Prince Of Tennis Fan Fiction ❯ California ❯ a new school ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter One
Note: Everything in bold is said in Japanese and is translated for your convenience. Please excuse the weird sentences that don't make sense. This is because of some small translation.
It was a normal day at Valley High Middle School. The sky was clear and sunny. The second bell had rung and everyone was in their classrooms listening to the BNN. When there was a knock on the door to Mrs.Skaalen's 7th grade English classroom. A boy walked into the class room. The whole classroom turned to the door and everyone fell silent.
“Are you Ryoma?” asked Mrs.Skaalen. She waited as the boy nodded his head.
“You can sit next to Chika,” The teacher told Ryoma. She had a voice that was very sweet, too sweet. “Ryoma honey there are no hats allowed in class,” she told him. Ryoma took off his hat and made his way to the seat next to Chika. The whole class watched him. The girl all fell in love and the guys thought he would be an instant friend.
“Chika, honey could you please translate everything that I say to Ryoma knows what we are doing. Also I would like you to make sure that he can read the homework and book work,” Mrs.Skaalen told Chika. The black haired girl nodded her head.
“I know how to speak English,” Ryoma said surprising the class. The whole class started to clap and cheer. A few of the girls shout because he was so cute.
Note: Rio is a girl name in Japan!! Rio and some of these characters are real people. Ssshh… no telling them that they are in this story!!!
Now we will leave the boring English class and go to 2nd period PE Mr.Sim's class. Where more tennis members were starting their new day!!! Mr. Sims class is starting their five minute warm up run/jog around the blacktop. The sun was up, but it was still a little chilly outside.
“Oi, Momo chan are we in the right place? I can't read English very well,” A cute red haired kid said “I wish Ochibi chan was here. I should have studied English before we came here,”
“Here I think,” the Guy named Momo replied. “Let's ask that guy yelling at everyone. Maybe he is the bochou of the class. I wonder what buchou and Fuji are doing now,
Psssshhhh … You don't know anything stupid,” Said the third member of the group, Kaido. He was wearing a green bandana and a cut off t-shirt. The boy was acting like the world went around him.
“What did you say you…,” Momo yelled. He raised his fist as if to hit Kaido. Eiji came up from behind and stopped Momo with great difficulty.
“Hey what are you doing over there? There is no fighting at school,” asked MrSims. “Are you the new students?” The three tennis player nodded their heads at the same time.
“Hey! Rio get over here,” Mr. Sims yelled to a blonde headed boy. The three tennis players were shocked when they saw a boy come over. He was dressed in the gym uniform. His shirt was white and he wore green shorts with Carmel Valley on then. This seemed to make the three tennis players feel better.
“Rio here will make sure you understand all the rules,” Mr. Sims said “Now show then were to dress out,” The boy tossed his hair and made the motion for then to follow him. He started to walk to two doors almost completely surrounded by wall. As a few other people pasted he was high-fived.
Do you guys have gym cloths? Come this way to get your gym cloths then,” Rio said. “I'll show you were your lockers are and how to open them.” He walked through the doors not waiting for the tennis players to catch up to him. He kept tossing his hair as he walked. Mr. Sims had left to coach the class and two of the guys started laughing because Rio is a girl's name.
Psssshhh it's not that funny, Momo You have a girl's name too,” Kaido said as he followed Rio into the locker room. Poor Rio, our hero did not notice that he was being made fun of. The two tennis players laughed at the name for a few more minutes and went into the locker room.
Now we will leave PE!!! Let's move to the next group of tennis members that are just now going to American History. The teacher is the meanest in the school. Will they make it or will they die trying. Read more to find out.
“How dare you be late to class!! You both get Saturday school and an hour detention!!!” the teacher yells “Now go to your seats and I don't want hear another word come out of your mouths!!
Sorry teacher for being late,” Oishi says as he walks through the door to the class and bow to the teacher. He walked into a class with no windows and no pictures on the wall. The teacher gives him a confused look and the calls a student to his desk. By this time Takashi is standing by his side. The teacher talks to the student and yells at her a few times. The girl had brown/black hair that is layered. As the girl walks over she blushes slightly.
My name is Hazuki Sakuri. I am NOT related to the stupid Rio Sakuri,” Hazuki says. “I will be your translator for however long you are staying here.” The girl seemed like she didn't want to be there are she talked in a model like manner.
Guys come come this way,” Hazuki said.
This will be a good class,” Oishi said with an evil grin on his face as he thinks about all the things that he can do to annoy the teacher. The two guys follow Hazuki to their seats right in front of the teacher!!! For the rest of class they look at the notes that Hazuki writes in Japanese. When the period is over they go and look for the rest of the team. Oishi is so glad to see Eiji that he kisses him.
Now that we know what everyone at the middle school is doing lets go over to Torry Pines. Were we will meet the last member of our tennis team!! The three
Weird/scary people on the team. They are also the best on the team. Fuji the guy that always has his eyes closed. Yet he never seems to bump into things. Inui, the guy that makes nasty juices for people to drink. The last person Tesuka, buchou, scary person who is the best on the team. They are in tennis PE right now!!! I luv Tennis!!
“Captain these people are easy,” Fuji says to Tezuka as they play doubles together against two upper classmen. Both of the upper classmen were tired out and sweating a lot.
“Game Tezuka and Fuji six games to love,” Yelled the teacher's assistant. The two other players dropped onto the floor and did not get up for a while.
“You two should play doubles for our next tournament,” Inui suggested as he hands then two of his special juices.
“No we would probably lose and then lose all the singles games,” Tezuka says as he walks away to change for his next class. At the same moment a group of fan came and waved at Tezuka. Fuji still smiling watches while Tezuka is pulled by the girls.
The End of Chapter One!!