Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Noble Warrior Lunar Knight ❯ ✮The Noble Warrior ✮ ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

In the last chapter

"As I feared it seems that we are going to need a more powerful spell but to spell it we need more energy, start phase 2 prematurely only today after that improve the hypnotic spell and after that you will return to phase 1, understood?" The man known as Jadeite said with a threatening but soft tone.

"Ranma from now on you are going to adopt the identity of Lunar Knight, remember to use that name because if the Dark Kingdom or any other enemy that appears knows your identity, everyone you love could suffer a lot" said Luna

"NANI?! Impossible, no one can deny a direct drain spell. Who are you?" Tōki said surprised.

"I am the Noble Warrior who fights for Love and Justice, I am the one who defends those who cannot defend themselves from evil, I am LUNAR KNIGHT, martial arts are to defend those who cannot defend themselves, not to use them against them, for misusing art, I will punish you, in the name of the moon."

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And Now

'Why I say that? My lips moved on their own in that stupid speech' Lunar thought, starting a staring duel with Tōki until

"Hahahaha Lunar Knight? Wasn't that from Marvel?" Tōki asked very anti-climatically.

"That's Moon Knight and that's Egyptian" Lunar said remembering that American Manga he found once.

"And what was all that rubbish about punishing me in the name of the Moon, do you think you're a Sailor Senshi? Hahahaha" Tōki said mockingly.

With a slight blush of embarrassment Lunar got tired of this Youma "Enough comes here to fight so ready to do it?" Irritated Lunar asked, they adopted an offensive pose.

"As you wish," Tōki said, also adopting an offensive pose.

Thus began our hero's first fight against evil, Tōki attacked first with a direct punch to Lunar's head, which he moved out of the way just before the blow landed, giving him his own blow in response directly to the abdomen, knocking him to the ground. A wall on the other side of the dojo leaving a gap with his form in it, Tōki leaves the gap with his form in the wall moving quickly trying to give a flying kick to Lunar, but he is again not in the place at the time of the blow. He should have connected now he was behind Tōki hitting him in the spine with enough force to break it in a human, of course Tōki was not human so he didn't break his spine but he did send him flying straight towards the street

"Ahhhh I've had enough of this stupid human disguise" he then returned to his youma form having red skin, a white gi, purple hair, completely black eyes and is fully muscled "let's end this now"

Lunar Knight jumps out "now you are uglier" he said, now he is the one who goes full offensive this time with a feint automatically wanting to sweep his rival's feet but Tōki was faster and jumped avoiding the sweep and instantly afterwards he would try to kick but Lunar would avoid his without much trouble and punch his in the ribs faster than he did last time.

"I'm already fed up with you, it's time for me to end this once and for all. Rain of Fists! Muda muda muda" with that Tōki would begin to hit at high speed many times in the places where he saw Lunar the most when a blow seemed to connect this one disappeared and dodged it without much problem "be a man and stay still"

"Why would I do that? For you to hit me a million times in a second? No thanks," Lunar said as he continued dodging, finding an opening in his opponent, he punched him hard in the stomach, knocking him against a brick wall. "you are surprisingly resilient, ugly"

ENOUGH! " Tōki shouted extremely furiously " I WILL NOT BE DEFEATED BY A STUPID HUMAN! DIE! FINAL TECHNIQUE DESTROY KICK! " After saying that Tōki quickly crossed the distance between him and his rival with a flying kick this time Lunar Knight had a hard time dodging the attack but he still managed it with Tōki finishing his kick on a lamppost being electrocuted, Tōki is still standing but visibly tired

'Throw the Hat shouting "Lunar Hat Action"' said a voice in Lunar Knight's head "very good, Lunar Hat!" He started to say taking his hat " ACTION! " He shouted throwing his hat at Tōki when the gold part became extremely sharp

"Uhh? GHAAAAAAAaaaaa aaa aaa ..." was all Tōki could say as the hat split him in half now turned into a pile of dust all the energy he had stolen returning to their respective owners

Although unknown to Lunar Knight, someone else had seen the fight and was displeased by the conclusion and then disappeared into a portal, his queen needed to know.

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The Dark Kingdom

"Jadeite, I see that you have returned, I have to assume that the harvest was successful," Beryl said to the recently returned general.

"Unfortunately not my Queen but before you get angry let me report" Jadeite said with some fear

"Very well, Jadeite, I listen to you, explain why this failure is due," Beryl said with some anger growing.

"You see, my queen, our operation was thwarted by a new, hitherto unknown factor, this one calls himself Lunar Knight and according to what he says he fights for Love and Justice, and punishes in the name of the moon. Does that sound familiar to you, my queen?" Jadeite informed his queen

"Impossible, that was the speech of the guardians of the Solar Empire, the Sailor Senshi, but they never had men among their ranks, it couldn't be them," Beryl said with some surprise.

"My queen, the name Lunar Knight sounds like I read it in a history book of the Solar Empire, it was a role taken by the strongest soldier of the empire during the reign of Queen Serenity II but it stopped being used when her younger sister took the command when her predecessor died in combat, curiously she was the same one who created the Sailor Senshis, so he is a strong warrior but weaker than the Sailor Senshis in magical matters but still a threat if he meets them"

"So Serenity thinks she can try to control us with that damn Silver Crystal Illusion?" Beryl asked rhetorically.

"My queen, I think that thinking that the Serenity dynasty returned due to the appearance of one of the oldest troops in their empire is being a little paranoid, but taking into account that in Europe our troops are being defeated by this Sailor V, it is possible that her advisors or Pluto are behind this after all none of our troops reported the death of those three" commented Jadeite

"You're right about that, Jadeite, but I will inform the other generals to prepare a plan in case Serenity searches for that damn Crystal. Leaving that aside, Jadeite, tell me now that your collection plan has failed, how do you plan to bring energy to us and our great mistress?" Beryl told him

"You see, my Queen, I have seen that humans now use many devices that use electromagnetic waves to transmit information. I was planning to use these devices to absorb the energy of many humans. There is only one problem. I would need time in the human world to be able to convert our draining spell into waves that are transmitted by these devices and then return to us, so I would need Youmas to serve as cannon fodder to divert Lunar Knight's attention from the main plan" he said, proud of his ingenious plan.

"That is a very interesting plan Jadeite but tell me how long do you estimate it will take you to put your main plan into action?" Beryl asked, now interested in this plan.

"I estimate that about 3 weeks my queen planned a youma every 2 days and my research section has created a device with which even this cannon fodder will give us energy despite being destroyed" said Jadeite

"Then start it as soon as you get the troops" Beryl approved "and to supervise this operation, THETIS! From now on you will be Jadeite's right hand, is that clear?" Beryl ordered one of her youmas.

"Understood my Queen" said Jadeite

"Yes, my Queen," said Youma Thetis, leaving the throne room with Jadeite, teleporting.

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Tsukino Residence

Lunar Knight enters through the window of his room meeting Luna "That youma knew how to fight his last attack it almost made me sweat, now how do I get out of this suit?" Lunar Knight asked.

"Imagine yourself in your normal clothes and you will return to them" Luna explained.

When he did that, the suit disappeared and his normal clothes reappeared. "By the way, how did you communicate with me through my mind?" Ranma asked curiously.

Luna realized that this psychic bond was the one she formed with the princess, she would have to invent a lie and quickly, "You see, when you accepted the brooch, we united psychically and if I want, I can project my thoughts into your mind and you can do it in mine I'm going to teach who to do it another day today I'm going to explain to you the story of..."then Luna noticed that Ranma fell asleep on the floor "and you fell asleep well I guess it's already late I'll leave it for tomorrow but now wake up! And lie down on your bed and not on the floor" Luna said the last part shouted in Ranma's ear

Ranma woke up quickly, he changed and lay down on his bed. "Good night, Luna," Ranma said calmly, returning to the dream world once again.

"Good night Ranma" Luna said as she entered her futon in Ranma's room. When she fell asleep she found Setsuna in her subconscious. "Hello Setsuna."

"Hello Luna and how is the princess doing?" Setsuna asked.

"Well..." Luna explained the events of the day since she left.

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Jadeite Section, Speech Room

Jadeite and Thetis appear on the balcony, there Jadeite addresses the Youmas gathered there "My Youmas, today our queen has entrusted me with a mission for some of you, we are seeing that the troops of the Solar Empire are returning and I have a great plan but it will take me Time requires volunteers to serve to distract them from our plan. I fear that it is very likely that they will die, so sign up with this in mind. They will give their lives for the Dark Kingdom!" Jadeite said in the form of a speech to his youmas.

Hearing many youmas offer themselves, he adds something more "For the strongest ones, I have another mission for you, once the plan is put into action it would be impossible to hide it so I am going to require Strong Youmas to defend it when the Solar Empire troops arrive now. They will open two doors, one to my right, the other to my left, To the right" Raise your right hand "the Youmas will go to defend the left" raise your left hand "the distractions now you can enter to the right you will be given equipment to be able to fight better on the left a device that will cause the energy they obtain to be transferred directly here to the Dark Kingdom" Jadeite finished his speech

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Luna's Subconscious

"So the Dark Kingdom is returning to its ways. I imagine that being locked up with that demon for millennia has made them truly evil. It's a shame they were manipulated by that damned green-haired man and his mistress. Damn that bastard fooled us all, yet I still don't forgive myself for not seeing it, so many innocent people succumbed to that heartless man's plan, my dear Sere-Chan, even Junpy lost his body, all because the woman who has the power to see the future couldn't see the present." Setsuna lamented.

"Don't blame yourself for that, Setsuna, that's already the past, I know it's hard, I also blame myself for not seeing it before, but you said it yourself, we didn't know how to see the present back then, now we have to do it, we have to prepare for whatever is coming The Dark Kingdom is planning to extend the Negaverse to the entire universe." Luna tried to calm Setsuna down.

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Jadeite Section, Barracas

"I have always thought that youmas are essential, they are faithful and incredibly cruel, and can reach the climax of their potential, if they go with my vision and brain" Jadeite began to sing a copyright-free version of Listos Ya!/Be Prepared

"Jum jum jum jum" say the Youmas in unison

"I know it is difficult, knowing you gonna die, but you must pay attention, 'cause my pride is for what you will do it now, it is clear from their fearful expressions, their enemy makes you afraid, but we talking I being king, so your lives you must know how to give, So Prepare for the chance of my lifetime, Be Prepare to Chaos bring, a shining new era is tiptoeing nearer" Jadeite sang to the Cannon Flesh Youmas

"And where do we enter?" A defense youma asked.

"Just listen to master," Jadeite responded. "I know it will be painful, but not dishonorable, your name will go down in history, when the mistress and we can feed, Be Prepare!" Jadeite continued singing

"Yeah, be prepared, we'll be prepared, but for what?" Another youma asked.

"To get the most energy" Jadeite answered

"And how will we do it?" Asked a cannon Youma

"Using you, and electromagnetic waves too" he replied

"How will you become king?" Thetis asked.

"I will give you a lot of the energy and now we are stronger and we will take power by force" Jadeite responded "so follow me and you will never go hungry again"

"Wayuu, Yeah, Long live the king, Long live the king" say all the youmas while the rapid collection devices were placed on the Cannon Flesh Youmas and the defending Youmas collect the techno-magical armors and the acid and acid weapons. plasma

"It's great to be connected, to the plan of the next great king" sing the Cannon Flesh Youmas while marching

"Of course their deaths are expected, but there will be statues in their honor, the future is littered with prizes, and though I'm the main addressee, the point that i must emphasize is, I will be a better King than Beryl! So Prepare for the coup of a Millennium, Be Prepare for the greatest plan, Meticulous thought out, I cannot be denit out, millennia of confinement, will end on this moment, be king undispusted, respected, saluted, and seen for wonder I am!, and if you think that I was already bad, then, be prepared, and if you think that I was already bad, then, be prepared! Muahahahahaha." Jadeite Finished Singing

"Our first attack will be tomorrow, to compensate for Tōki's failure, so if any of you volunteer, you will be sent immediately" said Jadeite.

"ME" said a female Youma with 4 long protuberances on her back that extend like wings but are not useful for flying, she wears a strange V-shaped hat, she also had a mini dress with 3 V-shaped sections of 2 colors black, a yellow one on the shoulders and extending to the upper front part of the dress, she has a strange garment also in the shape of a V, she had pale skin and brown hair in a bob cut, lastly she wears metal boots with V-shaped entrances ( What a surprise, right?)

"Very well Vaspu, take the role of a human in some very crowded place to collect as much energy as possible, we will see from here in case our enemy attacks with a new attack not seen in our last fight" Jadeite finished