_ _ _ She stumbles, falls and lets out a wail that in a two to 4-year-old would be understandable. I retake my seat and Harpy hands me my refilled bowl.

_ _ _ The screaming and insults continue as the girl sits and pounds her fists on the bracken. No one said a word, and none of the Pokègirls pays her any mind. The scraping of metal spoons on metal bowls continues for a while after the girl falls silent.

_ _ _ "Okay, finish up, wash up, pack up and remember to refill all your water bottles, we'll be moving out in about an hour," I say, "And anything you haven't packed, gets left behind."

_ _ _ "That's not fair!" the girl insists.

_ _ _ "You've got help, and everyone else has chores to do first. You should have no problem," I reply. That should set her off, I think, Of course that will make for a long trip: no breakfast, two or more tantrums, she'll be dragging when we get to camp tonight, but it's the best way to grind down that stubbornness quick.

_ _ _ "Why should I have to work?! I didn't decide to come out and camp!"

_ _ _ "You don't have to pack anything," I tell her and wait a beat for her to think she's won, "But then all you'll have are the clothes on your back, one set of shoes and socks, but no blanket, no tent, no hairbrush and no toilet paper. Until you decide carrying extras is a good idea. If that means you lose fingers and toes to trench rot or frostbite, so be it. That will be your choice." She's got to be staring at me in disbelief, I think, Her next words should be 'I hate you', no 'I HATE you!', or 'You're cruel', or some such.

_ _ _ "Why are you being so mean to me?" the girl screams.

_ _ _ "Because I work for a living and your parents decided you weren't worth putting up with any more," I tell her, ignoring Eloise's gasp, "They threw you out and left me to pick up the pieces. If you really want to die, so be it. The only people in this world who really care whether you live or die, are you and that Damsel." I pause to let that soak in for a few moments, then continue, "I'll teach you what you need to stay alive, but if you follow my advice or not, is up to you, and the consequences are on your head."

_ _ _ I wait about five seconds, putting my hand on Eloise's shoulder while I wait. Total core meltdown upon failure of reality-denial shields in five, four, three -

_ _ _ The full bore screaming and rolling on the ground tantrum doesn't disappoint. I pull Eloise back when she leans forward to soothe the girl. "Someone else has that job, and Madge can make sure she doesn't roll into the fire." I know you don't approve, but part of turning this girl back into a human being is teaching her she's not in absolute control of the people and events around her. Hell, I can't control events, or even my own Harem sometimes, and I have the right of life and death over all of you, I think as I head to Eloise's tent to help her pack our gear, We can help Whisper pack when we're done. That will give her a little more time.

_ _ _ About five minutes later, it stops. "I'll hold my breath -!"

_ _ _ "Blue's good color," Dancer replies, "I carve ya re-good gravestone."

_ _ _ Shocked silence follows.

_ _ _ 'Interrupted by a mere Pokègirl!' I imagine her thinking, 'Mummsey and Daddsey will buy and punish her for me!' No, they won't! They finally decided you were someone else's problem. The sound of a slap draws my attention.

_ _ _ "Ow!" the girl comments.

_ _ _ "Com'-on, com'-on," Dancer teases, until she provokes the screaming charge. The sounds of footwork and a tap dancing routine periodically poke thought the scream of impotent rage.

_ _ _ "What's the Damsel doing?" I ask.

_ _ _ "Packing her and the girl's stuff," Eloise answers as we work, then adds, "Madge and Harpy are packing Dancer's."

_ _ _ I wonder if I'll need to talk to Dancer about that, I think as I work.

_ _ _ An hour and forty minutes later, far sooner than I'd hoped, we're on the road.

_ _ _ "I'm tired!"

_ _ _ "You should have eaten something and not spent so much energy dancing," I reply.

_ _ _ "I have to stop."

_ _ _ "Whisper, take her pack, we're leaving her behind."

_ _ _ "No!"

_ _ _ If you can be tired after a few hundred yards walk, you need to toughen yourself up, I don't tell her, We regularly cover fifteen to twenty miles a day, on paths as good as this. Today we'll have a rest break at the two-mile point. There's another stream there for water. I only expect to get five miles today.

_ _ _ "Are we there yet!?"

_ _ _ "We won't be there for twenty or so days. Why don't you enjoy the scenery?"

_ _ _ "Trees. I've seen enough trees!"

_ _ _ "Oh, I've never seen one, so what are you complaining about?" I ask in a bantering tone.

_ _ _ " 'Cause you're blind!"

_ _ _ "And yet all you see are the trees, not the sky, or the birds, which one of us is truly blind?"

_ _ _ "Too philosophical," Eloise whispers.

_ _ _ "Oh, get a room!" our `guest` complains. We continue on.

_ _ _ We arrive at out intended stopping point, well ahead of schedule. Due to `our` Damsel, having to carry `our guest`, Eloise considered the massive blisters on the young girl's feet, Stupid girl doesn't listen to anyone about walking with sodden socks in her boots. She just had to stand in the stream, muddying the waters for the rest of us. Now she's paying the price. Eloise considered Whisper and Dancer carrying the pair's packs in addition to their own. I know Master wants the Damsel to feel a propriety air towards that little monster, but I don't see how going easy on them like this will help anyone. She looked at the Damsel wearily setting the girl down. Eloise focused on the blisters and thought, I still want to dal with the girl's injuries.

_ _ _ "Let her live with it, until tomorrow morning when we have to get moving," Master told her, "Every grain of sand will slowly tip the balance."

_ _ _ "It was 'grain of rice', and you aren't Master Ichinose, Master," she replied.

_ _ _ "I'm not trying to be, but she needs to be forced to face the price of her decisions."

_ _ _ Eloise frowned at that, but relented.

_ _ _ "Besides, I need her hard to move for a while," Master confided in a whisper before moving away.

_ _ _ What?! Oh very well Master, Thy Will Be Done, she thought, But I still think you're overly optimistic. She paused and listened carefully, while trying to appear to be mastering her temper. Okay, I do hear it, someone's trying to be very stealthy, and they're pretty good at it, she realized, Why do you think they are after the girl. Doesn't everyone know the story The Ransom of Red Chief? Or since they're still following, they're too stupid to put all the clues together . . . not them again! Can't we just kill them and be done with it, Master?

_ _ _ The rest of the Harem went about their tasks, setting up their own tents. The Damsel looked as worn as the girl she'd carried.

_ _ _ Sorry, my `sister`, I have no sympathy for you, Eloise thought as she watched the Damsel numbly and ineptly setting up her tent, while Eloise quickly set up her own.

_ _ _ Whisper took pity on the exhausted Pokègirl, and showed her how to do the task quickly and efficiently, as all the other girls already did. Eloise ignored her and began inflating her mattresses. I know it's Harpy's turn, but maybe if I can talk Whisper into it, and offer my bed . . . she seems to like all the attention, and maybe I can get a Taming after. Frankly, I'd settle for him just sleeping with me. I sometimes wish I could have him all to myself again, like in the old days. She watched the lower mattress harden then she switched the inflator to the upper one.

_ _ _ "So we have the little rich girl!" came a voice from the trees.

_ _ _ At least they aren't starting with that stupid motto, Eloise said as she finished inflating the upper mattress, I am definitely going to get a Taming tonight. There are some things no Pokègirl should have to put up with, without a Taming as reward.

_ _ _ "I bet her family would pay good money to get their darling back," the male voice answered.

_ _ _ "Don't bet on it," Eloise said and hear similar comments mumbled by the others.

_ _ _ "So we'll help the girl, and help ourselves," the female voice said.

_ _ _ "Crap!" Master shouted, altering all the girls to come to action stations.

_ _ _ "So without further ado -"

_ _ _ "Please a-don't," Dancer shouted and was ignored.

_ _ _ "To unite the peoples of our nation," the woman in the Team Rocket boots, skirt and halter combo stepped into the clear and announced.

_ _ _ Eloise was instantly at Master's side, she glanced around and saw that the Damsel had positioned herself near the soundly sleeping girl. Everybody else is gone, Eloise thought and made herself not look for them, And they haven't noticed! Then she saw Master grin. Okay, she's taken a proprietary interest. Even if she evolves, she'll still be a loon!

_ _ _ "To - HEY! That was my line!" the boy complained.

_ _ _ "We have to change things up occasionally!" the girl complained right back at the boy, "Or we'll be predictable!"

_ _ _ "Like they're being now?" Eloise whispered to Master.

_ _ _ "Peekabu!" their Pokègirl insisted and glared at Eloise.

_ _ _ You are going to pay for that, and for hurting Master during our first confrontation, Eloise thought and glared back at the mouse girl.

_ _ _ Master snapped his fingers and rest of his Harem seemed to explode out of the woods behind the Team Rocket twirps. Eloise remained at Master's side, but began to scan the woods behind them and to the side, to make certain the Team Rocket types weren't pulling the same ambush trick with them. The Damsel remained with the girl.

_ _ _ "G'night!" Dancer shouted as she attacked.

_ _ _ Whisper's whistles told them to flank out and surround the trio.

_ _ _ Too late, of course Dancer wouldn't listen anyway, Eloise thought as the Herokapoera kicked the boy's legs out from under him, and Madge caught the girl in a full-nelson.

_ _ _ "Pee - ka -"

_ _ _ "No!" "Stop!" "Don't!" The petrified Team Rocket types shouted.

_ _ _ "BU!" the Pokègirl released an intense lightning bolt, straight into Whisper.

_ _ _ "Snackin'!" Dancer said as she dribbled the boy against a tree, until Harpy held the boy against it, and began tying him up.

_ _ _ "Peekabu! Quick Att -" the boy shouted until Harpy head butted him, and he sagged in her grip.

_ _ _ Whisper whistled the code and Dancer leapt up and balanced atop the Francinestein, then down on the girl as she sprinted on all fours.

_ _ _ "PEEKA -!" she shouted on the attack, then when Dancer landed on her, "Bu . . . "

_ _ _ Dancer leapt away as a half-hearted lightning bolt hit Whisper, who raised a fist, and hit back.

_ _ _ "You wouldn't dare!" the girl shouted as Madge and Harpy tied her to a tree. Then Harpy showed the girl her very sharp claws, and with two swipes, shredded the front of her top, skirt, panties and bra, all without leaving a scratch on the skin beneath. Madge reached between the girl's legs, selected a single hair, and left with it. "OW!" the girl complained at the mistreatment as Master approached.

_ _ _ "Wouldn't I?" Master asked the tied up Team Rocket girl. "You're almost pretty enough to be a Pokègirl. If I give you to my Harem, for a week, nonstop, to do whatever comes into their minds that doesn't kill you, maybe get a little action of my own with some of my favorite - toys . . . under that kind of constant contact and stress, I wonder what you'll Threshold into." His smile broadened as her horror increased. Her desperate gasps as he leaned closer caused her full breasts to heave and bounce.

_ _ _ Probably what gets her out of a lot of scrapes, with the teenaged Tamers. 'Watch the bouncing of my hypnoboobs, and while you're addled, I run away.' Except my Master can't see them, Eloise thought, But the one I want, is there!

_ _ _ "Peekabu!" the girl shouted as she released a Thunderwave, as if she hadn't figured out she was making her opponent stronger. As Whisper held her on the ground, she persistently counterattacked with lightning bolt after lightning bolt. "Peekabu! Peekabu! Peekabu! Peekabu. Peekabu. Peekabu, Peekabu, Peekabu. Peeka -" The girl collapsed, Madge and Whisper tied the Pokègirl to a tree, upside down. They looked at Eloise expectantly.

_ _ _ Yes, I've wanted revenge since she hurt Master, my Master! Now I'll get it, she thought as she collected her kit, ground straps, a few odds and ends, and then went to the cooler.

_ _ _ I swear, I think as I listen to the goings on, The 'Dex says Psidykes 'divide the world into things to mate with and things to eat'. NurseJoys divide the world into patients/the bereaved, and 'people I will have kinky sex with'. I hear her open the cooler and retrieve a reward she earned all by herself from a high-level Ice Elementalist. Normally she uses it to keep her medical supplies cold, but it has an entirely different purpose.

_ _ _ "Pokè, pokè, pokè," Whisper growls as she tried to goad the last electricity out of the mouse.

_ _ _ I hear a fat spark, then only plaintive cries of 'Peeka!' or 'Peekabu!' Probably trying to cute her way out, I think, But NurseJoys have long memories, and a deeply hidden mean streak. They won't hurt you, but can they ever make your life miserable. I hear Eloise drifting in that direction. "Whisper, Dancer, when he comes to, I think you might have a proper audience to appreciate your visual stylings," I tell them, "Madge, check on the newcomers. Keep the girl in her tent, although she'll probably sleep through an earthquake right not." A moment later, there's a splash of cold water. If he starts talking like a girl, we're in big trouble!

_ _ _ The sputtering is entirely male, and groggily pissed, then it fades out.

_ _ _ "Harpy," the Pokègirl tells me as she drops several pieces of cloth in my hands.

_ _ _ The Rocket girl's uniform. When did they start making these out of silk? So, she's entirely naked, tied up the way I'd expect Harpy and Madge to have tied her up, I think, I can just imagine what she thinks is going to happen to her next.

_ _ _ I `watch` Eloise approach and put the grounding straps on the bound and defeated Peekabu. Letting Rocket girl alternate between the show Whisper and Dancer are putting on, and the `entertainment` Eloise is preparing for. Since I'm not reacting to either, I must be preparing for something else. Her best hope is this is a three-ring circus, I think, Her worse is the other two are a warm up for what we're going to do to her.

_ _ _ "You aren't going to rape me? Are you?" comes the plaintive voice from knee level.

_ _ _ "What do you think?" I ask. I know what you think and expect. You make a living off guy's whose entire existence depends on how virile they are, I think as I kneel down and cup her chin. "You must have had nightmares like this," I tell her in an intimate Whisper as I smile hungrily, "Just imagine this is one of those nightmares, and maybe you can wake up." Her answering whimper almost makes me do something rash. Better to let her stew. After all, she only had Master Wimp and their lame-ass Harems to protect her form exactly this kind of retribution.

_ _ _ "It's illegal," she whimpers, "I'm a human."

_ _ _ "And just who are you going to report it to?" I ask in amusement, "Maybe we won't, no, I can pretty much guarantee we won't." I hear her relax before I drop the next bomb. "Maybe we'll take you along with us, turn you in for the reward." And then I can have a cup of that expensive coffee with the reward money. Being more comic relief than criminal has some advantages, I think as reach out to touch her hair, If my girls have shown their usual inventiveness, you've probably got your goodies thrust out, so I could thrust in, or give you some special hair gel. While I wouldn't do either, you don't need to know that.

_ _ _ When my hand brushes her hair, she lets out a gasp of fright all out of proportion to what might happen.

_ _ _ Proud of your hair, are you? Maybe the hair gel threat is scarier than shooting off inside you? I think as I stand up and walk back to my tent and the pack there in, Each girl has their own brush and keeps it so that's the one I use on them, or they use for each other, but as short as my hair is, I hardly use mine.

_ _ _ As I walk back to the girl, I hear the weak monas of 'Peeka', 'Peepeepeepeekabu', and other variants as Eloise softened up the other Pokègirl by sexing her up.

_ _ _ Soon is coming the Frigidick, I think as the moans of the Peekabu grew more languid while Eloise worked. I stopped next to the girl as I `watched`.

_ _ _ "Peepee - peeka - pee - pee -peeka - pee -" she moans happily. "PEEKA!" the Pokègirl screams as Eloise slides the ice-cold dildo into her slit. "PEEK! PEE - PEEKA!" the Peekabu shouted in shock.

_ _ _ "Aw, did I surprise you?" Eloise asks in a tone that was all smiles, with sharp teeth, "You didn't seem to mind hurting my Master."

_ _ _ I take Rocket-girl's hair, and she lets out a very Peekabu-like squeak.

_ _ _ "Aw, did I surprise you?" I ask her, probably duplicating Eloise's smile, then I hold up the hairbrush and begin very gently going through her hair.

_ _ _ "Pee - pee- peeka - peekabu - pee - peeka," the Pokègirl pleads desperately.

_ _ _ "You're right," Eloise says sympathetically, "I should not let the past rule my life."

_ _ _ "Pee - peeka," the girl replies in relief. "PEEKA!"

_ _ _ "You're still a deceitful little bitch," Eloise says with a laugh.

_ _ _ "NurseJoys are such fun-loving Pokègirls," I comment to my victim.

_ _ _ "That sounds like fun to you -!" she yells, then makes the connection, "You aren't going to do that to me, are you?"

_ _ _ "Me, of course not." I let her relax, then add, "Does Eloise have a reason to hate you?"

_ _ _ In the background Eloise is continuing to alternately pleasure, and shock her target. Any attempt by the Peekabu to return the favor is carried away by the grounding cables. I continue to brush, and discover the girl's hair probably hangs down past her waist, maybe as far as her knees.

_ _ _ Probably the only thing that distinguishes her, I think, but say nothing as I carefully brush through it, locating tangles and unscrambling them. My hand usually returns to rest on her shoulder, always returning to the same spot, so I can gauge her tension. When she really begins to relax, seeing that the Peekabu is not being injured, "Human hair makes the best wigs."

_ _ _ Her tension ratchets up tremendously. "You wouldn't! Would you?" she asks plaintively, then shows she has a little intelligence, "You wouldn't let the others . . . would you?"

_ _ _ "How bad do you want to stay free?" I ask. She probably thinks I mean 'do I screw or scalp you?', I think, Truth is, I could probably sell this hair and make full restitution for all her crimes, trivial as they probably are.

_ _ _ My subject tries the curl up as much as the bonds allow, concentrating her misery and reminding her of her helplessness. Eloise continues her alternating treatment, until she drives the Peekabu into a Grand Mal orgasm, rolled up eyes and foaming at the mouth from the sound of it, and Eloise's analysis. My subject tenses up and I signal Eloise to lay off.

_ _ _ Better not to overdo it, I think as Eloise passes, she catches my smile, and there's a certain spring in her step, She really gets off on getting others off. In direct opposition to her `nice` persona and breed reputation.

_ _ _ "Dancer, Whisper, I think you'll have fewer distractions now," I tell them as I keep brushing the girl's hair. Dancer and Whisper alone could probably get a rise out of a stone, together, let's `see` them work on that idiot, and possibly the girl too.

_ _ _ I hear Eloise washing off and replacing her refrigeration unit. Then she breaks out her fipple flute to give the pair some rhythm to dance to. I continue brushing, letting my subject relax as she watches the pair. Ah, skin's heating up, I think, And her breath catches. Good going girls, I think we have a winner, it works on you too. I keep brushing, never varying the strokes. I've got all the tangles out, so this is just repetitive and relaxing, I think.

_ _ _ The slight whimper speaks to her need, and the sudden smell indicates her `partner` just blew his wad, but the footsteps and the recorder music continue.

_ _ _ Another little whimper from our captive, I think as I listen and brush, And her skin is practically on fire. You could ask, what's the worst that could happen, what you already fear? Harpy creeps up to us, and does something that startles the girl out of her revelry. "Did she hurt you?" I ask.

_ _ _ "No," she answers, more confusion than fear in her voice, "She just stole my thumb print, on my Pokèdex."

_ _ _ What would Harpy know about locked Pokèdexes? I never lock mine, I wonder, Unless she was exposed to Tamers or Team Rocket sometime in her life. I continue brushing as Dancer and Whisper continue dancing. I hear the girl shift and stifle her whimpers. I know she can't be comfortable tied up, I think, But there's something else tying her up. Is it possible she hasn't gotten any in a long while? A female Tamer must have had Pokègirls and if he doesn't have a bunch we haven't seen, then `Prince Charming` may have gotten his rocks off with her, but . . . humans don't go Feral, but they do get blue balls. Probably he got what he wanted, and she didn't get off. Since all of my girls have been vociferous about how frustrating that is, even when they know I'm just making them ride the edge, I bet Rocket girl is really feeling the need right now. Or she's jealous.

_ _ _ Harpy returns while I'm still formulating my plot. "Harpy," she says quietly. The girl gasps and I feel a tug on her hair. "Harpy," says in a tone that give you the choice to cooperate or die, slowly.

_ _ _ "It's a Hunter type," the girl says carefully.

_ _ _ "Never heard of it," I say as I keep brushing.

_ _ _ "A legal 'dex won't contain the entry, or have the sensors to detect one."

_ _ _ "And why didn't you tell me this?" I ask as I kneel down and reach between her legs, "Before?"

_ _ _ She gasps as I touch her. I can feel her clitoris and labia are engorged. She knows I could easily hurt or permanently maim her, I think as I gently stroke her, not entering, just teasing.

_ _ _ "Y - y - y- you - di - di - di - didn't - a - a - as - ask," she stammers, part of her wanting to lean into my stroking touch, part wanting to recoil away from it, her needs and fears all warring within her.

_ _ _ I very carefully pinch and stroke her clit while my other hand strokes her labia. Her little noises indicate the war within is continuing. "Now," I breathe in her ear between little cat-licks on the lobe, "I'm asking."

_ _ _ She reads the information as her stammers grow worse, occasional her voice catches as she struggles to increase the friction or to `trick` me into penetrating more deeply. I do neither. I just want you as excited as possible, I think as I speed up, and smell the new scent indicating her readiness. "See, that wasn't so hard." With that, I press my palm hard enough to lift her slightly, drawing a surprised gasp, then a moan through clenched lips. "See I prefer the carrot to the stick. Although I'm not averse to sticking in the carrot. There are thousands of nerve endings there, heat, cold, gentle and deep pressure, other things, can stimulate them."

_ _ _ I run my nails across her labia, eliciting a squeak, and my hand comes away slightly damp. You aren't used to being pleased, I think, You were so worked up about how we'd hurt you, you did half our work yourself. Arousal come in many flavors.

_ _ _ "Boss man, he passed out," Dancer says, slightly winded by her performance, as she kneels between the girl's legs.

_ _ _ I feel the girl tense up as Dancer touches her. "Boss man, she's pretty an' all, but I got's ta hav' ma scream," she says informationally.

_ _ _ "Don't let them hurt me," Rocket girl pleads, "You can have me if you want."

_ _ _ "I do," I tell her truthfully.

_ _ _ "I never hurt you. I never hurt any of you, nor did - " She shuts her mouth with an audible click.

_ _ _ Still ready to defend your girls, I think and approve, So you have something you're willing to suffer and die for, that's good, I can use that.

_ _ _ Dancer repeats, "Got's ta hav' ma scream."

_ _ _ "And you shall, and you shall," I tell Dancer, then to the girl with a grin, "I think you misunderstand how all the girls intend to get Dancer that scream."