Prince Of Tennis Fan Fiction ❯ Morning After - OZ sequel ❯ Chapter 1

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

An "OZ" Continuum Ficlet
By Andrea Readwolf [andrea_readwolf]
Rating: Mature Audiences for smutage
Pairings/Characters: Yuushi x Gakuto
Summary: AU morning after scenerio between two men who met in a night club, "OZ", where the band was a group of redheads.

Tennis no Ohjisama, characters and settings are the property of Konomi Takeshi.

Date Started:
April 2005
Word Count: 602
He came awake fully from a very pleasant dream at the same moment as his climax washed over him, and he shouted, bolting straight up in the soft bedding.
"You're beautiful when you come," a silky voice purred from close by, and Gakuto had to force his sleep-gummy eyes to focus. What he saw almost succeeded in making him instantly hard again.
The guy from the club last night, liking his fingers clean of Gakuto's cum. Yuushi, he vaguely remembered screaming the name many times throughout the night. He was fucking hot, sexy, and almost as horny as everyone said
Gakuto was. They'd fucked over and over and over again. Gakuto was actually surprised the other man was awake so early. He started to stretch against his body's protesting and he hissed.
"Sore?" Yuushi asked pleasantly, sounding too damn smug and amused. "Did I fuck you too hard, too much, baby?"
"Don't call me baby," Gakuto growled irritably. Yuushi just grinned and leaned in close to shove his tongue inside Gakuto's mouth. He could taste the bitter tang of his own cum and he made a face, pulling away.
"I want to fuck you again," Yuushi purred against Gakuto's cheek and neck and shoulder. "I want to spread you open again and hear you beg and scream for my cock inside you like a greedy little whore."
"Then go hire a whore," Gakuto quipped, pushing Yuushi away and climbing out of the bed sheets. "I need to get going."
"Where?" Yuushi frowned, sitting up.
"Uh, home?" Gakuto returned, his voice dripping with sarcasm.
"You weren't in a hurry to get home last night."
"Yeah, well, that was last night, wasn't it?" Gakuto huffed, bending over to snatch up some of his clothes. Most were in the other room.
But before he could go out and get them, Yuushi caught him by the wrists and pulled him back against his chest, his arousal rubbing suggestively against Gakuto's backside. "Don't go," he whispered against Gakuto's hair. "Stay here, with me, ad we can spend the whole day in bed, getting to know each other better."
"What makes you think I want to get to know you any better?" Gakuto snapped, trying to wrench his hands free. Shit, was the other man this strong last night, too?
"Stay," Yuushi repeated softly. "You know you want to. You want me to shove my cock hard up inside you even right now, don't you? I can feel you trembling."
"That's anger, not need," Gakuto snapped, finally managing to wrench one hand free. He pivoted around to glare at the taller man. "How dare you presume to know what I want after one night of fucking around. You--"
He didn't get to finish because Yuushi pushed him up against the bedroom door, and the other man was kissing him, and somehow Gakuto's legs were wrapped around Yuushi's waist, and they were fucking (again), right there against the door (again), and Gakuto was screaming Yuushi's name as he came (again), and Yuushi was grunting and groaning and moving faster and harder until he came, too, and either man could barely stand or move (again).
"You still want to leave?" Yuushi asked a bit breathlessly.
"Asshole," Gakuto growled, panting, his head resting against Yuushi's shoulder.
Yuushi's grin brightened as he somehow managed to maneuver them both back to the bed. "This is going to be a really good relationship, you know."
"Who said anything about a relationship?" Gakuto mumbled. "I'm just using you for sex."
"Every relationship has to start somewhere," Yuushi answered, but the redhead was already asleep.