Princess Mononoke Fan Fiction / Spirited Away Fan Fiction ❯ A Thousand Fathoms ❯ Vultures ( Chapter 8 )
Author's Notes: I gave all of you a fair warning I wouldn't be making regular updates. I'm still writing, but slowly. I have caught the lazy bug, and I've been out town. This chapter is going to be half a chapter because, I feel, the faster I update the happier you'll be. A double dose so to speak. Enjoy!
Warning: There is swearing. You don't like it, tough.
Disclaimer: I don't own Spirited Away.
Rating: PG-13 (Ratings may change)
Summary: Seven years, one month, two weeks, four days, and two hours, but hey who's counting? Never a dream. I would never let myself believe it was a dream. "Oh God, I'm actually going through with this!" I took a step.
~*~*~*~ A Thousand Fathoms ~*~*~*~
Chapter 8: Vultures
What I hate most about walking is the fact that you have to move! And, seeing as I have no coordination or depth-perception without being injured, it's a miracle I only ran into three walls, fell down in the elevator, and stumbled into Yubaba's office. The whole time Koto never tried to hide his amusement. He looked like the Devil's Spawn himself. His sneering, superior smirk never left his face. I wanted to slap him, yell at him, do anything I could to wipe that dumb-ass smirk off his face. Oh, if only I could…
Men! I hate men! Men are stupid. Men need to be fixed because they're all broken.
Before I knew it, I was standing before Yubaba and all her scary gory-I mean glory. She did not look happy. Her eyes were narrowed, brow creased and her aura as cold and biting as ice. I swear she looked ready to flay us alive and have vultures fight over our still dying bodies-one by one slowly picking away at our organs… and that's putting it in the lightest way possible.
She glared at us for a good measure of time, intent on breaking us little by little in slow agonizing torture while waiting for her outburst. Then she spoke, her voice as thin as ice. One wrong move and we'd be begging for mercy.
"Do you have any idea how stupid you two are?" I noticed Koto flinch slightly. I resisted the urge to bite my lip. I would not show fear to anyone in front of Koto.
Yubaba glared at me. "You clearly stated that events like this wouldn't happen."
I refrained from saying that I said `nothing from the last time will happen again'. I didn't want any more of Yubaba's wrath. I remained silent.
"Yubaba-sama," Koto, on the other hand…. I admit, I've got give the man credit-for being a stupid idiot. He was going to have a hard time now. "It was not my fau-"
"I don't give a fuck whose fault it was. Tell me what happened."
Koto exploded into a big elaborate tale and I broke into mine, not wanting to be singled out. By the end, there was no longer a story; just two extremely immature teens, who had regressed to shouting insults at each other
"SILENCE!" Yubaba hissed. Spawn and I stopped in mid-sentence, both of us looking much like a deer caught in a car's head lights. "You're acting like children. Sen's seventeen-that much is understandable-but you," she glared at Koto, "You're 2,467 years old. Act like an adult!"
"He can't help it, Yubaba, if his brain's the size of a pea." I couldn't believe I said that. If I wasn't going to die before, I was sure as hell going to die now.
"Whore!" Koto snapped
"Shit-head!" Ooo! I was going straight to hell for that one, if the look on Yubaba's face meant anything.
"Silence! Stop being immature," she took a deep breath. "Now, you are going to tell me what happened-one at a time," she said effectively cutting me and Koto off. "There will be no childish insults and you will tell the truth. If you don't do as I say, I swear your punishment will be a thousand times worse then it already is."
I wondered slightly what could be worse then vultures eating my intestines, but afraid of what I would come up with, I stopped my train of thought.
"Do you understand?"
I nodded. Koto didn't.
"Good," Her voice was too sweet, too threatening not to be ignored. She gestured to Koto. "You begin."
"She started it."
"I don't care who started it. Tell me what happened."
"She seduced Haku-sama into humiliating me in front of the entire bathhouse."
"Yes, I remember that."
"You didn't punish him."
"That's right, I didn't," she spoke threateningly. I didn't know what the threat was, but it was effective enough to make Koto weak in the knees.
He cleared his throat. "I confronted her about it. She became defensive and disrespectful. She attacked me and I reacted in self-defense."
"Sen!" I took a deep, calming breath. Ha! Calming, my ass. "Continue, Koto."
"That is all, Yubaba."
She switched her iced glare to me. "Your turn."
I gulped. I didn't know where to start, so I chose to fix the first untrue statement the Devil's Spawn made. "I didn't seduce Haku-sama into doing what he did. It was only in retaliation to what Koto-sama had said about me."
"And what did he say?"
"He called me a whore, among other things. Haku-sama did what he thought would best remedy situation. Obviously, it was a wrong choice." At this, Spawn snorted. I glared. "Today… or yesterday… Koto-sama cornered me in the hallway after staring at me for six days straight. He slammed me against the wall and backhanded me. He then proceeded to call me an ungrateful bitch, and attacked me. I reacted in self-defense, not him."
Yubaba looked between us, layers upon layers of steely glares.
"Both of you are a disgrace to this establishment. I should turn you into pigs and serve you to the workers for a feast. However, as much as I detest saying this, you two are good workers and I can't afford to loose you. You," She indicated Spawn, "since you quite obviously lied about this mess, will be put under lock and key."
Spawn looked indignant. His face became a lovely shade of purple and his eyes bulged. I took a baby-step sideways to escape his wrath. He didn't notice.
"You are not," Yubaba continued, "under any circumstances, allowed to leave your room unless I have given permission for you to do so. Sen, you are human and for once you should be pleased. I am giving you three days sick leave to heal, for humans heal slower then spirits do. Unfortunately, you will have no pay, and you will have to find an assistant for Rebi. As soon as your sick days are over, you and Koto will be working together, doing as I wish, without the aid of magic." That statement was directed more towards Koto than at me. "Understood?"
I was in such a state of shock to do anything but look like a fish out of water. I wasn't going to be fed to vultures, but I was being given to the Devil's Spawn on a silver platter. Didn't she see that Spawn and I didn't get along? If we were to be alone together there would be puddles of blood and two dead bodies on the ground. He could… He could try to take advantage of me, again! Even though I'd fight with my life, I don't think I'd be able to keep him away this time. What the hell was she thinking? I'd rather have the vultures…
Author's Notes: Yes, I know, short… I'll go through this again to fix errors, but I'm not doing that now. I think I may have switched tenses at some point… I'll fix that later as well. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it. Review please. It's how I survive.