Prince Of Tennis Fan Fiction ❯ The power of love ❯ The power of love 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Title: The power of love

Fandom: POT/Tenipuri

Type: Multi-part

Genre: General/Romance

Rating: PG-13

Pairings: Atobe/Oishi, Gakuto/Oishi

Disclaimer: No, I do not own Prince of Tennis.

Author's notes: I wonder why I decided to start on this fic, when I have so many on-going fics. My muses just refuses to stop poking me, so this is the results.


Chapter 1 - Bombshell!

Oishi Syuichirou stared at his parents in shock, his mouth opened and closed. Words failed him as he digested the news his parents have just revealed.

After a moment of silence as he struggled for words, he finally found his voice. "Excuse me, Mum... Did you just mention that we are moving?"

Oishi's mother smiled at him sadly and said. "Syuichirou, I know you can't bear to leave your friends behind. However, we still have to move as this concerns your father's job. Now, you don't want your father to lose his job, do you?"

Oishi shook his head to show that he have no such inclination, but the thought of leaving Seigaku behind him was weighed heavily in his heart. 'God, how could I tell Eiji something like this...' he thought, a frown marring his features as he tried to imagine the various possible reactions from his teammates.

"Syuichirou, are you alright?" His mother asked, drawing him back into reality.

Looking up, he found his mother looking at him with concern. Smiling reassuringly at her, he replied. "Aa... I'm fine, so when are we moving?"

His mother looked at him sadly before answering softly, "Tomorrow..."

Oishi blinked. "Oh..." he echoed, not knowing how to respond. 'Well...I guess, that does it. I'll have to tell them today, the hardest will be Eiji though.'

With a sigh, he bid his mother farewell and headed towards the direction of school. On his way to Seigaku, he couldn't help but felt a pang of sadness at the thought of leaving everyone else behind. Now as he stood in front of Seigaku, he could not help but sigh wistfully as memories of the past two years; he spent in Seigaku came rushing back to his mind.

'I can't believe this is my last day here, I wonder which school I will be transferring to...Mum never mention anything about it to me.' Oishi could not help but wondered.

During the afternoon tennis practice, Oishi knew it was time to inform his fellow teammates on the bad news. 'Well... no point in delaying this, it's now or never.' Oishi thought to himself.

Nodding towards Tezuka, he gave the cue for the other boy to order the team to assemble. As soon as the members gathered around, Tezuka said. "Listen up, Oishi has something important to tell everyone!"

"Oishi." Tezuka prompted, signaling for him to reveal his bad news.

Taking in a deep breath, Oishi looked at each and every members of his team. With deepest regrets, he dropped the news like a bomb. "Minna-san, I believe everyone must be wondering what I am going to tell you. Before I do so however, I would like to seek everyone's co-operation as what I'm going to reveal is most probably going to cause a stir."

Before he could reveal anything, Eiji interrupted impatiently. "So what is it nyah? Come on, Oishi... just tell us."

Despite his reluctance to leave the school and his friends, he knew that all good things would come to an end. Smiling at Eiji's impatience, Oishi announced. "The reason why I need to talk to everyone is because I'll be leaving this school tomorrow. I'm leaving because my family is moving away; therefore, I'll be transferring school. That means that I'll be out of the team, and there will be a vacant spot, which anyone in the club is welcome to fight for. Also, in my leave, Fuji shall take over my position as the vice captain of the team."

Silence permeated the air as everyone tried to digest what Oishi had just revealed to them, shocked by the sudden announcement, with the exceptions of Tezuka and Fuji. No doubt Tezuka had been somewhat aware of it; right from the start, either informed by Ryuuzaki Sensei or Oishi himself. As for Fuji, the resident tennis prodigy of Seigaku, he had his own ways at finding things out for himself.

Then, everyone started to respond in their own ways. Echizen merely shrugged and uttered his signature, 'Mada mada dane', while Inui scribbled furiously into his notebook, mumbling incoherently under his breath. Kaidoh's eyes widened while Taka looked like he was about to panick. Eiji's reaction however, was the most unexpected.

The acrobatics player looked at him with an unreadable gaze, before sighing, "I suppose it can't be help then..."

Eiji's lack of response immediately took everyone's attention. Momo turned to Eiji and asked, "Eiji-sempai, are you alright?"

"Hoi?" Eiji looked at Momo strangely before answering, "Of course I'm fine. Why? Is there something wrong with me?"

At this, Momo gaped at Eiji. Oishi observed his doubles partner with a frown. Turning back to Oishi, Eiji said. "Oishi, I wish you all the best in your new school. Hopefully, we'll be able to meet during the Nationals."

"Aa..." Oishi echoed, before smiling at Eiji knowingly. 'Looks like I have no need to worry anymore, obviously Eiji has matured and changed slightly over the past few weeks. I wonder what caused the changes though...'

"Saa... it's getting late ne, we should probably get going." Fuji commented, interrupting Oishi's train of thoughts.

Glancing at his watch, Oishi realized that he was indeed running short of time. Especially since his things were still not packed yet, and he had promised his mother that he would do it as soon as he had reached home. At the rate things had gone, he had to run if he was to make it on time.

"I shall get going then, I guess I'll see you guys during the Nationals." Oishi told everyone politely. Turning to Tezuka, he added. "I'll give you a call as soon as everything's settled."

"Aa...I'll look forward to it then." Tezuka responded.

Smiling at Tezuka gratefully, Oishi turned and headed towards the exit; towards the direction of home.

~ to be continued~

date started: 29/05/05

date completed: 29/05/05