Prince Of Tennis Fan Fiction ❯ Fantasia ❯ Chapter 1
A _Price of Tennis_ Fanfiction
By Andrea Readwolf [andrea_readwolf]
Chapter: 1/1
Rating: PG
Pairings: Shinji-An-Akira
Genre: fluff
Warnings: Underage characters in homosexual romantic and sexual situations of self-discovery. Characters are written in character according to author's interpretation.
Spoilers: n/a
Summary: what's the meaning behind one's dreams?
Disclaimer: Tennis no Ohjisama, characters and settings are the property of Konomi Takeshi.
Written August 20, 2004
Word Count: 532
"I had a dream last night."
"Mmm... I was floating in a soap bubble, just drifting around, and then I saw this beam of white light pour down from the sky. When I went to investigate it, I found a waterfall. I got to close to it and was swept down into the water. When I entered the water, my soap bubble disappeared and I had transformed into a mermaid."
"A mermaid?"
"Mmm. There was a merman there to greet me and we danced underwater. There was another merman, and we danced, too. Finally, I met a mermaid and she showed me to a beautiful golden gate encrusted with coral and seashells that seemed to reach for the very surface of the water."?
"Mmm. I opened the gate and was surprised to see it open up to a mountainside. I was hesitant to go through because I was a mermaid, after all--how would I be able to breath outside of water? But I stepped through anyway."
"Oh, did you?"
"Yes. That's when I transformed again--I was a centaur, and I started walking up the mountain path and almost stepped on a skunk. I was very annoyed to see a skunk there in my dream, but the skunk looked up at me and said, 'Looks can be deceiving. Not everything is as what is seems,' and then it disappeared back into the bushes."
"The skunk did?"
"Yes. So I continued up the mountain path until I was at a cliff with a great bit tree on it, and in the tree was a large eagle who offered me her wings to fly around the skies with-- so I grew wings on my back and became an Pegasus-centaur. But I didn't want to fly--"
"You didn't?"
"No, so I started back down the mountain and about halfway down, I noticed it."
"Noticed what?"
"A cave. And I went to investigate it."
"What did you find/"
"A lot of rainbow colored stones and jewels and stuff. It was like the walls were encrusted with rainbow colored stones."
"Sounds pretty."
"It was. There were separate rooms, too, just filled with solid colors like red and green and blue and purple. I went into the purple room and found a nest in the center of it. So I went to lay down--"
"In the nest?"
"Well, I was half-horse. So I went to lay down--and suddenly all these hands were stroking me and rubbing me all over."
"And what happened then?"
"I woke up."
"Well, the alarm went off. So what do you think it means?"
An stretched and smiled from across the sofa where she was using Akira as a body pillow. "I think we shouldn't let you watch any more Fantasia before bed," she teased, wiggling her toes in Shinji's lap.
"I think it means you're crazy," Akira offered, "but we already knew that."
"I'll tell you what, though."
"The idea of a bubble bath followed by a full body massage sounds *awfully* appealing right about now," An mused, shooting each boy a look before climbing out of Akira's lap. "Anyone care to join me?"