Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction / Naruto Fan Fiction / Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Who's Got Short-Shorts? ❯ How I Met Your Mother ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto & co. Masashi Kishimoto does.
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Minato is talking to Naruto as a newborn about how he met Kushina. I was thinking about writing something about Naruto's parents in honor of having some actual confirmation that he didn't just fall from the sky looking strangely like the Yondaime. Then the title from the show popped into my head and I went on from there. WARNING: I wrote this right after Kushina's name was revealed so there are some things that clearly don't make any sense ..
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Minato stood tall in the hospital room, cradling his newborn to his chest. This little wrinkly spud of a boy was already starting to look like his personal mini me, the characteristic blonde hair forming into awkward tufts that looked suspiciously like spikes. He knew under those small, closed lids there would be soul-consuming blue eyes like his own. If you asked Kushina, she'd always say that those blue eyes had gotten her pregnant. Never mind the biological working of conception, it was those bottomless pools of azure tinted love potion that had convinced her the six year old condom, two sizes too small to boot, would hold up.
For two incredibly sensible ninjas, one could say that that was an incredibly stupid decision. Talk about getting caught up in the moment. However, unplanned but not unwanted was their philosophy towards this baby. A child conceived in love, whether or not it was intentional, would always be welcome in their hearts.
And just like that, nine months had whizzed by, and their insistent baby had come a little early. They had no idea what to name him, or rather, Kushina wouldn't let them name him until they got to know him, wanting to choose the best possible name for their first child. But she had fallen asleep not long after she saw her baby's wound up, crying face. Complications during the birth had taken a lot out of her.
And so the Hokage stood, knowing that there were people lined up outside to see this (illegitimate) baby with no name. Some wanted to throw their California rolls at him for this kind of indiscretion but the majority of the crowd had nothing but well wishes and would support their leader indefinitely.
Minato watched closely as his son yawned and stretched and shifted in his arms, ready to fall asleep. So amazing, he thought.
“You know, I almost killed your mommy when I first met her. We were all at war, out countries, and in walks this woman from the Whirlpool as if she belonged there all along.”
Minato looked around at the sleeping woman, smiling contentedly in her dreams and continued, “She laughed a lot when she explained her situation. She was so beautiful. Her eyes were so big and gorgeous. If she hadn't turned around and smiled with that mouth of hers, you might not be here today.”
The baby frowned a little and the Yondaime tilted his head back and laughed.
“Sorry, just stating the facts! I'll watch what I say from here, okay?” Minato said and brought the boy even closer to him, hearing him burp. “She'd be around every corner I turned, helping someone, making friends or buying groceries. It was like she was right at home. How could I not fall in love with her? One day,” Minato looked up at Kushina again, “she caught me looking at her. She came over, introduced herself ever so politely, and told me that she'd poke me in the eyes if I didn't stop oogling her. Even after that, I was so taken by her that I just grabbed her hand and begged her to go out with me, right there in the middle of the street. She was so embarrassed she said yes just to get me to stop. And that's pretty much how I met your mother.”
“BABA GANOUSH!” Kushina shot straight up in bed, her attractive features contorted in glee. “NARUTO!”
“Um .. are you .. hungry? Do you want some .. naruto ..?”
“No, no!” she said waving his question away with her hands. “Naruto!” she said again and gestured wildly towards the baby, “Naruto!”
“I see,” Minato said quietly and looked at the baby once more. He sat on the bed next to Kushina and asked, “Doesn't Namikaze Naruto sound a bit …”
“A bit what?!” Kushina countered defensively. “We could call him Na-Na!”
The instant “Na-Na” left her mouth and hit the air, they both knew there was no way in heaven or hell they were naming their son Namikaze Naruto.
“What about .. what if we gave him my name? Uzumaki?”
The Yondaime as startled, but the idea was not unfounded. He wondered about what this would mean for his son, to have a different name from his father in this society. But then the tiny boy in question opened his eyes and Minato realized that as long as this bundle of joy had his parents, his family, and their love, then he'd always have the strength to face whatever came his way.
“Hi there, Uzumaki Naruto.”
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