Prince Of Tennis Fan Fiction ❯ Overtime ❯ Overtime ( One-Shot )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Title : Overtime
Disclaimer : I'm just playing with them for a bit. They do not belong to me and I do not make any money out of this or them. This is written for pure entertaining and enjoyment purposes.
Synopsis : What happens when Tezuka and Fuji are forced to do some overtime? Will they ever finish their work?
Authors note : An idea that came into my head and I just had to put it down on paper before it slipped my mind. First timer for a
A tuff of brown hair peeked out from under the covers as the being began to stir. A groan was heard then a hand was feeling across the night stand for the blasted alarm clock that was still ringing. The unidentified hand disappeared once again under the covers and there was no sign of life except for the slow rise and fall of the comforter. A moment later the very same comforter was thrown to the floor. A very sleepy looking Tezuka greeted the world as he sat up in bed with a frown etched on his face. Slender fingers ran themselves through messy brown locks then ruffled his own hair. He moved towards the night stand again and picked up his glasses and put them on. On wobbly legs, the ex buchou dragged himself into the bathroom and a moment later the shower was heard.
The tall man reappeared again, bangs dripping wet and partially falling into his eyes. A towel was draped around his thin waist as he made a bee line into the kitchen and straight for the coffee pot, pouring himself a cup. Taking his place at the kitchen counter, he cursed himself for forgetting to pick up the paper from his doorstep while walking to the kitchen. Shaking his head in disapproval at himself, he just finished his put of coffee and threw it into the sink. He'd wash up later.
Just then the sound of the doorbell was heard. Again a frown appeared on those sharp features as he looked at the clock.
7.15 am.
He thought that maybe if he ignored it, the person might leave but he had no such luck. The person seemed rather impatient and held the doorbell button down so that an annoying buzzing sound was heard. Grinding his teeth, Tezuka held his tongue and went to answer the unwanted guest. The moment he opened the door, his tummy made involuntary flip flops as he gazed at the person on the other side.
“ Fuji.” The name escaped Tezuka before he could think.
“ Ohayo, Tezuka.” The smiling tensai greeted his ex captain and let out a slight chuckle as he gazed at Tezuka clad in only his bath towel.
The smaller man pushed his way pass Tezuka and entered the apartment, pushing something into the bestacled man's hands. He looked down only to see it was his newspaper.
“ I hope I'm not intruding on your time with yourself.” A smirk accompanied the statement as the tensai gave a one up to his colleague then laughed when Tezuka blushed and tried to cover himself up, but it's not as though Fuji hadn't seemed him like this before. Besides, they used to change in the locker room back in school. There was not much he hadn't seen, that is if not all.
“ Fuji, what brings you to disturb my peaceful morning this early today?” Kunimitsu set the newspaper down on the counter then went to pour his guest a cup of coffee, not that he had asked if he wanted one or not.
“ I just thought it would be nice if we could go have breakfast together before heading in.” The fair haired man cocked his head to one side knowing the taller man couldn't resist that look when thrown his way. Fuji might act blur at times but there was nothing he missed. He knew the pent up feelings Tezuka had for him whether he wanted to admit them or not was another thing entirely but he liked toying with him anyhow. It was just one of the many games he played with Tezuka.
“ Fine. Let me get ready and we can go.” Tezuka gave in after a moment of standing there as though really contemplating the question though Fuji knew he'd agree even before he popped the question.
The taller man made is way into the bedroom and pushed the door with barely enough strength to close it, allowing a small gap for Fuji to look through while Tezuka threw on a fresh white striped dress shirt and a pair of blue slacks. He sprayed a little cologne before looking himself in the mirror and combing his hair into place. Fuji chuckled as he watched the spectacled man prim himself; it was not like him at all or perhaps not something you would expect him to do. In a few minutes, Tezuka had joined the sapphire eyed man in the living room with his briefcase in hand, motioning to the door for them to leave the apartment.
Cocking his head to one side, Syuusuke opened his usually shielded eyes and with a serious expression on his face said, “ Kunimitsu, you look good.” That was followed by a smile and he quickly stepped passed Tezuka with a grin on his face as the brown haired man's face was stained pink. Tezuka pushed his glasses higher up the bridge of his nose out of habit when he was nervous. It was almost cute to see the ex buchou affected by him, the things he said and the things he did. It somewhat satisfied the smaller man.
The subway was beginning to pile in with people on their way to school and work. They had failed to find seats on the train as was expected and had to stand the entire journey. Not that either of them minded as Fuji's back was pressed against Tezuka's chest that he could feel the faint breath of the taller man and feel the slight quicken of his heartbeat when the train made it's sudden stops making Fuji fall against Tezuka for support. Not able to see Fuji's face, Tezuka would surely be furious if he could see the amused grin that the sapphire eyed man had plastered onto his face.
The two men reached their breakfast stop; a small café at the end of the office block that opened oddly very early and closed rather late too. It was as though it catered to the needs of those overly enthusiastic workaholics who entered the office early and did overtime till they were shooed out of the office by security. It had been there for about two years now and didn't show any signs of closing anytime soon unlike the previous tenants before who had tried making a living out of it. Fuji grabbed the table by the window while Tezuka went to place two orders of their breakfast sets.
The smaller man busied himself with the salt and pepper shakers that were placed right in the middle of the rectangular wooden table. After swirling the shakers around a couple of times, he then resolved to leaning back in his chair and directing his gaze outside the shop. The brown haired man placed their orders and was heading towards their table when he saw Fuji spacing out. It was most unlike him. The smaller man had his head rested on his hand and to Tezuka; he had the most peaceful expression he had ever seen Fuji make. It was always nice to catch him off guard when the porcelain smile was not shown on his soft features. It was one of those few moments where you could see right into Fuji because for him, his eyes were the window to his heart.
Clearing his throat, he didn't want to intrude on Fuji's alone time so he pulled him out of his thoughts and back to reality. Syuusuke's smile grazed his lips immediately as he turned and looked at Tezuka. He mouthed a thank you and took his share off the tray. The smaller man crinkled his nose as the smell of grease forced it's way into his nostrils that came from the oily hash browns that sat on the edge of his colorful green plate. He disliked oily things and knew it was bad for his health if he ever wanted to maintain his small frame. Fuji was slightly bothered by his smaller build while back in high school but as he grew learned to appreciate it even more. Deep down inside, he found himself quite sexy and erotic though he would never say it out loud. Besides, what would others say if they heard such a response from the tensai? Surely they wouldn't approve of it.
“ Tezuka, are you asexual?” The sound of choking coming from the other person made Fuji open his eyes in concern.
“ What sort of question is that? Of course I'm not. Not that it is any of your business.”
“ I was merely asking, because Tezuka always seems so unaffected by anything or anyone, that I was wondering if maybe you were never interested in anyone.”
It took a while for Tezuka to answer, “ That's not true.”
“ Eh? So does Tezuka really have someone he likes? Can that be possible?”
“ Why is that so hard to believe? Am I really that bad a companion that nobody would want me?”
“ Oh no, it's really the opposite. I know of the ever growing fan club Tezuka has in the office. How many girls' hearts he has broken each time he declines to go out with them. It's just like back in high school. Only now the girls are brave enough to approach the stoic buchou.” A sheepish smile grazed Fuji's lips as though he was embarrassed to discuss such a thing though it wasn't even about him.
“ Fuji, don't say things like that.” That was Tezuka's way of ending the conversation. As to say end of discussion. Drop the topic.
The rest of the meal was spent in silence. Each caught up in their own thoughts and each stealing glances of each other, thinking the other wouldn't notice. It was rather sweet actually.
“ Fuji, what have you planned for Sunday?” Fuji jumped at the sudden appearance of a deep voice from behind him as he was busily trying to clear and arrange some files on his computer.
“ Eh? Pardon?” The smaller man swirled around in his easy chair to face Tezuka who had ventured into his work station which was unusual.
“ Don't space out. The boss will get mad at you if you're caught. Anyways, I was asking if you were busy on Sunday.” The taller man had a coffee cup in one hand and was slightly bent over to meet Fuji's eye level. For a moment, the fair haired man was too stunned to move as he was still taking in the shock of seeing Tezuka appear right in front of him but recovered.
“ No, I'm free. What do you have in mind?” Blue eyes looked up to meet brown ones with such hope and expectation it almost hurt. Of course it would only hurt if Tezuka realized it.
“ Great! The N-company's project's deadline has just been moved up so a few of us in the department will have to return to the office for some overtime.” The moment he said that, Fuji's heart shattered into a million pieces as his mind cursed Tezuka for being such an idiot and a workaholic.
“ But what does that have to do with me? I'm not involved. It's not even my department.” Fuji's voice rang out in annoyance as his ex captain looked at him with a scowl.
“ Fuji, as the company's best photographer, it would be in your best interest to listen to the boss's instructions to have the project out first thing Tuesday morning. The photos will have to be shot on Saturday, then edited and inserted on Sunday before being sent in for approval on Monday. You'll be working with my assistant on it. I expect to see you here at 9 am. sharp.”
A fuming Fuji was left in his swirling chair while Tezuka turned on his heels and walked out of the room and into the lift. The taller man was slightly pissed that Fuji had even tried to get out of doing some overtime. Where on earth did his responsibilities lie? Didn't he know that this project belonged to one of the most loyal and important client's of the company? It didn't make sense. Sure he might be a little hesitant but this is the first time he had refused to come to work. He shook his head and stepped out of the lift as the doors opened and arrived at his floor. He had been muttering to himself and that rose more than a few questioning looks from his department colleagues and assistant. What happened to the ever composed Tezuka?; all of them wondered.
The workload on Sunday was massive and though they had planned to only work half day to tie up all the loose ends of the project, they ended up being detained till 6 pm. Most of the other workers who had come had left immediately after their job was done. Nobody wanted to stay cooped up in the office on a weekend, especially on a Sunday. Not even workaholics would.
Fuji was really drained by the time he had finished at 5.30 pm. The arranging, rearranging and editing of the photos, not to mention the changes that needed to be made on the sheets for the presentation took him longer than expected. Though Tezuka had said he'd be working with the brown haired man's assistant, the creep had left after dumping the instructions with Fuji and running out of the office building before Fuji could do anything about it. Slightly ticked off, he fumed and worked the day away until he was done. This was one of the reasons why he hated being employed by someone else and not being his own boss. One day of course he'd love to have to take instructions from no one, but until the day came where he was able to finance his own company, he'll have to do what he could to try to reach that faraway dream.
The honey blond haired man had done his work so messily that when it came to packing up, it took him twice as long. He had misplaced almost everything which included the many precious lenses of his camera. When he finally got everything together, he went into the lift and pressed the button for the Lobby. On the way down, Tezuka popped into his mind and he wondered if that workaholic had gone home yet. Maybe he even had left early and ditched the rest of them to finish the project. He shook his head, knowing Tezuka would never do such a thing. His dedication made Fuji admire him and hate him all that much.
Before he knew it, slender fingers reached out and pressed Tezuka's floor. The lift came to a sudden halt and the metal doors drew open. He stepped into the almost empty floor and peeked around corners until he came to the taller man's office. His door was shut close but the lights were still on; he could see rays of light escaping through the blinds. Fuji placed his things down by the doorway and gave the spectacled man's door a knock or two. No reply came so he knocked again.
Receiving no answer, he let himself in and found Tezuka pored over the final version of the project's presentation. The brown haired man's bangs were falling into his eyes and a deep look of concentration was on his face. Brown orbs scanned the contents of the page over and over again as he sped read. Fuji didn't know if he should interrupt the obviously occupied Tezuka but decided against leaving him alone.
“Tezuka, you've not gone back?” Tezuka jerked upwards towards the source of the voice, his expression slightly shocked.
“ Fuji, what're you doing here?” The taller of the two eyed the other with suspicion as the fair haired man stepped into his office and quietly shut the door behind him.
“ I was wondering if you wanted to go have dinner with me.” A skeptical eyebrow was raised in his direction as Fuji closed the space between them and half sat half leaned on the other man's desk.
“ I'm sorry, I can't.” Tezuka's gaze never left Fuji for even a second. He swallowed hard as slender fingertips ever so lightly brushed over his hand as the smaller man reached for the papers on his desk.
“ Why?” He glanced up from the papers to catch Tezuka staring at him still with uncertainty in those hazel eyes.
“ I'm.. I'm busy. The presentation's not finished.” The taller man pushed away from his desk and allowed some space to come between them. He didn't like how Fuji was acting and feared that there would be some ulterior motive behind them. Especially since it was Tezuka that had ordered Fuji to stay back and sacrifice his perfectly good Sunday.
“ I'll wait.” Fuji cocked his head to one side, the papers still in his hands as he absent mindedly flipped through them. Not that he was interested in the presentation, but he didn't want to give Tezuka anything to distract himself with and also it kept his own hands busy, for now.
“ No!” He said too suddenly and rather forcefully, it would surely raise questions.
“ Don't worry, I'll wait quietly. I won't disturb you. It'll just be like old times, while you study and I watch you.” Tezuka remembered those times all too well. Fuji would come over to his house with no intention of studying though he used the excuse of ` lets study together ' and would go over with his book open in front of him but gaze directed at Tezuka. The taller man also remembered how hard it was for him to concentrate and how he always didn't do too well when Fuji came over to “ study ”. Tezuka was always so self conscious that he ended up reading the same line probably ten times before giving up and just staring at his book blankly.
“ Fuji, you should just leave. I'll never get any work done with you here, watching. I can't work.” Tezuka shook his head as he reached to get the bunch of messy papers that Fuji had compacted into a neat stack back but the smaller man pulled it out of his reach.
“ Do I affect you that much?” A sly and almost coy smile had grazed Fuji's features and still he looked quite handsome. But then again, when didn't Tezuka find him handsome.
“ If I don't finish this, a lot of jobs will be in jeopardy. I have responsibilities.” Tezuka held his hand out, waiting for Syuusuke to return the papers but the smaller man made no move to do no such thing.
“ I'm not doing anything. I'm not going to touch you.” A short pause was there before he continued, coming out almost as a whisper.” Unless you want me to.”
A lump was caught in the taller man's throat. Did he hear correctly? He pushed his glasses back up the bridge of his nose then glared at Fuji. Did he think this was funny? Was this supposed to be a joke?
“ I beg your pardon?” The ex buchou said through clenched teeth. He began grinding his teeth, his newest bad habit and one of the few that he had.
“ Well, you did drag me here and wasted my perfectly good Sunday for nothing more than work that doesn't even pay for overtime. Then your assistant abandons me after throwing the instructions at me to do everything on my own. Moreover those damn prissy-assed models were hard to handle yesterday as well. They had their heads up in the clouds. The least you can do is to compensate.” Tezuka could hear the annoyance from his friend from the entire day's happenings and was about to say that he had no clue his assistant had done such a thing and was sorry about the models until he heard the last part.
“ What're you saying, Fuji. What do you want?” He gave up trying to get the papers back from him. He just lay back in his easy chair as Fuji slowly got off the table. With slinky steps he was suddenly right in front of Tezuka.
“ Something I'm not supposed to have.” Fuji's hoarse voice tickled Tezuka's ear as he leaned down to whisper in the seated man's ear. Tezuka was rooted to the chair by the mere shock and turn of events today and didn't know how to respond. How had a harmless Sunday which was suppose to be filled with work and nothing more turn into something close to sexual harassment from nobody else than his sexy best friend. Wait, did he just call Fuji sexy?
He was caught up in his thoughts that he didn't realize when Fuji had one knee between his thighs and had his fingers combing back Tezuka's brown locks. There was a glazed look in his eyes as he peered down at Tezuka. Slim fingers gripped his glasses softly and then pulled them off; folding and setting them down on the desk. He held Kunimitsu's face firmly in place before softly covering Tezuka's lips with his own. The pressure was minimal, and there was a minty yet sweet taste to Fuji's lips. It must be all those mint chocolates that Fuji's always sucking on.
“ You.” Fuji whispers softly as they finally break apart and wait to gage Tezuka's reaction.
Seeing that there was no negative feedback, the smaller man gathers up his courage and kisses Tezuka again. This time Tezuka begins to respond and places his hands loosely around the smaller man's trim waist, hooking his hips and allowing his hands to rest there. A satiny tongue begins to probe at the taller man's lower lip asking silent permission to enter. Tezuka surprises even himself as he opens his mouth and grants Fuji access to his heated cavern. Their tongues join in a slow dance for dominance and Fuji submits as he feels Tezuka suddenly pull him down towards his lap.
Not breaking the kiss, Fuji removes his knee form between Tezuka's thighs begins to sit on him. Tezuka snakes one arm around the fair haired man and pulls him even closer as another grabs a tuff of Fuji's hair and holds him in place as he deepens the kiss. Fuji's hands begin to explore the taller man as they move down to trace the shape of Kunimitsu's broad shoulders. He's able to feel the muscles flex and contract as Tezuka feels him up to.
The intoxication from the kiss goes straight to Tezuka's groin as he can't believe what's going on. His sexy Fuji is actually kissing him and at the rate they're going he doesn't think it'll end just there. And boy was he right on that.
“ Fuji..” Tezuka growls once they break apart for air again and easily lifts Fuji up. Instinctively Fuji wraps his legs around Tezuka's waist as he's hoisted up into those strong arms. He supports Fuji with one hand as the sapphire eyed man clings onto his neck as he clears his table with one clean sweep sending almost everything to the floor. Screw the presentation.
Fuji's lowered down onto the table on his back ever so slowly as Tezuka begins licking and sucking on Fuji's sleek neckline. Fuji bends his neck to one side as he allows Tezuka better access to continue his ministrations. A moan escapes Fuji as the taller man begins to nibble on his earlobe. He dips and swirls his tongue around as he slowly puts Fuji's hands above his head. Tezuka stands up and begins to unbutton his work shirt three buttons down and Fuji admires the view of Tezuka's collarbones.
For once Tezuka's pleased that Fuji decided not to dress in his normal dress shirt but instead opted for a casual t-shirt and jeans today. He smirked as he caught Fuji watching him closely as he pulled the tie from his shirt only to settle over Fuji again but this time with tie in hand. He slipped the tie around Fuji's wrist then pulled them together and tied a simple knot around them.
“ Te.. Tezuka?” Fuji whimpered as he gave a tug or two at the tie binding his wrist.
“ Quiet Fuji.” The dominant man put a finger to Fuji's lips to hush him.
“ What're you doing?” Blue orbs stared questioningly from Tezuka to the bindings and back again.
“ You said you wouldn't do anything but watch and be quiet. I expect that from you.” Tezuka pulled open his side drawer and took a pair of scissors from it. Fuji's eyes went wide with surprise as his eyebrows knitted into a fine garment of worry over his face. However, the bounded man remained very quiet as Tezuka slipped his hand under the thin piece of cloth Fuji was wearing.
He gasps as he felt cold steel against in skin as the other man began to snip away his t-shirt. With skilled hands, he made fast work of the piece of cloth exposing two perk nipples and he grinned. He liked Fuji in this position; Submissive and obedient. It isn't often you get to see the tensai as such, definitely not to such an extend as now. He knew these were dangerous waters he was threading in but it looked like the prize across the lake was more than worth it; to make Fuji his.
He gave his left nipple a little tweak and watched as they turned pink and hardened even more. He smiled and began to like and suck again on Fuji's graceful curved neck. He shuddered at the contact of Tezuka's licking, sucking and wet kisses left a wet trail behind and the cold air from the air conditioner didn't help to calm his excited self down.
As Kunimitsu was tweaking and placing chaste kisses from his collarbone all the way down his torso, Fuji thought that he heard footsteps. He suddenly realized where they were and the compromising situation that they would be caught in if someone was to open the door. Not only that, the blinds in Tezuka's office weren't exactly the most opaque kind.
“ Mitsu.. Mitsu..” Fuji's attempt to grab Tezuka's attention failed for the first few times, until he wrapped his legs around Tezuka and pulled him towards the desk.
“ No talking, Fuji.” Unphased, the taller man merely looked up at him with a raised brow before going back to continue teasing the poor tied up man.
“ Someone might come in..” Fuji's body arched up towards Kunimitsu and moaned as his right nipple was bitten and tormented.
“ So?”
“ Catch us.. trouble..” He could hardly speak as he felt the pressure building up in his groin. He cursed himself for wearing such tight jeans though they did show off his curves in all the right places, it also very painfully restricted him within the confines of the material.
“ The only problem with them catching us is that they'd probably become as turned on as I am right now..” Tezuka pushed himself against Fuji's crotch where he could feel a hot rod coming into contact with his groin; and with that Tezuka began grinding himself against Fuji. The smaller man's bound hands clung around Tezuka's neck as their lips crashed together in a desperate kiss. Fuji could hardly breathe between his ever growing arousal and assault on his mouth. The feel of Tezuka's intoxicating lips left his wanting more and more.
Fuji felt the buckle of his belt and jeans being fondled with then Tezuka slipped his hand pass the elastic band of his underwear and took him out. He was already dripping with pre-cum at the tip and looked as though he was about to burst. Syuusuke groaned as the brown haired man gave his arousal a light flick at the head and sniggered as his erect manhood began to twitch.
“ Syuusuke, do you want to continue?” As Tezuka spoke, his warm breath caressed Fuji's erection and all the smaller man wanted was for Tezuka to take him into his mouth.
“ Dammit, Mitsu. What a question.” He looked up at Tezuka as though in unbelief.
“ Is that a yes?”
“ YES. Now, don't stop!” If his hands weren't bound he would've shoved his manhood right into Kunimitsu's mouth which would most likely result in his gagging but to hell with that.
“ What happened to people catching us?” Fuji didn't have to look to know that Tezuka was smirking right now.
“ Fuck them.” Frustrated, Fuji nudged his hot rod at Tezuka's lips in hopes that he would stop talking and start sucking.
“ The only one I want to fuck right now is you.” Tezuka's reply was one in which made you shake your head in disbelief at the same time it was oddly sweet.
In respond to Fuji's silent plea, Tezuka took him into his mouth and Fuji almost came instantly at the sensation. He moaned as he tried pushing his erection further into Tezuka's mouth.
Tezuka held Fuji by the base to avoid chocking on his length as he slowly tried to deep throat him. It was an odd sensation at first, but once he fell into the rhythm plus Fuji's moans to fuel him on, it was quite erotic. He didn't mention it to Fuji but the risk of someone walking in on them turned him on. He gave the blonde's head a nip, not allowing him to cum just yet. The taller man knew the sapphire eyed man was more than near enough to cum but he didn't want to give him that satisfaction just yet.
He was about to continue but stopped midway and began looking around. Brown eyes darted across the room in search for anything that might be of use to him.
“ Bag on the floor.. Outside by the door.. hurry.” Fuji was so full he felt as though he was going to explode at any moment. Hopefully he didn't come immediately later. He was sure he could at least hold out a little more before passion consumed him entirely.
Kunimitsu had left him in search of the bag Fuji mentioned which he found and began feeling around until he touched something that resembled what he was looking for. He pulled out the tube of lube and shook his head at Fuji's preparation. So the minx had this planned all along? He felt like a pawn in one of the tensai's games but maybe that wasn't so bad.
The ex buchou brought the tube back to the desk where Fuji still lay, naked and exposed as Tezuka popped open the cap and squeezed some gel on his palm. He then quickly unzipped his pants and freed his aching erection, then coated it with the cold gel. Fuji propped his head up as he watched Tezuka's agile fingers cover the taller man's manhood in lubricant.
Next, Tezuka returned the attention back to the smaller man as he inserted one digit into him. He gasped and withered as the sudden intrusion but then relaxed and waited for the second finger. In a scissor motion, he was stretched considerately before yet another finger. Fuji squirmed slightly as the third finger caused him just the slightest of pain but he continued to breathe slowly. He couldn't tell Tezuka this was his first time being a bottom, and would only be a bottom for Tezuka. He prided himself in his past conquest but not once had he allowed any of his lovers to do him. Till now.
“ We can stop if you can't.” A frown was on Tezuka's face and Fuji thought it didn't suit him very much though the brown haired man rarely smiled anyway.
“ No, go on. I want to.” Fuji opened his eyes and allowed for Kunimitsu to see his desire and want, and to convince him that it wasn't something he was being forced into.
With a nod, Tezuka guided himself to Fuji's tight ring of muscle and looked to check with Fuji one last time. He was certain he wouldn't be able to stop once they started. He was afraid the tensai would back out mid way but he didn't want to end up hurting his friend nor the relationship that they had. This was Fuji, thought he had lusted after him, he didn't want to take the risk of ruining their friendship. He knew he couldn't live with himself if Fuji began hating him. He would rather continue being friends and try his best to fell contented than to do something that might jeopardize their liaison.
“ Mitsu.” Fuji couldn't understand why Tezuka was hesitating so much but guessed he didn't want to cause him any pain or regret and that touched the smaller man a whole lot. He smiled as he silently urged Kunimitsu on.
Tezuka returned Fuji's smile and pushed the head pass the tight ring of muscle. He watched Fuji's face expression for any signs of pain and almost pulled out when he saw Fuji cringe up at the sudden sensation but didn't when the expression disappeared. He pushed in all the way slowly and allowed Fuji to accommodate him. Tezuka had an unsure look on his face and if not because of those azure eyes watching him, he didn't think he had the nerve to go all the way with the tensai.
Resolve settled over him and he cast al his worries and other nonsensetical thoughts aside as he understood that Fuji did indeed want this and all his insecurities about what was going to happen to them and how they had changed didn't matter right now. He thought he would allow himself this pleasure and enjoy the present.
He began a slow rhythm but when Fuji didn't show any signs of looking uncomfortable he sped up and could feel the pressure building. Fuji's insides clamped around him so tightly it made him almost cum just thinking about it. Seat beads began to appear on both of them as they glistened under the office white light. Their breathing quickens and sometimes got hitched. Fuji's moans only made him want to climax faster as the blonde writhed beneath him.
Tezuka began to stroke Fuji's lonely length in rhythm to their love making. His muscled contracted and flexed as he thrust into Fuji. Everything seemed to be blocked out as he gazed on reaching completion as he watched the beautiful man beneath him. His eyes were closed, and lips let ajar slightly as though begging for a kiss which the taller man granted him.
Tezuka could feel a flip flop in the pitch of his stomach and knew he was almost there. The uneven clamming around the walls of Fuji's insides told him he was too. The spectacled man rammed into Fuji's little hole a few more times before he came, spilling his seed into Fuji. A few strokes behind him, Fuji followed and came all over their stomachs while screaming his name. Tezuka's ears perk up at the name but he's too spent to do anything than to collapse onto Fuji as he recovers from their orgasm.
Tezuka's sweat soaked shirt sticks to his figure giving Fuji a lovely view of his muscles. The buchou almost gives him a nosebleed by throwing the dress shirt over his head and exposing his well build shoulders and abs as he collapses into his easy chair, breathing still in spurts. Fuji tries to sit up but ends up falling midway as he couldn't support himself with his bound hands. Tezuka sheepishly goes to untie Fuji's wrist and allows him to sit up, remove his cut up t-shirt and wipe himself clean. For a moment, neither speaks nor looks at each other.
A dreaded feeling overcomes Tezuka as he realizes maybe he shouldn't have given in to Fuji. He feared now that since the tensai had him that he would cast Tezuka away like a child throwing an old toy after becoming bored with it. His brows were knitted together as he was lost in thought that he didn't hear Fuji call him.
“ Mitsu, are you okay?” He looked at Fuji who was looking at him with concern but still very naked indeed. He hadn't moved to collect his pants from the floor and because of Tezuka, had no shirt to wear home either.
“ I'm fine. Are you?” The brown eyed man was relieved to receive a nod from Fuji. Though he wanted to ask Fuji a million things right now, he just didn't know how to bring it up nor how to handle the situation. This was awkward.
Fuji licked his lips and after a moment of studying the almost skittish Tezuka, got up and continued to wipe himself clean. Fuji had his back turned to Tezuka as he went to pick up his clothes from the floor. He threw whatever remained of his t-shirt in the trash can and slipped on his bottoms silently as Tezuka just sat topless in his chair, his fly still open and his spent erection still in sight for the whole world to see.
After dressing, Fuji turned to pick up the things that Tezuka had sent flying to the floor. He decided it was unfair to let Tezuka clean up the whole mess thought it was him who made it and it was his own office. Out of the corner of his eye, he watched Tezuka watching him and controlled himself not to smirk. So it wasn't as he had thought. Tezuka didn't regret it but rather was lost as how to continue. He sighed aloud. Must he do everything?
“ Tezuka, do you plan on going another round? I know you're big but we've finished.” Fuji chuckled as Tezuka flushed red as he went ahead to make himself more presentable. That helped to lift some of the tension in the room but silence once again draped itself over the occupants in the very lonely office room again. Tezuka still remained topless as he couldn't very well wear his stained dress shirt home now could he?
“ Fuji, are we okay?” His eyes were downcast as he spoke to the other man crouched on the floor still picking this up and setting them on the desk.
Fuji just continued picking up the scattered pieces of paper lying messily on the floor and other knick knacks, totally ignoring Tezuka's question. Honestly, the blonde didn't know if they were okay. Of course he wanted them to be but, where do they go from here? What were they now? Did this mean they were lovers? Fuck buddies? Or should they just act as though nothing had happened and that this was a mistake?; a result of two lonely men stressed from work and seeking release?
“ Syuusuke, look at me.” Fuji continued his task at hand which was clearing the mess they made still not giving Tezuka's question any attention.
Tezuka's patience was wearing thin and he hated to repeat himself. What was the smaller man doing? Was he toying with him? Just having sex with him then not even acknowledging his presence when he spoke to him? The taller man's blood began to boil at the mere thought that Fuji was indeed playing with his feelings. He wouldn't stand to be made fun of. Not even if it was Fuji doing it. He knew this wasn't some spur of the moment thing that he did with anyone and he hoped it was the same with Fuji.
“ Syuu!” A very pissed and agitated Tezuka grabbed Fuji by the arm and pulled him up to his eye level. Blue orbs reflected nothing but uncertainty but there was hope in them.
Tezuka's lips crushed down on Fuji's in a desperate heated kiss. Hands ran over each other, finally flesh to flesh without Fuji's hands being bounced anymore by that stupid tie. Never again would Fuji allow the taller man to tie him up. He liked it better when he could hug and cling on to Tezuka as they made love. And that is exactly what they did as they collapsed on the carpet floor again.
The sky was way passed dusk by now and the moon shown in all her glory as she gazed down at two insatiable lovers through the side window of the company building. They had finally found each other after so long thought they had been in front of one another all long. All they needed to do was reach out and touch.
A round of applause is given after Tezuka finishes presenting the proposal to the entire board room filled with the client's men and his own bosses. He sees a little minx of his standing quietly behind with a smiling expression on his fair features as everyone comes forward to congratulate Tezuka on a job well done.
A murmur of voices resound in the room as everyone gets up and begins to file out of the boardroom. Not far behind is the two main men behind the entire job accompanied by the executive director who had come down specially for this presentation as the client is indeed an old friend and major contributor to their business.
“ Tezuka-san, the presentation was very impressive.” Inui pats Tezuka's back as they step out of the conference room after the meeting had adjourned.
“ Your welcome, shahou.”
“ Fuji-san, your pictures never disappoint as always. Good job, both of you.” Fuji bows in respect to the boss as he follows them behind, file in hand.
“ However, I do have one suggestion.” Caught off guard, both Tezuka and Fuji turn to look back at their boss who only gives them a smirk.
“ Next time, how about you finish the project before embarking on some ` extracurricular ' activities. You'd have less percentage of staining the presentation board then.” Inui leaves the two very stunned and slightly pink men as he walks away and laughs.
“ I guess overtime ain't that bad afterall.” The smaller man though still blushing, smiles and discreetly gives Tezuka a kiss on the cheek.
~ Owari ~..
Yeah! That's my first oneshot! Hope you liked it. Hehehehe.. I always wanted to write a story with office sex in it. Just the idea of Tezuka in a suit makes me giggle like a little school girl though Tezuka with nothing on makes me giggle even more. I'm hoping that the story wasn't too shabby. Any constructive criticism is welcomed! =D
And for those reading “ to crack a nut ” and were disappointed by the extra posted chapter which happened to just be another copy of chapter 7, I am extremely SORRY!! My computer was acting crazy that day and I wasn't even sure if the chapter had gotten published but I guess it did. Sorry!! I shall try to get that up as soon as I can but I'm having problems with it. I just don't know how to continue!! * sob sob *. But I'll try my best. For now, enjoy the oneshot!