Prince Of Tennis Fan Fiction ❯ What may happen when you watch Lord of the Rings ❯ What may happen when you watch Lord of the Rings ( One-Shot )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Title: What may happen when you watch Lord of the Rings
Author: Makiko Igami (
Pairing: Oishi/Kikumaru... or is it the other way round?
Rating: R/NC-17
Warnings: What was it calleD? Smap? Smut and sap... and waff I think.
Summary: Er... Oishi invites Kikumaru over on a Sunday to watch Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers. ... Hey, it's NC-17?! There's not much plot!
Disclaimer: I WISHED I owned Tenipuri! Ryouma wouldn't be so cold-hearted sometimes. ^^;; And Tezuka would have a few more facial expressions.
Notes&Comments: This was a brithday present for Linchen, who wailed she wanted to read some Oishi/Kikumaru when we watched TeniPuri. This is also my first TeniPuri story ever.
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It was a quiet Sunday afternoon, with no practice for the Seigaku regulars that had taken the opportunity and made plans for that day that had the most less to do with Tennis. Well, of course not Echizen, who went no where without his racket. But the Golden Pair had chosen that day to watch one of their favorite movies.

"This is SOO great!" Kikumaru beamed as he bounced to sit down on Oishi's couch. "I just plain LOVE this movie!"

The slightly taller of them smiled as he set down the bowls with popcorn and crisps before he sat down gingerly next to his gaming partner. "I know. Good thing my mom got the new DVD so soon."

The red-head gleamed, nodding fervently. "I can't believe it she got it before the release date! I'm SOO envious!"

"Sometimes it's a good thing she works at a movies company," Oishi said, his smile becoming a bit more sheepish. He opened his eyes slightly just to see the other nodding even harder than before. "Eto... I'll put the DVD into the player, okay?"


Kikumaru folded his legs lotus-style in front of him, before he noticed something. "Ah! We've forgotten the ice-cream!" With that he jumped up from his seat and dashed into the kitchen, returning with a bowl full of his favorite ice-cream. "Strawberry," he gleamed as he flopped back down on the couch, starting to spoon away the pink melting mass with that cat-like smile of his.

Oishi smiled at his friend with an expression that could be described as motherly affection. 'Eiji... how can a guy be as cute as you are?' He gathered the remote and then sat back down next to the red-head, starting the movie.


During the opening scenes, Kikumaru brought the spoon to his mouth several times, licking it clean while his eyes were transfixed on the TV screen.

"New Zealand's pretty isn't it?" he said as snow-covered mountains were shown on the screen until a faint mumbling was heard. Oishi simply nodded, leaning back and relaxing while the other almost sat on the edge of his seat.

"Wah!! He's falling!" the red-head exclaimed and waved around with his spoon, hitting Oishi's cheek with that motion. He noticed that he had hit something and turned to see what it was.

"Ah! Men gomen go!" he exclaimed and leaned forward to lick away the little sticky spot on the other's face with his eyes closed.

Even though the other had thought he had been relaxed and prepared for everything the other could say or do, he definitely wasn't prepared for THIS. "E-Eiji..." he stuttered, blushing a nice shade of crimson as he sat there frozen in shock.

The other backed away, licking his lips clean and then saw the shocked expression of his friend. It was only then that he realized what exactly he had done. "AAAAAH! I'm SORRY~~~~!!!" He put his hands in his lap, shoulders drawn up and bit his lower lip, while the shade of red on his face rivaled with that from Oishi. Thus they both managed to miss how Frodo and Sam found out that they were gradually lost on their way to Mordor. They only managed to focus their attention back to the screen when Gollum attacked the two Hobbits.

Kikumaru went back to devouring the ice-cream while Oishi simply watched the movie, both as silent as a rock, trying to calm their loudly beating hearts and regain a more normal skin-color than pink. They were back to normal when the focus of the film shifted to Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli. Kikumaru chuckled lightly over the latter one's complaints, while Oishi cast a few shy glances to his friend.

'Did he lick my cheek intentionally? I mean... was he trying to tell me something with that, something that he doesn't want to admit openly?' the taller one thought idly, blending out the movie as his attention was focused on Eiji watching while he seemed to forget everything around him. Oishi smiled once more, and wondered idly if his feelings were really all that motherly for his friend.

Just then did the other put away the bowl with ice-cream and grabbed the one with the popcorn. He turned slightly and smiled at the other, "Want some?"

Baffled for just a moment, green eyes stared at the red-head, before he chuckled slightly and raised his hand to take some popcorn out of the bowl. "Thanks."

"No problem, it's yours, now isn't it?" Eiji said and Oishi was sure he'd just seen cat's ears poking out of those curved red stands before the head turned back to watch the movie. He blushed again as he again noted that Kikumaru was using ambiguous sentences again. The green-eyed boy seriously wondered if he wasn't imagining things when he thought that his partner wasn't only talking about the popcorn, but himself as well when he offered it.

He shook his head and focused back on the movie, almost furiously so he didn't have to think about what Eiji could mean with his words anymore. He probably didn't mean them anyways.

Halfway through the movie, Oishi jerked out of his Lord of the Rings inducted half-hypnosis as something heavy fell onto his shoulder. He blinked, turned his head and was greeted by the sight of a red mop. Blinking again he realized that his gaming partner must have fallen asleep while Frodo and Sam tried to find their way through the mist of Mordor under the lead of Gollum.

For a moment he didn't know what to do and just stared down at the slightly open hanging mouth that still had faint traces of ice-cream and popcorn on it, the closed eyes and the sweet serene face with the always present band-aid on its right cheek. The red-head's hands had lost their grip around the bowl with popcorn and were now lying loosely on his thighs while his chest heaved in regular intervals.

Oishi smiled once more, letting out a little snort as he wound his arm carefully around the younger one's shoulders, not wanting to wake him right then and put the bowl on his lap away. He was delighted to see how the other snuggled up to him, mouth curving up into a cat-like fashion once more as he sighed in bliss. If the black-haired boy didn't know any better he would have sworn that his friend was purring in pure bliss.

'Neko...' he thought and grinned, going back to watching the movie, squeezing the other's shoulders, getting a cute little mewl in return. The grin only widened at that.

About an hour later, shortly before the battle of Helm's Deep, Oishi nudged the younger one. "Oi... Eiji... wake up!"

Kikumaru made a disapproving sound in the back of his throat, stirring slightly. "I dun wanna," he mumbled almost imperceptibly.

"Come on, Haldir's gonna make his great entrance soon," Oishi said, nudging the other's shoulder again for emphasis.

Kikumaru blinked his droopy eyes open, "Haldir?" That managed to wake him up, jumping out of Oshis's half-embrace. "Haldir!"

The older one stared open-mouthed for a moment and then shook his head bemusedly. And then had to stifle a laugh as Kikumaru mouthed the words of the Elf. "I bring word from Elrond of Rivendell. An alliance once existed between Elves and Men. Long ago we fought and died together. We come to honor that allegiance. Yay!!!"

With a last squeal the younger one glomped his partner, knocking him over so that he was now lying flat-back on the couch. "Thanks for waking me at the right moment, Oishi!"

Had the other just been slightly disappointed of the loss of the other's body-warmth on him, it was now brought back full force, by the red-head lying almost flush on top of him. Out of a sheer reflex the raven-haired one had raised his arms to prevent the other from falling down on the ground, but now he was holding the red-head almost too close for his own likings to him. He stared up into those dark blue pools, silence surrounding them, as he tried to figure out what they were going to do now.

Kikumaru looked just as shocked. "I..."

"You could have picked a better spot!" Gimli exclaimed in the movie and they both started to chuckle at that, but not only because of the Dwarf, but also because of their situation.

"I don't think I could have," Eiji chuckled as he smiled down at Oishi, whose eyes widened in surprise while the red-head lay down completely, resting his head on the other's shoulder. "I'm right where I want to be..."


Osihi wasn't sure whether he wanted to protest or confirm what the red-head just said, but was silenced by a finger to his mouth.

"Don't say anything... let's just stay like this... I like listening to your heartbeat..."

But Oishi only managed to stay quiet for a moment. He just wanted to know what Eiji was thinking. "Eiji, listen, I... I wanted to say that... Eiji! Why?! ...How?"

The other sighed. He propped himself up on his elbows and brushed those two black strands from the other's forehead, idly playing with them. "Why not? Oishi... we're such a good team...The Golden Pair and somehow... somewhere I think I've fallen in love with you..." Kikumaru bit his lip and searched the eyes of his friend... partner... lover... he didn't know how to address Oishi anymore. "Are you mad?"

Staring up in disbelief and surprise at the younger one, the taller one actually thought for a moment. To his own surprise he noticed that he wasn't mad at all... maybe a little surprised, but rather pleasantly as he had to admit. He wasn't sure, but right at that moment he understood perfectly what he wanted when he had invited the other over to his house that day. He just hadn't been aware if his own feelings back then.

But obviously he had contemplated just one moment too long. Eiji's usually bright shining eyes lost their gleam for a moment and he reluctantly started to climb off the other's chest, where it had been so warm and cozy.

"Eiji..." Oishi called silently out to him, making the other's head jerk back and look at him with unbelievably huge eyes. The taller one of the pair smiled and raised his hand to the other's cheek. He wanted to say so many things, wanted to say what was on his mind, but he knew he needn't to. There were other ways for him to say what he wanted to say.

Gently he guided the other down, while rising up from the couch as well, closing his eyes and sighed softly as their lips met, feeling his partner do the same. Shyly they kissed, only lips first, but there was this certain tingle that shot through their bodies, similar to an electric shock.

They had to break the kiss though as Kikumaru started to giggle at Legolas' comment with the box.

"Men gomen go," he chuckled before he took a deep breath and leaned down to kiss the other once more, this time with a little more courage and force. He started nibbling on the older one's lips, smiling happily while the other's grip on his back tightened just a little. But when the other opened his mouth, inviting him to explore more of him, he hesitated a little.

Oishi felt his hesitation and started gentle licking on the other one's lips, not wanting to force the other into doing anything he wasn't comfortable though. The noise of ten thousands of Orcs coming from the TV set was completely blend out as Kikumaru shyly opened his lips in response to Osihi's gentle movements. Their hesitant tongues met in the middle of their mouths, and they both jerked at the sudden contact, but then moaned as they started to move in sync, just as they did on the tennis court.

As the first Orc fell Oishi had his hands clamped tightly into the red-head's hair as he sucked the taste of strawberry and popcorn from the other's lips, holding him tightly into place on top of him as he felt hands ghosting over his face and ears that sent sweet shudders through him.

The brute growls from the TV screen ran faintly in their ears, but right now they had other things to be worried about. For example how to get the other's clothes off without being to obvious about it.

Oishi had it easy; he just slipped the hand on the other's back under the loose shirt and caressed hot skin. Eiji on the other hand fumbled almost futilely with the bottoms of the green-eyed one's shirt. All the while both of them refused to break the kiss. In the end Kikumaru gave up on the top of the shirt and let his hands slip to the older one's sides, brushing up his shirt as his hands traveled higher.

The scene just switched to the Fangorn forest as the pair finally broke their kiss, panting for air.

"E... Eiji..."

"Mhm... you're tasty... can I have more?" The red-head asked, sounding so innocent that it made the older one of the pair almost blush. But in stead he snorted amusedly. "What?" Kikimaru asked curiously, head tilted to the side.

"Eiji, you're too cute like this," Oishi said with a smile and leaned up to kiss the tip the other's nose. He then continued with a low raspy whisper, "Irresistible."

Kikumaru blushed and fell back against the other's chest, drawing idle lines across it. "I... I mean it... if... if you want to... you... you can have me. Right now... cuz I... I... want you, too." The words came out as stutter, barely perceptible, but Oishi heard them nevertheless and made his cheeks heat up.

"But... Eiji..." He took a deep breath, reformulating his thoughts. "Do you really want to? You... sound as if you're scared..."

He got only a fierce nod as an answer to that, and look down to see that Kikumaru was not able to look into his face. He kissed the other on the top of his head. "I sure am..." he admitted silently as Merry argued with the Ents.

The red mop suddenly moved so that dark blue bore into dark green. "Really?"

"Yes... I.... I don't want to hurt you."

Gleaming happily Kikumaru glomped his sempai and kissed him soundly. "There's no way you can ever hurt me!" he exclaimed. "I just love you too much for that."

"Eiji..." Oishi blushed at the sudden exclamation of love, feeling the other was rushing things. But then again... wasn't he rushing things as well?

On one hand Kikumaru was younger than him, and his motherly instincts told him that he simply wanted to protect him plus his brain that told him they had all the time they needed and that they shouldn't go further than this on the first day. But on the other hand there was this growing problem inside his pants Eiji induced by rubbing against him with his constant little movements and the little sloppy kisses he draped over the taller one's face...

Hormones and need took over as the scene went back to Helms Deep. He sat up, pulling Eiji up with him in the process, letting him straddle his lap.

As Orcs tried to breach the walls of the fortress it was Oishi who tried to pry Kikumaru's shirt from his body while kissing the red-head senseless. He soon noticed that there was no way to achieve this without ripping it up, so he broke the kiss just for the moment he needed to do this.

Eiji complied by raising his arms over his head, allowing to be stripped of his shirt, but then went back to unbuttoning the other's shirt so he could pull it off as well. As their chests came back in contact they both gasped in delight, unused to it but yet cherishing the feeling never the less.

"Nyao..." Kikumaru purred as Oishi started sucking on his throat, and he knew he wanted more... and soon. Thus his hands moved between their bodies, fumbling with the other's zipper, trying to get it open. It was unavoidable though that he brushed against Oishi's erection inside his pants, making the taller one gasp and bury his head into the younger one's shoulder.

"Eiji..." he gasped out as lithe fingers found their way into his boxers, wrapping around his hardening staff. "Wha... Ah!"

"Ne... I need some help here..." Kikumaru panted as he tried to push down the other's pants with his free hand. "I... I want you... now..."

Those words went straight Oishi's groin and it took all his effort not to tear his lover's clothes from his body and ravish him, though that was probably what he wanted. Instead he fumbled with the red-head's zipper until he managed to get it down.

"Nya!" Kikumaru bounced off the couch for a moment, getting rid of his pants and underwear and then helped Oishi to do the same before he resumed his place on the older one's lap. Gasping in surprise at the fell of naked flesh everywhere, the pair quickly resumed their kissing, reaching out for the other's erection.

Oishi hesitated a moment before touching but then he felt Eiji's hand on him, warm and soft, but firm at the same time, applying friction just the right way to undo him within mere seconds. He moaned, a shaking hand wrapped around the other's shaft as the command to get back into the deep was shouted from all places on the battlefield on the screen.

Massaging the head of his lover's erection, Eiji was feeling how just the thought of Oishi touching him was getting him to the edge. He knew that just one little factor was needed to push him over. And that little factor was the hand on his back that found its way between the globes of his ass and the fingers that teased the opening between them.

The music from the movie toned down, getting a desperate and sad tinge as his hand clenched, Oishi yelped and Eiji mewled as his seed shot out of him, covering their stomachs. He panted, tried to catch his breath as he slowly came back down to earth... and into Oishi's embrace. He snuggled his shoulder and smiled. "I love you."

"I love you, too, but..." Oishi said, sounding a little impish because he still had a leaking problem between his legs. Kikumaru looked down, flushing in embarrassment at what he saw. "Ah! I'm sorry!"

Osihi would have rubbed the back of his head sheepishly, but he was too busy holding onto his lover. "There's nothing to be sorry about..." he trailed off as he noticed sounds from the DVD were getting louder yet again. Kikumaru also chanced it a glance.

"Aww... damn. Haldir died," he said. "It always makes me sad. He's such a cool guy."

Raising an eyebrow at that exclamation, Oishi looked directly into the red-head's eyes. "So you like him more than me?"

"Nani? No! Of course not!" Eiji mewled in protest as he threw his arms around Oishi, almost choking him with the tight embrace. "There's no one as cool as you are!"

With that he plastered his lips onto his lover's and kissed him hotly, sucking his tongue into his mouth while he rolled his hips in Oishi's lap. Gasping and moaning at the same time, Oishi tried to come up with something that he could use as lube, since he definitely didn't think as far as depositing one under the couch's cushions, well, he didn't even think of getting some to start with!

His thoughts were cut short though when Kikumaru descended from his mouth and found his way over his stomach between his legs. Half in shock he watched how the younger licked his lips and then over the head of his erection with a hesitant purr.

"Oh Gods, Eiji!"

Grinning like the Cheshire cat now, Eiji repeated his actions, this time using a little more force though. He licked over the head before he engulfed the entire length, making Oishi throw his head back and crying out the other's name.


After that Kikumaru didn't have to do much. He purred a little as his head bopped up and down in Oishi's lap, enjoying the little cries he could coax from the usually rather silent boy - well, compared to him - actions that seemed to as simple as this. He swirled his tongue around the hard shaft and then felt how Oishi started to shiver and just one moment later he tasted salty, sticky liquid in his mouth. Curious as he was he swallowed it, trying to place the taste somewhere. But he knew he couldn't.

After he had drunken the last drop of Oishi's essence, he crawled back up and looked lovingly into hooded green eyes.

"I told you wanted to taste more of you," he smiled and then placed a chaste kiss to the other's lips.

"Eiji!" Oishi cried out in mild disbelieve, cheeks flushed not only from his recent orgasm. "When... How... I never knew you had such a dirty mind!"

Kikumaru blushed as well, only now noticing what he had done... and how it must have seemed to Oishi. "Ahh! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to rush it like this! I... I'm sorry if I disgusted you or something..."

Oishi shook his head, smiling at his lover. "No... I... I was just surprised. Let's do it a little slower next time though."

"Alright!" Kikumaru beamed and snuggled up to his lover while the movie was nearing its end. "Next time I want to feel you inside of me... you feel really good, you know?"

Oishi blushed once more at his almost-too-blunt lover, but then again that was one of the treats that made him so cute. Eiji was as innocent as the day on a morning, even when he was talking about sex. "Eiji..."

"Ah! I did it again, now didn't I?" Kikumaru hid his blush against Oishi's chest. "I embarrassed you again! Gomen ne~~!"

A soft chuckle left the other one's throat. "It's okay; I hope I'll get used to it soon. That's just so uniquely you... it's quite adorable."

"Honto?" Kikumaru sounded incredulous.



Once more the red-head glomped his lover and then snuggled up to his chest, purring contently. Oishi simply smiled as he pulled the younger boy closer and closed his eyes. Soon he drifted off into a light slumber, while the movie came to an end unnoticed by the pair on the couch. They knew the movie by heart anyways.

The End.____________________________________________________________________

*stares at Kikumaru* I think I mixed him up with my current favorite character from YuGiOh!... He has the same seiyuu... But damn... who'd have thought he'd take the upper hand of this? I certainly haven't. ^^;;

So... what do you think? Were they at least a little in character?