Pretty Cure Fan Fiction ❯ A Mirror Darkly ❯ Chapter 3
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Gemini plugged the flash drive they had brought into the computer under the podium. The room could have been in almost any office building, anywhere, the desks built into stepped platforms, with stairs down the middle and along each wall to allow access. Currently, no one was seated in them, but in a couple of days at most she had been promised almost fifty magical girls would be present to listen to her make her plea for help.
It would have been the happiest moment of her life, if not for one thing.
“Why won’t this thing read?”
Sebastian walked over from where he was fiddling with a large group of boxes and wires. “Allow me, Miss.” He looked over at the computer and frowned. “That is unusual. Is this possibly in a new format?”
“What?” Gemini looked up at Sebastian, puzzled.
The aged butler typed in a few more commands, and something scrolled through the screen. “I see. Do not worry, Miss. I can have this sorted out in a few hours.”
Gemini had a sudden sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach. “What’s wrong?”
“It seems the government in your world has forced the publishing of a new operating system with a backdoor to allow them to look into the contents of these files. I wouldn’t worry too much, you need a network connection to actually get to them, and I doubt you have one in your home.” He took the stick out of the PC. “I’ll need to take this.”
“...ah...yeah.” Gemini sat down on the floor, hard. A hand landed on her shoulder, and with a scream she reached into her jacket to pull out her Commune before realizing she had nearly drawn on Alice. “Oh, oh god! I’m sorry.”
Alice just smiled at her. “It’s quite all right. I brought you some rose tea, but it sounds like you’ll be taking a break.”
“Just some technical issues.” Gemini sighed. “I guess we kinda suspected already, but to have it confirmed like this...”
Alice smiled. “I took the liberty of inviting Aguri over to watch a movie. I hope you don’t mind cartoons.”
“Not at all.” Gemini grinned. “It’ll be great to watch anything that isn’t the news.”
The blonde offered her hand to pull Gemini to her feet. “You don’t watch anything but the news back home?”
“Monster attacks, and we’ve only managed to steal one TV set out of the dumpster that we could get working.”
“...oh, oh my.” Alice frowned. “Uhm....really, I must insist that you keep details like that to yourself around Aguri. It was a shock to the rest of us, but I really don’t think she’s ready to talk about this sort of thing.”
Gemini’s eyes narrowed. “You make it sound like she’s eight years old.”
“...nine,” Alice admitted. A moment later, she found herself being held up by the lapels of her dress.
“WHAT THE HELL!?” Gemini screamed in her face. “You dragged a NINE YEAR OLD GIRL into this?”
“She was a Precure before the rest of us!” Alice yelled back, struggling to get out of Gemini’s grip without tearing her blouse. A moment later, Gemini let her down.
“All right.” She took a deep breath. “I guess I shouldn’t be angry about something you had no control over, but really? When you find out who did that, seriously, beat them up.”
Alice shook her head. “Really, she’s...”
“No. Alice, don’t make excuses for that, I don’t want to hear it.” Gemini scowled. “The YTF doesn’t use kids that young, and they probably wouldn’t use teenagers but there’s something that makes us better at using magic if we get it early. And you’re right, we are not bringing her back to my side, and if she tries to argue I’ll tie her up to make sure she stays here.”
“All right, we’ll leave her in charge over here.” Alice held up her hand. “She’ll have the others to help her covering the bases, but you said yourself our powers work best on the Jikochuu, and hers are the same, so...”
Gemini’s scowl didn’t break. “Agreed, but don’t expect me to be thrilled about this.”
“Just don’t let Aguri know.” Alice glanced nervously over her shoulder. “She’s really responsible for her age, and she wouldn’t like the suggestion.”
“If she wants to talk back to me about it, she can beat me up,” Gemini said. “Same offer I’d make to anyone on my side without experience on the team.”
“Let’s see...popcorn, rice crackers, plenty of tea...” Mana set down several bowls of snacks on the coffee table. “Shame we can’t use the big meeting room,”
“Well, this will be more comfortable anyway,” Makoto pointed out. “Speaking of which, there’s seven of us. We’re going to need somewhere else to sit.” It was true, the couch and chairs were only enough for five.
Mana thought for a moment. “I’m sure Alice won’t mind if we bring in another couch. If you could move that big one there a bit so everyone can see.”
“I’ll go help you with that,”
Mana waved the offer off. “It’s fine, it’s fine, I’ve done bigger jobs by myself.”
“Yeah,” Makoto stared as Mana went into a burst of her usual activity, rushing off into the next room while she struggled to move the furniture around the room into an aesthetically pleasing arrangement. Well, if she’d had the time a normal person would take to move a couch on their own, it wouldn’t have been a struggle for her.
But Mana wasn’t a normal person in this regard by any stretch.
Makoto had barely managed to finish her portion of the job when she saw the new couch being pushed in. Somehow, it seemed Mana had found the one piece of furniture in the entire posh mansion that wasn’t either an antique or top of the line, and thus could be given this rather rough treatment. Makoto quickly grabbed the other end and lifted it up.
“Ah, thanks Makopi. Let’s just get it there, then we can order the movies.” Mana beamed.
“Are you sure this is all right?” Makoto asked.
Mana grinned. “What, afraid I’ll order your Snow White?”
Makoto gave her a bit of a look. “Hey, I did just fine in that movie.”
“Yep, I know you did!” Mana was practically bouncing...
“...I worry about you sometimes.” Makoto finally said, eliciting a look of confusion. “I’m not sure it’s normal to be a fan of someone you’re friends with.”
Mana grinned. “Well of course I’m still a fan! I love your music!”
“Well, I guess it’s fine. Just avoid turning into a stalker, all right?”
Mana pouted. “I wouldn’t - “ Makoto’s sudden laughter caught her off guard. “...are you making fun of me?”
“Maybe a little.” Makoto was still grinning. “Don’t worry, I don’t think you’re going to suddenly turn into some wei...” she got very quiet, suddenly seeing a troubled look on Mana’s face. “I didn’t mean anything...”
The look didn’t go away. “ don’t think I’m...” The words were quiet, with an uncharacteristic desperation.
“...hey, what’s this all of a sudden?” Makoto looked around desperately for a distraction.
“Gemini’s scary,” Mana admitted as the silence grew thicker. “She’s...she looks just like me. It’s like looking in a mirror, if I grew my hair out. But...but she’s not me, right? I could never be that...that...” Mana was startled when she suddenly found her hands in Makoto’s, staring into purple eyes that glittered like hard amethysts. “Right?” She asked.hesitantly.
Makoto was caught off-guard. She had her suspicons, of course,, bringing that up now would not be productive. Even if Gemini’s magic isn’t like ours, she’s still a person, and it would be wrong to just ignore Mana’s problem. She took in a breath. “...Mana....I’m sorry, but...when we first met, after she changed....just for a moment she was...bright, happy. And some of the things she says...she watches the news all the time in case there’s a monster attack she can get to. You have to admit, Mana...”
“” Mana tried to take a step back, but Makoto held her hands tight.
“Mana, I’m not finished.” Makoto said firmly. “Yes, she’s very much like you in all the important ways. So, yes, you could become like her, if circumstances were extreme enough.” Mana blinked, her defensiveness broken. “Remember, Mana, she had to watch Rikka, her best friend, turn on her and try to kill her to get that hard. She’s been living out in the wilderness. She’s half-starving, not going to school. She hasn’t seen her family in months.”
Mana swallowed. “So....”
“If things get really bad, then yes, that could be how you deal with it.” Makoto said. “But, things aren’t likely to get that bad for you. Rikka is a good person, just like you are. There’s no one exerting outside pressure here.”
“Wait, what?” The other girl blinked several times, her eyes darting around at the sudden turn of the conversation.
Makoto smiled. “The YTF almost certainly came up with some story to get Rikka to act that way. She must have thought she was really doing what was best.”
“Are you sure?” Mana asked, desperate for the life-line in the storm of uncertainty her life had become.
Mana smiled. “Okay then. We won’t bring that up to Gemini, but we can show her that we’re friends here. All of us.”
“That’s the Mana I know.” Makoto gave one of her trademark smirks. “We’ll worry about the details tomorrow.”
Gemini stared.
Regina stared.
They had been warned, but somehow they didn’t really believe it until now.
There was a young girl staring back at them from across the room, a rather serious and cross expression on her face, with dark red eyes.
“This is a prank.” The girl, Aguri, said. “Very funny, Mana.” She didn’t look like she was laughing, a sentiment shared by the two visitors.
“I’m not Mana,” Gemini would not express annoyance. This was just a kid. A little girl playing at being a grown-up. “She’s busy setting up the movie,”
Aguri’s expression didn’t change in the slightest. “People do not just suddenly appear out of nowhere, especially clones of real people,” she said as if explaining to someone much younger than herself. Ironic, from Gemini’s point of view.
Regina smirked. “I’ve seen pictures of your Regina. How do you explain that I’ve gained two years on her?”
“You’re a faerie, you can look how you want to look. And I’m very cross that you’ve chosen to inform me that you came back to our side with such poor taste,”
Gemini finally cracked a small smile. “Well, she’s got you there. Sort of.” She turned back to the girl. “But no, I’m not Mana. Please, call me Gemini.”
“This is getting old, Mana.” Aguri said back. “What movie are we watching?”
Regina shrugged. “I dunno. Ghibli something.”
Aguri scrunched up her nose. “Cartoons? Come on, aren’t you a little old for that?”
Gemini bent at her knees to look Aguri in the eye. “Aguri, we made the selection because you’re here. Don’t you like cartoons?”
The girl shrugged. “Eh, I just thought we’d be watching something a little more your speed. I can handle it.”
Regina stuck out her tongue at Aguri, only to have Gemini gently tap the back of her head. “That’s enough you two. Well, I’m sure Alice has a good movie library. If you don’t want to watch that, I’m sure we can find something.”
“What, is something missing?” Mana asked, poking her head around the corner behind Aguri.
Who turned around, slowly.
And turned around again.
She turned around a third time.
And the poor girl made a sound something like ‘gleeeahhhh’ as her brain tried to process what she was looking at. Wordlessly, she waked over to Mana, got behind her, and pushed her across the room. “Wo-wo-woah! Aguri, what are you-”
Mana found herself positioned next to Gemini and being subjected to the most thorough inspection of her life. No one spoke until, finally, Aguri was standing back in front of them. “...identical twin?”
“THAT’S NOT IT!” All three older girls shouted together, before Mana coughed and calmed herself. “Aguri, this is Cure Gemini, and as we explained over the phone…”
Aguri hmphed. “Well, I don’t believe it, and you won’t tell me what’s going on, so I’m keeping my eye on you two.”
Gemini smirked again. “Smart, kid. Not that you could do anything about it if we decided to make trouble.”
Aguri started to bristle at that. “Don’t you dare make fun of me!”
Gemini shook her head. “I’m not making fun of you. I understand you’ve had a few years of fighting Jikochuu, but that’s what, one, two a week? I’ve gotten into way more fights than Miss Aida has, and I’m using better equipment. Plus Regina and I have been training with three great combat instructors for hours every day to get up to snuff. You, on the other hand, have to push yourself so hard you’ve got a time limit.”
“I...I...hmph. It doesn’t matter.” Aguri regained her cool after an extra few moments of pouting. “I’m sure you’ll need my help when we get to this ‘meeting’ of yours.”
Regina sniffed. “Offer rejected. Not bringing you along just to get killed, kid.”
Mana tried to speak up, but Gemini beat her to it. “Listen, Aguri…”
“I will not listen to this.” Aguri turned around. “I’ll just wait for you to call me.”
Mana shouted “STOP!” into the middle of the argument, and everybody looked at her. She bent at the knees to speak first to the youngest girl. “Aguri, Gemini and Regina are just looking out for you. You’ll have an important job tomorrow, but you can’t go where we’re going. They are right, you’d just end up getting hurt.”
“I can fight circles around you, why are you going to do any better than me?” Aguri asked reasonably.
Gemini swallowed. “Because the plan calls for about ten hours of continuous fighting.”
Regina looked like she was about to make a nasty remark, but another tap to the head, from both Aida girls this time, stopped her as Mana took up the torch again. “Exactly. It’s going to be the longest, hardest fight we’ve had so far. Like I said, you’re going to have an important job. Maybe the most important of all. But to do it you’ll have to stay here.”
“All right. But no cartoons tonight!”
Mana shrugged. “Well, I guess we can come up with something….”
Rikka crossed her arms. “Honestly, I don’t see what’s wrong with what you picked out, but all right.”
Mana shrugged. “Aguri didn’t want to watch it with us, so we’ll just have to pick something else.”
Gemini fiddled with the remote. “How does this thing work, anyway? I don’t see any discs…”
Alice smiled. “I have a lot of video streaming services, even things that most people can’t get in Japan. It’s because Clover is a media company - we sometimes buy things from other markets.”
“Right. I’d forgotten,” Regina grinned. “So, we can watch any movie ever?”
Alice nodded. “Basically. It has to be in Japanese because not everyone speaks every language that might be on the movies, but I’ve already filtered those out.”
Regina looked at Alice blankly for a moment. “That must be inconvenient.”
Mana chuckled. “We get by. But what to watch….” she glanced up at the screen. “Hmm…” Gemini tossed the remote casually in the air, letting Mana catch it without either of them looking away from the screen to many dropped jaws.
“How did you know?” Makoto found herself asking.
Gemini just shrugged. “It’s where I would have been if I hadn’t gotten the remote first.”
Mana started flicking relentlessly through multiple screens while tapping at her cell phone. “ if Aguri weren’t here….no….” Aguri pouted at that suggestion but didn’t say anything. “Ah, maybe this one. According to the internet it’s supposed to be some kind of American classic.”
Gemini and Regina both started looking over the description of Patton and got about a sentence in before stating “No, thank you.”
Mana blinked. “I thought you’d like it…” she tried, hesitantly.
“Another time, maybe.” Gemini said. “Not really in the mood for war movies.”
“Uhm, Makoto, you have any ideas?”
Makoto hummed in concentration. “Well, if we’re looking for classics how about The Hidden Fortress. I rather liked that, but they said I shouldn’t do period works for my first film.”
Rikka grinned. “Why don’t we watch your Snow White then?”
Alice’s grin was a little more subdued, and a bit mischevious. “It’s not on the streaming services yet, but it is a Clover film so I can probably get a disc…”
“Hmph!” Makoto turned her nose away.
Gemini and Regina glanced at each other. “If it’s all the same to you girls, maybe no violence tonight?
Alice’s mischevious grin vanished. “Well, perhaps Springtime Cherry Blossoms the...what?” Rikka and Makoto were both shooting her a look. “I think it’s very romantic, and the leads are all very handsome men.”
Rikka gave the guests a glance. “Right, one of those romances where the woman lead is an audience surrogate for getting the perfect guy?”
“Oh, right.” Alice coughed. “Sorry.”
“Eh, did say no violence.” Regina chuckled. “But I’ve already got what I want for romance.” She wrapped an arm around Gemini pointedly, causing the long-haired girl to blush and Rikka to jump slightly.
Aguri blinked rapidly several times at the open display of affection. “Am I missing something?”
Regina smirked. “Probably.”
“Regina, behave.” Gemini scolded, quickly managing to escape the purple-eyed girl’s grip. “Regina and I have a relationship, that’s all.”
There was a long pause, then Aguri nodded. “None of my business.”
“Right!” Mana shouted. “But what are we going to watch?”
Rikka looked over at the remote again. “Well, we could always watch a comedy.” She flipped through. “Ah! Hana to Arisu! That’s a good one!”
Mana grinned. “That’s an idea.”
“Actually…” Gemini said “I’ve seen it. And I don’t think Regina would appreciate it much - she can be like an alien sometimes.”
“Hey!” Regina jumped up. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
Gemini grinned. “Nothing, nothing, but you do have to admit that sometimes stuff that’s obvious to most people flies right over your head.”
Aguri suddenly looked uncomfortable. “Uhm, you know, if we’re going to go with what Gemini and Regina would want to watch…”
Regina smirked. “Well, I wanted to go with that Ghibli thing in the first place.”
“Which makes sense, since Regina can also be like a kid.” Gemini smirked right back at her girlfriend.
“Right.” Alice took the remote and pushed a button. “Everybody settle in.”
Hours later, night had fallen over the manor house. It had been agreed that, to keep the chances of anything else going wrong, everyone would stay there overnight. Makoto had been the first to fall asleep, and Gemini had gently laid her out in a nearby bedroom to sleep it off. Afterwards, it seemed like the party would descend into Regina fighting with the other faeries over the video game console, and while it was cute Gemini decided she wanted some time to contemplate the next day, so she had excused herself and gone up into the attic, and was now sitting in the highest window of the Yotsuba mansion, looking out over the city. She opened the window and shivered slightly at the cold. “Summer’s ending soon here too, I guess.”
Her hand gripped the sword, the one the strange man who had given her the Lovies had also entrusted her with. I’m sure you’ll make good use of this, my sweet heart. He had said those words to her, and then vanished, leaving her with three ways to transform into a Precure. She fished in her pocket for it, and looked over the blackened trinket. “Useless.” She cocked her arm to toss it out the window, but finally pulled back and just put it back. “....coward,” she muttered to herself.
She had nearly fallen asleep when she felt a thick blanket being pulled over her body. It said a lot about how secure she felt here that she didn’t skewer the person, but merely opened her eyes. “Mana?”
Mana beamed. “Thanks.”
“For what?” Gemini looked bewildered for a moment, before her jaw dropped.
Mana nodded, taking a seat opposite her. “You said my name, not ‘Miss Aida’”
“I guess I did,” Gemini sighed. “It won’t happen again, I shouldn’t be so familiar.”
“Why not?” Mana grinned. “We’re just like the same person, right?”
Gemini found herself chuckling. “Sort of, I guess. But yeah. Hopefully in two days I’ll be out of your life forever, and you’ll be better off.”
“No, I won’t.” Mana said firmly. “Life is always better for having friends to live it with.”
“That sounds like something I’d say,” Gemini’s comment was wistful, addressed to the night wind.
Mana glanced out herself. “Say, what are you doing up here anyway?”
“Thinking,” Gemini said after a moment’s pause. “I always try to take a few minutes to contemplate what the world looks like if I fail.”
Mana’s voice filled with trepidation. “And what do you think it looks like?”
“That’s what scares me.” Gemini said. “Normally, I can’t see how I’m making a difference. But I have to try.”
“I’m sure you’re making lots of difference to the people you save.”
Gemini laughed. “I guess that’s true. And I don’t want to die with a blindfold on, or in bed. If I’ve got to go, I want to see it coming.”
Mana thought the sentiment morbid, but nonetheless kept a smile on her face. “I guess that makes sense. Can’t think of how I’d want anything different.”
Gemini leaned in close. “Can’t you? Don’t you want to die surrounded by your loved ones?”
“Well, if I’ve gotta go, yeah. But I wouldn’t mind living forever.” Mana desperately looked for a way to change the subject, and found it staring into Gemini’s eyes. “...uhm….” from this close, she could see that Gemini’s eyes weren’t quite identical to hers. Instead of the solid magenta of her own, there were little flecks of blue noticeable floating there.
“Oh, that. Side effect.” Gemini leaned in a bit closer, too close for Mana’s comfort. “Go ahead, I don’t mind.”
Mana laughed after a moment and looked away again. Gemini followed after a moment. Neither could quite bring themselves to look back at the other when Mana said “So, friends?”
“And I promise, after we save your world we’ll come to visit.”
Gemini shrugged. “Maybe you won’t have to….living here would be...nice.”
“Don’ t get me wrong!” Gemini waved her arms to clarify. “I’m not thinking of doing that ‘till the job’s done.”
“Good!” Mana declared. “No friend of mine is gonna give up.”
“Yeah,” Gemini said quietly after a moment, looking down into the garden below. A moment later she realized Mana was leaning out the window right beside her to contemplate it and jumped back in.
Mana pulled back at a bit less of a rush. “Sorry, I just wondered what you were seeing.”
“The flowers,” Gemini tried lamely.
Mana shrugged. “I was seeing Regina. She tried to kill herself to save me, once.”
“Yeah, I can see that.” Gemini found herself smiling. “How about I make you a deal? We both make it through this, and I’ll do everything in my power to get your Regina back.”
Mana found herself sorely tempted. She looked at Gemini and realized that she meant that. Sincerely meant it. The problem was, Gemini would follow through. Even if it meant killing, say, that boy Ira who Rikka seemed to like. Or one of the Jikochuu’s monsters. Or King Jikochuu.
That idea suddenly seemed frightening, that there was literally nothing she couldn’t see happening. The Jikochuu crisis just...gone, Regina at her side, they’d all be happy and friends again.
“...I’ll...have to think about that.” Mana finally conceded. She couldn’t just say ‘no’ after all.
Gemini winced. “Right...okay.” She started to glance out the window again.
Mana grabbed her by the hand. “I’m sure Regina’s missing you. But you’re gonna need to warm up first.” Gemini blushed profusely, and a moment later so did Mana. “Cocoa! I meant cocoa! In the kitchen, Sebastian can whip some up for us!”
“...right. Nice hot cocoa and nothing else!”
Neither girl could get out of there and where somebody could see them fast enough.
Regina was without anything to do from her perspective. The novelty of having new video games had worn off, and thus she was staring out at the night sky through the balcony, the stars obscured by the city lights in the distance.
She was about to turn around and try that computer in the corner when she heard a knock on the door, then heard it open and shut behind her. She kept staring up at the sky, even when Rikka came out to lean on the balcony next to her. For several minutes they just stood there, staring upwards together, before Regina finally spoke. When she did, she tried to keep her tone neutral. “You don’t approve.”
“The plan? I’m sorry, but...”
Regina looked over at her, eyes slightly widening in surprise. “I didn’t mean that at all. I know the plan’s completely insane. Believe me, if you’ve got something better, we’re going right down to Gemini to talk about it and I’ll smack some sense into her myself if she won’t talk to you.”
Rikka swallowed a bit. “Well, that’s good. With everyone there I’m sure we can come up with something.”
Regina chuckled. “I really do hope so.”
“So what did you think I was talking about?”
Regina shrugged. “I’d thought it was obvious,”
“Oh,” Rikka turned back to the stars. “That. Yeah, I was a bit surprised, is all.”
Regina sighed. “No, that’s not all. Look, yes, I love Gemini. That’s the first thing.”
“I wasn’t saying you - “
Regina sighed again. “Diamond, you were. Is it...quite the same thing? I guess, probably not. I’m not human, even though I look it. My whole mindset’s off, and living with humans has been a huge culture shock. I still have to keep a collection of shiny jewelry in my locker to coo over, sometimes for hours, because they’re mine.”
Rikka swallowed. “That’s...more than I really needed to know...”
“You want to rescue your Regina, and maybe get along with her?” The blonde turned towards Rikka, looking serious. When Rikka nodded, she continued with “Then no, it’s not more than you needed to know. I’ll go over this with Mana too, but it’s important. Gemini is mine, and so is the world I left, and this one too. They’re mine, and I’ll keep them safe and work hard to make them better because of it.”
Rikka stared at Regina as if seeing her for the first time in either form. “I...think I finally get it.”
Regina shrugged. “Good. Now then, as for Gemini...yeah, okay, we share sleeping bags, when it’s not Alice because I’m out. And no, we do not have anything going on with Alice before you ask. But it’s not the reason you think...” Rikka inclined her head to indicate Regina should continue. “Look, this has to do with Cure Rune. Are you sure?”
Rikka was most definitely not sure, but she nodded her head again. “On your head be it then.” Regina took a deep breath, and began to tell her story...
The spring night in Tokyo was unnaturally still, broken only by the sound of sirens throuhgout. The three Jikochuu generals, the old man Bel, the woman Mamo, and Ira, a kid who looked about their own age.
On the other side was a blockade of soldiers. Armored trucks, men with guns, lights to blind anyone hapless enough to be in front. But that wasn’t what had terrified Heart and Rosetta.
No, that was the new Precure standing calmly in front of the barricades. She was dressed in black leather shorts with a skin-tight, dark blue leotard. Her decorations were remarkably simple for a Cure, with a pair of golden bracers being the only stand-outs. A headband held long midnight-blue hair in check. Leather calf boots with a low heel completed the outfit.
But Regina could still recognize the face that sent her friends into shock. And worse, Raquel was nowhere to be found. She wasn’t fond of the faeries that buzzed around her Mana, but she tolerated them. Still, seeing no one else was going to break the silence, she stepped up. “So, Cure Diamond. Guess we know who’s really Mana’s friend now.”
“Yes. We do.” The newly-minted Precure said. “I am the wisdom of the ages. Cure Rune.”
“...Rikka...why?” Heart swallowed. “We had it under control…”
Rune snarled back. “Under control? This youkai has you eating out of her hand...or maybe something els - “ Rosetta gasped in shock at the implied innuendo.
Regina, on the other hand, just looked puzzled. “What’s that?”
“Not now,” Heart said scoldingly, before turning back to look at Rune. “Rikka, I can’t accept that you did this. Regina is my friend. I can’t let these people have her.”
“Mana, please,” Rune’s tone turned plaintive, almost whining. “She’s just a youkai, an evil faerie. Even if she thinks she’s your friend she doesn’t understand what that means.”
Regina almost protested, but then shrugged. “You’re probably right. But I’m willing to learn. For Mana’s sake I’ll do anything to not hurt her. You can’t seem to say the same. Oh well. You’re still a Precure. Bel? Why don’t you three take care of this.”
Bel took the lollipop out of his mouth with a loud popping noise. “I’m sorry, sounds like you just tried to give me an order. But when your father hears about this, well, he’ll probably just be glad there’s less Precure and won’t mind losing one treacherous daughter. We’re just hanging around to make sure no one runs away.”
“Feh,” Regina smirked. “I’ll remember this, Bel. Fine, just wait right there and I’ll get to you.”
Ira caught the look on Regina’s face, even from that long distance. “Oy, you sure that was a good idea?”
“This is the best chance we’ve had to get her out of our hair.” Bel’s reply was simple and to the point.
Rosetta stood in front of Regina suddenly. “I’m sorry, Miss Rune,” Rune gasped at the formality and coldness of her - now former - friend. “If you want to do your duty to your new masters, you’ll have to kill me.”
Rune looked down. “So be it…” She held out her hands, and power gathered between them. “Crystal Seal!”
Suddenly the street was bathed in ice shards, each seeming to turn to liquid on impact with something before re-freezing. Regina vanished, only to appear in the air high above. Rosetta countered with a cry of “Rosetta Wall!” and turned the ice into an additional shield against further attacks.
But it was a ruse, as Rune was behind the team in a split second after the attack had seemed to end. Her hands extended...and Sharuru and Lance screamed in sudden pain before going completely inert, returning to their faerie forms.
Mana’s eyes widened in terror while a red dot appeared on her chest….
Regina took a deep breath. “I’d...rather not talk about the rest. We barely got out alive, but Rune...took them. The point is, that was the first night in Hokkaido. We have a nice, cozy little cave system set up out there now, but that night it was just a firepit, sleeping bags, and some preserved food, and a few sweet potatoes.”
Rikka was unconsciously leaning forward now, but Regina was lost in her own world. “I didn’t eat that night. Mana was just...completely out of it. It took us hours to coax her into her sleeping bag, and we all went to sleep afterwards. I woke up...guess maybe about three in the morning? At any rate, Mana was...gone. And when I found her, she the edge of the cliff.”
Rikka paled. “Oh my god.”
“After that....the next night I shared her sleeping bag, and she cried herself to sleep on my shoulder. But she didn’t get up again, and ever since I’ve been there, every night. And when I couldn’t be...well, you know. I’m scared Rikka. I’m scared that one night she’ll finish what Rune started.”
Rikka blinked back tears. “I’m...I’m so sorry.”
“Don’t be.” Regina closed her purple eyes. “After that night my eyes turned this color. I think...maybe I put a little of myself in her, and she put a little of herself in me. Or maybe not, never really paid attention to the mystic stuff. The point is, I love Mana, I hate what Rune put her through....but I’ve already accepted that you are not Rune. We don’t know what happened to get her to choose to do what she did, but just knowing that you could do it if you’re not you’ll know to be careful, right?”
“Right.” Rikka smiled grimly back. “I would never do anything to hurt Mana on purpose, but now I know just how badly I might do it by accident.”
“Good. Lesson learned.” Regina grinned. “Class dismissed, unless you’re planning on sharing the bed. It’s big enough for three, Alice has an awesome place!”
Rikka found herself laughing despite herself. “You really are Regina.”
“Darn tootin’!” Regina grinned and skipped her way over to the bed. “And look...don’t worry about Gemini. It’s just going to take time, all right?”
“Tell her....tell her I don’t blame her.” Rikka said back. “If she wants to hate me’s not fair but I can take it now.”
“She won’t. She’s still the Mana you love.”
It would have been the happiest moment of her life, if not for one thing.
“Why won’t this thing read?”
Sebastian walked over from where he was fiddling with a large group of boxes and wires. “Allow me, Miss.” He looked over at the computer and frowned. “That is unusual. Is this possibly in a new format?”
“What?” Gemini looked up at Sebastian, puzzled.
The aged butler typed in a few more commands, and something scrolled through the screen. “I see. Do not worry, Miss. I can have this sorted out in a few hours.”
Gemini had a sudden sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach. “What’s wrong?”
“It seems the government in your world has forced the publishing of a new operating system with a backdoor to allow them to look into the contents of these files. I wouldn’t worry too much, you need a network connection to actually get to them, and I doubt you have one in your home.” He took the stick out of the PC. “I’ll need to take this.”
“...ah...yeah.” Gemini sat down on the floor, hard. A hand landed on her shoulder, and with a scream she reached into her jacket to pull out her Commune before realizing she had nearly drawn on Alice. “Oh, oh god! I’m sorry.”
Alice just smiled at her. “It’s quite all right. I brought you some rose tea, but it sounds like you’ll be taking a break.”
“Just some technical issues.” Gemini sighed. “I guess we kinda suspected already, but to have it confirmed like this...”
Alice smiled. “I took the liberty of inviting Aguri over to watch a movie. I hope you don’t mind cartoons.”
“Not at all.” Gemini grinned. “It’ll be great to watch anything that isn’t the news.”
The blonde offered her hand to pull Gemini to her feet. “You don’t watch anything but the news back home?”
“Monster attacks, and we’ve only managed to steal one TV set out of the dumpster that we could get working.”
“...oh, oh my.” Alice frowned. “Uhm....really, I must insist that you keep details like that to yourself around Aguri. It was a shock to the rest of us, but I really don’t think she’s ready to talk about this sort of thing.”
Gemini’s eyes narrowed. “You make it sound like she’s eight years old.”
“...nine,” Alice admitted. A moment later, she found herself being held up by the lapels of her dress.
“WHAT THE HELL!?” Gemini screamed in her face. “You dragged a NINE YEAR OLD GIRL into this?”
“She was a Precure before the rest of us!” Alice yelled back, struggling to get out of Gemini’s grip without tearing her blouse. A moment later, Gemini let her down.
“All right.” She took a deep breath. “I guess I shouldn’t be angry about something you had no control over, but really? When you find out who did that, seriously, beat them up.”
Alice shook her head. “Really, she’s...”
“No. Alice, don’t make excuses for that, I don’t want to hear it.” Gemini scowled. “The YTF doesn’t use kids that young, and they probably wouldn’t use teenagers but there’s something that makes us better at using magic if we get it early. And you’re right, we are not bringing her back to my side, and if she tries to argue I’ll tie her up to make sure she stays here.”
“All right, we’ll leave her in charge over here.” Alice held up her hand. “She’ll have the others to help her covering the bases, but you said yourself our powers work best on the Jikochuu, and hers are the same, so...”
Gemini’s scowl didn’t break. “Agreed, but don’t expect me to be thrilled about this.”
“Just don’t let Aguri know.” Alice glanced nervously over her shoulder. “She’s really responsible for her age, and she wouldn’t like the suggestion.”
“If she wants to talk back to me about it, she can beat me up,” Gemini said. “Same offer I’d make to anyone on my side without experience on the team.”
“Let’s see...popcorn, rice crackers, plenty of tea...” Mana set down several bowls of snacks on the coffee table. “Shame we can’t use the big meeting room,”
“Well, this will be more comfortable anyway,” Makoto pointed out. “Speaking of which, there’s seven of us. We’re going to need somewhere else to sit.” It was true, the couch and chairs were only enough for five.
Mana thought for a moment. “I’m sure Alice won’t mind if we bring in another couch. If you could move that big one there a bit so everyone can see.”
“I’ll go help you with that,”
Mana waved the offer off. “It’s fine, it’s fine, I’ve done bigger jobs by myself.”
“Yeah,” Makoto stared as Mana went into a burst of her usual activity, rushing off into the next room while she struggled to move the furniture around the room into an aesthetically pleasing arrangement. Well, if she’d had the time a normal person would take to move a couch on their own, it wouldn’t have been a struggle for her.
But Mana wasn’t a normal person in this regard by any stretch.
Makoto had barely managed to finish her portion of the job when she saw the new couch being pushed in. Somehow, it seemed Mana had found the one piece of furniture in the entire posh mansion that wasn’t either an antique or top of the line, and thus could be given this rather rough treatment. Makoto quickly grabbed the other end and lifted it up.
“Ah, thanks Makopi. Let’s just get it there, then we can order the movies.” Mana beamed.
“Are you sure this is all right?” Makoto asked.
Mana grinned. “What, afraid I’ll order your Snow White?”
Makoto gave her a bit of a look. “Hey, I did just fine in that movie.”
“Yep, I know you did!” Mana was practically bouncing...
“...I worry about you sometimes.” Makoto finally said, eliciting a look of confusion. “I’m not sure it’s normal to be a fan of someone you’re friends with.”
Mana grinned. “Well of course I’m still a fan! I love your music!”
“Well, I guess it’s fine. Just avoid turning into a stalker, all right?”
Mana pouted. “I wouldn’t - “ Makoto’s sudden laughter caught her off guard. “...are you making fun of me?”
“Maybe a little.” Makoto was still grinning. “Don’t worry, I don’t think you’re going to suddenly turn into some wei...” she got very quiet, suddenly seeing a troubled look on Mana’s face. “I didn’t mean anything...”
The look didn’t go away. “ don’t think I’m...” The words were quiet, with an uncharacteristic desperation.
“...hey, what’s this all of a sudden?” Makoto looked around desperately for a distraction.
“Gemini’s scary,” Mana admitted as the silence grew thicker. “She’s...she looks just like me. It’s like looking in a mirror, if I grew my hair out. But...but she’s not me, right? I could never be that...that...” Mana was startled when she suddenly found her hands in Makoto’s, staring into purple eyes that glittered like hard amethysts. “Right?” She asked.hesitantly.
Makoto was caught off-guard. She had her suspicons, of course,, bringing that up now would not be productive. Even if Gemini’s magic isn’t like ours, she’s still a person, and it would be wrong to just ignore Mana’s problem. She took in a breath. “...Mana....I’m sorry, but...when we first met, after she changed....just for a moment she was...bright, happy. And some of the things she says...she watches the news all the time in case there’s a monster attack she can get to. You have to admit, Mana...”
“” Mana tried to take a step back, but Makoto held her hands tight.
“Mana, I’m not finished.” Makoto said firmly. “Yes, she’s very much like you in all the important ways. So, yes, you could become like her, if circumstances were extreme enough.” Mana blinked, her defensiveness broken. “Remember, Mana, she had to watch Rikka, her best friend, turn on her and try to kill her to get that hard. She’s been living out in the wilderness. She’s half-starving, not going to school. She hasn’t seen her family in months.”
Mana swallowed. “So....”
“If things get really bad, then yes, that could be how you deal with it.” Makoto said. “But, things aren’t likely to get that bad for you. Rikka is a good person, just like you are. There’s no one exerting outside pressure here.”
“Wait, what?” The other girl blinked several times, her eyes darting around at the sudden turn of the conversation.
Makoto smiled. “The YTF almost certainly came up with some story to get Rikka to act that way. She must have thought she was really doing what was best.”
“Are you sure?” Mana asked, desperate for the life-line in the storm of uncertainty her life had become.
Mana smiled. “Okay then. We won’t bring that up to Gemini, but we can show her that we’re friends here. All of us.”
“That’s the Mana I know.” Makoto gave one of her trademark smirks. “We’ll worry about the details tomorrow.”
Gemini stared.
Regina stared.
They had been warned, but somehow they didn’t really believe it until now.
There was a young girl staring back at them from across the room, a rather serious and cross expression on her face, with dark red eyes.
“This is a prank.” The girl, Aguri, said. “Very funny, Mana.” She didn’t look like she was laughing, a sentiment shared by the two visitors.
“I’m not Mana,” Gemini would not express annoyance. This was just a kid. A little girl playing at being a grown-up. “She’s busy setting up the movie,”
Aguri’s expression didn’t change in the slightest. “People do not just suddenly appear out of nowhere, especially clones of real people,” she said as if explaining to someone much younger than herself. Ironic, from Gemini’s point of view.
Regina smirked. “I’ve seen pictures of your Regina. How do you explain that I’ve gained two years on her?”
“You’re a faerie, you can look how you want to look. And I’m very cross that you’ve chosen to inform me that you came back to our side with such poor taste,”
Gemini finally cracked a small smile. “Well, she’s got you there. Sort of.” She turned back to the girl. “But no, I’m not Mana. Please, call me Gemini.”
“This is getting old, Mana.” Aguri said back. “What movie are we watching?”
Regina shrugged. “I dunno. Ghibli something.”
Aguri scrunched up her nose. “Cartoons? Come on, aren’t you a little old for that?”
Gemini bent at her knees to look Aguri in the eye. “Aguri, we made the selection because you’re here. Don’t you like cartoons?”
The girl shrugged. “Eh, I just thought we’d be watching something a little more your speed. I can handle it.”
Regina stuck out her tongue at Aguri, only to have Gemini gently tap the back of her head. “That’s enough you two. Well, I’m sure Alice has a good movie library. If you don’t want to watch that, I’m sure we can find something.”
“What, is something missing?” Mana asked, poking her head around the corner behind Aguri.
Who turned around, slowly.
And turned around again.
She turned around a third time.
And the poor girl made a sound something like ‘gleeeahhhh’ as her brain tried to process what she was looking at. Wordlessly, she waked over to Mana, got behind her, and pushed her across the room. “Wo-wo-woah! Aguri, what are you-”
Mana found herself positioned next to Gemini and being subjected to the most thorough inspection of her life. No one spoke until, finally, Aguri was standing back in front of them. “...identical twin?”
“THAT’S NOT IT!” All three older girls shouted together, before Mana coughed and calmed herself. “Aguri, this is Cure Gemini, and as we explained over the phone…”
Aguri hmphed. “Well, I don’t believe it, and you won’t tell me what’s going on, so I’m keeping my eye on you two.”
Gemini smirked again. “Smart, kid. Not that you could do anything about it if we decided to make trouble.”
Aguri started to bristle at that. “Don’t you dare make fun of me!”
Gemini shook her head. “I’m not making fun of you. I understand you’ve had a few years of fighting Jikochuu, but that’s what, one, two a week? I’ve gotten into way more fights than Miss Aida has, and I’m using better equipment. Plus Regina and I have been training with three great combat instructors for hours every day to get up to snuff. You, on the other hand, have to push yourself so hard you’ve got a time limit.”
“I...I...hmph. It doesn’t matter.” Aguri regained her cool after an extra few moments of pouting. “I’m sure you’ll need my help when we get to this ‘meeting’ of yours.”
Regina sniffed. “Offer rejected. Not bringing you along just to get killed, kid.”
Mana tried to speak up, but Gemini beat her to it. “Listen, Aguri…”
“I will not listen to this.” Aguri turned around. “I’ll just wait for you to call me.”
Mana shouted “STOP!” into the middle of the argument, and everybody looked at her. She bent at the knees to speak first to the youngest girl. “Aguri, Gemini and Regina are just looking out for you. You’ll have an important job tomorrow, but you can’t go where we’re going. They are right, you’d just end up getting hurt.”
“I can fight circles around you, why are you going to do any better than me?” Aguri asked reasonably.
Gemini swallowed. “Because the plan calls for about ten hours of continuous fighting.”
Regina looked like she was about to make a nasty remark, but another tap to the head, from both Aida girls this time, stopped her as Mana took up the torch again. “Exactly. It’s going to be the longest, hardest fight we’ve had so far. Like I said, you’re going to have an important job. Maybe the most important of all. But to do it you’ll have to stay here.”
“All right. But no cartoons tonight!”
Mana shrugged. “Well, I guess we can come up with something….”
Rikka crossed her arms. “Honestly, I don’t see what’s wrong with what you picked out, but all right.”
Mana shrugged. “Aguri didn’t want to watch it with us, so we’ll just have to pick something else.”
Gemini fiddled with the remote. “How does this thing work, anyway? I don’t see any discs…”
Alice smiled. “I have a lot of video streaming services, even things that most people can’t get in Japan. It’s because Clover is a media company - we sometimes buy things from other markets.”
“Right. I’d forgotten,” Regina grinned. “So, we can watch any movie ever?”
Alice nodded. “Basically. It has to be in Japanese because not everyone speaks every language that might be on the movies, but I’ve already filtered those out.”
Regina looked at Alice blankly for a moment. “That must be inconvenient.”
Mana chuckled. “We get by. But what to watch….” she glanced up at the screen. “Hmm…” Gemini tossed the remote casually in the air, letting Mana catch it without either of them looking away from the screen to many dropped jaws.
“How did you know?” Makoto found herself asking.
Gemini just shrugged. “It’s where I would have been if I hadn’t gotten the remote first.”
Mana started flicking relentlessly through multiple screens while tapping at her cell phone. “ if Aguri weren’t here….no….” Aguri pouted at that suggestion but didn’t say anything. “Ah, maybe this one. According to the internet it’s supposed to be some kind of American classic.”
Gemini and Regina both started looking over the description of Patton and got about a sentence in before stating “No, thank you.”
Mana blinked. “I thought you’d like it…” she tried, hesitantly.
“Another time, maybe.” Gemini said. “Not really in the mood for war movies.”
“Uhm, Makoto, you have any ideas?”
Makoto hummed in concentration. “Well, if we’re looking for classics how about The Hidden Fortress. I rather liked that, but they said I shouldn’t do period works for my first film.”
Rikka grinned. “Why don’t we watch your Snow White then?”
Alice’s grin was a little more subdued, and a bit mischevious. “It’s not on the streaming services yet, but it is a Clover film so I can probably get a disc…”
“Hmph!” Makoto turned her nose away.
Gemini and Regina glanced at each other. “If it’s all the same to you girls, maybe no violence tonight?
Alice’s mischevious grin vanished. “Well, perhaps Springtime Cherry Blossoms the...what?” Rikka and Makoto were both shooting her a look. “I think it’s very romantic, and the leads are all very handsome men.”
Rikka gave the guests a glance. “Right, one of those romances where the woman lead is an audience surrogate for getting the perfect guy?”
“Oh, right.” Alice coughed. “Sorry.”
“Eh, did say no violence.” Regina chuckled. “But I’ve already got what I want for romance.” She wrapped an arm around Gemini pointedly, causing the long-haired girl to blush and Rikka to jump slightly.
Aguri blinked rapidly several times at the open display of affection. “Am I missing something?”
Regina smirked. “Probably.”
“Regina, behave.” Gemini scolded, quickly managing to escape the purple-eyed girl’s grip. “Regina and I have a relationship, that’s all.”
There was a long pause, then Aguri nodded. “None of my business.”
“Right!” Mana shouted. “But what are we going to watch?”
Rikka looked over at the remote again. “Well, we could always watch a comedy.” She flipped through. “Ah! Hana to Arisu! That’s a good one!”
Mana grinned. “That’s an idea.”
“Actually…” Gemini said “I’ve seen it. And I don’t think Regina would appreciate it much - she can be like an alien sometimes.”
“Hey!” Regina jumped up. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
Gemini grinned. “Nothing, nothing, but you do have to admit that sometimes stuff that’s obvious to most people flies right over your head.”
Aguri suddenly looked uncomfortable. “Uhm, you know, if we’re going to go with what Gemini and Regina would want to watch…”
Regina smirked. “Well, I wanted to go with that Ghibli thing in the first place.”
“Which makes sense, since Regina can also be like a kid.” Gemini smirked right back at her girlfriend.
“Right.” Alice took the remote and pushed a button. “Everybody settle in.”
Hours later, night had fallen over the manor house. It had been agreed that, to keep the chances of anything else going wrong, everyone would stay there overnight. Makoto had been the first to fall asleep, and Gemini had gently laid her out in a nearby bedroom to sleep it off. Afterwards, it seemed like the party would descend into Regina fighting with the other faeries over the video game console, and while it was cute Gemini decided she wanted some time to contemplate the next day, so she had excused herself and gone up into the attic, and was now sitting in the highest window of the Yotsuba mansion, looking out over the city. She opened the window and shivered slightly at the cold. “Summer’s ending soon here too, I guess.”
Her hand gripped the sword, the one the strange man who had given her the Lovies had also entrusted her with. I’m sure you’ll make good use of this, my sweet heart. He had said those words to her, and then vanished, leaving her with three ways to transform into a Precure. She fished in her pocket for it, and looked over the blackened trinket. “Useless.” She cocked her arm to toss it out the window, but finally pulled back and just put it back. “....coward,” she muttered to herself.
She had nearly fallen asleep when she felt a thick blanket being pulled over her body. It said a lot about how secure she felt here that she didn’t skewer the person, but merely opened her eyes. “Mana?”
Mana beamed. “Thanks.”
“For what?” Gemini looked bewildered for a moment, before her jaw dropped.
Mana nodded, taking a seat opposite her. “You said my name, not ‘Miss Aida’”
“I guess I did,” Gemini sighed. “It won’t happen again, I shouldn’t be so familiar.”
“Why not?” Mana grinned. “We’re just like the same person, right?”
Gemini found herself chuckling. “Sort of, I guess. But yeah. Hopefully in two days I’ll be out of your life forever, and you’ll be better off.”
“No, I won’t.” Mana said firmly. “Life is always better for having friends to live it with.”
“That sounds like something I’d say,” Gemini’s comment was wistful, addressed to the night wind.
Mana glanced out herself. “Say, what are you doing up here anyway?”
“Thinking,” Gemini said after a moment’s pause. “I always try to take a few minutes to contemplate what the world looks like if I fail.”
Mana’s voice filled with trepidation. “And what do you think it looks like?”
“That’s what scares me.” Gemini said. “Normally, I can’t see how I’m making a difference. But I have to try.”
“I’m sure you’re making lots of difference to the people you save.”
Gemini laughed. “I guess that’s true. And I don’t want to die with a blindfold on, or in bed. If I’ve got to go, I want to see it coming.”
Mana thought the sentiment morbid, but nonetheless kept a smile on her face. “I guess that makes sense. Can’t think of how I’d want anything different.”
Gemini leaned in close. “Can’t you? Don’t you want to die surrounded by your loved ones?”
“Well, if I’ve gotta go, yeah. But I wouldn’t mind living forever.” Mana desperately looked for a way to change the subject, and found it staring into Gemini’s eyes. “...uhm….” from this close, she could see that Gemini’s eyes weren’t quite identical to hers. Instead of the solid magenta of her own, there were little flecks of blue noticeable floating there.
“Oh, that. Side effect.” Gemini leaned in a bit closer, too close for Mana’s comfort. “Go ahead, I don’t mind.”
Mana laughed after a moment and looked away again. Gemini followed after a moment. Neither could quite bring themselves to look back at the other when Mana said “So, friends?”
“And I promise, after we save your world we’ll come to visit.”
Gemini shrugged. “Maybe you won’t have to….living here would be...nice.”
“Don’ t get me wrong!” Gemini waved her arms to clarify. “I’m not thinking of doing that ‘till the job’s done.”
“Good!” Mana declared. “No friend of mine is gonna give up.”
“Yeah,” Gemini said quietly after a moment, looking down into the garden below. A moment later she realized Mana was leaning out the window right beside her to contemplate it and jumped back in.
Mana pulled back at a bit less of a rush. “Sorry, I just wondered what you were seeing.”
“The flowers,” Gemini tried lamely.
Mana shrugged. “I was seeing Regina. She tried to kill herself to save me, once.”
“Yeah, I can see that.” Gemini found herself smiling. “How about I make you a deal? We both make it through this, and I’ll do everything in my power to get your Regina back.”
Mana found herself sorely tempted. She looked at Gemini and realized that she meant that. Sincerely meant it. The problem was, Gemini would follow through. Even if it meant killing, say, that boy Ira who Rikka seemed to like. Or one of the Jikochuu’s monsters. Or King Jikochuu.
That idea suddenly seemed frightening, that there was literally nothing she couldn’t see happening. The Jikochuu crisis just...gone, Regina at her side, they’d all be happy and friends again.
“...I’ll...have to think about that.” Mana finally conceded. She couldn’t just say ‘no’ after all.
Gemini winced. “Right...okay.” She started to glance out the window again.
Mana grabbed her by the hand. “I’m sure Regina’s missing you. But you’re gonna need to warm up first.” Gemini blushed profusely, and a moment later so did Mana. “Cocoa! I meant cocoa! In the kitchen, Sebastian can whip some up for us!”
“...right. Nice hot cocoa and nothing else!”
Neither girl could get out of there and where somebody could see them fast enough.
Regina was without anything to do from her perspective. The novelty of having new video games had worn off, and thus she was staring out at the night sky through the balcony, the stars obscured by the city lights in the distance.
She was about to turn around and try that computer in the corner when she heard a knock on the door, then heard it open and shut behind her. She kept staring up at the sky, even when Rikka came out to lean on the balcony next to her. For several minutes they just stood there, staring upwards together, before Regina finally spoke. When she did, she tried to keep her tone neutral. “You don’t approve.”
“The plan? I’m sorry, but...”
Regina looked over at her, eyes slightly widening in surprise. “I didn’t mean that at all. I know the plan’s completely insane. Believe me, if you’ve got something better, we’re going right down to Gemini to talk about it and I’ll smack some sense into her myself if she won’t talk to you.”
Rikka swallowed a bit. “Well, that’s good. With everyone there I’m sure we can come up with something.”
Regina chuckled. “I really do hope so.”
“So what did you think I was talking about?”
Regina shrugged. “I’d thought it was obvious,”
“Oh,” Rikka turned back to the stars. “That. Yeah, I was a bit surprised, is all.”
Regina sighed. “No, that’s not all. Look, yes, I love Gemini. That’s the first thing.”
“I wasn’t saying you - “
Regina sighed again. “Diamond, you were. Is it...quite the same thing? I guess, probably not. I’m not human, even though I look it. My whole mindset’s off, and living with humans has been a huge culture shock. I still have to keep a collection of shiny jewelry in my locker to coo over, sometimes for hours, because they’re mine.”
Rikka swallowed. “That’s...more than I really needed to know...”
“You want to rescue your Regina, and maybe get along with her?” The blonde turned towards Rikka, looking serious. When Rikka nodded, she continued with “Then no, it’s not more than you needed to know. I’ll go over this with Mana too, but it’s important. Gemini is mine, and so is the world I left, and this one too. They’re mine, and I’ll keep them safe and work hard to make them better because of it.”
Rikka stared at Regina as if seeing her for the first time in either form. “I...think I finally get it.”
Regina shrugged. “Good. Now then, as for Gemini...yeah, okay, we share sleeping bags, when it’s not Alice because I’m out. And no, we do not have anything going on with Alice before you ask. But it’s not the reason you think...” Rikka inclined her head to indicate Regina should continue. “Look, this has to do with Cure Rune. Are you sure?”
Rikka was most definitely not sure, but she nodded her head again. “On your head be it then.” Regina took a deep breath, and began to tell her story...
The spring night in Tokyo was unnaturally still, broken only by the sound of sirens throuhgout. The three Jikochuu generals, the old man Bel, the woman Mamo, and Ira, a kid who looked about their own age.
On the other side was a blockade of soldiers. Armored trucks, men with guns, lights to blind anyone hapless enough to be in front. But that wasn’t what had terrified Heart and Rosetta.
No, that was the new Precure standing calmly in front of the barricades. She was dressed in black leather shorts with a skin-tight, dark blue leotard. Her decorations were remarkably simple for a Cure, with a pair of golden bracers being the only stand-outs. A headband held long midnight-blue hair in check. Leather calf boots with a low heel completed the outfit.
But Regina could still recognize the face that sent her friends into shock. And worse, Raquel was nowhere to be found. She wasn’t fond of the faeries that buzzed around her Mana, but she tolerated them. Still, seeing no one else was going to break the silence, she stepped up. “So, Cure Diamond. Guess we know who’s really Mana’s friend now.”
“Yes. We do.” The newly-minted Precure said. “I am the wisdom of the ages. Cure Rune.”
“...Rikka...why?” Heart swallowed. “We had it under control…”
Rune snarled back. “Under control? This youkai has you eating out of her hand...or maybe something els - “ Rosetta gasped in shock at the implied innuendo.
Regina, on the other hand, just looked puzzled. “What’s that?”
“Not now,” Heart said scoldingly, before turning back to look at Rune. “Rikka, I can’t accept that you did this. Regina is my friend. I can’t let these people have her.”
“Mana, please,” Rune’s tone turned plaintive, almost whining. “She’s just a youkai, an evil faerie. Even if she thinks she’s your friend she doesn’t understand what that means.”
Regina almost protested, but then shrugged. “You’re probably right. But I’m willing to learn. For Mana’s sake I’ll do anything to not hurt her. You can’t seem to say the same. Oh well. You’re still a Precure. Bel? Why don’t you three take care of this.”
Bel took the lollipop out of his mouth with a loud popping noise. “I’m sorry, sounds like you just tried to give me an order. But when your father hears about this, well, he’ll probably just be glad there’s less Precure and won’t mind losing one treacherous daughter. We’re just hanging around to make sure no one runs away.”
“Feh,” Regina smirked. “I’ll remember this, Bel. Fine, just wait right there and I’ll get to you.”
Ira caught the look on Regina’s face, even from that long distance. “Oy, you sure that was a good idea?”
“This is the best chance we’ve had to get her out of our hair.” Bel’s reply was simple and to the point.
Rosetta stood in front of Regina suddenly. “I’m sorry, Miss Rune,” Rune gasped at the formality and coldness of her - now former - friend. “If you want to do your duty to your new masters, you’ll have to kill me.”
Rune looked down. “So be it…” She held out her hands, and power gathered between them. “Crystal Seal!”
Suddenly the street was bathed in ice shards, each seeming to turn to liquid on impact with something before re-freezing. Regina vanished, only to appear in the air high above. Rosetta countered with a cry of “Rosetta Wall!” and turned the ice into an additional shield against further attacks.
But it was a ruse, as Rune was behind the team in a split second after the attack had seemed to end. Her hands extended...and Sharuru and Lance screamed in sudden pain before going completely inert, returning to their faerie forms.
Mana’s eyes widened in terror while a red dot appeared on her chest….
Regina took a deep breath. “I’d...rather not talk about the rest. We barely got out alive, but Rune...took them. The point is, that was the first night in Hokkaido. We have a nice, cozy little cave system set up out there now, but that night it was just a firepit, sleeping bags, and some preserved food, and a few sweet potatoes.”
Rikka was unconsciously leaning forward now, but Regina was lost in her own world. “I didn’t eat that night. Mana was just...completely out of it. It took us hours to coax her into her sleeping bag, and we all went to sleep afterwards. I woke up...guess maybe about three in the morning? At any rate, Mana was...gone. And when I found her, she the edge of the cliff.”
Rikka paled. “Oh my god.”
“After that....the next night I shared her sleeping bag, and she cried herself to sleep on my shoulder. But she didn’t get up again, and ever since I’ve been there, every night. And when I couldn’t be...well, you know. I’m scared Rikka. I’m scared that one night she’ll finish what Rune started.”
Rikka blinked back tears. “I’m...I’m so sorry.”
“Don’t be.” Regina closed her purple eyes. “After that night my eyes turned this color. I think...maybe I put a little of myself in her, and she put a little of herself in me. Or maybe not, never really paid attention to the mystic stuff. The point is, I love Mana, I hate what Rune put her through....but I’ve already accepted that you are not Rune. We don’t know what happened to get her to choose to do what she did, but just knowing that you could do it if you’re not you’ll know to be careful, right?”
“Right.” Rikka smiled grimly back. “I would never do anything to hurt Mana on purpose, but now I know just how badly I might do it by accident.”
“Good. Lesson learned.” Regina grinned. “Class dismissed, unless you’re planning on sharing the bed. It’s big enough for three, Alice has an awesome place!”
Rikka found herself laughing despite herself. “You really are Regina.”
“Darn tootin’!” Regina grinned and skipped her way over to the bed. “And look...don’t worry about Gemini. It’s just going to take time, all right?”
“Tell her....tell her I don’t blame her.” Rikka said back. “If she wants to hate me’s not fair but I can take it now.”
“She won’t. She’s still the Mana you love.”