Prince Of Tennis Fan Fiction ❯ "Hold Me" ❯ Chapter 1

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

"Hold Me"

By Andrea Readwolf <andrea_readwolf>

Chapter: 1/1 (there may be more)

Rating: NC-17

Pairings: Oshitari Yuushi + Mukahi Gakuto

Genre: au, drama, romance, shounen-ai

Warnings: OOC? Underage characters in homosexual romantic and sexual situations of self-discovery. Characters are written in character according to author's interpretation.

Spoilers: Seigaku-Hyotei match, episodes 57-59 (I think)

Summary: Oshitari and Gakuto after the Hyotei-Seigaku game

Disclaimer: Tennis no Ohjisama, characters and settings are the property of Konomi Takeshi.

Date Started: May 31, 2004

Status: complete


Word Count: 975

"Hold Me" by Andrea Readwolf

They didn't sleep together.

If he told anyone that, they would have looked at him funny; after all, everyone in Hyotei *knew* Oshitari Yuushi and Mukahi Gakuto were fucking, sometimes very loudly. Even the neighbors to either side of their dorm room had given up on pounding on the walls to try and get them to quiet it down.

But sleeping together and having sex were not the same, Oshitari thought as he blinked at the boy standing uncertainly at his bedside.

Still very much damp from the shower he'd just returned from, wet hair clinging to his face in places, pajama shirt cling to his chest and thighs... Gakuto really did look like a woman sometimes; Oshitari had told his partner that once. Gakuto had *not* been happy. The sex that followed, however, had been nothing short of incredible.

Gakuto was actually a very fastidious person; he didn't like to sit in his own sweat, even after a game. It was just one of the many annoying habits Oshitari liked about the other boy: when his body was all relaxed from a really good fuck and he was ready to just roll over and sleep, Gakuto insisted on getting up and showering. Even from this distance he could smell the berry soap his partner used (to add shine to his hair and skin Gakuto had told Oshitari once when he'd asked).

Gakuto would leave to take his shower, Oshitari would roll over and wait for the sounds of the water to finish, wait for the puttering of the other boy to come to and end... wait for Gakuto to settle into his own bed before allowing himself to relax enough to slip into sleep himself.

But tonight, Gakuto didn't return to his own bed.

The redhead was watching him nervously--oh, he didn't look it, but Oshitari could read his partner very well; it was one of the things that made them such good partners. No one else could control Mukahi Gakuto like he could through one look, or soft touch, or whispered word....

"A second time?" he asked, mildly amused, still watching his partner.

A shiver that had nothing to do with the air conditioner rushing over wet skin chased over Gakuto's shoulders. But Oshitari saw the answer even before the redhead gave a quick negative gesture. Oshitari returned with a questioning look--it was convenient to be able to communicate with someone without needing words... But sometimes...

"Can I... sleep here...?"

The question was hesitant, shy--now weren't those adjectives others would look at him funny for using to describe his doubles partner? But they didn't know the redhead like he did.

Oshitari lifted his bed sheet in silent invitation. Gakuto held himself back for only a moment before slowly climbing into the bed. The action lacked all of his normal grace and natural seduction. Instead, it reflected the gangliness of youth, someone still growing into their body.

Gakuto lay stiff in the bed, back to Oshitari.

He shifted closer to his partner, holding onto the sheet as he wrapped an arm around Gakuto's waist, tugging the sheet over his partner's legs. He pressed his chest into the redhead's back and buried his face quickly in the drying hair. Gakuto was as stiff as a piece of plywood in his arms.

One hand slipped under Gakuto's pajama shirt, by passing the satiny boxers to brush over the smooth skin of chest and stomach instead. It was a gentle rhythmic stroking, not rushed, not pressing for anything more sexual.

"Tell me what's wrong."

The soft inflection could have made it a question, but Gakuto had come to him tonight, come to his bed...broken their pattern. The pattern that had worked for them for almost a year.

"I really screwed up today."

The words were whispered, barely audible, but Oshitari heard them as if they were shouted at him.

He sighed, closing his eyes and holding on tighter to the boy in his arms. "*We* screwed up today," he correct. "I underestimated them, and... and I failed you," he added softly. If there had been anyone else in the room, they wouldn't have been able to make out their words from how quietly the spoke, words flowing from one body to the other through barely little air.

Gakuto was shaking in his arms.

"I let you fly too high, too soon... I'm sorry."

"No! You're wrong! I--" The redhead had managed to twist around to face Oshitari, and the taller boy was surprised at the wavering look in those. Gakuto's eyes were normally so hard... "I'm sorry, Yuushi," he continued, quiet again. "I'm sorry we lost."

Oshitari nodded, running his fingers back through damp red hair. "I'm sorry, too. Let's not do it again."

The puff of breath that escaped the smaller boy could have been a laugh of relief, but... "We're... still....?"


He pressed the other boy onto his back, mouth crashing down over Gakuto's with every bit of passion that had always flared between them from the very first moment they'd seen each other. His partner's lips were already parted for him, accepting his tongue into his mouth and moaning loudly as their bodies undulated together.

They were breathless when Oshitari finally pulled back.

"Always," he answered.

A tension inside the other boy eased away with a sigh.

"Hold me? Just for tonight?"

"Always," Oshitari repeated with a tender smile, rearranging their bodies so he was spooned around Gakuto's back, an arm draped back around his partner's middle. Gakuto made a small sound--something between a protesting mew and a comforted sigh--but settled quickly into the position.

Oshitari placed a like kiss to the smaller boy's crown.

They didn't sleep together... At least, not until the day they lost to Seigaku's Golden Pair.


Author's Notes:

05/31: Well, I need to do a little more polishing, and I'm not really happen with the last bit, but I did promise to get this written for some people, so, I hope you enjoy the rough draft and can offer some hints and suggestions for improvement!