Princess Mononoke Fan Fiction ❯ Princess Mononoke Rebirth ❯ Infant ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Sasuke and Ashitaka were stood outside the house that Sasuke had just opened the door for fresh air. He stared maliciously at him, while Ashitaka grew angry as his heart rate thumped faster per second.
“You!” growled San fiercely, but Sasuke coldly smacked her side into some bushes behind her with his vectors. She collapsed to the ground as she grazed her elbow on it.
“Don't you DARE touch San!” Ashitaka ferociously snarled at Sasuke, yet he just scoffs at him with black humour.
“You're still trying to fight me, boy? Even though you are no match for me?” Ashitaka gritted his teeth at him and clenched his fists. San wobbled herself back up by gripping onto Ashitaka's kimono.
“You had no right attacking Ashitaka like that!” she scolded at Sasuke.
“What is it to you, human?” His insult angered them both deeply, but has raged Ashitaka more. He might have been forgiving; but he did have his limits. Ashitaka wouldn't anyone hurt San physically or emotionally, because he loved her dearly, and would have done anything to protect her; even if it means sacrificing his self. So he sprinted to Sasuke.
There was then a loud crash that woke up the little girl from her peaceful sleep. Her hair had suddenly turned static as her eyes became alive again.
“What was that?” She thought to herself, and she then rose to her feet and walked outside of the house, where Motoko remained at rest from her emergency surgery on Ashitaka.
Sasuke was then found against a wall from his house, he panted heavily; trying to catch his breath. He started to stutter as he gradually fell to the ground, he ended up resting on the floor with his head facing down. Ashitaka was still standing, but was clutching onto his wound to make sure it wasn't bleeding again. San grew worried for Ashitaka again to make sure that he won't pass out again. Sasuke looked like that he was dead again; not making a move or sound, it kind of scared Ashitaka for a bit, because he desperately needed to ask him questions. Thankfully Sasuke wasn't dead; he then exhaled out and looked firm at Ashitaka.
“Was that your best shot?” he spoke weakly at him. Ashitaka puff out a breath in disturbance, Sasuke then rose back up slowly and resumed his observation towards at him. “Do you really think without the use of my arms I won't still be lethal?” He made his knuckles crack by clenching them.
“San stay back!” Ashitaka panicked as he pushed his hand towards San to shield her San. He then sprinted back to Sasuke with his fists scrunched and his mind concentrated. “I can do this.” He thought to himself as he ran towards him. But Sasuke had a trick up his sleeve; he let loose of a sai behind his back belt, and gripped it tightly for when Ashitaka comes launching onto him.
Suddenly, the little girl from the other house; came walking in and saw the ferocious beasts commencing another battle, she also saw Ashitaka unsheathing and small red blade that he cut his hair with from his old village; the night of his exile. The girl grew scared and didn't want another bloodbath.
“Please stop!” She screamed at them, as she then ran towards Sasuke.
Motoko suddenly woke up from her rest; she sensed that something has happened.
“Who is that?” she wondered, as she rose to her feet to check out her curiosity.
Sasuke was standing in his position, quite startled with the girl clinging onto his clothes, Ashitaka was quite startled as well from her too, as so was San. Sasuke loosened the grip of his sai and looked down onto her.
“What…are you doing?” he snarled at her softly.
“No more pain! No more!” she implored to him. Ashitaka calmly contained his anger as he didn't want to scare her. San, somewhat, just looked at her with curiosity.
Why did she stop them? Why did she save him when he tried to kill her? She thought to herself.
Sasuke then turned his head to where Motoko was resting, looking at it with caution. He then gently shoved the girl to one and looked viciously at Ashitaka.
“This fight isn't over.” He lowly growled at him.
“I know.” Ashitaka replied back. Sasuke started to walk away from him and back into the solitary mist from whence he came. But the young girl stopped him in his tracks.
“Stop!” the girl wept softly at him as he looked down on her with annoyance.
“Stop being the bad guy!!” She suddenly screamed out, Sasuke then stared at her with the slightest of interest, giving her a stern, but merciful look, it was very hard to describe. But San's face turned pale by the very words that blurted out from the young girl's lips.
She then saw in her head; another young girl in a silhouette figure, screaming at her with tears flying out from her eyes.
“Stop being the bad guy!!”
“AAARGH!” San began to screech out in pain as she clutched hold of her hair with her hands.
“San! What's the matter?” Ashitaka turned his attention onto her as she collapsed onto her knees, grasping her head. Sasuke then got distracted by the look of the strange wolf girl that saw as if she was having a minor epileptic seizure.
“Don't…say that!” she rasped silently in a cold, deep voice.
“San?” Ashitaka knelt down beside her.
“My name…is not San!” she growled lowly. Then he clutched onto her shoulders and swung her round to look at her face.
“What are you talking about?” Ashitaka questioned her quite fiercely.
“I-I…I…don't know!” She began to panic.
“You're just tired, you need rest.” He cooed back to her, clutching her hand gently and rose her up from the ground.
“You…” Sasuke whispered and then sighed ignorantly, turning his head to his side. The little girl then started to cling onto his kimono again.
“Please stay! Don't go! Please!” The girl started to trickle with tears from her eyes. Sasuke looked down at her again, and lowered his deluded harsh expressions.
“No.” he coldly replied as he looked away again the girl gasped and quivered inside her, with her watery eyes trembled in sorrow. Ashitaka looked intently at her. He just stared at her, thinking.
“That girl definitely needs him. It's strange; a young defenseless girl needing the help and comfort of a cruel, malicious man. Yet, if he s cruel; why didn't he kill her when he had the chance? Why wouldn't cut her down like wheat and leave them on the ground to rot, just like he always does? It must mean he still has good inside him. All I have to do…is to bring that out.” He kept looking at them both and decided to take some action.
“Yes he will.” he stood out. All of the others gasped at him, even Sasuke stuttered for that second.
“Ashitaka what are you talking about?!” San growled at him as she then scolded at Sasuke's insipid blue eyes.
“Would you, please?!” the little girl implored slightly violently. Sasuke's bitter cold face loosened its grip a little, and then lowered his face down, covering his eyes with his hair.
“I've got no choice, have I?” He said quietly. Suddenly the girl's face lit up with a sense of joy, but San's face turned to worry.
“I have questions to ask him.” Ashitaka replied in a secret voice. The young girl then embraced Sasuke into her arms, but hr pushed her away calmly.
“Stop touching me; it cramps my style.” He said quietly.
“Yeah, I will!” the little girl blushed with the slightest of embarrassment.
“Ashitaka, don't do this! This…thing tried to kill you! And I will not let that happen again!” San whispered unpleasantly in his ear.
“San, there's something in him that's not right, I can sense it.”
“And what will you do; save him? You can't rescue the world Ashitaka.” He then turned his face to her.
“At least I've got to try.” Ashitaka replied to her, as they both walked into the direction of their own hideout. Sasuke was still standing behind them as if he was in denial to move. But then the little girl chuckled and grasped hold of his left hand. Sasuke stuttered again, however he didn't make any refusal of the young girl's benevolence, he had just given up the idea of being `alone' for the night; he was just too tired.
“Motoko will kill him when she will see him.” San mentioned to Ashitaka.
“It will take a great deal of negotiation for take care of that.”
“Yes, but might have to get use to it, and control herself from killing him.” Ashitaka replied.
“Where is everyone?” Motoko thought to herself as she stands alone in the house. Then she hears whispers from outside, and decided to pull herself closer to the doors. Meanwhile, the rest were outside, trying to unravel the lock on the door.
“Seems to be stuck.” Ashitaka grunted as he struggled a bit to unlock it.
“I hope that other girl isn't with you.” Sasuke quietly whispered to the air.
“Why? What has she got against you?” San snapped at him cynically.
Then he turned his head slowly to her.
“She's out to kill me.”
Ashitaka was then swung onto one side as the door was finally opened by Motoko.
“Where have you been?” Motoko asked quite worryingly.
“Motoko!” San exclaimed, as Motoko then saw the familiar face that startled her; the face with two stripes on each cheek can could not have been missed; she had found him in her grasp.
Kira can also be another word for killer, like the phrase used in `Death Note'-
She then took hold of a dagger from her backside, and clutched hold of Sasuke's neck; pushing him into the bushes with the blade pressed against his vulgar skin.
“Motoko stop! He won't harm us if we don't harm him!” Ashitaka exclaimed.
“What the hell are you talking about?! He's a murderer for god sake!” Sasuke then gripped onto her wrist that was holding her dagger, he then clenched it tightly but slowly, giving him enough strength to make her release the blade from her hand. And so he did, and then looked down at her.
“I only kill when I get pissed off.” He scolded at her gently. Motoko got seriously worried then as she thought that she was going to die at that second, but he just gradually released his grip on her, and then let her go completely. Sasuke walked away from her as he brushed her shoulder aside. Motoko was stunned.
Why didn't he kill me? Something's changed.
“Am I still invited? Or can I be set free from your mind prison?” He sarcastically asked Ashitaka.
“We're not trying to capture you; we only want to treat you normally.” Sasuke looked at him deeply, and then turned his head to the door, and walked on in. Ashitaka then turned to Motoko.
“How could you?” she deeply implied to him.
“There are questions that need asking.” Ashitaka replied, she then sighed to herself and turned stern again.
“One strike and I cut his throat, you hear?” She firmly spoke to him.
“Agreed.” He replied again, as Motoko and he walked back into the house. Sasuke was stood within the middle, with his hands tucked into his pockets. The young girl was parading around him with delight.
“Can he sleep with me tonight?”
“No!” Motoko commanded tightly at her, the little girl then looked up at him, but he looked away again.
“You better do as she says.” He spoke lowly to her. The girl then immediately stepped away from him as she too; also know the dangers of Sasuke. Ashitaka then looks at her.
“What is your name?” Ashitaka questioned her politely
“My name is Kaya.” Ashitaka then took on a small sad face onto him, and stood silent for a bit.
“You know, I had a sister called Kaya once…she would be grown-up by now.” He spoke quite depressingly at her. “And who is your father?”
“My father is dead.” Ashitaka then felt some sorrow for the girl.
“What about your mother then?”
“Shirikawa Eboshi.” Ashitaka and San gasped at that very moment, but Motoko grew white and sick by the very words.
“Your…mother…is Lady Eboshi.” She questioned her nervously.
“Was; she's dead too.” Motoko shuddered for a second, Sasuke looked at her intently.
“Motoko what's wrong?” San worried.
“Nothing, I'm fine.” She sniffed and brushed her hair back to wipe away the droplets of tears from her eyes. “Let's go in.” She quivered a little bit as she walked into the house with Ashitaka. He looked at her with curiosity as the answers from Kaya distraught her.
“Ashitaka.” San spoke out as he walked up to her.
“I'm here, San.” He clutched her hands softly but she flinched from his very touch.
“I'm sorry.” He immediately let go of her. “Baka Ashitaka!” he thought to himself.
“No…” San then interrupted, and regained the tender touch of his hands onto hers. “…I don't mind…now.” Ashitaka slowly smiled at her with glee, as so did San. She walked back with her hands still connected to Ashitaka's, making him follow her footsteps. But the small teasing was then corrupted as she tripped over a blanket she once slept in, bringing down Ashitaka with her. He ended up falling on top of her; with his hands on her waist and his head accidentally placed between her breasts. They both blushed into rich cherry blossoms. San felt invaded of her intimate matters, but she liked it, particularly if it was someone whom she'd known for a long time. Ashitaka slowly got up, being careful of where he placed his hands, and then gently brought San back up.
“Sorry again.” From the moment he got San back up, he walked away from her, because he didn't want her to get angry at him. San couldn't help but stare at him in sorrow.
“He's enamored with me.” She thought to herself.
No he's not.
A faint whisper came behind her ear as she spun around to see who that was. She stared into the atmosphere to see who is messing with her head.
“Shut up.” She spoke quite out loudly and walked into the other room to get some sleep from the remaining of the night.
…Baka…baka kimi…