Princess Mononoke Fan Fiction ❯ Kiss Diaries ❯ Rooftop Under The Rain ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Rooftop underthe Rain
The night was drawing nigh again, as the moon shone its glossy face to the earth whilst he blurred his powder rays through the trees.
Ashitaka was back with his clothes on, searching for where San had crawled to since Sasuke flung her into a tree and made her fall flat from a small hill. He didn't forget the intense kiss between him and San when they were bickering in the pool. He believed that it was the first real time when they BOTH felt so aroused; he didn't want that to be lost.
“San! San! San we need to talk!” His voice echoed the forest, as it sent sound waves into the atmosphere. He then looked up and saw the back of San standing on a strong branch of a tree. So then, he silently crept up behind her, and then secretly climbed quite gracefully onto the same tree where San was standing on. He then reached the opposite of her, yet she didn't make any notice of him. Ashitaka then slowly moved stealthily behind her, and almost touched her shoulder.
“San?” But then as he touched her shoulder, she then sharply turned around out of balance, and accidentally slapped Ashitaka in the eye, causing her to then fall once again flat on her face. He grunted as he rubbed his eye gently, but then jump off the tree to help San back up again.
“Are you alright San?”
“That's the third time today that I ended up flat on my face.”
“Oh this is not your best day then?”
“…Just shut up and help me up.” She painfully commanded, as then Ashitaka yanked her arm up in the air, until a loud bottled thunder shook the sound in the air.
“Uh-oh, it looks like there will be a heavy storm.”
“Oh my God (!)” San cynicism made Ashitaka groan a little, but then his skin softy reacted to a single drop of rain splattered onto his cheek. He looked up, as so did San as she lingered by his side, when then a blanket of watery little spears soared down kindly onto the ground, along with dampening the two people's skins.
“Oh that's just great (!)”
“Well I'm not too please with this either San!” The two of them were then drenched in a piece of the monsoon interlude. “Let's just go back to your cave.”
They then ran back up to San's `cosy' cave as the cloudburst rain continued to heavily, yet kindly pierce the air through the mist that began to emerge from the invisible aspects of the air. They hurriedly returned to the cave as they dripped with drizzly dew from their clothes and skins, and then they sat themselves onto the cold ground and watched the sky turn bottle teal until the hidden moon of the spears of rain.
“Its gonna be like this for a while I guess.” San spoke in a quiet voice.
“It does look like it.” Ashitaka replied smoothly back. His voice somehow immediately alleviated since he returned with San in the cave. The moments came and go as they placed themselves peacefully by the view of the pouring rain; still dripping wet from the shower from the skies.
“San…what happened in the springs…” San turned her eyes to him and sighed out worryingly.
“I didn't know what came over me at that point…somehow I felt really wild then.” Ashitaka then turned his dampened head to her. “It was like; a new sense just…flew right over my head. I know…I hate humans, I mean they are—
“—Jackasses?” Ashitaka finished her sentence which annoyed her a little, but then she turned her hating eyes to a small neutral harmony.
“But…nevertheless…you'll always mean something to me.” Ashitaka became touched when he heard her spoke of that sentence; his eyes lit with light and a small sense of joy, know that in a miniature matter, he had tamed the shrew called San. Her skin then began to shiver with the cold hollow air that blurred the cave; she rubbed her arms close together and contracted her muscles together.
“Are you cold?” Ashitaka uttered to the shivering San.
“No…I'm fine thanks.” She replied in a slightly angry style, but Ashitaka refused to induce it, so then, he yanked on San's arm and pulled her close to his chest; rubbing her arms to her warm content.
“What are you doing?!”
“We'll be warmer this way right?” San kept silent for the instant, and then gave in to Ashitaka's kind gesture. She knew now, he only wanted to protect her, every time he touches her skin she felt a sudden emotion rushing through her nerves; mostly love, and love is what made her intimate connection with him, whether it was just holding each other's hands or wrapping each other in their arms whilst the lay on the softness of the jade grass. San then lifted up her head to gaze into her lovers eyes. The two stared at each other as then their relationship and emotions grew stronger and stronger with every second that they watched the rain reflections glistened in their eyes.
“Keep me close Ashitaka…” San weakly cooed to her prince, as she leaned closer and closer to him; retaining their warmth together. She then looked up and gazed at his eyes. As then, she very slowly kissed Ashitaka on his warm cheek, the prince looked once more at her beauty, until drawing himself in for another deeper and longer kiss. Their tender heat had then raised their endorphins higher to their limit point; when they just have to give in.
The prince then submissively pushed her wet dripping body onto the pelt behind her, and then continued to kiss her passionately on her neck. But then he stopped, as he lifted his head and looked own at her, knowing that she wanted to say something.
“Do YOU want to do this?” The young wolf princess questioned softly.
“We'll be warmer this way right?” Ashitaka repeated the phrase, when it made San smile gently. He then reached his head back down and persisted on the intimacy on closeness of their loving relationship.
The rain continued to pour down, as the two unlikely yet unique lovers endured in their fervor of the lunar bliss. As every droplet falls, it meant another second the two warriors can stay together. Within their surroundings, there would always be a kiss, a touch, a love relit every time they break off every romantic act for a breath from the dewy air. Their clothes were gradually slipped away with the wind blowing mildly and the downpour of droplets prolonged over and over again, as Ashitaka and San caressed each other in their arms; they couldn't keep a fingertip touch off each other as it showed how strong, how prevailing their connection is, since they have been through so much. It didn't matter now who was the wolf and the human, that night; they were just two partners embracing their infatuation for one another. Whilst the prince was the most dominant one, he was always watching over her princess underneath his body and his fingers entwined with San's; they were in love, at the same time as he breathed his warm tongue onto her skin and tasted her sweat in a light desire. The nerves made San moan with deep pleasure as she was entered for the first time in her life; the virginity was broken. Ashitaka never felt this much craving, this much yearning to quite forcefully thrust her in his arms, but as he knew that she was about as delicate as a withering flower, or glass concerning to shatter, so he kept himself low, and have the benefit of breathing heavily in each other's scent, until the climax had been reached, with the pliability of affectionate screams from both Ashitaka and San that echoed the cave. They then slowly collapsed to the floor of the pelt, with Ashitaka regaining his consciousness on top of San. He then fell over to one side but still lay on his stomach as also was San; their continued to look at each other with cheerfulness and appeal.
“You did it Ashitaka.”
“WE did it.” They both breathed out intensely before they reached up to each other for another gentle kiss.
Hours later, the rain finally grounded to a halt, yet San and Ashitaka were already yet scruffily clothed again, with Ashitaka's chest still showing and San's cleavage still bare to see. And yet they were still entangled in their zeal of cherished devotion for one another. San stroked her lover's cheek and rubbed his chest.
“It's still wet outside…you can stay with me tonight.” Ashitaka smiled, as he then lifted up her face by her chin, and entered her mouth with her tongue, before collapsing on top of her once more, and reenacted their own ritual of intimacy and fervor once again, before the dawn with shimmer the rain and lighten the sky once again.