By: Kei_is_my_knight_4ever 
After the Battle
“Kei, why didn’t you Prét with me earlier? It made me really upset. Before Takako was defeated, and I was in love with Hayate, I Préted with him all the time. It was sort of weird, but it didn’t matter if I Préted with him, it didn’t mean that I didn’t love him. When you said that if I Préted with you, then I couldn’t love you, it wouldn’t have made a difference, because I have always loved you, no matter what,” said Himeno rather angrily.
“Himeno, I . . . . “ said Kei, feeling upset. “Himeno, do you know what Hayate said to me? He said that if I made you feel bad, then you would love me more. I didn’t believe him, but he told me to say it. I didn’t mean it, and I’m sorry, Himeno.” Kei ran towards Himeno, his nearly-stilletto shoes clicking on the ground as he ran. He then grabbed Himeno and picked her up and started flying. Himeno fell asleep on Kei’s chest as they were flying through the air.
In Leafenia
“Himeno, wake up! I’ve brought you somewhere special. Oh, Himeno, wake up!” shouted Kei in excitement
“Mmm,” said Himeno, yawning. “Kiss me Kei, wake me up, please.”
So Kei did. He kissed Himeno, and picked her up and swung her around in a tight embrace.
Himeno looked down. “Where did these clothes come from?” she asked. She was wearing a yellow dress, similar to the Light Prétear outfit.
“I put it on you,” replied Kei.
“YOU WHAT? PERVERT!” yelled Himeno.
“No, that’s not it. I put it on you using my powers. I am the Leafe knight of Light you know . . . .”
“Oh, Kei! The scenery here is just beautiful! I love it here! Could we stay here? Forever? Oh, Kei, this is wonderful!
“No, Himeno. We can stay here, but you made a promise to Hayate. You have to return to him sometime. I don’t want you to leave, but I won’t let you break a promise to someone you love,” explained Kei.
“But that’s not what I want anymore. I want YOU, Kei, I want you. If I go back, and say to Hayate that I am going to Leafenia with Kei, do you think he will mind?” asked Himeno thoughtfully.
“No, he won’t. But you’d better let him know that you’ll be away for quite some time.”
“Okay, I will. Kei, can you take me back to my own home, now?”
“Yes, Himeno. I will.”
At the Awayuki home
“Hayate? I need to tell you something. Kei took me to Leafenia, and he said he wanted me to stay with him for a while. I didn’t want you to worry, so I came back to tell you that I would return. If I spend time with Kei, I figured my infatuation would go away, and I would be able to return to you without having feelings of guilt that I didn’t spend time with Kei,” said Himeno, lying through her teeth. She truly wanted to love Hayate and Kei at the same time, but she still didn’t really know that Hayate and Kei were both okay with her loving two people. So she decided that she would return to Hayate. She loved him just as much as Kei.
Back in Leafenia
“Kei! I’m back! Kei? Where are you? Come on, don’t play games. Where are you?” shouted Himeno.
“Hey! Himeno! Over here!” yelled Kei. He came out of a house that was not there earlier. “The knights helped me make it. It was mainly Hayate and I that did it, but Goh, Sasame, Mannen, Hajime, and Shin helped as well. Do you like it? Hayate and I are going to share it with you. Do you like the view by the beach and the ocean?”
“Oh, Kei. You did all this for me? Kei, I love it. But why? Why did you do this for me?”
“Because, Himeno. I love you this much. And so does Hayate. We wanted to give you something that we could share between you,” explained Kei.
“Hey Kei? Come watch the sunset with me. I want to spend time with you.”
“Sure, Himeno.”
Later that night
“Hey Kei? I should probably go home now. My parents might be worried.”
“No they won’t. Hayate told your parents that you were spending the night with us in Leafenia. I told him not to say that, but he did any ways. You can’t go back tonight. Your parents are locking the house for the night. That’s what they told Hayate. I’m sorry if you wanted to go home. I can’t stop Hayate from saying what he has already said.”
“So what am I supposed to do? Sleep in this house for the night? Where?”
Hayate came in, and looked very awestruck. He went over to Kei and said so Himeno couldn’t hear him, “Kei, she can’t go home. I just went back to her house. Her parents are not there, and I don’t want her to worry. I think it is the doing of Usagi, but I can’t be sure.”
“Well then, she’ll have to sleep here for the night. I guess I’ll just sleep with her,” said Kei, clearly tired.
“WHAT? YOU CAN’T DO THAT! She’s my girlfriend, you know,” screamed Hayate.
“Shut up, Hayate! You were the one that brought me into this situation, and said that if I loved her, then I should let her know. So that’s what I did. And guess what? She loves me! And she loves you, too, so don’t worry about it. That’s why we made the house, right? So we could share it with her? That’s what you told me, and usually I listen to people that I trust. Now I think you’re just being rebellious because you’re jealous!” argued Kei.
“Kei, I . . . . I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it. I just, I know. I really understand how you feel, and I just don’t want Himeno to leave me,” said Hayate with a yawn.
“She won’t. Don’t worry.”
Much later that night
“Himeno, are you sleeping yet? Himeno? Are you even in here?” said Kei as he moved towards where he thought Himeno was. “Just as I thought. She’s sleeping like a baby. Oh, well.”
“No, I’m not asleep.” Himeno sat up. “Kei, what were you and Hayate yelling about? Were you yelling about me? I don’t want you guys to fight. And I, I . . . . I want . . . . oh, never mind,” said Himeno, almost sadly.
“Himeno, I feel guilty. I feel guilty that I want to love you. And I want you all for myself. And I don’t want people like Hayate getting in the way of me loving someone. It’s not my fault that you love me, is it?”
“Kei . . . . if you hadn’t said anything to Mawata, then I wouldn’t be here right now. I wouldn't be in this adorable little three-room house, and I wouldn’t be in this room, and I wouldn’t be with you. And I would have had a longing in my heart to tell you, but I wouldn’t have had the courage to say anything. Probably because of my fear of Hayate being jealous, and I just, I want, oh, Kei!” cried Himeno, feeling really proud of herself for finally actually telling Kei how she felt. “Oh, Kei? Do I have to sleep in this? Could you put something else on me?”
“Oh, yeah, sure!” said Kei. He flicked his hand, and the dress was gone, and Himeno was wearing a pair of pajamas with penguins all over them.
“Mmm. Do you have something . . . . um . . . . more, cozy?” asked Himeno. She didn’t want to ask Kei for something to risky. “It could ruin our relationship,” she thought.
Kei flicked his hand again. Light came pouring out of his wrist and arm. Then, there was Himeno, standing in a tiny little yellow nightgown. Kei thought, “Oh, Himeno. I hope you feel the same way about this as I do.” Then he turned away from her and said, “What should I put on?”
Himeno replied with, “Boxers! Yellow boxers, with my face all over them.” Kei just looked at her, sort of confused. “I was kidding, Kei! Just yellow boxers. Yellow boxers with the Light Prétear outfit on it.”
Kei was engulfed in light. Then Himeno looked him all over, and decided that this was good. Kei was standing there in yellow boxers. Himeno then asked something she wasn’t sure if she should or not. “Hey, Kei? Can I take your hair down?” Himeno wanted to see what he looked like with it down. She had never seen it down.
“Um, yeah sure, go ahead,” said Kei. Then Himeno reached up, and pulled Kei’s hair loose. Himeno smiled. She ran her fingers through it, “It’s so long, and it’s softer then my hair. I think he should leave it down sometime,” she thought happily. “Your hair is beautiful, Kei,” said Himeno. “How come you always put it up?”
“It’s hard to fight with long hair, you know. So you do like it, right?”
“Oh, god! I love it,” said Himeno as she played with Kei’s golden hair sleepily. “Is it just me, or are you getting tired?” suggested Himeno.
“Uh, yeah. Actually, I am. Then I guess I’ll just sleep on the floor---”
“Oh, come here, you weirdo! You are sleeping right here.” Himeno pointed at the space next to her. “Don’t think you’re gonna get away with sleeping on the floor. Gee, you actually thought that I wouldn’t let you sleep here? This is what I’ve always wanted, and I just want to . . . . um . . . . . I think I’ve . . . . I’ve gone too far, haven’t I? This isn’t what you wanted at all, is it? You know what? You’re right, I guess I did push the limit. we’re probably not ready for this.”
“Himeno, it’s alright. I think I would have said the same thing, and you know what? I don’t think you went overboard, you just got excited, and you’re probably a little embarrassed. I was going to sleep with you any ways. That’s what me and Hayate were yelling about, but we sorted it all out. He’s fine with it now.”
“Oh, Kei. I love you,” said Himeno as she jumped into bed. Kei still stood there. “What’s the matter, Kei? Aren’t you happy? Isn’t this what we both want? Come on! Don’t just stand there!”
“What’s that, Kei?”
“Hayate’s in trouble. We need to go. NOW! Grab my hand, we must find Hayate!” So Himeno grabbed Kei’s hand, there was a flash of light as Kei changed into his Leafe knight outfit, and they went outside, and then went soaring into the air, searching the skies for a sign of Hayate.
“Hey Kei? How do you know if Hayate’s in Leafenia or not?”
“He’s very close now. He is definitely in Leafenia. I can feel it.”
Then as they were flying, Kei was just holding Himeno’s hand. She had flown like this with Hayate, a long time ago. Then Kei grabbed Himeno, swung her around so she was in front of him, then he started to carry her. He thought he caught sight of Hayate, but it was just a bush. Himeno said, “Kei, I’m worried about Hayate. I don’t think he’s doing all right. Please hurry.”
“Okay, Himeno, I will. I know he means the world to you.” All of the sudden, a gust of wind blew, and HImeno’s nightgown was blown around. Kei took a quick look down her shirt, and Himeno caught him doing it.
“You pervert!” she said as she kissed him. Himeno thought, “Hmm. Flying and kissing at the same time. It works, however weird it may be.”
“Uhh, sorry. I couldn’t help it! Guys just do things like that! If you can’t just deal with one small thing like that then---”
“KEI! Chill out! I was kidding! I don’t really care what you do to me, as long as you don’t break my heart. Gee! If you wanted to look at me that bad, then why didn’t you make my nightgown see-through yellow! My lord! Guys just take everything seriously! OH, KEI! IT’S HAYATE! HE’S DYING! HE’S TRYING TO FIGHT SOMEONE! OH!” screamed Himeno as she fell out of Kei’s arms. “Kei! Help me! Don’t let me die!” yelled Himeno, who was diving headfirst towards the ground.
Kei didn’t know what to do. Himeno was falling, and Hayate was dying. Kei paused for a moment then fired a shot of light at the thing Hayate was fighting. He sped towards Hayate, he had never flown so fast in his life. Kei fired shot after shot after shot, as Himeno was falling towards her death. Just as Kei could have fired a shot that would have killed the person, or whatever Hayate was fighting, he turned to the side, and caught Himeno by the ankles, and brought her out of her nosedive.
“Hey Kei? I’m surprised you haven't tried to look up my nightgown yet. Aren’t you going to? It seems like something you would do. I mean, you didn’t even come to save me before you saved Hayate. That kind of pisses me off. I think you should --- OOH!” shouted Himeno as Kei dropped her in midair. He was quick to catch her again, though. Then Kei looked. He couldn’t hold himself back any longer.
“Himeno! We need to save Hayate! What happens between us is something we can’t think about right now. Hayate is someone we both care about, so let’s Prét!”
Himeno’s eyes filled with tears. She said, “I’m sorry, Kei. I shouldn’t have yelled at you. Yes, let’s Prét.”
Anime/Manga: Pretear Fan Fiction |
Genre(s): Drama |
Type: Songfic |
Uploaded On: 05.10.2006 |
Pages: 3 |
Words: 2.2K |
Visits: 543 |
Status: Work In Progress
In Crispin, Cross of Lead, by Avi, the theme deals with adversity. The book is set in 1377 A.D. in England. Crispin, the main character is a poor child who is looking for freedom and a new life. In order to find a new life, Crispin goes through many troublesome times. In chapter 46, Bear, the man Crispin befriended, is abducted by John Aycliffe and his soldiers.
Desperate to find where Bear was being taken, I raced wildly through
the town, more than once taking the chance to stop and speak to
strangers. “Did some soldiers holding a large red-bearded man go by?”
I asked. (Page 234)
This quote refers to Crispin's difficulty in dealing with strangers. He desperately
wants to find Bear, but first Crispin must overcome his fear of talking to strangers and looking them in the eye when speaking.
The day after my mother died, the priest and I wrapped her body in a
gray shroud and carried her to the village church. Our burden was
not great. In life she had been a small woman with little strength.
Death had made her even less. (Page 1)
This passage is describing the death of Crispin's mother, and how her death affected Crispin's life by forcing him to flee after he was caught outside of his house after hours.
I would give Crispin a five on a scale from one through six (six being the best rating). I liked the storyline for the majority of the book. The religious references were a bit odd. For example,
“These sounds were lanced by the hooting of the Devil's own bird, an owl.”
(Page 58)
I have never heard of an owl being referred to as the “Devil's own bird”. I think of an owl as a majestic, regal animal.
“Be accepting” was the priest's advice. “Think how our Blessed Christ
was taunted on His cross.” (Page 13)
This passage from Crispin made more sense because it makes reference to the Bible and the hardship of Christ.
In most books there is a conflict. The conflict that arises in Crispin is that Crispin is continuously trying to save his life because he is being hunted by John Aycliffe and Lady Furnival. Crispin doesn't have any family left that he knows of, or who his father is. His mother died when he was thirteen, and his only possession is a cross of lead that his mother passed down to him. Crispin is accused of breaking into Lord Furnival's manor house and stealing money. Even though Crispin didn't do this, John Aycliffe proclaims him a wolf's head (which means that anyone who finds him may kill him if they wish). This label creates a conflict between Crispin and the cities and towns in the vicinity of Stromford. The reward for finding Crispin is twenty shillings. Nobody in the entire kingdom has that amount of money, so they all set out looking for Crispin. Crispin must leave the village of Stromford or else he will be killed. Father Quinel is Crispin's only friend, and is slaughtered just before he shows Crispin who his father is (and how to escape from Stromford). Crispin is now lost on the main road, but meets a man named Bear who takes him in. Crispin becomes Bear's servant. Bear is kind to Crispin, but very firm. This passage shows that Crispin must serve Bear:
I was in such fright I could hardly breathe. Tears were coming hard.
“I …I swear,” I choked out.
“On the sacred name of Jesus”
“On… the sacred name… of Jesus,” I went on.
“That I will be your servant…”
“That I will be your servant…”
“That if I default…”
“If I default…”
The words caught in my throat. It was a dreadful thing he was
making me swear. One could never break such vows.
“Say it,” he cried, his dagger drawing closer.
In fear for my life, I said, “If I default…”
“May the all-seeing God strike me dead where I stand”
“May the all-seeing God strike me dead...” I whispered.
“Where I stand”
“Where I stand”
“Done” he proclaimed. Then he put his dagger aside and
tossed me a piece of bread. (Page 82)
Crispin was devoted to Bear, and as one they traveled to many villages as
well as Lodgecot, and then to Great Wexly. Bear is like a parent to Crispin, and soon all of Crispin's troubles melt away.
“But swear, in Blessed Jesus' name, do not leave my side, or else
your blood will flow like water.”(Page 81)
This is what Bear says when Crispin swears to serve him. This quote uses a simile, because it uses the word “like” to compare blood to water.
As for his face, most striking was a bushy beard of such ruddy
red, it seemed as if the lower part of his face was aflame.
(Page 71)
This metaphor is used when Crispin is studying Bear's facial qualities. The quote compares Bear's ruddy red beard to the smoldering flames of a fire.
Avi creates much suspense in this book. He will leave you at the end of each chapter pondering what is going to happen next.
This quote gives an example of suspense.
The moment I did, his free hand shot out, and with a speed
that belied his bulk; he grabbed me by the wrist and held
me with the strength of stone. (Chapter 16 ending)
The suspense at the end of each chapter makes you want to go on and read the next chapter, and the chapter following that.