Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Resurrection Of The Silence ❯ First Contact ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Resurrection of the Silence
A Ranma / Sailor Moon Crossover by MV
Disclaimer: I own neither series, and have no plans to make any money off this work of FICTION.
Warning: SM after Galaxia is almost all fan produced, so don't tell me “Hey, that's not right!”
Also, a bit more violence, and a small amount of language.
Note: Now after the wedding Ranma-wise, and after Galaxia SM-wise
Thanks to everyone at Fukufics for the inspiration and the information.
“Spoken Words”
I'm not exactly sure of Hotaru's grade, as it's up in the air on her actual age. Supposedly, she's 12 when she gets fully back to her old size, but that was in when she got back to her original age, so I improvised a little.
Chapter 1: First Contact
Hotaru Tomoe, bringer of the silence, and one of the defenders of Love and Justice, the Sailor Senshi, was on her way to Azabu Juuban Junior High School.
On the outside, her normal cool façade gave nothing away as the walked towards the building, but internally, there was something……off with her perspective.
Hotaru wasn't quite sure on what it was. It was one of those feelings she got sometimes, as if she was half-asleep, and was about to be splashed with ice water.
Known only to the Senshi, Rei was not the only one who would receive visions.
Ever since, and even before she had been awoken as Sailor Saturn, Hotaru had been gifted not only with healing, but also with a small measure of foresight.
She had seen a vision of the defeated Halycon, and had had a premonition of the universe being invaded when Galaxia had attacked, as well as several others.
She hadn't seen anything yet though, but that in itself wasn't what she considered odd. Setsuna-mama had told the rest of the scouts that Galaxia was their last foe, and all they could do know was to wait for the Great Ice.
Hotaru believed her, as did the rest of the scouts. Even though Pluto had locked the gates after she had banished Pharaoh 90 from Earth, she still was able to get occasional glimpses of the future.
But if that was true, why was she feeling uneasy?
As she tried to find out exactly what felt wrong, she almost walked by the school entrance.
She stopped, however, when she heard the commotion in the school courtyard.
Shaking her head to try and clear her thoughts, she inhaled, exhaled slowly, and started the journey through the school courtyard towards the doors, just as the clock on top of the school moved to point out the beginning of the school day.
Slowly, the doors of Juuban Junior High opened, and the kids who just previously been studying and working hard (or hardly working) were now out the door, most, if not all of them glad to be out in the clear spring day.
Hotaru walked slowly, avoiding the crowds of kids gathering in the center of the courtyard, remembering a phrase she had heard somewhere. “Out of sight, out of mind.” Even though the kids didn't pick on her as much after she had ignored the teasing and bullying, and since she now only used her healing power in dire straits, or when no one was around, she had shown the other kids that she was no longer easy prey to be picked on, and for the most part, they left her alone. They still excluded her to a degree, but she was no longer affected as much, due mostly to the love she received from her parents and the rest of the senshi.
World History was interesting today, she thought to herself as she looked for the distinctive hair of her best friend. America sure has interesting origins……
As she walked towards the courtyard, she looked around, and saw all of the rest of the kids running around without even getting out of breath
Hotaru fought off a temporary stab of anger at the scene, knowing it would do no good.
After all, it wasn't her fault that Hotaru was still far frailer than any of her friends, except for Senshi form. Even though she was well enough to be out and about by herself, her physical stamina except when transformed was still well below the rest of her peers.
Shaking off her angst, Hotaru let none of it show on her face. It was irrational of her, and besides, she could do nothing about it. She started towards the school gate, where she would wait for one of her respective “parents”.
Today, it was Haruka who was waiting for her at the gates.
Hotaru sedately walked towards Haruka, who, without warning, enveloped her in a rare display of affection.
“Haruka-papa, put me down!” Hotaru cried out, apparently flustered. Mentally, she whispered a thank you to her papa, who seemed to know just when she needed some comfort.
Haruka set her down with a grin, and they started off on the short walk to where Haruka's car was parked. As always, the sports car gleamed in the sunlight, but Hotaru knew that despite its apparent innocence, it, like its driver, was capable of far more than it showed.
As Hotaru got into the back seat and immediately attached her seat belt, Haruka greeted Michiru with a chaste kiss on the lips.
Hotaru rolled her eyes, exasperated. Haruka-papa and Michiru-mama were perfect parents, but they were……what was the word…..ah, yes….insatiable.
Although, she thought to herself as the car started towards home. Thank goodness they've at least had the decency to lock their doors when……she broke off, her blush visible.
Michiru noticed her blush, and laughed.
“And how was your day, Hotaru?”
“Fine….” Hotaru replied, her eyes on the scenery floating past. Her strange feeling still hadn't gone away, but she wanted to talk with Setsuna about it first.
But she might not be home….Hotaru looked back inside the car.
“Yes, Hotaru?”
“Is Setsuna-mama home?” Michiru turned to Haruka, who shrugged. Michiru rolled her eyes, and turned back towards Hotaru, her eyes questioning.
“I don't know, Hotaru.” Hotaru's eyes fell. Michiru noticed this with slight apprehension.
“Hotaru, are you okay?”
“Yes, mama.” She sighed. Everybody seemed to be asking her that today. “I'm fine.”
Michiru looked at Haruka again, but the blonde merely shook her head. She didn't know what was going on with their adopted daughter either. Michiru's fine features marred slightly in a frown, but she knew better than to push. She could only hope that Setsuna could wrest just what was obviously troubling the most powerful senshi.
Hotaru said nothing for the rest of the trip back to their shared home, and this served to confirm Michiru's suspicions. Something was wrong with their daughter.
Even though Hotaru wasn't the most sociable of children (Michiru smiled internally at the irony of that statement, as she and Haruka were barely older than Hotaru…) she had seemed to be getting more talkative and friendly, at least with the Inners and Michiru had hoped that the frail and sickly child that Hotaru had originally been was slowly coming out of its shell. It was a start, at least.
And recently, that had been the case. While Hotaru was still reserved at times, many of the kids, ever since she had entered Junior High, had been less intent on picking on her, as they were forced to concentrate more on studying than on picking on others. If it still happened, however, Hotaru hadn't told her or Haruka, and she made a mental note to ask if Setsuna had heard Hotaru say anything.
Michiru wouldn't press the issue, though. She knew that it wouldn't help matters at all. As the car approached the driveway, she mentally crossed her fingers, hoping that the eldest Senshi was at home. Although the gate was closed, Setsuna still spent considerable amounts of time there, supposedly to make sure the gates were left alone.
While Michiru liked the eldest senshi as a fellow mother, and as a person, she was still amazed at the connection Setsuna and Hotaru seemed to share. Hopefully, Hotaru was all right, and if not, the eldest senshi could talk to her about it.
As Haruka parked the car and shut off the engine, Hotaru got out of the back seat, and without a word, set off at a brisk pace into the house, leaving Haruka and Michiru to follow her.
“Setsuna-mama?” she called out to the empty-looking house. Setsuna had been home when she and Haruka-papa and Michiru-mama had left for school, so she should have been home, as she was able to teleport back and forth, much to the consternation of the wind and sea senshi.
Hotaru moved towards the kitchen, hoping to find Setsuna drinking her customary cup of tea.
However, when she approached the open doorway that signified the beginning of the kitchen, she was disappointed to find no trace of the green-haired woman.
She did, however, find a note in the woman's handwriting taped to the refrigerator.
“Dear Haruka, Michiru, and Hotaru,
I'm sorry I wasn't able to be home to greet you, but something has come up on the Gates, and I have left sure the gates are secure. It's probably nothing, but I have to make sure. It shouldn't take long, though, and I'll be home sometime tonight, probably be 7:00 or so.
Setsuna Meio
Hotaru sighed in exasperation. Even though she knew that guarding the Gates of Time, a weapon, that if used incorrectly, could spell disaster for the whole world, was important, she had very much wanted to ask Setsuna about her uneasy feeling.
At least she can stay home some of the time. She reasoned to herself. Usagi, in one of the rare moments that showed the eventual queen she would become, had declared that as long as Setsuna had complete knowledge on the Gates' status at all times, she would be allowed to stay on Earth whenever she wished.
Well, she tried to console herself. At least I know that it's not anything serious.
She moved towards the stairs, and proceeded to go into her room and get started on her history homework.
Near the ruined school building formerly known as Mugen Gakuen, a violet haired woman stared on at the chaos. Her purple eyes took in the ruined structure, where construction equipment was present, and she noticed that one house that had been rebuilt.
Her breath caught, as if she had recognized the structure, and she started at a purposedly casual walk towards the building.
Before she could get to the street crossing, though, Professor Tomoe walked out of the door. She immediately halted, and fell back, still on the opposite side of the street.
He walked with a limp, but otherwise seemed normal. His limp did not seem to overtly hinder him, as if it was only a temporary injury.
As the woman watched warily, he started to tend to the flower bed in front of the entrance, and with great care, started to weed and water his garden.
The woman's face hardened and she started to continue on her walk.
“Oh, that's an interesting color of hair you have there.”
She whirled furiously, cursing herself for her carelessness. However, when she had turned, there was only an older, slightly heavyset woman standing in front of her, hands up in an international signal for peace.
“Oh, I'm sorry if I startled you.” The woman's face seemed to be apologetic, and the younger woman released her tension with an exhale of breath. “I merely wanted to ask you for what the brand of dye you used.”
The woman fingered her hair, as if trying to remember something she had long ago forgotten. After a few seconds, she released her hair, and spoke.
“Actually,” her rich alto was smooth. “This is my natural color.” The older woman stared in shock for a second.
“Oh dear, I'm sorry. Forgive an old woman for her mistake.”
“It's quite all right.” Violet tresses stirred as a breeze drifted past. “Really, it's just hair. Not anything special”
“You know, I think I remember why I asked.” The other woman replied. “I could swear I've seen that shade of hair before…” The older woman paused, as if to mentally try and recall who it was she had seen.
The younger waited in silence while the older woman searched her mind. Suddenly, the other woman snapped her fingers.
“Ah, yes.” She spoke. “It was….Hotaru Tomoe. She was the daughter of that poor man over there.” She indicated with her head to show of whom she was inferring.
“Was?” The woman queried, her voice sounding dismayed. “You mean she's…..”
“Hm?” the woman stared at her for a second before catching on. “Oh no,” the woman assured her. “She merely moved away after there was an accident in the poor Professor's lab, and he was gravely injured. He didn't think he would be able to care for Hotaru properly, and lucky for the girl, she was adopted by a lovely couple. I've seem her visit Tomoe every once in a while. She seems very quiet though…” the woman trailed off.
“Yes, having a loving family is _very_ important.” The younger agreed, her tone indicating she had some experience with the matter. “Do you know who's adopted her?” the other turned and stared at her, a slight expression of incredulity on her face.
“You mean you don't know?” Violet strands twisted as the woman shook her head once to indicate that she did not. “She's quite lucky, actually. She's been adopted by Haruka Ten'ou, the acclaimed race car driver, and Michiru Kaioh, the famous violinist.”
The young woman seemed to take this in slowly.
“Yes, that must be fortunate indeed.” She finally agreed amiably, her smooth tones seemingly matching her sentiment.
“Now,” she continued. “I'm terribly sorry, but I really must be leaving.”
“Ah yes.” The older nodded in agreement. “Again, my sincere apologies for speaking out of place.” The other woman merely shrugged.
“It was an honest question.” She replied in a nonchalant tone, and turned towards her destination.
She walked away briskly, and quickly disappeared down the street corner.
The older woman stared at where the younger had just been.
“I could swear that she had the _exact_ same shade of hair….” She thought out loud. But it wasn't her concern, and she had already made herself look slightly foolish. She stared for a seconds more, shrugged, and continued on her way.
Hotaru had just finished her homework, and was absorbed in one of her novels when Haruka called to her.
“Hotaru, could you come down to the kitchen, please?”
“Yes, Papa.” Hotaru called back, and put her placemark in her book, and walked out of her room and down the stairs.
When she got down to the kitchen, Michiru and Haruka were sitting down at the table, hands intertwined. She titled her head, her violet eyes casting a confused expression at her parents, who appeared to be slightly nervous, for some reason. After a few moments, Michiru spoke up.
“Yes Mama?”
“It's myself and Haruka's one year anniversary of when we first started dating tonight….” Hotaru gasped.
“I didn't get either of you anything!!” She cried out, upset that she had forgotten that piece of information.
“It's okay, Hotaru.” Michiru reassured her. “Merely being in our lives is the most wonderful anniversary gift you could have given us.” Haruka nodded solemnly, her eyes shining in admiration. Hotaru looked down, embarrassed.
On an impulse, she ran to the table, and leaned into her parent's embrace.
“Thank you.” Her voice was solemn, and she looked up nervously to find Michiru's fond smile. Haruka ruffled her hair affectionately, and Hotaru smiled. Her father would always be in her thoughts, but this was her true family. Her thoughts were interrupted by Michiru speaking again.
“Now, Haruka and I were going to go out tonight, but Setsuna's not back yet.” Hotaru looked at the clock on the microwave. It read 7:00 P.M. She quickly thought through her options.
“That's okay, Mama.” She spoke suddenly. “I'm okay until Setsuna-mama gets back.”
“Are you sure?” Haruka asked, sounding unusually concerned. Hotaru nodded her head fiercely. She wouldn't let herself spoil her parent's big night. No matter what they said, she wanted to give them something that they could use. This was the least she could do.
“Yes, Mama, I'm sure I'll be fine. I'll take the phone up to my room, and I know all the Usagi and everyone else's numbers if I need to call for help. Besides,” she giggled, and Haruka and Michiru stared at her. “It's not as if we have anything to worry about.”
Haruka and Michiru seemed unconvinced, though, and Hotaru quickly tried to pacify them.
“Mama,” she whined. “I'm 14 now. I promise that I'll be fine.” Haruka seemed satisfied, but Michiru was still wary.
“I don't know…” she pondered. Hotaru sighed. She was thankful for their concern, but she _wanted_ them to enjoy their special day.
“Mama, it's your day, and you two deserve it. Please, go have a nice time. Setsuna-mama will be back soon anyways.” Michiru finally appeared to be satisfied.
“All right,” she agreed, and Hotaru sighed in thanks. But Michiru was not finished.
“However,” she continued. “If Setsuna's not back in an hour, you have to promise to call me over the communicators.” Hotaru sighed.
Honestly, she thought to herself. There's nothing to worry about. We live in a nice part of the district, and the only real problem was the youma, and those are gone. However, she knew the required response.
“Okay, mama,” She replied. “I promise that if Setsuna's not home by 8, I'll call you.”
Michiru nodded, seemingly placated.
“There's some food in the fridge,” she called out as she and Haruka started off towards their bedroom to change. “And the numbers of the inners are on the phone.”
“I know, I know.” Hotaru replied as she went back up to her room. “I'll see you later Mama. Have a good time.”
“Oh, we will,” Haruka shot back in a slightly suggestive tone, and Hotaru blushed and shook her head.
Honestly, Haruka-papa's going to get into trouble one of these days… there was the sound of a palm lightly smacking flesh, and a yelp of surprise. Hotaru smiled as she entered her room. Oh, that's right. Michiru-mama's more than capable of keeping her in line.
She entered her room, and picked up her book, and began to read.
About ten minutes later, she heard Haruka and Michiru's door open.
“Bye Hotaru,” Michiru called as she left the room, heels clicking against the hardwood floor. Her face popped into Hotaru's room to catch Hotaru's face. “Remember to call if Setsuna doesn't get back!” she commanded with a stern expression.
“I will,” Hotaru replied. “See you later Mama.” She watched as the elegant woman moved fluidly up the hall, and down the stairs and outside.
She listened to the rumble of the garage door and the smooth purr of Haruka's car as it was engaged. The garage door closed, and she went back to her reading, satisfied that at least her Mama and Papa would have a good time. She turned back to her novel, confident that nothing would happen.
Several chapters later, she looked up at her clock and frowned slightly. It was already 7:50, and Setsuna-mama wasn't back yet. Although she knew that guarding the Gates of Time was very important, since the gates were locked, she thought that the guardian of time would have been home by now, since all she had to do was make sure Usa got back to her own time in the future. She hoped distantly that she wouldn't have to interrupt Haruka and Michiru's night.
She tried to imagine what it would be like for Setsuna to have the memories of thousands of years….
Unlike the inners, and Uranus and Neptune to a lesser degree, she knew that unlike her own admittedly short memories of the Moon Kingdom after her awakening, and the immediate destruction of the Moon Kingdom, Setsuna had received most, if not all of the memories of her predecessor, which had spanned for thousands of years. She couldn't even fathom how much information the Guardian of Time had received when she had been reincarnated.
She could merely hope that Setsuna would be able to stay with them for a while longer. While she loved Neptune and Uranus dearly, it was Pluto who she was truly close to. She wasn't really sure why, but Setsuna felt to her like a kindred spirit, someone who could actually relate to her loneliness, and a welcome ear who would listen without judgment.
She turned back to her book in an effort to occupy her mind and ignore her still-present feeling of unease, but found that the literary device no longer held her interest.
She placed the book down on her nightstand, and hopped off the bed, thankful that she could at least move normally now without having to pause for breath.
Well, Michiru-mama said that there's food in the kitchen… she was hungry, she realized suddenly. Maybe there's some soba…
She walked down the stairs, and made her way into the kitchen, noticing how it already gotten dark outside.
She started looking through the fridge for anything that she might wish to consume, and as such, missed the sudden circular patch of darkness appear on the floor behind her. She shut the refrigerator door, and started to rummage through the cabinets.
The phone rang out suddenly, and she started, almost hitting her head on the refrigerator door as she jumped.
Wondering if it was Michiru calling in early, she went over to the device and picked up the phone.
“Hello, may I ask who is calling?”
“Is Setsuna Meio there?”
Hotaru frowned. She didn't recognize this voice, as it seemed rather muffled, and all Setsuna had told her was that if someone called asking for her, she was to write down their name and their message.
“She's not available right now, can I take a message?”
“Where is she?!”
Hotaru's frown deepened. This person seemed to be rather rude.
“She's out.” She didn't clarify, and the voice was silent. “Can I take a message?”
“Yes, it's very urgent. Tell her that…….” The voice stopped without warning. Hotaru stared at the phone, wondering what had happened. She replaced the phone on the hook, and picked it up again, intending to see if there was a dial-tone.
There wasn't.
She shrugged, and replaced the receiver. She picked up the notepad by the phone. Either whoever it was would call back, or they wouldn't, but she would write what little they had said.
“Hello, little Firefly.”
The voice was suddenly behind her, and Hotaru's face blanched, but not due to the voice alone.
Rather, it was what the decidedly female-sounding voice that had spoken words she had never expected to hear again.
No one except for Father ever called me that, and I know I've never told Haruka, Michiru, or Setsuna. Her thoughts flickered rapidly. The only other prerson who ever heard Father call me that was Kaolinite, and she……She broke off, and whirled around, her henshin stick materializing in her hand instantly, ready to be used.
She was nowhere near fast enough.
Even as she started to bring the henshin stick up to transform, the lights went out, and tendrils of…..something…shot out from the shadows, and held her immobile in their grip.
Hotaru only knew one person besides the Senshi that could have figured out her secret, but she couldn't figure out how the red-head had come back.
“Kaolinite?” she guessed
“Really, now, does my voice sound anything like that little bitch who despised our very existance?
Hotaru's eyes widened. Now that she heard more of the voice, she recognized it, and it wasn't her father's “assistant”. A chill spread through her body even her eyes adjusted, and her eyes focused on violet hair the same shade as her own. Even as she attempted to struggle to finish her transformation, a delicate hand appeared, and pried the device from her grip with unerring ease. The rest of the person followed suit, and Hotaru's eyes narrowed in confirmation.
“Surprised to see me?” Mistress 9 asked in an controlled, her own violet eyes glowing in the darkness. Hotaru shivered involuntary in the sudden cold that had drifted into the room.
“Mistress 9,” Hotaru's glare could have dusted youma. “I saw you die.”
“Ah, of course. You did kill me off, after all, little Hotaru.” Mistress 9's eyes flashed again, and the black star appeared over her forehead. “But that's not important now, is it?”
Hotaru struggled vainly against her bonds.
“The Senshi will dust you again when they find you,” she swore in an incensed voice, but Mistress 9's eyes showed no fear at the obvious threat.
“You are not the first to say those sentiments, little Firefly.” Mistress 9's eyes went vague, as if retreating into her memories. Shaking her head, as if to concentrate, she continued. “You, or more importantly, Sailor Saturn,” Hotaru gasped in surprise at her secret identity being used. Mistress 9 ignored her outburst, and continued with an air of supernatural coldness. “Are the only one to have ever succeeded, but rest assured, it won't happen again. I don't _ever_ lose when it counts.”
Hotaru was puzzled. Something about her foe seemed…..different. She still gave off a malevolent aura, but there was something else…..her foe's latest proclamation had proved that. She struggled, but the hair didn't budge in the slightest. Mistress 9 caught her movements.
“No, Firefly, you're not going anywhere.”
“Don't call me that!” Hotaru cried out. “My name is Hotaru!”
Mistress 9 seemed momentarily taken aback, but her preternatural calm quickly.
“Very well, _Hotaru_,” she stressed the word slightly. “You're not going anywhere until you answer a question I have.”
“How do you know you won't just kill me after I answer?”
“Very well. On my honor as a….” Mistress 9 broke off for a moment, and then re-phrased her promise. “You have my solemn vow that I will do you no harm on this night if you answer my question.”
“Do you expect me to believe you?” Hotaru queried, her voice full of disdain.
Mistress 9 smirked, and shrugged her shoulders.
“Do you really think I'd kill you now? It'd be no challenge as you are…..plus,” she continued. “If you died, how would I find out the identities of the other Senshi?”
Hotaru blanched. She hadn't thought of that, but she did know that there was no way Mistress 9 should even have been able to _find_ her, much less determine that she correlated with the other Senshi.
The sudden glow of a clock caught her eye.
8:20, she thought. Michiru and Haruka will be worried if I don't call. If I can just stall for time …… she turned back to Mistress 9, who did not seem to be paying attention to her. Her eyes were focused solely on the henshin stick that she gripped in her hand.
“Where is Sailor Pluto?” She asked, and it was all Hotaru could do not to gape.
“It doesn't matter,” Mistress 9 replied in a more heated tone. “Where is she?”
“I don't know,” Hotaru scrambled for an explanation that would appease her foe. Mistress 9's face began to resemble a mask.
“Where _is_ she, Hotaru?”
“I don't KNOW!” Hotaru wailed. It was only partially an act. Mistress 9's eyes glowed, and Hotaru's body started to ascend, the silence only broken by the quiet flickering of Mistress 9's hair.
“You're lying.” Mistress 9 stated with absolute certainty. “Did you think you could lie to yourself?!” the black star on her forehead started to crackle with sudden energy, and Hotaru could feel the power in the room spiking. Mistress 9's eyes were angry, though her face appeared to be indecisive, as if she wasn't sure herself of just what her next action would be.
Space Sword Blaster!”
“Submarine Reflection!”
The shouts came simultaneously; a golden disc of energy lit up the darkness, accompanied by a blast of bright blue.
The hair around Hotaru released its hold, the young girl falling onto a conveniently located couch, avoiding injury, as Mistress 9 pulled back into the shadows. Her eyes caught Uranus leaping towards her, Space Sword extended a thrusting maneuver, and she flipped away from the weapon with speed that Hotaru, who watched on in detachment, wondered how she had acquired. Mistress 9's dodge carried her to a nearby chair, and she leaped again, barely missing Neptune's “Deep Submerge!” the chair she had previously been balancing took the brunt of the attack, and fell apart in a shredded, soggy mess.
Mistress 9 landed in a pool of shadows, away from the window, and her eyes flashed a brilliant violet. Before Uranus or Neptune could produce another attack, she locked eyes with Hotaru, and her glowing violet pupils narrowed, indicating that this was far from over. Suddenly, she disappeared into the shadows, and the air rose to normal temperatures.
Neptune rushed over to her, while Uranus expected the patch of shadows, making sure the location was secure.
“Are you all right?” Neptune's voice carried a fair share of concern as she noticed a discarded henshin stick. She picked it up, and handed it to the silent Hotaru The young girl nodded slowly in confirmation, and tried to speak.
“That was…” her voice broke, unable to finish her sentence.
“Mistress 9.” Uranus' strong voice finished her sentence, the name spoken like a curse, and Hotaru flinched noticeably. Even she could see the painful memories already coming up through the girl's eyes, and she cursed herself for having allowed Hotaru to be home by herself.
Neptune shot her a look that told her to watch her tone, and Uranus grimaced. Feelings had never been her strong suit, and it must have showed. Neptune turned back to their adopted daughter, and spoke softer.
“Hotaru, did she hurt you?”
“No, mama” Hotaru replied, her purple eyes downcast. “She wanted….”
“More heart crystals?” Uranus asked. “The Grail? The Ginzuishou?”
Hotaru shook her head, still not meeting Neptune's gaze.
“She wanted to know where Setsuna-mama was.” She whispered, obviously shocked from what had just occurred
Neptune turned for a moment to stare at Uranus questioningly, but the other Senshi merely shrugged in return. She didn't have any potential reason for the servant of Pharaoh 90 going after the eldest Senshi, and apparently, Neptune didn't either. Neptune turned back, and enveloped Hotaru in a fierce hug, clutching the girl to her desperately.
She had been worried when Hotaru hadn't called, and had attempted to use the Deep Aqua mirror to see if Hotaru was all right. When it had shown only a dark 5-pointed star, she knew that something was not right, and she said so to Haruka. The other said nothing, but called the waiter over, and paid for the meal. They were out the door before the waiter could ask any questions, and had jumped into Haruka's car, and the short-blonde haired woman had broken several speeding ordinances on the way back to the house. The transformed on the way, knowing that whatever they would encounter could only be fought with Senshi magic, as well as using the disguise fields to prevent being noticed.
They had burst through the door to their home, and had heard nothing, save an eerie silence. As they quickly searched for their daughter, they felt a sudden dark power spike in the living room. Uranus, being the faster one, was already at the door, loosing off a blast as Neptune saw an image that would plague her nightmares for weeks to come. Mistress 9 had somehow returned, and had apparently attacked Hotaru while they were out, and tendrils appeared to be tightening around her daughter's neck.
The two senshi had acted instinctively to protect their daughter, and even though the damage to the house had been severe, they didn't regret it in the slightest. Seeing Hotaru's state of mind, Michiru only wished they had gotten there sooner.
She turned to Uranus, who had joined in the embrace.
“We need a Senshi meeting,” she commanded, and Uranus nodded.
“I'll call the others. We'll meet within the hour.”
Neptune continued to hold the silent Hotaru as Uranus activated her communicator, and notified the Senshi.
She could offer Hotaru comfort, but that was all. Nothing could save the girl from her own memories. She held Hotaru for what was an indeterminable amount of time, until finally, the youngest Senshi pulled away.
“Thank you.” She whispered. “I'll be okay now.”
“Are you sure?” Neptune asked, and Hotaru nodded, and she finally looked up, and Neptune saw only determination in purple eyes. She nodded in approval, then transformed back into Michiru Kaioh. As she held Hotaru as she went up to change quickly for the meeting, one thought was still running through her head.
What would Mistress 9 want with Setsuna?
End of Chapter 1
Omake: (for all you Hotaru lovers out there.)
“Very well. On my honor as a….” Mistress 9 broke off for a moment, and then re-phrased her promise. “You have my solemn vow that I will do you no harm on this night if you answer my question.”
“Do you expect me to believe you?” Hotaru queried, her voice full of disdain.
Mistress 9 smirked, and shrugged her shoulders. Then, she leaned in close to Hotaru's ear, and whispered, “Do your lips still taste as good as I remember?”
Then, without warning, her lips brushed against the younger girl's own, and initiated the most passionate, thrilling kiss Hotaru had ever experienced. When she looked at Mistress 9, trying to appear upset, and failing miserably due to her developing hormones kicking into overdrive.
“What was that?” she asked faintly, and Mistress 9 grinned.
“That's just the beginning, little one.”
“Oh,” Hotaru closed her eyes, and fell into blissful unconsciousness. Mistress 9 stared at her curiously.
“I don't remember her being this shy back then….” She remarked, and then transferred Hotaru to her arms. She rubbed the back of her head with a hand sheepishly, shrugged again, and disappeared into the darkness, the purple-haired girl still enveloped in a loving hug.
Alternate OMAKE: (provided by crytlshake)

Michiru had been worried when Hotaru hadn't called, and had attempted to use the Deep Aqua mirror to see if Hotaru was all right. When it had shown nothing, save a dark 5-pointed star, she knew that something was not right, and she said so to Haruka. The other said nothing, but called the waiter over, and paid for the meal. They were out the door before the waiter could ask any questions, and had jumped into Haruka's car, and the short-blonde haired woman had broken several speeding ordinances on the way back to the house. The transformed on the way, knowing that whatever they would encounter could only be fought with Senshi magic, as well as using the disguise fields to prevent being noticed.

They had burst through the door to their home, and had heard only silence. With experience born of youma hunting they made their way through the house. The tension and dread that hung over the pair increased as the noiselessly ascended the stairs. Uranus gritted her teeth and Neptune whispered a silent hopeful prayer as they crept toward their final destination- Hotaru's room. Taking a moment to listen at the door the sound of movement and breathing was a gratuitous torture that meant they were either overreacting or too late. With no small amount of trepidation they nodded in tandem and kicked the door down.

The house was swallowed in silence.

"MAMA?!" Hotaru squeaked. Her hair pooled around her and the sheets pulled up to her chin in fright. The pair of senshi sighed in relief as they dropped their transformations. "Hotaru we were so..." Michiru trailed off as she took notice of the pair of eyes regarding her from behind her daughter. Her steps faltered as the body connected to them jolted her memory like a bucket of ice water. "Wha...?" Haruka asked helpfully of the connundrum watching them apprehensively. "Um….sorry about this?" the other girl said hopefully. That her action was accompanied by a nervous hand idly scratching her neck did little to help the situation when it dislodged the sheet protecting her modesty. Hotaru's parents collapsed to the floor caught between shock, outrage, and a little blood loss.

Michiru would make sure to punish Haruka for that proud silly grin later.
End Omake:
Shortened A/N
Well, here's the second chapter over….
Not much else to say, except hope you enjoyed it.
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