Prince Of Tennis Fan Fiction ❯ Purple People Eater ❯ Chapter 1

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Purple People Eater

By Andrea Readwolf <andrea_readwolf>

Chapter: 1/1

Rating: General Horror

Pairings: none

Genre: Horror/Humor

Warnings: Presents from Grandmothers... Mizuki... and... purple.

Spoilers: none

Summary: the origins of Mizuki's purple shirt/blouse/robe revealed...

Disclaimer: Tennis no Ohjisama, characters and settings are the property of Konomi Takeshi.

Date Started: June 5, 2004

Status: complete


Word Count: 281

"Purple People Eater"

He stared into the box, passed the parted tissue paper, thankful no one was around.

Reluctantly, he reached into the box, as if expecting the *thing* to grow jaws and bite him. Or maybe it was the color of the thing that reminded him first of poison--a venomous color of purple with large flowers embellished over it...

It looked like something his grandmother would like... Then again, that wasn't hard to believe considering the gift had been sent from the woman, which meant she would have made the garment herself.

His grandmother was wonderfully skilled at crafting garments, it was true--even if her sense of fashion and color was atrociously lacking.

Even as his fingers brushed the material, he could fee the quality of the fabric. He lifted it out of the shirt box and shook it out.

It was a dressing shirt. And... well, the colors *would* look strikingly fabulous on him, he was sure, even if it *was* purple. But then, wasn't there something about purple being a color reserved for European royalty? Or was that--

"Aaaah! What the hell is that?!!"

"My eyes! My eyes! I think I've gone blind!"

"Run away! Run away quick!"

Mizuki blinked in surprise as three of the more annoying boys he was forced to share lodgings with stumbled over themselves to get away.

And then he smiled, twisting a curl around one finger as he thought.

It seemed his grandmother had provided him with a fresh opportunity to torment the barbarians he had to endure on a daily basis. He would have to remember to send off a thank you note tomorrow....
