Princess Mononoke Fan Fiction ❯ Kiss Diaries ❯ Motoko's Night In ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Motoko's Night In
Like I said before; Motoko was in her room with no tights on (the slut- according to you deviants) and the moon was drawing nearer to the night sky. SHE had just came out from her hot springs, with her hair dripping wet, and her skin smelling a sweet dewy scent, she also had only her orange kimono on wrapped around her body by it's tainted fabric. Then Sasuke came walking into the room without notice, and then saw Motoko nearly undressing herself from seeing her bare shoulders and her swan neck.
“Oh! Sorry to interrupt.” Motoko looked behind and saw Sasuke leaving the room.
“No! Stay…its fine…”

“Ok…” Sasuke reluctantly agreed, and slit the door shut with the candlelight lit in the corner of Motoko's bed. Sasuke turned away though when he reentered the room, giving Motoko her privacy, but then she chuckled slightly.
“I don't mind if you look Sasuke, I trust you.” Then Sasuke blushed blankly.
“What the fuck?! Is she trying to hit on me first?!” He thought to himself in a weird manner. He only smiled a little, but still kept his head to the wall; he didn't want to scare Motoko like he did before. But then he thought to himself once more. He does have a sexual desire towards Motoko; her white skin, her auburn hair, even her tender lips every time he kissed her. Maybe what she's saying is…that he could take her…tonight.
Sasuke then slowly turned his way back, seeing Motoko's bare shoulders with droplets of water trickling down her spine. Motoko was actually just standing there like a statue, as if she was waiting for him to come. Sasuke then walked up to her leisurely, and brushed away her dampened hair from her back. It made Motoko tingle a little, but then sighed out with a small sense of release from her body.
“Sasuke…do you…if you…?” But then Sasuke swung her over and gave her a tongue-latching so sweet it filled her whole mouth; she could taste his moist tongue roll around inside of her mouth, after breaking the kiss, Sasuke then looked into her emerald eyes and grinned.
“You want me to take you?” He placed both of his hands on Motoko's face and felt her warmth as she nodded. They both smiled, as then when every time they kissed, each one of them was rougher then the last. Sasuke then firmly but gently pushed her onto the blanket which represents her bed. Sasuke leaned over her delicate body and bit his bottom lip.
“You're so attractive.” He uttered as he stroked her chin, he then slowly slicked his hand down pass her throat, and kindly groped onto her breast, which made her huff out a moan quietly. He then took off his kimono and turtleneck shirt hurriedly, but he still kept his trousers on, only showing off his sexy chest. He then, ever so slowly… revealed Motoko's body away from her kimono. She blushed a lot at that point.
“Hang on…I thought you're trying to fight the temptations.” Sasuke pointed out as he lifted himself off her.
“Oh yeah…” She hurriedly lifted her upper body and dressed herself back up again. “Get out!” She pointed the door to him, but Sasuke smirked.
“It's like you're two different women; here's this, bounty hunter who sticks with her word and has strong physical and mental ambitions…the other…is a primitive young female, who is secretly eager…” He then leaned his lips beside her ear… “…to let herself go…” Motoko snorted out a little as the humour excited her a little.
“I do not want to let myself go!” She argued back.
“Are you sure about that?” The questioned brought Motoko to think a little, but then she was pushed down by Sasuke's hands and with him back on top again.
“Sasuke--! Ok, do what you want to with me; I'm not gonna do anything!” A brief silent filled the room.
“…Ok.” He then crashed his lips down onto hers, and caressed her hips.
“Sasuke, are you just horny at the moment?!”
“…yes.” He bluntly answered, and then gently touched her neck with his lips. Motoko tried to control her blushing which kept revealing her in a strawberry light. But then she shot her eyes open and gasped.
“No wait!” She then pushed Sasuke up off her and turned her redhead away from him as she leaned herself up and hunched her shoulders. “If I let myself go, I won't be able to hate you.”
“For the past few days, my eyes wandered about you more than anyone else. Even when you're not around, I got up to either Ashitaka or San, asking them `is Sasuke in a good mood today?' or `where can I find Sasuke?', because I jut love being around you, more than ever now, whatever your stubbornness.”
Now it was Sasuke who was blushing; he never gets embarrassed easily due to his `hard' persona. Motoko then turned her emerald eyes towards him and wondered.
“Sasuke, what's wrong?” He kept silent for a moment; still blushing though, until he finally locked the redness away and pulled a stuck-up look.
“Don't you realize that you just made a major confession to me?” He then sighed. “Just tell me one thing, tell me what you truly feel about me. Not about when I'm a light head or when I'm a jackass; I'm talking about ALL of me.” Motoko's eyes bulged out a little when he said that. “If you tell me now, you can still hate me all you want.” Motoko then sighed out and whispered…
“I…love you.” She then turned her face to Sasuke. “I love ALL of you Sasuke, this is not lust, and it's real.” There was then a smooth silence between the pair, when then Sasuke smiled.
“Finally you said it. Now that I can have you.”
“What?” Sasuke leaned his head closer to Motoko's.
“We'll stay together now, forever and always.” As he leaned his body inwards, Motoko bucked her head away from him slightly, but he then tenderly kissed her on the fore head.
“You said that I can hate you!” Motoko complained when she slapped her hand on Sasuke's left shoulder.
“Of course I was lying. I've been holding myself out for ages now. There's no way for you to hate me now since you jut said you love me.”
“You tricked me!”
“I even enjoy it when you act stupid sometimes.”
“Motoko…I love you too.” He then gently placed his lips onto Motoko's and began to enter her mouth with his tongue, along with Motoko staring at him quite blankly, until lowering her eyelids as she dazed into a trance.
“No, I mustn't…if I let myself go I'll…” She thought to herself in a dreamy fashion, when then she was pushed kindly back down onto her bed. She then compassionately broke off the kiss and stared at Sasuke in his eyes.
“Sasuke…we shouldn't really go any further…” she wondered a little as she placed her hand again on his shoulder. But Sasuke drew himself in for yet another tongue-latching, and he then began to undress her again. His hand slipped under through the rough scarlet fabric and touched her snowy skin; he never felt anything so smooth before. His nerves began to tingle a little and risen his hand up to her chest as he continued to kiss and kiss. Motoko was too hypnotized to realize that she could be about to have a very intimate connection with Sasuke beneath the clothes; she was too love-stoned to open her eyes to reality. The tiger stripes then began to slowly undo his trousers and leave them both naked.
“I love you Motoko…” He whispered in her ear as she turned her head to a side when she quietly moaned. But then her eyes slowly bulged out, as she felt Sasuke's hand slide down from her waist, lower, lower, and even more lower.
“Is this your first time?”
“Of course it is, you moron!” Sasuke then kindly nibbled on her ear lobe and breathed in her ear.
“That actually makes me happy, so I'll be your first then. Just…relax.” And then, it happened. Motoko suddenly felt a pleasurable bliss in between and carried out a sweet moan at first. Sasuke leaned his head close to her neck and continued breathing heavily, as Motoko quite loudly moaned out softly, when then moments later she came out with a loud scream that woke Ashitaka up in one of the rooms.
“Keep it down! I'm trying to sleep!” his cartoon shouting annoyed him a little as then he slammed back down trying to sleep.
A few hours later into the night, Motoko and Sasuke were lying on the bed with Sasuke spooning her, making little pecks of kisses on her neck and breathed in her scent, which is very sweaty.
“I can't believe I did it with you.” Motoko whispered softly.
“Better than Ashitaka?”
“What?!” She then flung Sasuke off her and held the blanket close to her chest. “What the hell was that suppose to mean?!”
“I heard you talk after you seen Ashitaka nude.”
“Oh what did I say then?!”
“Uhhh lets see; you said that `I should be seeing more of Sasuke in the nude rather than Ashitaka, in anyway though to be honest…I think he would be great in bed'” Motoko then gasped when he repeated what she said today.
“I can't believe you said that! Get out!”
“I can't, you still have my clothes.”
“Yeah and I'll be keeping them tonight! So get out!” She then rose onto her feet, and forcefully pushed Sasuke out of the room…without any clothes on, and slammed the slide shut.
“Motoko! It's ok if you got aroused by Ashitaka! Of course any woman would get stimulated by a sexy male body, especially Ashitaka's!” As he said that whilst banging on the door, Ashitaka slowly walked up to him in a dozy way. He then noticed his white skin as he couldn't help but look down.
“I'm not gonna ask what you've been doing.”
“It doesn't MEAN that we were doing it.”
“Oh so what was Motoko doing then? Examining you?”
“..Maybe.” Ashitaka then scoffed and flicked his head in the air slightly out of annoyance.
“Well, whatever you two were doing…KEEP IT DOWN!” Ashitaka's mood levels were at an all time high when his cartoon anger flushed out in an instance, until storming off back into his room in a massive huff. But Sasuke just stared at him openly and smirked a little.
“What's with him?”