Prince Of Tennis Fan Fiction ❯ Kimi ga iru ❯ Chapter II ( Chapter 2 )

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Disclaimer - `Prince of Tennis' or `Tennis no Ohjisama' is not mine.
Here is chapter II of `Kimi ga iru' I hope you all like it. Please read and review. And please feel free to criticize or express your thought toward this story. I'm welcome everything!

Kimi ga iru

“What? We have new kid?” Kikumaru Eiji said.
“The chaos gang brought him to us. I have to admit that at first I'm not interested in Tezuka at all. But when I saw his eyes, everything change. That kid has eyes for tennis. He has ambition, but he is easy to convince.” Ryusaki Sumire-sensei commented. “He reminds me of someone.”
“Who is that `someone'?” Oishi Syuichirou asked.
“Where is he? Where is he?” The acrobatic player asked with excited voice.
“He is in the court now.”
“I will go to meet him now.” He said and ran to the tennis court with the unstoppable speed, left the vice-captain and the coach in the club room.
“Little Eiji is full of energy. I think he would be interested in our new member.”
The word `interested' had an affect on Oishi. Imagine seeing his golden pair being interested in someone other than him, made the fukubuchou felt uneasy. He tried to make up his mind and walked out of the room follow Eiji.
After the fukubuchou walked out, a girl stepped into the room. “Obaa-chan,”
“Ah, it's you, my dear Sakuno.” The coach spoke with sweet voice. “What bring you here?”
“Did Tezuka-kun come here?” The girl asked.
“Yes, He did. You want to see him, don't you?” She replied and asked with a wide smile.
“Why everyone must think that I have a thing for him?”
“I didn't say you have a thing for that boy.”
“He'd just start his first day in Seigaku. We are in the same class. I want him to like our school.”
“Really? Don't you want him to like you?” The old woman teased her grandchild.
The young Ryusaki blushed.
“I….I just know him today.” Sakuno said stammer. “It's still a bit surprised me that he join the same club as me.”
“I know.”
“How is he doing in the boy's tennis club? I hope the trio haven't brought him here against his will.
“I'm sure he will do fine, but there is one thing about him that makes me worry.”
“What is it, Obaa-chan?”
“He follows that troublemaker group.” She simply answered.
Ryusaki Sakuno truly scared for Tezuka Kunimistu's future.

The evening practice was nothing news to all members, but today they had a new member. Tezuka's first job was to collect the balls in the court just like the other freshmen members. Being the first year meant he must have no objection against the senpai and must respect the seniority.
While the first year boys were doing their job quietly, the trio started their conversation.
“Tezuka-kun might not have a chance to use my racket.” Katou Kachirou said as he picked up the tennis balls and placed them in the basket. He looked at his new friend who was doing the same thing on the other side of the court. Being the new comer meant he must learn to do everything to prove that he really want to join the club.
Mizuno Katsuo and Horio Satoshi helped each other stretch the net on the court after finish counting the balls in the basket. They had to finish their work before the regular come to the court for the practice. Their second year senpai often made them had hard times when they didn't have their work done. The most troublesome senpai was Arai. He was famous by the ways he treat his kouhai.
“Tezuka has the same period of experience as me, so it's mean that he is as good as I am.” Horio said proudly.
“We have less experience then you, but we are as good as you are.” Katsuo pointed out. He implied that Katsuo's experience was nothing.
“Well.., he might be as good as you two are.” Horio changed his words.
“I don't think what you said was making any sense.”
Kachirou watched his two friends argued and sighed. He tired of being a peacemaker. Once his friends started arguing, they would never stop until one of them couldn't find more words to argue. “At least they were not trying to beat the hell out of each other like Kaidoh-senpai and Momochan-senpai.” He said quietly. He was afraid that his senpai would hear his comment.
Then he remembered something “Speak of Momochan-senpai… where is he now?”
“I heard from Tomo-chan that she saw our favorite senpai went to play the street tennis last week.” Katsuo said. “If he doesn't come for practicing in our court today, it might because he goes to play street tennis.”
“We should stop talking for a while and finish our job. Our senpai will come to the court anytime soon.” Kachirou suggested and his friends agreed
The trio and Tezuka finished their work at the same time. They sat together near the fence and waited for their senpai coming.
“Seigaku tennis club has eight regulars. They are the best!”
“Horio, when will you stop saying that?”
“Hey, what I said is true.”
“We all know that. You don't have to repeat it all the time.”
“When will we get to practice?” Tezuka asked for the first time in a while.
“Practice is only for the third year member and the second year member. For the first year member like us, that is no practice such as serving the ball or playing a real game against each other. Our duties are picking up the ball, stretching the net and cleaning the court.” Katsuo explained
The boy with glasses listened with a nod in acknowledge. Then, Katsuo continued.
“Right now, just like Horio said Seigaku tennis club has eight regulars. You can notice them by the cool jerseys they wear. I wish I had a chance to wear it some…..”
“Wow, that's our Momochan-senpai!” Kachirou voice interrupted Katsuo's words.
Momoshiro Takeshi came to the court with a jump. “Momo Jump!”
“Why you must make yourself become a center of attention?” Kaidoh Kaoru asked, interrupt the show before him. He was unimpressed.
“Hey! It couldn't be help. I am a cheerful boy, unlike you.”
“Fuuuuuuuuu” His voice sound like a snake.
“Stop it! You two should stop argue at least for one day”
“Konichiwa, Eiji-senpai!” Greeting their senior, they nodded in the same time.
“Because today we have new kid, you two should be his good example, right?”
“Hai!” They said in the same time again.
“And now… where is the new kid?” His eyes were searching for the new member.
“It's you, right?” He spoke out load when he noticed the target.
“This is Kikumaru Eiji-senpai. He is one of the regular.” A random sophomore boy introduced the third year regular to the newly freshman.
“You are shorter than me. I will call you `Ochibi-chan' from now on.” Eiji announced loudly.
Little `Ochibi-chan' kept silent.
“Waiiiii, you are not funny.” One arm had launching to the young boy's neck and successfully pulling the smaller boy close.
The other club members who happen to saw and heard the conversation all wondered why the Kikumaru Eiji called the new boy `Ochibi'. Everyone knew that their famous acrobatic player had sense of humor, but it was pretty obvious that the little first year glass boy hadn't.
“Kikumaru-senpai, why are you calling me Ochibi?” Tezuka started to annoy by the third year player. “All the first year students are shorter than you. I am not the only short one.”
“I call you by that name because you are small and cute. No more word that could describe you better than Ochibi. If Inui see you, he will give you two bottles of milk to drink. He depends on the theory of growing up.”
“That nickname made me feel that I'm very short.” His height and weight were the problems. People often misunderstood him for an elementary student instead of a middle school student.
“You will grow up by the time. Still long way to go, ne?”
The boy hoped so.
“If you really don't like to be called `Ochibi-chan', maybe…I should call you `Megane-kun'(1)?”
Tezuka raised his eyebrow. Being called `Megane-kun' was much worse than being called `Ochibi'. He remembered his friends in old school often called him `Four eyes monster'.
Many club members who saw the brightly third year boy and the first year signed.
“The last person I had ever called Ochibi is our buchou. He used to be shorter than me, but now he is taller! So I had to stop call him by that name.” Kikumaru said. “But luckily I have you now!” Eiji hugged Kunimitsu closely. “Anyway ...calling you `Megane-kun' would be nice, too. Echizen doesn't wear glasses like you. In this club, only Inui wear glasses, but they look scary!”
Their cheeks touched.
Oishi had to look away from the sight before him and stayed silent. He felt something in his heart crack when he saw Eiji hugged the boy tightly.
“Do you want to play tennis with me? Maybe we can try double pair. I'm sure we will make a perfect one.”
“Nya? What's the matter, Oishi?”
“First year members are not allowed to play a proper game.” He warned. Deeply inside him scream for his dearest pair to take back the previous sentence. How come Eiji want to try to pair up with someone else? Wasn't he good enough? The fukubuchou thought with annoy. “They have to practice the basic of tennis before enter the real match game.”
“But I want to play with him. Don't stick with the rules too much.”
“We are the senior. We should stand by the rules. If you break them, our kouhai will do it too.”
“You sound like a ruler more and more everyday”
“Fine, you win this time.” The red head turned back. Almost everyone who had witness the scene was shock. No one had thought the famous golden pair would argue by petit incident. They supposed to read each other like each page of the book.
“Let me see your skills, ne.” Kikumaru continued to adore his new young kouhai.
Tezuka could sense the feeling of the Moon-Volley fukubuchou toward him. This was not very good. At his very first day in the school and in the club, someone had alreadyhated him. “I didn't bring my racket with my today. I didn't know I would have joined the club as soon as I enter my first day in Seigaku.” The boy answered.
“You can use mine, Ochibi-chan. I can't wait to see you swing my racket and smashing the ball. I wonder will you become an acrobatic player like me.”
He knew he should stay away from the cheerful senpai if he wanted to be in this club and played tennis. But at this situation, the bespectacled boy didn't know what to do. He was cornered by his senpai's offer.
“Interesting,” Inui Sadaharu said as he wrote down new information in the section for Oishi Syuichirou in his book. He never expected Oishi to react like that. It was like he didn't want his pair to suppurate from him. “That kid named Tezuka Kunimitsu, a first year student with two years tennis experience.” He must find more information about this boy. He knew it might be useful in the future.
“Gomen, we are late.” Fuji Syusuke said as he entered the court along with Kawamura Takashi.
Glancing at the unsatisfied vice-captain, the prodigy knew immediately something interesting had happen before he came to the court. He felt a little disappointed, but he could ask from Inui later anyway.
“Echizen hasn't come yet?”
“He is the only regular member who has not come to the court.” Inui said.
“Where is he?” The powerful player asked the data-man.
“There is a 73 percent possibility that he is in a computer room, Kawamura.”
“…computer room?”
“According to my data, right now Echizen would probably use free internet in our school's computer room to access to his e-mail Inbox.”
“But this is practice time. Echizen-buchou never enters our club this late. He might have some important thing to do after his class.” Momo-chan said defending for the buchou's image in his head. When he watched Ecizen-buchou's game for the first time, he knew the Seigaku captain had forever become his idol.
“There is another 19 percent possibility that he probably watch us from afar.”
“..Where could he be then?” Kaidoh asked.
“From the possible angle view, he probably watches us from the science section's window.”
Oishi winced at that comment. He and the captain usually used the science room as there private place to talk when they must discuss about their team. They used this room because when all the classes had end, there would be no one using that room. Beside the science club was set in the same section as chemistry lap section.
“Then, what is the rest possibility?” Fuji asked this time.
“For the rest 8 percent possibility, he might in our club room talking with Ryusaki-sensei. That's why he is late.”
“Oh, I think I prefer the first possibility. Echizen with a computer is more interesting.” The tensai decided to choose the first choice while the other members were deciding to guess between the buchou in the science room and the buchou in the club room.
Inui changed the chaotic situation which he made to the club into data. Today, he was quite satisfied that he had a lot of new information of the club members for his practicing schedule reference. “Tezuka, put that basket into the club room and pick up some extra towels in there. We will need them after practice.” The co-vice captainordered as he collected some more data in his personal book.
“Hai,” He replied and carried the basket which was full with tennis balls toward the destination.
“You look happy.” The prodigy said to Inui.
“Definitely,” The data tennis player said without looking up. He could imagine Fuji's face with a usual trademark smile at him without open his eyes. “We will have the regular's tennis selection in next four days. I will give Echizen some useful data which I had colleted today. He might up to something for the ranking competition.”
“Burninggggggggggggggg! Come on, Baby!”
Needless to say that Kawamura had a hold on his racket. The burning mode was set now.
The data-man closed his book, grabbed his racket and walked along with Fuji to the same court.

Tezuka entered the club room. He set the basket which he had carried to its place and looked for the towels which Inui-senpai had order him to bring. After looking and finding around the room for a few minute, the boy almost gave up. He couldn't find them everywhere, so he decided to look for them in some lockers. He chose to open the one that didn't have a name tag on it because it wouldn't have the owner. Then he opened it.
Inside the locker were a tennis bag and a white cap with brand `FILA'.
He sighed and closed the door of the locker. Maybe all lockers in the club had its owner. He wondered where the towels would be kept. He turned around and… saw the tall figure before him.

End of Chapter II

(1) - megane : spectacles ….. I like it when Eiji call Tezuka `Megane-kun' I know I have to use it more often!