Prince Of Tennis Fan Fiction ❯ What if ❯ chapter 14-calm before the storm ( Chapter 14 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Last time on "what if"

"Nothing much, Hiroshi just tells me to be careful." Ryoma said.

"Oh" Fuji pondered the answer for a moment before asking "Why did he warn you?"

With a sigh, Ryoma thought for a second before responding"That is something I had no idea of, Hiroshi always seems to know such things. The last time he warned me, Karupin ran away from home. "

Ryoma smiled as he recalled the incident that took place in America. However, Fuji next words drew him back into reality.

"So what do you think will happen this time around?"

"Well, I've no idea... whatever it is, I'll deal with it when the time comes..."

Giving Fuji one of his rare smile, he assured the latter that he's fine. Afterwhich, he picked up his racket bag and headed towards his house which is located on the opposite street.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~`Chapter 14~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

chapter 14- calm before the storm!

"Tadaima!" Ryoma announced his entrance as he stepped into the house. That was when he noticed that the house was being eerily quiet not even his perverted father can be found. Shaking his head in disbelief as he wonders where everyone might be, he headed towards the kitchen for a glass of milk. Just as he opened up the fridge and reached for the milk carton, his eyes landed on a piece of paper on the dining table.

Normally he would pretended not to notice but since no one was home and it proves to be a strange thing, as the old sayings goes "Curiousity kills the cat!" in this case his curiousity surface to the top of his subconscious that made him move towards where the piece of paper was located. Picking it up gingerly as he examined the piece of paper as if it is a ticking time bomb, he flipped it over and to his utter relief recognizing his cousin's Nanako handwriting.


In case you wonder, I just received a call from my school regarding the extra tutorial tonight hence i had to leave for school immediately. Your mother is busy with work hence will not be home for dinner tonight and your father and Karupin is over at the temple behind the house. I've prepared dinner in advanced and it's been placed in the fridge just took it out to the microwave and heat it up before consuming. Hope you can managed well on your own, remember to call your father for dinner later on.

your cousin, Nanako.

"Oh well... guess i will have to settle my dinner alone tonight." Ryoma muttered under his breath as he pondered over the idea of informing his father about the dinner. He stared at the note for a moment and shook his head "Nah... I think if he's hungry he'll come back for dinner himself. " Coming to a decision, Ryoma took the dish out from the fridge and place it in the microwave after which he made his way to the living room and randomly picked up a tennis magazine to read.

Meanwhile, Hiroshi had been invited to Jirou's house for dinner. At first, Hiroshi thought of declining but deciding that he'd owe Jirou a date that he don't feel like going, he agreed to the latter's invitation for dinner.

"Tadaima!" Jirou called into the house, usually he wouldn't bothered with it but seeing that Hiroshi is with him today he decided to give his parents some warning of sorts.

His father had almost choked on his water whereas his mother almost dropped the dishes in fright. They have never heard their son announcing that he's home before, hence decided to meet their son over at the porch. The moment they saw that their son had brought along a guest they heaved a sigh of relief knowing that it had been a way to assure the guest and not that their son was sick or something.

"Erm... Mom,Dad... this is my fellow team mate Echizen Hiroshi. I hope you don't mind the idea of me inviting him to join us for dinner without telling you first." Jirou started awkwardly.

"Oh... no ... not at all, it's fine. " His mother quickly ushered Hiroshi and Jirou into the house but not until after Hiroshi made a quick greeting to them.

"Thanks for the meal and the hospitality, I would loved to stay but I'm already late." Hiroshi said as he darted a look at the kitchen clock.

"Oh, no worries... feel free to come over anytime. " Jirou's mother answered just as politely as she walked Hiroshi to the door.

Later that evening, Ryoma had just finished clearing the dishes and placed them in the dishwasher that Hiroshi had strolled into the kitchen. Nanjirou was at the temple once again after dinner. Ryoma watched as Hiroshi took out a can of green tea and sat himself in the dining table with a blank expression.

"Do you need any dinner?" Ryoma had asked since Hiroshi made no move to heat up any food. It was not until Ryoma sat down opposite to Hiroshi that drew the latter back into reality.

"Huh? " Hiroshi stared blankly, until Ryoma sighed and asked the question again.

"Oh... dinner... no, I've eaten already." Hiroshi answered rather uncomfortably.

Ryoma looked skepically at Hiroshi since he knew Hiroshi seldom ate out and prefered homemade food. Knowing what his cousin had in mind, Hiroshi answered Ryoma's unspoken question.

"I had dinner over at Jirou's house..." his voice trailed off.

"So.. how is it?"

Hiroshi stared at Ryoma as if the latter had grown another head, Ryoma looked slightly peeved "Why are you staring at me?"
Hiroshi answered the question with another of his own, "Since when are you such a gossip?"

"It's not that I want to gossip, I just know you well enough that if you don't say anything about it ... it's bound to bug you and cause you insomnia." Ryoma answered.

"Oh... well, I really can't say much about it. Except that it just felt weird... I'm just not used to eating with others." Hiroshi shrugged as he downed the rest of the content from the can in one gulp. After which, he bid goodnight to Ryoma and headed back up to his room to rest whereas Ryoma picked up his racket and joined his father in the temple tennis court for a match.

~ to be continue~
date completed: 18/02/05