Prince Of Tennis Fan Fiction ❯ To Sedate ❯ Chapter 6 ( Chapter 6 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Me: Here's the next chapter. I really enjoyed writing this, although it turned out a little weird in the end. Enjoy!
As always, Prince of Tennis/Tennis no Ojisama doesn't belong to me, so please don't sue. I really can't afford to pay thousands for copyright infringement I never committed.
Read and review please! Thank you!
To Sedate- Chapter 6
It was a beautiful day outside, really. The sakura were finally in bloom, causing the first years grief because of the recurring problem of having to sweep the scattered petals off of the tennis courts. Many of the clubs were in full swing again. Off in the distance in the afternoons, one was easily able to see the girl's softball team refining their skills in order to prepare for upcoming tournaments. The art club had withdrawn from the now gloomy art room and gone outside with their sketchbooks in hopes of getting a good first-hand view of the blooming sakura. Even the science club sometimes came outside to do different activities.
Like a peaceful lullaby, the wind would brush through the treetops, and Fuji would contemplate when exactly he should ask Tezuka to come with him to look at the sakura. Sure, it was a feminine thing to do, but Fuji thought it would be a nice way to spend some time together, and maybe get his chance to properly thank Tezuka for helping him study. His family was going on a picnic together that weekend, so it would be a hard thing to do now.
As if to snap out of a trance, he stood from where he had been sitting, against the wall of the clubhouse. “Fuji-kun!” cheerfully, the red-haired Eiji bounded up to him. Sometimes, he couldn't help it. Eiji had his moments in which Fuji could be apprehensive about him, but otherwise, Eiji's happiness was just as contagious as Fuji's smile could be at its best moments. “Nya! Let's eat lunch together, Fuji-kun!” That's right; it was during lunch break, not after school. For a moment amongst his own thoughts, Fuji had forgotten that little fact.
With a pleasant little smile on his face, he nodded. “Sure. That sounds nice.” Eiji nodded back to him and bounded ahead of him for a minute, pausing to add something. Fuji hesitated in his steps for just a moment, but it was easy for him to follow quickly after Eiji.
“Do you mind if Tezuka-buchou eats with us? I asked him if he wanted to eat lunch with you and me and he actually said yes!” Fuji paused for a moment, stopping in his tracks. Such a thing shouldn't have been weird. After all, it wasn't the first time that they would've eaten lunch together. However, slowly as he acclimated himself to the presence of Tenshi, the prodigy slowly was beginning to feel slightly strange around Tezuka, in a good way, though. “Don't you want to?” he asked, tilting his head slightly to the side and arching an eyebrow in the direction of his friend. “Eh?” Fuji could only make his smile wider.
“Of course I'd love to,” he replied. “My mind just wandered for a moment there. I apologize.” Almost automatically, his eyes searched for Tenshi. Now, he was getting so used to seeing the man around that the scene felt oddly empty without him. The only time the foreigner was actually out of sight nowadays was during class, not including lunch, and whenever he was with Tezuka. Their study sessions together had been getting more and more frequent as of late, but even with that, Fuji conversed with Tenshi frequently. The man's knowledge of English not only helped him make up for the badly graded paper, but also to learn a lot more about the language than he had ever been able to understand before.
On the school roof, it was breezy and slightly cooler. The weather was very tepid, and Fuji was surprised there weren't more groups eating lunch on the roof. Eiji munched contently on a rice ball while Fuji slowly ate his curry. For the vast majority, Tezuka wasn't touching his own food, just offering what little he could contribute to Fuji and Eiji's conversation, calmly adding in things that Eiji often asked him.
“Tezuka, what was the beginning of the Christian reformation in Europe?” he asked. Things had been like that, lately. Whenever he was confused about something pertaining to his world history class, he went to Tezuka because that was the boy's best subject. Somehow, even with his emotional turmoil, things were beginning to settle over. His grades weren't falling as much as they had before, simply for the fact that Tezuka and Tenshi were great helps towards homework and tests. Betraying his outwardly senseless exterior, Tenshi knew enough to help Fuji learn a lot.
“The beginning of the reformation was when Martin Luther posted the 95 theses on the door of his church, telling everything he thought that the church did wrong.” Nowadays, he didn't know what he would do without the explanation of Tezuka on the subject, since his notes were slowly beginning to get worse and worse, and he was more prone to fall asleep as soon as he came home. Falling asleep in school was already a difficult matter Fuji dealt with often. As they conversed further, Eiji seemed more preoccupied with looking down at the lovely view, the world full of green as life sprung back from slumber. Fuji was only able to smile. Be it odd, but he was truly happy now, just being with Tezuka. Usual misery cast aside, he was happier than he had been in quite a long while.
“Shuusuke, take a risk. Ask him on a date, anything. You can't keep feelings locked up forever, or you'll be reaping your own grave.” That was what Tenshi would tell him, and Fuji would be able to repeat it in the exact same tone the man would use. That one piece of advice wasn't something that Fuji would be able to listen to as easily as it might have been with a clearer He'd suggested Fuji to take a yoga class. Nice as that sounded, everything seemed to be going so fast in his life that he wouldn't have time for yoga. So, in the end his resolution was to talk with Tenshi as a certain form of “yoga” techniques for the day. Somehow, it really did work as a good anti-stress routine. After all, Tenshi was right about one thing, and that was that he didn't want to end up collapsing in school, or anywhere else, again.
In the back of his mind, Fuji wondered where exactly Tenshi had wandered off to, since he seemed to have no apparent home other than the outdoors. Then again, the outdoors was an awfully wide space. Tenshi was a familiar sight though, and the place felt slightly empty without him. However, he knew not to worry too much. After all, Tenshi had become over time more loyal to him than a dog would've been. He'd always be there, in Fuji's mind, just as their friendship strengthened with each conversation. He'd even notice the man's vastly improved grammar as of late. Raising his wooden chopsticks to his mouth, he looked down only to realize a moment later tat there was no more curry on his pair of chopsticks. Upon looking down at his lunchbox, which had been in his lap, he noticed he'd eaten all of it without even realizing it.
Slightly dejected, simply because the curry had tasted quite good today, he went on to a more western thing that his mother had packed in his lunch today. A single sandwich, made on white bread was there, so he munched on it while staring off into the distance pensively. A red-colored blur shot up almost a second later, amidst their pleasant conversation. “Nya, I forgot! I promised I'd meet Oishi by the tennis courts before we had to go back to class. See you guys later!” Without waiting from a reply from either, he sped off, nearly forgetting to close the door back downstairs behind him when he went back. By now Fuji was able to imagine the acrobatic tennis player shooting through the halls, perhaps getting scolded by a teacher on the way down.
Looking over to Tezuka, he raised an eyebrow in question. Tezuka didn't look all too shaken by the whole affair, although it wasn't as if Fuji expected him to be in the first place. An uncomfortable silence shifted between them, and hesitantly, Fuji set his sandwich and lunchbox aside, looking hopefully towards Tezuka, in an almost inquisitive manner. After studying Fuji's face for a moment, the captain tilted his head to the side. A moment later the confusion was gone, and Tezuka was also calmly setting his lunch aside, sitting Indian-style and glancing towards Fuji.
Drumming his fingers on the ground, Fuji's gaze turned skywards. “How have you been, Tezuka?” It seems like ages since I've been able to talk to you properly. Even though we always study together, you're almost always so distant. Why? Had it not been Tezuka, the boy would have shrugged.
“I've been well. I have a lot of tests and projects coming up.” His simple answered seemed not to be satisfying to Fuji, although it had been exactly what he had asked for, an answer. “What about you?”
Who? Me? Oh, not to well, Tezuka-kun.
“Aa, Buchou!” He answered in almost a sickeningly cheerful tone of voice with a very wide smile to top it off. “I've been wonderful.” He stopped himself because he suddenly realized it wasn't very believable, and Tezuka obviously wasn't going to buy that sort of answer so easily. With a stern look form the captain, he changed his answer, “I'm doing okay, I suppose. I've been a little distracted as of late.”
For a moment, he expected for Tezuka to ask him what for he was distracted by. However, after a short moment of silence, he was cursing himself for it. After all, Tezuka was never one to pry on this sort of thing.
“What's been bothering you?” Fuji stopped himself mid-thought and looked back at Tezuka. Now that had shocked him quite a bit. For a fraction of a second, his head turned down, and his griped tightened around his knees. Visibly, his smile faltered by a good few degrees. Somebody would've probably said that Tezuka had struck a nerve, although the boy didn't seem to have noticed that he had done such a thing. He remained visually unruffled, although there was no telling what he really thought since Tezuka had a remarkable ability, exactly like Fuji's, to mask anything very well. Unlike Fuji, though, he hid it behind deceiving eyes and a plain expression, whereas Fuji always had to smile in order to do it. If Tezuka was to smile, one could either guarantee that it was genuine, or he was putting up a pretty bad act.
“Well, I've just been thing a lot as of late.”
No response.
What about?
I don't know what in the world I'm supposed to say. What can I say, Tenshi?
He picked up his lunchbox and clutched to it. Where was Tenshi when he needed him? Where was that helpful advice that would help him to get over whatever he was feeling and talk to Tezuka normally? It was undeniable; Tezuka detected something was off and there wasn't much Fuji could've done to ward him off of the subject. Fuji didn't act like this, and a person didn't need to know much about him to know this. Looking at Tezuka with his eyes open, he blinked for a moment, eyebrows knitting together as he though. What he wouldn't do for a rainstorm right now. It would be a good excuse to be able to get away from Tezuka. What if he was blushing? What would Tezuka say? Shuusuke, you worry to much, his inner voice told him in a strange sort of disappointment that Fuji wasn't able to decipher.
Tezuka was staring plainly at him now, his glasses flashing slightly in the sunlight. Hesitantly, Fuji turned back, and his eyes caught with Tezuka's. Now he was able to easily remember why he liked the boy so much. He was handsome, with his messy brown hair and his interesting eyes. Overcome by the desire to reach out and touch Tezuka, he touched his fingers to Tezuka's knee for a fraction of a second. Electricity sprung through his fingertips, making his heart race and causing him to draw his fingertips back suddenly as if he'd been burned.
”Goodness, I forgot,” He said suddenly a minute later, making Tezuka jump. “I have to go talk to my teacher about a test I have coming up. I'm really sorry I can't talk to you more, Tezuka. I'll see you at morning practice tomorrow, right?” There was still no response from the captain. Gathering up his things, he stood. “I'll be going now. Turning away quickly, he could feel his cheeks heat up slightly as he walked past slightly, his heart thudded against his ribcage and an odd heat overcame him.
Luckily his breathing was quiet, though erratic and choked. “Here, I'll get the door for you,” Tezuka called over to him. Fuji wondered slightly for a moment, before Tezuka added, “It looks like you have your hands full.” Nodding slightly, Fuji walked with Tezuka over to the door, and the captain opened it for him. Stepping slightly to the side, Fuji spared a second glance for Tezuka.
“Thank you.”
He was standing right next to Tezuka, and for some reason he couldn't remember being so close to him. Up close, his eyes were even more breathtaking then they were from afar. Fuji understood why so many girls, young and old alike, were able to swoon so over Tezuka. Feeling weak at the knees, he forced himself to move forward. No matter how many commands his brain gave his legs, though, they remained unresponsive and rooted to the spot. A sudden cold gust of wind blew past, ruffling through their hair. Fuji, brushing some bangs out of his eyes, frowned slightly, placing his fingertips on the doorknob, near to Tezuka's hand, although not touching it.
His hand tingled a little bit, being so close to Tezuka's hand. “Maybe I better get going now, or I'll be late,” he said slowly, though seeming to zone off.
Tezuka nodded, as if to say you may go now. Fuji, against his better wishes, took his fingers of the doorknob and let his hand hang loosely at his side. I shouldn't kiss him…No sooner had that thought gone thought his head than Fuji kissed him in a fervent kiss, hands planed on Tezuka's cheeks, while Tezuka remained stiff as a board throughout. Pressing himself closer to Tezuka, he didn't even notice the boy's pulse, which was racing out of control.
Kissing Tezuka's neck quickly, he wasn't able to comprehend the situation fully since his brain was in such a fog. He wanted to be with Tezuka, and he needed ever so much to be with Tezuka.
Unbeknownst to him, adrenaline racing through the veins of the other, he really could only sense that Tezuka was stiff and frozen. Slowly, his hands slipped down from Tezuka's face, as an inkling of consciousness began to slip back to him. Abruptly, he pulled away, and was at least a good ten feet away from the captain. Literally, the prodigy could've vouched that he felt the distance between them physically. If he'd didn't have any shred of self-control, he would've raced back to Tezuka. Trembling slightly, though, he stopped himself.
Something seemed to suddenly hit him, slapping him harshly right in the face. Fuji backed down, and Tezuka was silent, his hands loosely at his side and his gaze showing more than just an inkling of surprise and shock.
“I'm sorry,” he muttered, before launching himself away from Tezuka faster than Eiji could've ever run. He didn't plan to talk to Tezuka now, and the last thing he wanted was for Tezuka to find him. As both boys placed their fingers weakly over their lips, the distance between them grew, and slowly a feeling of intense, unsatisfied heat settled in. Fuji would do all he could to avoid Tezuka, and it was likely that at least for a while, the captain would probably do the same. Perhaps that was what was best. Behind him, was a very befuddled Tezuka, and Fuji knew that he wasn't ready to face him. There were so many “what-ifs” he couldn't stand it much longer. If somebody had seen them, their reputations wouldn't be the only thing at stake. They had the potential to be in huge trouble, and numerous people, including their families, would be dragged into it. Right now, Fuji couldn't be more opposed to such an idea.
Most students were heading back to their classrooms, and Fuji raced past them all, knocking into a good few without even turning a head backwards to see whom he had collided with. Whispers shot through the crowd, and a few even glared angrily, wondering what had gotten into the prodigy, idolized by so many girls at the school. He didn't stop running until he got back to his classroom, where he promptly went to his desk, breathing harsh and uneven.
Where are you, Tenshi? That was his last desperate thought before Fuji buried his face embarrassingly in his arms and pleaded with the gods above for class to begin so that this event could pass. That, or that he would wake up and find out this all had been a hideously bad dream. He hadn't wanted to kiss Tezuka, it had just happened. Trembling, he was beginning to regret it greatly.
Ironic, wasn't it that the only time he actually really needed Tenshi that the man wasn't around? Now all he could do was grit his teeth and clench his fists, praying that the momentary passion would fade, just like warmth in a spring rainstorm would.
“Tenshama!” Miles away from where Fuji lay with his head buried in his arms, a voice called out, making the foreigner withdraw from his place behind a large tree. There stood two of the oddest-looking characters a person would've expected to see in all of Japan. The language was foreign, and indecipherable. The first man, who had shouted, looked more ancient than time; his skin was pale and wrinkled in numerously like a potato sack. To hide his head, which was completely bald, he wore what might've resembled a purple turban. Clad in white robes, he wasn't somebody that was the least bit Japanese, nor somebody anybody would ever see roaming the streets of Japan.
Behind him stood a boy that couldn't have been more than nine or ten. Short, underweight, and having lanky arms, this boy gazed reprehensively at him through sharp blue eyes that deeply resembled Fuji's. Black hair fell slightly over his eyes, and he looked distinctly ruffled.
“You're fraternizing with the client! How many times must we withdraw you? Job after job, you promise to prove yourself. Yet, somehow, you forget your duties in light of the attractive client. Don't you remember the vow you took at the beginning of this? You would help, no matter what the cost.”
Nodding meekly, Tenshi shrunk back slightly. Maybe this was the only thing on earth, no, the universe, that he was frightened of. That was understandable, too. Currently, the man was swollen with anger and his outburst would've been enough to scatter all the birds within a three-mile radius. Standing behind him, the boy far younger than the two other men seemed very calm, perhaps sensing safety in the fact that it wasn't he who was being yelled at.
“I encourage him to ask that Tezuka boy out on a date. It's his choice not to. Do you think I'm going in there and telling him that he needs to forget?”
“May I ask how many times you've kissed him, though?”
No response. Perhaps it had been hypothetical after all.
“I expect that if you wish to keep this job, you will be working to remedy the situation, right?”
“Yes, sir.”
“If I don't see an improvement in one week, you'll be reassigned.”
I don't want to put Shuusuke through that…
“Yes, I understand.”
A flock of birds fluttered out from the trees, making the leaves rustle. The boy standing behind the old man gave Tenshama an odd, searching look. Tilting his head slightly at the strange boy, he wondered what exactly the boy thought about sometimes. His steely eyes betrayed no emotion, and the only evidence of underlying child-like innocence was the softer, more boyish features he had about him. Turning the other way, the man reminded him. “One week, Tenshama. Otherwise there will be consequences.”
In the blink of an eye, the two were gone, and Tenshi was left alone.
Quiet fell over the landscape, and Tenshi slowly turned and left, fists clenched slightly. For now, Fuji would have to be his prime focus. Betraying those thoughts were his upset features; the man's words had obviously been more than just a ripple throughout his moods. After all, it wasn't like he wanted to be here. The old man had called him out here with the request to speak to him. Given the choice, Tenshama would've avoided him fully and made a beeline for Seishun Gakuen. At least Fuji didn't have afternoon practice today. They would be able to talk on the way home unless something came up.
After that conversation, Tezuka looked forward greatly to that conversation…
Fuji on the other hand, was in as much of a rush to get home as if a lunatic had been chasing him, or as if he was in a horror movie. Saved from the burden of attending afternoon practice, he was more than eager to gather his things as soon as the bell rang. After bowing to the teacher, he ran out of the classroom quickly, befuddling everyone who spotted him. No, he thought with his fists clenched, he wouldn't take the risk of meeting Tezuka once again. Vivid in his mind was the memory of kissing him. Slowly bringing a finger to his lip, he sent the thought off with a parting farewell. If the knowledge of Tezuka knowing his feelings and never speaking to him again because of it didn't bother him, then he knew nothing else in the world could.
He'd even forgotten his tennis racquet. Fuji was too distracted to remember.
He didn't care that he left his schoolbag on the floor when he got home, but upon entering the house, his mother stood at the threshold, smiling and asking him kindly to bring his things upstairs. Never had he huffed softly under his breath like Yuuta would've when annoyed. Now he did. Trekking up the stairs, he either ignored or didn't hear his sister Yumiko's greeting and shut his bedroom door softly behind him, dropping his bag on the ground upon entrance. From downstairs, their mother winced, wondering if her son had gotten into a fight at school.
Tezuka was going to hate him.
Tezuka was going to HATE him.
Tezuka was going to hate him.
A lump rose in the back of Fuji's throat. No, that hadn't been what he wanted at all. Now Tezuka was going to hate him forever, and it was all because of a simple kiss. Perhaps now he was possessed, because he didn't feel like the real Fuji would be making such a big deal about this. The real Fuji wouldn't be acting like such a… girl.
Yet somehow, here he was, on the verge of crying over such a simple thing. What had happened? Why had he let it get so far that he was now so depressed. Fuji sobbed once and clutched his bed sheets, though the slipped like water through his fingertips.
Where was Tenshi?
“Shuusuke?” a soft voice called out from the shadows. Melancholy silence fell over the room.
“Tenshi.” His voice was barely a whisper. Dimly, he was aware of arms around him, but as he cried harder and harder, the world slowly faded to black despite the bright spring day.