Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Ronin Warriors Fan Fiction ❯ The Power of One ❯ A Moment's Rest ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

(The Ronin Warlords do not belong to me. They are owned by Sunrise and Graz Entertainment. They only characters I own are Kasey, Christina, Marissa, and the new Warlords)

Kasey: Minna-chan! I'm back with Chapter 8! Just a note, the song I put in his is called 'Fantasia of the Wind', the ending theme from the original Record of Lodoss War. Hope you enjoy and send a review!!

The Power of One

by Kasey Sanada

Chapter 8: A Moment's Rest

"How are they doing Melody?"

Melody smiled as she came down the stairs. "They're going to be just fine Kayura-san. Rowen, Sage, and Cye are upstairs with Kasey, Ukyou and Marissa, and the others are outside keeping watch."

Dais looked up at the mysterious girl. "Now, would you mind telling us who you are, and how you know who we are?"

"Sure." Melody went over and sat down next to Cale. "My full name is Melody Motomiya. Just like the others, I'm a Ronin Warrior. The Ronin Warrior of Vortex to be more precise. Kaosu came to me and told me about six months ago."

"Kaosu?" Sekhmet looked at her, surprised. "I thought he was dead."

"He is," Melody confirmed. "But he can still communicate with us in the dream world."

"I don't understand," Kayura spoke up. "Why did he come to you? What part do you have in this?"

"I have a big part." The look in Melody's eyes changed. "You see, not only am I a Ronin Warrior, but I'm a Warlord too. Or at least I was a hundred years ago."

Anubis looked at her suspisously. "How can that be? We would remember you."

Melody shook her head. "No, you wouldn't. When I left, I couldn't keep my body, so my spirit kinda lived in Limbo. It was hard to keep myself hidden from Talpa, but I managed to do so until sixteen years ago, when Kaosu found me. There he sent me back to Earth to begin a new life, saying that I had a purpose. I didn't remember any of this until six months ago, and because I didn't, my powers stayed hidden, and Talpa couldn't find me."

Anubis let out a snort. "I still don't see why Talpa is after you," he said, leaning against a wall. "And you still haven't proved that you were a Warlord. Why should we believe you?"

Melody stood, and if Anubis thought she was going to leave, he soon discovered he was dead wrong.

Suddenly a dagger appeared in her right hand, and before anyone could react, she threw it and it impaled itself into the wall, right next to Anubis' head. A small trek of blood rolled down the side of his forehead.

"Woah!" Sekhmet exclaimed. "That was awesome!"

Kayura covered her mouth in fright. "Oh my." Dais could just sit there dumbstrucked.

Melody glared at Anubis, who was in shock. "That proof enough?"

'Only one person could throw like that....' Cale thought. He stood and made Melody look at him. Once her eyes calm and caring, they now held a glimps of anger from long ago. "Aria."

Rowen sat on the edge of the bed and watched silently as Kasey slept. When they returned to the house, Sage worked on healing her, Marissa, and Ukyou with help from Christina. Leaning foreward, he brushed some hair out of Kasey's face. Her raven black hair now loose from its braid, it surrounded her tanned face, making it glow with a beauty that made Rowen's heart skip a beat. Even though he only met her a few days ago, he knew he was in love with her. Almost losing her made him realize that.

He was so deep in thought, he didn't realize his fingers were lightly stroking Kasey's cheek. Kasey's eyes fluttered open and she let out a soft giggle. "Touma, that tickle."

Startled, Rowen jerked his hand back. "Gomen, I didn't mean to wake you."

"It's alright," Kasey said, wincing slightly as she sat up. "This pain in my chest would have woken me up sooner or later."

"It still hurts? I can go get Sage or Christina...." He started to get up by Kasey stopped him by grabbing his hand.

"Touma, I'll be okay," she said. "It's going to hurt for awhile. That's to be expected when you fight."

Rowen startled her when he cupped her cheek with his hand. "It's not okay," he said softly, making her heart flutter. "It scared me to death when I thought Lance killed you." He tucked her long hair gently behind her ear. "I don't ever want to to go through that again."

Kasey blinked, not believing what was being said. "Touma, what are you saying?"

"I'm saying....." Rowen took in a deep breath. "I'm saying I love you Kay-chan."

Kasey sat there in shock, tears welling up in her eyes. Even before she met Rowen, she knew she loved him for as long as she knew what love was. Her heart just wouldn't allow her to love anyone else. "You....love me?" she whispered as tears spilled down her cheeks.

Rowen smiled as he brushed them away. "So much it hurts."

A small sob excaped the young ronin as she threw her arms around Rowen and cried into his chest. Rowen blinked, surprised and concerned. "Kay-chan, what's wrong?"

"I just want this to end," she whispered. "I just want this stupid war to end."

Rowen held her tightly in his arms. "I know. I do too." They stayed like that as Kasey cried herself to sleep. When Rowen finally layed her down and moved to leave, Kasey unconsisously grabbed his shirt. Smiling slightly, he layed down next to her and held her close. As he too drifted off to sleep, he thought to himself, 'We'll win this war Kay-chan, somehow."

Kento looked over his shoulder as Ryo came out of the house through the backdoor. "Any news?"

"Marissa's woken up, but she won't let anyone come near her. Ukyou's still sleeping, and so are Kasey and Rowen."

"Rowen's sleeping?"

"Yeah. Apparently he was comforting her." He looked around. "Where are Raye and Christina?"

"Christina's down by the lake, and Raye's over at the temple nearby." Kento jumped off the railing he was sitting on. "I'm going to go check on her and see how she's doing." He walked off towards the temple.

"Be careful," Ryo called out before he heading down towards the lake.

When he arrived at the lake, he saw Christina laying back on the docks with her eyes closed, feet dangling over the edge in the water. A set of headphones where over her eyes, apparently listening to some music that was playing in her portable tape player. Just as he was about to step onto the dock, he stopped in surprise when she started singing along to the music.

Let all the wonders come to me

The fantasy fills

fills my heart

I'll never wander anymore

For all the love I have

I have for you

All those spirits of the wind

Spread their magic wings and fly

Racing at the speed of light

Through the valleys and the passages of time

'Her voice.....' Ryo thought, 'It's like a angel singing....'

When we fell in love... destiny

Now each night will have no end

Our nights will never end

Eternity awaits... you and me

Now that you are here

We'll never be alone again

Stay with me my love

'Wow....' Ryo stepped onto the dock, making it squeak and move slightly beneath him, and making Christina aware that she wasn't alone anymore.

Christina quickly flipped backward and onto her feet, her katana appearing in her hand. Before Ryo could react, the tip of the blade was pressed against his neck. Ryo held his breath, not wanting to move in case Christina had a bad reaction to it, but also in awe at her reflexes.

Christina blinked before realizing who it was. She let out a gasp and dropped the katana. "Ryo! Don't scare me like that!" she cried, yanking the headphones off her head.

"Gomen, I didn't mean to," he said, rubbing the back of his neck.

"I could have...." She looked up at his neck and her eyes widened when she saw some blood running down his neck. "Kami-sama, I did hurt you!" 'How could I do something like that to my partner?!?' she thought in dismay.

"Christina, I'm fine...." Ryo started to say, but stopped when Christina moved closer to him and pressed a cloth against his throat gently.

"Kami, I'm so sorry. You scared me and I reacted. I'm so stupid...." She continued to ramble as she cleaned the blood off, not looking him in the eyes.
"Christina, stop!" Christina blinked and looked up at Ryo, who had put a hand over the one on his neck. "I'm okay, see?" He pulled the hand down and Christina saw that the bleeding had stooped. "I'm not angry Christina, and I should be the one apoligizing. I shouldn't have snuck up on you like that." He bent down and picked up the katana that Christina had dropped. He placed in into the hand he was still holding and smiled. "No hard feelings, alright?"

Christina looked away and gripped the katana's handle. "I don't deserve your kindness, or forgiveness," she said angerly.

Ryo blinked. "Nani? Why do you say that?"

Christina started to walk away. "I didn't protect your sister."

Ryo grabbed her by the arms and made her look at him. "Christina, what happened was not your fault!"

"Yes it was!" she snapped, making Ryo back up in surprise. "Because I didn't wake up in time, Kasey got hurt, and it's all my fault!" The katana slipped from her hand and Ryo noticed the tears rolling down her face.

"Christina..." he said gently as he took her into his arms.

"I don't deserve to be a Ronin Warrior...." she sobbed into his shoulder. "It's all my fault...."

Ryo felt helpless as he held her, stroking her hair. "Everything is going to be all right," he said softly. "I promise you that Christina." 'I just hope I can keep that promise.'

"Nnnnh...." Ukyou let out a soft groan as she tried to sit up, but let out a soft gasp as a sharp pain hit her in the chest. She started to fall back when two strong arms caught her and held her up. "I would have made it up on my own, Sage."

"You're still badly hurt. Raise your shirt."

"NANI?" Ukyou looked at the blonde like he was nuts.

"So I can finish healing you," Sage said calmly, even though he didn't feel anywhere near calm.

"Oh...." Ukyou flushed in embarrassment. "Alright.... but could you lay me down first? My chest is starting to hurt."

"Sure." After laying her back down, he raised her shirt up. "You've been out the past few times I've done this, but you'll feel a tingle when I heal you. He placed his hands on her stomach and a moment later a soft green glow covered them.

Ukyou's eyes fluttered closed as a sudden warmth and calmness over came her. 'I've never felt this save around someone before....'


Ukyou's eyes snapped opened, and she wondered if she had spoken out loud. "Huh?"

"Why did you keep throwing yourself in front of those attacks?" Sage asked, not looking at her as he concentrated on healing her.

Ukyou blinked, surprised at how upset Sage was getting. You couldn't see it on his face, but you could hear it in his tone of voice. "Sage I'm fine. Why can't you leave it at that?"

"Because you could have died dammit!" He slammed his fist on the nightstand that was next to them, putting a crack on the glossy finish.

Ukyou flinched when she saw the angry look in Sage's blue eye. 'I don't even want to know the reaction I'd have if I saw BOTH....' "Sage...."

Sage cut her off. "What good would it have done Mia and Raye if they had to live knowing you died saving them? You were being selfish!"

Ukyou looked as though she just been slapped. She looked away, trying to hold the tears threating to excape at bay. She wouldn't cry. 'I haven't cry since I was eight years old. I'm not going to start now.' "Gomen ne Sage," she whispered.

Sage noticed the gleam of tears welling up in Ukyou's eyes, and how hard she was trying not to cry. "Ucchan, gomen for snapping...."

"Iie, you had every right to," she said, still not looking at him. "You're right. I was being selfish."

"You weren't being selfish," he said gently, cupping her cheek in his hand and turning her face so they were now looking at each other. "You are the most unselfish person I've met in a long time, and I'm sorry for ever calling you that."

Now she knew tears were coming. "I want you to leave," she said, turning away from the healer. "Thank you for healing me."

Confusion spread over Sage's face. "Ukyou...."

"Please leave." She buried her face in her pillow.

"Alright...." Slowly Sage got up and left, but not before saying softly, "If you need someone, you know you can call me." He shut the door.

As soon as he was gone, for the first time in nine years, Ukyou cried.

Cye sat on the bed, unsure what to do. Marissa was sitting alone curled up on the window ledge, and wouldn't let anyone come near her, not even Christina or Sage so they could heal her. 'I still can't believe that much power came from her. From what Raye told me, she's the youngest out of all of us.' He looked at the young girl again, seeing that she still hadn't shifted her body for the past two hours. 'I can't take this anymore.' Slowly he got up and went towards her. "Marisssa?"

"Don't come near me."

Not listening to the girl request, and walked over until he was standing next to her. "Marissa, you've got to let Sage or Christina heal you. You're still weak from that attack and you need some energy."

"I DON'T WANT IT!" Cye stumbled backwards as Marissa glared at him angerly. "What part of that don't you get?!?" The angry look disapeared as soon as it appeared. "Go-gomen ne....." Marissa buried face into her knees.

"Marissa...." Cye sat down on the window ledge across from her. "Please, tell me what's going on. I want to help you."

Marissa raised her head, tears rolling down her cheeks. "I don't know if you can," she whispered.

Cye brushed some hair from Marissa's face. "Let me try."

"I....I don't know myself, but when I get angry, or scared, or even frustrated, it's like this part of me deep inside become enraged and I can't control it." Marissa looked out the window. "You may think this sounds crazy, but I feel like there's someone else inside me.

"I don't think that sounds crazy," Cye said. He was quiet for a moment before saying, "How long have you felt this way?"

The young girl shrugged. "Don't know. Ever since I got my armor orb, I guess."

"Maybe we should talk to Kayura and Anubis about it then. They might know why this is happening to you."

"Maybe...." she said softly. She then said, "Arigato Cye-chan."

Cye blinked. "What for?"

"For just being here with me."

Cye smiled slightly. "Why don't we just call it even, after all, you did save my life."

Marissa smiled also. "Deal." Suddenly she turned back towards the window.

"Everything alright?" Cye asked.

"I....I don't know," Marissa replied. "I have the feeling that we're being watched."

Cye touched her shoulder comfortingly. "Don't worry too much about it. I'll protect you if needed."

Marissa smiled at him. "I know you will Cye-chan." She looked back at the window. 'I just hope I'm being paranoid.'

From above the window ledge, someone wearing a black and red armor was listening in. A evil smile appeared on his face. 'So, this young girl has a evil streak in her. Father will be pleased to hear about this.'

Kento walked into the temple and nearly passed out by the heat coming from it. "Geezus, why is it so hot in here?" He walked further into the temple untill he came upon Raye, who had her eyes closed and was sitting in front of a raging fire. She was murmuring something and doing strange movements with her hands. Kento was about to speak when Raye's hand movements became more forceful and began to speak loudly.

"JIN CHI SHIN GI INOCHI HAKARU KIBOU AI JUNSUISA KYUUI!" She pushed her hands towards the fire, making it arupt and grow to enormous heights. Raye's eyes opened and she let out a cry as she fell backwards.

"Raye!" Kento dropped to her side. He helped her up and held her close. "What's wrong?" He looked at the fire and noticed that it went back to normal.

Raye gasped for air as she tried to calm down. "I felt it...." she whispered, buring her face in Kento's strong shoulder.

"Felt what?"

"The terrible things that will happen to our world if we don't defeat the Dynasty." She looked up and Kento saw a tear roll down her face. "Why Kento? Why is this happening again? You and the others have already defeated the Dynasty once before. Why is it happening again?"

"I... I don't know Raye," he answered truthfully. "But as long as we're around, and they keep coming back, we'll be here to protect the Earth." He brushed some hair that had excaped Raye's ponytail off her face. "I'll also be here for you, for as long as you need me."

Violet eyes blinked before Raye smiled softly. "Arigato Kento." She leaned foreward and kissed him softly, making him flush.

"You're....welcome," he finally got out. He stood up and help Raye up also. "Come on, the others are probably up now. We should get back." Tucking Raye's hand into his, they made their trek back up to the house. When they got inside, they both heard Marissa and Ryo arguring. "Looks like Marissa's back to normal." They went into the living room. "What's all the fuss about?"

"They're arguring which is the best hockey team, the Rangers or the Devil Rays," Kasey said, who was sitting on the couch with Rowen and was sitting inbetween his legs and leaning back against him for support.

"They've been at it for the past ten minutes," Sage said, letting out a snort. "If you thought Ryo was obsessed with hockey, you should hear Marissa."

"The Rangers are the better team, how can you not see that?" Ryo exclaimed.

"Oh, I don't know..... maybe because they're NOT!" Marissa snapped back.

Dais spoke up just then. "Could you continue this another time you two? We have things to discuss." After Ryo and Marissa quieted down, he started to speaked when he noticed something. "Where are Mia and Melody?"

"Mia took Melody upstairs to get her into some clothes," Sekhmet replied.

"I was getting tired of wearing that damn subarmor." Melody came down the stairs, wearing a light brown skirt, a white shirt, and a jacket that had flames circling the bottom of it. On her feet were orange boots and her brown hair was back in its usual white bow. Mia followed not too far behind.

'Damn....' Cale thought to himself as Melody as she sat down next to him. 'Woah, what the hell am I thinking?'

"We were just about to talk about what to do next with Talpa and those new Warlords," Anubis informed Melody.

Melody rolled her eyes. "Anubis, can't we just forget about it for the rest of the day? Can't you see that they're excausted?"

"No we can't," Anubis snapped. "What if they decide to attack when we aren't expecting them?"

"We can't always be on guard!" Melody stood, anger written all over her face. "Dammit, you are such a basket case Anubis!"

Kasey winced at how angry they were getting. "You guys, fighting isn't going to help us any," she said softly, trying to ignore the tightness in her chest.

Anubis and Melody glared at each other before Melody blew out a breath she was holding and walked away. "I can't believe I forgot what a jackass you are," she muttered as she walked out the front door.

Christina blinked and looked at Dais, who was sitting right next to her. "What does she mean, forgot? Didn't she just meet you guys?"

"It's a long story Christina," he said, sighing.

"Well spit it out," she said, putting her hand on his shoulder and waved her other at the group. "Does it look we're going anywhere?" she added, giving him a sisterly smile.

Dais smiled back. "Apparently not." And so he began to tell them the story.

As Dais spoke, Cale got up and went outside and found Melody leaning against beam supporting the house. "Melody, are you alright?"

"Hai, I'm fine Cale." Melody sat down on the front step.

Cale sat down next to her. "Melody, I...."

"I remember Cale."

Cale tried to keep his heart from leaping out of his chest. "Remember what?"

"You know what." She turned her head and looked into his blue eyes. "I don't remember a whole lot, but I remember that we were together when I was a warlord, even though it was a little one sided." A shade of hurt covered her green eyes.

Cale smiled slightly. "It was never one sided, Melody," he said, cupping her cheek in his hand. "I did care about you. I still do."

Melody smiled. "Cale...." She was leaning towards him when a shiver ran down her spine, making her pull away slightly. "Nani...."

"Melody, what's wrong?" Cale asked.

"I....I don't know," she whispered. "I just have a weird feeling....like someone is watching me." She stood up and walked down the stairs and down the walkway and looked around. "I don't know, maybe I'm just being paranoid."

"With everything that's happening right now, it's good to be paranoid." Cale walked up behind Melody. "We better get back inside." Cale took hold of her hand. "Come on."

"Hai." As she and Cale towards the house, Melody looked behind her one more time. 'Who is watching me?'

After they went inside, the man in the red and black armor came from behind the tree. "Aria.... I will make you mine. I will make sure of that."

Kasey: Minna-chan! I finished Chapter Eight, and just before Christmas too! Email me and tell me what you think. See you in Chapter Nine. Ja ne!

Chapter 9 finished December 24, 2002