Prince Of Tennis Fan Fiction ❯ Summer Scent ❯ Chapter 6

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Summer Scent
Chapter VI
Momoshiro glanced at his watch. 6.30. Still early in the morning. And the brat probably hadn't woken up yet. The brat he meant was none other than Echizen Ryoma. Because their house was in the same way, they usually went to school together.
He arrived at Echizen's house at 6.40 and waited for about five minutes before he finally lost his patience and yelled loudly. “Oi! Echizen!”
A moment later the gate opened and revealed a longhaired girl whom Momoshiro recognized as Echizen's cousin. “Konnichiwa Nanako-san. Where is Echizen?”
“Ara? Ryoma-kun and his friend had gone to the school.”
“Ah hai.” Wait a second, his friend? “His friend?” he echoed.
“Hai.” The girl nodded. “Sakuya-kun.”
“Ah thank you.”
“You're welcome.”
As he rode his bicycle he still thought about it. Echizen and Sakuya went to school together? Well...probably Sakuya wanted to Echizen to accompany him. Since he never considered Echizen to be the type who would volunteer to do such a thing.
But then again he was not sure...Echizen seemed to treat Sakuya if he was...someone special? Maybe that was because they had known each other for a long time. Well...he had thought too much, probably both of them was practicing now.
Because of that he was confused when he arrived at school and found no Echizen or Sakuya at tennis court.
“Oi! Momo! You're early today nya!” the ever cheerful Kikumaru greeted him.
“Kikumaru senpai did you see Echizen or Sakuya-kun?”
“Huh!” a frown appeared on Kikumaru's face. “Nope, I didn't see them around nya.”
“Is there something wrong nya?”
“Eh? Iie Kikumaru-senpai.”
At the same time, in the roof Sakuya yawned for the umpteenth time. “I'm so sleepy,” he complained.
Who told you to get up so early in the morning?” his companion retorted.
Wake up!”
Ryoma...wake up!”
Even though Sakuya shook his body roughly, he didn't intend to wake up at all, that was of course before he felt addition weight on his body. Reluctantly he opened his eyes and met with a pair of blazing green. Their faces were so close he could feel Sakuya's warm breath.
Get off! You're heavy.”
No. I am not!” Sakuya protested indignantly.
He rolled Sakuya's body so Sakuya was underneath him now. “Yes you are,” he stated before kissed him lightly on lips and got up from bed. “What the heck! It's only five in the morning!”
I know,” Sakuya replied solemnly.
Then why you woke me up?” He grumbled.
I can't sleep. Accompany me?”
And now you complain.” He scowled at him.
But I never get up this early,” Sakuya protested. “Only my dad-“ he stopped for a few moments. “Only my dad who always wake up early.” He finished.
What did he say about your moving to here?” he asked.
It was forbidden topic actually. Sakuya never talked about his father or his family. He never bragged that his father was one of the richest men in United States. Every time people tried to talk about this, he would change the topic. Sakuya was incredibly secretive about his life even though it seemed he always was talking. Exception for him of course, he knew everything about Sakuya. Everything there was to know.
He was against it at first but he agreed later,” he shrugged. “I bet he already forget this and now is somewhere in Vienna, Dubai or Riyadh, talking about the high price of oil.” There was no emotion in his face or in his voice. For him, his father was a virtual stranger who descended on the house at infrequent intervals.
Their conversation was cut sort by the ringing of the bell and they went to their class. They met again at lunchtime.
“Hey! That is Echizen! Over here Echizen!” Horio waved his hand, motioning the boy to join him, Kachiro and Katsuo since their table was the only empty table there.
Echizen had just sat down when a voice squealed. “Ryoma-sama!” Osakada dragged Sakuno towards their table and sat there too.
Kachiro eyed Echizen. As he knew, Echizen didn't like coming to the cafeteria. Too crowded and too noisy, the genius complained. And speaking of it, he didn't see Sakuya-kun too, that's weird since Echizen and Sakuya were always together. Where was the blond then?
He got his answer as a familiar voice interrupted them. “Hey guys!”
They turned and found Sakuya walking towards them with an armful of bread and cake. When he reached them, he chose to sit next to Echizen.
“You sure eat a lot,” Horio muttered, eyeing the food.
Sakuya didn't reply, instead he took one of the breads that was different from the other and gave it to Echizen.
“What's that?” Katsuo asked.
“Egg pudding.”
“Egg pudding?”
“That's Ryoma's favorite.” Sakuya explained.
“Wow! I never knew that Ryoma-sama likes egg pudding.” Osakada said.
Echizen suddenly got up from his chair.
He ignored their questioning look. “I will get a drink,” he muttered and walked away. He came back moments later with one can of grape Fanta and one can of milk chocolate. “For you,” he said, handing the latter to the blond.
“Thanks.” Sakuya said.
Sakuno and Osakada exchanged glance. “You sure know a lot about each other,” Osakada remarked.
Sakuya bit into the bread and with mouth full told them. “That's what friends are for,” he said. “We're supposed to know each other's likes and dislikes.”
They spent the lunchtime eating and talking although Echizen was quiet as usual and Sakuya did the talking.
As the school was over, Sakuno Ryuzaki went to school back yard to practice tennis. She was alone since Tomoka had cleaning duty. She was too focused in her practice that she didn't notice there was someone watching her.
“Practicing alone?”
She turned at to the source of the voice. “Sakuya-kun,” she greeted the blond. “Uhm...yes...Tomo-chan has cleaning duty today.”
“Your technique is good. You only need to do more practice.” Sakuya commented. He had been watching for a while. “Who teach you?”
“'s Ryoma-kun.” She said, blushing heavily.
This made Sakuya raised his eyebrow. “Ah really?” he said in a perfectly ordinary voice. He studied her face intently and asked. “You like him, don't you.” The way he spoke made it a statement, not a question.
“EHH?” Sakuno was taken aback and she turned into various shade of red. “I...uh...” she sputtered. She really didn't know what to say. For God's sake Sakuya-kun was Ryoma-kun friend! Sakuya only looked at him with knowing eyes. She knew he had seen through her, but what if he...?
Her grip on her racket tightened and she kept fidgeting with her racket strings that Sakuya frankly had some trouble to keep from saying, `stop that, it already annoy me.'
As if he could sense her stress, the blond quickly assured her. “Don't worry I will not tell him.” As if he doesn't know yet... was the unvoiced thought. Ryoma was the most perceptive person Sakuya ever met.
Sakuno sighed in relief and then almost got heart attack as a very loud voice interrupted them. “Nah! What are you talking about?”
She spurned around. “TOMO-CHAN!”
Osakada Tomoka grinned. “So...did Ryoma-sama have a girlfriend in America?”
“So...?” She purposely ignored her and focused on the blond. She had eavesdropped their conversation and inwardly sighed, poor Sakuno, she really needed someone's help.
Sakuya resisted the urge to laugh. And they say Japanese girls are shy...she is bold for sure. “No, he didn't.” he said, managing to keep his face straight.
“Does Ryoma-sama like someone?” she pressed more.
But Ryuzaki Sakuno couldn't stand it anymore. “Tomo-chan! It's enough! We shouldn't ask that!”
“Why not!”
There was argument for a few moments then Osakada sighed in defeat. “Fine! You won! Geez...”
Sakuno, the ever shy and polite girl, felt that it was improper for them to ask about it though she couldn't deny the fact that she really wanted to know.
Tomoka turned to Sakuya. “So, do you have a girlfriend Sakuya-kun?” Hey! If she couldn't ask about Ryoma-sama that didn't meant she couldn't ask about Sakuya-kun. Sakuya-kun was just so cute!
“No,” the answer came in instant. “But I have someone who I like.” Now he smiled.
“Really? Who is she?”
“That is a secret.” The smile grew wider. “But I met that person long time ago in New York.”
“Ano...does she know that you like her?” the question came from the quiet girl. Even Sakuno herself was surprised that she actually said those words. Somehow, she found a similarity between her case and Sakuya-kun's case and she simply had to know.
“We never talk about it.”
“Eh? Why!” Tomoka demanded.
“And I don't think that we need to talk about it either,” Sakuya continued.
“How come?”
Sakuya shrugged. “We understand each other and that is enough...” he hesitated and the girls thought he was going to say more; instead he smiled at them so charmingly that they felt a distinct stab of regret when he excused himself and left.
Sakuya turned at the corner and found Echizen Ryoma. The older boy was leaning against the brick wall, arms folded in his chest. Face emotionless as always.
Interesting conversation,” he said, his English was spoken effortlessly without the slightest hint of an accent.
Sakuya smirked. “She likes you, you know.”
Really? And what happens with `I will not tell him' part?” he retorted, the tone of his voice leaving no doubt about his sarcasm.
Please...even a blind people could see that she likes you...”
There was a brief pause. “So...'we never talk about this,' eh?”
And I don't think that we need to talk about this either.”
`Because we understand each other and that is enough...'
Hmph...whatever,” Ryoma said.
Together, they walked to the tennis court.
Is it enough?
Or is it not?
“Isn't that Ochibi's clothes?” Kikumaru asked, pointing at Sakuya's white and red T-shirt that Echizen used to wear.
“Yes, it is.” Sakuya said. “We're about the same size.”
“How come you wear Ochibi's clothes?” he asked, frowning.
“I stayed at Ryoma's house yesterday,” he answered casually.
Next to him, Echizen didn't say anything. His face was as expressionless as always. And judged from his attitude, one could say this was not a new thing for him.
Momoshiro looked at them curiously, he ever came to Echizen's house to play tennis but it only stopped that far. As he and everyone knew, the freshman was incredibly private person. They must be really close then and he couldn't help but wonder about their life in United States...yeah...Echizen never talked about this. Maybe he could ask Sakuya...
“Boys!” Ryuzaki sensei called. Well...maybe he could ask the blond later.
They gathered at the court and then ran 20 laps for warming up before gathered again.
“Today we're going to have a practice match,” Ryuzaki sensei announced.
“Sugoi ne!”
“Between who and whom?”
Ryuzaki sensei coughed and everyone went silent. “A double game, Echizen and Sakuya against Oishi and Kikumaru.”
“Echizen plays double?”
“And that is versus Golden Pair?”
“What is Ryuzaki sensei thinking about?”
This was understandable since all of Seigaku's tennis club member still remembered clearly what happened when Echizen Ryoma played double. He might be a tennis genius but he simply did not fit playing double. How could the selfish Echizen cooperate with his double partner? It's a mission impossible in their opinion.
“0-1. Kikumaru-Oishi leads.” Kawamura said. He was the referee.
“I knew it!” Horio exclaimed. “It is impossible for Echizen to play double.”
“Ssh. Don't talk too loud Horio-kun,” Katsuo said, covering his friend mouth.
Nevertheless, they still could hear the high-pitched voice. “This starts to annoy me,” Sakuya grumbled. “Hey Ryoma...isn't it about time we stop playing around?”
Ryoma turned and a look of perfect understanding passed between them.
So have you found it?” the blond asked.
He nodded. “They have two weaknesses.”
Actually they have four weaknesses.” Sakuya grinned.
Yeah, let me show you.” He winked at him.
Sakuya took stance at the baseline. He tossed the ball and hit it with unbelievable strength even though it was just a normal serve not his American twist. Sakuya didn't have special move, only his American twist, although he was famous of `that'. He simply mastered everything.
The ball flew over the net and Oishi returned it, just like his prediction. His mouth had quirked into a cocky grin. Yup! Smash right into the corner! As expected, Oishi failed to return his smash. “That's the third weakness.”
He served the ball again. This time the ball fell near the baseline. Kikumaru failed to hit it back. “And that's the fourth.”
Ryoma smirked. “Mada mada dane.” Sakuya, as he recalled, possessed an uncanny ability to access opponent's strong points and flaws with pinpoint accuracy. And it was a skill he exploited with ruthless disregard. Meanwhile he possessed outstanding control over his racket speed and angle. Aided further by superior anticipation and unusually quick movement, he could subtly dictate the momentum and the direction of the game. That combined together had made them number one double in America.
Outside the court, Seigaku regular also had their own discussion.
“Their style abruptly changes.” For the first time, Kaido spoke.
“They used the first set to analyze their opponent's weakness.”
“But I never thought Sakuya-kun would be the first server.” Inui said.
“ too.”
“Huh? What's wrong with that?” Osakada asked.
“In typical doubles match, you and your partner decide which one who will serve first. Usually, this is tactical decision since most of doubles teams' want the stronger server to serve first.” Ryuzaki sensei inserted.
“Hey! Do you notice that Sakuya never changes his form but why he can place the ball anywhere in the court?” Momoshiro interrupted. It was a trick he had fallen to yesterday.
“The change of timing.” Fuji said.
“He can play down the line or crosscourt off the identical stance and seemingly identical swing, directing the ball either left or right by a subtle change in timing.” Inui added.
`So he was holding back yesterday' that was what Momoshiro had on his mind. His eyes met with Ryuzaki sensei's and she nodded understandingly at him.
Momoshiro ever became Echizen's double partner but it was clear for him and for anyone that their play was...bad. The genius couldn't play double, it was he and everyone had on their mind but looked at the boy now. He saw both Echizen and Sakuya retreated to the backcourt in order to maintain their parallel formation. He smirked. That brat...Echizen only needed a right partner.
No one talked anymore since they're absorbed in the match. In the middle of the match Oishi and Kikumaru even used Australian Formation.
Sakuya was ready to serve then he stopped in the middle. “Heh...they change their style. It's called...”
Australian formation.” Ryoma finished for him.
Sakuya put his hand on his hip and cocked his head to the left, observing the situation. Australian formation, the arrangement located the net player in perfect position to intercept the receiver's normal cross-court return. Forcing the receiver to adjust and to make a weak return. Good decision, especially since Kikumaru was a net player.
To any other double pair the tactic might work but to go against us? Sakuya smirked. You gotta to be kidding! And he served the ball.
Australian Formation didn't help much. Echizen and Sakuya were obviously stronger and better players.
“6-1. Game won by Echizen-Sakuya!” Kawamura announced.
There were murmurs around the court.
“I can't believe it!”
“It is impossible!”
“Golden Pair lose? But how...?”
“And it's 6 to 1!”
Osakada and Sakuno had quite a different reaction. They cheered happily. The same went for a bunch of girls who watched the match too.
Sakuya shook his head. “Girls...they always like arrogant and cool type like you. No wonder you also have a lot of fans here,” Sakuya said, indicating to the girls from woman tennis club who had cheered on them since the match began.
Ryoma gave a small snort.
But of course I am your number one fan.” He slanted him a humor filled glance. “They may like you but Ryoma is mine only,” he said with brutal honesty.
Ryoma only shrugged. There was no change on his facial expression. He didn't care of what the blond said. There was nothing to deny anyway.
“Well done Echizen, Sakuya-kun.” Ryuzaki sensei approached them with Inui behind her.
“You have provided me such a precious data, Echizen and Sakuya-kun,” Inui said.
Ryuzaki sensei chuckled lightly. “So, what do you think of them Inui-kun?”
“They are perfect pair, even much better than Golden Pair. Added with Sakuya's ability to read opponents flaws and Echizen's control over his racket.” This was good to hear, since Seigaku was quite vulnerable in its doubles. They probably had a Golden Pair but if they face a team that was strong enough...that would be a problem. Just like what had happened in a match against Rikkaidai. Golden Pair had lost. Inui turned at Ryuzaki sensei. It seemed she purposely arranged the match. So she had known about this, eh?
“As expected from the double male winner of American Junior Tennis Tournament for three times in row ne,” she said, grinning.
“What!” Momoshiro was surprised.
“YOU'RE WHAT?” Kikumaru exclaimed.
Ryuzaki sensei only smiled. “Echizen-kun and Sakuya-kun is number one pair in America. Since their debut three years ago they never lose, not even once.”
“Nya! You cheated! How come you never told us before!” Kikumaru demanded. He had just joined them.
“Coz you didn't ask.” Echizen easily replied.
“WHAT! How could you ochibi?”
“Ma ma...stay calm Eiji,” Oishi said, trying to refrain his energetic friend.
As tennis practice ended, Ryoma, Sakuya and Momoshiro went home together. They met with Tachibana Ann in the street. “Oh Seigaku regular,” she spotted them.
“Oi! Tachibana imouto!” Momoshiro saw her too.
“Hi!” she greeted them then her gaze fell to Sakuya. “And you're...”
She was struck by the blond way of speaking, precise yet musical and with a faint American accent.
“I'm Ryoma's friend from America,” he continued. That had explained the accent and his look.
“I'm Tachibana Ann. Dozo yoroshiku.”
“So...where are you going Ann-san?” Momoshiro asked.
“Do you know the new restaurant over there? I was going to try the food there. How if you also come?”
Momoshiro snapped his fingers. “Hey! That's a great idea.”
“We're in too.” Sakuya said.
Ryoma rolled his eyes. He could see the similarity between Sakuya and Momoshiro. As long as it's about food, two of them were in high spirit.
The new restaurant Tachibana Ann mentioned was a western restaurant. It served western food only.
“Your order?” the waitress asked.
“One sirloin steak, one chicken steak and French fries.” Ryoma said, giving both his order and Sakuya's.
“And for dessert I want...”
He cut Sakuya's words. “Yes, yes, I know. Chocolate cake, right? And cold chocolate milkshake.”
The waitress wrote down their order and walked away.
He turned around and saw Sakuya staring at him. “Man, you're really weird,” the blond blurted out.
“I am weird?”
“Yes. When in America you insisted that we ate Japanese food but now in Japan you want to eat western food.”
“And how about you?” he retorted.
Sakuya blinked. “What about me?”
“In America you talked in Japanese but now you always talk in English.”
Sakuya blinked. “That's because I don't like it if people know what I'm saying.” He said in English. “And your French is an average one,” he reminded him.
Ryoma, while capable of reading and understanding French, lacked the ability to write or to speak it. Hey, he only learned it from school. And that trip to Monte Carlo and Paris didn't help at all. Not if you only stayed in France to watch Roland Garros tournament.
The return of the waitress effectively put a halt to their conversation.
“Hmm...this cake is delicious!” Sakuya exclaimed after the cake was served. “Here, try some.” He held out a forkful of cake to Ryoma. Ryoma moved forward and ate the cake while Sakuya held onto the fork. They completely ignored two pair of wide eyes. “It is delicious, right?”
“Mada mada dane.”
“You're suck.” Sakuya said but he laughed at the same time.
“ long have you two known each other?” Ann asked, after the scene. Momoshiro still hadn't found his voice back due to the shock. It was not everyday he could see the self centered and the selfish Echizen Ryoma being fed by someone.
“About five years I think...” Sakuya answered. “Since Ryoma moved from Miami.”
“So you became friends since then?” Momoshiro asked, finally recovered from his shock.
“Since the biology assignment.” For once, Ryoma joined the conversation.
For this biology assignment, we will work in group.” Miss Nancy, their biology teacher announced then she turned to him. “Mister Echizen, you don't have a group yet. Hmm...let me see...” she flipped the paper. “You joined Sakuya Carlton then.”
You mean the girl over there?” he asked.
Nancy's face changed and she unsuccessfully held her laugh. “Boy, Mister Echizen.” She said. “Although I have to admit that he looks like a girl.”
Ryoma felt stupid at that time. Sakuya was androgynous name, it could be a boy or a girl. But when he saw his face, he assumed Sakuya was a girl. (Sakuya looked exactly like his mother, he found out this later.) And that was the beginning of their friendship. Thanked God Sakuya never found about the `incident.'
“Yeah...since then...but come to think of it I wonder why Miss Nancy always had a funny face whenever she saw me.” Sakuya muttered.
Ryoma almost choked on his drink but remained unruffled. They still talked and he had a faint smile on his face as he listened to their lively conversation and joined in with occasional remarks. Tachibana Ann knew a lot of tennis and with Momo senpai the conversation was quite interesting.
They had just finished their meal when Sakuya said something. “I swear that the waitress over there keep looking at me.”
“That's because you look like a gaijin, Sakuya-kun.” Momoshiro explained as they left the restaurant.
“I never knew that Japanese people are that fascinated by a gaijin.”
Inside the restaurant.
“Yumi! Oi Yumi!” she had called her friend a few times and got respond.
“HUH! What's up Kyoko?” she asked her colleague. They were in the same college and had a part time job as a waitress.
“What's up! I should be the one who ask that.” She retorted. “What're you thinking?”
“Nothing, but did you see the gaijin girl with her boyfriend earlier? She is so cute.”
“Yumi, that gaijin is a boy, not a girl!”
“EH! Hontou ni! That's weird,” she muttered. “I could have sworn they're lovers. She even fed him cake!”
Kyoko sweatdropped. “I think you read yaoi manga too much that it affect your mind.”
“What is that suppose to mean?” she asked indignantly.
“Hey! It was a joke.”
“Geez...” but she laughed and Kyoko joined her too.
“Oh! I almost forgot something!” Ann suddenly exclaimed.
“What it is?” Momoshiro asked.
“You know...tomorrow there will be a summer festival in the park.”
“Summer festival?”
“Yes.” She nodded. “Wanna go then?”