Prince Of Tennis Fan Fiction ❯ Of Snakes and Shrooms ❯ Chapter One ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Title: Of Snakes and Shrooms Chapter 1/?
Fandom: Prince of Tennis
Characters: Hiyoshi Wakashi/Kaidoh Kaoru
Word Count: 917
Summary: Hiyoshi's had a crush on Kaidoh for year. Kaidoh doesn't want to be bothered with relationships. Just how does one win the mamushi's heart anyway?
Author's Notes: um…Crack pairing X3
It was strange. Hiyoshi Wakashi had never had feelings for other guys besides that of friendship and he barely had any friends. He didn't know what to do. Somehow he couldn't get Seigaku's mamushi out of his head. Ever since last year, he'd been captivated by him. He found himself watching all of Kaidoh's games. He couldn't help it. Kaidoh Kaoru had an amazing drive and always seemed determined to win.
Kaidoh made an excellent captain this year. He wasn't overly hard on his team, but he wasn't too lenient either. The only one he seemed to be hard on was that vice captain of his, Momoshiro Takeshi. The two were always at each other's throats. The only time they weren't really fighting, was when that Echizen kid took the vice captain's attention. Kaidoh always seemed relieved when Momo decided to follow around Echizen.
He had grown so accustomed to watching the other male that it had become a habit. Even now he found himself watching one of Seigaku's matches. The mamushi seemed to be easily overpowering his opponent. Not that he was surprised; the team Seigaku was playing against wasn't a very hard one to beat. When the game was over, Seigaku had beaten the other team in all of its' matches. Kaidoh gave a hiss when Momo started talking to him, then walked away. Hiyoshi decided this was as good a moment as ever to speak to the other male.
Kaidoh hissed. That match had been too easy. Did that other team even practice before showing up to face them. It didn't seem like it. To top it off he felt like he was being watched. Yes, there was that crowd of people that had been cheering the team on, but that wasn't what it. It felt like he had a stalker. He had felt that way for a while. It was beginning to feel really creepy now. Maybe he should talk to Inui-sempai next time he saw him, if he saw him anytime soon. It was hard to see his sempai now that the older male was in high school. His team shook the other team's hands before walking off the court. He didn't get far before Momo practically jumped him.
“Oi… good game mamushi.” Momo said basically hanging off of his left shoulder, grinning like an idiot.
Kaidoh shook him off. “I thought I said don't call me that.” Kaidoh yelled at him. It confused Kaidoh more that made him angry. The power player had been very touchy lately.
“Oh come on…All I said was good game. Did you want me to say it sucked?” Momo said, pushing his luck. Kaidoh hissed.
Before Kaidoh could get a word out, Ryoma walked over to them. “Hey Momo-senpai, weren't we gonna go get something to eat?” He asked, drawing Momo's attention away from Kaidoh.
Momo's head snapped towards Ryoma's direction. “That's right. How could I forget?” he said. “I'll be right there Echizen. See at school mamushi.” He ran over to Ryoma's side and immediately began naming out all the foods that he wanted to eat.
Kaidoh hissed at him before turning starting to head home. It was then that he noticed someone was following him. He walked a bit faster; hoping whoever it was would stop. When it didn't stop, he turned quickly only to find no one there. Okay this was getting very creepy now.
“Who's there?” He called out. “Come out and stop hiding.” His eyes widened when he saw the somewhat familiar face. His eyes narrowed. What was Hyoutei's Hiyoshi doing following him around? “What do you want?”
Hiyoshi hadn't actually meant to follow Kaidoh halfway to his house. By the time he realized it, he was darting into a small alley to avoid being seen. Man, he felt like a stalker. He looked carefully around the corner. Kaidoh seemed to look a bit scared and shaken up.
“Who's there?” He heard Kaidoh call out. “Come out and stop hiding.” He slowly emerged from the alley. He noticed Kaidoh's eyes widened when he saw him, then they narrowed seeming to be angry. He had some explaining to do. “What do you want?” Kaidoh asked, annoyed.
Hiyoshi stood there a tad bit nervous. This wasn't going to be easy. Kaidoh hissed at him. “Well?”
"Kaidoh-kun... I know this must look bad but please listen to me..." Hiyoshi started. He paused for a moment and took a breath. "I... really like you... would you go out with me?"
Kaidoh just stared at him. “You're kidding right?” Kaidoh questioned. “You've been the one stalking me and I don't deal with stalkers.”
Hiyoshi looked away from him. “I'm not a stalker.” He muttered to himself.
“Che, yeah right…” Kaidoh snapped at him. “…and you aren't the one who's been watching me?” Hiyoshi stayed silent. “Forget it…Why would I want to go out with you anyway?” Kaidoh added walking off. “And quit following me.”
Hiyoshi just stood there as Kaidoh walked away. How could everything go so wrong so quickly? He sighed and headed back to Hyoutei, trying to think of another way to get Kaidoh to either like him or at least not hate him.