Project A-Ko Fan Fiction / Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ Honeymoon Hentai ❯ Power Player... ( Chapter 5 )
Nabiki 1/2
Honeymoon Hentai
(A Very Scary Thought)
Written by Jim Robert Bader
Proofread by Shiva Barnwell
Based Upon the Altered Destinies Storyline
Inspired by the works of such fans as
Wade Tritshler
Richard Lawson
James Jones
And Many Others
Standard Disclaimer: This is inspired by the work of Takahashi Rumiko and is not my original creation. All characters belong to her. This is only a fanfictional work, and is not intended to compromise the rights of the original owners, distributors and publishers of the Ranma series. I have no money to spare and would very much appreciate if no one tries to sue me.
"I can't believe that I sent my own big sister into a lair full of magic! What was I thinking???"
"Aiko-chan," Beatrice calmly replied as she studied her computer, "When it comes to doing the thinking in this family unit, yours truly is the one who usually handles that part…although, now that you mention it, I should have been a bit more alert to the fatal flaw in your timely suggestion of going for assistance."
"In other words you screwed up royally," Keiko sniffed, once more half-clothed as no one was in the mood at the moment to try anything kinky, "I could have told you that. If handling supernaturally charged persons like the Mistress were such a piece of cake, then your father could have dealt with her a long time ago…or-failing that-your mother…"
"Yeah, well…up until a short while ago, I'd never even heard of this Madam Lao character," Alison snorted, "I mean, who'd believe in an ex-Amazon martial arts Mistress of the Water School Elemental Storm System running around loose on a centuries old magically charged Chinese Junk that she uses as a floating pleasure palace for bondage and enslavement? I mean, honestly…a ship where the ghosts of people who died there come back to live as Undine elementals that serve the will of their captain, and assisted by some kind of Kraken monster that also does her bidding? I mean, c'mon!"
"True enough," Kodachi mused, "When you put it that way, it sounds more like the improbable plot of some deranged Manga artist…but Kei-chan and I know that she is very much real, and she was-until quite recently-our Mentor, helping me to free myself from the effects of a long-term drug addiction."
"But I don't understand," Akane said, "Madam Lao may be powerful, but if your sister's even more superhuman than you, then how can she be in any danger?"
"Good question," Ryonami noted, "If she's the American Superhero who used to be called Power Woman…"
"That was Power Woman?" Ryoga asked, "I thought maybe she used to be Supergirl or…"
"No," Alison corrected, "Supergirl used to be my cousin, Kara Zor-El, but…well…she's not around in this timeline any more and…we don't like to talk about it."
"Not in this timeline?" Akane looked to the redhead, "What do you mean? Is she…dead or…?"
"Not exactly," Alison said with a tight expression, "It's just…complicated."
"So one would imagine," Kodachi mused.
"Just for the record, though," Ryonami wondered, "Just how many former Kryptonians are there living on this planet?"
"At last count?" Alison replied, "About a couple million, but most of those are shrunk down to the size of one of Beiko's Nanobots, and they all live in an ant-colony sized bottled city that Dad keeps in his Fortress of Solitude for safe-keeping. The ones who walk around in our world are just a handful, mostly my immediate family and a couple of close attachments."
"Your father is a most remarkable man," Beatrice mused, "And not just because of his alien heritage. I believe he first arrived upon our shores in the nineteen-twenties, when he was found and adopted by your deceased grandparents."
"That's right," Alison replied, "Dad first crash landed in a corn field in Nebraska when he was a two-year-old infant. Right away the folks who found and adopted him-the Kents-knew that there was something different about him…only they wouldn't know just how different until he was grown up and ready to move on to the big city. Dad turned eighteen just in time to take part in the Second World War, and he sort-of became a secret weapon for the allies by living a double-life as both a spy and a superhero. Back then Dad hadn't come into his full power…a Kryptonian grows in power over the years, and he wouldn't reach his maximum levels until he turned the equivalent of thirty-five, not that human age terms really apply all that well in his case. I mean, Dad's around eighty or so nowadays, but you'd never know it to look at him! Hell, he looks more like he could be my younger uncle instead of my father…"
"You mean you get stronger the older you get?" Ryoga asked, "Does that mean that you…?"
"I sure hope so," Alison shrugged, "But I'm a special case owing to my having Divine blood mixed in with the Kryptonian. I don't know what my powers will really be like when I get to my twenties…I know Martha didn't reach her peak until she was twenty-eight…which is about a decade or so in her past…"
"But there's one thing I'm not getting in all of this," Ryonami said, "If your father's an alien, then how can he have sex with a human? I mean…and have children…"
"Ah," Beatrice smiled, "The answer to that one is quite simple…Kryptonians are human, they're just a different branch of the family tree that's been separated from the main stock for around fifty-three thousand years."
"Fifty three thousand years?" Akane blinked, "Are you kidding me?"
"Nope," Alison answered, "Afraid not. Beiko may be a real kidder sometimes, but this one she's gotten straight from the source, namely me. I know pretty much all there is to know about Dad's people…it sort of comes with the family, knowing about stuff like our most intimate secrets. What I didn't share with Beiko, she's mostly figured out for herself."
"Indeed," Beatrice remarked, "It may come as no surprise to some of you to learn that the history of the human race is…a bit more complicated than what they teach you in the textbooks. Most scholars believe that human civilization began around six thousand years ago, with the founding of Babylon, Egypt and Sumeria…but I know beyond question that there have been cycles of civilization that have risen to great heights and have fallen by the wayside long before the end of the last ice age. The cycle that we are presently in is but the latest of many that have come and gone before us, right back to the time of our ultimate beginnings well over a million years ago, when our ancestors were kidnapped by aliens and experimented upon to produce our earliest recognizable forebearers."
"Fascinating," Kodachi mused, "I have heard many theories about how human evolution was artificially accelerated, one reason why researchers have been unable to uncover enough traces of intermediate stages that would be predicted by Darwin's famous model…"
"Yeah, well…the long and the short of it is this," Alison remarked, "Humans started out as a virtual slave race working for some galaxy-spanning types who called themselves the Ancients, only we proved to be more adaptable over time and eventually replaced our masters and became the new high-powered dudes in the cosmos."
"Human beings, you see, have latent Psychic potential that is nearly infinite, due to the manipulation of our genetic code," Beatrice clarified, "And by learning the harness the power of our collective minds we threw off our shackles and went on to found our own civilization. Unfortunately, human arrogance was the downfall of our first great culture, but we left many traces of ourselves upon a thousand, thousand worlds throughout the cosmos. The stage of humanity that arose from the ashes of a great Chaos War were our genetic ancestors, the Solnoids, only they were an entirely female-dominant race who reproduced through artificial means and got into a calamitous war with a rival power known as the Paranoids, a war that in time brought down their entire civilization. One half million years ago they died off-all but for a few residual colonies on outlying worlds--and left in their wake a restored humanity due to a science experiment that combined Paranoid and Solnoid DNA to recreate the male half of our species."
"Less than half a million years later," Alison resumed, "We come to the time of Atlantis."
"Ah yes," Beatrice mused, "A renaissance period that briefly seemed to offer the potential of restoring humanity to the empire of glory that once was. They were an advanced technological civilization that mastered the harnessing of elemental forces through the use of specialized crystals…but then they grew strange and perverse in their ideals, abusing their vast powers to begin enslaving worlds, and to that end they created a special genetically enhanced breed of warrior to form their shock-troop elite. These were beings whose physical and mental attributes were enhanced to the degree of true superhumans…a warrior race unlike any other, so perfect in every way that they eventually started to wonder about the very people whom they were working for, which lead to a period of unrest that ancient records refer to as, 'The Ironstar Rebellion.'"
"Ironstar Rebellion?" Akane repeated.
"Ironstar was supposed to be some kind of Spartacus-like character in Kryptonian legends," Alison clarified, "Supposedly he fought and lost a bit for freedom for his people, and as punishment the Atlanteans exiled the surviving Supermen on several heavy-gravity worlds in three radically different star systems, colony worlds where normal humans could hardly survive like Krypton, Daxam and some barren hunk of rock used as a mining facility called Wolframa, wherever the heck that is. Anyway, these three branches of humanity grew up and evolved under the harsh conditions that their masters thought would eventually destroy them...imagine how surprised they'd be to know how their Uber-races would thrive in their new environs."
"Indeed," Beatrice mused, "That is the truly remarkable thing about Kryptonians…they evolved on a tectonically unstable world that had been terraformed to accommodate their form of life, and every type of creature upon that world had been adapted with their genetic advantage…the ability to absorb the biosolar energy of cosmic radiation. They are literally walking solar batteries whose cellular structure is charged and fortified with tremendous reserves of the life energy that we call Manna, the same raw element that goes into the formation of Chi attacks or magic. A Kryptonian is charged full of this energy by the nearest available source of intense biosolar radiation…star energy, if you will…and this energy has been adapted to suit the needs of their bodies so that they can call upon it to achieve things that the rest of us mere mortals describe as Superhuman."
"I see," Kodachi mused, "In other words your people evolved drawing upon the energy of a Red Sun, which dominated the Kryptonian star system…"
"Yeah, that's pretty much it," Alison replied, "Krypton was actually a kind of miniature dwarf star that hardened into a planet, circling around a full fledged red sun they called Rao, which was why it was chock full of heavy elements that originally interested the Atlanteans for mining purposes in the first place. Of course when Atlantis was destroyed their whole civilization collapsed into ruins. A small fragment of the empire remained on Earth and lasted right up until the Ice Age ended, which is pretty much why the only evidence that the empire even existed is found in musty old libraries and ancient ruins."
"Let me see if I get this straight," Keiko remarked, "Your people evolved under a red sun on a dwarf star, subjected to tremendous forces of gravity and whatever, but when your dad came to Earth he was subjected to the more intense biosolar radiation stuff of Earth's yellow sun, and that's what made him into such a superhuman?"
"Pretty much, yeah," Alison replied, "Earth's sun is about ten thousand times more intense than Rao was in its biosolar output levels, which means Dad grew up absorbing about a million times the life energy dosage that he would have gotten back on Krypton. Every cell in his body is just plain saturated with the stuff, and even when he exhausts himself by using it, he's adapted so much to Earth conditions that he can replenish his reserves within seconds. Of course he didn't gain that ability all at once…it took time and all that. That's why, when he was a small boy, the most he could pick up was the back end of a small truck, and when he was nine or so a whole Tractor was the most he could lift and carry. By the time he got to be my age, though, he was already juggling tanks on his little finger. Just imagine what the American War Department must have made of him when he enlisted!"
"Indeed," Beatrice remarked, "But the truly odd thing was that they did not immediately jump at the prospect of using his vast abilities against the Axis. There was too much concern back then about the moral effect of a literal Superman coming to aid America against the Nazi empire. More than a few in the State Department felt that a victory achieved through the efforts of a single individual might cheapen the contributions and sacrifices being made by ordinary human beings. There were also those who were either jealous or suspicious of any one man possessing so much vast potential, and the difficulty that might be had in controlling him should he prove to be…difficult to manage."
"Human paranoia," Keiko sighed, "Don't you just love it?"
"Of course they changed their minds a bit when they found out about Dad's two great weaknesses, Kryptonite and Magic," Alison remarked, "Hitler had possession of a powerful spear that could even hurt Dad and weaken him if he got too close to it. It was one of several Nazi talismans that convinced the War Department that he could be best used in an undercover role, playing the part of a lowly War Correspondent. That was how Dad wound up working for a major metropolitan Newspaper instead of working on a farm to help his mom pay for bills that started piling up after his dad had a heart attack. The government started footing those bills while Dad went to work as a fearless Nazi fighter, sometimes appearing from out of nowhere to rally the troops, then vanishing back into his secret identity in time for the regular grunts to take all of the credit."
"But…wait a minute," Akane said, "Why is your dad so vulnerable to magic?"
"Well…like I said," Alison shrugged, "His body absorbs life energy, mostly from the Sun, but he's pretty much open to other forms of psychic and spiritual energy, and he can absorb that, too, through the pores in his skin. Dad never got any magic training growing up, so he didn't have any psychic defenses back then that could help him resist a magic spell if it's powerful enough to overwhelm him. It wasn't until he started hanging around with Mom that he really got a grip over his abilities and gained some partial resistance to the stuff."
"Indeed," Beatrice remarked, "Your father had a rather conventional upbringing, for all that he was anything but a conventional kind of mortal. His cells are supercharged to the degree that they generate an a near-totally impenetrable psychic shield that blocks out kinetic forces on a wide scale, as well as reinforcing his molecular structural integrity so that even the force of a major explosion can hardly do more than muss his hair up a little. That field extends to anything in which he is in physical contact, which is also why he can pick up heavy objects without damaging them. By extending this power through the projection of his will he can also defy gravity, accelerate to superhuman speeds, project a devastating force attack through direct line-of-sight transmission-which the press has erroneously mislabeled as 'Heat Vision…'"
"Right," Alison sniffed, "I blame it on the pulp novels, comic books and fictionalized TV shows that were created about Dad for giving people the wrong idea that he's some kind of walking x-ray machine spying on ladies beneath their dresses. Actually, all that visual stuff is just some kind of Clairvoyance that Dad picked up along the way, and the rest…well…a Kryptonian's ears can hear a snowflake falling to earth at a mile's distance. The only reason that Dad can't see through lead is that there's some kind of psychic resistance thing that has to do with that particular metal…he sure doesn't have any trouble looking past other dense elements…"
"Lead is traditionally the 'Dull Element' associated with the planet Saturn," Beatrice remarked, "I would theorize that it has a peculiar grounding effect that diminishes a Kryptonian's perceptual ability, much like it can also block out the peculiar radiation signature of Kryptonite, regardless of thickness…"
"What is this Kryptonite anyway?" Ryoga asked, having become perversely fascinated in the discussion of a history that did not quite 'feel right' to him for some odd reason…
"Well," Alison shrugged, "When Krypton blew up it caused a chain reaction that seems to have turned a lot of the surface into this growing green mass of highly charged space junk. When Dad's spaceship warped out of the Rao star system it created a temporary wormhole through which a bunch of Kryptonite got sucked in, and gradually they made it all the way to Earth, in spite of Krypton having been many light years away from this planet."
"Indeed," Beatrice added, "The current theory is that this Kryptonite, which is element 126 upon the current Periodic table, got mingled into an alloy with deposits of iron ore during the crystallization process that resulted from the planetary explosion. It emits a low-level radiation that is-mostly-harmless to humans but devastating to Kryptonians. This radiation-which has been artificially duplicated in the past--seems to be keyed to the distinctive molecular signature of Kryptonians and has the effect of causing the cells in their bodies to be 'expunged' of their stores of life-giving manna. Long-term exposure to Kryptonite can be unavoidably fatal, but short doses are less damaging than-say-if a human were to be subjected to more toxic forms of radiation. Kryptonite can weaken a Kryptonian to the point where their body ceases to function on a normal level. Of course, this only pertains to the Verdant portion of the electromagnetic spectrum…and since the source of a Kryptonian's superhuman abilities lies within the green portion of the Solar Spectrum…"
"I get it," Ryonami said, "Kryptonite cancels out their ability to absorb this Solar Chi force, just like Magic can overwhelm their psychic defenses…but does the same thing apply to you, Aiko-chan?"
"Naw," Alison smiled, "I'm a little more…unique than that. Mom's half of my make-up is part god, and they eat Magic like it was rice. I tend to absorb all kinds of energy to make me strong and healthy…don't know why I don't have the full range of Kryptonian abilities, though. Mom's been wanting to teach me for years how to fly, but all I seem to be able to do is leap an eighth of a mile or so…guess maybe I'll gain more abilities when I get older."
"I theorize that Aiko's 'God Gene' is a recessive trait that counterbalances her Kryptonian half," Beatrice remarked, "Thankfully she is neither vulnerable to Kryptonite nor Magic. Oh, I am convinced that there are certain types of spells that might work upon her physiology, but so far I have yet to seriously test this theory…"
"What spells?" Alison eyed her domestic partner with suspicion.
"Well, for one thing," Beatrice smiled, "There is Jusenkyo water…I seriously doubt it if would be a good idea for you to visit any cursed springs in the near future. I rather like you the way you are…barefoot and pregnant."
"Hmph," Alison scowled, though not in a very convincing manner.
"So, let me see if I have this straight," Keiko spoke up again, "You're worried that your half-sister, who is more Kryptonian than you, could wind up falling prey to the Mistress?"
"Well, wouldn't you be?" Alison replied, "The thing about Martha is she can be a little bit…headstrong, know what I mean? She thinks that, just because she's one of the toughest ladies on the planet, that she doesn't have a whole lot to fear from any run-of-the-mill bad guy…"
"But Lao isn't exactly ordinary," Akane realized, "And you think she might not realize just how dangerous she can be, huh?"
"Well, don't get me wrong about this," Alison explained, "I know my big Sis can be pretty…resourceful when she has to be, but…she's only into this Superheroing thing on a part-time basis these days. She says her private identity as the CEO of a Multimedia Publishing Industry takes up way too much time for her to be running around the world chasing down bad guys. I'm afraid that she's out of practice and might get a little…sloppy…"
"And if there is one certainty in this world," Kodachi summarized, "It is that one should never underestimate an Amazon, especially THIS particular Amazon, who has made it abundantly clear in the past that she can resist anything except temptation…"
"And boy," Keiko remarked as she thought back to her own first impressions on seeing Martha, "That sister of yours makes for a LOT of temptation. I just hope the Mistress doesn't bite off more than she can chew this time…"
"I sure hope not," Alison smacked herself on the forehead, "Why couldn't I have thought twice before calling on her? If only I knew what my other sister, Lyta, is doing these days, but she kind of dropped out of sight after getting involved in that Infinity Incorporated mess about a decade back…"
"What about your Mother?" Beatrice suggested, "She seems to be far more capable of dealing with magical situations."
"You think I want Mom to stick her neck out in some damned tiger's lair, with her history around bondage?" Alison sniffed, "Think again! Besides…she and Martha don't exactly get along too well…it's kind of a messy situation…"
"They don't get along?" Akane blinked, "Why?"
"Because Mom's a Pagan and Martha's a mainstream Christian-type," Alison shrugged, "Doesn't really make all that much sense to me. I mean…Martha knows that the ancient gods of Greece are real and all that, but she tends to be suspicious of anything supernatural that doesn't have a cross hanging from it. That's why she never let Mom teach her the oriental wisdom of I Ching to help her cope with magical stuff, like Dad now does. Hooboy…Dad! If he finds out about this…if anything happens to Martha…he's gonna hit the ceiling big time!"
"Let's hope that it doesn't come down to that," Kodachi averred, "But if does come to a crisis situation, well…no offense to your sister, but I would put my money with the Mistress…"
A Kryptonian, even a half-breed like Martha herself, has the amazing power of oxygen retention that goes well beyond the normal biochemical processes of the average respiratory system. It is possible for them to survive on a single breath of air for well over an hour without ill effects, which is handy when it comes to investigating the underwater damages sustained by the vessel currently resting in dry-dock. It liberated Martha from such encumbrances as having to wear a bulky air tank system as she made a close-up inspection of the blast damage, attempting to determine if her theory was right as to the nature of explosive that could create such a huge rupture. It would take several hours for the dock to finish draining once all the bracing was in place, and Martha was in a hurry.
Among her various visual enhancements was the ability to "focus" her eyes on some microscopic point with the power of a 4000x magnifying lens, a handy thing when it came to studying the unique molecular imprint of various chemical compounds that she had memorized in her days as a full-time heroine. Helena had always stressed the importance of knowing one substance on sight from another, and having the abilities of a human crime lab certainly did come in handy in that department. Given all that, there were enough residual traces of the explosive (not yet corroded by seawater) to conclude what type of explosive had been used, and from there to deduce the likely means of conveyance, at which point she narrowed things down and eliminated her first hypothesis (that it had been un-unexploded mine from the World War Two era) and settled on her second hypothesis…that the explosion was indeed the work of a torpedo.
Given the placement of the blast, and her somewhat extensive knowledge of munitions, it was easy to deduce that the torpedo was of Russian manufacture, most likely a surplus relic dating from the Cold War, and that it had packed sufficient force to more than cripple the liner, though why it had been fired in the first place was not so easily determined. Since only one type of vessel tended to use such things, it was logical to deduce that a submarine had been in the waters and was the likely perpetrator. That only left the question of why a Russian, Chinese, or possibly North Korean submarine would fire a torpedo in anger on a civilian ship. To answer that question she was going to have to do some more investigating, and preferably at the original point where the incident had happened.
That being decided, Martha exited the damaged hull and broke the surface of the water, emerging out of the dry-dock as she levitated back to a reasonably dry area, pausing only to shake loose the residual moisture that slid off of her invulnerable body. She landed beside the Captain and immediately reported to him, "I think I know what caused the explosion, but I'm going to have to ask if I can see your log so I can trace things back to the source. I trust that your radioman had the presence of mind to mark your location?"
"Of course, it's standard procedure," the Captain replied as he gave a sad-eyed glance at his once-proud ship, now resting within a Taiwanese shipyard, "It's the least I can do after the way you brought us here in under two hours. Such an amazing achievement…"
"Not really," Martha shrugged modestly, though privately she thought that her father would be proud of her. Even though he could have covered the same distance of ocean in one tenth of the time by carrying the ship to safety, Martha's own achievement had been nonetheless quite impressive, achieving as she did a velocity of over a hundred and fifty knots easy. Perhaps her powers had not so badly atrophied over the years through periodic disuse. Her father had always said that she would grow stronger as she got older, and now that she was in her late thirties…
She broke off that line of thought, not wanting to remind herself of her current lifestyle, or lack thereof. Two more years and she would turn forty, and what did she have to show for herself? One broken marriage and a daughter who had gone off to college, and a business that now took much the major portion of her life, also a legacy she had inherited from her father.
She was still grumbling over that a few minutes later as she headed back out to sea to find the coordinates that had been logged by the ship's radioman when he sent out the SOS, complaining bitterly as she went about how dull and uneventful her life had become of late, more a routine than a genuine adventure. Not at all like things had been for her in her younger days, when life seemed like one gigantic riddle to be solved with so many causes to be championed, back when being a Superheroine meant something, back when life really mattered and thoughts of finding 'the right man' had been the great obsession of her life.
Well, the 'Right Man' had certainly come along, and she had even married the guy, only to have that marriage crumble after only a decade together. Life could really be unfair sometimes, and the men she had dated since her divorce had become final were a string of unending disappointments. Sometimes she had even resorted to courting men who were also in 'the business' of Superheroics, but they often proved to be an even bigger disappointment than the Mundane types she flirted with in her 'secret identity.' Over time she just found herself less and less interested in forcing the issue and had turned instead towards her business interests in order to find the fulfillment that her life was otherwise lacking.
She had, at first, briefly retired from the trade almost twenty years ago in order to give birth to her only daughter, but now her beloved 'baby' girl seemed hell-bent and determined to drive her mother crazy through one 'lifestyle change' right after another. If it wasn't dating an Andromedan and winding up with a tattoo (and how the heck did one put a tattoo on a Kryptonian, let alone all that body piercing!) it was suddenly up and announcing to her mother that she had determined that she was a lesbian, and then began that torrid affair with the daughter of Doctor Polaris (frankly, Martha had never seen the attraction). Then it was all those CAUSES that Joan would embrace like they were the flavor of the month…in Martha's day a cause at least meant something! About the only cause that Joan refused to have anything to do with were the Young Republicans (she tended to think of them as a minor league bunch of Supervillains) and anything that had anything to do with mainstream religion! And then there was that hero-name that Joan had adopted, 'Rad,' that and the costume she had chosen to wear, like it came out of an alternative comic book or something! That alone almost gave her mother epileptic fits just thinking about it!
And to think, normal 'mundane' mothers only had to worry about their children taking drugs and joining gangs…as if Martha could ever be so lucky…!
Such were the state of her thoughts as she sought to gain altitude for a little 'sub-orbital mini-jaunt' that would cut her flight time down to just a couple of minutes, that she utterly failed to take notice of an oddly rolling cloud-bank that faintly appeared on the horizon. It was still many hours away from reaching the Taiwanese port, but little did Martha suspect that her intended quarry was passing by directly below her moving in the opposite direction, protected from normal visual observation by a curious quasi-dimensional inversion that could only have been penetrated if Martha had been looking directly towards it.
That she did not notice that her quarry was headed for the very same port where she had dry-docked the passenger vessel was a significant detail that would not occur to her until sometime later, but of course this was of no immediate relevance at all to Madam Lao, who at that very moment had her own hands full just seeing to the needs of slightly less than two thousand unanticipated 'house guests,' though if she had chanced to glance skyward she might have sensed a propitious omen of what significantly was about to happen…
"There now," Lao said to her latest of many patients, "No problems in your eyes, you don't seem to be experiencing a concussion. Just a few bumps and bruises, young lady, nothing that won't fix itself in time with a little rest and care."
"Thank you, Captain-san," the teenaged girl smiled pleasantly, "You are most kind. I was just a little careless in making my descent down those stairs…"
"I'd call getting almost trampled by a panicking mob more than a simple act of carelessness," Lao chided, "You're lucky not to have been hurt much worse than you are…but I think you'll be fit enough to debark when we reach port in a few more hours."
She turned away from the profusely grateful young girl, hiding a predatory smile as she contemplated the subliminal suggestion that she had surreptitiously implanted in the girl's subconscious. Lao had made a cursory inspection of the girl's thoughts and had determined her suitability to be 'educated' at some later time and place, one of fifty-or-so other young women who had been so designated by Lao and her minions during the rescuing process. She was young, impressionable, had few dependents, was traveling with her guardian and was of an age and temperament where training in the 'Arts' would likely yield great promise. That Lao was not intending to Poach the girl right then and now was a minor technicality…the point was that these girls had been 'marked' and could be picked up at a later time was all that truly mattered. Even her formidable husband could not fault Lao for using such discretion in selecting her future targets. Girls such as these showed great potential as courtesans, and it would be far easier to get away with claiming them if Lao took her time and did not try to rush matters in such a way that blame would inevitably fall upon her shoulders.
Besides, Lao had already decided that a rescue mission of this magnitude was more of an occasion to grain 'Brownie' points in the good deed department of public relations. Sometimes showing off her 'benevolent' side was smarter tactically than using expediency to achieve the results that she was after. The girl would have time to put her affairs in order, let everyone know that she was expecting to leave her home town 'for a bit,' then quietly vanish into the night when Lao or her agents finally came calling. Best of all, the girl might even think it was her own idea for picking up on Lao's 'suggestion,' so this really was a win-win scenario to her larcenous way of thinking.
Lao took notice of the fact that her own Quartermaster, Lucy, was standing nearby with her ever-present log-books and stylus. Lao had a fair idea of what the woman would say to her but gave her permission anyway with a slightly exasperated, "What is it now, Lucy?"
"Mistress," Lucy indicated her open ledgers and said, "I have conducted a quick survey of the requirements of our guests and have concluded that these people will soon be eating us out of house and home if we don't land them somewhere, and quickly."
"Are our food stores so limited?" Lao asked, "I had not been aware of any shortages until now…"
"Mistress," Lucy said, "We are low on citrus fruits and numerous vegetables, and the medical supplies that we are using up at an alarming rate would constitute our yearly supplies under even the most advantageous situations. We are also fast using up our stores of clean blankets and bedding and may soon have to house some of these people in the unused holds, which could lead to some awkward…questions about what we are doing with those holds currently occupied by cargo…"
"I get the point," Lao nodded, "I'm having our people confine these folks to just the decks cleared for regular tourists. When we hit port I'll send some people ashore with you to pick up the supplies of whatever we need. I'll also off-load a few slaves to help pay for the costs…might as well make a profit while we're visiting the Taiwanese port ahead of or normal schedule…"
"I take it you have already selected the girls whom you are training for your clients in Taipei?" Lucy inquired.
"I think you already know the ones who will bring a good price on the market," Lao shrugged, "Make the arrangements you need and organize a supply party. I think I'll even grant some shore leave to a few of the girls just to make it seem as though we are ordinary merchants just conducting our routine business."
"Very good, Mistress," Lucy nodded, "I will attend to these matters at once."
The Quartermaster turned away to leave just as Nabiki arrived, dressed in a pair of cut-off shorts and a light T-shirt while being escorted by two of Lao's Undine servants. Lao smiled when she saw the younger girl and said, "Ah…Tendo-san…or should that be Saotome now? My servants informed me that you wished to see me?"
Nabiki scanned the crowded main deck of the POJ, taking notice of the dozens of obviously sick and injured being attended to, then said, "Keeping you busy playing Good Samaritan?"
"Busy enough," Lao replied, "And there's not exactly a law against helping ordinary people, is there?"
"No," Nabiki replied, "I'm just wondering what you get out of playing hero. I can't say the role really suits you…"
"Aw, I am so very sorry to hear you say that, Nabiki-chan," Lao smiled indulgently, "It might surprise you to know that I do have my humanitarian impulses. True, they often tend to get set aside when a matter of business should arise, but I was trained in basic healing by my Aunt Comb long before I became an exile, and I simply cannot abide seeing an innocent person suffering while I can do something to alleviate their suffering…"
"Unless, of course, you're the one who got them that way to begin with," Nabiki noted.
"Well, that does go without saying," Lao conceded, "So…what can I do to you? Um…I mean…for you, since you're taking time away from your loved ones to be here?"
"I just want to know what you plan on doing with us," Nabiki said flatly, "With all of us, including these people."
"Well, these people are going to go back on shore just as soon as I can arrange it," Lao replied, "But as for you and the others…that is an interesting question. I don't suppose that I could talk you into taking an extended pleasure cruise with us as I transport you to your original destination in Australia?"
"No," Nabiki dead-panned, "I don't think that would be too prudent."
"Such a pity," Lao sighed, "And here I was so looking forward to spending more time visiting with my nieces, especially since we now have so much in common. I don't often get to see family with whom I am still on speaking terms, let alone such delightful company as Shampoo and Perfume-chan…"
"What do you mean…you have so much in common?" Nabiki frowned, and if she had been the thing she feared the most (other than a bill collector) her ears would have flattened at that moment.
"Can't you guess?" Lao leered, "We all three have been screwed around by our great-grandmother, Cologne, the current Matriarch of our people. You already know what my beef with her is, but the recent revelations concerning the issue of Lotion and Cologne's manipulations of the truth in that regard…shocking. Added to that are the other secrets that great-grandmother has been hiding all this time and…well…you can see what I mean about having so much in common."
"All right," Nabiki growled, "Suppose I buy that. What guarantee would any of us have that you won't revert to type and try and turn the lot of us into more of your mindless love-slaves?"
"My women are hardly mindless," Lao sniffed, "Honestly, whatever gave you that impression?"
"The fact that you play around with their minds and can manipulate their thoughts at your discretion," Nabiki ticked off with one finger, "The fact that freedom of choice with you is never really free, and that you treat these people like they're your property, to do with as you see fit…"
"All right," Lao conceded, "I suppose, by your lights, that what I do can seem harsh, cruel and coercive, but you know that I would never willingly inflict genuine harm or suffering to my people, no matter what else you may believe of me. I am not the very devil personified, I'm just a business woman who likes to have some fun on the sidelines, and what is the harm in that?"
"The harm," Nabiki said carefully and precisely, "…Is that you're warping these young girls into a reflection of your twisted fantasies. How can I believe anything that you say when you treat even those closest to you like they were playthings? In fact, if anything, you remind me of…" she paused.
"Yes?" Lao arched an eyebrow, "You were about to compare me to my great-grandmother, correct?"
"H-Hai," Nabiki responded, surprised at being so anticipated.
"It may surprise you to know this, but I do not actually hate my great-grandmother," Lao replied, "I am very much aware that some of my actions come perilously close to being like those of an Elder, but that is the nature of the Tribe that I have created here on my ship, a sort of 'Amazons in Exile' kind of deal with myself, Blossom and Lotus forming its center. They are my two closest friends, the ones who willingly followed me into exile after helping me to rescue my son, Breeze, from the Musk Dynasty fortress that once had been my prison. I love them very much, bumbling and well-intentioned as they may be, and one could hardly ask for companions half so loyal. Yes, I do subject them to my own perverse whims and intentions, but you won't find either of them complaining about it, and I assure you that this is NOT because either one of them is brainwashed. Is it really so surprising to you to conceive that anyone might willingly be a part of my crew because the actually WANT to be here?"
"Ah…well…" it was Nabiki's turn to falter. "Yes."
"I think I see what your problem is," Lao mused, "You are a very paranoid and self-possessed individual who believes that she must always be in control, that surrendering this control will make you less of a person, possibly even a victim. You find it difficult, if not impossible, to understand the mentality of a submissive, one who willingly submits herself to the will of another."
"Well…" Nabiki actually thought about it for a moment. "Yes."
"Do you think that a person who voluntarily submits to the will of another is any less a person than one who demands to always have her own way?" Lao persisted, "Now who is limited in their thinking?"
"Look," Nabiki frowned, "Like I said before, I'm not here to argue the merits or lack thereof of your business, but I want to make it clear that my family and I are strictly off-limits…"
"Are you so certain that this is what you want?" Lao asked, "Would it be at all possible for me to challenge you into putting your resolve to the ultimate test?"
"What? Challenge?" Nabiki blinked.
"Simply put," Lao smiled, "You willingly submit yourself to me for a week and allow me to work my will upon you, and if-at the end of the week-you have not willingly given in nor accepted me as your Mistress, then you will be free to go without constraint nor hesitation."
"Are you crazy?" Nabiki all but blurted, earning curious looks from the various people being treated on the main deck, "No, scratch that! You are crazy! I'd never willingly submit myself to you…"
"Is that a counter-challenge I hear you offering?" Lao mused coyly, "Be mindful, we have a truce between us that lasts for as long as you and your people do not attempt to cause me any trouble. I will abide by this truce because it is the will of my husband, who wants you treated fairly and returned to your home in good order. I am not asking that you trust me completely and without reservations, only that you put your resolve to the test since you seem to think that I am some kind of a monster. In truth, my husband is THE Monster, but you will never find a man more honorable nor-ahem-upright."
"I just don't get you," Nabiki shook her head from side to side, "You're challenging me to let you torture me for a week, and you actually think that isn't a truce violation?"
"Not at all," Lao replied, "I won't even use my most coercive methods, and I'll abstain completely from using any and all of my mind-tricks to-as you would put it-brainwash you. I will only use soft methods of calculated persuasion…YOU will do the rest for yourself, little girl, and learn to appreciate what I offer, and-what is more-you will LIKE it. No, more than that, you will even thank me for your lessons when this is over."
"Not a chance," Nabiki snorted.
"Suit yourself," Lao made a waving gesture, "But the offer is open any time you wish to take it. I am only seeking to impress on you that I really not such a bad person, when you get to know me."
"Yeah, right," Nabiki dismissed, "I'll believe that when I believe in Elvis sightings…"
"By the way," Lao gracefully changed the subject, "I've been meaning to ask you…how does that darling husband of yours truly feel about you always seeking to one-up him? I've noticed that he's been more willing of late to demand co-equal billing, though I confess that I never imagined that he would go as far as he did in attempting to please you…"
Nabiki furiously tried not to blush at the suggestive hint in that comment, but her mind immediately flashed back to when Ranma had rear-mounted her in her male aspect, a gesture as wholly unexpected as it was surprisingly…pleasant…
"That's…none of your business!" Nabiki flared and started to turn around when Lao stopped her once again with an even more casual comment.
"By the way," the Pirate Queen said, "The shorts and shirt are a loan, but I expect you will discard them when you return to the Harem. I really must insist upon maintaining the dress code. You understand why, don't you?"
"Because you like getting your cheap thrills by watching us parade ourselves in the all-together?" Nabiki snapped.
"Well, there is that," Lao admitted slyly, "But the real reason is simple…all my women are equal in status. There can be only one Mistress in my Harem, but by removing all physical obstacles, save for chains of pleasure, I remind everyone that they sisters of one skin, one flesh. I am first among equals within my own Seraglio…and perhaps you will understand that one day when you settle down with your own harem. It's so nice to relax in an environment of comity without any impediment to physical cohabitation."
Nabiki offered no response to that, but she scowled mightily as the Undine escorted her back into the hold of the ship.
"Ah…Tendo-chan," Lao mused to herself with naked lust in her expression, "You have no idea what fun awaits you. Ah, to be young and naïve like that once again…"
"Mistress?" Lotus asked, having taken that moment to approach her captain.
"Ah," Lao acknowledged her pink-haired Second Officer with a smile, "Just reminiscing. There are time when Nabiki-chan reminds me so much of what I was like when I was her age…if I had only known what life held in store for me back then…" she shook her head in rue.
Lotus thought back to what her current Mistress had been like ten years ago, back when all three of them-Lao, Lotus and Blossom-had been prisoners held in bondage by the then-owner of the POJ, a cruel and cunning man who had used them poorly, right up until he saw the chance at offering Lao what he termed as 'her freedom' by playing him a card game with the POJ as the ultimate prize for the winner. To even Lao's own surprise she won, and promptly gained possession as the new owner of a cursed Junk whose ghosts were still quite living. Of course, the former owner's sense of joy at being 'liberated' had come to a bad end-as had the man himself, and rightfully so-but it still served to remind Lotus how much her friend and now-Captain had changed over the years since gaining this vessel.
The Lao who was had been young, naïve and idealistic, not at all the seasoned and cynical leader that she was today, and beyond question it would have appalled the 'Lao who Was' to see what she would become after ten years as the POJ's undisputed Mistress. Most likely the two of them would have come to blows over the slave issue, which did indeed remind Lotus very much of some of those same noble traits that were in evidence around Nabiki.
Aloud what she said was, "I fear there may be trouble, Mistress. Tendo-san does not hide the fact that she is plotting your downfall."
"I know that she is thinking about giving my presence away to the authorities," Lao replied, "But she will not act so long as there is even the potential of collateral harm befalling her loved ones. I hold their safety no less high than my own welfare, but if Nabiki acts improperly, no matter what her reasons, then I will be prepared to respond accordingly, exactly as the situation dictates."
"I see," Lotus replied, "So…should we be making preparations just in case Tendo-san and her family will be making an extended stay?"
"I'd say be ready…just in case it becomes necessary," Lao said slyly, "But let the first move be hers to make. No one will hold me to blame if the first one to fire a shot is Nabiki instead of myself, and besides…there is something else I seek to learn from them before we allow them to depart our fair company."
"And…this is?" Lotus hesitated, knowing that she was being overbold to even ask the question.
"Saotome Ranma," Lao smiled a tigerish smile, "He holds the secret of a new technique that I am very much interested in learning. This Kamasenken of his…I see in it great potential…"
"Potential for mischief, Mistress?" Lotus asked.
"Is there any other kind around here?" Lao replied, and chuckled softly at her own private humor…
Now this was passing odd, thought Martha to herself as she surveyed the blue ocean far below her, scanning the area until she took note of a peculiar dark shape resting on the bottom of said ocean, clear enough for her vision to make out distinctive details that more than fit the bill for her submarine thesis. The submarine had North Korean markings and a distinctive shape that suggested its Russian origins, of a type and size that was unmistakably cold war era attack boat, listed by NATO as 'Whiskey' class, but certainly not intended for depths lower than a mile, which was where it was presently resting.
As she studied the layout of the wreckage it had become obvious that the sub had neither exploded nor suffered from depth crush, though it clearly had been crushed as though a pair of massive hands had gripped it and applied unbelievable pressure to the hull. An explosion would have spread things outward, and the metal was clearly twisted in an inward manner, much like a tube that had been twisted in the hands of a giant. Given the state of the wreckage, and the obvious lack of rust or decay, it appeared to have taken place fairly recently, such as within the last few hours.
She debated giving the sub a closer inspection but decided that she had taken enough swimming lessons for one afternoon. Her mission was to find out where the passengers had gotten off to, and to discover the whereabouts of that phantom ship that looked like a Chinese Junk from the pre-Han era. To do that she needed to remain airborne in order to select a likely direction that the ship might have taken.
And there hung the problem that was presently facing her…which way to look for a mysterious 'ghost ship' that could appear and disappear like a phantom? Especially one large enough to house seventeen hundred passengers and less essential crewmen? More to the point, which direction to turn before she ran out of air and had to return to a glide orbit that would carry her back into the atmosphere? From where she currently floated there were hundreds of possible directions from which to choose…so, which one would be the likeliest to head follow?
Oh well, as her friend Helena was wont to say, the best detectives always followed their hunches, and while she was no where near in the class of her fellow superhero turned District Attorney, Martha had learned the value of going with her hunches.
Now, where did one find a 'Flying Dutchman of the Orient' like this ship was described as being? According to the rumors that she had gathered from the crew, such a vessel had been seen plying its trade along the travel routes of both the Sea of Japan and China, though this most recent sighting was said to be a bit south of its normal routes. The problem was that this ship was alleged to be some type of modern day pirate vessel, and who believed in pirates of that sort in this day and age? (Of course several previous encounters with self-described pirates did spring to mind, but those cases had been solved ages ago, or so Martha had preferred to believe until the present.) And the rumor that this pirate could barely be seen as more than a cloud of fog traveling over the surface of the water…
A cloud of fog? A sudden flash of memory drew her mind back by a quarter of the hour to when she had been gaining altitude with the ocean vanishing below her. There had been a shadow on the surface of the water that had been logged by her subconscious, and having the power of total recall at her disposal allowed her to replay those memories now, a cloud that was moving against the wind and the direction of the water as though possessed of a mind of its own. Such suspicious things were the sort of anomaly that a superhero was supposed to keep an eye out for, and she mentally kicked herself for not noticing it in the first place.
Well, no harm done, and she still had enough air in her lungs to sustain her on a leisurely glide back into the atmosphere, and since that meant angling her descent to move against the Earth's rotation, that would save her a lot of the fuss and the bother. With any luck she could catch up with the ship while it was at sea in another ten minutes, and then she'd find out just what sort of a phantom she was dealing with, and maybe have some answers, one way or another…
"Ah, what a day," Lao mused as she returned to the bridge, "So many interesting challenges yet to face, and it's not even past four thirty. How soon until we reach Taipei, Galena?"
"Four more hours at our present course and speed, Mistress," the officer of the watch replied, "With assist from the Kraken we are making good progress, and at our present rate of progress we will arrive just after sunset, when the twilight gleam will dim our image profile to near invisibility, as you have commanded."
"Excellent," Lao smiled, "There will be enough questions to have to answer just delivering our guests to port, and bribing the customs officers is bound to be expensive. I don't think I can rely too heavily on my political ties to cover our tracks for an operation this huge. Seventeen hundred people being successfully transported to shore is the sort of thing that could draw unwanted publicity…but if I wanted to leave a quiet, safe life, I'd still be living in a hut back in China."
"As you say, Mistress," the Helmswoman responded, "By the way, you have a call on line one…she's been waiting for the past several minutes, and it is a collect call, so…"
"A collect call?" Lao smacked herself on the forehead with the back of one hand, "Oh no! Kei-chan, I completely forgot! You should have told me about it at once that she had called again…"
"Our apologies, Mistress," the Helmswoman bowed, "We had trouble locating you, but when we heard that you were returning to the bridge we asked Keiko-san to hold her call until we could inform you."
"I'll discipline you for this later," Lao replied as she picked up the phone that was near to her command chair, "Mushi-Mushi…Keiko-chan, are you there?"
"Mistress?" the familiar voice of the redhead replied, "Thank the Kami! Listen…if Nabiki and the others are there, are they all right? What the hell happened to her ocean liner? Who was in that sub that fired on them? And…not to criticize or anything…but…what are your plans for them, Mistress?"
"Slow down, Kei-chan," Lao smiled affectionately, "You don't need to call me Mistress anymore, Kodachi-chan is your new owner. Just call me 'My Lady,' so…in answer to your questions, yes, Nabiki and her loved ones are all safe and happy on my ship, along with the excess crew that survived the blast, which was caused by a torpedo…but…how did you know that a sub fired on them and not me?"
"Please Mis…um…My lady," Keiko stumbled over the change in terms, which brought another smile to her former 'Mistress,' "I know for a fact that you'd never fire on civilians without cause. You are many things, but you're no mass murderer, and you do have enemies that more than easily fit the bill…"
"Thank you for the vote of confidence, darling," Lao replied, "But why don't you tell me the real reason that you know about the submarine?"
"Um…well…" Keiko hesitated, "It's just…I have this friend of mine…and we were sort of spying on Nabiki and the others…"
"A friend…who can spy on a cruise ship while it's out to sea?" Lao raised a pale blue eyebrow.
"That and she was sort of recording things when the ship got hit," Keiko added, "In fact, she's right here and I've told her all about you and…oh…here, she wants to speak with you herself, my lady."
"Well, put her on," Lao smiled, "Someone who can spy on a ship from wherever it is you are now is someone I'd like to one day meet in person."
"That can be arranged," a sultry feminine voice-very different from Keiko's own-replied in answer to that statement, "May I assume that I have the honor of speaking to one Lao Kung, former Amazon and mistress of the ship known as the Floating Piece of Junk, or POJ for short?"
"Indeed," Lao replied, "And who have I the curious honor of addressing?"
"That is not material for now," the speaker replied, "But know that I presently bear you no ill intentions. I am merely concerned, as are the others gathered with me, to know what fate has befallen our comrades, to say nothing of seventeen hundred of innocent people?"
"I see," Lao smiled, "Well, you don't need to worry yourselves. I'm planning on delivering them to the nearest safe port so that they can be about their business, which was so rudely interrupted, though through no ill intentions on my part. As for Nabiki and the others…well…I have made room for them within my Harem but have imposed few restrictions and am treating them as my guests. There is no need to be concerned for their immediate welfare…in fact, I've even helped in the safe delivery of Kuonji Ukyo's brand new daughter."
"Ukyo-chan had her daughter…already?" another voice that Lao placed immediately as Akane interrupted, demonstrating to Lao that the parties with whom she was in contact were on a speaker phone system of some type, "How is she? Did they name the baby yet?"
"Not that I've heard so far," Lao replied, "But we have been a bit busy helping out survivors from the liner. Things have been a bit hectic, but my people will inform me if there are any complications…"
"Complications?" said a male voice, one Lao believed that she recognized as belonging to the boy named Ryoga, "What complications?"
"I'm just speaking metaphorically," Lao assured them, "I've no reason to expect any problems. By the way…do I take it that you were spying on Nabiki and the others while they were engaged in some rather…personal activities?"
"You may assume that, Mistress Lao," replied Kodachi, "But then again, the same could be implied about your rather prompt arrival on the scene, ne?"
"Quick witted as always, Kuno-chan," Lao smiled, "I guess then we've all been naughty in one sense or another…"
"Cut the crap," someone unfamiliar cut in, "Listen…Lao is it? We've got a real situation on our hands, so you'd better listen up or there's gonna be trouble."
"I'm listening," Lao sharpened her tone by a fraction, "That almost sounded like a threat. Are you also a friend of Nabiki's?"
"You could put it like that, yeah," the speaker responded, "But the thing is…we've got somebody coming out to meet with you who doesn't know about you on first sight, but I think it would be a really good idea if you treat her nicely and don't give her any good reasons to get angry."
"To get angry?" Lao replied, "Why? Is she someone important whom I ought to respect?"
"You'll know as soon as you see her," the voice on the other end replied, "Just watch what you say, and no cracks about her hips. She's kind of touchy about that…"
"I see," Lao said, "So do I take it that you're the younger sister of whoever it is who is coming to pay me a visit?"
"Huh?" the voice on the other end replied, "How could you know that?"
"Because you sound like a younger sister," Lao replied, "And only a little sister would make cracks about her big sister's waistline. By the way, your voice seems somehow familiar…didn't we meet a while ago at the hospital when my cousin Shampoo was having her baby?"
There were some tittering noises in the background, and obviously the friends of the speaker did not mind having a little fun at her expense, but then everyone sobered and Lao said in a calmer and more rational tone of voice, "Alison Kane Managi, is it not? That was the name I remember hearing back at the hospital…and I take it the other speaker is Beatrice Kane Daitokuji?"
"So you found us out," Alison replied, "Then you ought to be smart enough to realize what you'll be up against as soon as my big sister comes calling."
"Your big sister, eh?" Lao mused, "Yes…I think I have some idea what I would be up against, and I thank you for the timely warning. I'll try and be polite to your oneechan when she pays me a visit…and don't worry…I'd never let a friend of Keiko's down…at least if it can be avoided."
"Just be careful, lady," Alison replied, "You don't know my sister like I do…she can pretty opinionated sometimes, but she means well, mostly."
"I think I understand you," Lao smiled, "She sounds like someone I might actually like to meet. Well…at any rate, I'll go and prepare an extra space at my dinner table."
"Madam Lao," Beatrice remarked, "I most certainly hope that you are not intending any mischief."
"I'll get back to you on that," Lao said, "Call me back in an hour and I'll try and give you an answer. Just try to stay calm while I go see to preparing my welcome. Lao out."
She set down her phone then turned to the officer on duty, "Stay on course until further notice. I'm expecting company at any minute."
"Very good Mistress," the officer replied, "All will be as you command it."
"Yes," Lao mused, "Which is how it ought to be…but it seems that I must take special precautions to insure our guest does mind her manners."
"I see," the officer nodded, "Then shall we inform the chef that you will be receiving extra dinner guests at the table tonight, Mistress?"
"Don't bother," Lao said slyly, "I've already taken measures to insure that my other guests will be…sufficiently entertained…while I tend to this new bit of business…" and the devious gleam in her now-golden eyes made those who witnessed it share a collective shudder of anticipation, knowing that whatever their Captain had cooked up was bound to be deliciously wicked…
Nabiki was still grumbling to herself after returning the "loaned" T-shirt and shorts to a waiting attendant, sullenly resolving to one day make Lao pay for the indignity of having to traipse around in her ship in the all-together. Though not officially a prisoner, she certainly felt like one having armed escorts who followed her at a somewhat discreet distance. The Undines were polite and deferential companions, but they looked heavily armed and ready for trouble, and-having fought with their kind before-Nabiki knew it was futile to attempt to physically overpower them. When struck by a fist they tended to dissolve into water and could immobilize a foe by swarming in all around them.
Besides, she was rather fond of her female shape and had no great urgent need to return to her male aspect. It was diabolical to think that the lady pirate's control over the element of water could be so absolute that she could sex-change Nabiki at a single moment's notice. About the only way for her to combat these water-based attacks was to refer to her Chi-based powers, and some of those moves tended to be pretty spectacular ones, not the sort of thing you would prefer to unleash while on board a sailing vessel, even one as resilient as the POJ. The last time she had done so, everyone on board had briefly gone swimming.
And that was the real reason that Nabiki was reluctant to start anything on board Lao's vessel…the children might get caught in the crossfire. Lao's assurances that babies took to water with a natural instinct borne of months in the womb notwithstanding, the last thing Nabiki wanted to do was test out that theory on her own infant daughter, and she doubted that Ukyo would appreciate it any better if they all had to make a sudden scramble for a life-raft. Try as she might there was no getting around the fact that Lao had them all collectively by the short hairs, and as long as the situation remained this way there was nothing to be done but to trust to the renegade Amazon to keep her word and not stir up any more trouble.
Even so, Nabiki did fume a bit at the implications that Lao had made about testing her in some perverse kind of 'challenge' that came right out of a bondage manga. Nabiki had already seen a sample of what Lao referred to as 'training,' and one did not have to look far to find other such examples as she was lead through one particular chamber in which a dozen naked women were left hanging from the ceiling in various (and rather uncomfortable) positions. The amount of rope being used to suspend these nude beauties would have been sufficient to moor the POJ to a pier, and the fact that these women were very much conscious of their situations left Nabiki with a faint shudder of dismay, imagining herself in such a position and swallowing at the implications. Beyond that, there was no telling if these women were being punished or rewarded, it all being the same thing to Madam Lao's discretion.
Once back at the Harem her two guards fell into previously assumed positions by the door and allowed her to wander freely in the seraglio as though she had every right to be there. Once again Nabiki was struck by the oddly stylish contrast of beautiful wall hangings and silk tapestries framed by translucent handing curtains that petitioned the room into various sections. There were plenty of adornments decorating that part of the chamber that she was in, no doubt the plundered hoard of some long ago raid, either by Lao or one of the ship's previous owners. The atmosphere was warm, casual and relaxed (and relatively dry, considering how many parts of the ship were humid), and the people occupying the room were entirely at ease about their business (said business being anything from reading a book to casually screwing their nearest partner). One naked beauty was playing a harp while her companions accompanied her with the flute and violin, providing background music that pleasantly flavored the air like the warm, heady perfume of incense mixed with feminine arousal.
That was the thing that struck Nabiki immediately upon returning to the harem…how matter-of-fact everyone was about this whole situation, from the girl working a loom to one side, weaving out a silk tapestry of incredible beauty and intricacy, to the nude dancers performing a slow ballet together that was openly seductive and shamelessly flirtatious. There in one corner a blonde cutie was spreading her legs wide while a redhead was busy tonguing her clean shaven sex (and for a moment Nabiki had a flashback image in mind of Alison and Beatrice engaged in such vigorous pastimes) while off on a divan two other girls-another redhead and a dark haired brunette-sat together with the mouths meshing sensitively while their hands were busy playing with each others breasts, and no one even giving them a casual side-glance. It was plain that these women took the act of making love seriously to heart, and yet it was equally clear that sex was as common as a handshake in this fancy love-nest-cum-floating-brothel. What an amazing contrast to the way normal Japanese society tended to react to the merest gesture of affection between two people of the same sex, and yet here it was considered the norm, there being no men allowed to lay hands upon the women of this horny hen-house.
And yet for all of that they were SLAVES, property, owned and toyed with at the discretion of their self-described owner. Lao could claim any one of them on a whim and do whatever she found pleasing with their minds and bodies, and yet-to go by the testimony of those whom Nabiki had spoken with earlier-these women would not even complain nor raise a fuss at the treatment they were receiving.
Nabiki knew enough from that briefly conducted interview at the birthing pool that these women were-for the most part-highly intelligent and reasonably articulate about their servile status. These were not weak-willed and timid souls who were easily cowed into obeying the whims of a powerful overlord, these were women who honestly believed that they had made a voluntary choice to submit to Lao's authority, and some had even been willing to show Nabiki the 'Ownership Papers' that they had signed in their own handwriting, contracts bestowing upon Lao complete and total possession of their bodies. They had even seemed proud of the fact that they had signed away their individual freedoms, and the mere fact that such contracts were not legally binding in any official sense bothered them not in the slightest. It was as if the question of the legitimacy these contracts were a dead issue that none seemed willing to contest in any way. If anything, they professed to be perfectly happy serving out the rest of their natural lives in Lao's employment, and mention of the word 'freedom' usually brought either laughter or scorn to their otherwise contented features.
And that disturbed Nabiki as much as anything, having been reared to prize freedom as among a person's highest virtues. She did not need to prance around in chains to feel 'sexually liberated,' nor did she feel inclined to join these (extremely) comely girls in their free-flowing sexual antics. Just watching one concubine submitting to a spanking at the hands of another made Nabiki wince in sympathetic reflex, even if she still remembered experiencing the same things at Ranma's hands during the earlier part of the day. If anything these women were much TOO casual about their sexuality, and yet in no sense of the word could one honestly find them as dehumanized or degraded in their self-professed 'lifestyle preference.'
Nabiki had chalked up part of this behavior to a case of classic 'Stockholm Syndrome,' the tendency of prisoners to sometimes identify with their captors, even to come to semi-love or worship those who subjected them to constant humiliation and abuse. Lao obviously did exert a considerable degree of mind-control over the emotional responses of her people, and the extent of her perfidy in this area alone was enough to make Nabiki shudder with aversion. By forcing these women to live in the enclosed world of a seraglio, where the alternative to obedience was punishment of an extreme and cunning nature, she had the ideal 'carrot and stick' approach for encouraging compliance, especially since the reward was to live the life of a pampered sex-toy whose pleasures could be unimaginable, even as their punishment for disobedience would no doubt be equally demanding.
Looked at realistically, there was no reason why these women should have complaints about their treatment. Lao obviously lavished a great deal of time and attention on her girls, showering them with every conceivable jewel and bauble that could appeal to a woman's sense of aesthetics. They were fed and sheltered, pleasured and pampered with their every whim attended to in some manner, and all that they had being owed to their nominal owner. What's more they had a kind of 'fellowship' that formed a communal bond, like a village within a village, and even the benefits of a marriage were not denied them, including children. (That last part made Nabiki gasp a little, realizing as she did that Lao had voluntarily used Jusenkyo-styled magic to transform her sex in order to impregnate other women…but how had she done this when she already had the Jusenkyo curse of the Wild Tiger?)
It was while thinking on this that Nabiki passed around one curtained tapestry, intending to rejoin her loved ones in the chamber that had been assigned to them, but all at once she found her way blocked by a young girl aged no more than ten or eleven (at most), and who was scowling up at Nabiki with a somewhat furious expression.
"Oh," Nabiki took stock of the girl's blue hair coloration and said, "Ah…Breeze, isn't it? You're Lao's…son?" she hesitated, having all but forgotten that Lao had given her son the Jusenkyo curse of Nyanniichuan before leaving China.
"I won't let you do it," the young girl replied in flawless Japanese.
"Ah…do what?" Nabiki faltered, not expecting such an intensely hostile reaction.
"I won't let you hurt my mother," the girl named Breeze replied.
"Um…well…" Nabiki wondered how to handle this situation, faced with a mere slip of a girl the top of whose head barely came level with her own breastbone.
"I remember you from last time," the girl replied, "You almost hurt my mother. I won't let you do it this time."
"Ahm…kid?" Nabiki stammered, "There seems to be some confusion here. I'm not the one who…"
"Don't lie to me," Breeze replied, "I know Mom rescued you at sea, but you think she did it to force you people to stay with us. Well, you're wrong…Mom isn't like that. She may do stuff that's bad sometimes, but she'd never give you a place in here if she didn't think you were worthy. I'm just telling you that you'd better not do anything to make Mom regret being so generous with you, lady."
"Um…right," Nabiki said, "Consider me sufficiently warned. Now try telling your Mom not to push the issue."
"I'll bet you don't think I can do too much to you," the young girl said belligerently, "But Mom's been teaching me how to fight, and I'll bet I could give even you a good scrap if you give us any trouble…"
Nabiki had no doubt that the young girl was talented, but she also had no intention of being drawn into a fight with someone who was only two thirds of her own age and half her belt size, but before she could think of anything to say to deflect the child's anger, one of the blue skinned attendants fell from the ceiling and reformed in the space beside them, and then said in a casual tone of voice, "Breeze-san…your mother has requested your presence on the main deck. She asks that you join her in greeting a new guest, and she wants you to bring her a present…the jeweled box on the shelf beside the Blue Bed that bears the mark of the emerald dragon. You know the one in question?"
"That box with the green rock in it?" the young girl replied, "Sure…but why does Mom want it?"
"The Mistress did not say," the Undine replied, "But she did request that you be prompt about it. She wishes you to be on the upper deck in no more than the next fifteen minutes."
"All right, I'll go," Breeze replied, "Tell Mom I'll be there in a jiffy," she turned and glared one final time at Nabiki, "You got lucky…next time I won't be so busy."
Nabiki stood where she was with lifted eyebrows giving her an almost comical expression, then she shook her head once the young girl had left her side and said, "This day just keeps getting better and better…"
She continued on until she reached the room assigned to herself and her family unit, but once she stepped past the hanging partition she was greeted by a curious aroma that was mildly arousing and caused a peculiar tingling sensations all along her nerve endings. Accompanied with this, however, was a sight that was altogether unexpected, given the current circumstances under which she and her loved ones were currently living.
Or-given that this was Lao's dominion after all-perhaps this was not such a strange sight to witness after all…it was just amazing to see Ranma with his face buried deep between Shampoo's thighs while Ukyo was sitting on Perfume's face and writhing about how good it felt to be getting another tongue lashing. All four of Nabiki's 'unit' were acting as if it were perfectly natural to be screwing in the middle of the day in the belly of a (technically) hostile vessel, and yet to judge by the profuse groans both Shampoo and Ukyo were making they had clearly been at this sort of thing for more than the past several minutes.
A glance to the side confirmed that both babies were resting together in a large double-sized bassinet that was canopied to protect these children from the odd phosphorescent lighting. Lylac and her newly born 'cousin-sister' were sleeping like (literal) babies and seemed content in the warmth that they shared together just being so near to one another. Only the diaper worn by Lylac (who did seem large next to the other baby) constituted any form of dress for either infant, though they were swaddled in blankets to each side in such a way as to limit the amount of rolling around that either one could do. It fairly amazed Nabiki to take note of the fact that the new child-barely two hours old-had a healthy complexion by now and did not look so ruddy and hairless as she had appeared to be in the bathing pool.
The fact that Ukyo was screwing around with Perfume instead of keeping a watchful eye upon her, however, did faintly alarm Nabiki, enough so that she made her presence known by saying, "What the heck are you people doing?"
"Hmm?" Ranma looked up from where he had been busy giving Shampoo 'the business' and said, "Nabiki? Good, you're back! I thought you'd never get back here!"
"Get back here?" Nabiki blinked, "I've only been gone for about a half an hour! Why are you…?"
"I don't know," Ranma said as he stood up and took Nabiki by the arm with gentle-yet-firm insistence, "But now that you're here, we can really get started."
"Get started?" Nabiki asked, "But…"
"Airen…" Shampoo moved to sit up (albeit somewhat unsteadily) then also reached out a hand to take firm grip of Nabiki's forearm, "We no want get started without you…but you no want keep Shampoo waiting. Shampoo very happy you come to her…now Shampoo make you cum while Ranma-husband give us both much, much pleasures, yes?"
"W-what?" Nabiki blinked her eyes, only to find Ranma wrapping an arm around her waist compelling her to turn round eyes in his direction.
"Shampoo has the right idea…it's time I stop neglecting the both of you and get down to this dutiful husband business," he said, "You both want it as much as me, right?"
"Huh?" Nabiki found her eyes were mesmerized by the obvious lust in her new husband's expression, and before she could think to protest she found herself being drawn into a hot and passionate kiss, even as Shampoo fell to her knees and began licking the exposed space between her Airen's thighs, and all at once Nabiki forgot everything she was about to say as raging hormones took over and did all of her further thinking for the next several hours yet to come…and cum indeed she would, and quite gladly, all thoughts of Madam Lao and her perverse offer falling away as she gave way to the natural ardor she felt for her loved ones, who would skillfully set about to keep her good and thoroughly distracted…
Exactly as intended by…"The Mistress…"
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