Prince Of Tennis Fan Fiction ❯ Summer Scent ❯ Chapter 4

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Summer Scent
Chapter IV
Ryoma glanced at his watch. 15 minutes again. 15 minutes until the break time will start. Why did it take so long? It felt like he had waited for hours. It was funny how time seemed to turn slower at a moment like this. He tapped his finger into the desk and stopped when he noticed one thing. Since when did he become so impatient?
He turned to look at his teacher who was busy explaining something, and Ryoma found out that it was very hard for him to concentrate on the lesson more or less what the teacher was saying. He tried hard...but it was useless anyway. He wondered if Sakuya was having the same problem with him now.
Ryoma's mind flew into previous moment. Soon after he entered his classroom, Horio didn't waste any time to tell him the latest news about the foreigner transfer boy and since both of him and Sakuya came from America, they would probably know each other. Oh yes, he knew him well, even too well.
He also found out from Horio that Sakuya was in the same class with Osakada. Knowing the girl and Sakuya, he wouldn't be surprised if Sakuya had managed to get everything out from her mouth. He had no doubt Sakuya would be laughing his head off if he heard about `Ryoma-sama' and after that would be followed by some nasty comment. Normally he never paid any mind to those comments, opinions or attentions but this was special. Why, because this was Sakuya.
He was so intent on his thought that when the bell rang he barely noticed it.
“Ryoma-kun? Ryoma-kun?”
He turned and met with three pairs of confused eyes. “What?” he asked in a slightly annoyed voice.
“Do you want go to the cafeteria with us?” Kachiro hesitantly asked.
He blinked. It was already break time? How could he not realize it? “No, I have something to do.” He got up and hurriedly walked away.
“What is wrong with Ryoma-kun today?” Kachiro asked.
“He looked distracted...” Katsuo commented.
“I wonder why...” Horio also joined them.
While three of them were busy speculating his attitude, said boy was heading to Sakuya's class.
“Ryoma-sama!” Osakada exclaimed soon after she saw him.
Ryoma.” Sakuya greeted him.
“Eh? Do you know each other?” Osakada asked, eyes darting from each other.
“We were friends.” Ryoma answered.
“And since we haven't met for a long time, we have many things to talk about now, so...excuse us Osakada-san.” Sakuya got up from his chair and followed Ryoma out.
Where are we going?” Sakuya asked, breaking the silence.
The roof.” Came a simple answer.
Sakuya leaned onto the fence, staring down into the yard below him. Ryoma stood by his side. He could see the entire school from where he was standing. “This place is so different from our school,” he muttered.
You can't compare this place,” Ryoma answered.
Gee...You're so tense.” Sakuya complained. “Hey...Are you still mad at me?” he asked.
Mad at you?” Ryoma replied indulgently. “If I remember correctly, you're the one who mad at me.” He said dryly.
The reason was because he left America and Sakuya wasn't too pleased with the idea. Actually he was totally pissed about it, and their last meeting ended with both of them argued about him ended up with Sakuya stalking away. They didn't talk after the bickering and Ryoma was already in Japan when he called Sakuya again. As he already guessed before, Sakuya wasn't very happy to hear the news, in fact the blond sounded like he was ready to strangle Ryoma to death.
Ah Ryoma. I hope you called to tell me that you have cancelled your stupid plan.” There, Sakuya had begun it.
I don't,” he said matter in fact. “I'm in Japan now.”
A long silence dawned on them. “YOU'RE WHERE?” Sakuya screamed.
After that what followed was Sakuya's lecture, then he calmed down after a good fifteen minutes, but was still pissed off and still yelled angrily at him before there was a loud crash and the connection was off. There was no doubt that Sakuya had smashed his cell phone and destroyed it in process. The blond had a bad habit to throw anything he managed to hold when he was having one of his tantrums and Ryoma had witnessed many before.
It wasn't like he secretly went back to Japan without telling him. He told him the date and the time of the departure but Sakuya didn't show up at JFK International Airport. It was two months ago and they never contacted each other since, and now Sakuya suddenly showed up, in Japan nonetheless. What was going on in here?
It was your fault,” Sakuya accused, bringing Ryoma out from his reveries. “It was so sudden and you never told me anything.”
Ryoma tried not to argue with him now, tried and failed. “Really? So it was my fault?” he asked sarcastically. “I wonder how it could be mine...”
It was in the past, right? Now I'm already here.” Sakuya said, completely ignoring Ryoma's sarcastic comment.
And why are you here?” Ryoma asked, his voice tinted with curiosity.
Cause you're here.” He smiled mischievously.
Sakuya...” Ryoma said in warning. “I'm serious.”
And I was joking. Hey! I was just kidding.” Sakuya hurriedly corrected when he saw the older boy's face darkened. “But Ryoma...” he stared right into his golden eyes. “It wasn't a lie.”
Ryoma didn't give any comment. Having known Sakuya for years, he knew Sakuya didn't lie, but he also knew Sakuya occasionally didn't tell him the whole truth. The blond had a hidden motive as to why he was here, that was one thing Ryoma was positive about and he had to find out, or else.
Anyway...I'm really glad that we met again.” Sakuya's tone of voice was light, as if he was commenting about weather but he smiled sincerely at him.
“...” Ryoma turned to look at the other direction and fixed his cap position. “...Me too,” he admitted, slowly and awkwardly. There was the usual reluctance in his voice, like he got whenever he was forced into confessing about a weakness, a contrast from his irritated face.
So...How've you been Ryoma?” Sakuya suddenly asked. His voice carried an edge of curiosity and worry that surprised Ryoma more than his actual presence. It was so unlike Sakuya to ask something like that.
Fine.” He answered curtly. “You?”
I'm...fine although it was very boring without you. Hey why don't you tell me about what you have been doing in Seigaku?”
At this he turned and shot him a dirty look.
Didn't the girl tell you everything?”
Sakuya frowned. “The girl? Oh! You meant her!” The slow grin that spread across Sakuya's face may have looked cute and pleasant to any other people, Ryoma however knew better. “Of course, she told me everything and I have to admit her story was very fascinating indeed especially about how often she praised `Ryoma-sama'.” The last words were spoken in snicker.
Just shut up.” He gave him a death glare that would have made most people flinch. He didn't truly angry but Sakuya stopped however. Sakuya probably had the honor of being the only person who could tease him, and got response but he had his limit anyway.
Sakuya's grin diminished to a slight tugging at the corners of his lips. “Ah, the break time is almost over...” he commented after an uncomfortable silence. His hand dug into his pocket and he pulled out something.
Ryoma eyed the Hershey Chocolate in Sakuya's hand. “With all of those sweets you have eaten, it's kinda a miracle you don't weight three hundreds pounds.” He commented.
I have fast metabolism.” Sakuya replied, taking a large bite of his chocolate. They headed back into one of their normal conversation.
“Why didn't you tell us that you know Echizen before?” Horio demanded when he found out that they knew each other.
Sakuya only shrugged. “I didn't know that we were talking about the same person,” he said casually.
Go ahead if you still want to have a chat here, but I'm leaving now.” Echizen interrupted then he strolled past them, hands tucked snugly in his pockets and the tennis bag already slung over his shoulder, obviously headed to the courts.
Hey wait for me...” Sakuya said before he ran after him.
Horio, Kachiro and Katsuo followed them, both party heading to the courts.
“It seems that Sakuya-kun is Ryoma-kun's friend,” Kachiro whispered.
“Yes,” Katsuo nodded in agreement. “And it seems they are a close one.” Then he frowned to see what Horio did. “What are you doing Horio-kun?”
“Argh!” Horio complained. “You two talk too loud. I couldn't hear what they are talking about.” He tried to eavesdrop but failed.
“It's not like you will understand what they are saying, Horio-kun.”
“They are talking in English.” Katsuo pointed out.
“EHH!” Katsuo was right. They could hear the snippet of Echizen and Sakuya's conversation but everything was said in English. All of which could not be understood by them.
The regular who hadn't met Sakuya was Inui, Kaidoh, Kawamura and Fuji. Kikumaru did the introduction in his cheerful manner. “Sakuya, come here!” and he dragged the boy there. “Inui, third year, Kawamura, third year. They're all regulars.”
“Hmm...Echizen's friend...” Inui muttered. “This is an interesting data, especially for the up coming regular selection matches.” The others sweat dropped upon hearing his comment, but Sakuya seemed very interested in the topic.
“Regular selections match?” He echoed. “What is that?”
“It is a match which will decide whether you can become one of the regular, that is, if you win.” Momoshiro explained.
“Wow! I want to join the match too. Does everyone join it?” He asked in a seemingly innocent manner.
“Unfortunately, only second and third years can join.” Oishi said.
“Eh, why?”
“The Seigaku tennis club has a lot of member, if everyone was to join the match, it would take much time and energy. Beside, the first years don't have the ability needed yet.” Inui answered.
“But Ryoma is a regular.” Sakuya pointed out.
Oishi and Inui exchanged glanced. “Echizen-kun's case is...different.” Oishi finally said.
“Different? Why?”
“Well...that is because-“ his words were cut off by Sakuya.
“Because Ryoma is a tennis prodigy, am I right?” Sakuya continued for him. “I have an idea then.”
Everyone turned their attention.
“How about a test?”
Sakuya's words took the other member by surprise. They exchanged uncertain glances, wondering if the boy was serious.
“A test?” Oishi asked.
“Yes.” Sakuya nodded. “A match between me and one of the regulars, if I could beat him it means I can join the regular selection match. So...what do you think?” he rested his hand against his hip in an arrogant and challenging manner that was a trademark of Echizen Ryoma.
Oishi was hesitate, he was the vice captain and while Tezuka wasn't here he was the one who took over his responsibility. Even though everyone (For example he could hear Kikumaru saying something like `A game-nya! Interesting-nya!' and Momoshiro cheered on Sakuya) seemed to agree but this still broke the rule. Echizen's case was different since the boy was truly a prodigy and Tezuka supported him. Oishi was confused. This was a hard decision and he didn't know what to do. Only said no would not satisfy the other. What would he do then?
“Hey! What is going on in here?” a loud voice interrupted.
Ryuzaki sensei came to the court after she saw the commotion.
“Ano Ryuzaki-sensei we just...” and then Oishi explained what had happened. “So now Sakuya-kun wants us to hold a test, what do you think sensei?”
She digested the information before turned her attention from Oishi to the newcomer. “I'm Sakuya, Sakuya Carlton. A new member,” the boy introduced himself.
She looked at the blond in front of him, the face and the name were...familiar. It seemed she ever seen him before, but where? She thought hard then it clicked into her head, yes...she remembered that she ever read the articles about him in tennis magazine and saw his picture too.
Her eyes moved from Sakuya to Ryoma then back to Sakuya again. A small grin slowly appeared on her face. The prince of tennis and him...interesting, this was very interesting. With both of them in Seigaku, who knew what would happen next?
“Fine.” she finally agreed.
“Thank you sensei!” Sakuya said happily.
“But who are you going to face?” She asked.
“Is it ochibi?” Kikumaru questioned.
“Nope.” Sakuya shook his head, smiling mischievously. “What about you senpai? Care to be my opponent?” he asked the person they least expected.
Momoshiro blinked. “What? ME? WHY”
“Because you seem to be the strongest one here,” Sakuya innocently replied.
Ryoma stared at the whole scene. Sakuya was being sarcastic again. Did Momoshiro realize that Sakuya was actually not praising him but the opposite? Apparently not, judged from his reaction.
Next to him, Ryuzaki sensei's left eyebrow lifted a little. This boy... he sure acted like him...
“Really?” Momoshiro exclaimed. “Well fine then. Let me show you the best of Momo-chan!”
Really...Why most of people never realized that Sakuya was being sarcastic towards them? Actually Sakuya learnt it from him, seeing that they spent so much time together.
Sakuya smiled and turned to Ryoma, their eyes met for a split second. Sakuya winked at him before turned his attention to Momoshiro again. “Ryoma could be the referee,” he suggested.
Ryoma didn't say anything but he walked into the court, Momoshiro and Sakuya followed him. Both of them took their position.
Outside the court, Oishi whispered to Ryuzaki sensei. “Sensei, is it okay for both of them to have a match?” a hint of worry laced in his voice.
She gave him a secretive smile. “Just watch, your answer will come by itself. And it is a good chance to see his ability.”
Even though Oishi was confused, he chose not to show it.
Everyone was waiting in anticipation. Kikumaru was now busy trying to get Oishi to bet that who would win. Fuji still looked as calm and collected as always, and Horio, Kachiro and Katsuo also Sakuno and Tomo had their own private conversation, mostly consisted of Horio's `how dare Sakuya-kun challenge Momo-senpai' and Osakada's defense of Sakuya. Inui was ready with his `data' book, muttering something about `the prefect data of Echizen Ryoma's friends' line. Kaidoh and Kawamura didn't say anything, but one thing that was clear. Everyone was curious.
“Momo-senpai...we forgot to decide who the one is to serve first.” Sakuya said.
“Eh! Well...since it's your game. You can serve first Sakuya-kun.” Momoshiro replied.
“Fine then.”
At this Ryoma raised his hand. “One set match. Sakuya to serve!”