Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ Against all odds ❯ Massaging old scars ( Chapter 7 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
By: Shadow Megatron 
Fate&Destiny have been VERY stupid and now the chaos factor is about to bump up bigtime.
Can Ranma&Brian pull a metaphorical Miracle and stop the countdown to chaos's ultimate descent into Vengance.
More to the point How's a Chaos Magnet and A Demoness's favorite Chew toy going to handle the bizzare situation they are embroiled in. Film at eleven
Anime/Manga: Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction /
Fan Fiction |
Genre(s): Romance /
Martial Arts /
Drama /
Angst /
Supernatural |
Type: Other |
Uploaded On: 05.28.2006 |
Updated On: 05.28.2006 |
Pages: 15 |
Words: 11.2K |
Visits: 615 |
Status: Completed
Chapter 7 Massaging old scars
Brian although having endured 20 plus years of torturus and scarring
training opened his arms to the fuming mad former herione and smiled
a wary nervous small smile he knew he was risking a full frontal
labotomy at best with what he was about to attempt, but he went
ahead with it anyway. A pissed Raven was a force not to be sneezed at.
"Seems that somebody needs a hug? Come on Rae, come and get
some Soul-Shine."
Brian stated in a nervous but determined tone accepting the girl no
the woman that hurt him yet tried to rectify her act into his arms and
into his heart one more to appease and disipate her dark wrath.
Beside him Akane was stunned by the sheer fact that Brian was
so forgiving and understanding a tear fell from her eye.
She felt so conflicted from what she could see and had seen
He could be very dominant and aggressivelly angry in rare
inccidents? And yet mostly he seemed so unassuming and
docile at others. Dare she say it loving? Ever since Raven
solidified the bond between her dark mistress and himself
She noted how her mistress was being more considerite
to her. It had been a week since the heated confrontation
with Ranma. She knew her Mistress had kept her cool but
NEVER before had she seen her wrath in full bloom.
The purple haired hybrid stalked preditorially to Brian.
"Can you promise to be with me no matter what?
Even if I bring home girls and fuck them then share
them with you on our bed, then I fuck you in front
of them. Even then would you still offer me what your
doing right now? offering me your heart and soul
so readilly!"
Raven stated in Rage's dark tone as she spat this out in
pure manevolence and scorn as she eyed him with dark
hunger and a slew of contrasting and condridicting
emotional states. Brian looked deep into those dark
glowing eyes with fear but determined love.
"I do, I LOVE you Rachel 'Raven' Roth. And you
KNOW it! I love ALL of you the good the bad and
the FUCKING UGLY, never DOUBT that."
Brian stated in a hurt but understanding tone
"Whatever it takes we'll get through it ALL of us together."
Brian stated as Raven was close enough now that he enveloped
her within his arms shielding her emotionally within the warmth
of his embrace. Raven's shoulders shook as a primal scream of
distress anger pain and emptiness as well as frustration escaped
her lips as blood seeped from her clenched shut eyelids.
Brian looked to Akane and braced himself as he was still wary
about this girl beside him even IF Raven was more dangerous.
"Akane a little help? I think you could do ith a little Soul-Shine
as well, after all Soul-Shine time is better shared don't you think."
Akane's eyes widened slightlly in suprise tentitivelly she looked
at Brian in akesense as he NEVER before stated this. She gentlly
hugged her mistress from behind and whispered consoling
comforting words into her mistress's ear. Her eyes widened as
she noted the abject misery within Brian's eyes. Her eyes narrowed
as she actually FELT the emotional pain as well as physical ebb and
flow AWAY from her Mistress and INTO this redhead.
She witnessed the sad small smile upon the redhead and his now
free hand in a fist a single digit to his lips in a 'shhh' motion then
he resumed hugging Raven again. Raven growled angrilly.
"I HATE HIM!! He's doing this deliberetelly knowing you
would do this! He KNOWS that you can't stand to see me
in pain. He knows that I can't block out this pain by meditation."
The hybrid stated in a wrathful tone as she managed to compopse
herself after the last aftershocks of Trigon's assult was gone from
her form. She looked at Brian darkly.
"I Swear to you I will feast upon his pain for this! I shall relish
his pleas for mercy and his misery, and I will be fucking you
whilst I am doing so. I so vow by my blood and being husband
mine! My father shall rue the day he found your weakness and
he shall pay for it with his power. I shall consume his power and
Reign supreme MY rule and with you at my side and my pets.
I will oust my father and banish him back to where he was spawned
and seal him there to watch him squirm."
She stated in a malefic hiss of satisfation hate and vengance
Here her eyebrow raised and acknoledged her plaything, turning
to her husband she smiled darkly she was impressed.
"You shared soul-shine with Akane you impress me
husband mine? Sharing what you veiw so sacred with one
you hold in contermpt just to help me deserves respect.
Especially since you hold her as close as you hold me in this hug."
Raven's appearance became less wrathful and more her norm stoic
appearance. She looked at Akane and caressed her cheek.
"Tell me pet... What did he do? How does he manage to take away my pain."
Raven stated in a deadly toned command as she hated secrets
when it concerned her husband.
Akane looked at her Mistress.
"He absorbed it! It was like he was calling it into himself I FELT it
and I saw it in his expression and his eyes. I am sorry Brian but I
will NOT lie to my mistress!".
Raven's eyes narrowed in chomprehention and new knoledge.
"Brian! You allready have enough on your plate? WHY ask for more!"
Brian smiled waveringlly.
"Remember that Elvis song? 'Return to sender' well when we meet
Trigon and you deal with him? Lets just say I have a fitting
dowery for him. To quote 'The Crow'"
Here Brian chuckled ironic.
"All my pain? All at once? All for YOU!"
Brian stated in an airy tone. Raven simmilar to the others were
naked when the sudden and savage attack from Trigon had
started now smiled hungrily and hissed in twisted anticipation
her cock materialised as she rubbed it against Brian's .
"Your making my cunt wet and my cock HARD! You are coming
along with my little Akane to a club. While I fuck my bitch?
Well there's a little PRESENT there for you as well, I know you'll
LOVE it and you'll want to THANK me foor it too. So lets all get
dressed because were hitting the Nerima underworld as there is
someone special I noted that hangs out at a shady club that I
know you'll definitelly want to have and to own, if not then I
will keep her for you to use and abuse, both of them actually."
Raven stated as the three entered the bathroom area and took
the time to clense their bodies no suprises there as Raven and
Akane shared the shower and heavy petted within it as they
clensed themselves whilst Brian had a nice HOT bath.
Brian quite honestly prefered the bath to taking a shower
so he wasn't too fussed what was going on in there. As long
as his wife was happy and content why should he complain?
Besides there was two different system pipings to the Shower
and the Bath so neither could be inconveininced.
Besides it was a big fucking bath as well as a big shower
enough for two. As far as Brian was concerned he had a big
ass bath all to himself so he was in bathlover heaven.
"Rubber duckie you're the one? You make bathtime lots of fun.
Rubber duckie i'm awfully fond of you, ohh dobie doo!!"
Brian sung in a happy masculine baritone as he enjoyed
washing himself in the bath.
In the shower the teen pair giggled under their breath
Ever since Akane got fed up with her father's antics and told him
that he should accept that she was indeed in a relationship with a girl
and back off or lose her as a daughter things had become strained
she was able to get 'weekend' retreats with her mistress and when
she found out that Brian was a big time bath nut and sang like that
things had gotten better and better for the redhead in the off chance
he could 'score' wiith her but HE didn't know that.
Akane soaped up her lover and mistress's breasts
"He certainlly knows how to lighten a girl's mood."
Raven smiled whistfully, then a perverse smirk was seen.
"You want to fuck him don't you my little pet? He makes your
cunt all nice and wet like I do, doesn't he? You'll get to fuck him
allright but only when I say you can. I know you've been
daydreaming about sucking his cock and then Me and Him
doing you like the good little sexslave you are, paitence my
pet paitence... Have you been training her your new freind
that girl we found abandoned in the alley. There's a reason
why I told you not to tell anyone we have her not even Brian."
Raven said softly toward Akane
"After all I don't want Section 2 sniffing around trying to
reappropriate her. She's going to be our present to My
husband. Throwing away such a perfect specimin like her
because she has a little extra is wasteful."
Akane nodded and kissed the nape of her mistress's neck.
"Yes Mistress your generosity knows no boundries.
All she needed to know was his name and background
information I told her of you mistress and she wants to
meet her new mistress and more importantlly the man whom
will be her 'commander' , I am concerned however with the
nature of her aspect the 'Angel' part of her could veiw Brian
a thing to conquer."
Akane murmured in a disquieted tone. Raven smirked and faced
her pet rubbing her hardened nipples against Akanes.
"Not so? She would never harm him as she has been designated
as his bodygaurd and Lust interest. She knows what I am I know
what she is. We will have an aggrement. Besides THEY threw her
away I saved her because HE on an instinctual level has the hots
for her. End of story. "
Akane arched a brow and smiled softlly
"You are Sooo evil!"
Raven pulled her into a harsh passionite dominant kiss.
"Flattery my pretty little slave will get you nearly anything
even a ride on my husband's cock, Better be carefull you
may find you like his cock too much to remain solely lesbian."
Raven teased lightlly. Akane furrowed her brow
"Mistress? Why did you well make Ranma and Ukyo a pair.
I know you are the one that well formed the Dark Leigion gang
But why did you have Mousse Ukyo Ranma and Me as members?"
Raven sighed angrilly.
"Manpower and Capital, were all misfits so why not?. Besides your
all my leiutenants that will have people under you. I formed the gang
for dual reasons. First for teritory and prestiege or noteriety.
The second? to CRUSH the Teen Titans to make them PAY and
force them to realise that they are not all that. That is if they dare
set foot in Japan. this is MY turf now my santuary and I will be
damned if those hypocrytes take it away from me."
Raven staterd darkly as she NEVER forgave her former teammates
of their betrayal of her. How DARE they think that she would
WILLINGLLY join her father the bastard had her under a threat
and then MND control to obey him.
----------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------
She was seated within the submissives section of the underground
subcultre club. dressed in the plugsuit in which she was found was
the unique and creepy Ayanami Rei. What made her particularilly more
creepy than her sister clones and the Prime Rei? Simple really she was
a genetic fuck up and freak of evoloutionary genetic nature.
She had been dubbed simmilar to Shinji's Eva prototype 000000009
Or in layman's terms Oni-Sama after all its inconceiveable for a supposedly
perfect clone of the first child to have a ruddy great big dick that could
scare off the third child and freak out the so called fearless second child.
She brought the teacup closer to her lips and sipped the shoothing
beverage of herbal tea. A rather feint smile was seen upon her hauntinglly
beautiful face beneath her looks belied the fearsome power of the second
angel Lilith hence in retrospect it was her 'codename' a name her dark mistress
gifted her with. ne Kuno Tatewaki's rantings impossibly hit the nail on the head
Only problem was Brian was NO Emporor Palpatine and Ranma no Vader substitute
Rei Ayanami AKA Darth Rage looked forward to meeting her mistress.
Unlike most 'sith' she had a healthy relationship with her mistress and her
mistress's pet. She maybe Raven's true apprintice in the dark side of things
but she was no fool. She anticipated that her mistress would be calling upon
her unusual if not fanaticilly loyal services once more and when her mistress's pet
gave her the disc with sensitive information upon it her cold heart leaped with
a thrill of anticipation. Cold aloof and detached as she was Rei knew oppurtunity
when she saw it. Unlike most in nerima she was no fool to let this challenge presented
to her go unheeded or pass through her slender fingers .
The sithlord was looking forward to her assignment with dark pleasure
She was to be a bodygaurd and source of twisted comfort for her Mistress's
husband. With all the information that was on the disc that left nothing out the
young sithlord was to put it bluntlly slavering at the bit to get her perverse claws
into her 'assignment' and to her pleasure she noted her mistress stated plainly that
her husband was her 'Reward' for loyal services and continued loyalty.
Her smile thinned as she recalled the info upon the training Brian received due to
the sad and perverted little bastard Happosai. Her blood red eyes narrowed to slits
"He shall reap the rewards of his pain tenfold, Noone has the right to torture
Mistress's husband but those she deems fit too or Mistress herself."
The cool dismisive monotone stated maloice and anger within that beautiful
feminimne tone. Looking about herself the proverbial wolf in sheeps clothing
sneered inwardlly at the normal people surrounding her.
*I hope he will appreciate the pains MY mistress is going through for him.
Not that I care otherwise. I look forward to pleasing him and forfilling my own
needs upon his body. I know he is infactuated with my sister the Prime Rei.*
Here the sithlord's lips downturned into a sneer and grimace of pure jealousy
and hate towards her sister and loathing towards Geihern and brought her
emotions under semblence of control . She would use these dark emotions
to her advantage. She knew Raven's true face that of a possessive evil and
powerfull being the facade Raven was showing the others amused her so.
Rei noted her Mistress approaching with her pet and the man that saved her
from her father.
* I will be gentle with you when I fuck you my vent. After all you like me
are Ravens whether you know it or not? Raven never lets what she owns
or needs slip away from her no matter what. Unlike the others however you
are not expendible in her plans to strike against her father. I shall enjoy this
..... assignment. Yes you shall be protected and in turn you shall give
yourself to me in the most perverse acts my dear 'master' *
Rei found dark amusement in this smokescreen that her mistrerss had
orcistrated She lay the trap so expertly and like the simple fools they were
the Nerimans and NWC lapped it up and believed it as fact that Brian was
a powerful Sith and that he had minions Raven and whomever Raven owned.
In one aspect it was in an obscure way the truth Brian indeed owned her
mistress via the fact he via her bastard father. What made it fact though was
Brian's being. Instead of becaoming a carbon copy and looking upto Trigon
Brian had been messed with Thanks to Happosai into becoming a powerfull
force unto himself. Rei noted the Ki Blocks and malipulations that Trigon and
others lumped upon him hasd been literally burned away thanks to the Twenty
years of non stop abuse and reconditioning. Unlike Raven he was not sith.
Simmilar to Raven he served dark forces and perversity. What drew Raven to him
like a magnet was his untouched and pure soul, a core of pure darkness and
chaos. A chaos tempered with experience and compassion that for some evil
demons was aphrodisiacal and they would do ANYTHING to partake of its
allure and sample of its intoxicating elixier. To put it bluntlly Brian was a battery
and this battery could be used for any demon or dark gods purposes it was
the WAY the battery was charged and how it was treated was the key on how
usefull and loyal it would become. A rather cold but fitting anology.
Rei wiped all trace of emotion that would expose her forknoledge from her
features save the fact the small glint of hunger within her eyes at the chance
to help 'charge' the battery up many times for her Dark Mistress.
It was noting personal Raven and her agents had no malicousness or spite
towards this happless and innocent victim of fate and destiny's amusements.
But that seldom ment that Raven had to like it. Here was a pure soul born
with a core of indestructible evil that could feed her and those like her.
All she was doing was making sure she could survive.
Raven caressed Brian's side softly.
"Sit down my husband, before you make a scene. You won't become
anyone's gimp you're Mine and as mine your untouchable from the
scum here. I may have to let my pets borrow you as you well know my
handsome husband. It's my nature I have the right to survive just as
much as you do. At least your not being abused simmilar to what my
father intended for you. Far from it your getting kid glowe treatment
in the past and for as long as I live. Your mine and you made the
impossible possible. I love you and because of that mistake? You
will be mine forever as I will NEVER let you go. I will make your perverse
fantasies a reality. Well with what I can manage in our world? Even I have
my limits upon what I can acchieve my handsome husband."
Raven acknoledged Rei with a feral smirk.
"Brian here is your new freind, she will be your shadow for lack of
better terminology. No she isn't the original but something far better
at least she is her own person. Plus she expressed an interest in this
assignment so I decided to 'reward' her she wants to be your shadow
and with you 24/7 simmilar to how Akane is with me? However she
answers to me and not you. Play your cars right and maybe just maybe
she'll let you fuck her, word of warning she is a shemale unlike her
counterparts she has a cock and well technically she's male in a sense
more so than me."
Raven stated casually in a frank tone as Rei eased into Brian's lap and
ground her ass into his groin as her back was against his chest.
"'ll protect your ass but theres a price, you had better be a really
good fuck, I'm the one risking my life protecting that tight ass of yours
and I am not doing this out of the goodness of my heart. Im a mercenary
and I do expect compensation. You got me stud? I maybe a bottom in the
bedroom but I damn well aint a doormat elsewhere. Besides you might
even learn to appreciate that fact. I know Mistress Raven has been singing
you praises that your a good shag. But as they say? Actions speak louder
than words."
Rei stated in a cold calulating tone that coined the phraze 'Ice Queen' to a tea.
"As far as the 'outside' world knows? I take orders from you as does Raven
She set it up so theres a cover for you so you won't be overtly targeted by
the idiots here? After all only a suicidal idiot would be foolish enough to
go toe to toe with a sith as Powerfull as Darksoul. I will play my part but
you just remember. I have my true master and she has her ways of taking
care of her subordinites. I want some soul-shine too as well. Don't worry
my 'master' you won't be made anyone's whore even if it seems to look
like it by outsiders. More pertinently the only whores per-se would be
Raven and her pets, meaning us servants of Raven. We will take good
care of you. You are TOO important to Mistress to be cast aside like a
used condom. Besides I look forward to having my ass fucked as long
as you like, just realise this what goes around comes around. You fuck
my ass and i'll fuck yours! I know Raven had first crack at your ass?
I just want to see the reasoning she has that made her choose to keep
you as her husband. So far I am not impressed. Even although you have
a big cock? That's hardly enouigh to warrant her keeping you on."
Rei stated in a cold consise tone unlike Raven she wouldn't coddle to
the flagging ego of the redhead. She believed in cold hard facts.
If he proved himself too her that he was worth her time as he did to her
mistress, then and only then would she warm up to him. As for now?
She would treat him like his name was Gendo Ikari, She HATED the
Commander and she was the one that put that maniplitive bastard
six feet under, after she raped him of course. Too her mind the sick
perverse bastard got all he deserved. The fool thought he could play
GOD without getting burned. As the saying goes only fools rush in
where angels fear to tread. Gendo Rockobungi later renamed Gendo
Ikari perpitrated the ultimate sin and created a false god. For his
arrogance he was punished as his false god turned upon him.
Brian blinked and looked at Raven with a wary excpression and
narrowed his eyes at this revelation.
"Rae, I am not too happy to be hearing this. In future don't keep
me in the dark. I told you I loved you and would be with you no
matter what! But how can I trust you when you are keeping things
from me.? It's not fair to you, too your servants or to me."
Raven kept an impassive faccade but inwardlly she was angry!
Angry at the fact that Brian had such a stubborn indipendant streak.
It was that streak that could get him KILLED! She couldn't afford that
not now, not when she finally excorsized the many inner demons that
were against their union from her psyche and his. She nodded terselly
"Fine, Your my husband but I AM a Demon even if a halfbreed
You DO know what happens to those that consort with demons.
Your my consort and as such bound to hell just like me. I took you
from under my fathers nose as I do deserve at least a companion
that will love me and won't change me. Happy Now?"
Raven bit out bitterly towards her husband in a hurt tone.
Brian grasped what he could of the princess's arm and looked into her
eyes. His expression serious and poingeint even if melancholy.
"Yes...Because the last barrier that could keep me from fully trusting
and loving you is gone. I KNEW abouty your abilities remember?
I watched the cartoon on Cartoon Network.? I know SOME of your
many demon powers and traits, so of course I knew you were the
real deal and I KNEW things would be difficult and harsh. The only
thing that made it more difficult was YOU you silly goose."
Brian stated in exasperation wich caused Rei and Raven to facefault
at their own stupidity into thinking they would have to go about
things like they had all cloak and dagger.
Akane hid a amused smile as Brian's revelation to them all here
of the power of his love for Raven caused whatever reservations
she had about this man to finally dissapear.
"Brian you certainlly are one for suprises? I thought you would
be heading for the hills? I mean technically your a demons bitch
and yet you turn the tables without a bat of an eye? Because you
love her."
She stated in a slightlly impressed way. Brian shrugged and smiled softly
"Well it's better than the alternitive, her father. I don't think I could EVER
love that ugly son of a bitch! He HURT the one that I love with all my heart
in a sense of the matter. What else did you expect? Me to sing that
bastard Praises! I would sooner sing Happosai praises and Kudos rather
than that Raping soul eating bastard Trigon services and being HIS bitchboy."
Brian stated in a rare hatefilled scathing tone.
Raven and Rei composed themselves and stared at Brian mouths agape
They couldn't credit it! Even after all the shit that was done behind his back
and what was done to him so far in his life by them and others he was STILL
ok with staying in this bizzare twisted and sick relationship with Raven.
Now THAT was love in it's purest form. and to put it frankly they ALL felt
rather stupid and humbled to have thought nothing about what Brian wanted
He stated in no uncertain terms all he wanted was Raven to be 'happy'.
Brian shook his head sadly at Raven a tear escaping her eye.
"I told you once allready my dear heart. I LOVE YOU! Yes I am a pervert
and a psycho. But that doesn't mean that I lie to my heart. Yes can lust
after others like you do? But whomever manages to make an impression
in my heart that gets my love then that's what they get! Me as in all of me
NO STRINGS ATTACHED kind of love."
Brian chuckled with some wry ironic humor as the girls were FINALY
getting it! FINALY putting the picture together for themselves.
Akane looked nonplussed as Ranma appeared beside Brian as he had
been hidden using the Seiken/Umbrien techniques he too likewise was
shocked and definitelly impressed. The cursed martial arist whistled lowly
"Damn your good, remind me never to underestimate you again.
You're a pretty sneaky bastard. I doubt pops could even do what you
managed to pull off. Your something else man. a real peice of work."
Ranma stated in a conflicted tone as he originally followed him to
TRY and save his ass from the 'big bad demon' only to find out his ass
or anything NEEDED saving. He knew he couldn't handle himself when
it came to the freakiness of the chaos that surrounded his life and assumed
that Brian was another 'Akane' type the fragile 'save me' type. then Brian
turns the tables in a non combative way? It opened Ranma's eyes that in a
sense Brian wan't weak where it counted. Sure Brian wasn't no Ranma but
he DIDN'T need to be. Nor did he WANT too be. He was HAPPY being
himself and being accepted for WHO HE WAS faults and all.
Brian looked at Ranma in speculation
"Uh, Not that i'm complaining? But what are you doing here."
Ranma looked kind of sheepish at that comment and shrugged as he
collected himself and smiled wrylike.
"Well I was kinda here to save your and Akane's ass as well I
thought that you needed rescuing....I see that was a well a rather
idiotic thing to do? Given what I know now."
Brian felt touched by the unorthodox way of going about things.
"More like you had to rescue Akane or your ass is grass as far as
Nabiki was concerned and as for me? Well Ukyo would cut you off
if you didn't get off your ass and do something, right?"
Brian stated knowinglly as his eyes twinkled as he spotted the
disguised Nabiki and Ukyo trying to pass themselves off as a couple
in the far corner. chuckling under his breath he raised his voice
"Hiya Nabiki and Ukyo! Nice getup since when do you cosplay?"
The now mentioned girls came to where the bizzare group were
Nabiki was dressed in a buisnuss suit and Ukyo was dressed
in well a feminine VERY feminine attire reminicent to Ranma-Chan's
style. Both had somewhat sheepish expressions at being caught out.
Nabiki gazed at Brian with a calculating albeit exasperated look
"Honestlly Chattillon? Your as impossible as my Ranma!"
She grumped out good naturedlly for her in a teasing if not
exasperated manner.
Brian shrugged and paraphrased Dinosaurs
"I'm the baby, gotta love me!"
Here he schooled his features and looked seriouslly at them
"On a serious note! Thanks for the concern but I ain't exactlly
useess you know? Sure I ain't no great like Ranma but gimmie
some credit. I don't like violence, well nonsense violence. I'm a
lover not a fighter but I will fight IF I absolutelly have no recourse."
Brian stated wryly as the others groaned and rolled their eyes at the
bad pun and the corny way Brian was tryng to lighten the mood.
Ukyo shook her head in sympathy.
"Sugar... Next time you feel like lightening the mood? Get better
material. Then again? This IS Nerima so I guess you really fit
right in here. Your as impossible as My Ranma-Honey."
Ranma & Brian looked to eatch other then to Ukyo
"I resent that remark. I am nothing like him!"
They both said nearly in synch and tandem.
Rei sweratdropped and looked wistfull
*This reminds me of something.. but what?*
The two Chaos magnets shook their heads at Ukyo's statement
Ranma and Brian were very different as night is to day.
However they did have some striking simmilarities.
Ranma was a real Nexus for chaos magic it was surreal the amounts
of chaotic things that happened to him. So much so that placing a
bet on or against him was problomatic at best.
Brian however seemed to have Chaos at the very core.
Unlike Ranma he attracted the attentions of more obscure and
irritating factors of the same type that Ranma attracted only
the fact of the matter was Brian didn't NEED a jusenkyo curse
to help matters along. His rather bizzare personality was more
than enough to get him into all sorts of bizzare scrapes
Brian riolled his eyes
"Ying and Yang wasn't this much fun or dangerous? Now I see
why the adege was used. Sheesh this is getting nuts! Is there
a betting pool going on somewhere seeing wherther or not we
will sink or swim?"
Brian groused out in irritation now as he felt slightlly miffed at some
aspects on how chaotic his life was becoming.
A hidden being sneezed violentlly as he then wiped his nose
The two other beings looked distainfully at the male being
"Your such a gross pervert Chaos!"
The leftmost one stated in disgust toward the god
Chaos sniffed distainfully
"At least I am not a hypocryte like the pair of you lesbian bitches Destiny."
Chaos stated to the green haired goddess in scorn and looked to the Black
haired goddess and turned up his nose at her even though those two goddess
were well basically a man or lesbian's wet dream come to life Chaos didn't want
a bar of them as their attitude toward men left a LOT to be desired.
"As for you Fate your just as bad as she is. If it wasn't for me all of existance
would be destroyed! Hello it takes TWO genders to perpitrate the species
of mortals. DO you want to die out? No I didn't think so.... you two make
me sick acting all holier than thou. Then turning around and abusing the
mortals for your your own ajendas and leaving ME to take the blame when
you fuck things up. Sheesh I would of thought you would of learned by
now to leave things well enough alone! Wasn't that Neo Tokyo disaster
enough for you! Or even Third Impact? Not too mention that idiocy with
the wizarding world. Sheesh your fucking HOPELESS medllers!"
Fate looked at chaos with disgust.
"What about you your no saint! TWILIGHT OF THE GODS ring a bell"
She stated scathinglly towards the god that looked unrepentant and
suspicouslly like Ranma's uncursed side.
Chaos shrugged noctulantlly.
"Only cleaning up YOUR mess honestlly Gabrielle&Xena THANKS
to you tried to wipe out hetroseuality AND the gods themselves that
were against lesbianism. They made a gimp of my chosen and my SON
Joxer. What the fuck did you expect would happen HMM? That I would
smile and nod whilst my son's heart was ripped out and stomped on and
grin and bear it when he was ritualisticlly emasculated by those two that
YOU corrupted? I DON'T THINK SO! And now your doing the same shit
again with my other son MOUSSE! Don't you idiotic bitches EVER learn!"
Here Chaos stated in a primal yell of anger that caused the lesbian pair
to pale white as sheets. If Mousse was his son....
"Um ....I guess sorry doesn't cut it right?"
The duo stated VERY nervouslly as they swallowed hard as they noted
just how pissed the hertrosexual god was.
Chaos's normal yellow eyes were now spheres of manevolent red
"Oh you'll be sorry..I will make sure of that personally, not only have
you targeted and murdered my first son? Your trying for my sweet
gentle Mousse. Sorry will be the LEAST of your problems."
He stated in a sacherine sweet tone.
"I had prided myself on not lowering myself to your level of personal
attacks on family? Well now you have something to worry about....
Be afraid....Be VERY afraid."
Here the God dissapeared in a plume of brimstone
The two goddess's looked to each other warilly
"He's not going to do anything rash is he?"
Destiny stated nervouslly to her lover.
Fate swallowed hard and a nervous sweat broke out
"He looked more pissed off than when Joxer was killed."
"Were going to suffer for it. He's not going to forget this....or forgive."
"When was the LAST time ANYONE beat Chaos when it came to people
abusing his family."
Fate stated fatalisticlly in bitter iorny as they realised they signed their
own deathwarant techniclly.
"This sucks!"
The manipulitive meddling duo stated out as they realised that all the shit
and pain they had caused was just about to come home too roost.
Murphy's Law was about to bite them on the ass LITERALLY
what goes around comes around and you reap what you sew.
Well now things are getting even more chaotic and pragmatic.
Chaos has gone off the deep end. Honestly? who can blame him.
certainlly HATE to be the decendants of Fate and Destiny right
about now.