Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction / Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ A Light in the Darkness ❯ The Morning of the Budokai ( Chapter 79 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
A Light in the Darkness - Part 79: The Morning of the Budokai
by Mia Skywalker & Wataruo
by Mia Skywalker & Wataruo
C&C: Please! ^_^
DISCLAIMER: Neither of us owns any of the DBZ characters or anything about DBZ, but we both wish we owned the Saiyans. All of them. At least all of the ones with hair. And yes, we're including Yamcha and Ryouga in that, now you know. Dragonball Z and the associated characters are owned by Toei, Viz, Akira Toriyama, and FUNimation. Ranma 1/2 and the character of Ryouga Hibiki are owned by Viz, Rumiko Takahashi, and some Japanese studio I don't know the name of. We do own what we've written here, and our specific storyline, just not Dragonball or Ranma 1/2 themselves. We make no money off of any of these guys, nor off this fic. We just have fun writing it. Oh, I guess we do own Hakusai and Serori. But I doubt anyone cares. ^_~
SUMMARY: Bulma sees an old friend at the tournament
NOTES: The rest of this story is completely unbeta'd, as I can't seem to find a beta who will be as brutal or thorough as I like, and will get me chapters back in what I feel is a timely manner. I have, however, had training as an editor, and I've edited the remainder of this pretty thoroughly. I would simply like people to be aware that no one else has gone through it to catch any errors or inconsistencies, so it may be more flawed than I realize.
C&C: Please! ^_^
DISCLAIMER: Neither of us owns any of the DBZ characters or anything about DBZ, but we both wish we owned the Saiyans. All of them. At least all of the ones with hair. And yes, we're including Yamcha and Ryouga in that, now you know. Dragonball Z and the associated characters are owned by Toei, Viz, Akira Toriyama, and FUNimation. Ranma 1/2 and the character of Ryouga Hibiki are owned by Viz, Rumiko Takahashi, and some Japanese studio I don't know the name of. We do own what we've written here, and our specific storyline, just not Dragonball or Ranma 1/2 themselves. We make no money off of any of these guys, nor off this fic. We just have fun writing it. Oh, I guess we do own Hakusai and Serori. But I doubt anyone cares. ^_~
SUMMARY: Bulma sees an old friend at the tournament
NOTES: The rest of this story is completely unbeta'd, as I can't seem to find a beta who will be as brutal or thorough as I like, and will get me chapters back in what I feel is a timely manner. I have, however, had training as an editor, and I've edited the remainder of this pretty thoroughly. I would simply like people to be aware that no one else has gone through it to catch any errors or inconsistencies, so it may be more flawed than I realize.
Day 13
Goku awoke earlier than normal the next morning, excitement pounding through him. He would get to compete in the Budokai once more, and the warrior was looking forward to it. He was always looking for ways to improve his skills, and this year his son would be participating as well.
He rose and dressed quickly, stopped to press a kiss on Chi-Chi's forehead, and went to the kitchen to grab a quick bite to eat before departing for Capsule Corporation. He didn't seem to notice Chi-Chi shouting at him that he needed to help her clean up. She scowled at his retreating figure in irritation when he simply smiled and waved back at her, then went inside to do it herself.
Goku flew quickly, knowing the others would most likely be awake, yet wanting to spend the time outdoors flying rather than simply teleporting in. When he landed he was greeted by Serori and Gohan in the front yard.
“Ohayo, Goku-san,” Serori greeted him reservedly. Gohan's greeting was more enthusiastic, tackling his father around the waist, and giving him a hug that would have cracked anyone else's ribs.
“Daddy!” Gohan squealed in excitement. “Can we go to the Budokai now?”
Goku laughed. “Not now, Gohan. It doesn't start until later. Let's see if the others are ready.”
“OK!” Gohan agreed eagerly, tugging his father towards the house.
Vegeta discovered that it was very difficult to get out of bed when the woman he was mated to was sleeping on top of him. Not that the Saiyan Prince cared. He enjoyed the way her body felt against his, and he smiled at her. He shifted slightly, bringing his mouth to hers, nibbling on her lower lip to wake her.
“Wake up,” he commanded as he toyed with her mouth.
Bulma stirred slightly, then blinked and yawned sleepily against his mouth. “V'geta?” She smiled then, blinking and looking into his eyes. “Morning.” She snuggled against him, her arm snaking around his as she remained draped over his chest.
“You were expecting someone else?” he asked, sounding quite amused. “I hope you finished those devices yesterday. We are going to need them later.”
“Mmm hmm...” She nodded, her chin rubbing against his chest. “I've made several of them. Enough for almost all of us. You and Goku won't have one, but the rest of us will.” She closed her eyes and rested her cheek against his chest, content to simply lie there. “Mm... Vegeta? I wish we didn't have to get up.”
Vegeta chuckled, his amusement rumbling in his chest. “So do I,” he agreed. “But you promised that half-witted moron of a brother-in-law that you would help him find his brother. Otherwise....” He slid his fingers along her arm. “We could have stayed in bed all day.”
Bulma sighed in mock resignation. “Oh... I suppose.” She lifted her face up again, and kissed his bare chest briefly. “Then, let's get up!” She bounced out of bed more quickly than he had expected of her, and headed towards the bathroom. “I'll meet you downstairs!”
Vegeta smirked at her retreating back and rose to dress. On his way down the stairs he felt Goku's ki. He scowled, wondering why he had ever agreed on having everyone meet there. He comforted himself with the idea that he could beat the living hell out of him later.
He managed just barely to stifle a groan when he heard Gohan's voice talking almost non-stop to his father as they entered the kitchen.
“Morning, Vegeta,” the younger Saiyan greeted him.
Vegeta glared at him as the two children sat down and began to argue about who was the better video-game player.
“Kakarotto.” He spoke up at last. “Can you keep them quiet?”
“They're kids, Vegeta,” Goku replied. “Wait until your son is born. He'll probably make a lot of noise, too. “
“Kami forbid,” Vegeta muttered.
“Kids aren't that bad,” Goku said.
“I agree that they have their uses.”
“Which are?” Goku asked, eyebrows raised.
“Target practice,” Vegeta replied casually and rose from the table to get himself something to eat.
Yamcha woke, wondering what was so different about this morning. There was a funny feeling in the air. Then he remembered what it was; today was the Budokai! He was finally going to find his other brother!
He smiled at the thought. He couldn't remember having any family before now, other than a distantly remembered mother, and now he was going to have two brothers. His heart went out to the unknown brother he had yet to find. He knew what it felt like to grow up alone, and he wondered if his brother had been alone, too. Ryouga said that he'd had parents who had loved him, so maybe his unknown twin did as well. Yamcha hoped so, even as he was a little envious.
Then he realized that he was the only one of them who had ever even known their mother, and he smiled. Maybe someday they would get to meet her. Then a memory struck him, and he glanced down at the woman sleeping next to him. A sad frown marred his face then, as he thought about what she had told him. He had difficulty reconciling the mother he loved and the recordings she had made for him - as well as the journal Hakusai had read to him - with the woman whom Hakusai had met when her first husband had died. There must be a logical explanation, he thought to himself. He just wished he knew what it was.
He leaned over then and lifted Hakusai's hand, kissing the palm. “Hakusai, wake up, love. We've got a tournament today.”
Hakusai swatted at Yamcha and rolled over. She was not quite awake, and was feeling way too warm and comfortable to get up. She pulled the covers up over her again and snuggled against the pillow
Yamcha simply laughed, stood up, and yanked the covers off her, letting the chill air hit her. “Come on, love. I know you're not going to want to miss this!”
Hakusai shivered and flung a pillow at him. “Baka!” she muttered at him as she sat up and brushed her hair out of her eyes. “You are mean to pregnant women. Shame on you.”
Yamcha chuckled. “Are you saying that you'd miss the Budokai? You, a Saiyan, miss out on a fight? Or miss out on meeting my brothers?” He sat down on the bed next to her, completely unmindful of their nudity. He smiled at her, a dimple dancing in his cheek. “Come on, you want to meet my brother, don't you? I need you to help me find him!”
“Baka.” She swatted him with another pillow. “What good will that do?” she asked, pouting. “I can't fight.”
Yamcha blinked in confusion. “You can't fight? Why not?”
Hakusai sighed in exasperation. “I am pregnant, moron,” she grumbled, sounding suspiciously like her younger brother. “I'd rather not get punched in the wrong place.”
“Oh.” Yamcha scratched his head. “I hadn't thought of that,” he said ruefully. He was silent for a moment. “But I still need you to help me find my brother. I need you there! And don't you want to see me fight?” He looked for all the world like a puppy that had been kicked.
“Oh, Yamcha.” She wrapped her arms about his waist and snuggled against his chest. “Of course I am going. I know how much it means to you.” She looked up at him through lowered lashes. “Besides, I want to see you beat the crap out of everyone there.”
Yamcha grinned at that. “I will, too, I think.” His eyes sparkled. Then he sighed. “Well, maybe I would if Goku wasn't entering, but with him in it....”
“I don't know.” Hakusai rubbed her face against his skin. “You may be able to hold your own against him now. Your power level spiked along with your growth.”
Yamcha nodded. “Yeah, but I still don't think I'm in his league. I don't think I've got the power to reach Super Saiyan yet. Goku says that Gohan is close, but....” He sighed. “I don't really think I am, yet.” He smiled. “I wonder if Vegeta is? I'll bet he's closer than he realizes, huh?”
“I think he is.” Hakusai winked at him. “But don't tell his royal crankiness that; you will give him delusions of grandeur.”
“Well, come on. We've got to get up and go.” He glanced down, and lifted his tail, gazing at it. “Vegeta says these give us more power, but... do you think maybe I should get rid of it? I mean, people will think it's a bit... odd.” Then he sighed. “Although with people like Tenshinhan and Goku entering all the time, I suppose not.”
He smiled again, cheering up abruptly, as he hastily drew on his clothes. He was too excited about today to be glum for long. Bulma had outfitted him with a bodysuit almost identical to Vegeta's. It was even made of the same material so wouldn't tear if stretched.
“Come on, we need to get going!”
Hakusai grinned, getting caught up in his excitement, and dressed in her usual black bodysuit. She stopped as she passed by a mirror and sighed. “Kami, I hope I don't gain a hundred pounds.” She looked over at her shoulder at him. “Would you still love me if I was fat?”
Yamcha pulled her against him. “I'd love you if you weighed as much as an elephant. But I don't think you ever will. You like fighting too much.” He gave her a swift kiss, and then released her and headed for the door. “Ah... let's get something to eat, then we should get going, I think!”
“Yamcha?” The tone of her voice made him turn towards her. “Have I mentioned how much I love you?” She walked up to him and hugged him for a moment, not wanting to let go. “I am so glad I came here.” She looked up at him and smiled, giving a small sigh. “I'm sorry, it's just hormones. Let's get going.”
Yamcha blinked in surprise, then wrapped his arms around her in turn. He smiled down into her face. “Yeah, I love you too, babe. I'm glad you came here too!” He bent down and gave her a quick kiss, then pulled back and smiled roguishly at her. “Let's see if the others are awake, ne?”
“Yes,” she agreed, and as the two of them made their way into the kitchen, Hakusai started chuckling. “Didn't you say that your brother gets lost sometimes? Maybe you should go and wake him up. I'll meet you in the kitchen.”
“Yeah!” Yamcha blinked, remembering. “Okay, babe, I'll see you in a few.” He gave her a swift kiss on the lips and took off.
Hakusai shook her head as she watched him go. As much as she loved her first husband, she knew without doubt that she loved Yamcha more. She had been a child when she had married the first time, but now that she was older and somewhat wiser she realized she had everything she ever wanted. Arigato, Yamcha-chan, she thought as she headed into the kitchen. I have my family. My life is complete.
“What are you smirking at, woman?” Vegeta asked.
“Not a thing.” As she walked by, she ruffled Serori's hair, making the little girl giggle. “Nothing at all.”
Vegeta snorted and dug into his meal. ::WOMAN!:: he called to Bulma. ::What are you doing in there?::
Bulma was startled by Vegeta's mental shout. ::Taking a shower, bakayaro! I'm not going to go downstairs all stinky and sweaty!:: She rinsed off, stepping out of the tub. ::I'm almost ready. And I don't take nearly as long to eat as all of you.::
::That's because you don't eat enough,:: Vegeta commented. It was an old argument, one he would never win, but it didn't mean he would stop. ::Kakarotto is here. Hurry up. I don't want to be left with this baka too long.::
::Shut up, Vegeta,:: Bulma replied absently. Then in a fit of mischief she deliberately let him see a full mental view of herself as she passed by a mirror... not wearing her towel. ::I'll be down soon....::
Vegeta nearly choked on a piece of toast when the image of her filled his mind. ::You'd better hurry. Otherwise we won't be going anywhere,:: he warned her once he could think.
“Where is Yamcha?” Goku asked around a mouthful of food.
“Waking up Ryouga. Apparently he gets lost a lot,” Hakusai replied. “Is Bulma awake?” she asked her brother curiously.
“She is in the shower.”
“I see.” Hakusai grinned. “It's miracle you aren't in there with her.”
“If I were in there with her, we would never leave,” Vegeta replied blandly.
Hakusai chuckled at the innuendo, but the others, including Goku, looked confused.
“What's he talking about?” Serori asked.
“Ask me again in a few years,” Hakusai said between chuckles.
“What should we ask you in a few years?” Yamcha asked, entering the kitchen. He dropped a swift kiss on her cheek before gathering up some food for Ryouga and himself and sitting down. He didn't wait for an answer, before he looked at the others eagerly. “So, you all looking forward to the Budokai today?” He grinned when the two younger kids practically screamed enthusiastically, while Vegeta winced at the noise.
Ryouga was eating his breakfast with a kind of focused determination. He was a little nervous about being finally able to enter the Budokai, but there was also an intense excitement. Yamcha had told him that because he was still only sixteen, he would be entered in the children's group, not with the adults. He didn't mind the insult because he sensed somehow that his enemy, Ranma Saotome, would be there as well. And he would defeat him. With his newfound abilities and what these people had taught him, he would manage. Even though he wasn't really proficient at flying, the fact that he could fly at all was going to give him a boost over Ranma.
He just hoped he would fight Ranma before he had to fight Gohan. He had the feeling that Gohan - for all his age and size - was much stronger than he was. Plus he was fast, something Ryouga had yet to master. But I will still beat you, Ranma Saotome! I will finally win!
Bulma entered the kitchen, her hair still damp, and she silently handed each of them, except for Goku and Vegeta, a small hand-held device about the same size as one of the dragonradars. After she handed the last one to Gohan she sat down.
“I'll have to show you how to use them. But I think I want to eat first.” She helped herself to a few pancakes and poured some syrup on them.
“I don't get one?” Goku asked looking disappointed.
“Moron,” Vegeta muttered. “You can't use one when you are fighting.”
“Oh, I guess you are right.” Goku beamed at Bulma. “So you think these things will work?”
Bulma blinked. “Of course it will work,” she snapped peevishly. “Have you ever known anything of mine not to work?”
Yamcha very carefully said nothing as he studiously continued to eat. Gohan's brow furrowed, but he also chose to remain silent.
Vegeta snorted. Good way for Kakarot to get on her bad side, he thought to himself as he finished his breakfast. “Cranky this morning, aren't we?”
“I would be too if I had to look at your face first thing in the morning,” Hakusai quipped, eyes twinkling as she fixed her gaze on her brother. “It's amazing you don't frighten her to death with your visage. I hope your brat doesn't look like you.”
Vegeta folded his arms across his chest, glaring at her. “Who asked you?”
“No one. I thought I would defend my sister-in-law's crankiness.” Hakusai winked at Bulma.
“Whenever you are done eating, woman,” he told Bulma. “We can leave.”
“No, we can't,” she pointed out. “I still have to show everyone how to work them.”
::I didn't give one to Goku, Vegeta, because I wasn't sure he would have the intelligence to work it. And you'll have other things on your mind. Besides...:: She shrugged. ::I didn't have time to make more than six of them.::
“We'll leave when we leave, Vegeta. We have plenty of time. It doesn't start for several hours, and you know all they'll be doing is signing people up. And then they have to test all the contenders, to see what category to place them in. That's going to take time anyway.”
Gohan blinked. He just thought that they would go there and fight. He didn't realize they had to do anything first. When would they get to fight?
Yamcha leaned back and put a hand behind his head. His long hair brushed against the back of his chair. It had grown out quite a bit since he had been put in the tank, and he really hadn't noticed, but now he realized that he was going to have to put it up in a pony-tail to get it out of the way of his fighting. He remembered his first Budokai; Bulma had badgered him into entering, and he had thought he stood a good chance of winning... until Goku had entered. Then he thought he might at least come in second until he saw the way Roshi - disguised as Jackie Chun - could fight. It had been very discouraging for him to know that he already knew two people who would beat him, even before it began.
He looked around at the others and realized that he was in a similar situation here. He already knew that almost any of the others could defeat him easily; despite Hakusai's assurances he didn't feel he was as strong as any of them were yet. Then he shook his head to try to cheer himself up. He was going to find his brother, that was the important thing, right? He managed to contain his excitement again until everyone had finished eating, then looked at Bulma eagerly.
“Can you show us now?”
Bulma blinked at his enthusiasm, then showed everyone how to work the devices. Once she was satisfied that they all had it down, they decided it was time to leave, and they all exited out the front door to head over to the Budokai.
Goku and Gohan talked the whole way out to the tournament as they flew on their own power, Bulma in Vegeta's arms. Goku explained the basics of the rules and smiled at his son's enthusiasm.
“The hard thing about this type of tournament is the wait,” Goku commented as they set down, looking at the huge line ahead of them.
“Shimatta,” Vegeta snorted. “We could be here all day.”
“Shouldn't take long to get into the finals,” Goku assured them. “I'm pretty sure all of us will be included.”
Ryouga was listening intently to everything Goku was telling his son. He had never been in a Budokai before, and wanted to make sure he didn't mess up. Yamcha snickered at Goku's last comment. He thought it was not only `likely' they would all make it in, but it was pretty much impossible that they wouldn't. They would all pass the trials easily. Goku was right about one thing, though; the waiting would be the hard part.
Bulma looked at the line as Vegeta set her down on the ground. “I'm not going to wait here!” she said emphatically. “I'm going to go find a place to sit down.” She looked at the others. “You don't all have to wait here, you know. As long as some of you stay in line, the rest of you can search around. Why don't Yamcha and Ryouga go looking for your other brother? Who knows? Maybe you'll get lucky and you won't even have to enter the fight!”
Vegeta and Goku looked shocked at the idea of not fighting. Hakusai made a face. “If only I weren't pregnant I would enter. I could use the exercise. Come on, sister.” She motioned to Bulma. “Let's find a couple of good seats and check out the scenery.”
“Not fight?” Vegeta still looked incredulous. “You must be kidding.”
Bulma blinked at them, a thoroughly baffled expression on her face. “You mean you want to fight?” she asked, sounding surprised. Then she abruptly giggled, and they realized she had been teasing all of them. “Come on, Hakusai. Let's go find some shade. Why don't the rest of you wait in line, and Goku and Yamcha mingle for a bit? You can take turns looking later.”
Hakusai chuckled. “I think you scared him.”
Vegeta snorted. “She did not. Now get out of here.”
As the two women walked away, Bulma commented to Hakusai - making certain Vegeta would be able to hear her - “You know, there are a lot of handsome men around here....”
Hakusai grinned form ear to ear. “Yes, Bulma. There are a lot of nice-looking men.” Both women giggled as they made their way away from the men.
Vegeta's eyes narrowed on Bulma's back as she moved towards a refreshment stand. ::You are going to pay for that, woman. You are definitely going to pay.::
::Pay?:: Bulma thought back innocently. ::I have plenty of money. What am I paying for?:: She giggled at his disgruntled growl. As the two women headed from the refreshment stand - Bulma with an iced tea, and Hakusai with something considerably larger - Bulma heard a familiar voice calling her name. She turned, and her face lit up at the sight of a very familiar three-eyed face.
“Tenshinhan!” she shouted enthusiastically, throwing her arms around the triclops. “How have you been? I haven't seen you since we had Porunga bring you back to life! How's Chaotzu?”
“I'm right here, Bulma!” The little white faced boy popped up from behind Tenshinhan.
Bulma knelt down in front of him and shook his hand gravely before she looked back up at Tenshinhan. “How are you doing? Been training hard?”
“Bulma, we've been great. We've been training hard for the tournament. How is everyone else?”
Hakusai blinked at the three-eyed man. His ki was considerable but nothing the others would have to worry about. She had to stifle a laugh as she beheld the little one with the pale face, who seemed to do more hovering than walking. He looked like a doll.
Hakusai tilted her head to the side eyeing the two men. “Ah, so you two are competing?” she asked.
Tenshinhan eyed the woman suspiciously. “I am. Chaotzu is not. I don't believe we've met.”
“Well, they've... uh....”
Bulma suddenly realized she didn't know how to tell him anything. She looked up at Hakusai and wondered what she should say. Should she tell Tenshinhan that she was sleeping with the man who had killed him and Yamcha? For one of the first times in her life she was completely at a loss for words.
“I'm Hakusai.” The Saiyan woman smiled. “I am Bulma's sister-in-law.” Tenshinhan's eyes widened. “I'm staying with her until my family and I get settled in. Can't sponge off her forever, as tempting as it may be.”
“Oh, dear.” Bulma felt like she was about to faint. Tenshinhan could only assume one thing - the correct thing - and Bulma wasn't sure how to explain it to him.
Tenshinhan frowned even as the mysterious third eye remained open and unblinking, “Sister-in-law? Bulma? You're married?”
“Well... no... not exactly.” Bulma sighed, really at a loss to explain. “Tenshinhan, you're going to want to sit down for this,” she said in resignation. Then she looked at his place in line and shook her head. “No, Tenshinhan, we'll tell you later. After the Budokai. Right now you'll need ALL of your concentration for the tournament.” She started to move away, then looked back at him. “We might as well tell you. Goku, Yamcha, Gohan, and Vegeta are all going to be entering. As well as two other youngsters they're sponsoring.”
Tenshinhan shook his head a moment. “Hold it! Goku is back? Bulma, you need to explain this! And what in the name of Kami is Vegeta doing with you?” He added the last bit with a snarl.
Bulma shook her head. “Vegeta is entering the tournament, the same as the others. You know Saiyans; they can't turn down a fight.” She grabbed Hakusai's arm and dragged her off quickly, not really ready to answer any more of the triclops' questions. When she had pulled a confused Hakusai out of earshot of Tenshinhan, she explained. “Vegeta killed Tenshinhan once, as well as Chaotzu. That's not something he's going to forgive easily. I didn't really want to explain things to him right now.” She sighed. “I'm sure you probably think I'm a coward....”
Hakusai shook her head. “Not at all. You are just avoiding a major headache. Besides....” She looked back at the confused Tenshinhan. “I am used to such prejudice.”
Bulma started to laugh. “He didn't even notice your tail!” she said giggling. “He has no idea who you are!” Both women walked off, not noticing a small, white-faced boy who had been right near their feet.
Chaotzu studied Hakusai with wide eyes, then ran back to his best friend. “Tenshinhan!” he called out to him, his voice upset. “That woman who was with Bulma! I think she's a Saiyan!”
Tenshinhan heard the little man and was startled for a moment. Then two of the triclops' eyes narrowed in his hatred of Saiyans, particularly Vegeta. “Later, Chaotzu. There is no time. After the Budokai!”
To be continued.....
And in the next exciting episode of DragonBall Z: A Light in the Darkness... A small reunion of old friends.