Prince Of Tennis Fan Fiction ❯ What You See Is Not What You Get ❯ Is It Ever to Late to Live? ( Chapter 3 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
What You See Is Not What You Get
Chapter 3: Is It Ever to Late to Live?
Author's Note: This chapter has been updated and fixed with a few things. My first time through with it I was rushed and wanted to get it posted before I had to leave my computer for the evening. I hope you enjoy it.Chapter 3: Is It Ever to Late to Live?
Warning: I do not own Prince of Tennis or anything that is linked to it via manga or anime so do not sue me for anything in here. However, I do own the made up characters that are not in the original plot and story line of the manga/anime. Also, this is a fictional fan-fiction of Prince of Tennis. It may not, and probably will not, follow the manga's/anime's plot and story line.
~Story Starts~
Seishun Academy Middle School's tennis team all sat down as they finished their first practice with Akiko. Most of them felt like they would never be able to get up and stand again and felt like they just wanted to melt into the ground. "How did they do?" Coach Ryuzaki asked as Akiko came over to her.
"They did better than I expected, especially for this being their first time with this hard of a practice." Akiko said, sighing and giggling softly as a few of the team members fell backwards and laid flat on the ground, not being able to move after that point. "Now I know what categories I need to work on with the team and where each of the are...both individually, and as a team." She said, and then walked over to the team, helping up those who needed it, which, sadly, was everyone in some way or another. When she came to Tezuka and grabbed his hand to help him up their eyes locked for a minute. However, that was a minute too long and the team noticed, some of the snickering as they did.
While the team was putting their equipement away Momo headed over to Tezuka. "Hey, Tezuka, you should see if you have more luck asking her on a date than I did..." He said, looking at Tezuka. "I would try again, but I have our deal to keep in mind." Momo added, sighing.
"Don't forget that you have practice tomorrow, ten minutes after school ends!" Akiko called over her shoulder as she left the courts, saying goodbye to the coach on her way.Ryuzaki smirked as she watched Akiko head out. As the team departed and headed home, not any less tired or sore from when practice had ended, but were in a better mood because they had been able to tease Tezuka a little after Akiko left, pushing it to the point where they were almost killed by Tezuka himself. "Tezuka, I want to have a word with you before you go!" Ryuzaki called out, motioning him over to her.
"Yes?" Tezuka asked as he stopped in front of his coach. He was in a little bit of a bitter mood because of a few of the team's comments, but sighed. "What is it you wanted to talk to me about?" He continued, waiting for his coach to reply.
"Akiko." Ryuzaki replied. "If I know her like I think I do then she is probably feeling bad for all that happened with you two. Maybe you should go to her place and talk to her." She continued.
"And why would you want to talk to me about her? She a great tennis player, but I see no reason why I would have to talk to her." Tezuka replied, smiling. "I don't even know where she lives, so maybe you should take to her instead...since you know where her house is and everything." He said, not really wanting to have to personally talk to Akiko since he did not want to give the team any ideas.
"I had a feeling you would say that, so I wrote it down on a piece of paper." Ryuzaki replied, putting the piece of paper into his hand. "Please, Tezuka, you know her background and how she has grown up. Please, just at least talk to her." She continued, her voice slightly pleading. "I fear if she goes much longer without a normal life she will become one of those emotionless tennis players who, despite being the best in the world, shut themselves away from everyone." Ryuzaki said, sighing and shaking her head.
Tezuka groaned lighlty at first and then saw the worry on his coach's face and sighed. "Alright. I will go talk to her." He said, walking off and looking at the piece of paper his coach had given him.
"Thank you, Tezuka." Rayuzaki called after him. "Maybe you can be the one person to help her..." She said quietly to herself, hoping that Tezuka could help Akiko.
Tezuka looked up at the house through the gates as he arrived. "Wow...I guess being an all-time, world champion does have it's benefits...." He said as he found the gate unlocked and entered, closing it behind him. Tezuka then walked up to the front door and rang the doorbell, hearing it ring throughout the front half of the mansion. Soon a butler came to the door and let him in, once Tezuka told the butler why he was here, and took Kunimtsu's bags and things from him, taking them to the side closet and setting them in it.
"Who is it, John?" Akiko's voice was heard as she walked down the main set of marble stairs, stoping when she saw Tezuka. "Kunimi..." She was cut off as her father came into the entrance hall.
"Is this another one of the boys who keep asking for you ever since you entered that damned middle school?" Mr. Hiruka asked, looking at Tezuka and narrowing his eyes.
"No, sir. This is the captain of the boys' tennis team." Akiko replied.
"Fine, but remember your schedule. You do not have time to dilly dally around, especially with boys. Make whatever it is he wants short." Mr. Hiruka said as he went back into the room he had come from.
"Yes, sir." Akiko replied, bowing at her father slightly and then turning to Tezuka once her father shut the door. "What are you doing here?" She asked, sighing.
"The coach told me to come talk to you." Tezuka replied. "But, is there somewhere we can talk in a little more privacy?" He asked, looking around at all the butlers and maids waiting for an order or command.
Akiko sighed. "Follow me." She said, walking off and bringing him to the garden in the back lawn of the mansion. "Now, what is it you were supposed to tell me?" Akiko asked, turning and facing him. "And if it is about earlier, I am sorry. I did not intend to cause you any trouble." She added, appologetically.
"Well, um, I think that's how I ended up coming here, but know there is something I want to ask you." Tezuka replied.
"What is it?" Akiko replied, looking up at him.
"Why have you thrown away everything for tennis? And why were you like you were with your father back there?" He asked, hoping he hadn't crossed any lines.
"Your the second person to ask me that." Akiko replied, sighing. "Well, I guess everything started when I first picked up a tennis racket...." She began, soon going into the elaborate story of her life and what she had done and gone through to get where she was today. Before they knew it an hour had gone by and the sun had finally set. Akiko looked up at the sky and her eyes widened. "Oh no, what time is it?!" She asked frantically.
"Um, it's a little past eight." Tezuka replied, looking at the watch on his wrist.
Akiko's eyes widened even more. "Shit." She quickly ran back to the mansion, Tezuka following on her trail. "Father I..." Akiko started as she burst into her father's at home office, but was cut off by a slap to her left cheek.
"You, what?" Her father replied coldly. "I told you to make it short and you take an hour!" Mr. Hiruka shouted, slapping her again when she went to open her mouth and say something. "I will not hear any excuses!" he said coldly.
Tezuka had wlaked in on as Mr. Hiruka had slapped Akiko the second time, hearing what he said. He then went over and pulled Akiko out of her father's rang. "Sir! Stop it!" Tezuka said, angry. "It is not her fault! I lost track of time and did not tell her how late it was getting!" He said, keeping Akiko behind him.
"Tezuka....please....just leave." Akiko said, her voice soft as she looked down at the ground.
"Richard! Please escort this boy to the door." Mr. Hiruka said, glaring at Tezuka.
Tezuka wanted to stay, or at least bring Akiko with him, but saw that he had outstayed his welcome and was worried that Akiko would get punished on his behalf if he stayed much longer or tried to go against her father's words. With a defeated sigh, Tezuka left the house and went home. He knew that Coach Ryuzaki would be mad at him for not having brought Akiko with him, and that made him sigh once more.
"Now you, young lady, will go up to your room. We will talk later." Mr. Hiruka said, turning his cold eyes and tone back to Akiko.
"Yes, sir..." Akiko said, leaving the room and heading to her bedroom, collapsing on her bed in tears once her door was shut. Her personal maid and butler wanted to comfort the girl, but knew that they were forbidden from such things and had to merely stand there and watch Akiko cry, wishing they could hug her and give her the comfort she need at the moment.
Tezuka growled as he walked away from the gates that closed of the mansion from the outside, hearing them lock it behind him. All he knew was that there was a lot more going on at Akiko's house than Coach Ryuzaki knew about and he planned to help Akiko and get her out of the current mess she was in. Tezuka now understood everything clearly, she didn't throw away her childhood, her father had and he was currently keeping her on a very short leash, one, Tezuka believed, that had been resticting Akiko her whole life, never letting her truely live. He had to get her out of there, she was a phenominal tennis player and, if she could help out the team, then Tezuka would try to help Akiko, along with his coach.
As Tezuka continued his way to his house he continued to think. Was it possible to even get Akiko out of the gutter she was in? What it possible to let her live? Most importantly for Akiko, was it too late to live? Had Akiko gotten so use to her life that she never fought against her father or tried to live a different life? These and a million other questions ran through Tezuka's head as he arrived at his house, vowing he would help Akiko, no matter the cost. One question remained in the for-front of his mind. How?
Please R&R!!!!!!! I would like to know if anyone looks forward to reading this story. I'll wait till i get at least 2 reviews to continue.