Princess Mononoke Fan Fiction ❯ Princess Mononoke Rebirth ❯ Miss ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

It was late in the night; it had been a long day. Most of the people in the house were asleep; Sasuke and Motoko in different rooms, Kaya in another, Ashitaka found in a spare, but San wasn't found. Ashitaka couldn't sleep, but lay peacefully on his flat bed on the ground with animal cloth keeping him warm. Yet he was too hot to stay in his bed, he'd undressed himself from his cobalt kimono and lay on his side. He was still worried about San; about how she can take the damage of her lost wolf family. Just wondered.
Suddenly he heard footsteps coming his way, so he quickly shut his eyes and pretended to be asleep. The footsteps were slow and quiet loud, but didn't bother him. They then started to approach to him, he could already feel the sense of someone coming near him, but he still kept his eyes shut. The footsteps were clearly right in front of his body, and then the sound of another collapsed near him. He suddenly opened his eyes; it was San again.
She rested near him all placid and tranquil, with her dress quite ragged; with the slings that held her dress flopped down onto her left arm, the end of the dress was dragged up to her thighs, revealing her snow white running legs. Ashitaka started to flush into a pink blossom color as he looked up from her feet, he carried on seeing her flat torso up to her breasts, and where also from the top of the dress unveiled her cleavage; that was when he really started to flourish. He immediately looked away from her breasts and looked at her beautiful face.
“She really is beautiful; ever since I first saw her. I don't care what other people say about her; she is the most gorgeous and strongest girl I have met. I just want to hold her close to and kiss, wrap my arms around her and embrace her within me, and then I could show her my true feelings for her.” He thought to herself.
“But…she hates humans; and she has a strong will against them. San knows that even though she accepts me; she will still despise me for being who I am. And if I just blurt everything I want to say to her; I will lose her.” He then sighed to himself. But then he slowly raised his right arm around her waist and pulled himself towards San a little more closely. “But what if…what if I'll only give a glimpse; just a little spark to make her think about me? No…that's crazy what must I be thinking? Baka Ashitaka.”
But then San drew herself closer to Ashitaka as well, which lead to her breasts touching his chest. Ashitaka quivered a little in a timid manner.
“Well…” he thought to himself once more. “…just one kiss…” so he then gradually lifted his head closer to San's, as his eyes drew down to her lips. He must have been in a huge daze. He was nearly lip to lip with her, but then San moaned out in her sleep.
“Help me.” -
Ashitaka stopped in his tracks as he listened to those words.
“…tasukete…tasukete…tasukete… 221; the words just kept being repeated with each breath she exhaled. Ashitaka didn't resume his task of kissing her; because she wasn't in the right state for it at the moment. So he gently got up and left San to sleep in his bed. He opened the slide door and looked down at San for once last time; before he walked into a different room to sleep in.