Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Noble Warrior Lunar Knight ❯ ✮ Of Friendships Old and New ✮ ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Half a year ago, somewhere in the world

A young man with black hair and a light complexion, dressed in an indigo sleeveless shirt and matching pants, and a pale yellow scarf, was trudging towards a temple, climbing the stairs with obvious exhaustion and hunger, having exhausted his supplies a while ago. week. In the temple, a young priestess who was sweeping outside became worried when she saw him in that state and ran to help him, while shouting for her grandfather to come and help her. When their eyes met, something changed in them.

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a few minutes later

After the young man bathed and put on a new change of clothes that he had stored in his backpack, their respective introductions were made and when grandfather and granddaughter asked why he began his journey, he asked if they had seen a bald man with a white scarf. on his head accompanied by a young man with black hair tied in a ponytail, both dressed in Gis, but the answer being negative, he told his story of how the black-haired man had fled from his fight between men 2 and a half years ago and that he He was looking to finish what they had started. The granddaughter could only get angry and agree with him. After a few days where the young man helped in the temple as a way of gratitude for the hospitality and that he had replenished provisions, he was about to leave when the priestess hugged him unexpectedly and made him promise that he would return once he settled things with that coward.

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The young man continued with his semi-eternal journey, currently he had returned to Japan and finally found his target "RANMA SAOTOME PREPARE TO DIE! " The Young Man said, jumping to attack the aforementioned young man.

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1 Day Before, Mizuno Residence

Ami woke up in her bed happy that it had all been a dream. Ranma is not a terrorist wanted by the Tokyo police, She was not Sailor Mercury, and above all demons do not exist...

" Me Mizuno has been rescued by the local police after hours of horrible suspense, Ami has confirmed. Mizuno has been rescued by the police in a raid on the Crystal Seminary ..." the television was turned offfor Saeko who was already fed up with all that pack of lies then she sees that her daughter is up

" Ami, you're awake," said Saeko , going to hug her daughter.

"So it wasn't a dream?" Ami asked with some fear in her voice.

"Unfortunately, not that horrible Monster kidnapped you, luckily the kind Lunar Knight saved you and brought you home"

"But if that happens? It means what?" Ami asked, reaching into her subspace pocket and unconsciously taking out Mercury's pen.

"What is that? Where did you get it from?" Saeko asked , intrigued.

"Mercury Power , Make Up" Ami said almost unconsciously, transforming into Sailor Mercury

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Tsukino Residence

Ranma just woke up without remembering his dream, but he had a strange feeling of sadness when he saw Luna still asleep and that the sun had not yet risen, he decided to get up and go to the kitchen. There he decided to make breakfast, cooking always helped him find peace and clear his thoughts when things got the better of him. 'How did Ami get involved in this? Although I need Sailor Mercury 's Help . Ami is not a warrior. She's a sweet, kind and pure girl, she shouldn't be forced to fight.' And so his thoughts continued until he even reproached himself that Ami was Mercury. This continued until his mother appeared.

"How is Ami ?" Nodoka asked , breaking Ranma out of his thoughts and approaching to help.

"How would I know?" Ranma responded with another question with clear sorrow for the big lie he told his mother. rejecting his mother's help

"Because you are Lunar Knight and your duty is to help the innocent, and kill demons for love and justice" he answered.

"How long have you known?" Ranma asked in disbelief.

"Since Luna gave you the mantle, I knew it all the time, my son. And I can see that something is tormenting you, tell me what it is, I can help you," Nodoka replied comfortingly again offering her help in the kitchen.

Ranma accepted his mother's help and began to explain everything to her while they both cooked. He explains his obligation, his enemies, his rivals, his wounds, his fears, and his misfortunes. But he also told her how he felt that doing that somehow completed and comforted him. Then the topic came to Ami , he told her everything he knew about the subject, how he feared for the girl's safety in the field and how he felt that he was imposing a responsibility on her that could kill her. To all this Nodoka had not contributed much beyond a listening ear and a comforting hand. When Ranma finished she spoke.

"My son, first you must ask Luna if she can give the role of Sailor Mercury to someone else. If not, I'll ask Ami if she wants to do it. Just remember, you're not imposing anything on her." Nodoka advised Ranma.

"Thank you Mom, I needed advice on that" said Ranma, thanking not only the advice but also the help in preparing breakfast and bentos for the whole family.

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Mizuno Residence

Saeko is looking at Sailor Mercury who is in the place where her daughter was less than 30 seconds ago " Ami ? Are you still your daughter? What happened to you?"

"Yes, it's still me, and I don't know what happened to me, I remember Ranma gave me that pen, from then on it's a bit blurry" Mercury said.

"Does Ranma have anything to do with this?" Saeko asked her daughter while, for some reason, she handed her her right earring and indicated that she should bring it to her ear.

Hello Mrs. Mizuno , it's a pleasure to meet you, I will explain to you and your daughter what is happening, if you allow me to be clear ." said a voice from the Arete once he put it to his ear.

After the voice in the earring explained everything to Mother and Daughter, he told them that in case they had any doubts they could go to the Tsukino residence and ask Ranma and Luna, this last mention was about to make you object to Ami , but the voice quickly explained the situation, with everything clarified at least as much as the voice could clarify, mother and daughter decided to do the most sensible thing and went to the Tsukino Residence to question Ranma.

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Tsukino Residence , after breakfast

All the residents of the house except Ranma and Luna had left to their respective responsibilities. Which left both of them to discuss recent events

"So I'll have no choice but to train Ami huh?" Ranma said after listening to Luna's explanation that it is an inevitable destiny and that once transformed her Sailor awakens. Crystal and all the implications behind it. And despite Ranma 's views on women and martial arts. He knows very well that without training Ami would die while he was thinking what he was going to say to convince Ami 's mother when suddenly *Bing Bong* the doorbell rang when he opened the door he found Ami and her mother and let them in " Ami , Mrs. Mizuno , what is the reason for this unexpected visit?" Ranma asked.

"I want you to tell us about the Silver Millennium," Saeko said firmly.

"Oh" Ranma said with some surprise "Follow me to the room please" and guided them both to the room 'how did you find out... wait right the voice in the earring maybe he's asking Luna about that'

" Hello Ranma Nii -chan, and Ami , who's following them?" Luna said with her childlike expression when she saw the 2 teenagers enter followed by an adult woman.

"1st This is Mrs. Mizuno , and 2nd You already know Luna, you can drop the act" Ranma said as he entered and saw her with a look that gave him the missing context.

"As?" Luna asked with her voice

"A voice in my daughter's earring told us" Saeko explained firmly but also somewhat surprised at the change in the girl's voice.

"A voice? Wait a minute," Luna said as she took out from her subspace pocket an object that looked like a light blue square portable makeup kit with a mercury symbol, only instead of a circle there was a heart. When I opened it, it revealed a screen and keys with incomprehensible symbols. I pressed a section in the upper left corner for a few seconds, which made the screen come to life after taking 1.5 seconds to start. From the speakers, it came out "It was Moon Time, it took you a while, right?" ?" said a voice coming from the minicomputer

"That voice is the same as the earring. Who are you?" Ranma , Ami , and Saeko both asked in the voice

"True, I haven't introduced myself yet" then the image of a blonde man with green glasses dressed in an open lab coat through which you could see a green t-shirt with gray pants and yellow shoes who bowed "My name is Junpei Taer Former Captain of the Guard, it's a pleasure to finally meet face to face" Junpei introduced himself to the surprise of everyone present except Luna obviously.

" Junpei Bring? General Jupiter? Is Junpei " Taer ?" Ranma asked.

"No one has called me that in millennia, but yes. I see that Luna has already told you about my Ranma ," Junpei responded to the Young Man's questions.

"but 1st, how do you know my name? 2nd, hadn't you died in your battle against Terrence?"

"First let's say that I had a momentary moment to guess it ( Setsuna no uranai ). Second in what I know in human terms I can be considered dead since my body did not meet the minimum requirements to function, but my Central Processing System was still functioning and followed it long enough for my Se... I mean Queen Serenity to move all my PSC to the Mercury Personal Computer in the form of an Artificial Intelligence to train the defenders of the Future and well here I am" Junpei responded

Ranma 's gaze trying to understand 50% of the explanation.

"He was almost dead and the queen put his mind into the computer, Ranma -Kun," Ami explained kindly.

"Oh, so that's it" Ranma understood "Next time please in Japanese of course"

"True, I forgot that in this day and age it is not common to talk about computing as if it were something every day," Junpei said , rubbing the back of his neck with some embarrassment.

"Now that the introductions are made and we all know each other well, can you explain to me why my little girl was chosen for something so dangerous?!"

"Don't worry Mrs. Mizuno , there is no need to shout, we will explain everything even more than before" said Luna beginning to explain the entire story from the beginning including Ranma 's curse and the problems with the current Youmas and Ami 's role in the battle.

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Tsukino Dojo , Later

" Ranma better make sure Ami doesn't get hurt or else I'll become your worst nightmare," Saeko threatened as she sat watching Ami 's first day of training.

Ranma explained to Ami the basics of the art, taught her some basic Katas. After this, the young prodigy began to train under the gaze of Saeko , Luna, Junpei and Ranma, the latter every time he saw a mistake he corrected her and helped her. "Wow, it's good at this" Junpei commented to which both women nodded.

When the first training is over Ranma continues to exercise Ami who in turn adapts more and more to her sensei 's strange training method probably due to the memory of Princess Amy and her training as a Senshi at the hands of Junpei.

(Sorry, I'm not good at doing Training Scenes)

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Jadeite Command Center

Jadeite is in his command center organizing his plans and his troops with the help of the now fearful of him, Thetis when a voice came from the now completely dark main door.

"Wow, wow, wow, looks like they sent the brat to tidy up his room" said the voice.

"Don't you have fake stars to see, Playboy?" "El Cocoso" known as Jadeite responded

"You're flattering me, that's strange of you, Brat," "The Playboy" responded.

" Nephrite , you know how disgusting it seems to me to play with women's hearts, I like to be direct and rip them out of their chests" Jadeite responded with some disgust from her partner.

"What can I say Brat, someone as young as you does not know how to appreciate the exquisite body of a woman" Nephrite said with clear perversion and lust in his words.

"I'm only 10 years younger than you, Playboy!" Jadeite shouted angrily, there was nothing that bothered him more than calling him Young.

"Whatever you say, Brat, I wanted to see your desperation when you failed a direct mission from Queen Beryl but seeing that there is no such thing, I retreat" said Nephrite , retreating to his chambers.

"Damn Playboy, I will show him how wrong he is for underestimating the Great Jadeite . Thetis prepares the troops with the awakening of Sailor Mercury, we will have to study a new enemy, the more cards we will have for the final battle, the more odds there are in our favor, therefore we must create Youmas to find Mercury's strengths and weaknesses." Jadeite explained "Do you understand Thetis?" he asked in a sinister tone

"Yes...Yes Lord Ja... Jadeite " Thetis responded, stuttering for fear of her master's punishment.

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Tsukino Residence , at night

Ranma and his Mother were cooking dinner and talking about what happened during the day. Nodoka agreed that Ranma and Ami will practice in the dojo whenever they need to. When dinner was over and everything was cleaned up Ranma told Luna the news, accidentally omitting the fact that her mother knew something.

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Streets of Tokyo, Sometime in the morning

Ranma was walking calmly down the street thinking about a more specialized Training plan for Ami when suddenly

RANMA SAOTOME PREPARE TO DIE! " Said a Clearly Male voice above him

Ranma moved in time to avoid an Umbrella that just by seeing that it made a hole in the concrete you understand that it is not a regular one. Although at first he thought of a Youma but when he extended his Ki senses he saw that it was a human and a young one "Who are you and why do you want to kill me?" Ranma asked facing his attacker.

The question bothered the young man a little "I will answer your question with another Ranma , why did you escape our fight?!" The young man asked (obviously) Ranma.

"Oh I think I remember, we were in the same class in high school. Hikari " Ryoma " Ranma responded , very convinced that he was right and very happy to be reunited with his friend.

HIBIKI RYOGA! " The young man now identified as Ryoga shouted as he tried to hit Ranma once again with his umbrella.

"I'm sorry I haven't seen you in forever, Man. I forgot your name," Ranma said relaxedly as he dodged the blow.

"It was 3 years, not an Eternity! Also, ANSWER MY QUESTION!" Ryoga shouted , outraged by the way his rival spoke.

'How literal,' Ranma thought . "I waited for you for three days at the place we agreed upon," Ranma said, somewhat indifferently.

"And when I got to the fourth day you had already escaped!" Ryoga shouted angrily.

"Can I ask you something Ryoga ? Why did it take you four days to get there if it was 460 meters from your house?"

"Do you think I went on a casual walk for four days?! I suffered to meet you!" Ryoga Shout Outraged "You broke our Oath between men and fled to China with your Father!" He finished as he tried to hit Ranma with his umbrella once more.

"First it was Genma Saotome the one who knocked me out and dragged me to China because he was being chased by the police for a long list of crimes, second don't call that man my father again, my name is Ranma " Tskino ," Ranma said, somewhat irritated by the mention of the man he had the misfortune of calling father for years as he dodged the blow with a jump.

"Lies from a Coward who disassociates himself from his guilt by blaming his father and then changes his name to evade any responsibility! STAY STILL AND DIE! " Ryoga shouted as he tried again to attack Ranma with his umbrella

Ranma dodged the attack without much trouble. "Hey, calm down. It's okay that you want to end our fight, but..." Ranma couldn't finish the sentence because Ryoga interrupted him.

""Our Fight"?! Don't make me laugh! This is Revenge! BECAUSE OF YOU!" HEY SEEN HELL! " Ryoga shouted as he threw his umbrella open which spun like a saw and when Ranma dodged he cut a streetlight in half. "That's why no matter how much it costs me, I will Destroy your Happiness!"

Ranma realized from the destruction around him that it was dangerous for passers-by for this fight to continue in the middle of a public road. " Ryoga, it is very dangerous to fight here, innocent people can be hurt, follow me," Ranma said , running away, being followed by Ryoga , who shortly after he would miss something that Ranma wouldn't notice until he waited for an hour in the wasteland he had chosen to fight 'Oh right' he thought as he slapped his eyes 'His horrible sense of direction' he finished his thoughts by returning to his house since he was almost there. It was time for his lessons with Ami

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Clock Look , the next day

Naru had brought Usagi to this Clock Shop because she needed a new alarm clock since her old one fell and broke this morning because it was too close to the edge when it started ringing, even though Naru had sworn it was positioned correctly the night before. She was looking at the watches seeing which one she liked best.

For her part, Usagi was feeling a sense of imminent danger coming from the place when she was about to see the cashier with her Ki sense. "What do you think of this Usagi -chan?" When Usagi turned around she saw her friend holding a Demon with sharp fangs and claws, Fur black as the abyss, Eyes Red as blood, with a watch coming out of the abdomen, she felt its claws cutting her, its fangs piercing her, eating her flesh, leaving only bones, how his steel-hard fur stuck into his skin like millions of thorns, and how his eyes began to steal his soul. Everything got worse when the demon roared with the strength and revelation that evidenced that the deepest circle of hell was coming in a pattern that was clearly mocking her. Usagi did the only logical thing in that situation Running away Shouting " GATOOOOOOO! " With great panic and fear in her voice with clear tears in her eyes. Naru, who saw everything in shock, could only say "I thought you liked Cats"

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In the Shibuya neighborhood on the border with Nakano

Usagi Tsukino was finally able to calm down, unfortunately she had encountered 2 cats on her way, having lengthened her escape from those damned Furry Demons, she was now looking for directions, she was heading to the train station when someone called her.

"Hey, Miss," called a male voice that Usagi recognized instantly.

'What is he doing here of all places?' Usagi thought as she turned to look at the young man. "Me?" I ask something innocently

"Yes you, could you tell me how to get to Azabu-J ū ban please?" Ryoga asked calmly.

'Did he tell you or not?' Usagi asked herself in her mind 'do it, the poor guy is still resentful of the disputes over bread, maybe if you take him and give him the bread at your next meeting everything will be settled and he will want to be your friend again' Usagi concluded "I was just heading there , to come home. Can you come with me if you want?" I ask you kindly

"Seriously, thank you," Ryoga said , very excited because he would fight Ranma again sooner than I expected. "Would you take me by the hand, please? I have a terrible sense of direction." I ask him as a favor. 'Stupid idiot, you just met her. ' to think that you are a pervivo' but before Ryoga regrets it Usagi interrupted him

"It's okay," Usagi said , somewhat annoyed, extending her hand to Ryoga for him to take.

'How strange, most girls would have called me a pervert for that request, it would be that she loves me. To be loved, how much I would give for that' Ryoga thought as he took Usagi 's hand.

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Tsukino Residence , 50 Minutes Later

Usagi came home and sat on the couch finding Luna.

"Hello Ranma . How was it watching watches with Naru?" Luna asked.

"Fine until Naru showed me a Cat-shaped watch and I ran off and ended up in Shibuya where I met up with Ryoga and helped him get to Juban so I could figure things out later, but now there's something more important. I have to call " Ami , I think I found a Youma. I couldn't confirm it because my watch scared me," Usagi said with some embarrassment because of her fear of cats as she approached the phone. Taking it and calling the Mizuno residence

* Pii ** Pii * "Hello Mizuno residence , who's speaking?" Saeko answered and Usagi asked her if she could talk to Ami , that a Youma could be lurking and that she needed her after talking to Ami and the details of where they would go. They both started

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Clock Look

Sailor Moon and Mercury arrived as quickly as possible to stop the Youma 's plans in the building. Seeing all the people fainted, including Naru, they knew immediately that there was a Youma here and he had to be punished.

"Clocks are for people to know the time, not for their energy to be stolen. We are the beautiful guardians of Love and Justice, Sailor Moon" Moon began with the speech

" Sailor Mercury and we will punish you" Mercury continued.

"In the Name of the Moon" Term Moon 'Okay that was weird she followed the speech too, is it part of the costume or something else?'

The cashier laughed "Stupid Senshis never defeat..." she began as she transformed into her form. Youma is being composed of metal beams and multiple clockwork mechanisms except for her trunk which was covered with a large worn cloth, it had a hole through which the Youma sticks out his copper orange neck and head and his shoulder-length Rust green hair "RAGIAKU!" Ragiaku shouted announcing his name.

"That's what everyone says" said Sailor Moon taking her usual fighting pose jumping to attack the Youma with a " Double Moon Kick !"

But the Youma would not be harmed in the slightest. Moon would still continue attacking to distract him and give Mercury time to do the scan, which as you saw in yesterday's training took a while depending on the complexity of the opponent, due to the lack of techno-magical energy for it to work at full power. being said by Junpei

Everything was going according to the Keikaku until Ragiaku managed to knock down Moon due to a sudden attack of clumsiness. The Youma was about to finish her off when suddenly a rose was stuck between Moon and Ragiaku. When they looked in the direction where the Rose came from, they would see Tuxedo. Kamen leaning on the back door "Monsters are scum, but the clockwork Monstrosities that threaten defenseless young girls don't deserve to exist. Rose Bomb Explosion !" He exclaimed while throwing a rose that when hit would explode carrying a large cloud of dust after which it would go where it came.

When the cloud dissipated, it was seen that the Youma was in pieces, but quickly each of its parts would return to its place, rebuilding the now angrier Youma. "That Idiot never does anything useful," Moon complained while dodging an Attack from the Youma.

Meanwhile the Mercury Personal Computer (MPC) had finished its scan and the weak point was "The Bottom Pendulum Clock!" Mercury shouted, pointing at the giant clock at the back of the store that they had both ignored, but now it was very obvious.

When Ragiaku attacked her for revealing her weak point. Mercury Moving by instinct and reflex managed to narrowly avoid the attack. Ragiaku wanted to try another attack but before he could do so " GHRAAAaaaa ..." Ragiaku Screamed in Pain as he turned into dust

Moon was congratulating Mercury on his good work in their first official fight until police sirens started sounding and they both heard from the scene.

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Jadeite Command Center

"So the Mercury Personal Computer is together with Mercury let's see how well it does against my next Youma Uirusu hahaHAHAHA " Jadeite said as he watched the replay of the previous battle

To be continue