Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction / Gold Digger Fan Fiction ❯ Why Always Me? ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Why Always Me? - Chapter 3

Written by: Matdeception

Disclaimer: None of the GD cast, or Ranma is mine. Those wonderful
characters belong to Fred Perry and Rumiko Takahashi respectively. I
make no claim to having own, or in some way developed these characters.
I am merely writing this fiction for the joy of writing, and gain
nothing but satisfaction and hopefully better writing skills from the
time and effort I put therein. Money is a dream long and far away for
me, and this fic certainly isn't apart of that dream.

Authors Notes: This chapter was difficult for me to write, which
explains the lateness in actually getting it out to the readers. Heh, I
think the Julia and Theo fans are so going to bash and burn my ass for
this chapter, but all I can say is 'Screw you hippies!' I love Julia
and Theo's character, and I don't plan on hurting them any more the
needed for the story. Always remember the proverb 'It will always get
worse, before it gets better.' That should satiate you in regards to the

Brianna groaned, her angry for what had, and currently was transpiring
before her eyes rising with each passing second. She watched with morbid
curiosity as the two fleet footed martial artists continued their debate
ala 'Ass whooping', though the distraught wail of her sister served as a
reminder to her why this confrontation was taking place.

'First he eats all the food, and then pisses on mom.. what could
possibly happen next?' She groused mentally before a curious observation
made itself known. Her mother was, on the whole, a controlled woman when
it came to her emotions. Sure, Brianna admitted, she had a temper when
it came to her kid's safety, but aside from that she was rather laid
back and relaxed. The way she seemed to react to Ranma was the exact
opposite of what she was used too, being quick to react and extreme with
her emotions. 'There's something seriously wrong with that.'

Her thoughts tapered off when the sickening sound of flesh striking
flesh brought her attention back to the present. A loud 'OOF!' sounded,
followed by a body hitting the ground. Homing in on this sound, Brianna
watched Ranma struggle to sit up from here he had crashed, her mother
Julia looming over him with a promise of immense pain apparent in her
stance and overall demeanor.

"What in the nine hells was that for woman!?" Ranma screamed, one hand
rubbing away the stinging sensation in his cheek from Julia's strike.
'This woman gets pissed off way too easily!'

"YOU PISSED ON ME!" Julia screamed her answer, her erratic breathing
causing her chest to heave in interesting ways.

Ranma shook his head, dispelling the thoughts of how enticing his
Master's chest had appeared to him. 'What the hell is wrong with me!' he
swore inwardly, 'I hate her! I hate her! She does not turn me on! She
does not turn me on damnit!'

"Yeah.. well… at least you smell betta!" he replied lamely. He just
couldn't get that earlier thought out of his head.

Brianna couldn't suppress a wince when the words left the poor - soon to
be dead - boy's mouth. It was easy to spot the quick change in Julia's
demeanor, switching from righteously pissed off to calm and seemingly
calculated in a heartbeat. Seeing this, and knowing from personal
experience what was likely to follow such a change, she slowly backed up
through the sliding door - in hopes of escaping before she caught
Julia's attention - quickly closing and locking the door behind her.

"BRIT! GINA! HIT THE DIRT!" Brianna screamed, lunging behind some cover
as if a nuclear bomb was about to go off.



"Ranma." Julia began, deceptively calm except for the subtle twitch of
her hands as she squeezed them into fists.

"What now, pisspot!"(1) Ranma snapped, rolling backwards and jumping to
his feet, glad the naughty thoughts about his Master had finally been
dispelled. It didn't take a rocket scientist for him to realize Julia
was about to snap and do something extremely violent, and with this
damnable bond the point was made moot anyway. He could literally feel
the waves of anger radiating across from his Master.

Julia snarled loudly at Ranma's barb, any semblance of control destroyed
in the blink of an eye. "DIE!" she screamed as she launched towards the
boy, her eyes ablaze with fiery anger!

"Fuck!" he swore loudly as he backpedaled to avoid Julia's frenzied
attacks. 'I knew I shouldn't have said that! Stupid stupid stupid! I
knew I couldn't finish this fight at my current power level!' Which was
very true, considering how tired he was from the earlier fight with the
rest of the household, and that's not even mentioning the huge Ki drain
he suffered when he tried to summon his Ki to ward off damage from
Julia's punishment.

'This is going to suck' he thought before he was left with no more time
to think. The battle was on.


He awoke slowly; the lethargy brought upon by drug-induced sleep slowly
fading away. 'Where am I?' he asked himself. He didn't know, but it felt
nice and warm, comforting. 'Who am I?' Confusion settled over his mind,
an anxious nervousness beginning to take hold.

He opened his eyes, brown orbs with shimmering slivers of light
reflecting from the light in the room. The room he found himself in was
approximately forty by fifteen feet, nondescript machines lining the
walls and forming a semi circle around the table he found himself upon,
each beeping with activity and purpose. 'What are they for?' he asked
himself. A subtle feeling of familiarity settled over him, and he knew
despite his lack of memory that he should know.

He shook his head trying to clear the haze he felt shrouded over his
mind, a feeling of vertigo his only prize from his efforts. When the
feeling passed, he forced his aching body off the table. When his feet
came into contact with the cold metal floor, a hiss escaped his mouth as
he shifted from one foot to the other, "Damn this is cold!"

"Ah, you're awake." A familiar voice intoned, alerting him that he
wasn't alone in this strange room. He searched for the owner of the
voice, curious thoughts about why it had sounded so familiar making
themselves known. He was disappointed, however, when he found a rather
skinny child as the culprit. Recognition flashed in his mind
momentarily, before it too disappeared behind the haze within his mind.
'I know this child… don't I?'

Light brown, nearly red hair covered the boy's head; mismatched compared
to the boy's taunt pale skin. He had a pair of thin wire rimmed glasses
resting gingerly on the bridge of his thin angular nose. He couldn't see
the boys eye's, turned away from him as the child was, seemingly busy
reading information as it scrolled quickly on his monitor.

"Who are you?" he asked, straight to the point.

He couldn't suppress his flinch however when the boy giggled, that
simple sound carrying a sense of resentment.. laced with hate. A
disconcerting sound if he had ever heard one.

He groaned, bringing his hands up to his head as a sudden pulsing pain
made itself known. 'Had I ever heard such a sound before?' he asked
himself, confusion growing by his lack of memories.

"The blocks seem to be working within specified levels." The boy stated,
pausing for a moment to study some display on his computer monitor
before nodding to himself, pleased. "Excellent."

He pushed away the pain in his mind as the boy spoke, anger at feeling
so lost and helpless causing him to snarl out heatedly, "Look kid.
Either you tell me what the fuck is going on, or I'll.." he stopped
talking when the boy laughed, a cold spiteful sound that chilled him to
the bone far worse than the giggle had, before the boy reached over and
hit a single key before the control console he had been working out.

"What the… FUUUUUCK!" He screamed, the sense of vertigo returning in
full force as he felt a distinct crack echo within his mind. A piercing
noise, like glass breaking and falling to the ground, within his mind
nearly brought him to his knee's as Images, smells, tastes, colors,
emotions, and memories flashed before his eyes. As the flood of
information slowly tapered, he realized he had fallen to the ground in a
fetal position, his hands clutching his head at the ungodly pain ringing
through out his mind, his own body quivering uncontrollable from the
mental assault.

The boy watched the man with seeming indifference, making no move to
either allieviate some of his pain or to help him off the floor.

He remembered. He remembered everything; his name was Robert Morley a
loyal servant to the Talon family. He remembered when his arm had gotten
caught in a piece of machinery when he was a child, he remembered the
agonizing screams that escape his body as flesh, meat, and bone were
ripped away from him. He remembered the hate he felt when the doctors
said they could do nothing to help him; he was a cripple from then on.
The scorn he received from his classmates gave birth to uncontrollable
anger at their cruel teasing. He remembered his high school years, the
years of torment he had endured from bullies picking on him because of
his disability.

His thoughts traveled back to a better time, when love was in the air.
The girl.. Amanda.. he remembered the feelings of bliss, of joy, and how
the anger had faded ever so slightly, bit by bit as the days turned into
weeks. Only.. the anger returned, increased by the heartache he felt
when she left him, only to fall short of homicidal rage when he
discovered she left him for his own sister. 'Damn lesbians.'(2)

He remembered the years of service to the Talon family, asking for
nothing and getting nothing. He remembered the boy, his name, his skill,
and his promise. The pain was subsiding quickly now, all that remained
was a brief echo of the assault upon his mind. As the haze he had so
earlier felt cleared away Bob brought his right hand to his face,
experiementally flexing and stretching the newly growned muscles and
tendons. Oh how long he had wished for this! To be a whole man again..

"Stand up, Bobby." His master snapped irritably. Bob complied
immediately, snapping to his feet and facing the boy - Erwin was his
name - as he was ordered to. "As you command, Master Talon."

"LORD Talon, Bob. You will forevermore refer to me as LORD Talon!" he
snarled angrily, clenching his tiny little fists to his sides as if he
was ready man handle his newest servant.

"Yes, my Lord Talon." Bobby intoned, not moving an inch.

Erwin nodded to himself, grabbing a chart off the table before sliding
off his seat. He began circling his newest genetically enhanced
creation. Bob remained still as the minature genius circled him,
checking things off his lists and nodding from time to time.

Erwin completed his visual inspection by stopping at his front, then
turning quickly and leveling a glare at the man. "Everything seems to be
in order. Tell me, Bob, have you felt any adverse effects to the genetic
enhancement procedures?"

"None, my Lord Talon." Bob answered, posture stiff and eyes firmly
planted on his masters face.

"Good good. Standard speed and strength enhancement, including
reconstruction of your right arm. Radius, Ulna, Wrist, Carpal, and
Phalanges restored and strengthen as with the rest of you're skeletal
structure. Damage over time to your retina has been corrected, the
aforementioned lens enhanced and strengthened." Erwin said with a
stricked tone of voice, his eyes tracing over the man as he continued
his inspection, "Brain damage has been corrected, your Culmen and
Quadrangular Lobule were severly damaged for reasons unknown." Erwin
clucked his tongue before turning around and left the room, motioning
for Bob to follow.

Erwin fell silent as the two left the room and traveled through the boy
genius laboratory, paying only minimum attention to the man that
followed him through the Labryinth. Bob, for himself, remained silent as
he watched his Lord guide him through the long metal labyrinth, paying
only superficial attention to the path the two were taking. Even though
his attention was diverted greatly, he was pleasantly surprised that he
could remember the exact path the two had taken. It was as if he no
longer need fear getting lost in the endless halls of steel that made
the underground structure.

The duo eventually came upon a door where Erwin turned to the wall. He
waved his hand, and to Bob's surprise he heard a soft, almost inaudible
churning in the wall. A panel lifted, revealing a slim black panel with
a bar of green light capering across its surface. His master placed his
hand on the panel, the green bar of light coming alive and scanning the

Erwin turned away from the panel after it had finished scanning, a soft
melodious voice chimed softly 'Access Granted' and the doors slide to
the side like in those Star Trek shows.

Following his Lord into the room, Bob took immediate notice of what
decorated the area as well as the people within. His eyes first came to
a Nubian man with a friendly and devious expression. Thick dark eyebrows
adorned his features, combining nicely with his goatee. He was slightly
shorter than himself, coming to about 5'9, maybe 5'10 at the most.
Muscles hidden behind a form fitting casual dress shirt and pants belied
the strength Bob could sense within the man. The glasses he wore did
nothing to detract from the man's features, instead supplementing them.
All in all, his appearance just screamed Power tempered with
intelligence. Don't fuck with me.

Filing that information away, Bob turned to the next resident of the
room. A man, taller than the Nubian by about two or three inches,
dressed appropriately enough like a Ninja. His form belied the sheer
grace Bob knew lied beneath the surface, his eyes screamed seriousness,
yet nothing else. The rest of his face was hidden behind the Ninja garb
he wore, but overall Bob knew not to fuck with that man either.

The last occupant of the room he had failed to catalogue up until now
was a bald headed woman dressed in a 'hell-come-hither' green leotard.
Her facial features were adorned with a scowl, and her eyes flashed with
anger every so often. Her lips, luscious and full, smirked upon seeing
him. Bob ignored her generous assets and long scultptured legs. She
didn't matter as far as Bob was concerned.

Erwin coughed, "Bob, meet the members of you're team." He pointed
towards the Nubian man, "Ionis the Mage." His finger tracked across the
room to the Bald woman, "Zelda the Fighter" and then finally to the last
member of the room, "Daishi the Black Death." He lowered his arm,
"Everyone, meet Bob the…"

Bob grinned, poisong flamboyantly as he yelled to the Heavens in
proclamation of his new name! A name he knew would strike terror into
the hearts of many! "BOB THE LESBIAN SLAYER!"(3)

Erwin's eyes bugged out, Ionis choked on some Coca-Cola, Daishi, as cool
as a cucumber, mearly raised an eyebrow, and Zelda scowled openly.

Zelda was the first to recover, "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU SAY!?!" She
wasn't a lesbian, but she'd be damn if some shit fuck man would dare
repress her sisters. Women, no matter how deranged, had to stick
together. So thinking, Zelda charged forward and slammed Bob in the
face, who failed to react to the attack as his mind was currently lost
in visions of vengeance against a certain girlfriend and his sister. He
passed out.

Erwin cried out in dismay, "Where did I go wrong?" He couldn't believe
his newest creation was an idiot. Lesbian Slayer? What the hell was up
with that. Lamenting over his bad luck, Erwin slouched and made his way
across the room, ignoring the painful grunts from Bob as Zelda continued
her righteous feminine beating.

Ionis recovered slowly, shaking off the light headed feeling at nearly
choking to death on Coca-Cola, "Arg..*cough* Jesus *cough*" pounding his
chest a few times Ionis managed to straighten up. "Didn't see that one

Daishi ignored the idiot. Not even knowing the guy a minute, he already
classified him as a weed that would soon be weeded out. Better Zelda
kill him now instead of letting him live and further irritate his
master. As his Lord slid up to his throne, Daishi approached his side.
Whispering, "Lord Talon, I bring important news."

Erwin, still irritated by his newest creation, snapped out loudly at his
most successful creation, "It better be Earth Shattering Daishi, I'm in
no mood for more of your blunders."

"Our enemies have a new resident living with them, my Lord."

Erwin frowned. Just great, more opposition to stand in his way of
getting that damn Were-cheetah's DNA. He sighed then, slumping deeply in
his chair as he prattled off sarcastically, "Let me guess. There new
guest is obscenely powerful and is most assuredly going to become an
annoyance, there by bringing more grief and despair upon my person. I'll
eventually go insane because of this and kill off all of you, shortly
before destroying the world by releasing a genetically altered virus
that will turn everyone's organs into liquid shit."

Silence greeted his response.

Zelda, currently frozen with a fist poised to strike once more at the
unconscious 'Bob' blinked and stared incredulously at her Lord.

Ionis was once again choking on his coca-cola.

Daishi's other eyebrow rose, subconsciously he took a step back from the

Erwin rolled his eyes. Some times his followers left a lot to be desired
in terms of humor. Oh well, can't expect everyone to have his refined
out look on life. "It was a joke, you morons. What's so special about
their new guest." His eyes narrowed, boring into the Ninja, "It had
better be important, for your sake."

Daishi nodded slowly, stepping back up to Erwin's side were he continued
his conversation. "Their new resident is extremely powerful my lord, but
I do not believe his loyalties lie with them." He grinned, though Erwin
couldn't see this behind his facemask, "In fact, my Lord, from what I
have observed he openly detests them."

Erwin frowned deeply. "Then why does he stay there if he hates them as
much as you report?"

Daishi shrugged, "I do not know, my Lord. I only watched him single
handily defeat most of their family. Including the Were-cheetah." He
grinned, leaning forward ever so slightly, "He seems to control the
power of the air itself, and he summoned a Tornado that nearly claimed
the life of Ryan Talbot my lord."

SINGLE HANDILY?" then heard the rest of Daishi's speech, "Can control
the weather… a mage perhaps?" he looked towards Daishi curiously.

"Perhaps, but he is so much more My Lord. He walks and fights with
experience beyond any mage I have ever known. No, he is a fighter first
and foremost if I were to guess." Daishi grinned then, "A very powerful

Erwin was about to comment on this when Zelda, finished beating Bob into
the ground, interrupted the conversation. "NO ONE DEFEATS THAT BITCH
BEFORE ME! Who is this guy, I'll kill him!"

Erwin smirked at Zelda's outburst. That woman had always had a grudge
with Brittany Diggers. Perhaps he could use that to his advantage? Hmmm…
"You say he's staying at the Diggers, people he seemingly hates, and was
able to not only defeat them by himself, but some how able to call down
the power of wind to destroy those enemies." He chuckled darkly, "He did
something you bungling boobs haven't been able to do in all these
years…" then he cackled evilly! If what Daishi said were true, then this
guy's DNA would be worth ten times his weight in gold! Hehehe.
Excellent.. but how to get him?


"Yes, My Lord."

Erwin reached into his pocket, pulling a 50-dollar bill out before
handing it to the Ninja, "The new Smut magazine is out, go pick up a
copy for me." His parents may never come home, or give a damn overly
about their child, but they were very stricked about him subscribing to
such magazines. Damn bastards.

Daishi sighed, taking the money. He had been so certain his Lord would
order him and the others to capture or convince this guy to join his
side, bringing about total Defeat of those Diggers once they had him.
How anti-climatic all things considered.

"Yes My lord."

Waiting until Daishi left the room, Erwin turned towards Zelda and
Ionis. "You two will go and watch the Diggers estate. Observe this new
addition to the family, if a situation arises were you can bring him
here.. then do it by any means needed."

"Yes sir!"

"Gonna kick some were-cheetah ass!"

Erwin sighed, watching his two goons run out of the room. Well, at least
they looked serious this time. Shrugging, he stepped up to Bob and
kicked him weakly in the head. When Bob failed to wake up Erwin took a
piece of paper and a pen, wrote quickly on it before stuffing it and a
twenty-dollar bill in the man's mouth.

"I wonder if Bluebell Ice-cream has an account with me?" Erwin pondered
for a moment, then shook his head and shelved that thought for later. He
had to get to work on some engineered clones of Matt Daimon and Ben
Affleck. Something about a new show coming out called, 'Celebrity Death
Match LIVE!"

"Oh well."


The harmonious chimes of beeps dully reverberating to his ears slowly
roused him from his slumber. His eyes opened slowly, a dull stinging
sensation spreading across them as it came into contract with the green
liquid. 'Where am I?' he wondered, confused with how he got into this
rejuvenation tube in the first place.

As if beckoned, memories of the previous day returned to him slowly.
Memories of the fight with the Amazons, where he defeated three of them
only to be carried off like some prize to a mating hut. Images of a
violet tressed woman attacking Gina, who was trying to stop his
abduction, came to the fore. Pleasant memories of the three who carried
him off, of their silky skin, wonderful smelling hair and the moment of
intense passion they shared.

He smiled, remembering it in near perfect detail. His good mood was
short lived, however, when a hurt and betrayed look of a woman he cared
for deeply appeared before him. A subtle rage he had never seen before
evident in her eyes. 'Did she scream?' he wondered briefly

Then came the images of another man, of his battle with this seemingly
unknown, and the pain he inflicted upon him and others he cared for…
memories.. of him getting the living shit kicked out of him!

Ryan groaned painfully to himself, realizing finally he had lost that
fight in the worst possible ways. How the hell had that asshole caused
that Tornado? It had fuckin HURT!

Momentary panic crept into his mind when he truly realized he had been
defeated. Had the others been able to drive him back? Or had he simply
destroyed them like one would an annoying fly? 'I'm in the rejuvenation
tank… maybe we won in the end?' he could only hope.

Floating to the Plexiglas that kept him secluded from the rest of the
world, he tried his level best to see beyond the thick green liquid to
the room beyond. Catching sight of Gina, he couldn't suppress the
subconscious smile he let loose. It was only a momentary feeling, for
soon remembrance of his infidelity return, and he just knew the likely
hood of him remaining her boy friend for much longer was pretty much
nil. At least until he could find a way to beg her to take him back, his
Infidelity aside.

Tapping as loud as he could on the Plexiglas, Ryan felt relieved when
Gina looked up from the computer console she was working at. Their eyes
met, and for a moment Ryan felt they just might work this out. At least
until she rolled her eyes and scowled at him.

'Ouch, hope just crashed and burned!' he thought nervously.

Gina pushed herself away from her console, taking slow measure steps to
the rejuvenation tank controls. A devious smile crossed her features as
a thought came to mind, "You want out?" she asked, taking careful
precaution to shroud the anger and hurt in her voice.

Ryan nodded.

"Oookay!" she answered cheerfully. A quick pass of her fingers over the
command console, and the thick green liquid within the tank drained out,
leaving Ryan hanging in midair from all the protrusions attached to his
skin. A few more buttons were pressed, and the Plexiglas rose back into
the roof. That was when Ryan noticed the devious smirk on her lips, and
that strange anger in her eyes again. 'Oh shit.. this is going to hurt.'

Proving he had some potential in stating the obvious, the wires running
over his body began to blow off, with gravity reasserting its eager
control over the now falling Ryan.


"Ow. Shit that hurts!" Ryan hissed from the floor.

Gina cooed, bending over slightly to stare at him, "I'm so so sorry!"

The way she replied, Ryan noted bitterly, left no room to misinterpret
what she meant. She was blowing smoke out of her ass. Ryan sighed
internally, 'Here comes the break up.'

Hoping to distract her, Ryan attempted to change the subject as he
stumbled to his feet, "Where's that guy? He didn't hurt you did he?" his
voice laced with sincere concern

Gina pursed her lips, thinking about how to answer Ryan's question. A
moment passed before she intoned dryly, "He's a guest here Ryan."

Ryan frowned deeply at that. That maniac was staying here? "Did he hurt
you?" he reiterated.

Gina was about to respond with a 'No' but an insidious idea popped into
her head at the last moment. It was perfect! She could piss off Ryan and
dump him at the same time! Oh this was almost too good an opportunity to

She turned back to Ryan, a lecherous smile on her lips. "That stud
muffin?" she giggled, forcibly pushing some drool out of her mouth, "He
put me through such a work out.. heheh.. but it didn't hurt." She seemed
to shake herself out of a daydream, before turning her glare back on
Ryan, who was clenching his fists and looking ready to explode in rage.

"By the way Ryan. Were through." Her tone of voice had dropped to
sub-artic temperature, sending a chill up Ryan's spine.

Ryan couldn't suppress his glare, no matter how hard he tried. This
break up was different from all the other times he screwed up. He could
see that anger in her eyes, and knew he had crossed some unseen line by
cheating on her like he did. "Fine. I'll get dressed and leave."

Gina turned back to her work, seemingly not interested in her
ex-boyfriend as he got dressed and left the room. When the doors swished
shut, Gina turned to a microphone and began speaking. "HurtBot X.
Initiate 'Cheating Boyfriend Protocol.' Confirmed?"

A emotionless voice responded, "Confirmed."

Screams of pain soon echoed about her Lab as Ryan encountered her

Gina smiled cheerfully as the scream 'NOT THE BALLS NOT THE BALLS!'
echoed once before being silenced. 'Ahhh, that felt so much better.

Turning back to her work, Gina spared a quick glance to the outside
camera monitor. On it were Ranma and Julia, fighting like frenzied rabid
wolves. She shook her head at that, very glad she decided to retreat to
her lab when Julia first screamed bloody murder.

She felt a little guilty about leaving Brianna and Brittany up there,
but with the day she had, she really didn't care all that much.

She signed, leaning her head down on her desk as the trials and
tribulations of the day began to make itself known. What Ryan did had
hurt, far more than any of the other idiotic things he had done in the
past before. True, she had slept with other men, but not while their
were dating or any facsimile of such. To her, if you entered a
relationship that was it. You had to be faithful to the other, you had
to be strong, caring and understanding.

She began to cry, small sniffles of misery as she remembered what Ryan
had done to her earlier. 'Damn you.. Ryan.'


Brianna carefully opened one eye, ears straining for any sign that
Hurricane Julia had descended upon the world. Sounds of intense combat
raged outside, yet it lacked the distinctive 'BOOM' she had come to
attribute to her mother during intense battles. She outright ignored
Brittany's sniffles as the turmoil generated from her devastated feast
began receding.

Rising slowly Brianna peered out into the yard. The sight of her mother
and Ranma going at each other as if they were mortal enemies greeted her
sight. She was idly impressed with the fact Ranma was some how managing
to hold his own, but even to Brianna's hardly trained eyes she could
tell he was loosing. She let off a small sigh of relief at the fact that
monster wasn't unbeatable, her subconscious concerns that if he snapped
there would be no stopping him quelled as she turned her back on the
destruction taking place outside.

"No.. no chocolate… cookies.." Brittany cried meekly in a fetal position
on the ground, obviously still an emotional wreck about the whole

Brianna rolled her eyes, impressed with how far Brittany was taking this
out of proportion. She walked over to her distraught sister, picking her
up carefully and caring her out of the room. With the way she was
handling the situation, Brianna had no doubt in her mind Brittany
wouldn't leave the floor for the entire night. It was best just to put
her to bed; she should feel better in the morning.

"Hey Gina, help me carry Brit to her room." Brianna asked as she reached
down to lift her distraught sister. When no reply came, she raised her
head in annoyance, "Damnit Gina, help…. Where the hell are you!"

She grumbled. 'Damn Gina, she must of ran at the first sign of mom going
nova. Now I'll have to carry her up to her room alone.'

Twenty Minutes Later

Shutting the door as quietly as she could to Brittany's Room, Brianna
let off a sigh of relief. Poor girl was so sad, very distressed that her
strength could be so easily ripped away from her with just a touch.
Brianna frowned, turning away from the door and putting thoughts of her
sister and Ranma out of her mind. She was sore, emotionally tired, and
in sore need of a good nookie thon. Where the heck were Séance and Genn?

So thinking Brianna began searching for the elusive duo


Genn shivered to herself, a premonition of doom washing over her. She
looked around the Tavern but spied no one of obvious danger.

Séance, to her right lowered his drink, eyeing the woman strangely as
her head snapped to and fro as if in search of some elusive thing.
"Something wrong, Genn?"

Genn, finding nothing of immediate danger, allowed herself to relax
slightly. She shook her head, "Have you ever felt a cold chill go up
your spine? And you just know something really bad has happened, or was
going to happen?"

Séance nodded sagely, "Every time Brianna took me for a workout."

Genn giggled nervously, realizing just how true that statement was. "You
don't think she'll be mad we took a little vacation, do you?"

Séance nodded slowly, appearing stoic despite the fear radiating off him
in waves, "If we know her right, we can expect falling under lock and
key for a few days upon our return."

Genn shuddered slightly before a devious thought popped into her head.
"Lets just not return.." she supplied conspiritorily to which Séance
chuckled and nodded, lifting his drink again.


Brianna walked with an air of dejection about her aura. Her shoulders
were slouched, feet dragging on the ground as she forced each and every
painful step. All this topped off with an enormous pout to complete the
sense of despair that clung all around her. She couldn't find Genn or
Séance anywhere. Why didn't they return with Mom anyway? What on Jade
could they be doing?! It just wasn't fair!

As she passed the kitchen on the way to her room, she spared a glance
through the window. Night had already fallen, the jewels that blanketed
the night sky shining dimly for all to see, the light pollution drowning
out most of said jewels. Brianna shrugged, disregarding it as she moved
through the room.

The sound of a lock breaking, and the screen door to the back yard
sliding open and slamming shut alerted her to another presence in the
room. Whipping around Brianna was slightly surprised to spy her mother,
Julia, leaning against the door with her hand held firmly against her
chest. Her curiosity was peaked when she noticed the burning blush
across her sweat drenched skin and her erratic breathing. A tentative
sniff threw her curiosity into overdrive when she detected the hormones
her mother was putting out in spades. Being a creature of much Passion,
Brianna easily recognized the tell tale signs of arousal her mother was

Frowning deeply at the display, Brianna completely forgot her own
depression and questioned the woman, "Mom? What's wrong?"

The way Julia startled badly raised Brianna's concern up a notch, and
when her eyes met with her mothers she openly scowled. Her eyes had lost
its normal determination and control, instead being replaced by one
filled with lust and on the brink of loosing it. What was worse and
highly disconcerting was the way Julia eyed her like a piece of meat, as
if she was contemplating jumping her own daughter's bones.

"OOOooookay mom, you're scaring me." Brianna replied nervously as she
slowly backed out of the room.

Julia growled, whether in rage or bestial lust Brianna would never knew,
and tore out of the room faster than Brittany ever did.

"What the hell is going on!"



Block high, counter with sweep, dodge return leg sweep with flying
roundhouse, back flip to gain distance, gawk in surprise when your enemy
appears in front of your face. Just barely block groin strike.

back flipping away as quick as he could. That was too damn close!

Julia followed him, an evil sneer appearing across her features, "You
aren't going to need it when I'm done with you!"

Ranma couldn't suppress a scowl as Julia invaded his personal bubble
with series upon series of skillful feints, punches, and kicks. 'This is
getting old real fast damnit!'

"Ooof!" he breathed out as Julia landed yet another powerful kick to his
abdomen. Grunting from the amount of force that single kick held, Ranma
allowed the excess kinetic energy to push him as far away as it could
from the 180 some odd pounds of pissed off Armsmaster. He knew it was
only a momentary respite from the battle; even now Julia was rushing up
to continue the fight. Still, this small delay would give him some
much-needed time to recover and to think of some kind of plan.


"Whats happening?" Ionis asked, squinting his eyes trying to determine
what was happening so far away.

Zelda shrugged, having the foresight to bring a pair of binoculars to
this stake out. She had to wonder why Ionis didn't just use his magic to
enhance his vision to the equivalent of her binoculars, but shrugged it
off as one of those mysteries she would never understand about the mage.
"Looks like our mystery guest is getting his ass kicked by Julia."

Ionis frowned, "Maybe he's not as good as Daishi believes?"

"Maybe. We'd know if we had shown up at the beginning of the fight. Who
knows how long they've been fighting."

"What time is it?"

"7:30, we've been here over fifteen minutes."

Ionis nodded slowly, "I'm going to hit the corner store, you want
something Zel?"

"Forty and a pack of Lucky's." she replied with a shrug.


Julia was really enjoying herself despite evidence to the contrary. She
got to beat on the asshole, release some of the stress that had been
mounting ever since this horrible situation started. 'Very therapeutic'
she thought as she slowed her forward rush to a slow walk.

'He's tired, he's got to be after all the stuff he's been through
today.' She smiled inwardly, taking careful precautions not to let that
smile reach the surface. She had to admit it; he was perhaps one of the
most stubborn fighters she had ever met, next to G'Nolga and herself, of

'Best to push him to the brink before quitting… Maybe I can convince him
to release the Moxibustion pressure point if I agree to call it quits….'
Julia decided right then.

Julia waited a moment before voicing her question, letting the tired boy
catch at least some of his breathe and wits before broaching the
subject. "You know Ranma, I think we can call it quits right here. I'll
forgive you…. If you release the moxibustion pressure point off my

Ranma barely heard the words spoken to him, his body already on the
verge of collapsing from the numerous tiring battles of the day. 'She
wants me to cure the moxibustion pressure point…' an idea began to form
in his mind, 'Pressure points…' and a sinister idea at that. Letting out
an evil grin he could do nothing to suppress, he answered Julia "Nuthin
doin master."

Unaware of the sinister plan forming in the boy's mind, Julia grinned
'So the boy isn't one to just give up… admirable.' Shrugging at the fact
despite herself, she launched back into the fray. This time to end it.

Too tired to notice he was grinning back, Ranma shuffled backwards as he
quickly called on the last ounce of Ki he had, preparing it for his true

Julia's attack came quickly, to which Ranma could barely keep up as he
prepared to let loose his sinister plan. It took a huge effort for Ranma
to even stay awake, so depleted of energy as he was.

As he barely managed to block, dodge, and redirect Julia's attack he
began tuning his inner Ki to what he had in store for the bane of his

Julia remained focused; her demeanor seemed to be that of stone to the
outside world. Her inner self however was growing increasingly curious
of the subtle manipulation within the boy's flagging aura. She knew he
had to be planning something, but could conceive nothing of his
intentions. He was even shielding his thoughts from her.

Julia upped her offensive, hopefully enough to stop whatever the boy was
planning. If it didn't… she just knew it was going to hurt.

It's ironic how wrong she was… oh how wrong she was.

With a desperate cry of "DOHASUTEN GEKIJOU!"(4) Ranma's fingers began
flickering with a silvery glow, his arms vanishing to the naked eye as
he initiated his speed technique.

Julia couldn't suppress a gasp at the boldness of the move, having no
clue he even possessed such a technique. Had she arrived earlier in the
brawl between Ranma and her children, she might have had a clue. The
point was moot however.

Unprepared as she was, the majority of the attack penetrated her
defenses. Julia waited for the pain to begin, but when she felt no pain,
aside from a few disturbing tingly sensations race across her body and
nothing else, she let out a sigh of relief. 'Whatever he tried to do
must have failed..'

With his final ditch effort finished, Ranma staggered back, his
fingertips ceasing to glow as the last of his energy faded from him.
'Damn… I'm.. finished..' even his thoughts had turned lethargic and
slow. There was nothing he could do but watch Julia bare down on him;
her eyes alight with fire and her fists rushing in fiercely.

Mere moments before her attacks connected Ranma let loose a satisfied
smile. 'May have lost.. but so did Julia… hehehehe.' His attack had
worked, that was all that mattered.


Ranma collapsed, finally succumbing to his injuries and fatigue. Julia
backed off slightly, trying to get control of her breathing 'When did I
lose control anyway?' she wondered mentally as sweat trickled off her
forehead, some stray beads of it stinging her eyes momentarily. Despite
her laborious breathing, Julia felt completely refreshed and invigorated
after the long ordeal. She raised her head to the sky, closing her eyes
slowly as the cool air of the encroaching night swept about her form,
relaxing her even further.

"How late is it?" she asked herself, not really caring. Lowering her
gaze to the boy, she began contemplating whether or not leaving him here
for the night would be a suitable punishment. Checking her senses, she
quickly discarded that idea. 'What the hell is Ionis and Zelda doing..'

They seemed to hover on the fringes of her senses, but they weren't
making any move to capitalize on her fallen foe, or what dim wits like
them could conceive as weakness on her part. 'I do look tired after

Ignoring them for the most part, Julia reached down and lifted the
unconscious martial artist in a fireman carry over the shoulder hold.
'Better not leave him here. Who knows what those two would do.'.

As she walked back towards the house, and the relative safety it would
provide, a nagging worry made itself known. 'That final attack of his…'.
She couldn't make sense of it. The speed attack was impressive to be
sure, and she surmised he probably used it to strike out at pressure
points, or to hurt those very few tough as rock fighters out there.
Still, the attack had worried her. 'His attack had landed… mostly.. but
nothing happened..'

Which was curious to her. Why didn't he try to strike her with the
Moxibustion, like he had Brittany? Or any other of the numerous pressure
points that would either knock her out, or cripple her in some way? 'A
very disconcerting thought.'

As Julia pondered what could have gone wrong with Ranma's attack, she
failed to notice the true sinister intentions the aforementioned martial
artist had. Idly she began to notice an increase in body temperature,
but reasoned it was from carrying Ranma. When a few ecchi thoughts began
to invade her train of thought, she ignored it and simply thought she
was tired. The wind took the blame for why her nipples had hardened. It
wasn't until she caught herself staring at Ranma's butt that she began
to realize something was wrong.

Julia tore her eyes away from that taunt little ass, trying with out
success to banish the thoughts of what she could do with that ass and a
can of whipped cream.

When she reached the steps to the back porch, her mind made the
connection between the symptoms she was feeling, and why Ranma's attack
'failed'. Already she could feel her unmentionables spewing out honey,
her muscles spasming in preparation for a hot steamy love making
session. 'What the hell did that boy do to me?'

Julia was trembling; the feelings erupting within her began to override
any inhibitions she might have had. She dropped Ranma across the porch,
stumbling like some drunk towards the back door. 'Need.. need to get
inside.. '

She was so light headed, the need to grab the nearest available person
and make mad passionate love throughout the night wearing away at her
iron control. She stopped at the threshold to her home and shook her
head violently, trying to dispel the steamy thoughts and regain some
form of control. 'Damn… that boy…'

She tried to open the door, but it wouldn't budge. Confused, she pulled
harder, and harder, and harder as she became more desperate for escape.
The lock couldn't withstand Julia's might for long, and with a loud
crack she ripped the locking mechanism out of the wall. She was too lost
in the moment to realize what she did.

Fleeing into the house quickly, Julia gained a moments respite from the
overpowering effects of Ranma's attack when the cool air from inside hit
her. It was so pleasant to feel her sweat drenched shirt hug against her
heated chest.

She shook her head, trying again with out much success to dispel these
thoughts. She repeated in her head, over and over that she would be safe
to ride these feelings out once she made it to her room. Her safe,
secluded.. sound proofed room… were no one would bother her… she could…
relieve.. some tension.

"Mom? What's wrong?" the sound of her daughter echoed in her ears,
bringing about an unconscious shudder within her lions. Julia's eyes
snapped open, glazed over in the overwhelming lust she was feeling. She
gazed at her daughter, admiring her figure and just thinking about all
the _wonderful_ things she could do with it.

In her mind she was already trying to rationalize the action. She wasn't
really her daughter.. well maybe in part she was, but it wasn't really
incest.. she should be able to convince her since she was quite open
about sex.. yes.. that's what she'll

"Ooooookay mom, you're scaring me." Her daughter responded nervously as
she backed abit away from her. The sound of her voice broke through the
haze of lust clouding her mind again. With a growl of irritation and
barely controlled desire, Julia forced her body to move away from her
daughter. She quickly ran through the house, hoping against hope she
didn't run into any of the other inhabitants.

She was in luck! Arriving at her room, she opened and slammed the door
shut quickly, locking it as she thanked the gods she didn't run into
anyone else. She didn't think she could hold off these feelings if she


Brianna let out a sigh of relief when the tell tale sound of Julia
slamming her door shut sounded, "What the hell got into her? Geesh!"

Taken a few moments to calm her frazzled nerves, a gleam of
determination flashed in her eyes. Whatever had affected her mother like
that was going to pay. 'But what could it be? Or who…. '

Taking slow measured steps towards the back door, Brianna pondered the
possible causes for such a reaction. She knew Julia was outside this
entire time, engrossed in here rumble with… "Ranma! It has to be!"

Stepping outside, Brianna squinted here eyes in the low light, trying to
adjust to better see the area. "Where is he…" she asked, just before she
spotted the unconscious martial artist not five feet from where she was

Carefully, so as not to wake up the recent bane of her existence, she
crept closer to the unmoving form. Kneeling down beside the unmoving
figure, Brianna tentively reached out and shook him. When he failed to
respond in anyway to the motion, she pulled on him roughly, tipping him
over on his back. "Yep, out cold."

She briefly pondered whether or not to leave the asshole outside for the
night, but at the last moment decided against it. She was a big girl,
and realized the earlier beat down he had handed her was well deserved.
You just don't try to kill some one and expect them to be nice and

Grumbling about morals and doing the 'Right thing' Brianna lifted the
martial artist up, a no so difficult feat considering her lineage.
Bringing him inside, careful not to slam his head up against the wall as
she passed through the sliding doors, she balanced him in her arms as
she toed the door closed. After which, she carefully took him to the
living room.

"God, this guy's pretty heavy." She grunted, not use to carrying some
one so heavy. 'How the hell could this little guy weigh so damn much

Placing Ranma roughly on the couch, Brianna slid to the ground tiredly,
leaning against one of the arms as she stared out at the TV, its gray
screen showing her reflection slightly in the dim light emitting from
the kitchen.

'Damn, a perfect end to a horrible day.' She sighed, reaching back and
massaging her neck in a vain attempt to relieve some of the enormous
tension she felt. 'Just where in the hell was Dad? More importantly,
where in the hell did Genn and Séance run off too? Don't they know I'll
go mad with out them around?'

Her sigh deepened as she began to accept her fate, 'Looks like another
stressful night for you, Brianna.'

A soft snore behind her reminded the distraught lycanthpoid of Ranma's
presence. She turned to face him, curiosity shining in her eyes,
'Maybe….' She grimaced at the thought. 'No way. He hurt Strype! Took
away one of the most important things Brittany trusted in! And there's
no telling WHAT he did to mom!'

Ranma cracked his neck in his sleep, turning over on his side -
unknowingly giving Brianna a first-rate view of his shapely posterior.

'On the other hand.. I've had a real bad day….' Brianna reconsidered,
watching Ranma as he flexed his ass involuntarily as he slept. A
mischievous thought crossed her mind as a devious light shown in her
eyes. 'I'll just have to make sure he doesn't enjoy it…'

"Ranma Saotome, prepare for the pain!" Brianna squealed as she grabbed
him back up in her arms and ran for her room.


Zelda watched with a distinct look of boredom as Julia picked up their
target and moved towards the house. Taking a long drag off her
cigarette, she turn slowly and lazily blew the smoke in Ionis's face.

Ionis coughed, casting a sideways glare at the bald headed bitch..eeer,
disgruntled woman. "Depends on your perceptions." His gaze hardened on
the two slowly making their way. There was something of increasing
interest in the two, he just knew it. For the life of him though, he
couldn't make any sense of what his senses were picking up.

When Julia began stagger, Ionis's eyes shot up in surprise, "Zelda!" he
hissed, pointing at the duo, "Look! Do you see that?"

Zelda lazily turned her head to what Ionis was pointing at. The way
Julia was staggering about was weird to be sure, but things didn't get
interesting until she dropped their target to the ground, and continued
to stumble towards the house, "Something's up."

When Julia disappeared inside the house, "Now's our chance Ionis, lets
get this dork before she comes back." She hissed towards the Nubian man.

As she was about to jump, Ionis reached up and grabbed her shirt,
pulling her back before she could commit to the action, "Hold it, some
one's coming out."

Zelda growled dangerously at the mage, but Ionis either didn't notice of
ignored her, his mind far to focused on the events transpiring ahead.
"Look! See, there's Brianna."

Removing her glare from the mage, Zelda turned back. Sure enough, there
was Brianna carrying their target inside. "Fuck. There went our chance."

Ionis nodded, "Indeed, its better this way though." He said as he turned
around and pushed off the wall, lightly landing on the ground.

Zelda frowned, following Ionis to the ground, "The hell is that suppose
to mean? Pee wee told us to bring him back!"

Ionis sighed as the two began walking away from the Diggers Mansion. "We
shouldn't commit to an action knowing so little about or targets, or the
situation we could be getting ourselves into."

Zelda blinked curiously, before she smacked Ionis on the back of the
head, "Just tell me, asshole!"

Grumbling about pushy women always on the rag, "There is something about
the boy that demands caution, Zelda. His mind is in turmoil, but it's
focused. His power is strong, yet weak at the same time. He comes off as
dangerous one moment, then completely harmless the next. Everything
about him radiates pure chaos Zelda." He seemed to frown momentarily,
growing silent as he became lost in his thoughts.

Zelda looked about as confused as a magic inept country bumpkin would,
her facial features clearly depicting how truly lost and confused she

"There's something else… something on the very fringes of my senses… I
don't know what it is.." Ionis said after five minutes of silence.

Zelda shrugged, "Better hope Pee wee buys that bull shit, or it's your
ass Ionis."

Ionis shrugged in return, remaining silent the rest of the way home.


To assume that the forces of Darkness, or the forces of light were the
only ones with a stake in recent affairs would be an abject lesson in
stupidity. Even those neutral to the worlds perils had become motivated
by recent events, whether ignorant of just what was involved or
otherwise, all had laid their stake in this grand game of chess.

In the Joketsuzoku village deep within the Bayakala Mountain range of
the Quing province of China, a recluse matriarchy that had survived for
over three thousand years through isolation and perseverance to their
ancient and highly outdated ways. Their motto was simple, 'Men are
wrong, Women are right, Outsiders must die, or in the bed they must fly.
Technology be damned, we'll put the axe and spear to any man.'

On any normal day, this secluded village would be filled with the hustle
and bustle of those living their lives, of men tending to the fields and
performing other odd chores their better halves forced upon them. The
warriors would be out and about, each training to the best of their
ability with a single dream. The dream that one-day they would become
the village champion, thereby earning a place of respect amongst their
ancestors and their tribe.

Today was not a normal day, however.

Oh, the hustle and bustle of a city striving to survive with their out
dated traditions, secluded as they were from the modern world. Looking
closely however, even the most ignorant of peoples could feel an
underlying tension about the village that would normally not be there.
If one were to follow this sense of malaise, it would lead to perhaps
the most grandiose of buildings within the village.

Tall, almost fifty feet in height and forty feet in length. The building
was mostly constructed of bamboo, it's roof a mixture of large leaves
mixed with mud and in certain places, thatched. There was only one
obvious entrance into the building, a oval opening about eight feet in
height and five feet apart, with two poles stuck into the ground on
either side, with a crudely crafted steel bowl on their tops for the off
occasions the business within this most important building could not be
concluded during its normal hours, or perhaps when emergencies would
spring up over the night, and a torch would be needed to provide a lit
path for those coming and going.

The inside wasn't much different than the outside. Just a single plain,
though rather large, room. In which sat the council of Joketsuzoku
elders. They surrounded a large round stone table with thirty-two
chairs. Only sixteen of the chair's actually sat at the table, reserved
for the Elders themselves. And of these sixteen only one sat at an
elevated position, a symbol of their people to just who the leader of
the council was. The other sixteen chairs sat five feet back, and
slightly to the right of the elder's chairs, generally reserved for
personal aids to the elders, and on occasion for personal guests of that
respective elder.

On most days this room was empty, the secluded lives of the villagers
left little need for the council to meet overly often. However….

Cologne sat on top her elevated chair; her eyes focused on the Elders
below as they argued across the tables with each other over what course
of action should be taken concerning the situation. Her personal aid
chair was empty, as it always had been.

"You dare to suggest we send three of our already limited warriors to
capture one man? Hah! Foolish!" an elder accused across the table.

Mascara, off to Cologne's right, interjected to the accusation, "I do
not suggest anything Elder, I do not need too! Our traditions clearly
state what must be done in this situation!"

Tai Pust chuckled dryly, throwing in her two cents, "And what of the
blond-witch? She claimed ownership of that male, what should we do
concerning that?"

"The blond-witch is of no consequence, she must be destroyed!" another
elder shouted.

Mascara shook her head with a sigh, "And how, Kai Sha, do you suggest we
destroy one who wields such powerful magic? Did you forget the great
steel beast she summoned from nowhere? Am I the only one, aside from the
Matriarch, to understand what that means?"

Cologne blinked, looking up when she heard the word 'Matriarch' called.
"Hmmm.. Indeed… Indeed.." she sounded off, adopting a seriously
thoughtful look. 'That should stall them.'

Kai Sha scowled openly, "Do you forget in your great age Mascara, we
destroyed that beast with no loss of power? She is but one witch! She
can not stand before our might and escape…"

Mascara interjected tersely, "But escape she did Kai Sha, and be still
your tongue about my age.." she warned, eyes glinting dangerously.

Kai Sha simmered at the implied threat, but before she could speak
Cologne threw what looked like a magazine onto the table.

"Yes, she did escape." Cologne began, allowing her gaze to travel
towards Mascara, before snapping to Kai Sah with a sudden scowl
appearing, " And as Elder Mascara stated, our traditions are quite clear
on this matter."

She leaned back in her chair, her eyes boring into the other elders as
she spoke, "This.. witch, however, has made a critical mistake." Then
she pointed towards the magazine she had earlier thrown to the table.

The page the magazine had been turned showed a picture of Gina Diggers,
the camera angle from a slightly elevated position, angled slightly to
the right with Gina looking directly into the lens. The article depicted
some of Gina's Adventures, as well as her base of operations.. Decatur…

Tai Pust recovered her wits first, "I see the witch's location is known,
but about the man…"

Mascara retorted snidely, "Where the witch is, so too must her prized
mule be."

Cologne nodded, "Indeed. However, our traditions clearly detail what we
must do now that we have located our targets. Which of you will
volunteer to accompany our warriors on this husband hunting expedition?"

Mascara was the first to respond, "I'll volunteer, honored Matriarch. My
granddaughter is one of the three now married to this man."

Cologne nodded, having suspected she would be the one to volunteer, "Two
elders for two missions. While Mascara focus's on capturing the run away
husband, my granddaughter and I will see to the witches destruction."

Soft murmuring began spreading about the council hall, the elders
seeming to agree with the decision made by their matriarch in this

Cologne leaned back in her chair, withholding a sigh at the hard work
she knew was ahead of her. Leaning over to Mascara, she said "I've
already made arrangements for our trip. We'll leave in the morning, can
you be ready?"

Mascara nodded, though said nothing as the other Elders eventually
quieted down, all seeming to have accepted their leader's choice in the


"What's taking them so long!" Dowel seethed from where she sat, waiting
for the council of elders to adjourn so they could finally begin their
man hunt. Dowel was what one would consider a giant among the Amazon's,
coming to a height of 6'8 with bulky muscles, and flowing brown hair
held together by a thin reed cord that matched the color of her leather
tunic and pants, and with a disposition as mean as her looks. Not that
she was unattractive, far from it, but when compared to the more nimble
and lithe beauties of the Joketsuzoku Amazons she was a far cry from

"One can not violate tradition, Dowel. Our foremothers were wise rulers,
to ignore tradition would be to disrespect our ancestors." Lectured Lum
Sum, a nimble beauty of flowing violet hair and sparkling hazel eyes.
"Patience is a virtue of grace, its what separates us from the males."

"Can you two be a tad more quiet? You wouldn't want to disturb the
elders and incur their anger?" whined Detergent, yet another nimble
beauty, but instead blessed with a shade of hair removed from teal, with
pink eyes to accentuate her exotic looks.

Shampoo remained silent as her comrades bitched and complained to each
other, her thoughts focused on the blond haired witch who would dare
disgrace her before the council. Though she did not lose honor over
their escape, after all none could foresee the wicked magic's their
witch possessed and used against them. It was still a blow to her pride,
one of which she intended to scrub off her honor, one way or another.

"Whatever. You'll just as anxious to get going as I am. Save your brown
nosing for when the elders are actually paying attention to you." Dowel
scoffed, folding her arms over her chest.

"Pray tell, Giantess Dowel, what is this brown nosing you speak of?" an
ancient and wizened voice spoke curiously from behind her.

Dowel froze, her eyes widening in surprise and fear. She turned slowly
to face the owner of the voice. When Cologne came in view, Dowel
couldn't suppress the primal urge to run like hell. Run, and never

"Nooooothing, honored elder. I was simply.. uh… simp" Dowel stammered
out, while Lum Sum chuckled at the poetic justice.

"You were simply leaving, weren't you?" Cologne snapped, her eyes
glinting dangerously, as if daring the warrior to suggest otherwise.

"Yes.. I was simply leaving. If you'll excuse me, honor elder." Dowel
finished quickly, backing up quickly in order to escape the piercing
glare of the Matriarch. She dared not turn her back on her, such
disrespect would not be tolerated.

Lum Sum smirked, "You are ever wise, honored Elder." Then she turned to
face Cologne and nearly fainted, she too was receiving that suggestive
glare. "By your leave, I'll go prepare for the journey ahead of us." And
she too high tailed it out of there, dragging the unresisting Detergent
with her.

Cologne allowed her glare to dissipate once the three stooges had
disappeared, casting a warm smile upon her grand daughter, "Child, what
troubles you?"

Shampoo, silent until now spoke, "Blond-witch has dishonored me,
great-grand mother. I am eager to track her demon tainted soul down, and
slay it." Her words harsh, angry.

Cologne nodded; inwardly pleased Shampoo was taking such a trivial
matter to heart. In the end this situation would teach her grand
daughter a valuable lesson, that was for sure. "It will please you then,
we leave to Japan in the morning to hunt down this beast."

"I will be ready, great-grandmother."

The roof above creaked slightly, alerting the two that some one had been
listening in to their private conversation. When Shampoo moved to
capture the eavesdropper, she found herself held back by Cologne, who
only offered a smirk in explanation.

Moments passed in silence. When Cologne was sure the eavesdropper had
fled fully, she turned to her granddaughter, "Be ready, we leave for the
America's in the morning."

Shampoo frowned, rightly confused with the change of destination, "But
the witch is in…"

"America. Japan is simple the destination I have maneuvered Moose into
thinking we will go." Cologne explained as she began hopping to her
home, Shampoo keeping up with the wily old coot.

At first, Shampoo's features expressed confusion and uncertainty, but
quickly she picked up on the hidden meaning. "Great grandmother is very

Cologne chuckled, "Indeed, indeed. Hurry and prepare, I must speak with
Elder Mascara before we depart. She will be coming with us, you know."

"Why would two elders be needed for this?"

"One elder, for one mission. As is our ways, Shampoo. You would do well
to remember that." Cologne lectured, slightly exasperated with how slow
her grand daughter could be at times. "We are to retrieve the male Ryan,
and dispatch the blond witch. That is our mission, or did you forget?"

"Yes, grand mother. Forgive me, I've had a lot on my mind as of late."
Shampoo responded, a slight blush adorning her features at the gentle
rebuke and slight teasing.

The two remained silent for the rest of the way, Shampoo lost in her
thoughts, and Cologne preparing to drop another bomb on her great grand
daughter about the trip. When the two arrived at the door to Cologne's
home, she turned around to face her great grand daughter and spoke, her
voice very serious in its intentions, "Shampoo, you do realize you are
long past your time to have chosen a suitable mate, correct?"

Shampoo blanched. She hated talking about this, often in the past
leading to a verbal debate between herself and her grand mother, "Yes,
honored elder. I do realize this, but no males in the village are worthy
of me." She shivered, "And I still refuse Elder Nail Polish's request of
marriage to Moose."

Cologne nodded, fully understanding how unattractive such an agreement
would appear if she were in Shampoo's shoes, "The time were the choice
will no longer be yours approaches, you are aware of this?"

"Yes honored elder." She replied sadly, looking the picture of

Cologne nodded, "Then, perhaps while we search for the blond witch a
husband hunting expedition would be in order?" It was the only path left
to Cologne at this point. She didn't want Moose in her family any more
than Shampoo did, but tradition was tradition. Shampoo had to find a
suitable mate soon, or else the other Elders would force their marriage
as per Amazon law.

"If it would please you, Great grand mother." Shampoo responded, though
none could miss the light of hope shining in her eyes at such a
prospect. At this point she was willing to marry anyone - Anyone BUT
Moose that is.

"Very well. Go quickly Shampoo, we have only a few hours left until
sunrise." Cologne ordered as she pogo'ed away.

Left alone, Shampoo lifted her gaze to the stars, sending a silent
prayer to the ancestors to watch over her, to give her strength, and to
help her in the hunt. For a man, or the blond witch, either would be

The gods were listening that night


The dawn came quickly for Moose. Purple and red hues signifying the
sunrise reflected off the jagged peaks of the nearby mountain ranges.
The sky was clear; the clouds having long since dissipated or fell to
the earth as fog. Morning in the Amazon village was met with the
changing of guards, of men rising to perform their daily chores of
cooking and cleaning for their betters.

Mouse watched from his window as his father left the hut, on his way to
mill and till the fields like the good subservient of the village he
was. 'It's almost time.'

Grabbing his pack, prepared late last night with the various needs of a
traveling Amazon warrior. Rations, water, a crude tent and various
personal articles Mousse had managed to secret away from the oppressive
Matriarch and elders. For a mere male to possess anything of wealth,
such as Moose's gold locket he had stolen long ago from Shampoo, was
akin to rebellion.

'I'll show them.. show them all I'm no mere male they can just step on.'
Mousse swore as he raced down stairs. Opening the door carefully he
peered outside into the morning gloom, once again praising the gods
above for the thick fog that had crept into the village early this

He turned back for a moment, as if to look at his home for one last
time. He didn't look long. To him it represented the slavery he had
been forced to endure within the village, painful memories of the
belittlement he had to take from the various warriors and elders of the

As stealthy and quick as a mouse, Mousse darted outside. Moving quickly,
he traveled from hut to hut, leery of making any sounds, less he gave
his position away to the guards. When he reached the wall separating the
outside world from their own, he took a few quick checks to make sure he
wasn't being followed, or that no one had spotted him.

The few huts close to his position were silent for the most part, those
particular huts often being used by the various witch doctors of the
villages to hold their sacred rites and rituals. Mousse let out a sigh
of relief when he saw no one there to impede his mission.

Quickly bounding up the outer wall, Mousse leaped over in a flip and
escaped the Amazon Village with no one taking even the tiniest of
notions that he had left.

Quickly setting out towards the east, Mousse renewed his vow to help his
loved one. Be damned the elders and their rules. 'I'll cut that blond
witches heart out myself!'


Lum Sum let out a tired sigh, hoisting her pack into a more comfortable
position as the Amazon party continued in their forward march. 'Death
march would be a more apt term' she whined in her mind.

He legs hurt from the long laborious hours of marching, her shoulders
tired from carrying a heavy load of supplies and 'personal' articles her
mother had insisted she take with her.

Casting a glance behind, Lum Sum's annoyance increased at the easy going
look plastered on her co-wife's face. Detergent didn't have to carry
such a huge load, her mother having been slain in a border dispute with
the musk many years prior. How she envied the personal freedom of her
fellow Amazon.

Looking back ahead, Lum Sum took a moment to inspect the other members
of their band. Dowel the giantess seemed to be enjoying the crisp air,
showing no signs of tiring from her own heavy laden pack, 'That damn
mule.' What Lum wouldn't give at the moment for half of Dowel's strength
and endurance.

Shampoo herself seemed unbothered with the weight she bore, easily
keeping up the brisk pace the elders had set for the group. Lum Sum had
noticed, however, that while she was physically active, her mind seemed
to be somewhere else. Often times she would catch the young warrior
starring off into the distance, eyes glazed over in either worry or
anger. The anger she understood, but the worry was something foreign,
something she had never seen on the Village Champion, and her personal

Sparring a quick glance to the two elders, Lum Sum pondered what was on
their minds. They hadn't spoken a single word since they had left the
village, except for the occasional, "Hurry up." Or "Your so slow! What
kind of warrior woman do you take yourself for?" or perhaps the most
hurtful, "Why can't you be more like Shampoo?"

Lum had been tempted on more than one occasion to call them old hags;
right to their face even for all the demeaning barbs they threw at her
for being so slow and weak. 'How they expect me to measure up at all
with Shampoo is beyond me.'

Lum was brought out of her thoughts when a abrupt shriek split the air.
Startled by the sound, she nearly lost her balance and fell to the muddy
ground below. She looked all around quickly, but could find no sign of
what made the sound. Looking to her comrades, she took solace in the
fact she wasn't the only one startled. Shampoo had fallen to her knee,
lowering down to the ground as if expecting some attack to come
overhead. Dowel had brought her hands up defensively, and she didn't
know what the hell Detergent was doing up in that tree.

The elders however continued forward, unperturbed by the strange shriek.
The Amazon warriors slowly recovered from their apprehension, and move
to quickly catch up to the advancing elders.

"Be quite girls, our ride is up ahead. I don't want your attitudes
towards males to upset him, he is perhaps the only Pilot willing to defy
Chinese Law and come this close to our village." Warned Mascara as they
entered a large clearing.

Everyone's eyes, except for Mascara or Cologne's, widened in shock at
the great steel beast held therein. Sleek black metal flowed together
seamlessly across its shell, blades of great steel jutting from its top
and tail. "What kind of contraption is that!?!" Lum Sum shouted in

The sound of Lum Sum's voice alerted the Pilot to their presence.

"Yo!" a Nubian man called from inside the helicopter, though he had yet
to show himself fully.

"Be on your best behavior girls, this man is our ride to your husband."
Cologne eyed the three Amazon's critically, before turning to Shampoo,
"And the blond-witch."

Shampoo's eyes hardened at the mention of her target. "She'll be the
dead witch soon enough, great grand mother."


As consciousness returned slowly, Ranma was pleasantly surprised to find
upon awakening an subtle liquid warmth had surrounded his cock, a
wonderful slithering rubbing sensation causing a happy and relaxed smile
to appear on his features.

Slowly, however, the lethargic haze of fatigue began to fade from his
tired mind and he realized just what was happening. Sitting up quickly,
he was quite surprised to find a tall blond haired woman lean up from
where she had earlier been suckling his tool, her naked nubile body
shimmering softly in the dim candle light of the room as it reflected
off the subtle amount of perspiration that had covered her skin. Eyes of
emerald green met his own blue-gray's, and for a moment Ranma questioned
just who the bundle of female flesh before him was.

"Something wrong?" her singsong voice sounded full of lust, desire, and
something else Ranma couldn't identify right away.

"Hell no!" he gleefully replied, a nervous chuckling following shortly
after as he scratched the back of his head.

She smiled a catty grin, leaning forward to push him back down on his
back. He allowed her to lower him in such a way, though his eyes never
left hers. Once on his back, she pulled back some, quickly going back to
work on his cock as he watched with a transfixed expression.

Familiarity gave way to recognition as he became more fully awake. Her
name was Brianna, a 'fake', as he later found out, were-cheetah and
daughter to none other than the Armsmaster of Jade, Julia Diggers.
Momentary panic crept into his mind as he remembered an earlier promise
to his master concerning her daughters, 'Well.. I did say I wouldn't
instigate anything with her daughters… heh."

He closed his eyes and allowed the woman to continue pleasuring him..


The force of each blow sent a shiver up his spine. The heat of his
lovers long, hard tool pumping so much wonderful sensation nearly
pushing him over the edge. Lost as he was in lust, he screamed the name
of his lover as he pushed him ever close to that wonderful orgasm.



Ranma's eyes snapped open like a gun shot, a shiver of disgust passing
over him as he tried to banish the horrifying images that had just
entered his mind.

Brianna nipped lightly at the head of his cock, completely engrossed in
the organ before her. She almost missed the subtle shiver that went
through out the boy's body, but when his cock flagged in strength
quickly she knew something was wrong. Pulling back, she asked, "I do
something wrong?"

Recovering his senses, Ranma chuckled softly, a sick expression still
plastered across his features, "Nah.. just realized I wasn't bein fair
to you…"

She grinned, leaning back and spreading her legs invitingly, "Well… want
to catch up?"

Ranma grinned lecherously as the sight of her clit spreading ever so
slightly, showing just a sliver of pink skin beneath, teasing him as to
what lied beneath her petals, "Oh, yeah!" he breathed before jumping
right in. He closed his eyes as he took a tentative lick


He reached out eagerly, grasping the warm pulsing tool before him. He
could feel the rivulets of skin beneath his fingers, the way his lover's
tool jerked with the touch of his slender hand. He looked up to the man
who had given him so much pleasure this night, eyes admiring the
well-defined graying beard that adorned his features and the gentle blue
eyes that stared back at him.

He saw love in those eyes, complete and unspoiled love that had given
him the strength to survive in this cruel harsh reality. Looking back
down at the cock, he opened his mouth to swallow it whole


Ranma began gagging as his eyes snapped open again. He immediately
pushed himself back and away from Brianna, slipping of the silky sheets
below to crash heavily on the bed. He couldn't stop the strangled sound
of disgust as he fought back the need to puke.

Brianna glared, and I mean GLARED. "What the hell is wrong with you!"
she screeched! Either he was the worst teaser in the world, or he just
plan sucked at sex! He hadn't touched her for more than a second and
this is how he reacts!

"Shut the fuck up!" he choked out, the feelings of nausea passing slowly
as he calmed his mind. 'What the hell is going on?!'

Brianna growled, crawling forward and straddling Ranma's hips while he
was busy recovering from whatever fucked up mind trip he was on. She
took his arms, forcing them to the side and holding them down. "You're
not getting out of this that fucking easy you prick! I'm going to make
you pay for what you did to mom!"

Ranma swore inwardly as things started to connect in his mind. 'No
fucking wonder. Julia! That bitch must me fantasizing about Theodork!
Aarrgh! Its all my fault! Here I am, a fine piece of ass just wanting to
fuck and I'm stuck with Theo's bitch ass in mind! … Or am I?' A plan
began to form.

To Brianna, Ranma just seemed to stare at her with a look of disgust and
revulsion. 'Hehe.. he must not like the fact I'm going to use him like a
cheap dildo.. hehe.. perfect!' she began to rub her crotch against his,
a devious smile on her lips as she watched his eyes widened.

Several facts were flashing in Ranma's mind however, and despite
Brianna's beliefs the fact she was trying to get him hard again was not
one of them. He knew through various instances that the strong always
ruled the weak; a strong mind could and always would overwrite the mind
of the weaker. That and real life sex was much better, not to mention
stronger, than any fantasy. With these thoughts in mind, he decided to
screw the shit out of Brianna while BLASTING his will and images of what
he was doing across the bond, hopefully overwriting her fucked up
fantasy's and thereby expunging Theodork's naked body from his mind
forever more.

Returning back to reality, Ranma pushed mightily on Brianna's hold,
forcing her back some as she lost balance. As her arms were swinging
wildly in the air, he roughly grabbed hold of her waist and flung her to
his side in a roll, which he followed into as well until he was the one
on top. Before she could recover her senses, he grabbed her arms and
pinned them together over her head.

Brianna yelped at the sudden roughness Ranma displayed. As she regained
her senses she became slightly intimidated at the angry sneer he was
projecting towards her.

Leaning in close, his eyes never leaving the sudden fearful eyes of the
woman beneath him, he whispered harshly, "You think I'm the one going to
end up suffering tonight, don't you?"

Brianna gulped, suddenly stammering, "I ddidn't mmean to ssay that! I'm
sorry! Really!"

Ranma chuckled darkly as he closed in on her lips, "Yes you did, don't
deny it little girl." He said before surprising Brianna with a sweet,
tender kiss. She had been expecting something more forceful and angry,
not the sudden tenderness she felt.

Pulling back slightly, he grinned, "Lets dance, bitch."


Julia grunted as the feelings of lust she had been working for many
hours to end began returning with renewed vigor. She knew she would once
again be forced to masturbate, else go mad in lust from the feelings
that should couldn't control within.

She couldn't suppress a smile however. The fact she got so hot and
bothered with out having to rely on Theo's presence was a subtle relief
for the aging woman, normally requiring many hours of heated foreplay to
even reach a single mind shattering orgasm.

Plus she had the guilty pleasure of remembering all the dirty little
fantasy's she had ever imagined about her husband, many she had thought
she forgotten since her return from exile on Jade.

The warmth in her slippery loins began heating up again, her nipples
growing hard with renewed vigor, her breathing becoming erratic as the
seconds past into minutes.

'Which Fantasy this time?' she wondered for a moment, before settling on
the doggy position. Closing her eyes, she allowed her imagination to
soar as her fingers dived down, scratching teasingly along her petals.


The wonderful squishy sounds of her husbands cock filling her slippery
warm cunt were wonderful, exciting her as she felt his large calloused
hands grabbed her waist roughly for stability. The rhythmic beating of
his hips against her ass sounding in union with her lustful moans
raising her higher and higher on her journey towards release.

It wasn't enough, it never was. She had to see him.

Casting her head to the side, she strained to see her husband through
the slowly falling strands of red hair. As it began to clear, she
prepared for a feeling of complete love to cover her in a soothing fog
of forgetfulness. To free her from her physical surroundings show she
could raise the heights of her orgasm..

What she saw brought a crash of horrified excitement. Where she had
believed her husband was, stood the bane of her recent existence. Ranma
was the one pounding into her so roughly from behind, sending pleased
shivers of excitement through out her body as he rode her like a bitch
in heat.

He looked at her, his eyes smiling with a sadistic joy to be using her
in this way. He opened his mouth to speak, saying, "I knew you were a


Julia's eyes snapped open, a wave of disgust flooding her senses as she
realized just who had been in her fantasy, and who hadn't. She pushed
away the feelings of intense lust and desire, gaining a moments respite
as she brought her honey drenched hands to her face. She didn't really
acknowledge the fact she was rubbing her own excitement over her
features, and she really wouldn't have cared anyway.

'Jesus, calm down. What the fuck was up with that?' she couldn't help
but ask herself as the sick feeling she had at fantasizing about Ranma
pouncing her from behind like he had. 'Okay.. no more doggy style.. no

She took in a deep breath, letting it out slowly as she relaxed, the
prior image of Ranma fading as she thought up another fantasy. One of
her hands dipped back down while she suckled on the index finger of her
free hand..


She lapped hungrily on her husband's cock, enjoying the salty taste of
semen that had already escaped the tight hold of his testicles. She
lovingly grabbed the hilt, the bumpy feeling of the organ against her
silky slender hand feeling warm and slippery.

As she bobbed his knob, her excitement increased as she felt his hands
roughly grab her hair, assisting her in setting a rhythm. When she felt
herself nearing her peak, she risked a glance up to her husband

… Only to find Ranma sneering down at her. She tried to push away, to
get his cock out of her mouth but he roughly forced the rhythm by
pushing and pulling on her hair..


Julia screamed as rage flooded her senses! She grabbed a pillow and
threw it against the wall, "GET THE FUCK OFF ME!"

Silence greeted her words. She soon realized she was in her room alone,
Ranma nowhere in sight. She took a deep shuddering breath, releasing it
slowly as she lay back down on her bed.

'Get a hold of yourself Julia. He's not here; he's not forcing himself
on you. Keep control!' she repeated in her mind, almost like a mantra.

Nearly five minutes past before she calmed down enough to realize she
was going mad with the feelings of lust that would just simply not go

'One more time, come on girl you can do it.' She reasoned with herself,
more out of her desperate need to cast off the overwhelming need, rather
than actually desire to tempt fate with Ranma's appearance in her

Closing her eyes, she imagined


She could feel the silky smooth sheets beneath her form; it was lingered
with sweat and the spittle of their juices from the many many times they
came. Despite the urge with which her husband pushed into her, she
couldn't help but feel completely at peace and satiated. This was her
wedding night, she had finally landed the man she loved… everything was

She heard her husband grunt, obviously near the end of his ropes. She
could feel him lift up her legs, holding them over his shoulders as he
pushed forward, raising her back slightly as he began pumping more

The feelings in her loins were reaching their limit; she could already
feel the quivering of her oncoming orgasm take hold. She opened her eyes
slowly, to bask in the presence of her husband… but he wasn't there.

It was Ranma.

She closed her eyes again, squeezing them shut in hopes it would dispel
the image of that young boy burrowing his meat into her over and over
again. She opened her eyes again..

It was Ranma.

It was always Ranma she saw, with every opening and closing of her eyes.

She opened them again, and simply watched the sweat streaked face of the
man she was quickly becoming to hate as he hastened his pace.

She wanted to scream, to cry out against the world for the hell it was
putting her through.

For a brief moment, she debated whether ending this fantasy was

As she watched him… as she felt her loins begin to rupture and squeeze
his organ within her, she simply closed her eyes one more time.

But she didn't stop her fantasy.


Ranma grunted, the feeling of his throbbing cock squirming and spurting
his seed one last time into Brianna's womb feeling heavenly to the
martial artist.

Brianna panted tiredly, the feeling of her petals squeezing the last of
his milky semen from his testicles sending her flying on her last orgasm
one last time for the night. She knew she had lost this fight with the
boy; feeling exhausted and on the verge of collapse after only three
hours of non-stop romping. She knew she could have done better, but she
couldn't figure out why she had done as bad as she had in terms of

Ranma knew why, not that he was going to tell Brianna. When they had
begun this fuck fest, he had realized he was critically low on energy,
and since he knew she was trying to torture fuck him for revenge for
what he did to Julia, he didn't feel any qualms what so ever about using
Happosai's Ki siphoning technique to replenish his heavily depleted
reserves. 'Serves the bitch right' he thought with a cruel smirk.

He pulled out of Brianna, then pushed her legs off his shoulders and to
the side of the bed, no gentleness in his actions. Pushing on the bed,
he jumped to his feet before stepping gingerly off to the floor before
scampering about for his discarded clothes.

Brianna tiredly told him, "Get out."

Ranma shrugged as he pulled his shirt back on. He had already realized
she wanted him out, what with the cold glares and overwhelming
atmosphere of scorn and anger she held towards him. "Yeah yeah, I'm
leavin." He chuckled then, "Next time, don't invite me in if your going
to be such a bitch about it."

Brianna grabbed a pillow, pulling if up against her chest tightly as she
closed her eyes.

As Ranma opened the door to leave, Brianna said, "You're the best fuck
I've had in my life Ranma…"

Ranma raised an eyebrow, "But?"

"I hate you."

"Feelings mutual." He said as he shut the door.


"And stay out yah cheating bastard!" Hurt Bot X sounded its mechanical

Ryan groaned from where he laid in the street, his whole body hurting
from the beating he had received for incurring Gina's wrath. 'God damn
those hurt bots should be illegal!'

He struggled to his feet, wobbly regaining his balance as he turned to
face the Diggers Mansion. He gulped when he noticed the Hurt Bot was
still there, staring at him with eerie red eyes.

The hurt bot began expanding, his chest growing higher as its innards
changed around of its own accord.

Ryan prepared to dodge, to run, to do ANYTHING but stay there while the
mechanical monster prepared its attack. When the front cavity of the
hurt bot opened revealing a blank television screen, Ryan let out the
breath he didn't know he had been holding.

The screen seemed to shimmer for a moment, white snow blazing across its
screen until Samuel L. Jackson popped up on the screen, his dark eyes
glaring balefully at the man before him. "And remember… I'll be watching
youuu.." the hidden threat plan for Ryan to see.(5)

He gulped, back up and away from what he considered the demonically
possessed hurt bot, "Yeah.. I'm just gonna get outta here now.. heh..
peace." And he bolted for his jeep!

Only to find it missing! Where he had earlier parked his mode of
transportation nothing remained, save for a crater in the ground and a
few pieces of metal. He frowned at that, wondering who the hell stole
his jeep. He was about to give up and call the police when he noticed a
rectangular piece of metal close to the crater. Carefully picking up the
metal sheet, he flipped it over and groaned at what he saw.

It was his license plate, scorched on its side and looking the worst for
wear. He took a moment to wonder what the hell happened, when unbidden
memories of the fight with the unknown guy came to the forefront. He
remembered clearly how he had touched the missiles, throwing them in any
random direction. The clear memory of one flying over the wall and
destroying something came to bare, and Ryan screamed at the injustice of
it all.

"Whoever you are! I'll KILL YOU! DO YOU HEAR ME!" he screamed towards
the Diggers mansion.

The Hurt Bot X popped its head over the wall, leveling its glare at the
loud cheating boyfriend.

Ryan took one look at the Hurt Bot, and the numerous protrusions
appearing out of its body looking ready to unleash hell, and took for
the hills!

"I swear as god as my witness! I'll kill you for this, who ever you


A figure shrouded in robes, the color of blackest pitch, stood before
the gathering. His features, as well as the others of the table were
shrouded in darkness, his or her face hidden behind masks of stone, the
stone etched with ethereal glowing runes of power, all flickering in the
dreary cave they had gathered.

The others in the room were similarly dressed, leaving no way to
determine who was who, if not by their differing sizes or the ornamental
weapons two of their number carried.

"Priest, you have summoned, we have answered. Why have you called us
from the shroud?" The shortest figurine in black spoke, his voice
echoing across the room, sounding distant yet also numerous as well.
Like there was more than one of him speaking.

The one known as Priest stood from his seat, one of the two allowed to
carry a weapon to the table. He rapped his staff on the ground, a dull
noise resounding all around the small room in which they were. The staff
was comprised of red wood that stretch his entire height, the ends
twisting slightly with a red shimmering jewel alighted on top, the orb
itself seemed to always emit an aura of power, every few moments
shimmering as an arc of red lightning jumped from the jewel, only to arc
back and be reabsorbed.

"Sai, Knight, Mask, and Carr, thank you for answering my summons. I am
indeed grateful for your speedy reply, and I apologize should this have
terribly inconvienced you."

Sai shrugged, waving it off, "Nothing I couldn't finish later, but you
have not yet answered my question Priest."

The others remained silent, simply watching Priest expectantly.

Priest rose his staff to the air, the shimmering orb on top beginning to
immediately react to the action as more and more bolts of red lightning
traced across its surface, "Begin the ancient scriptures, I tell you now
what they say, what they represent, and to what we must do."

Waiting to see if any of them would interrupt him, Priest prepared to
relate the long-winded tale he had prepared. When none spoke against
him, he began

"Somewhere untouched by the ravages of nature, removed as it were from
the world and the light existed numerous beings of dark intent.
Creatures of forgotten nightmares who slither about in the darkness,
waiting for the day their master would be reborn, and the destruction
they would call down upon the world by his command."

As he spoke leylines of energy began to form across the worlds, starting
at the base and slowly moving up, occasionally turning or twisting.

"Through out the history of many worlds, all long since burned by the
flame of entropy and left as nothing more than ash, existed a race of
Monsters so horrifying, so reviled, and so feared that to speak their
names were in essence to utter the most vile of curses."

The table, which they sat at, was now covered in runes of blood red, yet
still the leylines continued to appear, fueled by the staff within
Priest's hands.

"They were the Nghasti, but to outsiders they were simply called 'The

The Nghasti had survived many years of strife and death, their ancient
war with the Avesti raging for countless eons as the Universe around
them matured and grew into what it was today. It didn't matter, in the
end. When the creatures of darkness cried their shrill cry of victory,
as their Master tore the Avesti apart, devouring them within his great
maw and ending the ageless battle of attrition between the two."

The ceiling began to shimmer, figures depicting demons and angels began
appearing, each locked in bloodied combat seemingly to the death.

"The Nghasti had believed themselves all but invulnerable with their
demonic master leading them to countless victories, and like most
creatures of malleable intent they grew to confidant, sure that nothing
could ever topple the power of their lord.

Until… the Arcs appeared, and a Warrior of direct Avesti dissent did
battle with their master. The arcs, oh those terrible arcs that caused
the destruction of much. Their light burned their shadowy bodies, their
fury cleaved the soul, and there were nothing the Nghasti could do to
defeat these unholy relics."

Three symbols appeared on the floor, a rough triangle carrying the
symbol of Rain, Dain, and Bain.

"Inevitably, the time came for the final battle between the Master of
Darkness, and the last Avesti armed with the hated Arcs did battle. For
time untold the two fought, light cleaving darkness, darkness smothering
the light. The worlds shook, men, beast, and dragon beheld the twilight
of the gods, none knowing the true significance of this battle for

As all things do, the battle ended. The Avesti had fallen, cleaved and
annihilated by the surging darkness. The Nhgasti has won… but at a most
terrible cost. Their master, though victorious, had fallen as well to
the light. His very essence sealed behind the gloom of their twilight,
his soul split, separated, and sealed for all time. His mind chained and
bound within the orb of Luclinite, lost to the ages and ravages of

He finished his sorrowful tale, lowering his staff from its perch, the
leylines of red energy quickly retracting upon itself and disappearing
back to the void from which they came.

Mask grumbled loudly, seeming annoyed, "We were correct in our
assumptions then."

"Indeed, but now we know certain things for sure, where we didn't
before." Knight pointed out.

"Hardly." Sai snorted, "We knew the Arcs were involved, we knew about
the orb of Luclinite that held the memories of our master. Those
scriptures told us nothing we need to know, just went on and on about
some holy war or some such. What was the point?"

The Priest grinned, "The point you have failed to catch, dear Sai, was
the fact we were able to translate the scriptures, which means the seal
holding our master is already weakening."

Knight chuckled, a cold sounding thing, kind of like death warmed over,
"I take it everything is proceeding to plan then?"

Carr nodded, "One of the five has been discovered, it is only a matter
of time before the circle is complete."

Sai grumbled, "We don't even know where to look for the others, our
agent has gone missing."

Carr waved his fellow's concern off, "No our agent has not. I know
exactly where our spy is, as does Mask and Priest."

Sai would have risen his eyebrow at that, if his face weren't hidden
behind his mask, "Oh?" he then shrugged it off, "It matters not to me."

"Where is the first seal, Priest? Or the missing Arcs?" Mask snapped his
question out, anger at Sai for wasting his time evident.

"The first seal has been located within the Hamlet of Seer's, however it
is being guarded by some of the most powerful people within that
village." Carr pointed out quickly, placating his friend.

"And as for the Arcs, we have located them. Aquiring them, however, is
going to take more time than we anticipated." Priest informed the group.

Knight slammed his fist against the table, "That won't do Priest! The
process has already begun, time is no longer on our side!"

"Calm yourself Knight, he said it would take more time than anticipated,
not that it would take more time than our schedule permits." Carr
advised, then he turned to Priest and questioned him, "Where are the
Arcs, and how long do you believe it will take to acquire them?"

The Priest remained silent for a moment, much to the annoyance of his
fellows, "The first Arc, Rain, is held by Onoli, Head of the Edge Guard
for the Hamlet of Seer's."

Sai chuckled, amused, "Acquiring the Arc from that idiot shouldn't take
much time."

"The second Arc, Dain, is held by the elves of the deep, hidden within
their statue of obsidian ore." Priest continued.

Knight chuckled as well, "Fear not the elves of darkness, I know where
they dwell, and of this statue you speak of. It will not be difficult to
gain Jasper."

Priest hmmed for a moment, not liking their casual brushing off of his
concerns. Oh well, they weren't going to like his next answer, "And the
final arc, Bain, resides with none other, than Julia Diggers, Armsmaster
of Jade."

Silence descended upon the room. If a cricket could survive the trip to
this dark sanctum, you would be able to hear it a mile away.



"Nine Hells.


The words came all at once, leaving Priest confused just who said what.

Mask grumbled again, "How, pray tell, are we to take the arc from Julia
Diggers? You know as well as everyone else I can not travel to her
location, bound within the realm of death."

Sai nodded, putting in his two cents, "My mere presence would alert her
that something was up, and after the last time I faced her…" Sai let the
sentence trail off. He knew everyone in the room knew about the ass
kicking he had suffered from her.

Knight nodded slowly as well, "If I were to leave the Realm of Jade at
this time, the power that sustains me wouldn't be enough to support my
form within the Realm of Earth. I can not go."

Carr chuckled, "You all worry too much. Have you forgotten our loyal
agent? Even now he works from the shadows to detach the Arc from her
spirit. It is slow going, however, as would be expected from such an
arduous task."

"The situation over the Arcs seems well covered then. Have anything else
to say?" Priest spoke up.

"Do the Watchers suspect?" Knight broached the question.

"Aside from a single youth, none of those old fossils know of our
actions. By the time they realize, it will be to late." Carr snapped,
angry for some reason.

"And how about the Diggers? We can't have that goodie two shoes mucking
around." Mask snarled out.

"Dr. Diggers is currently being led on a wild goose chase, courtesy of
our spy within the council." Sai informed them.

"Excellent…" Priest broke in, "Then let us disperse.." he suggested.

When none of the others challenged the idea, Priest continued speaking,
"We will meet in one week to review our progress. Until then, you all
know what you have to do."

As he finished those words, all in the room, san's himself, vanished in
pillars of fire. Gone, like they never existed. Priest allowed himself
to laugh lightly to himself.

"Everything is going according to plan."

To be continued

(1) Taken from 'The Story of pisspot' found at

(2) No offence intended towards lesbians. Heh, I've got some cool
lesbian friends myself, and I'm sure if they read this they wouldn't
beat my ass. Much.

(3) I'm not shitting you with this. I have a real life friend who
actually goes by this name, and yes its true. He set a lesbian straight
- Thus he earned the title of Lesbian slayer.

(4) Pretty much a Kachu Tenshin Amaguriken, but modeled with
Happosai's influence in mind. Rough translation 'Furious Passion'

(5) Yeah yeah, I know the is an excerpt from the movie, 'Hackers',
and that Jackson wasn't in that particular movie, but I felt he'd make a
more lasting impression and the guy who originally said that line had.

Next chapter of WAM will see numerous actions! Ionis will see a certain
some body buying lots of booze! Ranma will tempt Brittany with the cure
of the Moxibustion! Gina goes shopping with some one she hardly knows!
Zelda gets bitch slapped by Bob the Lesbian Slayer! And much much more!