Prince Of Tennis Fan Fiction ❯ Mine ❯ Chapter 1

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


A _Prince of Tennis_ Fanfic

By Andrea Readwolf <andrea_readwolf>

Chapter: 1/1

Rating: R

Pairings: (Gakuto x) Oshitari Yuushi x Mukahi Gakuto;

secondary pairings: Atobe x Jirou, Atobe x Gakuto (history)

Genre: Smut fic = Hentai + Yaoi

Warnings: Underage boys doing each other.

Spoilers: none

Summary: Gakuto goes to play with Atobe, finds the captain boinking Jirou, so he runs back to Yuushi for 'comforting'.

Disclaimer: Tennis no Ohjisama, characters and settings are the property of Konomi Takeshi.

Date Started: May 31, 2004

Status: complete

Revised: June 10, 2004

Word Count: 1926

"Mine" by Andrea Readwolf

He couldn't think.

Each slam of those powerful slim hips, ramming that thick cock into the boy's body seemed to match pace with the blood throbbing at his temple. Absently, he noted that his head hurt, but he couldn't seem to stop it.

The two boys made very little noise--no doubt due to the rather large, blue ball gag stretching the one boy's mouth unbearably wide--his tears were leaking freely even if his eyes were squeezed tight. His body shook with each impact, but the boy was helpless to support himself or stop himself from sliding on the couch thanks to the lined cuffs encircling his wrists and ankles.

It didn't make a difference. Gakuto knew from past experience that Atobe didn't stop until *he* was satisfied.

Usually the redhead didn't mind in the least, but...

But today was different----because he wasn't the one getting fucked right then. He wasn't the one skewered on Atobe's cock, moaning and begging and helpless... and that pissed him off.

Gakuto opened his mouth to say something scathing, to interrupt, let the other two fuckers knew he was at least there... But---

"Mmmm... Jirou, you feel so *goo~d*," Atobe murmured, his rhythm never slowing. "It's been too long... missed you...wanna feel you come..."

Gakuto blinked.

And then quickly shut the door. He didn't care if the other two knew he was there or not. He just knew he had to...get away. And quickly.

Not only was his head hurting, but his eyes were burning now, too... and his chest felt like someone had punched him--it was hard to breathe. And despite all that, the burning ache in his pants was still a crawling need, demanding attention...

He slammed into his apartment with a force that sent to door ricocheting open again so that he had to go back and close it. Slamming it shut a second time did *not* appease him any, either.

His mind was a jumble of words and thoughts and pieces of memories congealing together like some weirdly concocted casserole his elder sister always tries to make that he wouldn't normally touch with a thirty-meter pole.

Atobe very rarely talks when he's fucking someone, and when he does, it's usually all just commands, and... and...

Instead of turning into his own bedroom from the common area, he stormed into his roommate's room. His mind was still a mess, his body was screaming for an outlet, for a release... And Oshitari Yuushi was available, and within easy access, and, not to be forgotten, unbelievably fucking hot, too...

Yuushi was reading in bed--how predictable. Long legs stretched out before him, crossed at the ankles, propped up by several pillows propped behind his back... Boxer shorts riding up on the one side, his loose tee shirt not really hiding anything...


Gakuto firmly prevented himself from *thinking*--because if he *had* been thinking, he never would have attacked his partner --and friend?-- like he did. He swooped down onto the bed, onto the startled boy, fastening his mouth over Oshitari's with a force that demanded reciprocation or submission.

Oshitari submitted to no one.

Gakuto straddled his waist, rocking his pelvis into Oshitari's, moaning when he felt the other boy's erection. He wiggled a bit, offering more room for his hands to work the other boy's cock free from his shorts; his own pants were a matter of simply pulling at the snaps of the work out cover pants. He hadn't worn anything underneath.

He was still kissing the other boy when he positioned himself over that hard cock, pressing himself down onto it with a keening moan. The hands at his waist didn't try to stop him, but helped to guide him down until the thick shaft was buried as deeply as the remnants of their clothing would allow.

Gakuto tore his lips away from the other boy, eyes firmly shut as he threw his head back, body arched, trying to take more of the delicious cock deeper, filling him... The lubricant he'd applied earlier wasn't really enough to counteract the burning tension of an entry without stretching, but he didn't care.

It felt so good... so full... His own cock ached, but the fire in his belly demanded more. His hands found purchase on shoulders--broader than he was used to holding onto, but that didn't stop him from moving.

In his mind's eye he saw no one.

He wasn't aware of when exactly he started getting loud, but he was always loud during sex... It was one of the reasons Atobe had insisted on--

Gakuto shook his head, chasing the thoughts, the images out of his head again; He chose to focus on the feel of the cock sliding in and out of his body, filling him, so perfectly... the muscles rippling beneath his palms... the seemingly large hands on his waist, not forcing his movements, only supporting him as he bent and swayed, work that cock deeper, in different angles until he did scream, his eyes flying open to stare unseeingly at the ceiling--like a million other ceilings he'd stared at.

The paralysis lasted seconds--it always seemed like hours, though--and then his body was slumping forward, his eyes sliding shut again as he panted, waiting to regain the energy to move. The body beneath his didn't move, didn't say anything; even those hands, the fingertips barely touching the curve of his spine now, were still, waiting.

It only took him a minute, maybe two, before he had enough energy to move, to pull away and--

Gakuto stilled.

Those hands, previously so silently supporting, were now preventing him from pulling away.

And then he blinked, staring down with a mixture of realization and horror.


['I might not let you go the next time,' he had whispered the last time Gakuto had slid off the bed to leave.

'Who said there will *be* a next time,' the redhead had replied cheekily.]

That had been two, almost three months ago.

"I warned you," Yuushi said now, his hands moving back to Gakuto's waist to press the boy down even as his hips flexed up, shifting his still hard cock inside his partner's body. "The next I wasn't going to let you go."

Gakuto cried out. It was pained only because of the pleasurable need the movement stroked in his previously slated body. His breath caught, his eyes sliding shut--and quickly bugged open when sharp nails sliced into his back.

Yuushi was staring back at him, hard and challengingly--it was a look Gakuto was used to seeing on the tennis courts. "Don't shut me out," the other boy warned, his voice as smooth as warmed honey sliding over Gakuto's skin and making him shiver.


"Shut up."

He opened his mouth to retort, but something in the look of those dark eyes made him think better of it. He quickly shut his mouth again and swallowed.

"You know the rules, Red..." Yuushi murmured, and Gakuto shivered again. "You know the consequences of coming to me....."

His breath left him with a whoosh! "You can't be serious..."

But it only took one look at Yuushi's face to know the other young man was very serious. After nearly three years of holding himself apart from the 'games' of Hyotei, Oshitari Yuushi looked ready to play--and Gakuto realized *he* was his partner's first conquest...

Gakuto moaned, eyes falling shut as his forehead dropped to Yuushi's shoulder. It took him another moment to consciously relax his body--it just wasn't in Gakuto's normal nature to submit to anyone, not even Atobe... Even if he played the uke in almost all of his sexual interactions he was never 'submissive'.

But... but for Yuushi... For Yuushi, he thought he could... submit fully. Maybe. He'd try.

The hands that moved to gently stroke his back told him the other boy understood. Yuushi was good at that--at understanding Gakuto, even when he didn't say anything. It was one of the reasons they made such good tennis partners, but...

Gakuto licked Yuushi's throat, from shoulder to ear, before whispering, "Yesssss...."

The body beneath his flexed, muscles bunching and stretching, and the redhead found himself quickly on his back, Yuushi looming over him, hovering, looking down at him. The movement had dislodged their bodies, and Gakuto mewed at the sudden loss of Yuushi's cock filling him---yeah, that was going to be very addictive, he thought. Still... He looked up at the other boy... and smiled...

"Yes," he repeated before reaching up to wrap his arms around Yuushi's shoulders and pull him down to him, relishing in the other's weight settling over him, a hungry mouth feeding off his...

He moaned into the kiss, but it wasn't enough. Somehow he got the feeling it would never really be enough. Instead, he pulled his legs up, wrapping them around Yuushi's waist to try and give the other boy the major hint--he wanted to be fucked again.

Yuushi flexed against him... his cock brushing against Gakuto's entrance without entering... and the redhead keened, tearing his lips away. "Yuushi, please," he begged unashamedly.

The dark-haired boy took the opportunity to kiss and taste Gakuto's throat.

His cry was loud and sharp when Yuushi's teeth sank into his skin, the pain sharpening senses that were dulling under the cloud of lust.

"Top drawer," his partner husked. "There's a bottle of oil."

"Nnnh, Yuushi, I'm already--agh!"

Okay, so it appeared his partner had an unforeseen fetish for biting.... Gakuto would definitely need to wear his shirt buttoned up tomorrow. He also didn't need to be told twice to twist and reach for said bottle, moaning only when his actions brought Yuushi level with his chest.

His fingers threaded into Yuushi's hair when the other boy discovered just how sensitive his nipples were, and he was crying and moaning, whimpering and begging in no time at all. Those delicious hands were touching him all over... as if they couldn't get enough of touching him.

It felt good. It felt really, fucking good.

"Yuushi... please...?" he breathed, his body not even responding to his directions anymore because he was shaking so badly. He needed it, needed this... needed Yuushi... "Need you..."

Lips crashed against his again with a swiftness that took Gakuto's breath away. He moaned and returned the kiss with as much energy and eagerness as he could muster after being teased for so long--Gakuto was not generally one for long foreplay, or any foreplay at all, for that matter.

He nearly cried with relief when he felt that smooth, slick cock press against his opening. Hell, he was already crying, begging aloud for it...

"Look at me, Red," Yuushi's soft voice drifted into Gakuto's clouded haze, and only then did he realize he'd shut his eyes again.

They stared at each other like that, hovering right on the edge, faces centimeters apart.

And then...

"Mine," Yuushi hissed, eyes never leaving Gakuto's as he slid inside the redhead's body.

Blue eyes flickered shut before snapping back open, and he grinned up at his partner, pulling Yuushi's lips down for another kiss.

Just before they touched, he repeated his agreement:



Hmm... well, that turned out a lot mushier than I'd originally intended. {pouts} darn... guess I'm going to have to work harder for my whips and chains.... {looks over other fic notes} Hmm... I wonder if Fuji and Echizen would be willing.... {toddles off}
