Project A-Ko Fan Fiction / Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Slayers Fan Fiction / Tenchi Muyo Fan Fiction ❯ cHaOs Energy Times Infinity ❯ Interlude in Atlantis ( Chapter 15 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
cHaOs Energy Times Infinity
Chapter 15 - Interlude in Atlantis
Crossover Bid For Power/Ranma/Sailor Moon/Slayers/
Project A-Ko/DBZ/Tenchi
by Afroplex -
Disclaimer - This crossover story is not for profit. All characters
within are property of their respective owners. Please don't sue me,
you won't get anything out of it since I'm but a poor college student.
========================================================= =============
The small triengine craft entered the Atlantian Solar System. Of the
three powers in the galaxy, they had the least military might, but
excelled in intelligence gathering. Gothax's Golden Empire was made
of a loose alliance, where he would only step in when the need arose.
By contrast, the Atlantians kept tight reins on the local governments.
Everything was tied to the main governing empire, and any skermishes
that did break out were dealt with alarming effeciency.
Gothax hovered the ship about a billion kilometers over the main plane
of the five planet system. A communication light lit up, and a
uniformed officer appeared on the screen.
"Unidentified craft, please identify yourself."
Gothax didn't bother to look down at the screen, and kept scanning the
starry emptiness in front of him. "I am Gothax, Emperor of the Golden
Empire. I wish to speak with my brother."
The officer on the screen turned white. "I am sorry for my behavior.
Please send the encrypted identification codes, and I will pass you
A quick transmit command into the ships computers, and the screen when
blank for a moment. It was quickly replaced by a white haired man, in
white garments. "Welcome Gothax. I believe I already know what you are
here to discuss. I invite you please land at my palace."
Gothax snorted, "Always one for the formalities eh? It is your turf
though, so I won't complain - ." Letting a chuckle escape, "much."
Entering the clouds, Goku pressed his face to the window in amazement.
The planet they just left had some impressive buildings, but this was
something else to behold. Floating islands of white with a slight
tint of blue, sparkled with cities in the sky. They were still
hundreds of kilometers above the surface of the prestine earthlike
planet, but the floating metropolises dwarfed some of the continents.
Passing below them, the islands disappeared from view by use of one
way cloaking. Light shown through unhindered to the lush, green
forests. Still going lower, the triengine craft entered a large
energy tunnel into the ocean. Across the depths of the ocean, Goku,
and including Vegeta were awed at the expanse of such a civilization.
Their trip into the undersea world ended as the craft landed on a
white marble landing pad next to a palace. Hopping out and stretching
their arms after a nine hour trip, spontaineously Goku rushed off down
the steps.
"Wonder what was up with him?" Gothax asked.
Vegeta growled, "Kakarot, what are you up to?" He quickly rushed after
Goku, leaving a confused Gothax.
Shrugging his shoulders, Gothax went down to greet his brother at the
bottom of the platform stairs. As Gothax expected, the whole royal
ensemble was present, reminding him why the empires split in the first
place. Their personalities were so different, and methodologies
competed against each other, the only way to prevent a civil war was
to separate.
Giving each other a short hug, and then quickly separating, Gothax got
straight to the point. "I suggest we go to your war room to discuss
"For once I agree with you, follow me. I hope your friend is ok, he
asked some of my guards a question, and rushed off. I didn't get a
chance to greet them properly," Gothax's brother commented as they
descended deeper into the darker recesses of the palace.
"I don't know Nemo, he didn't say a thing to me. I'm sure he'll be
ok. In the time I've known him since we've battled today, Goku has
shown nothing but a heart of gold. Vegeta on the other hand is
slightly more shady, but still and ok guy."
Pausing to let Nemo press his hand to a biometric pass, they entered
the war room of the Atlantian Empire. They didn't have any large
dreadnaughts, but had supurb intelligence networks with this as the
Sitting into a chair, Nemo placed a helmet on his head that let him
communicate directly with the emmense databases. "Let's see what's
going on after your battle Gothax..."
Concentrating, the emperor focused his energies into the computer.
Mental waves, with his life energies interacted with the various
electronic interfaces creating the most powerful interaction
between lifeform and technology.
His percieved view was above the galaxy. Dots signifying ships
and planets moved in time lapse over the past three days. The
enormous Golden Empire fleet moved toward Telleo, when for the
briefest of moments, the unknown ships appeared, anniliated the fleet,
and quickly disappeared as they were sucked into a massive black
Looking closer, about a dozen ships escaped. The few surviving probes
they had in the area, just three amoung millions throughout the galaxy,
cataloged some of the signatures. Gothax's, a ship named Shogo, a few
lucky merchants and yachts, a bulk freighter, and then finally - one
loan ghost fighter.
As mysteriously as it had appeared, it disappeared. However, it did
narrow the enemy's base to a smaller sector of the galaxy.
Sifting through more feeds, one in particular caught his eye which
was just coming over the waves.
Phasing back to reality, Nemo spoke up, "Look at the screens, you
may find this interesting."
Reporter, "This is Bruce Farm, at the scene of the Keiche Academic
Center. Authorities are not allowing the press into the facilities,
but today a horrendous crime has occured."
The screen changed to display Ako, Pyrate, and Shampoo, with their
names below.
"However, information has been released saying these three individuals
are responsible for kidnapping every student and staff member here
in the past hour. They report that security cameras were malfunctioning,
but a tranmission from an anonymous person, along with a video data
disc, gives information, and shows the three taking everyone."
The screen changed back to the reporter, "Authorities would like your
help in apprehending these individuals - dead or alive - and with
the safe return of the kidnapped."
The reporter then pauses as he listens in to a communicator in his
ear. "This just in, the authorities have released the disc showing
the crime being committed, we will now play the video for you now.
Keep in mind, this is unedited, and may have content unsuitable for
young viewers."
The screen then changed to the auditorium, without sound. The students
were seated, when the screen then showed Ako, Pyrate, and Shampoo block
the entrances. Pyrate then jumped up stage, said something and blew the
ceiling out. Next, the frightened students and staff were lifted into
containers into a floating ship through the roof - most were forcably
thrown in, and beaten by Shampoo or Ako.
The screen changed to the reporter, "We also have recieved word of what
their demands are. In one week, at a location that has only been disclosed
to the parents of the kidnapped students, ships and several billions in
neys are to be handed over to the terrorists."
Ending the display, Nemo faced Gothax. "Well, I what do you think?"
"I suggest we make the first move for that quadrant. Those kids are
are related to some very powerful empires. This is probably related
to the attacks."
Nemo nodded, "I believe so too. I will stay here and try to dig up
some more information, and look up your past. Feel free to wander around,
or visit my techs for some upgrades to your ship."
Gothax went out, his mind now wandering back to where in the world
Goku or Vegeta were....
Goku exited, now relieved.
Vegeta was simply annoyed, "Why didn't you go to the restroom on Telleo
"Hey! There was a black hole up there!" Goku argued.
"All the more reason you should have gone there, would have saved us
the embarrasement of me having to follow you around here, with me having
to ask the royalty around here for directions to the restroom." Vegeta's
aura flared, "All because you were so much in a hurry you couldn't sit
still for an instant!"
Goku ignored the outburst, and smelt something. Wandering down the halls,
he saw a banquet being prepared. "Food!"
========================================================== ================
End chapter 15
Author's note: Curse writer's block.... Sorry this chapter took soooooo long,
and sorry it is sooooo short. Hopefully I'll be able to get my imagination
going soon as the two battles draw closer. (hehe, gave a little too much info
out there...)
Chapter 15 - Interlude in Atlantis
Crossover Bid For Power/Ranma/Sailor Moon/Slayers/
Project A-Ko/DBZ/Tenchi
by Afroplex -
Disclaimer - This crossover story is not for profit. All characters
within are property of their respective owners. Please don't sue me,
you won't get anything out of it since I'm but a poor college student.
========================================================= =============
The small triengine craft entered the Atlantian Solar System. Of the
three powers in the galaxy, they had the least military might, but
excelled in intelligence gathering. Gothax's Golden Empire was made
of a loose alliance, where he would only step in when the need arose.
By contrast, the Atlantians kept tight reins on the local governments.
Everything was tied to the main governing empire, and any skermishes
that did break out were dealt with alarming effeciency.
Gothax hovered the ship about a billion kilometers over the main plane
of the five planet system. A communication light lit up, and a
uniformed officer appeared on the screen.
"Unidentified craft, please identify yourself."
Gothax didn't bother to look down at the screen, and kept scanning the
starry emptiness in front of him. "I am Gothax, Emperor of the Golden
Empire. I wish to speak with my brother."
The officer on the screen turned white. "I am sorry for my behavior.
Please send the encrypted identification codes, and I will pass you
A quick transmit command into the ships computers, and the screen when
blank for a moment. It was quickly replaced by a white haired man, in
white garments. "Welcome Gothax. I believe I already know what you are
here to discuss. I invite you please land at my palace."
Gothax snorted, "Always one for the formalities eh? It is your turf
though, so I won't complain - ." Letting a chuckle escape, "much."
Entering the clouds, Goku pressed his face to the window in amazement.
The planet they just left had some impressive buildings, but this was
something else to behold. Floating islands of white with a slight
tint of blue, sparkled with cities in the sky. They were still
hundreds of kilometers above the surface of the prestine earthlike
planet, but the floating metropolises dwarfed some of the continents.
Passing below them, the islands disappeared from view by use of one
way cloaking. Light shown through unhindered to the lush, green
forests. Still going lower, the triengine craft entered a large
energy tunnel into the ocean. Across the depths of the ocean, Goku,
and including Vegeta were awed at the expanse of such a civilization.
Their trip into the undersea world ended as the craft landed on a
white marble landing pad next to a palace. Hopping out and stretching
their arms after a nine hour trip, spontaineously Goku rushed off down
the steps.
"Wonder what was up with him?" Gothax asked.
Vegeta growled, "Kakarot, what are you up to?" He quickly rushed after
Goku, leaving a confused Gothax.
Shrugging his shoulders, Gothax went down to greet his brother at the
bottom of the platform stairs. As Gothax expected, the whole royal
ensemble was present, reminding him why the empires split in the first
place. Their personalities were so different, and methodologies
competed against each other, the only way to prevent a civil war was
to separate.
Giving each other a short hug, and then quickly separating, Gothax got
straight to the point. "I suggest we go to your war room to discuss
"For once I agree with you, follow me. I hope your friend is ok, he
asked some of my guards a question, and rushed off. I didn't get a
chance to greet them properly," Gothax's brother commented as they
descended deeper into the darker recesses of the palace.
"I don't know Nemo, he didn't say a thing to me. I'm sure he'll be
ok. In the time I've known him since we've battled today, Goku has
shown nothing but a heart of gold. Vegeta on the other hand is
slightly more shady, but still and ok guy."
Pausing to let Nemo press his hand to a biometric pass, they entered
the war room of the Atlantian Empire. They didn't have any large
dreadnaughts, but had supurb intelligence networks with this as the
Sitting into a chair, Nemo placed a helmet on his head that let him
communicate directly with the emmense databases. "Let's see what's
going on after your battle Gothax..."
Concentrating, the emperor focused his energies into the computer.
Mental waves, with his life energies interacted with the various
electronic interfaces creating the most powerful interaction
between lifeform and technology.
His percieved view was above the galaxy. Dots signifying ships
and planets moved in time lapse over the past three days. The
enormous Golden Empire fleet moved toward Telleo, when for the
briefest of moments, the unknown ships appeared, anniliated the fleet,
and quickly disappeared as they were sucked into a massive black
Looking closer, about a dozen ships escaped. The few surviving probes
they had in the area, just three amoung millions throughout the galaxy,
cataloged some of the signatures. Gothax's, a ship named Shogo, a few
lucky merchants and yachts, a bulk freighter, and then finally - one
loan ghost fighter.
As mysteriously as it had appeared, it disappeared. However, it did
narrow the enemy's base to a smaller sector of the galaxy.
Sifting through more feeds, one in particular caught his eye which
was just coming over the waves.
Phasing back to reality, Nemo spoke up, "Look at the screens, you
may find this interesting."
Reporter, "This is Bruce Farm, at the scene of the Keiche Academic
Center. Authorities are not allowing the press into the facilities,
but today a horrendous crime has occured."
The screen changed to display Ako, Pyrate, and Shampoo, with their
names below.
"However, information has been released saying these three individuals
are responsible for kidnapping every student and staff member here
in the past hour. They report that security cameras were malfunctioning,
but a tranmission from an anonymous person, along with a video data
disc, gives information, and shows the three taking everyone."
The screen changed back to the reporter, "Authorities would like your
help in apprehending these individuals - dead or alive - and with
the safe return of the kidnapped."
The reporter then pauses as he listens in to a communicator in his
ear. "This just in, the authorities have released the disc showing
the crime being committed, we will now play the video for you now.
Keep in mind, this is unedited, and may have content unsuitable for
young viewers."
The screen then changed to the auditorium, without sound. The students
were seated, when the screen then showed Ako, Pyrate, and Shampoo block
the entrances. Pyrate then jumped up stage, said something and blew the
ceiling out. Next, the frightened students and staff were lifted into
containers into a floating ship through the roof - most were forcably
thrown in, and beaten by Shampoo or Ako.
The screen changed to the reporter, "We also have recieved word of what
their demands are. In one week, at a location that has only been disclosed
to the parents of the kidnapped students, ships and several billions in
neys are to be handed over to the terrorists."
Ending the display, Nemo faced Gothax. "Well, I what do you think?"
"I suggest we make the first move for that quadrant. Those kids are
are related to some very powerful empires. This is probably related
to the attacks."
Nemo nodded, "I believe so too. I will stay here and try to dig up
some more information, and look up your past. Feel free to wander around,
or visit my techs for some upgrades to your ship."
Gothax went out, his mind now wandering back to where in the world
Goku or Vegeta were....
Goku exited, now relieved.
Vegeta was simply annoyed, "Why didn't you go to the restroom on Telleo
"Hey! There was a black hole up there!" Goku argued.
"All the more reason you should have gone there, would have saved us
the embarrasement of me having to follow you around here, with me having
to ask the royalty around here for directions to the restroom." Vegeta's
aura flared, "All because you were so much in a hurry you couldn't sit
still for an instant!"
Goku ignored the outburst, and smelt something. Wandering down the halls,
he saw a banquet being prepared. "Food!"
========================================================== ================
End chapter 15
Author's note: Curse writer's block.... Sorry this chapter took soooooo long,
and sorry it is sooooo short. Hopefully I'll be able to get my imagination
going soon as the two battles draw closer. (hehe, gave a little too much info
out there...)