Pretear Fan Fiction ❯ One and Only ❯ Chapter 18

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 18
Author's note: XD This is so cool! I have so many inspirations for this story! OMG!!! This has gotta be my best work yet… I'm so happy!!! Okay, anyway, here we go. This anime isn't mine.
“Andrew, I'd like to introduce you to everyone,” Bethany said, holding his hand happily as they stood in front of all the people she was living with. She went around the circle and made the introductions.
“Everybody,” she announced after the long line of names. “This is my boyfriend, Andrew.” Everyone greeted him and he waved back at them with a friendly smile on his face. Brian stood out from the group and extended his hand.
“Being the head of the family, I guess it's my job to welcome you into the house,” he said. Andrew shook the man's hand, still smiling.
“It's my honor to meet you,” he said. Something in Brian's face changed to an unpleasant look. He forced a smile and Andrew smirked, and then let go of his hand. When Brian went back to the group, Sasame stopped him.
“Come on, let's go check on dinner,” he said, putting his hand on Brian's back.
“I can do that,” Goh said. “I am making it after all.”
“No, you've been working fine all night,” Sasame said with a smile. “You greet our guest and make him feel at home. This won't take very long.”
Goh shrugged, and then turned around to face Andrew, sliding his arm around Ashlee's shoulders.
When Brian and Sasame were in the kitchen, Sasame turned to him and looked at him seriously.
“Was it just me, or was there something… disapproving in your greeting?” he asked.
Brian sighed and glanced out the window of the kitchen door to the group. “There's something about that kid… I don't know what it is. But, there's something familiar about him. And I know I've never met him in my life.”
“And I take it that's a familiar bad, right?”
“Familiar VERY bad.”
“I don't like where this is going,” Sasame said, shoving his hands in his pockets after adjusting his glasses.
“I'm not saying I'm right,” Brian said, reassuring him. “Just be on your guard. I could just be a little protective of Bethany at the moment.”
“Got it,” Sasame said with a nod. He sighed with a wry grin and walked over to the oven, opening it up. “Lasagna's got a while to go. Had to make it look like we did what we said we came in for.”
“Well, it was great meeting you all,” Andrew said with a friendly smile. “And the lasagna was perfect, Goh.”
“Thanks,” Goh said, scratching the back of his head self-consciously. “It wasn't all that good.”
“Oh yes it was,” Andrew said. “Now… let me see here. We've got Sasame, who is the Japanese Knight of Sound, right?” Sasame nodded slowly, his eyes warily resting on the younger man. “Then we have Hayate, the Wind Knight. Next there's Goh, the Pyro of the group who loves to cook. After that, there's the Knight of Light, Kei, who is a game designer like Brian over here.” He looked to Brian for confirmation. After getting a similar nod to that of Sasame's, he continued.
“Then there are the children, Mannen, Hajime, and Shin. Mannen is the Ice Knight, Hajime the Knight of Water, and Shin the Nature Knight. Have I got it all down?”
“Yeah!” Mannen said with a thumbs-up. “You got it! Except for one thing that is.”
“What's that?” Andrew asked, tilting his head.
“I'm not a child,” Mannen said with a scowl. He crossed his arms and looked at the guy out of the corner of his eye and sighed. “But you're okay.”
“Okay?” Kim asked. “He's great! But… why do you care about it so much?”
Andrew looked at her with a smile, remaining silent for a while.
“Yeah,” Hayate said, crossing his arms and looking warily at the younger man. “Why DO you care?”
Andrew closed his eyes with a smile. After a few beats, everyone heard him chuckle. Soon, it grew into a laugh, and he had to hold his sides because it hurt so bad to laugh this hard.
“Andrew?” Bethany said, her face pale. “What's… what's so funny?”
“You guys!” he laughed, standing to his full height. “You all are idiots! Fools! I can't believe I was able to fool you all this long!”
“What are you talking about?” Sasame demanded. Everyone moved to the other side of the room and watched as Andrew looked at all of them with a dark grin.
“It's him,” Brian whispered, feeling his stomach drop. “I can't believe I didn't see it before.”
“That's right,” Andrew said with a freakishly soft voice as he looked darkly at Brian. Everyone felt a gust of wind blow through, and soon it began to quicken in pace and intensity, making everyone duck to the ground to keep footing. They had to hold their arms up to cover up their eyes in order to see.
“Drake!” Brian cried out. “Drake, stop it!”
“Aww, come on!” he laughed. “Don't you want some fun? It'll be just like old times, FRIEND!!!”
All the knights watched in horror as they saw Andrew slowly change form. He grew taller, and his hair grew longer down to his shoulders, changing from a blonde to a dark brown. His eyes became an icy blue that stared at everyone with an evil pleasure.
“You idiots,” he whispered, but somehow everyone could hear him over the roar of the wind. “You welcomed me in, gave me your information, and now…” He began to laugh. “I have the upper hand! It's almost unbelievable.
He turned to Bethany, who was looking at him with disbelieving tears in her eyes. He walked over to her and stooped down in front of her. He placed a hand on her shoulder and looked into her eyes.
“And you,” he whispered softly. “I'm sorry for playing with your emotions like that, my dear. But it's the way things go. I'm afraid this means you're single now, since evil and good don't mix very well. I guess you could say we're like water and oil. Be a good girl now and die with the rest of your friends.”
He stood up and her eyes followed him as he turned her back on her. She reached out and shouted, “No!”
He looked at her from over his shoulder, seeing the tears streaking down her face. She slowly struggled to stand up, bracing herself against the wind that seemed to not effect the man in front of her. She looked at him through the tears.
“What are you doing?” he asked, turning around to face her completely.
“I'm joining you!” she cried. “I don't care if you're Drake! You're the same to me! I'm not letting this go. I… I love you! I'm not going to let you walk out of my life!”
“Bethany!” Ashlee cried.
Bethany turned to look at her friend sadly and shook her head. “I'm sorry, Ashlee. But… this is what I want.”
“No, it's not!” Elora shouted, reaching out. “This isn't what you want! Don't do it!”
Bethany shook her head and looked back at Drake. “If this is who you are now, it doesn't matter. I'm following you to whatever end.”
He looked into her eyes and stepped up to her. “You'd leave your friends behind to follow me?”
“Yes,” she whispered. She didn't seem to even care about the wind now. It was like it wasn't there… or was it not even effecting her? “I'll follow you, no matter the consequences.”
Without a word, his hand reached up and cupped the back of her head. He swiftly brought his lips to hers, and her arms wrapped around his waist.
“Bethany!” Brian cried.
“No, Bethany!” Mary's voice came from beside him.
They watched in silent horror as she began to change. From her lips, darkness began to spread, turning her hair black and making it grow. It changed her white dress to a black one that hugged her skin tightly, black gloves encasing her hands. When they pulled away, her eyes were black. He reached down and grabbed her hand, pulling her to him.
He looked over at Brian and said, “Looks like I'm already winning.” With that, a dark shadow encased him and Bethany, and soon they were gone. The wind stopped. No one moved.
“B…Bethany…” Ashlee whispered, tears falling down her face. Goh gently laid a hand on her shoulder, and she turned into him, crying against his chest. Elora and Mary followed in suit, finding comfort in Kei and Brian's arms.
Sasame looked to Himeno with a sorrowful look in his eyes. “Looks very familiar, doesn't it?”