Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ A Tainted Soul ❯ Allies ( Chapter 2 )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Part Two - Allies
Previously: Usagi and Shingo join the Tendo family and it is revealed that
Ranma and Usagi were really close. Will Akane continue to be stubborn and
refuse to admit her feelings for Ranma, before it's too late and her father
decides to move the engagement to Usagi? Also what will be Ranma's reaction
to Usagi's letter be, especially when they now that they are alone. Read on
and find out.
Ranma led Usagi by her hand to secluded area behind a park. It was a cliff
that overlooked the city below, and with light winds breezing pass. "Look, we
can see the Dojo from here." Ranma pointed out to a building.
Usagi approached the edge, "Yeah, I see it."
Ranma pointed out several other buildings, "That's Ucchan's, that's the
school, that's Nekohanten..." After a while, they sat down on the bench that
was bolted to the ground.
"Why have you dyed your hair brown?" asked Ranma suddenly.
Usagi smiled, "Yeah... but how many japanese girls with blonde hair do you
Ranma thought for a second then said, "One, you." He gently touched her
hair, "You looked good with blond hair."
Usagi continued to watch the sunset and spoke softly, "So, you're now
engaged to Akane." It was more of a statement than a question.
Ranma dropped his hand to his side as he too faced the city, "Yeah... it was
our parent's idea to unite the two school of Anything Goes." He paused, "I
don't know if I want to marry her though."
--------------------------------------------------------- --------------------
Back at the Tendo Dojo, Akane sneezed.
"Oh Akane. Are you cold?" asked Nodoka, "Perhaps you should go and change
into something more wamer." She looked at the young lady's choice of clothes.
It was similar to her school uniform, only instead of being blue, it was
"Oh, I hope it's not dust." said Kasumi as she appeared with a duster.
Akane shook her head annoyed, "It's probably nothing. Maybe someone's just
talking about me." (They don't have to mother me, I'm seventeen years old
now. I can take care of myself.)
"And doesn't that annoy you?" asked a smug Nabiki, prompting Akane to glare
at her.
------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------
"You don't love her?" asked Usagi as she looked at Ranma.
Ranma placed his arms behind his head and rested against them, relaxing. "I
really don't know what I feel for that girl." He folded his leg over the
other as he looked at the darkening city. "I admit that we started off on the
wrong foot. Like Pops, I'm cursed. Cold water turns me into a girl, and hot
water turns me back. Unfortunately, when I first met Akane she thought I was
a girl and wanted to be friends. She hated boys because she had to fight them
every morning. This idiot, called Tatewaki Kuno, started this thing where who
ever wanted to date Akane must first defeat her in combat. Although everyone
else has stopped going for Akane, Kuno is still after her. That idiot."
Usagi looked amused as Ranma continued, "Anyway, after a sparring match
Akane had said, 'I'm glad you're a girl. I hate to lose to a boy.'"
"Uh oh." said Usagi.
"Yeah. You can guess how I felt ." said Ranma as he sighed,
"Here, I thought a found a friend after a long time without one and then she
says that she hates boys. Anyway, after the match Kasumi had told me to take
a bath. Unfortunately as I got out of the furo in my real form, Akane entered
the bathroom, naked."
Usagi giggled as he glared at her, "It's not funny. Anyway, after she
stepped out she screamed out, 'There's a pervert in the bathroom!'. Later she
called me a pervert for seeing for naked. It wasn't like she didn't get a
good look at me too... Anyway, pop demonstrated our curses by tossing me into
the koi-pond in the backyard. I then said that I was a better built than her,
she got angry and slammed a table down on me. Her strength was pretty
impressive. Later Kasumi said, 'She's really a sweet girl, it's just that
she's a violent maniac.' or something like that."
Usagi's eyes widen, "Oneechan said that?"
"Yep," nodded Ranma, "Things have just gone downhill from there. I ended up
being engaged to Akane and she hated me more. First day of school, I was late
and had to hold buckets outside with Akane. Not a good omen, huh?" he turned
to look at her as she nodded. "Anyway," he turned back to the city, "Nabiki
had sold the news of our engagement and Kuno came charging at me, when I
first appeared. He was trying to kill me and still does. Then Ukyo and
Shampoo, my other fiancées also appeared and things just got worst."
Usagi looked at him sympathetically, "Man, I feel sorry for you. I thought
my life was bad. And you know what they say; first impressions last."
"Yeah. And that's not all." he snorted, "Nearly everyone I know just want to
kill or marry me. Some both." He shuddered then sighed again and looked at
her, "No one ever understands me here... You know, for once... I wish that I
could meet someone nice enough to treat me like a human being, not like an
object, and not like Kasumi does..."
"Ranma..." whispered Usagi as he placed his hand on her cheek.
He smiled, "I think my wish came true." Usagi's heart beated faster as he
drew closer to her. "Thank you... Usa-chan." He hugged her, rubbing his cheek
against her.
She was surprised for a moment then hugged him back as she could feel his
body tremble. "I... I'm so glad you're b-back... Usagi-chan..." his voice was
"It's alright... let it all out..." She patted his back as he cried on her
shoulder. She looked up at the full moon. (What has he done to deserve this?)
----------------------------------------------------------- ------------------
Soun and Genma looked at the clock hanging on the wall, a grin both adorned
on their faces. It had been hours since both Usagi and Ranma disappeared. A
plan started to formulate in both their heads. "Hey. Do you think we should
move the engagement to Usagi instead?" asked Genma, "It's obvious that
Akane doesn't want to marry Ranma."
Soun frowned, "I don't know, Usagi's pretty rebellious. She will most likely
to resist the engagement." (Not to mention that I'm afraid of what she's
going to do to me.)
Genma nodded, "Yes..." He then looked at Akane who was out in the dojo,
fuming and breaking bricks. "But at least they have a lot better chance than
Akane and Ranma does, right?"
"Yes..." said Soun, "But Akane might be upset." The two men looked at the
girl who was formally known as the youngest Tendo daughter.
-------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------
"That baka hentai!" fumed Akane as she smashed up the bricks. "And Usagi...
how dare she just step in and take him from me!" She then stopped, ('take him
for me'? Since when was he mine?) She sighed as she started to clean up.
(Maybe it _would_ be better if Usagi just got engaged to Ranma instead...)
She then got angry, (That was way I don't have to put up with that stupid,
two-timing pervert. Those perverts would be perfect for each other...) She
sighed, she was going to miss having Ranma as her fiancé, whether she liked
it or not.
------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------
"Are you alright now?" asked a concerned Usagi as Ranma nodded and wiped
his eyes embarrassed.
"Yeah." he then looked at her nervously, "Umm... you wouldn't... would you?"
Usagi smiled, "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone."
Ranma smiled back, "Thanks Usa-chan. My best bud." He then looked at the
full moon, "It's beautiful, isn't it?"
"Yeah..." she sighed wishfully as she looked up. (I wonder what it was like
to live up there?) She then thought for a while, "I can get you out of the
engagement with a Tendo, if you want."
"Nah, don't." he said as he stretched out his body, "The engagement with a
Tendo is the most promising engagement that keeps my other fiancées at bay.
Besides," he turned to face her, "you'll probably end up getting engaged with
me." The previous traces of him ever crying were gone.
Usagi blushed and said softly, "It wouldn't be that bad..."
"What? You actually want to get engaged with me?" asked Ranma surprised then
he shook his head, "No way, why would a beautiful and smart girl want to end
up with a dumb jock like me?"
Usagi's blush deepened, "I can think of a lot of reasons... and you're not
dumb." (He... he called me smart... no one ever said that to me before. Not
even Mamoru...)
Ranma looked at her as she blushed further and looked down at the ground. It
was true, his old friend was beautiful. With the effect of the moonlight
shining on her, her face lit up like it was glowing, and her eyes were like
the ocean. Ranma cupped her chin and gently pushed her head up. Her eyes met
his as he moved closer to her and he asked softly, "Why are you blushing?"
His face was just inches away from hers.
Usagi smiled, "It's a girl thing." Ranma smiled back as he pulled back.
Usagi looked at her watch and sighed, "Well then... it's getting dark. We
better start to head home." she shifted uncomfortably, old feelings
"Ok, sure." said Ranma as he stood up, he extended out his hand for her as
she accepted. He pulled her up into his embrace. "My beautiful bunny." He
kissed her cheek and released her. "What's wrong?" he asked worried, noticing
her tears.
Usagi shook her head as she wiped her eyes, "It's nothing. You just reminded
me of my old boyfriend... He used to call me Usako."
Ranma grinned at her, "Your old boyfriend, eh? I bet he didn't call you
Usa-chan." Usagi shook her head as he took her hand and laughed, "Come on,
Usa-chan! Let's go home."
Usagi smiled as Ranma started to pull her along in the dark, making sure
that she didn't get lost. After a while Usagi spoke up, "Say, do you ever
think back what happened with the gems?" (1)
Ranma frowned, "No, not really. I just hope that it's not more bad news." He
then grinned at her, "You're going to need to be good at martial arts while
in this area."
"Why do you say that?" asked Usagi confused, (Surely they didn't have Youma
like back in Juuban?)
"This place is filled with martial artists." said Ranma, "I think I'm going
to teach you further." Usagi nodded as Ranma told her all about the dangers
living in Nerima. Usagi listened to him enchanted, amused and also shocked
with all his tales of adventures, all the way back home.
------------------------------------------------------------ -----------------
"We're home!" called Ranma as he and Usagi entered together, removing their
"What were you doing with my sister, Hentai?" asked Akane as she placed the
last of the dishes onto the dining table.
Usagi blinked and innocently said, "He just showed me around Nerima and
talked about what had been happening." (My, doesn't she have a short temper?
She reminds me of Rei-chan...)
"Anyway," said Ranma interrupting, "Sorry we're late."
Kasumi smiled cheerfully, "Oh, it's quite alright Ranma-kun." She noticed
that Usagi and Ranma were holding hands.
Nodoka also nodded and smiled, "Yes, it's easy to keep track of time when
you're having fun."
Usagi quickly realised what they were implying to and released Ranma's hand,
"He was just leading me through the dark, so I wouldn't get lost." Akane
frowned, (They better not have done anything behind my back.)
"Anyway, come and eat dinner." said Soun as he moved room for her to seat
next to Shingo and Ranma. Akane watched Ranma carefully to see where he was
going to sit. She was both angry and relieved when Ranma had chose to seat
next to his parents. Nodoka had decided that her husband needed to go on a
diet and only served him some salad, much to Usagi and Shingo's amusement.
The others had already been told of her plan and laughed as they watched the
oldest Saotome grumbled under his breath.
After dinner Usagi took the plates to the kitchen and helped her eldest
sister and Ranma's mother clean up. She had took up the duty of drying to
plates before handing it to Nodoka. "So, where did Ranma show you today?"
"Well..." said Usagi, "He didn't show me much of anything, we just mostly
talk. He did point out where I could find everything, though."
"Was it interesting? Catching up on those nine years." asked Kasumi politely
as she washed the last of the dishes.
"Yeah..." said Usagi after hesitating, they didn't talk that much about the
past, just mostly the present. She was so busy lost in her own thoughts that
she didn't catch the unspoken conversation that took place between the two
older women.
----------------------------------------------------------- ------------------
Akane and Nabiki were watching tv, Soun and Genma were cheating... err..
playing their version of shogi while discussing the engagement, Ranma and
Shingo were talking on the ground when the three women entered.
An news report caught Nabiki's interest as she turned up the volume, "This
is a live footage of the battle of between the Sailor Senshi and the new
enemy in Juuban National Park. The presence of the senshi leader is unknown,
she has possibly left the group after a argument with Tuxedo Mask four nights
ago." Usagi and Shingo watched in horror. (How did they find out?) Usagi then
frowned, (Does this mean that they have always been recording our fights?
Could it be possible that they even know own real identities now?) The last
thought disturbed her.
"Mercury and Venus were both unconscious and the only ones who was standing
was Tuxedo Mask, Jupiter and Mars. They were fighting two droids as Eternal
Sailor Moon made her appearance and with a single attack from her rod, the
two droids quickly disintergrated. The leader ran to her fellow senshi and
Tuxedo Mask with concern, when she was painfully dumped. She returned a ring
to the masked man and quickly left the scene. Her last words saying, "... I
need to go and... and drown my sorrows.""
"Could it be possible that she was talking literally? Was she actually going
to drown herself to death? Perhaps that is why she is not present in the
current battle. Or perhaps she is sitting at home this very moment and
watching this broadcast. How well can the Sailor Senshi fare without their
leader?" Usagi clenched her hand into a ball tightly as Shingo placed a hand
on her shoulder. (How dare they just assume that?!) She looked at the
devastated park, everything looked dead like their life have been all drained
out of them. A panic filled her heart, (Oh no, I don't think that the senshi
can deal without Sailor Moon.)
"The enemy has left but summoned five powerful droids, can the senshi defeat
them? Even now, with the outer senshi, Uranus and Neptune joining in, their
chances are looking slim. Could this finally be the place and time where the
Sailor Senshi of love and justice lose their first battle?"
"Oh, and what is Uranus yelling out? She's saying, 'We need Sailor Moon!'
Ok! Uranus and Jupiter are now down. Both Mercury and Neptune are just
dodging the coming attacks. Working together Mars, Venus and Tuxedo Mask seem
to be able to hold their own against a droid. But will that be enough?" Usagi
held her breath, her chest hurt. (What should I do?) She looked around her
family and friends, a decision already made.
"I don't understand." spoke up Akane while watching the news, "Where is
Sailor Moon? Why isn't she with them?" Usagi bit her lower lip, as she
sneaked out of the house unnoticed by anyone other than Shingo.
"Don't worry, they'll pull through." said Nabiki confidently, "Why would
they lose the battle now? It's not like anyone has died, right?" (You are so
wrong, Nabiki. So wrong.) thought Shingo as he wished his sister well in the
fight. (Good luck sis. Don't get killed out there.)
"Oh my, the world is all counting on them." said Kasumi. "I hope they'll
Soun nodded, "It's unbelievable that a bunch of girls can save the world."
"Yes, and with their uniform..." Nodoka frowned, "I don't understand why
they must wear such short skirts to fight."
Ranma continued to watch the news, these girls that look no older than he
was, were about to die. "I'm going to help them." He stood up and was about
to leave when he felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked at Shingo confused.
Why was he stopping him? Doesn't he understand what was going to happen if he
didn't go and help?
"Don't go. Help is on the way." he said as he pointed to the screen.
Ranma turned back to the screen to see a long blond haired Sailor Senshi
entering the scene, also known as the leader, Eternal Sailor Moon.
------------------------------------------------------------ -----------------
A few minutes ago:
Rei frowned as she looked up from her fire reading. She reached for her
communicator and pressed the Mercury button. Ami's weary face appeared on
screen, "Is something wrong, Rei-chan?"
The raven hair priestess nodded, "Yes, I'm sorry to disturb you but I feel a
large dark amount of energy gathering at Juuban National Park. I'll go and
check it out first. I want you to connect the other inners."
"And Usagi?" asked Ami, her eyes saddening. Her best friend had left even
before she had recovered from hospital. Last night, she and Minako had
miraculously recovered. Some people said that they witnessed Eternal Sailor
Moon entering their room and then a white glow had been seen. When the
doctors arrived to see what all the commotion was about, they found Minako
and Ami completely healed but no one else in the room. And when they were
out of hospital today, they discovered that their leader had already moved
away somewhere and that her parents had passed away. There was a few disputes
about who would replace Usagi but eventually they had all just decided to
place Rei is charge for the time being, until Usagi returned. Minako, too,
was a wise choice as the leader being more experienced than the others.
However, she had resembled too much of their princess to be able to fill in
the position without any hurt or pain.
"No," said Rei, "We can deal with it ourselves. Let Usagi-chan have her
peace." (We own her at least that much.)
Ami nodded and the screen went blank. Rei sighed as she reached out for her
transformation wand. She looked at the wand, her burden... and cried out,
"Mars Crystal Power, Make Up!" A stream of fire surrounded her as Super
Sailor Mars took Rei's place. She started to leap towards the park. (I hope
we are strong enough to defeat this enemy without Sailor Moon's help. Last
time was difficult and with only two droids, Ami and Minako were
hospitalised. But one blast from Sailor Moon's kaleid moon scope, destroyed
them in one go... Strange.)
Sailor Mars slowed down her pace as she approached the park, she looked
around cautiously and widened her senses. The dark energy filled around the
park but seemed more concentrated around the centre of the park. She entered
the park and quickly moved to the side, behind the trees. (I sense a powerful
evil. Almost like Sailor Galaxia.) Sailor Mars felt fear creeping up to her
heart. (Sailor Galaxia managed to kill everyone but Usagi and the Star-
lights...) She paused as she witnessed a woman with long deep purple hair and
eyes floating in the air, gathering dark energy in her hands. She was wearing
a uniform similar to what the negaverse generals wore. (The negaverse is
back?) She then notice that the trees around her were all dead and bare.
"Hey you!" she yelled out as she leaped out of the bushes, "I am Sailor Mars
and for destroying the peace and harmony of this park. I will punish you!"
Meanwhile she was thinking, please hurry Ami, I think I'm going to need all
the help I can get.
The woman turned to look at her and laughed. Mars shivered, (some how she
looks so familiar...) "Hello Sailor Mars. I see that you're all alone."
"Not anymore." said Sailor Jupiter as she announced her presense along with
the others. The four Inner Sailor Senshi stood side by side in front of the
new threat of planet Earth.
"Now that you're all here. I can make the announcement. It's a shame that
Sailor Moon isn't here." taunted the woman as the inners clenched their fists
angrily. "I am Kalari, the new appointed general for Queen Beryl." As she
said this, the senshi all gasped.
"No way! You're lying!" yelled Jupiter angrily, "We destroyed Beryl!" She
painfully remembered when they went to the North Pole where they met the
Doom and Gloom Girls, and there each inner Sailor Senshi had died.
Kalari laughed, "Yes and like you senshi, she has been reborn and she's even
more powerful than her last life, and a lot smarter too. It's a shame that
your leader isn't here to witness the most shocking news of the century."
The senshi growled, or at least most of them did. Mars just let loose with
her Mars Flame Sniper, yelling out "We're not scared of you!" But, before
the flaming arrow could hit it's mark, Kalari was gone. Mars looked around
for her enemy, only to be taken by surprise as the woman teleported directly
in front of her, a condescending smirk gracing the features of her face.
"I'm not impressed." frowned Kalari as she shot up a weak blast with her
right hand at Mars. The fiery red senshi flew back into the air and painfully
landed on the ground. She groaned in pain, (No, I will not let her win. I
will not be bought down like this!)
"MARS!!" yelled Jupiter then she charged at Kalari in blind rage, "DIE, YOU
Kalari laughed as she easily dodged the attack and kneed Jupiter on the
stomach. Jupiter went down hard as she clenched her stomach and tried to
regain the breath that was knocked out of her. (No... she's too fast and
"Well, this is exciting but I've got other things to do. Tata." she laughed
as she started to fade away and five droids appeared to rise from the ground.
"No..." whispered Mars hoarsely as she staggered to her feet.
"World Shaking!" "Deep Submerge!" yelled out two voices as it introduced the
outers. Twin blasts slammed into the five droids. The inners watched
hopefully to see if any damage was inflicted on the droids.
Mercury gasped, "Not even a scratch, we're in deep trouble." She leaped back
as she tapped her earring, her visor appearing. Quickly she took out her mini
laptop and scanned the droids. (I sure hope that we can defeat these droids.)
Uranus turned to Jupiter, "Let's do a team attack." The others nodded. A
various of colours appeared as each senshi launched their attacks at the
droids. Some parts of droids were destroyed but they managed to regenerate
their damaged parts. The senshi all gasped in shocked.
"How are we suppose to destroy these things?" cried out Jupiter as they all
watched as the five angry droids starting to advance on them. Mercury rapidly
typed on her computer, she seemed calm and collected on the outside but
inside she was filled with turmoil.
"We have to completely destroy them before thay have a chance to
regenerate." said Mercury.
"DIE!!!" yelled the droids as they charged at the senshi. "RROOOWWW!!!"
The Sailor senshi all scattered as they dodged the attacks. "Space Sword
Blaster!" yelled Uranus as she attempted to destroy the droid attacking her.
One of the limbs was cut off but was quickly regenerated.
"How can we do that?" yelled Mars. "Our powers ain't strong enough to
defeat them!" She faced her own droid as she yelled out, "Mars Flame Sniper!"
Mercury leaped back with a startled cry, the droid just narrowly missed her.
A red rose stopped the droid in its tracks. "Quick Mercury, find a solution
while I'll battle this droid." said Tuxedo Mask as he took out his cane and
Mercury nodded. (Come on Ami, you can do this. The're all counting on you.)
"We NEED Sailor Moon!!!" yelled out Uranus as the droid sliced her fuku,
with its 'claws'. "Arrggghhh! They're too strong!" She collapsed on the
ground, pool in her own puddle of blood. She body ached and her head rang,
(I'm sorry princess, I failed...)
"No! Uranus!" yelled Neptune as she took out her mirror, "Aqua Mirror
The droid growled in frustration as it charged at her. "No!" yelled Jupiter
as she push the aqua hair senshi out of harm's way. Neptune watched eyes
widening as she watched Jupiter take the blast that was meant for her.
Quickly turning back to the scene, she leaped back just evading a attack in
"Flame Flame Sniper!" "Venus Sword Wink!"(2) cried out the two attacking
senshi as Tuxedo Mask threw roses at the droid.
Sailor Mercury smiled, "Just a little more power." She then gasped as
Neptune pulled her down to the ground. A droid flew over them.
"Be careful." hissed Neptune as she quickly stood up and Mercury nodded, a
little shaken. (If it wasn't for Neptune, I would probably be in the hospital
--------------------------------------------- --------------------------------
Eternal Sailor Moon quickly scanned the scene from a tree, it was dark so it
probably didn't make of a difference, especially since her uniform was so
bright. Uranus and Jupiter were unconscious but still alive which was a
relief, Mercury and Neptune were on the ground hurt and watching the fight
from the ground, Mars, Venus and Tuxedo Mask were trying to hold their own
with the droids but it was obvious that they were losing.
(Bakas, why didn't you try to call me on the communicator?) She thought as
she took out her kaleid moon scope and cried out her own attack, "Moon
Gorgeous Meditation!" Her attack disintegrated the droid that was closest to
her. Drawn by the destruction of their brethren, the others all turned to
face her. The droids looked at her with horror and fear while the senshi
looked on with relief. She leaped down from the tree with a cry, "Crescent
Moon..." Her extended out her right leg, "Kick!" She was aiming for the
droids head but it dodged out of the way. She landed onto the ground and did
a low sweep kick instead, knocking the droid onto the ground hard, as the
droid winced in pain. (Strange, I thought they didn't have feelings.) Quickly
brushing the thoughts aside, she focused on the situation in front of her.
She leaped up and landed on it, literally removing all its wind as it
screamed out in a inhuman cry. One down, three and a half more to go. She
placed a finger on her forehead where the crescent moon symbol was and a
tiara appeared. "Moon..." She removed her tiara off her forehead, "Tiara..."
as the tiara started to turn into a glowing discus. The droids backed away
from her nervously as the other senshi looked on confused. ESM grinned
menaciously, "MAGIC!!!" She flung the tiara through the two standing droids
as they were sliced in half, and disintegrated before hitting the ground. The
third one managed to escape from being seriously hurt, as it backpeddled away
from her.
------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------
"Did you see that?!" exclaimed the news reporter. "Eternal Sailor Moon
single handed defeated the three droids that had bought down most of the
Sailor Senshi team. Is she getting a lot more powerful or is it just that the
rest of her team is weakening? Now all she needs to do is finish the other
Everyone was all sighing with relief, but Ranma frowned, That was too easy.
Nabiki looked at the others. "Did you guys see that? Eternal Sailor Moon
looked like she was turning to the dark side. Her expression looked dark."
The others nodded in agreement as Ranma and Shingo looked thoughtful. "I
wonder who she really is." spoke Nabiki aloud as she turned and looked at
Shingo. (What was oneesan thinking of? Pulling off those type of stunts? I'm
going to have a talk to her. She could have gotten hurt.) "Say Shingo..."
said Nabiki as she broke off his trail of thought.
"Yes Nabiki-san?" asked Shingo, his eyes never leaving the television set.
Nabiki smiled, "You lived in Juuban before right?" With his nod she
continued, "Have you ever met Sailor Moon?"
Shingo hesitated, "Yeah... When I first saw her, I thought she was Sailor V
but then she became my favourite."
"Why was she your favourite?" asked Nabiki as she thought, (He hesitated
before answering. Something's up or he knows more than his letting on.)
"You know..." he said as he was thinking about the question himself, "I have
no idea." (Could it be because I already knew Usagi was Sailor Moon? And
maybe because I had always wanted Usagi to be strong and powerful?)
------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------
Eternal Sailor Moon frowned as she leaped up again and flipped in the air,
flying down her leg extended. This last droid was apparently proved to be
better than the others and rolled away. Before she had a time to react, the
droid grabbed her arm, digging its claws into her arm and threw her into a
tree. The others gasped as they ran towards her. However they won't so
luckily when the droid on the ground grabbed their ankles and dug its claws
into the two senshi. They screamed out in pain as she watched hopelessly.
Tuxedo Mask extended out his cane at the droid to release them.
Eternal Sailor Moon coughed out blood, she examined that her ribs were
broken, that was the minor problem. Her left arm stung from where the claws
dug into her. She collapsed to the ground and chuckled to herself, (stupid
Usagi, underestimating their power and showing off.) Painfully, she picked
herself up from the ground and took out her kaleid moon scope out again once
more. She raised it up and looked towards where the droid was last lasting,
preparing to moon dust it. Only it wasn't there. (Ok, now this is the major
Before she could realise what was happening, a blur appeared in front of her
and grabbed her bow, lifting her up to its eye level. She shivered as she
looked into the dark, deep, evil eyes of the droid leader. "You scared,
little girl?" it sneered, "You'll pay for killing my brothers." The droid
clenched its fist, it was only then did she realise how human like the droids
were, despite from the claws and other minor set backs like the metallic
colouring. The droid punched her repetitively in the stomach as she cried out
in pain. She could feel the repetitive beating and rattling of her bones
inside of her body. It was like a speaker, each blow did more damage than the
previous ones.
The kaleid moon scope slid out of her hands and landed on the ground with a
'chank'. Where was help when she needed it? In the corner of her eye, she
dimly saw Tuxedo Mask battling the other droid and the other senshi were all
down. What else could she do?
A dull pain filled her heart, this was it. She was going to die, she never
felt so exhausted. She gave into the pain, and her body went limp as her eyes
closed and she lapsed into the sweet unconsciousness.
------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------
Everyone watched in shock as they all thought the victorious battle was
already won until the tables turned. Shingo's eyes widen, (No! No! She can't
die! She just can't!) With a strangled cry he ran from the room.
They others gasped in surprise as they watched one of the newest member of
the Tendo just ran off. "I'm going after him." said Ranma as he ran after the
young boy.
------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------
"Damn it, Usagi! You promised me!" sobbed Shingo as he wiped a tear from
his eyes. (Why did you have to be Sailor Moon?)
He heard footsteps running towards him then he felt a hand on his shoulder
as he looked up. "Shingo? Are you alright?"
Shingo stood up to face him and bowed toward him, "Please, I beg you
Ranma-san. You have to save Sailor Moon." He held onto him as if he was the
only thing left in his world. "Please, you have to save her before it's too
Ranma picked him up, "Of course." He then started running towards Juuban as
he called back, "Go back inside and tell the others that I'll be back soon."
"Please hurry and be careful!!" yelled back Shingo but it was already too
late, Ranma was beyond hearing distance. Shingo looked up to the moon.
"Please, help them."
----------------------------------------------------------- ------------------
Ranma sprinted across the rooftops hoping to get to Juuban as soon as
possible. (Why was Shingo was scared? He must really care for Sailor Moon.)
He shrugged it off as if it was nothing, then a second thought came to him,
(Where was Usagi?) He then paused in shock, "No... it couldn't be..." (Was
Usagi, Sailor Moon? Was that why Shingo cared for Sailor Moon so much?)
His mind wandered back to nine years ago when Usagi had her hair in that
weird style. The same style as Sailor Moon's. (I think that's why she dyed
her hair brown. For a disguise.) He then started to sprint again, this time
more determine. (Don't worry Usagi. I'm not going to lose you again.)
---------------------------------------------------------- -------------------
The television screen was suddenly then bathed with green light and the
scene disappeared. "What happened?" asked Shingo as no one was able to answer
his question.
-------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------
Usagi opened her eyes slowly, but immediately regretted it. Her body ached
and she would have rather been unconscious. Suddenly all her recent thoughts
rushed back to her, she had been fighting with the droids when she became
unconscious. (The others!) she thought with panic as she looked up.
"Argghhh..." she sat up to the ground and held her head in pain. She felt a
piece of cloth on her forehead.
Her eyes focused on the campfire. "Welcome back to the living." joked a
familiar voice as she turned around and saw Mamoru. Her eyes harden and she
frowned as she slowly turned around and saw the others all safe and sound
around the campfire. Only one person out of the group that didn't look
familiar, he was quite built and had dark brown hair. On his forehead was a
yellow and black bandana and he was currently cooking marshmallows over the
"What happened?" Her voice was hoarse and her throat hurt, badly. She
realised that she was in her civil form, her eyes locked onto Rei's.
"He found out and he's the one who saved us." said Rei, "After you fell, he
appeared and did a chi blast that destroyed the droid that you had so much
trouble with. He healed us with some bandages."
"Are you alright, Usagi-chan?" asked Ami concerned, she had missed her
friend and was glad to see her again.
Usagi smiled at her blue hair friend reassuring her, "Hai, are _you_ alright
Ami-chan, Mina-chan, Haruka-san, Michiru-san?"
The other girls nodded as Rei, Makoto and Mamoru winced. (She still hasn't
forgiven me.)
Usagi slowly turned to the young man, "Thank you for saving us, Mr..."
The young man blushed, "I'm Ryoga, Ryoga Hibiki. And it's a martial artist
duty to help others."
Usagi nodded again, "And we trust you not to reveal our secrets to anyone
else?" asked Usagi. Rei looked at her sharply as Ryoga nodded nervously.
She then looked around again, not recognising the area, "Where are we?"
Before anyone had answer, Usagi had her voice being called, "USAGI!! Where
are you?!?"
Usagi gasped and stood up but fell back down in pain. "Usako!" exclaimed
Mamoru as he ran to catch her. She pushed away from his arms.
"Get. Away. From. Me." she gritted her teeth angrily and in pain as she
stood up again and called out, "Ranma! Over here!"
Ryoga's eyes widen as he growled under his breath, "Ranma..."
------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------
Ranma felt like crying, where was she? "USAGI!! Where are you?!?"
He turned around and saw a small campfire. A small flame of hope lit inside
of him. He heard her voice and his eyes widened. He sprinted toward the voice
and not caring about the others, he stopped in front of the girl he searched
so hard for. "Usagi!" He was about to hug her but realised that she was badly
hurt. Tears glistened in his eyes and he wiped them away. "I'm so glad you're
Usagi grinned, "Hiya Ranma." She was limping on one leg. He didn't notice
Mamoru and Ryoga was frowning at him for different reasons, nor did he care.
He picked her up, "Come on, I'm taking you to see Dr Tofu." The others stood
Before anyone could do anything, Ranma leaped off. Ryoga was clenched his
fists, "Don't worry. He'll take good care of her." He then looked at where
his rival once stood, "He's a martial artist too."
To be continued...
---------------------------------------------------------- -------------------
(1) From the previous chapter
(2) From the Manga.
I like to say a huge thanks to my pre-reader, yasuhei. This fic would be no
way near as good if it wasn't for him. Other than that, send C&Cs to me.
Written on 24/10/00.
------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------
Send C&Cs to me at salee@crosswinds.net
Visit my page http://www.crosswinds.net/~salee/
Previously: Usagi and Shingo join the Tendo family and it is revealed that
Ranma and Usagi were really close. Will Akane continue to be stubborn and
refuse to admit her feelings for Ranma, before it's too late and her father
decides to move the engagement to Usagi? Also what will be Ranma's reaction
to Usagi's letter be, especially when they now that they are alone. Read on
and find out.
Ranma led Usagi by her hand to secluded area behind a park. It was a cliff
that overlooked the city below, and with light winds breezing pass. "Look, we
can see the Dojo from here." Ranma pointed out to a building.
Usagi approached the edge, "Yeah, I see it."
Ranma pointed out several other buildings, "That's Ucchan's, that's the
school, that's Nekohanten..." After a while, they sat down on the bench that
was bolted to the ground.
"Why have you dyed your hair brown?" asked Ranma suddenly.
Usagi smiled, "Yeah... but how many japanese girls with blonde hair do you
Ranma thought for a second then said, "One, you." He gently touched her
hair, "You looked good with blond hair."
Usagi continued to watch the sunset and spoke softly, "So, you're now
engaged to Akane." It was more of a statement than a question.
Ranma dropped his hand to his side as he too faced the city, "Yeah... it was
our parent's idea to unite the two school of Anything Goes." He paused, "I
don't know if I want to marry her though."
--------------------------------------------------------- --------------------
Back at the Tendo Dojo, Akane sneezed.
"Oh Akane. Are you cold?" asked Nodoka, "Perhaps you should go and change
into something more wamer." She looked at the young lady's choice of clothes.
It was similar to her school uniform, only instead of being blue, it was
"Oh, I hope it's not dust." said Kasumi as she appeared with a duster.
Akane shook her head annoyed, "It's probably nothing. Maybe someone's just
talking about me." (They don't have to mother me, I'm seventeen years old
now. I can take care of myself.)
"And doesn't that annoy you?" asked a smug Nabiki, prompting Akane to glare
at her.
------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------
"You don't love her?" asked Usagi as she looked at Ranma.
Ranma placed his arms behind his head and rested against them, relaxing. "I
really don't know what I feel for that girl." He folded his leg over the
other as he looked at the darkening city. "I admit that we started off on the
wrong foot. Like Pops, I'm cursed. Cold water turns me into a girl, and hot
water turns me back. Unfortunately, when I first met Akane she thought I was
a girl and wanted to be friends. She hated boys because she had to fight them
every morning. This idiot, called Tatewaki Kuno, started this thing where who
ever wanted to date Akane must first defeat her in combat. Although everyone
else has stopped going for Akane, Kuno is still after her. That idiot."
Usagi looked amused as Ranma continued, "Anyway, after a sparring match
Akane had said, 'I'm glad you're a girl. I hate to lose to a boy.'"
"Uh oh." said Usagi.
"Yeah. You can guess how I felt ." said Ranma as he sighed,
"Here, I thought a found a friend after a long time without one and then she
says that she hates boys. Anyway, after the match Kasumi had told me to take
a bath. Unfortunately as I got out of the furo in my real form, Akane entered
the bathroom, naked."
Usagi giggled as he glared at her, "It's not funny. Anyway, after she
stepped out she screamed out, 'There's a pervert in the bathroom!'. Later she
called me a pervert for seeing for naked. It wasn't like she didn't get a
good look at me too... Anyway, pop demonstrated our curses by tossing me into
the koi-pond in the backyard. I then said that I was a better built than her,
she got angry and slammed a table down on me. Her strength was pretty
impressive. Later Kasumi said, 'She's really a sweet girl, it's just that
she's a violent maniac.' or something like that."
Usagi's eyes widen, "Oneechan said that?"
"Yep," nodded Ranma, "Things have just gone downhill from there. I ended up
being engaged to Akane and she hated me more. First day of school, I was late
and had to hold buckets outside with Akane. Not a good omen, huh?" he turned
to look at her as she nodded. "Anyway," he turned back to the city, "Nabiki
had sold the news of our engagement and Kuno came charging at me, when I
first appeared. He was trying to kill me and still does. Then Ukyo and
Shampoo, my other fiancées also appeared and things just got worst."
Usagi looked at him sympathetically, "Man, I feel sorry for you. I thought
my life was bad. And you know what they say; first impressions last."
"Yeah. And that's not all." he snorted, "Nearly everyone I know just want to
kill or marry me. Some both." He shuddered then sighed again and looked at
her, "No one ever understands me here... You know, for once... I wish that I
could meet someone nice enough to treat me like a human being, not like an
object, and not like Kasumi does..."
"Ranma..." whispered Usagi as he placed his hand on her cheek.
He smiled, "I think my wish came true." Usagi's heart beated faster as he
drew closer to her. "Thank you... Usa-chan." He hugged her, rubbing his cheek
against her.
She was surprised for a moment then hugged him back as she could feel his
body tremble. "I... I'm so glad you're b-back... Usagi-chan..." his voice was
"It's alright... let it all out..." She patted his back as he cried on her
shoulder. She looked up at the full moon. (What has he done to deserve this?)
----------------------------------------------------------- ------------------
Soun and Genma looked at the clock hanging on the wall, a grin both adorned
on their faces. It had been hours since both Usagi and Ranma disappeared. A
plan started to formulate in both their heads. "Hey. Do you think we should
move the engagement to Usagi instead?" asked Genma, "It's obvious that
Akane doesn't want to marry Ranma."
Soun frowned, "I don't know, Usagi's pretty rebellious. She will most likely
to resist the engagement." (Not to mention that I'm afraid of what she's
going to do to me.)
Genma nodded, "Yes..." He then looked at Akane who was out in the dojo,
fuming and breaking bricks. "But at least they have a lot better chance than
Akane and Ranma does, right?"
"Yes..." said Soun, "But Akane might be upset." The two men looked at the
girl who was formally known as the youngest Tendo daughter.
-------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------
"That baka hentai!" fumed Akane as she smashed up the bricks. "And Usagi...
how dare she just step in and take him from me!" She then stopped, ('take him
for me'? Since when was he mine?) She sighed as she started to clean up.
(Maybe it _would_ be better if Usagi just got engaged to Ranma instead...)
She then got angry, (That was way I don't have to put up with that stupid,
two-timing pervert. Those perverts would be perfect for each other...) She
sighed, she was going to miss having Ranma as her fiancé, whether she liked
it or not.
------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------
"Are you alright now?" asked a concerned Usagi as Ranma nodded and wiped
his eyes embarrassed.
"Yeah." he then looked at her nervously, "Umm... you wouldn't... would you?"
Usagi smiled, "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone."
Ranma smiled back, "Thanks Usa-chan. My best bud." He then looked at the
full moon, "It's beautiful, isn't it?"
"Yeah..." she sighed wishfully as she looked up. (I wonder what it was like
to live up there?) She then thought for a while, "I can get you out of the
engagement with a Tendo, if you want."
"Nah, don't." he said as he stretched out his body, "The engagement with a
Tendo is the most promising engagement that keeps my other fiancées at bay.
Besides," he turned to face her, "you'll probably end up getting engaged with
me." The previous traces of him ever crying were gone.
Usagi blushed and said softly, "It wouldn't be that bad..."
"What? You actually want to get engaged with me?" asked Ranma surprised then
he shook his head, "No way, why would a beautiful and smart girl want to end
up with a dumb jock like me?"
Usagi's blush deepened, "I can think of a lot of reasons... and you're not
dumb." (He... he called me smart... no one ever said that to me before. Not
even Mamoru...)
Ranma looked at her as she blushed further and looked down at the ground. It
was true, his old friend was beautiful. With the effect of the moonlight
shining on her, her face lit up like it was glowing, and her eyes were like
the ocean. Ranma cupped her chin and gently pushed her head up. Her eyes met
his as he moved closer to her and he asked softly, "Why are you blushing?"
His face was just inches away from hers.
Usagi smiled, "It's a girl thing." Ranma smiled back as he pulled back.
Usagi looked at her watch and sighed, "Well then... it's getting dark. We
better start to head home." she shifted uncomfortably, old feelings
"Ok, sure." said Ranma as he stood up, he extended out his hand for her as
she accepted. He pulled her up into his embrace. "My beautiful bunny." He
kissed her cheek and released her. "What's wrong?" he asked worried, noticing
her tears.
Usagi shook her head as she wiped her eyes, "It's nothing. You just reminded
me of my old boyfriend... He used to call me Usako."
Ranma grinned at her, "Your old boyfriend, eh? I bet he didn't call you
Usa-chan." Usagi shook her head as he took her hand and laughed, "Come on,
Usa-chan! Let's go home."
Usagi smiled as Ranma started to pull her along in the dark, making sure
that she didn't get lost. After a while Usagi spoke up, "Say, do you ever
think back what happened with the gems?" (1)
Ranma frowned, "No, not really. I just hope that it's not more bad news." He
then grinned at her, "You're going to need to be good at martial arts while
in this area."
"Why do you say that?" asked Usagi confused, (Surely they didn't have Youma
like back in Juuban?)
"This place is filled with martial artists." said Ranma, "I think I'm going
to teach you further." Usagi nodded as Ranma told her all about the dangers
living in Nerima. Usagi listened to him enchanted, amused and also shocked
with all his tales of adventures, all the way back home.
------------------------------------------------------------ -----------------
"We're home!" called Ranma as he and Usagi entered together, removing their
"What were you doing with my sister, Hentai?" asked Akane as she placed the
last of the dishes onto the dining table.
Usagi blinked and innocently said, "He just showed me around Nerima and
talked about what had been happening." (My, doesn't she have a short temper?
She reminds me of Rei-chan...)
"Anyway," said Ranma interrupting, "Sorry we're late."
Kasumi smiled cheerfully, "Oh, it's quite alright Ranma-kun." She noticed
that Usagi and Ranma were holding hands.
Nodoka also nodded and smiled, "Yes, it's easy to keep track of time when
you're having fun."
Usagi quickly realised what they were implying to and released Ranma's hand,
"He was just leading me through the dark, so I wouldn't get lost." Akane
frowned, (They better not have done anything behind my back.)
"Anyway, come and eat dinner." said Soun as he moved room for her to seat
next to Shingo and Ranma. Akane watched Ranma carefully to see where he was
going to sit. She was both angry and relieved when Ranma had chose to seat
next to his parents. Nodoka had decided that her husband needed to go on a
diet and only served him some salad, much to Usagi and Shingo's amusement.
The others had already been told of her plan and laughed as they watched the
oldest Saotome grumbled under his breath.
After dinner Usagi took the plates to the kitchen and helped her eldest
sister and Ranma's mother clean up. She had took up the duty of drying to
plates before handing it to Nodoka. "So, where did Ranma show you today?"
"Well..." said Usagi, "He didn't show me much of anything, we just mostly
talk. He did point out where I could find everything, though."
"Was it interesting? Catching up on those nine years." asked Kasumi politely
as she washed the last of the dishes.
"Yeah..." said Usagi after hesitating, they didn't talk that much about the
past, just mostly the present. She was so busy lost in her own thoughts that
she didn't catch the unspoken conversation that took place between the two
older women.
----------------------------------------------------------- ------------------
Akane and Nabiki were watching tv, Soun and Genma were cheating... err..
playing their version of shogi while discussing the engagement, Ranma and
Shingo were talking on the ground when the three women entered.
An news report caught Nabiki's interest as she turned up the volume, "This
is a live footage of the battle of between the Sailor Senshi and the new
enemy in Juuban National Park. The presence of the senshi leader is unknown,
she has possibly left the group after a argument with Tuxedo Mask four nights
ago." Usagi and Shingo watched in horror. (How did they find out?) Usagi then
frowned, (Does this mean that they have always been recording our fights?
Could it be possible that they even know own real identities now?) The last
thought disturbed her.
"Mercury and Venus were both unconscious and the only ones who was standing
was Tuxedo Mask, Jupiter and Mars. They were fighting two droids as Eternal
Sailor Moon made her appearance and with a single attack from her rod, the
two droids quickly disintergrated. The leader ran to her fellow senshi and
Tuxedo Mask with concern, when she was painfully dumped. She returned a ring
to the masked man and quickly left the scene. Her last words saying, "... I
need to go and... and drown my sorrows.""
"Could it be possible that she was talking literally? Was she actually going
to drown herself to death? Perhaps that is why she is not present in the
current battle. Or perhaps she is sitting at home this very moment and
watching this broadcast. How well can the Sailor Senshi fare without their
leader?" Usagi clenched her hand into a ball tightly as Shingo placed a hand
on her shoulder. (How dare they just assume that?!) She looked at the
devastated park, everything looked dead like their life have been all drained
out of them. A panic filled her heart, (Oh no, I don't think that the senshi
can deal without Sailor Moon.)
"The enemy has left but summoned five powerful droids, can the senshi defeat
them? Even now, with the outer senshi, Uranus and Neptune joining in, their
chances are looking slim. Could this finally be the place and time where the
Sailor Senshi of love and justice lose their first battle?"
"Oh, and what is Uranus yelling out? She's saying, 'We need Sailor Moon!'
Ok! Uranus and Jupiter are now down. Both Mercury and Neptune are just
dodging the coming attacks. Working together Mars, Venus and Tuxedo Mask seem
to be able to hold their own against a droid. But will that be enough?" Usagi
held her breath, her chest hurt. (What should I do?) She looked around her
family and friends, a decision already made.
"I don't understand." spoke up Akane while watching the news, "Where is
Sailor Moon? Why isn't she with them?" Usagi bit her lower lip, as she
sneaked out of the house unnoticed by anyone other than Shingo.
"Don't worry, they'll pull through." said Nabiki confidently, "Why would
they lose the battle now? It's not like anyone has died, right?" (You are so
wrong, Nabiki. So wrong.) thought Shingo as he wished his sister well in the
fight. (Good luck sis. Don't get killed out there.)
"Oh my, the world is all counting on them." said Kasumi. "I hope they'll
Soun nodded, "It's unbelievable that a bunch of girls can save the world."
"Yes, and with their uniform..." Nodoka frowned, "I don't understand why
they must wear such short skirts to fight."
Ranma continued to watch the news, these girls that look no older than he
was, were about to die. "I'm going to help them." He stood up and was about
to leave when he felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked at Shingo confused.
Why was he stopping him? Doesn't he understand what was going to happen if he
didn't go and help?
"Don't go. Help is on the way." he said as he pointed to the screen.
Ranma turned back to the screen to see a long blond haired Sailor Senshi
entering the scene, also known as the leader, Eternal Sailor Moon.
------------------------------------------------------------ -----------------
A few minutes ago:
Rei frowned as she looked up from her fire reading. She reached for her
communicator and pressed the Mercury button. Ami's weary face appeared on
screen, "Is something wrong, Rei-chan?"
The raven hair priestess nodded, "Yes, I'm sorry to disturb you but I feel a
large dark amount of energy gathering at Juuban National Park. I'll go and
check it out first. I want you to connect the other inners."
"And Usagi?" asked Ami, her eyes saddening. Her best friend had left even
before she had recovered from hospital. Last night, she and Minako had
miraculously recovered. Some people said that they witnessed Eternal Sailor
Moon entering their room and then a white glow had been seen. When the
doctors arrived to see what all the commotion was about, they found Minako
and Ami completely healed but no one else in the room. And when they were
out of hospital today, they discovered that their leader had already moved
away somewhere and that her parents had passed away. There was a few disputes
about who would replace Usagi but eventually they had all just decided to
place Rei is charge for the time being, until Usagi returned. Minako, too,
was a wise choice as the leader being more experienced than the others.
However, she had resembled too much of their princess to be able to fill in
the position without any hurt or pain.
"No," said Rei, "We can deal with it ourselves. Let Usagi-chan have her
peace." (We own her at least that much.)
Ami nodded and the screen went blank. Rei sighed as she reached out for her
transformation wand. She looked at the wand, her burden... and cried out,
"Mars Crystal Power, Make Up!" A stream of fire surrounded her as Super
Sailor Mars took Rei's place. She started to leap towards the park. (I hope
we are strong enough to defeat this enemy without Sailor Moon's help. Last
time was difficult and with only two droids, Ami and Minako were
hospitalised. But one blast from Sailor Moon's kaleid moon scope, destroyed
them in one go... Strange.)
Sailor Mars slowed down her pace as she approached the park, she looked
around cautiously and widened her senses. The dark energy filled around the
park but seemed more concentrated around the centre of the park. She entered
the park and quickly moved to the side, behind the trees. (I sense a powerful
evil. Almost like Sailor Galaxia.) Sailor Mars felt fear creeping up to her
heart. (Sailor Galaxia managed to kill everyone but Usagi and the Star-
lights...) She paused as she witnessed a woman with long deep purple hair and
eyes floating in the air, gathering dark energy in her hands. She was wearing
a uniform similar to what the negaverse generals wore. (The negaverse is
back?) She then notice that the trees around her were all dead and bare.
"Hey you!" she yelled out as she leaped out of the bushes, "I am Sailor Mars
and for destroying the peace and harmony of this park. I will punish you!"
Meanwhile she was thinking, please hurry Ami, I think I'm going to need all
the help I can get.
The woman turned to look at her and laughed. Mars shivered, (some how she
looks so familiar...) "Hello Sailor Mars. I see that you're all alone."
"Not anymore." said Sailor Jupiter as she announced her presense along with
the others. The four Inner Sailor Senshi stood side by side in front of the
new threat of planet Earth.
"Now that you're all here. I can make the announcement. It's a shame that
Sailor Moon isn't here." taunted the woman as the inners clenched their fists
angrily. "I am Kalari, the new appointed general for Queen Beryl." As she
said this, the senshi all gasped.
"No way! You're lying!" yelled Jupiter angrily, "We destroyed Beryl!" She
painfully remembered when they went to the North Pole where they met the
Doom and Gloom Girls, and there each inner Sailor Senshi had died.
Kalari laughed, "Yes and like you senshi, she has been reborn and she's even
more powerful than her last life, and a lot smarter too. It's a shame that
your leader isn't here to witness the most shocking news of the century."
The senshi growled, or at least most of them did. Mars just let loose with
her Mars Flame Sniper, yelling out "We're not scared of you!" But, before
the flaming arrow could hit it's mark, Kalari was gone. Mars looked around
for her enemy, only to be taken by surprise as the woman teleported directly
in front of her, a condescending smirk gracing the features of her face.
"I'm not impressed." frowned Kalari as she shot up a weak blast with her
right hand at Mars. The fiery red senshi flew back into the air and painfully
landed on the ground. She groaned in pain, (No, I will not let her win. I
will not be bought down like this!)
"MARS!!" yelled Jupiter then she charged at Kalari in blind rage, "DIE, YOU
Kalari laughed as she easily dodged the attack and kneed Jupiter on the
stomach. Jupiter went down hard as she clenched her stomach and tried to
regain the breath that was knocked out of her. (No... she's too fast and
"Well, this is exciting but I've got other things to do. Tata." she laughed
as she started to fade away and five droids appeared to rise from the ground.
"No..." whispered Mars hoarsely as she staggered to her feet.
"World Shaking!" "Deep Submerge!" yelled out two voices as it introduced the
outers. Twin blasts slammed into the five droids. The inners watched
hopefully to see if any damage was inflicted on the droids.
Mercury gasped, "Not even a scratch, we're in deep trouble." She leaped back
as she tapped her earring, her visor appearing. Quickly she took out her mini
laptop and scanned the droids. (I sure hope that we can defeat these droids.)
Uranus turned to Jupiter, "Let's do a team attack." The others nodded. A
various of colours appeared as each senshi launched their attacks at the
droids. Some parts of droids were destroyed but they managed to regenerate
their damaged parts. The senshi all gasped in shocked.
"How are we suppose to destroy these things?" cried out Jupiter as they all
watched as the five angry droids starting to advance on them. Mercury rapidly
typed on her computer, she seemed calm and collected on the outside but
inside she was filled with turmoil.
"We have to completely destroy them before thay have a chance to
regenerate." said Mercury.
"DIE!!!" yelled the droids as they charged at the senshi. "RROOOWWW!!!"
The Sailor senshi all scattered as they dodged the attacks. "Space Sword
Blaster!" yelled Uranus as she attempted to destroy the droid attacking her.
One of the limbs was cut off but was quickly regenerated.
"How can we do that?" yelled Mars. "Our powers ain't strong enough to
defeat them!" She faced her own droid as she yelled out, "Mars Flame Sniper!"
Mercury leaped back with a startled cry, the droid just narrowly missed her.
A red rose stopped the droid in its tracks. "Quick Mercury, find a solution
while I'll battle this droid." said Tuxedo Mask as he took out his cane and
Mercury nodded. (Come on Ami, you can do this. The're all counting on you.)
"We NEED Sailor Moon!!!" yelled out Uranus as the droid sliced her fuku,
with its 'claws'. "Arrggghhh! They're too strong!" She collapsed on the
ground, pool in her own puddle of blood. She body ached and her head rang,
(I'm sorry princess, I failed...)
"No! Uranus!" yelled Neptune as she took out her mirror, "Aqua Mirror
The droid growled in frustration as it charged at her. "No!" yelled Jupiter
as she push the aqua hair senshi out of harm's way. Neptune watched eyes
widening as she watched Jupiter take the blast that was meant for her.
Quickly turning back to the scene, she leaped back just evading a attack in
"Flame Flame Sniper!" "Venus Sword Wink!"(2) cried out the two attacking
senshi as Tuxedo Mask threw roses at the droid.
Sailor Mercury smiled, "Just a little more power." She then gasped as
Neptune pulled her down to the ground. A droid flew over them.
"Be careful." hissed Neptune as she quickly stood up and Mercury nodded, a
little shaken. (If it wasn't for Neptune, I would probably be in the hospital
--------------------------------------------- --------------------------------
Eternal Sailor Moon quickly scanned the scene from a tree, it was dark so it
probably didn't make of a difference, especially since her uniform was so
bright. Uranus and Jupiter were unconscious but still alive which was a
relief, Mercury and Neptune were on the ground hurt and watching the fight
from the ground, Mars, Venus and Tuxedo Mask were trying to hold their own
with the droids but it was obvious that they were losing.
(Bakas, why didn't you try to call me on the communicator?) She thought as
she took out her kaleid moon scope and cried out her own attack, "Moon
Gorgeous Meditation!" Her attack disintegrated the droid that was closest to
her. Drawn by the destruction of their brethren, the others all turned to
face her. The droids looked at her with horror and fear while the senshi
looked on with relief. She leaped down from the tree with a cry, "Crescent
Moon..." Her extended out her right leg, "Kick!" She was aiming for the
droids head but it dodged out of the way. She landed onto the ground and did
a low sweep kick instead, knocking the droid onto the ground hard, as the
droid winced in pain. (Strange, I thought they didn't have feelings.) Quickly
brushing the thoughts aside, she focused on the situation in front of her.
She leaped up and landed on it, literally removing all its wind as it
screamed out in a inhuman cry. One down, three and a half more to go. She
placed a finger on her forehead where the crescent moon symbol was and a
tiara appeared. "Moon..." She removed her tiara off her forehead, "Tiara..."
as the tiara started to turn into a glowing discus. The droids backed away
from her nervously as the other senshi looked on confused. ESM grinned
menaciously, "MAGIC!!!" She flung the tiara through the two standing droids
as they were sliced in half, and disintegrated before hitting the ground. The
third one managed to escape from being seriously hurt, as it backpeddled away
from her.
------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------
"Did you see that?!" exclaimed the news reporter. "Eternal Sailor Moon
single handed defeated the three droids that had bought down most of the
Sailor Senshi team. Is she getting a lot more powerful or is it just that the
rest of her team is weakening? Now all she needs to do is finish the other
Everyone was all sighing with relief, but Ranma frowned, That was too easy.
Nabiki looked at the others. "Did you guys see that? Eternal Sailor Moon
looked like she was turning to the dark side. Her expression looked dark."
The others nodded in agreement as Ranma and Shingo looked thoughtful. "I
wonder who she really is." spoke Nabiki aloud as she turned and looked at
Shingo. (What was oneesan thinking of? Pulling off those type of stunts? I'm
going to have a talk to her. She could have gotten hurt.) "Say Shingo..."
said Nabiki as she broke off his trail of thought.
"Yes Nabiki-san?" asked Shingo, his eyes never leaving the television set.
Nabiki smiled, "You lived in Juuban before right?" With his nod she
continued, "Have you ever met Sailor Moon?"
Shingo hesitated, "Yeah... When I first saw her, I thought she was Sailor V
but then she became my favourite."
"Why was she your favourite?" asked Nabiki as she thought, (He hesitated
before answering. Something's up or he knows more than his letting on.)
"You know..." he said as he was thinking about the question himself, "I have
no idea." (Could it be because I already knew Usagi was Sailor Moon? And
maybe because I had always wanted Usagi to be strong and powerful?)
------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------
Eternal Sailor Moon frowned as she leaped up again and flipped in the air,
flying down her leg extended. This last droid was apparently proved to be
better than the others and rolled away. Before she had a time to react, the
droid grabbed her arm, digging its claws into her arm and threw her into a
tree. The others gasped as they ran towards her. However they won't so
luckily when the droid on the ground grabbed their ankles and dug its claws
into the two senshi. They screamed out in pain as she watched hopelessly.
Tuxedo Mask extended out his cane at the droid to release them.
Eternal Sailor Moon coughed out blood, she examined that her ribs were
broken, that was the minor problem. Her left arm stung from where the claws
dug into her. She collapsed to the ground and chuckled to herself, (stupid
Usagi, underestimating their power and showing off.) Painfully, she picked
herself up from the ground and took out her kaleid moon scope out again once
more. She raised it up and looked towards where the droid was last lasting,
preparing to moon dust it. Only it wasn't there. (Ok, now this is the major
Before she could realise what was happening, a blur appeared in front of her
and grabbed her bow, lifting her up to its eye level. She shivered as she
looked into the dark, deep, evil eyes of the droid leader. "You scared,
little girl?" it sneered, "You'll pay for killing my brothers." The droid
clenched its fist, it was only then did she realise how human like the droids
were, despite from the claws and other minor set backs like the metallic
colouring. The droid punched her repetitively in the stomach as she cried out
in pain. She could feel the repetitive beating and rattling of her bones
inside of her body. It was like a speaker, each blow did more damage than the
previous ones.
The kaleid moon scope slid out of her hands and landed on the ground with a
'chank'. Where was help when she needed it? In the corner of her eye, she
dimly saw Tuxedo Mask battling the other droid and the other senshi were all
down. What else could she do?
A dull pain filled her heart, this was it. She was going to die, she never
felt so exhausted. She gave into the pain, and her body went limp as her eyes
closed and she lapsed into the sweet unconsciousness.
------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------
Everyone watched in shock as they all thought the victorious battle was
already won until the tables turned. Shingo's eyes widen, (No! No! She can't
die! She just can't!) With a strangled cry he ran from the room.
They others gasped in surprise as they watched one of the newest member of
the Tendo just ran off. "I'm going after him." said Ranma as he ran after the
young boy.
------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------
"Damn it, Usagi! You promised me!" sobbed Shingo as he wiped a tear from
his eyes. (Why did you have to be Sailor Moon?)
He heard footsteps running towards him then he felt a hand on his shoulder
as he looked up. "Shingo? Are you alright?"
Shingo stood up to face him and bowed toward him, "Please, I beg you
Ranma-san. You have to save Sailor Moon." He held onto him as if he was the
only thing left in his world. "Please, you have to save her before it's too
Ranma picked him up, "Of course." He then started running towards Juuban as
he called back, "Go back inside and tell the others that I'll be back soon."
"Please hurry and be careful!!" yelled back Shingo but it was already too
late, Ranma was beyond hearing distance. Shingo looked up to the moon.
"Please, help them."
----------------------------------------------------------- ------------------
Ranma sprinted across the rooftops hoping to get to Juuban as soon as
possible. (Why was Shingo was scared? He must really care for Sailor Moon.)
He shrugged it off as if it was nothing, then a second thought came to him,
(Where was Usagi?) He then paused in shock, "No... it couldn't be..." (Was
Usagi, Sailor Moon? Was that why Shingo cared for Sailor Moon so much?)
His mind wandered back to nine years ago when Usagi had her hair in that
weird style. The same style as Sailor Moon's. (I think that's why she dyed
her hair brown. For a disguise.) He then started to sprint again, this time
more determine. (Don't worry Usagi. I'm not going to lose you again.)
---------------------------------------------------------- -------------------
The television screen was suddenly then bathed with green light and the
scene disappeared. "What happened?" asked Shingo as no one was able to answer
his question.
-------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------
Usagi opened her eyes slowly, but immediately regretted it. Her body ached
and she would have rather been unconscious. Suddenly all her recent thoughts
rushed back to her, she had been fighting with the droids when she became
unconscious. (The others!) she thought with panic as she looked up.
"Argghhh..." she sat up to the ground and held her head in pain. She felt a
piece of cloth on her forehead.
Her eyes focused on the campfire. "Welcome back to the living." joked a
familiar voice as she turned around and saw Mamoru. Her eyes harden and she
frowned as she slowly turned around and saw the others all safe and sound
around the campfire. Only one person out of the group that didn't look
familiar, he was quite built and had dark brown hair. On his forehead was a
yellow and black bandana and he was currently cooking marshmallows over the
"What happened?" Her voice was hoarse and her throat hurt, badly. She
realised that she was in her civil form, her eyes locked onto Rei's.
"He found out and he's the one who saved us." said Rei, "After you fell, he
appeared and did a chi blast that destroyed the droid that you had so much
trouble with. He healed us with some bandages."
"Are you alright, Usagi-chan?" asked Ami concerned, she had missed her
friend and was glad to see her again.
Usagi smiled at her blue hair friend reassuring her, "Hai, are _you_ alright
Ami-chan, Mina-chan, Haruka-san, Michiru-san?"
The other girls nodded as Rei, Makoto and Mamoru winced. (She still hasn't
forgiven me.)
Usagi slowly turned to the young man, "Thank you for saving us, Mr..."
The young man blushed, "I'm Ryoga, Ryoga Hibiki. And it's a martial artist
duty to help others."
Usagi nodded again, "And we trust you not to reveal our secrets to anyone
else?" asked Usagi. Rei looked at her sharply as Ryoga nodded nervously.
She then looked around again, not recognising the area, "Where are we?"
Before anyone had answer, Usagi had her voice being called, "USAGI!! Where
are you?!?"
Usagi gasped and stood up but fell back down in pain. "Usako!" exclaimed
Mamoru as he ran to catch her. She pushed away from his arms.
"Get. Away. From. Me." she gritted her teeth angrily and in pain as she
stood up again and called out, "Ranma! Over here!"
Ryoga's eyes widen as he growled under his breath, "Ranma..."
------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------
Ranma felt like crying, where was she? "USAGI!! Where are you?!?"
He turned around and saw a small campfire. A small flame of hope lit inside
of him. He heard her voice and his eyes widened. He sprinted toward the voice
and not caring about the others, he stopped in front of the girl he searched
so hard for. "Usagi!" He was about to hug her but realised that she was badly
hurt. Tears glistened in his eyes and he wiped them away. "I'm so glad you're
Usagi grinned, "Hiya Ranma." She was limping on one leg. He didn't notice
Mamoru and Ryoga was frowning at him for different reasons, nor did he care.
He picked her up, "Come on, I'm taking you to see Dr Tofu." The others stood
Before anyone could do anything, Ranma leaped off. Ryoga was clenched his
fists, "Don't worry. He'll take good care of her." He then looked at where
his rival once stood, "He's a martial artist too."
To be continued...
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(1) From the previous chapter
(2) From the Manga.
I like to say a huge thanks to my pre-reader, yasuhei. This fic would be no
way near as good if it wasn't for him. Other than that, send C&Cs to me.
Written on 24/10/00.
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Send C&Cs to me at salee@crosswinds.net
Visit my page http://www.crosswinds.net/~salee/