Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Zoisite 1/2 ❯ Chapter 1
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Authors' Disclaimer: **NOTE: We are not crazy, and the characters in
this story (with exception of a few) are the property of many people
we are not really close friends with. Please realize that we are not
making money off of this (damn). Anyways, this story may contain some
material that is not really great for "Barney-watchers" and contains
adult language, violence, and a bit more that mild sexual content
because of the relationship between Kunzite and Zoisite, Usagi and
Mamoru, and (later on) Ranma and Akane. Also note that there are two
old men in this story who are perverted: Rei's Grandfather and
Happosai. Characters that are not familiar to you are simply created
by us. Do not use them in any way without our permission, please.
Thanks, and enjoy the twisted Sailormoon and Ranma 1/2 crossover we
have titled: Zoisite 1/2. (P.S.- My Japanese spellings may be off, but
give me a break! Also, Zoisite is spelled Zoycite when he becomes a
Zoisite 1/2
Ranma Saotome was walking along the curb of the road in a huff. Akane
had argued with him at breakfast, resulting with a blow to his head
with a frying pan. "At least she didn't use her mallet," he said
aloud, rubbing his head.
He felt a large bump and moaned. "All this over leaving the toilet
seat up? Sheesh."
He continued walking along, not paying any attention to where he was
going, and not really caring about it either. He didn't even notice
when the car speeding toward him raced up the curb, and struck him
from behind. Pain drove through his mind incoherently and he passed
The next thing Ranma knew, he was in a hospital in Tokyo, and wondered
what had happened. Doctors murmured around his bedside, and he noticed
a tube sticking from a vein, with blood coming from it. "The donor's
name is Joe Shinjo, knicknamed 'Game Machine Joe'. He's a local
resident who matches this young man's blood type. We were lucky to
find Joe, because he is one of the few people in this world that
matches this boy's blood. He was really lucky." One of the doctors was
telling the others.
Ranma then looked beside his bed. Akane was sitting there, holding his
hand tenderly, tears flooding from her eyes. 'I'll be glad when this
is over,' Ranma thought to himself, 'and then I will have nothing to
worry about except my little problem and marrying Akane.'
Or so he thought.
Zoisite woke up in his lover's arms and yawned. He turned to face
Kunzite and was greeted warmly with a kiss. He smiled. When he
released his lover, he stretched and sat up.
Yawning again, Zoisite thought of the night before. They were
celebrating Zoisite's killing of Nephrite and his becoming Queen
Beryl's next acting general. Zoisite began to put on his uniform as
Kunzite began to get out of bed. "Good luck today. I heard that you
will be given the first chance to go after the Rainbow Crystals. I
hope that your mission will be a sucess," Kunzite said. "But, I am
already sure that you shall have a sucessfull return."
Zoisite smiled, and buttoned the last button of his stark gray uniform
with green lining. "Your wishes of luck will surely grant me sucess,
Kunzite finished putting on his cape and said, "I bet any moment now,
Beryl will be calling us down and you will be searching for the first
Rainbow Crystal."
At that moment, Beryl's voice echoed through Zoisite's head. "ZOISITE!
Zoisite smiled at Kunzite. "You're right as usual, my love."
Zoisite kissed Kunzite on the cheek and then disappeared in a cloud of
pink cherry blossoms. Kunzite followed.
"Zoisite, I present to you the Black Crystal. It has been modified to
track the seven Rainbow Crystals. Bring me back the first Rainbow
Crystal. I am sure that you know what to do," said Queen Beryl.
"Of course, my Queen," said Zoisite. "Dark Crystal! I command you!
Show me the first of the seven Rainbow Crystals!"
The crystal glew brightly, and in the air appeared the image of a
young man in a hospital bed. "Ranma Saotome," said Zoisite. "This man
shall be the first."
Ranma sat up in his hospital bed. Akane still sat by his side. She had
dozed off.
Ranma smirked. 'So the Sexless Tomboy really does care for me,' he
thought to himself.
Akane suddenly woke up. "I am not a Sexless Tomboy, you stupid pig,"
she said, "and I am not refering to P-chan."
'Maybe she is referring to Ryoga,' thought Ranma.
Akane just scowled. "After staying by your side all night, this is
what I get? Hmph! I thought at least for once I could be nice to you
and you are here calling me names?! I'd be better off with someone
less pig-headed and idiotic like you!" Akane yelled, then stood up and
walked out in a huff. "Besides, I'm going to miss my flight!"
Ranma suddenly yelled, "Wait! Akane! What flight? Where are you
"To China," she said with a smirk. "Our wedding is planned for next
week, and I want you to be male for our honeymoon night and for the
rest of our lives. I'm going to get some water from the Nanachi-chan
pool to cure your little problem, Ranma."
"No! Wait! Let me go, too! I feel better already! See?" Ranma stood up
on his bed and began to flip and jump around, then began to show off
his fighting skills. "See? I'm okay."
Akane smiled slyly. "That's what I thought," she said, and she held up
two tickets to China. "That's why I bought two of these."
Ranma just smiled. "You little brat."
While Ranma and Akane were on the airplane to China, Zoisite scowled
on top of a building in Tokyo. "Where is this Ranma kid? I'm getting
all sweaty and hot up here, and I can't see him anywhere," Zoisite
said, crossing his arms over his chest. "And the Queen is becoming
impatient. I'm so stressed out. If I get a pimple, I swear I will
massacre that boy!"
Suddenly Kunzite appeared beside Zoisite. "Zoisite, I have located
this carrier. He is on an airplane whose destination is in China. They
have just arrived there and are near these mystical springs. I'd be
careful if I were you." Kunzite warned.
"Shit. Does this mean that I will need bug spray?" Zoisite asked.
"It would be a good idea, but you'd better hurry. The Queen is
beginning to question your position," said Kunzite. "Good luck."
"Thank you," said Zoisite.
They both disappeared, going their own ways.
"Look! There it is! That's the blasted pool that began this whole
mess!" Ranma said, pointing towards one pool.
"Tell me about it," said Akane with a sigh of relief.
They were both glad that it was finally going to be over with.
Ranma raced ahead, whooping with happiness. Akane just smiled, then
raced to catch up with him. Ranma picked up a rock and went over to
the pool's bank. "Take this!" Ranma yelled, and hurled the rock into
the "Pool of Drowned Woman".
"Now Ranma, what do you think that's going to do?" Akane asked.
"Nothing, but it felt good to do it," said Ranma.
Suddenly some pink cherry blossoms began to circle nearby. "Look at
that," said Akane. "I didn't see any cherry trees around here."
"Me neither," said Ranma. "Want to check it out?"
But before they could, suddenly a man appeared, with long blond hair
held back in a ponytail and emerald eyes that were glistening with
evil. He wore a stark gray uniform that had green lining. The man
smiled. Akane and Ranma gasped.
"Oh my god! What is that?!" Akane yelled.
"I think it is a man, but I'm not so sure..." Ranma said, noting the
The man glared at them. "So you are Ranma Saotome, the martial artist
from the Tendo dojo. No threat to me, but you have something I want,"
said the man.
"Oh no! Don't tell me Genma engaged you to Ranma too!" Akane said.
The man raised an eyebrow. "Excuse me, but I already have the most
wonderful boyfriend in all the Dark Kingdom, Kunzite-kun."
"Boyfriend?" Ranma asked. "So you're a girl."
"No I'm not!" The man said, angry and a little hurt. "I'm one hundred
percent male!"
"Ohhh...." both Akane and Ranma said.
"Anyways, now give me your Rainbow Crystal!" The man pulled out a
crystal and it began to glow.
"What is a Rainbow Crystal?" Akane asked.
"Nevermind that, stupid human girl!" The man yelled.
"Stupid? STUPID? HOW DARE YOU CALL ME STUPID!!!" Akane yelled, and her
battle aura started to glow.
To Zoisite, the glow seemed eerily familiar, and looked like what
Beryl had used to trap Jadeite in a crystal. He held to the crystal
and took a tiny step back, away from the girl and the pool. Ranma was
moaning and grasping his chest, confused. What was going on?
Akane released the blast of aura, and it was hurled towards Zoisite.
He dodged it, and it hit a tree. The tree exploded, and Zoisite was
sent sprawling to the ground.
"Damn! You bitch! You made me skin my hand! Now you will pay with your
life!" Zoisite screamed in anger and pain.
"Don't you call her a bitch!" Ranma yelled at Zoisite. "Only I can
make fun of her!"
Zoisite raised an eyebrow. Ranma suddenly stood forward. "DRAGON
FIST!" Ranma yelled, and went after Zoisite.
Zoisite started walking backwards, to avoid Ranma's flying fists.
Suddenly, Akane came flying towards his side, and then kicked him.
Zoisite's wind was knocked out of him, and he fell.
Akane, however, also knocked Ranma, and both he and Zoisite fell into
the pool.
Zoisite hit the water first, and then Ranma. Akane watched in horror.
"Who will come out normal? Ranma or...that weird gay guy?" Akane asked
Suddenly both Ranma and Zoisite emerged, splashing and coughing. Akane
was relieved to see that Ranma didn't change. "Wait a minute...he
Ranma looked himself over. He shivered in the cold water, and yelled,
"Wait a minute... I didn't change! You're right Akane! I didn't
change! Uh-oh..." Ranma noticed Zoisite.
Zoisite felt a tingling sensation and closed his eyes. He wasn't sure
what was happening to his body, but he felt awkward and when he opened
his eyes he was still not coherent of what had happened to him. He
looked over his body and choked back a scream. He had BREASTS!
"Wha-WHAT THE HELL IS THIS!?!?" Zoycite screamed, and covered himself
with his hands. Luckily, the uniform covered him, but the water had
made it quite clear that he was now a she.
"What will Kunzite do?" Zoycite thought aloud, not sure of what to do.
Ranma had swam to the pool's bank and was climbing out. Zoycite had
clearly underestimated these humans and their witchery. He pulled out
the Dark Crystal. 'I'm not letting him leave without me getting the
crystal!!!' Zoycite thought bitterly.
Suddenly the crystal glew, and so did Ranma's chest. A red crystal
floated in the air and sparkled. Ranma moaned and collapsed. "RANMA!"
Akane screamed, and raced to his side.
"ZOI!" Zoycite blasted Akane backwards and into a tree.
Akane hit the tree with a thud and fell unconsious to the ground.
Zoycite smiled. She took the crystal and held it up with a smile. "I
may have lost one battle, but I have won the war,":she said, then
laughed. Zoycite vanished with the crystal as she had appeared, in a
cloud of spinning pink cherry blossoms.
At the Crown Arcade in Tokyo, "Game Machine Joe" was playing the Toy
Crane game when suddenly he didn't feel so great. He left after his
last cent was spent and he walked out without his winnings. He
clutched his stomach, then fell to the ground. Usagi and her new
friend Makoto went over to see what was wrong with him. He moaned and
suddenly was surrounded by spinning winds. Usagi raced around the
corner and transformed while Makoto watched in horror.
Joe turned into "Game Machine Man" and began to attack when Sailormoon
appeared and began to battle with him. When all seemed to go against
Sailormoon, Luna gave Makoto her pen and she transformed to become
Sailorjupiter. They battled and defeated him, then transformed him
back to Joe with the Cresent Moon Wand.
Queen Beryl watched the battle on her crystal ball, confused. "Where
is he? Where is Zoisite?" Queen Beryl asked.
Kunzite shrugged, but inside he secretly worried about what happened
to Zoisite.
Suddenly Zoisite appeared, soaking wet and with the crystal. "Your
majesty, I have brought you the crystal," said Zoisite in a different
"Is something wrong, Zoisite? You seem....different," said Queen
"Actually, yes, my Queen...umm....err....I...uh...well...it's kind
of....um....the humans... they used their witchcraft and....kind
of...turned me...into....a woman..." Zoycite said.
"What?" Kunzite asked, eyes bulging.
Queen Beryl looked Zoycite over.
"Well....hmm....I....hmmm....well...hmmm..." Queen Beryl looked
puzzled over Zoycite's new body. "Well, um...is there any way to
change you back into a man again?"
"I'm not sure, my Queen," Zoycite said, near to crying.
Kunzite looked Zoycite over, up and down, and seemed to look
worried.Kunzite bit his lip.
Queen Beryl rested her chin on her hand. "Well, why don't you go take
a warm bath while I think this over. I am not sure what those humans
did to you, Zoisite, but I am sure that we will get to the bottom of
this. They will pay for this, don't you worry!"
"Thank you, my Queen," said Zoycite, but she really wasn't sure what
her Queen could do to help her become a him again.
Zoycite disappeared, followed by Kunzite, who was still puzzled over
Zoisite's new form.
"So Joe just...transformed into some monster, right there and then?"
Ami asked Usagi.
Usagi nodded. "It was so weird. It was like nothing that ever happened
to us before."
Makoto sat cross-legged on the floor. "I think that something
happened. Joe was talking about giving blood to some boy from the
Tendo dojo and he felt something more was missing. Now we find out
that Joe was a Rainbow Crystal carrier, but where is the crystal? It
should have appeared before he transformed, right? Where is it?"
Luna sat up tall. "According to Central Control, the Dark Kingdom has
it. How they got it without doing anything, I am not sure, but if they
do that for the next six carriers, they will have the Ginshouj (Silver
crystal) and will rule the universe. We must stop them!"
"Right!" Ami, Usagi, Rei, and Makoto said.
Ranma yawned and stretched. It was good to finally be home in Tokyo,
and a normal man again. Lately Akane had been much more friendly to
him, and even kissed him a few times. He liked the fact that he could
go swimming in the cold springs nearby and not need a girl's bathing
suit. Akane and Ranma's wedding was scheduled for the following week,
in Tokyo at the Cherry Hill Temple. The location was chosen by
Happosai. "I'd like to see my old brother there," he had said, and so
that was where the wedding would be held. They felt that if Happosai
had someone to talk to, he would stay out of trouble.
Ranma flipped through the pages of a book he had been reading, looking
over some tuxedos and other outfits he could wear when he would be
married. He munched on some rice balls while he flipped through the
book, page after page. He couldn't wait until he would get married to
Akane. She made the best rice balls he'd ever tasted, and would be a
good cook if she continued following the recipes.
Only one more week before they would be married.
Zoycite felt awkward as she stared at herself naked in a mirror. She
still was not used to her new body, and was not sure if she would ever
be used to it. She sighed, then slid into the warm tub. She closed her
eyes and tried to relax. She suddenly felt tingly all over again, the
same tingling she felt earlier. When she opened her eyes, Zoycite
realized that she was now Zoisite again!
"Kunzite! KUNZITE!" Zoisite yelled.
Kunzite appeared and looked worried. "What's the matter, Zoisite-kun?"
he asked.
Zoisite hopped out of the tub and showed his lover. "I'm back to
normal!" Zoisite exclaimed cheerfully. "I'm me again! Hooray!"
Zoisite hugged Kunzite happily. Kunzite smiled. "I'm glad you are back
to normal," he said, "but I love you anyway, if you were female or
Zoisite kissed Kunzite happily. "I am glad that this bath cured me."
Or so he thought.
Queen Beryl was happy to see Zoisite back to normal. "So, what did you
do to cure it?"
"I just did as you suggested, my Queen," said Zoisite. "I took a warm
Queen Beryl looked him over. "Well, I'm glad it worked. Are you ready
to go after the next crystal?"
"Of course, your majesty,"said Zoisite, pulling out the Dark Crystal.
"Dark Crystal! I command you! Show me the next Rainbow Crystal
A swirl of smoke revealed a priest. "This priest is the next carrier,"
Zoisite said. "I shall not fail you, my Queen."
Zoisite disappeared in a cloud of cherry blossoms.
Naru was talking to the priest when Zoisite appeared. Naru recognized
him immediately as the one who killed Nephrite. Angry, she tried to
fight him, but with no avail. Zoisite blasted her into a gravestone.
"Stop it right now!" Sailormoon's voice sounded.
Zoisite looked annoyed. He had enough with pesky humans for the week.
He used the crystal and a orange crystal appeared from the priest's
chest. Before he could grab the crystal, Sailormercury yelled, "Bubble
Zoisite was surrounded in a mist of cold, wet bubble fog. He suddenly
felt tingly again, and thought, 'Oh no! Not again!'
When the fog cleared, Zoisite had changed. Zoycite glared at the
Sailormars asked, "Who are you?"
Sailormoon scratched her head with her Cresent Moon Wand. "Yeah. Where
did Zoisite go? He was just here and...who are you anyway?"
Zoycite stomped her foot in anger. "Don't you see? I am Zoisite!
Sailormercury's bubbles did this to me!"
Sailormercury looked surprised. "I never knew that my bubbles could do
much more than confuse the enemy! But then again, most of the youma
are female..." Sailormercury murmured. "I never seen my bubbles do
that before!"
A sudden peel of laughter came from behind the Sailorsenshi. It was
Tuxedo Kamen.
Zoycite's blood boiled. "That's it! I've had it! This is the ultimate
insult! Capeboy, you are going down!" Zoycite yelled, face red with
Tuxedo Kamen only laughed harder. His laughter was cut short when he
had to dodge a hurling spike that was aimed at his head. He pulled out
a rose, and flung it at Zoycite.
Zoycite blocked herself by hurling another spike into it, and the two
powers cancelled eachother out. Zoycite smiled evilly. "Now you die,
Capeboy!" Zoycite yelled, then formed a sword in her hands. "ZOI!"
Tuxedo Kamen barely dodged the blast, then was struck in the arm by
Zoycite's sword. He fell to the ground, writhing in pain. Zoycite
smiled, and held her sword up for the kill.
"NO! MOON TIARA ACTION!" Sailormoon threw her tiara towards Zoycite.
Zoycite suddenly couldn't move in the tiara's bright light. It
engulfed her. She held her breath and closed her eyes, waiting for the
pain to hit her body and kill her.
She waited. She waited, and nothing happened. She opened her eyes and
realized a Sailorsenshi in a very dark green fuku in front of her. It
was even darker that Sailorjupiter's fuku, almost a black. Zoycite
looked up at her. The senshi only smiled, then turned to Sailormoon.
"Another Sailorsenshi? Which one are you? Are you Venus? Or are you
the Moon Princess?" Sailormoon asked.
The senshi smiled. "I am the soldier of forever, Sailorpluto," she
"But Sailorpluto is just a legend," Luna said, staring at her in awe.
"I may be a legend, but one thing is for certain: Legends never die,"
Sailorpluto said.
Zoycite looked scared and confused. She looked around and noticed that
there was now eight senshi, four that she could not recognize. She
rubbed her head. That tiara really messed her up, or so she thought.
Maybe it was just a dream.
"Who are you three?" Sailormars asked the other three new senshi.
"I am the soldier of the wind, Sailoruranus," said Sailoruranus.
"I am the guardian of the seas, Sailorneptune," said Sailorneptune.
"I am the messiah of silence, Sailorsaturn," said Sailorsaturn.
"The outer senshi?" Luna looked about to faint. "You were rumored
dead, killed at the outer reaches of the solar system, trying to stop
the Dark Kingdom from entering."
Sailorpluto smiled. "We have come here for a reason. There has been an
extreme time flux in the future. It is really, really, really bad.
Otherwise we would not be here now."
"Time flux? What kind of time flux?" Sailorjupiter asked.
"Well, we believe it has something to do with the Dark Kingdom, but we
aren't sure because the flux suddenly happened, and it was terrible."
Sailoruranus said.
"All of the Sailorsenshi just..." Sailorneptune began.
"...Disappeared," finished Sailorsaturn.
"What happened to them?" asked Sailormoon.
"They had to prematurely Eternalize you, to save the universe," said
"Eternalize?" Sailormoon looked confused.
"Your highest state of power that we know of," said Sailorsaturn.
"You mean there is more after the Dark Kingdom?" Sailormoon looked a
little annoyed.
"Yes," said Sailorsaturn. "So many that it would take an eternity to
tell you about them. Let's leave it at that."
"Oh my..." said Sailormercury.
"Damn," said Sailormars.
"Damn, too," Sailorjupiter added.
"Oh boy....more of this," Sailormoon said. "I don't think I can handle
Zoycite began to slink away. She was not sure what to do. She was
outnumbered greatly. She took the orange crystal and vanished, leaving
her trademark of spinning cherry blossoms behind. Sailorsaturn watched
her leave.
"I think I found the cause of the time flux...I thought General
Zoisite was a man," Sailorsaturn said.
"He was...until Sailormercury's bubbles covered him, and then she was
here," said Sailormars. "Then he -er, she- fought Tuxedo Kamen."
"Hmm...this sounds oddly familiar," said Sailorpluto. "Like something
we watched when Hotaru-chan was a little girl on television...what was
it called? Rumna? Renma?"
"Ranma!" Sailorsaturn exclaimed. "Wasn't it during my second
"I don't want to know," said Sailormoon and Luna.
"Believe me," said Sailorsaturn, "you don't."
"Okay..." Sailormoon said. "Now where did Zoisite-chan go to?"
"She just left," Sailorsaturn said. "We have to find her. I just
figured something out- if Zoisite-chan becomes pregnant, it will be
the end of the universe as we know it."
"Why?" Sailormoon asked.
"Well, let's just say that their child would be more destructive than
the sun going super-nova, or Mistressnine on a bad day." Sailorsaturn
"Who would have a child with Zoisite-chan?" asked Sailormars.
"Kunzite would probably be heterosexual with her," said Sailoruranus.
Sailorsaturn gave her a strange look, but declined to say anything.
"How do we prevent that?" Sailorjupiter asked. "And who is Kunzite?"
"Nevermind," said Sailorpluto. "He is just the most powerful man in
the Dark Kingdom, and Beryl's second in command. Now, we have to
formulate a plan to control Kunzite's hormones. We must prevent
Zoisite-chan from having a child."
All of the senshi nodded in agreement.
"Have you ever thought of having a baby, Kunzite?" asked Zoycite.
Kunzite turned around and looked over his lover. "How did you go back
into that form again, Zoisite-kun? What did the Sailorsenshi do to
"I'm not so sure, Kunzite-kun. I am sure of one thing, however- do not
ever underestimate the power of Sailormercury's bubble spray," Zoycite
said. "Now, answer my question. Have you ever thought of having a
child, Kunzite-kun?"
Kunzite just blinked. He wasn't sure how to answer his lover's
question. "The thought never crossed my mind. It wouldn't be too bad
to have a child around, but I'm not too fond of the idea of a child
around while we are battling the Sailorsenshi. Maybe after the Dark
Kingdom wins and Empress Metallia rules the universe..." Kunzite's
voice trailed off. "Why do you ask?"
"It's nothing...I was just thinking about what if I stay female
forever..." Zoycite said.
"Oh...I see, my love...come here..." Kunzite said.
Zoycite went to Kunzite and sat on his lap, just as she always did
when she was male.
"A child....a child...hmm....it is a rather appealing idea...but let
me think it over, alright, hon? Children take alot of time and money."
Kunzite said.
"True, my love," Zoycite said. She kissed Kunzite and he returned the
At the Tendo dojo, not everyone knew that Ranma had been cured.
Happosai didnt' even know. Only Ranma and Akane knew of the incident
with Zoisite/Zoycite.
Happosai was feeling really sneaky, and so he snuck behind Ranma and
threw a bucket of cold water on his head. He laughed, and clung to
Ranma's chest while Ranma screetched, "Hey you old leach! Get off of
my chest!"
Happosai opened his eyes and realized he was clinging onto male-type
Ranma. "What the- how did you....are you using that soap again?"
Happosai asked.
Ranma grinned. "Nope."
"Did you go to China and cure yourself?"
` Ranma nodded.
BUT WHAT WILL I DO FOR FUN NOW????" Happosai asked.
"Well, you could always collect Shampoo's panties and her bras," said
Akane with a sly little smile.
"Good idea!" Happosai said, then raced off.
Shampoo, however, was hiding in the bushes nearby. She had seen
Ranma's entire incident at the pool from a distance, over a crystal
ball. She had gotten it for her birthday, and was quite pleased that
Ranma would stay male from now on. 'Now Shampoo has chance with
Ranma,' Shampoo thought in the bushes, with a smile. 'And if Shampoo
keep Ranma male, Ranma will love Shampoo. Yeah! Ranma love Shampoo and
not Akane.'
Shampoo went off to tell Cologne the good news.
Cologne was brewing up something unidentifiable when Shampoo rushed
in. "Great-grandmother! Shampoo know that Ranma is cured! He no change
anymore!" Shampoo said.
"What? Is this true? Hmm...." Cologne said. "Excellent. Now you shall
be married to Ranma, but only after we make sure that Ranma stays male
Cologne pulled up her staff. "We must go to this Dark Kingdom and find
this Zoycite. If we can catch him in his female form, we can cure
Ranma forever, and you shall become his bride!"
"Shampoo bride of Ranma! Shampoo bride of Ranma!" Shampoo chanted,
jumping up and down in the air.
"Shampoo Saotome...it does sound rather nice, eh,
"Yes! Yes! Shampoo name Shampoo Saotome! Bride of Ranma!"
"We'll meet my old aquaintaince Beryl. She gave me this," said
Cologne pulled out a necklace with a pendant hanging on it. The symbol
used by Nephrite was on it, and encrusted with rubies and diamonds.
"BLACK MAGIC TELEPORT!" Cologne yelled, and disappeared in a red flash
with Shampoo.
They appeared in the Dark Kingdom, in front of Kunzite's castle. "This
is where we will find this Zoisite and keep him female forever!"
Cologne cackled, and then both she and Shampoo went into Kunzite's
Zoycite and Kunzite were having a cup of hot coffee when a sudden
knock at the castle's main door startled them and Zoycite spilled the
hot coffee over herself, initiating the change. She felt tingling all
over her body and before Kunzite's eyes became male again. "What the-"
Kunzite began. "You are male again! But how-"
"It must be hot water," Zoisite said. "When I fell into the pool, I
turned female, but when I took a hot bath, I turned male again. Then
when Sailormercury's bubbles hit me, and they were cold, I turned
female again, but now that I've spilled this hot coffee on my lap, I
turned back into a man! Now we just have to figure out how to release
me from this curse permanately!"
"Maybe if we go back to that pool. I can analyze the water and see
what's behind this wacky curse you have," Kunzite said. "That pool is
the answer to the problem, and also the cause."
"Not so fast," an old woman about two feet tall hopped in on a staff.
"Yeah. Shampoo no let you leave," said a girl with odd violet hair.
"Who the hell are you, and what are you doing in my castle?" Kunzite
asked, annoyed.
"My name is Cologne. That is not important," Cologne said. "We are
here to insure that Son-in-law stays male. Right, Shampoo?"
"Yes, Great-grandmother," said Shampoo.
"What the hell are you talking about?" Zoisite asked.
Cologne pulls out a flask of cold water and pours it on Zoisite's
head. Zoisite becomes Zoycite again, yelling, "HEY! CRAZY OLD BAG!"
tapped her staff on Zoycite's chest. "FULL BODY CAT TONGUE!"
"What the hell did you do to my boyfriend?" Kunzite demanded.
"Great-grandmother turn boyfriend into girlfriend. Now you straight."
Shampoo said.
"What? For your information, I liked my boyfriend just the way he was.
Besides, we know how to turn her back to a him," Kunzite said, then
poured his coffee on Zoycite.
Nothing happened.
"What?! What did you do to him, you old bag?!" Kunzite demanded.
ENTIRE BODY!" Cologne yelled, enraged.
"I have only respect for my Queen, not some weak, shriveled, old,
two-foot-high bag of bones," Kunzite said, then stood up.
Cologne did not look the least bit intimidated, even though Kunzite
was over six feet tall.
"Your Queen was taught everything she knew in my village," Cologne
said. "Now where is she? I'd like to see her before we leave."
Zoycite glared at the old woman. "How dare you turn me into a woman!
How dare you keep me as a woman? Turn me back now, or else!"
"Or else what?" Cologne asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Or else I will tell my Queen what you have done to me, and she will
put you into an Eternal Sleep Crystal, that's what," Zoycite said,
folding her arms over her chest.
"Go ahead. Tell Perfume I'm here before we go," Cologne said.
"FINE..." Zoycite disappeared, and went to Queen Beryl's throne.
"Your majesty, some wacky lady is here, and just when Kunzite and I
figured how the change is triggered, she hit me with her staff and now
I'm stuck female," Zoycite said. "And to top it all off, she is
insulting you by calling you 'Perfume', my Queen."
"Cologne?! When did she get here? Bring her in for me. And there is
nothing wrong with being female, Zoycite," said Queen Beryl.
"But Queen Beryl--"
"DON'T QUESTION ME, ZOISITE! By the way, did she bring a girl with
purple hair with her?" Queen Beryl asked.
"Yes, my Queen," Zoycite said, hurt.
"Good. Now go get them," said Queen Beryl.
"Yes, your majesty," Zoycite said, bitterly.
She reappeared back at Kunzite's castle morose. "The Queen wishes to
see you, Old Bag."
"Now you're in for it! The Queen will deal with you for turning him
into a her!" Kunzite said. "She'll probably even give Zoisite the
pleasure of killing you."
"Um....Kunzite-kun...she did not wish to see them to punish them,"
Zoycite said.
"What do you mean?" Kunzite asked.
"Apparently, this OLD BAG is one of the Queen's old friends." Zoycite
Cologne growled, but merely stated, "I would not call me 'Old Bag' if
I were you. After all, I am one of your Queen's friends."
Zoycite clenched her hands into fists and bit her tongue from cursing
the old woman, for she was right, and Queen Beryl would not be pleased
if Zoycite was angering her guest.
Shampoo, in the meantime, had taken interest in Kunzite. "If things no
work out, you can count on Shampoo for good time," Shampoo was telling
Zoycite sent a blast of spikes at Shampoo just as Queen Beryl
appeared. Shampoo fell to the ground, wounded.
"ZOISITE! GET ME SOME COLD WATER!" Queen Beryl demanded.
"Yes, your majesty," Zoycite spat, and disappeared.
"Hello, Perfume," said Cologne. "Long time no see. The first thing
your wimpy general does is shoot my great-granddaughter with spikes!"
Kunzite was about protest, tell the old woman that he had trained
Zoisite well, and how Zoisite was one of his best pupils, but silenced
on account of his Queen there.
Zoycite returned with some cold water. Cologne dumped it on Shampoo
and she turned into a small kitten. There was no injuries on the
kitten. Zoycite slunk behind Kunzite.
"Zoisite, why did you spike Shampoo Was she hitting on your
boyfriend?" Queen Beryl asked sarcastically.
"Actually...." Zoycite began, then silenced.
"Actually what?" Beryl asked.
"Well....she was hitting on Kunzite...and I....being his pupil....felt
it necessary to deal with such pests..." Zoycite asked.
"Can you manage to do it without maiming her next time?" asked Beryl.
"I will try my best, my Queen," Zoycite said between her teeth.
"Good. Now Cologne, what are you here for?" asked Beryl.
"Well, I am here to insure my great-granddaughter's happiness," said
Cologne, "and your general, Zoisite, has made that possible. Now that
he possesses the curse of the Drowned Woman, Ranma Saotome is one
hundred percent male, and finally able to marry Shampoo."
"But is it really necessary to keep Zoisite in female form?" Kunzite
chirped in.
"Yes. I should think that you would be happy. After all, I did do you
a favor," Cologne said smugly.
Zoycite growled, then finally exploded. "SO WHAT? SO WHAT IF I WAS
"Zoisite? Is there something you neglected to tell me? Kunzite?
Anybody want to share this news, before I put you on the shelf with
Jadeite?" Queen Beryl demanded.
"Well, um...your majesty..." Kunzite began. "You see... Zoisite and I
became...very close while I trained him..and...um....err....I...and
he.....then we...."
"Oh, is that all? Is that why you always seem so nervous? I thought
this was something serious, like you two were plotting to overthrow me
or something." Queen Beryl said. "I have no problem with two of my
generals being gay."
"You no have to worry of that anymore," said Shampoo.
"Why?" Beryl asked.
"Zoisite Zoycite now," Shampoo said.
"Doesn't matter. Let me get this straight...no pun intended...you
thought this would upset me. What would have upset me is if you hadn't
gotten those first two crystals. Then, I would have killed you, but
I'm in too good of a mood now." Beryl said.
"Well, we'll be leaving now. We have a wedding to attend to. Come
along, Shampoo. See you next millenium, Perfume," said Cologne, who
then began to hop towards the door.
"Bye-bye, Kunzite. See you when thing go bad," said Shampoo.
Zoycite hurled a spike at her head. They disappeared before it hit
"That wasn't nice, Zoisite...er, Zoycite. I'm going to go back to my
throne room. Be there in one hour to search for the third crystal
carrier," Beryl said.
"But my Queen! I don't want to be female!" Zoycite said.
"Deal with it, Zoycite! Trust me, it could be worse. MUCH worse. You
could be a duck, like Mousse, or a pig, like Ryoga. Or even worse, a
cat like Shampoo, especially around Kunzite. His favorite food is cat,
you know," said Beryl, who disappeared.
Zoycite just slunk down to the floor. Beryl wouldn't help her.
But maybe....
Usagi was pigging out on icecream and spying on Ami and Urwa when
Zoycite appeared behind Ami and Urwa and pulled out the familiar
crystal. "AMI! URWA! WATCH OUT!" Usagi yelled, then said,
Ami turned and so did Urwa. "I thought I sensed him....oh
wait...her?!" Urwa looked rather surprised. "Who is this?"
Zoycite glared. "I'm Zoycite! But that's not important! What is
important is that you've got something I want! The third Rainbow
"Rainbow Crystal?!" Ami exclaimed.
"MOON PRISM POWER...MAKE UP!" Usagi yelled, then transformed.
"MERCURY PLANET POWER....MAKE UP!" Ami yelled, then transformed.
Zoycite yawned, then used her crystal to get the crystal. Urwa fell to
the sidewalk and Zoycite had the third crystal. "Hand over that
crystal! I am Sailormoon, the champion of justice! In place of the
moon, I will punish you! Zoycite, male or female, hand over the
crystal or pay!" Sailormoon said.
Zoycite looked rather smug. "So you are Sailormoon? Just some ditzy
highschool girl with pretty ponytails and dumplings? Hmm...no real
threat against the Dark Kingdom! Go get 'em, Bumboo!!!" Urwa got up
and had transformed into a monster. While the Sailorsenshi fought with
him, Zoycite vanished with the Rainbow Crystal.
"I'm impressed, Zoycite. You have three out of three crystals. Can you
get the next four?" Queen Beryl asked.
"I think that there is no contest, my Queen, but I think I would work
a little better if I was still in my male form," Zoycite hinted.
"Zoycite, get me all the crystals, and I will try to talk Cologne into
turning you back into a man," Beryl said.
"Oh, thank you Queen Beryl! Thank you! I shall not fail you!" Zoycite
disappeared happy.
Queen Beryl, however, smiled slyly and uncrossed her fingers from
behind her back.
Meanwhile, Ranma and Akane were planning their wedding when Shampoo
walked in. "Shampoo Saotome here!" Shampoo said, walking in wearing a
wedding gown.
"I hope you don't ruin her beautiful dress, Akane," said Kasumi, "it
looks expensive. Tea, anyone?"
"Um...sure," said Ranma, sitting back to literally watch a cat fight.
"Not so fast Akane Tendo," said Cologne. "We have made it possible so
that Ranma is free from the curse forever. We made Zoisite female
Zoycite and broke the curse forever!"
"Cologne, you and I both know that the Cat Tongue is not permanant,"
said Akane. "Once they get the medallion on your neck, she can become
a he again."
"But they don't know that, and this time, I have one of the Amazons to
help insure that she will never become he again!" Cologne said
sharply, then she cackled like a witch.
"Shampoo Saotome! Shampoo Saotome!" Shampoo chanted. "Shampoo marry
"Wait a second....I don't want to marry Shampoo," said Ranma. "What
makes you think that I will marry her over Akane, anyways, Cologne?"
"According to Amazon Law, you defeated Shampoo in battle, so you must
marry her," said Cologne. "And the Amazons are more powerful than you,
so I suggest that you take the law very seriously, Son-in-law."
Akane sneered. "DON'T CALL HIM SON-IN-LAW!"
"Temper, temper. Come along, Shampoo. We shall return later, when
Ranma is alone and we can discuss this with him in peace." Cologne
said, hopping off.
Shampoo blew Ranma a kiss and winked at him before walking after her
Great-grandmother who was hopping ahead.
Ranma looked to Akane, who was still fuming. "Akane, what if Zoycite
comes here to try to get us to talk and tell him...er, her...how to
cure the Cat Tongue?"
"I don't know, Ranma," said Akane, looking to him. "I don't know."
Luna was pacing back and forth. "The Dark Kingdom has the first three
crystals. Already they have a majority of the crystals, so we must get
the next four or we will be outnumbered greatly. We all must try our
hardest to preserve the future!"
"I agree," said Sailorpluto, who was now in her regular form as
"But how will we get the next four crystals, then get the three
crystals that the Dark Kingdom has?" Usagi asked.
"And what about Zoisite? He is now a she. Maybe he does not want to be
a she, and we could use this at our advantage," suggested Ami.
"Yeah," agreed Rei.
"The Dark Kingdom already has three crystals? This is bad," said
Sensuna. "They are only supposed to have one by now."
"Uh-oh," said Makoto.
"The more I hear about this, the more this Zoisite character is
sounding like Ranma," said Hotaru. "He changed sexes, too."
"Do you think that is the reason for the time flux?" asked Haruka.
"It could be," said Sensuna.
"Either way, we must stop the Dark Kingdom from getting the next four
crystals, and we have to before another time flux occurs!" Luna said.
"Right!" All of the Sailorsenshi agreed, and they prepared to make a
plan to get the next four crystals.
An hour later in Dark Kingdom time, Zoycite appeared before Queen
Beryl, looking rather depressed. "What's wrong, Zoycite?" asked Beryl.
"Well, I don't have anymore self-esteem because I know the
Sailorsenshi will laugh at me in my female form, and I'll get all
distracted, and they will get the crystal!" Zoycite stated.
"Well, why don't you bring Kunzite with you?" Beryl asked.
"That's a good idea," said Zoycite. "We have a plan, anyway. I'll
disguise myself as Sailormoon, and we will trap all of the
Sailorsenshi in a Dark Dome and we will not only find out who Tuxedo
Kamen is, but we shall get all four of the crystals back and I will be
a man again!"
"Sure, Zoycite. Now go, and do this plan of yours."
"Dark Crystal! I command you! Show me the fourth crystal carrier! Some
female artist named Peggy Jones...this girl shall be my next
"I have a very bad feeling all of a sudden," said Sensuna.
"Me too," said Michuru.
"Me three!" said Hotaru.
"I just had the same feeling also," said Rei. "Like the Dark Kingdom
is going to go after another crystal. Some girl named Peggy....Peggy
Jones...that's right....hmm...I think it's Sialorsenshi time!"
All of the Sailorsenshi transformed, they ran off.
Zoycite had cleverly disguised herself as Sailormoon, and had just
saved some poor sap from plunging to his doom when she was surrounded
by the Sailorsenshi.
"We know what you're up too, Zoycite!" said Sailormoon.
Zoycite realized that she was greatly outnumbered...there was now
eight Sailorsenshi to deal with. Without questioning, Zoycite yelled,
Suddenly all of the Sailorsenshi were surrounded by a dark dome, and
Kunzite appeared, laughing and saying, "I told you that this plan was
easy as pie! Look how they are all cornered, like mice in a jar! Say
goodbye, now, Sailorsenshi!!!"
The dome began to close up on them.
"What are we going to do?" asked Sailormoon to the outer senshi.
"DEAD SCREAM!" Pluto said, then the dome blasted open.
"What the-" Kunzite looked confused. "That was one of my best tricks!
It couldn't have failed! It couldn't have!"
"I control a dark dome of my own," said Sailorpluto. "For I control
time itself."
"What- nevermind," said Zoycite. "I think I will just slip into my old
uniform since there is no point in wearing this stupid fuku anymore."
"Why not, Zoisite?" asked a familiar man's voice. "It is rather
Tuxedo Kamen swooped down. "Damn," said Kunzite and Zoycite.
The two of them were outnumbered greatly. Suddenly a bright light shot
down from the sky, and the light became a constant beam. A girl
floated down, with pink hair and a matching fuku. A small lavendar
kitten with a cresent moon floated down on to the child's head.
"Hello!" The pink-haired girl said. "My name is Chibi-usa, better
known as Supersailorchibimoon!"
"Whoa. Another senshi. I can't take much more of this," said Kunzite.
"I have a major headache. Zoisite, let's ditch these Sailorsenshi with
a surprise, and then go find that Rainbow crystal, eh? I am really
sick of all these new people falling from the sky like rain every five
minutes. Excuse us, ladies-" Kunzite paused to look at Tuxedo Kamen.
"- but we must leave now."
Zoycite and Kunzite vanished, and suddenly another surprise fell from
the sky, and all of the Sailorsenshi were covered in a tangled mass of
slime. Not one of them could free themselves from the goop, and it was
covering them so tight that they could barely breathe. It became clear
to all of them that time was running out, and their only hope on the
clear day was for rain.
"VENUS LOVE AND BEAUTY SHOCK!" Supersailorvenus along with Artemis
lept off a nearby building and cleared away the slime.
"Thank you, Sailorvenus," said Sailorpluto. "You were late, however,
as usual."
"We tried to hurry as fast as we could," said Artemis, "but we got
caught in traffic, as usual. The 22nd Street school for young men just
let out its students and they happened to catch Minako's eye on our
way here."
"Oh, I see," said Sailorpluto.
"Something is not quite right. Sailormoon! Your fuku! It is... blue?!
It hasn't been blue since the end of Sailormoon S!" Sailorvenus said.
"Sailormoon S? But we are fighting the Dark Kingdom!" Sailormoon said.
"Are you Sailorvenus? How come you're dressed differently? Your bow is
longer and your ribbon is in the shape of a heart! Hey! You kinda look
like Sailor V!"
"Is she for real? Usako, get a grip!" said Artemis.
"You know who I am?!" Sailormoon gasped.
Luna smiled. "Artemis! Is it really you and Sailorvenus? Where have
you been for a thousand years?!"
"I was in England, training Minako to become Sailor V, and then
Sailorvenus! You know that, Luna! Where are we, anyway? This is the
place that Sailorvenus first showed up!"
"But we haven't seen you at all this lifetime," said Luna.
"Oh, just nevermind! Why don't you authors go to the Tendo dojo while
we bicker about this, okay? This might drag on for awhile..." Artemis
At the Tendo dojo, all was going well until Ranma opened his mouth and
said, "What are we going to do about my other fiancees?"
"Oh yeah....let's see....we could beat Genma into a stupor first...it
is his fault after all...I'll go get you an extra mallot," said Akane.
Genma leapt into a pool of cold water and ran to the road side in his
panda form. Akane and Ranma chased him. When some tourists saw two
kids beating a rare Giant Panda, they leapt out from the tour bus and
chased after Akane and Ranma. Akane and Ranma dashed off and Genma
darted into a bamboo thicket.
When they caught up to them, they saw Mount Fuji and stopped to take
pictures. Akane and Ranma ran further into the woods, not knowing
where they were headed, and it was near night.
"Great, we're lost. Now I know how Ryoga feels...." Akane said, then a
familiar squealing sound caught her ears.
P-chan came dashing out of the bushes, sqealing in terror.
Someone...or something...had spooked the little black pig, and he was
not going back in there.
"P-chan, what are you doing out here?" asked Akane.
"Squeee! Squeeee!" P-chan squealed, and pointed his trotter to the
Ranma and Akane eyed eachother, not sure what to do- go see what
scared P-chan, or to run for their lives.
Zoycite had grinned as Peggy fell to the floor, and the crystal fell
into the palm of her hand. This was almost too easy. She felt that
Jadeite and Nephrite were pure idiots if they could not fool these
sappy Sailorsenshi.
Feeling satisfied, Zoycite tucked the crystal in her "new hiding
spot". Her idea came from a remark she once got from one of her youma.
She had distroyed that youma, but she did like the idea. That way not
even Tuxedo Kamen could take the crystal without groping her. And if
he did grope her, Kunzite would kill him. Zoycite smiled. She had it
Still, she could not wait until this whole escapade was over, and she
was male again.
She was about to disappear when the Sailorsenshi appeared, all ten of
"What the-" Zoycite said, then shook her head. "You are too late
again. The Dark Kingdom has the one foot ahead! And now they have four
crystals! How many do you have, hmm? Hahahahahaha!"
"Haruka, do you mind getting the crystal back?" asked Sailorvenus.
Haruka looked to Michuru, but she just nodded. "With...pleasure?"
Haruka said.
Haruka walked up to Zoycite, who took a step back. "You stay
away...I'm leaving now," said Zoycite. "Go have fun with... Sailormoon
or something."
"Actually, Sailorneptune," Sailoruranus growled.
"Whatever! Now I'm leaving..." Zoycite began, but then Sailoruranus
grabbed her by the shoulders. "OW!"
Kunzite appeared. "Put my boyfriend...er....lover down!"
"Kunzite-kun!" Zoycite said happily. "I am so glad you came!"
Sailoruranus raised an eyebrow, and began to grope Zoycite for the
Zoycite shreiked. Kunzite hollered. Tuxedo Kamen laughed his head off.
Kunzite blasted Sailoruranus into a wall with his power, just as
Sailoruranus felt the crystal. Zoycite disappeared quickly, still
holding the crystal. Kunzite followed her.
"Whoa," said Sailorjupiter. "What now?"
"Am I missing something here?" Sailormoon asked. "I have a feeling
that I'm not quite grasping something..."
"Like what?" asked Sailormercury.
"Something....something odd...it's there, I just can't place it," said
"Not odd, but queer," said Capeboy in his corner.
"Ohhhh...I see," said Sailormoon.
Zoycite grasped her chest. "How could she? I mean, when I was male, no
woman would do that, and now that I'm female, they're all over me! How
can this be?"
"Well, you are rather attractive, male or female," said Kunzite. "And
I think that she was, um, a less-being. They had them on Jerry
Springer the other day."
"Oh," said Zoycite. "Aren't you still jealous?"
"Why would I be jealous, my love? I mean, you are my lover," said
"True, but I still.... I'm not so sure anymore," said Zoycite. "The
Queen won't turn me back, so who will?"
"Maybe it's a long shot, but I have an idea..." Kunzite said.
Ranma and Akane were sitting together near a creek watching the sunset
when suddenly another man appeared, only with white hair and ice blue
eyes. "What the-" Ranma yelled.
The man scooped Ranma up by his collar. "You turn my boyfriend back
the way he was or else I am gonna hurt you worse than anyone in the
universe, Ranma Saotome."
Ranma gulped and a sweatdrop formed over his head. "Help Akane," he
"I don't know who you are, or where your boyfriend is, but you'd
better put him down!" Akane said, crossing her arms over her chest.
The man raised an eyebrow and ignored her. "Now, Mister Saotome, tell
me where I can cure my boyfriend!!!" The man demanded, pushing Ranma
against a thick tree trunk.
"Cure?" asked Akane.
"Yes, you stupid human girl, a cure for my boyfriend to turn back once
again to his male state!" The man said.
"Oh! Did a wrinkled old woman show up and say something about a cat
"Yes. Her name is...Cologne... and she is a friend of my Queen's and
she let her get away with it and now we're trying to find a cure for
her to become a him again," he said.
"So that is why the curse left Ranma," said Akane.
"What are you talking about?" he asked.
Ranma still had a sweatdrop hanging from his forehead. He gulped
"Well, you see, Ranma used to have the problem your boyfriend has now.
Only he could become female when splashed with cold water, and hot
water turned him back into a male again. Cologne, however, has a spell
that is curable if treated correctly. She has a medallion around her
neck that has pills in it that can cure her curses. If you get the
medallion, you can save your boyfriend and he will be male again but
only if he has been splashed with hot water." Akane said.
"I see.... at least then he will be male half the time," said the man.
"By the way....what's your name?" Akane asked.
The man looked her over. "I....my name...if you tell no one, I will
tell you it."
"Alright, I promise," said Akane.
"My name is Kunzite," Kunzite said. "And my boyfriend's name is
"Oh. I remember him," said Akane. "Now could you please set down Ranma
so we can conclude our date here?"
"Oh. Sorry," said Kunzite, setting Ranma down on the ground.
Ranma breathed a sigh of relief and the sweatdrop vanished. "Thanks."
"No. Thank you. Zoisite will be so happy when he hears the news," said
Kunzite disappeared, and just to be safe, erased their meeting from
their minds.
"I can't believe I couldn't grasp that," said Usagi, stuffing a
riceball down her throat.
"Well, you only have an I.Q. of five!" said Rei.
The senshi were at the Cherryhill Temple for yet another meeting. So
far, it was carrying on as usual. With the new (and very odd) senshi
around, it was not the "usual-usual" meeting, but otherwise things
were running much the same. Chibi-usa and Diana were munching on
riceballs too. Artemis and Luna were talking about the time paradox
with Pluto and Saturn. Makoto and Minako were gushing about boys, and
Haruka and Michuru were listening with Pluto and Saturn.
Ami, for some strange reason, had not shown up yet. Usagi brought this
tidbit of information up first. "Where's Ami-chan?"
"Yeah, I wonder what happened to her.... she is never ever late," said
"Maybe she is in trouble," said Makoto, jumping to her feet.
"I think we should go look for her," said Minako.
"Right!" All of the senshi said, and ran off.
Zoycite stood over the girl's body, hand out-stretched and gathering
her energy, when the Sailorsenshi arrived. "Damn it! How come every
time I do something they have to show up?" Zoycite pouted. "Stupid
"Let Ami go, you bastard....err....bitch!" Sailormoon said. "Or in
place of the moon, I will punish you, Zoisite!"
Zoycite raised her eyebrow. "I've got what I want, so I'm hitting the
road. I don't play with little girls, especially while outnumbered."
"That's right! You don't play with girls because you are a
homosexual!" Sailormoon said.
"I am not!" Zoycite said, folding her arms over her chest.
"You are a man, right?"
"I was a man, but that's not your business. What do I know or care
that you are homosexual, Sailormoon. After all, look at that
Sailoruranus and Sailorneptune. Now what? You all wear tiny fukus, and
for who? Not Tuxedo Kamen, he's probably gay. I've never seen him come
onto you. He just runs away after I leave. Does that not make you
"Well, there was Fiore...." said Pluto, who then shut up.
"Who? Who is going after my Tuxedo Kamen?!" Sailormoon demanded.
"Oh, he is just some guy from Tux's past whom you shall encounter in
Sailormoon R."
"Sailormoon what?! Nevermind!" Sailormoon threw her hands up,
Zoycite smiled. "Good bye, Sailorbrats. Have fun playing with
Zoycite vanished, laughing. "Hey! What was that supposed to mean?"
Sailormoon scorned.
Ami began to wake up. "What happened?" she asked, rubbing a bump on
her head.
"Well, we just had a close encounter with Zoycite....and it wasn't
very pretty." Sailormoon said, crossing her arms on her chest.
"Oh." Ami said. "Sorry I was late."
"Forget it," said Rei. "We all thought you were making out with Urwa."
Zoycite appeared in Kunzite's chamber and plopped down on a chair. She
was exhausted, and buried her face in her hands. She was confused, and
wondered what this was leading to. The senshi were always against her,
and some of her own (Nephrite and sometimes that toady Jadeite), and
now her own Queen was against her. Sometimes she wondered if Kunzite
would ever go against her. She shook away the thought, afraid that it
would come true. She knocked a piece of wood, then chided to herself
not to follow stupid human ideas. The idea of Kunzite betraying her
was simply ridiculous. He loved her, and she loved him. Nothing would
ever change that, ever.
Suddenly strong arms held her by the waist. She gasped and turned
around. Kunzite stood there, smiling. "Hello, Kunzite-sama," said
Zoycite, stammering. "You startled me, my love."
"Mmm...really?" he asked, nuzzling her neck with his face. "I am
"Don't be," Zoycite said, kissing her lover's lips quickly. "I was
thinking about you."
"Mmm...really?" Kunzite licked her earlobe, then whispered huskiliy in
her ear, "And what exactly were you thinking about, hmm? Me.... or
us?" He tenderly kissed her face, then hard on the lips, pulling her
into his arms.
"Well, a little bit of both," Zoycite said. "So, did you talk to
"Yes," Kunzite said, pulling her tighter against him.
"And what did you find out?" Zoycite asked.
"Well, the cure for this is in a medallion around the old bag's neck.
We'd have to take the necklace and find a way to get these pills out
of her medallion. I hope that it is much easier than it sounds," said
Kunzite. "We would have to wait until tomarrow before we could attack
her, but in the meantime.... we could keep ourselves out of
trouble...by doing....something 'occupying'?"
Zoycite smiled. "I don't know....how good have you been today?"
"Oh, very very good," Kunzite smiled. "So what do you say?"
Zoycite smiled and ran her finger down his chest, which was still
covered in the gray jacket of his uniform. "I would say no, but I was
thinking about having a baby again, and while in this position, what
the hell? I mean, why not? What have we got to lose?"
Kunzite's grin grew. "Besides your virginity? Nothing."
Zoycite pulled Kunzite into her arms, and they kissed roughly. When
they pulled away, Zoycite panted, "I think that we should catch up.
Last night we did absolutely nothing."
Kunzite said nothing, but he smiled, and began to kiss down Zoycite's
face, unbuttoning her uniform so his mouth could travel further down
her body. To Kunzite, the feeling was very new to him. Never had he
imagined his lover, Zoisite, to be a female. But now that he was a
she, Kunzite knew that the sex he and Zoisite had before was totally
different from now.
Zoycite felt different also. She could feel his kisses much deeper
than she had used to, because her female flesh was much more delicate.
His touch aroused her in ways she would never be able to explain, like
electricity flowing over her skin. When Kunzite traced her breasts
with his tongue, she gasped and moaned. Zoycite was trembling, not
from fear but a unique excitement that she had never before felt. She
almost caught herself thinking, 'Maybe it's not so bad to be female
after all.'
Kunzite had removed all of Zoycite's clothing, and was kissing her
body all over now. Zoycite loved it all, and held him tightly when his
kissing reached new and different areas to her.
Finally Kunzite pulled away after licking her body to a sweat, and
Zoycite began to take off his gray jacket slowly. Kunzite's blue eyes
locked onto her emerald green eyes for a moment. A new light was in
each of their eyes. They both could see it. He watched her remove the
rest of his clothes and throw them to the floor into a heap. She
kissed his chest up and down, until she progressed further down, and
when she did, Kunzite moaned and sweat. He was loving this, Zoycite
knew. She traveled back up to his face again and he kissed her
passionately. Then, once again, he began to lick her body and breasts,
until they both were ready.
When he first entered her, it hurt like hell, and Zoycite cried out in
pain a couple times. But after a couple slow, deep thrusts Zoycite
moaned in pleasure, taking each breath in quickly.
Once they had achieved their climax, they both fell heavily upon the
sofa, sweaty and panting. Zoycite laid on top of Kunzite, still
holding him tightly. They kissed passionately once again, and then
laid there for awhile. They both felt drowzy now, but neither of them
wished to fall asleep. "Kunzite-sama?" Zoycite asked sleepily.
"Mmm?" he responded.
"Did it feel different to you? I mean, me being a woman?"
"Well....yes, at first.... What about you?"
"Mmm-hmm. Everything felt so different, like it was our very first
time together."
"Yes, it did feel like that, didn't it?"
There was a short pause.
"I wonder why...probably because I am a woman now."
"Yes, that would be the reason," Kunzite yawned, and closed his eyes.
Zoycite snuggled closer to him. "Do you think that I am pregnant now?"
Kunzite's eyes fluttered open wide. "Well....I am not sure, but if you
are.... we will find out tomarrow, that's for sure."
"Why tomarrow?" Zoycite asked, looking him in the eye.
"Well, the Negaversian gestation period is very short, because we must
go to battle often. I'd say we could tell by tomarrow if you were
really pregnant. You will give birth within this week. We must keep
this very discreet, though, my love. Beryl might not appreciate you
being out of action to attend to a child."
Zoycite bit her lip, worried. "I hope that she will not kill our
"Right now I am more concerned with her killing you while you are
pregnant. If we were to lose a baby, I would be upset for awhile; but
if I lost you, I would be upset for all eternity."
Zoycite smiled. She knew that every word of that was sincere, and she
loved him even more than ever. She began to stroke his head, and
kissed his sweaty forehead. She began to think that being female
wasn't so bad, and that she could adapt to it.
Still, one part of her cried for her old body, although at this moment
she could not hear those cries anymore. She laid her cheek on his
chest and began to doze off.
"Oh no." Sensuna suddenly said. "It has happened. And now I know what
the future is like. Dark and dreary. Zoisite and Kunzite have made
love. If she is pregnant, the universe is forever doomed. We must turn
she back into a he within the next three days, when she will give
birth to her daughter, filled with such evil that will overcome this
universe, only the Eternal moonlight can stop such a force.... and to
eternalize Sailormoon will destroy all of us, even I, who am eternal
myself. Hotaru will not be reborn as an infant, and none of us will.
We will do what must be done and turn Zoisite back into his regular
"How can we do that?" asked Usagi.
"I am not sure," said Sensuna sadly. "But there must be a way. There
has to be a way."
Ranma and Akane were having their bachelor and bachelorette parties
not too far from the Cherryhill Temple. In fact, that was where they
were to be married that next night. Rei was at Akane's bachelorette
party. All of the girls were wondering when the male stripper would
Rei went to the bathroom, knowing who the stripper was. Chad.
Wanting to keep down her munchies, she left the room.
Ranma was ducking under a table while Happosai and Rei's grandfather
were chasing their stripper with yen flying everywhere. It was a
familiar scene. 'I can't wait for the wedding, when this is all over
with,' Ranma thought to himself. 'Oh, well. Just one more night left.'
Unbeknownst to all was that Shampoo was watching all of this, smiling.
While they were celebrating their wedding, she and Cologne were
planning to destroy their wedding. The plan was perfect. And soon, if
all went according to plan, Shampoo Saotome would be finally Shampoo's
real name. Shampoo smiled and went to prepare for what was soon to be
"her and Ranma's" wedding.
Zoycite woke up beside Kunzite, only now they were in bed. 'Kunzite
must have carried me into here, otherwise we would still be on the
sofa.' Zoycite thought.
She looked at Kunzite. He was still sleeping, snoring lightly. Zoycite
smiled. He only snored quietly after they made love, and Zoycite tired
him out. She sat up, leaned foreward and kissed her lover on the
forehead, brushing away a few silver strands of hair away with her
long fingers. She smiled still gazing at him. She then turned her
attention towards her stomach.
'Am I pregnant?' Zoycite wondered. 'Could it be true? I am not sure
how I can tell...'
Kunzite's eyes slowly fluttered open. He looked at her and smiled.
"Good morning, Zoisite. Did you sleep well, hmm?"
"Like a log, love," Zoycite said. "You really wore me out."
Kunzite smiled, and sat up. He kissed Zoycite passionately, then
looked to her stomach.
"Do you think-" Zoycite began.
"I don't know. Let me take a look." Kunzite said, placing his hand on
her bare stomach.
His hands were cold, and made her tremble. Kunzite spread out his
fingers and her stomach began to glow lightly. Kunzite's eyes lit up,
and he smiled. "Zoisite....you are pregnant."
Zoycite gasped, and smiled. Her eyes filled with tears. "Oh, Kunzy..."
Zoycite wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. It was a
fiery, passionate, loving kiss.
When she let go of him, they were both flushed red in the face. They
both still embraced, laughing to the point of tears of joy. Zoycite
rested her head on his shoulder. She closed her eyes and thought for a
moment, then she asked him, "So...do you think it'll be a boy or a
Kunzite's response was a smile, and then another fiery kiss.
"A wedding?! At your temple?! And we're invited?! YIPPEE!!!" Usagi
jumped up and down. "That is so, so cool, Rei!!!"
"Yeah. My great-great cousin Ranma is marrying his fiancee, Akane,"
Rei said.
"So cool!!!" Usagi still bounced up and down.
Sensuna did not look up. She and Hotaru were looking over their plans
to turn Zoycite back into Zoisite. "Did you say Ranma and Akane?"
Hotaru looked at Rei.
"Yeah. Ranma is my cousin," said Rei.
Hotaru's jaw dropped. "It all makes sense now. Only one curse from one
pool is valid at one time."
"What do you mean?"
"On Ranma 1/2, Ranma changed into a girl, and he was engaged to Akane,
and about the other half of Tokyo and parts of China. He's
"What about my great-uncle?"
"You poor thing," said Hotaru. "He's even worse than your
"Happosai is my grandfather's brother," said Rei.
"Oh. That clears everything up," said Hotaru.
"Will everyone please stay on track?" Sensuna said impatiently. "If we
do not fix Zoycite, she will give birth to a power far worse than we
have ever encountered. Even Mistress Nine trembles to her name....
Augite...the dark stone..."
Hotaru passes out. "See?" said Sensuna.
"So what can we do about this?" asked Minako.
"If everything Hotaru says is true, then Zoycite will be there at the
wedding to get the medallion Cologne has. Even if she is pregnant,
Zoycite will still want the pills for later."
Hotaru began to wake up, still shaky. "Chestnuts roasting over an open
fire...that's the episode!" she said.
"Are you alright?" asked Makoto.
"Never say that name in front of me again," said Hotaru.
"Oh! I just remembered something!" Artemis chipped in. "When we went
to fight the Dark Kingdom originally, we went in this cave on the
outskirts of Tokyo. We were able to get to the Dark Kingdom very
easily....well, compared to our other fights."
"Other?" Usagi asked.
"Just don't try to think about it. Your brain is too small," said a
voice from behind her.
"Mamoru-san! Ooooo!!!" Usagi stuck out her tongue.
"Hard to believe what will happen to them in the future, eh Sensuna?"
Hotaru says.
Sensuna shot her a look that said clearly "SHUT UP".
"Let's go check it out," said Minako. "What do we have to lose? If it
comes to it, we will have to give Zoycite an abortion. Anything to
make sure that kind of evil stays out of our universe."
Mamoru raised an eyebrow. 'How does she know about Zoycite? Maybe she
is Sailormoon. They do both have blond hair and blue eyes....'
"You are ruining our identity thing...." Rei whispered to Minako.
"Oh! Sorry! I keep thinking like I am in the future!"
"Strange girl. Even stranger than you, dumpling head. Chao." Mamoru
"OOOoooooo! I really hate that jerk!" Usagi said, stomping her foot.
Sensuna and the others from the future, especially Chibi-usa, just
"Well, let's get going!" Artemis said. "SAILOR TELEPORT!!!!"
All of the sailors disappeared.
They all reappeared in a dark, cold cave. Shadows danced along the
walls in the dim light of Usagi's cresent wand. "Spooky," said Usagi.
Meanwhile, Beryl was looking at her crystal ball when it began to glow
brightly. "Sailorsenhi!!! Zoisite! Kunzite!!!"
However, Zoycite and Kunzite were getting dressed when this
announcement was made. "Oh shit," said Kunzite. "Not now! Ugh!"
They both hurriedly got dressed and appeared before their Queen.
"What took you so long- no. I don't want to know. Go get those
"Where are they, majesty?" asked Zoycite.
"Geez. You have got to calm down, majesty. You're gonna have a stroke
if you don't."
GO GET THOSE SENSHI!!!" Beryl yelled.
The wedding was almost about to begin. Only there was one problem:
Ranma and Akane were both missing. And nobody knew where they had run
off to.
Shampoo was worried, hiding in the bushes nearby, wearing a beautiful
wedding gown. She was going to marry Ranma, no matter what. Cologne
was sitting on her pogo stick next to her.
"Where is that halfwit son-in-law of mine?" Cologne asked herself.
"How am I supposed to get him and Shampoo to marry otherwise? No
groom, no husband. It is that simple. But...maybe I can get some
help....Perfume has a magic crystal ball, and great powers...maybe she
can 'teleport' son-in-law, but not that 'Violent-girl'. And then you
shall be married to the one you love, dear Shampoo."
Shampoo smiled. "Shampoo marry Ranma," was her only reply.
In a nearby tree, Mousse sat on a high branch with tears in his eyes.
"Shampoo can't marry Saotome. And why is a koala on a broom next to
her? Oh! That's just the Old Bag."
When they both disappeared, Mousse fell out of the tree. "That's
beyond the hidden weapons technique!!! Where did they go?"
Back in the Dark Kingdom, Cologne and Shampoo appear in Beryl's throne
"Cologne-san! What brings you back so soon?" Beryl asked.
"We need your assistance. Can you teleport this young man here?"
Cologne holds up a picture of Ranma for her to see.
"I will try," says Beryl, then she begins to concentrate as her
crystal ball glows to life.
"Owwwieee!!! I stubbed my toe!" Sailormoon cried, and fell face first
to the ground.
"Whoa! I'm having flashbacks all of a sudden," Supersailorvenus
Sailormars just scoffs. "Get to your feet, Sailormoon! We don't have
all day!"
"Rei!!! Why do you have to be so mean???" Usagi whined.
"Usagi! Rei! We don't have time for this! We've already been spotted!"
said Sailorneptune who was glancing at her mirror.
"Hold it, Sailorsenshi!!!"
"Who's that?" Sailormoon asked.
"It's some woman....I...think..." said Sailorjupiter.
Zoycite stepped into the light. "Right, Sailorsenshi! And now, I will
eliminate all of you!! ZOOOOIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Zoycite held out her hand, and a strong blast of tiny spikes was
hurled toward them.
"SILENCE WALL!!!" Sailorsaturn held out her glave and created a
barrier around all of the senshi.
"Damn!" Zoycite watched as her spikes hit the shield and vanished.
"We are the Sailor Soldiers! We fight for love and justice! In place
of the moon, we will punish sex-changing freaks like you!" Sailormoon
"Well! For your information, it wasn't exactly my choice to become
female! But of course you wouldn't care about that!" Zoycite yelled.
Saturn spoke up, "I know how to change you back."
"Good. I'll change back then...but only after the baby is born,"
Zoycite said.
"I'm afraid we can't let that happen," said Sailorsaturn.
"Oh? And why not? I am already pregnant, and you're not taking my baby
from me unless you take it from my cold, white corpse!!!" Zoycite
said, stepping back.
"The Dark Kingdom wants to rule the universe, right? Well, if that
child is born, there won't be a universe left to rule!"
"Queen Beryl wants to rule the universe. I don't really care about her
stupid mission, I just do it so that I will be free in the future.
With my baby..." Zoycite said.
"There won't be a Dark Kingdom, either!"
"And why not?"
"Because your child will destroy it."
Zoycite pondered that, then said, "Well, it is too late then. I am
pregnant, and I refuse to let you take away my baby while I'm alive.
And if you manage to kill me, you'll have to deal with the baby's
father. By then, I'm sure there will be no more Soldiers of love and
justice and all of that bullshit, so I guess, like I said earlier,
it's too late. So sorry."
"I'm sorry, but I don't even care," said Sailorsaturn. "And neither do
the rest of the outers. We lost all of our morals a long time ago."
Zoycite's eyes narrowed. "There is no way I will let you take away my
baby! ZOI!!!"
Zoycite's anger was released in the form of a blast of large spikes,
which dissolved Sailorsaturn's silence wall. They were open targets
Ranma started to materialize in Beryl's throne room. "What the- where
am I?!" Ranma gasped as he appeared. "Cologne! What did you do to me
this time??"
Cologne smiled. "Good work, Perfume."
Shampoo wrapped her arms around Ranma. "Now we marry, Ranma!!!"
"Shampoo!" He pulled away from her. "Even if I did want to marry you,
which I don't, there is still the matter of my nekophobia."
"Not problem, Ranma. We just get someone else curse." Shampoo smiled.
"Perfume, do you think you can loan us one of your youma or something
to put a curse into?" Cologne asked.
"Sure, let me think...." Beryl began to think aloud, then she said,
"Why don't you put it on Kunzite? Then they'll be a matched set."
"You wish your strongest warrior to become a cat?" Cologne looked
"He is replacable," Beryl said.
"Are you certain?" Cologne asked again.
"Yes, besides, it's a dramatic irony....Kunzite just loves cats...."
Beryl cackled evilly.
"Now what are we going to do?" Sailormoon asked.
"Pray for a miracle?" suggested Sailorpluto.
"No! We must fight!" Sailorjupiter and Sailoruranus agreed.
Zoycite just glared at them, and if looks could kill....
Suddenly Kunzite appeared. "Zoisite, we must go. The Queen wishes to
see us for some reason." Kunzite just shot a look of evil at the
senshi. "But don't you worry. We'll be back to deal with you little
girls later."
Zoycite and Kunzite disappeared.
"Ooooo....that guy has some nerve, huh?" Sailorjupiter seethed.
Kunzite and Zoycite reappeared in the throne room. "What's wrong, your
majesty? We were winning!" Zoycite stated, crossing her arms over her
chest. "We finally get an upper hand, victory just a step away, when
you call us back? Why, your majesty? Having second thoughts?"
"No, Zoisite. I just needed Kunzite here for a moment, but I wanted
you to see something, too, so be quiet and watch the show." Beryl
smiled. "Cologne?"
Cologne hopped up to Kunzite on her pogo stick cane and held up a vial
of water. She poured it on his head and said, "Instant kitty-cat."
"What?! What the hell are you doing?!" Zoycite yelled as Kunzite
turned into a small, fuzzy, white haired cat with light blue siamese
cat markings and Kunzite's eyes. Zoycite held her hands to her mouth.
"Oh no!!!"
Cologne smiled. "Now you are both freaks."
"You...you...." Zoycite seethed with anger. "YOU LITTLE OLD BAG
Queen Beryl just stared. She tried to speak, but at first she could
say nothing. Then she said, "Zoisite...LEAVE. YOU HAVE FIVE SECONDS
Zoycite picked up Kunzite the cat and vanished, without her spinning
pink petals.
Ranma gulped. 'Whoa...she was pissed off....' was all he thought.
"He," said Cologne. "You forget my powers. That is the one who
switched with you."
Zoycite reappeared before the Sailorsenshi, without her petals and
catching them all by surprise. "You name it, I'll do it to defeat that
Queen Bitch and her little Old Bag on a stick."
"Did you say 'Old bag on a stick'?" Sailorsaturn asked.
"Yeah, am suddenly talking in stereo?"
"This is turning into an episode of Ranma half! Who's the cat?"
Zoycite looked as though she would cry. "This...is Kunzite....the Old
bag and Beryl turned him into a cat! Please help me get my revenge...I
will do anything you ask of me."
"Anything?" asked Sailorpluto.
"Even giving up your child?" asked Sailormoon.
"Well...I......" Zoycite looked down at Kunzite, who mewed sadly.
"You know, we don't have to abort the child," said Sailormercury. "We
can simply turn Zoycite back into Zoisite-sama and then everything
will delete itself."
"Can you turn Kunzite back as well?" Zoycite looked hopefully.
"Of course. I scanned the water sample on Kunzite's fur, and I
analyzed it. The antidote is around this Cologne's neck and is a pill.
It's called the Phoenix pill, and it will cure you and return the
curse back to the pond it came from." Sailormercury said. "The hard
part is getting the necklace from Cologne and Beryl, now that they've
teamed up."
"But we can do it! We're the pretty soldiers of love and justice, the
Sailorsenshi!!!" said Sailormoon with a sudden boost of confidence now
that Zoycite was their ally...sort of. "But we need the silver crystal
to defeat Beryl."
"I can get the crystals that we have and give them to you. Only if you
promise not to use the crystal on us," said Zoycite.
"We promise."
"Only...there's one problem...if I return to the Dark Kingdom, Beryl
will notice me and kill me. We would need someone small and fast to
get the crystals....Kunzite! He knows where they are, and he's small
and fast!" Zoycite said.
"We'll go with him," said Luna. "We'll bring the crystals here, and
then we'll be able to locate the Moon Princess so we can finally
defeat Queen Beryl."
"Yeah," said Artemis. "Let's go!"
The three cats appeared in Kunzite's palace, in his and Zoycite's
Kunzite dashed under his bed and pulled out a pouch. He then leapt
onto the bed, and then onto his dresser. He used his paws to open the
top drawer, and then scooped up a black velvet case that held the
crystals. With that in the pouch, he then dashed over to Zoisite's
dresser and slid his picture of the two of them together, back when
they were normal, and a few other personal belongings into the pouch.
He mewed to Luna and Artemis that he was finished, when all of a
sudden the door burst open. Luna, Artemis, and Kunzite all dashed
under the bed. They laid still, listening quietly.
"Shampoo make love to her Ranma!"
"Help!!! Help me someone!!!"
It was then Kunzite realised that he had been in such a rush that he
had left the pouch on Zoycite's dresser...all the way across the
Shampoo threw Ranma onto the bed, and then leapt onto him...like a
cat. She forced him into a kiss, then she smiled. "Shampoo take your
clothes away."
Ranma gulped, praying that someone would stop this insanity before it
But it was too late. Although he struggled, she had overpowered him,
and his clothes landed across the room. He wished that something would
stop this...anything.
Shampoo was all over him though, and suddenly he couldn't breathe. She
was kissing him again, harder. He soon thought that there was no way
he would get out of this, so he just gave in to her. He prayed that
Akane would forgive him.
Kunzite knew that he had to go and get that pouch. He soon decided
that they were "occupied" and silently stalked out from under the bed
and towards Zoisite's dresser.
It seemed and eternity, but he soon reached the dresser, and he leapt
up on it.
Suddenly his tail knocked off a glass perfume bottle. It shattered
into a thousand pieces after falling in what seemed slow-motion. The
sound was like a sonic boom to Kunzite, Luna and Artemis, but it was
loud enough to catch at least Ranma's attention, then Shampoo's.
Ranma's eyes grew to the size of saucers. Flying saucers.
the top of his lungs and leapt from Shampoo's grasp. He threw Shampoo
across the room and she screamed as she hit Zoycite's mirror and
smashed it into billions of pieces. Blood spurted from her mouth as
she attempted to scream, but she gargled and stayed silent as she
passed out.
Luckily, Kunzite managed to dodge her and with the pouch in his mouth,
he ran under the bed. Suddenly the door burst open again, only this
time Cologne and Beryl came in.
"What is going on here?!" Beryl demanded.
Ranma, who was still naked, purred loudly and rubbed against her leg.
Cologne saw Ranma, shook with fear, and then she saw Shampoo's limp
and bloody form on the ground, surrounded by shattered mirror pieces.
Cologne hopped over to Shampoo's body. Blood covered the bottom of her
"Oh god....noo..." Cologne whimpered. "It can not be....Shampoo was
the strongest fighter of her generation...and the last of my
heirs....dear gods, no!!!"
Shampoo opened her eyes one last time. "Grandmother.....no let me
die....no....Shampoo Saotome....will no....die...Wo ai no Ranma...."
Shampoo sucked in her last bloody breath, and shuddered into her
eternal sleep.
"Congradulations, Beryl. You managed to get her killed."
"Oh? And how did I do that, Cologne? I was with you the entire time of
this event, and please stop rubbing against my legs!!!!" Beryl kicked
at Ranma, and he hissed.
"Do you see any cats in here? You are no longer in the tribe, Beryl. I
am leaving," said Cologne.
"Wait! I don't see any cats!" Beryl said.
"You're the only one who had teleport technology," said Cologne.
"But I didn't see any cats here! Just wait a moment....Cologne,
please! Give me a chance to prove myself!"
"In your own words, Beryl, 'Punishment for treason is death'," said
Suddenly, Artemis accidentally yawned and it came out like a meow.
"Did you hear that?!" Beryl exclaimed.
"Hear what?"
"Meow," Ranma said.
"That's just Ranma. Come on Ranma. We're leaving. We'll go find Akane
to get you out of Cat mode. Let's go," Cologne said.
Ranma dashed under the bed. When he saw the cats there, he jumped up,
smashing the bed.
The bed demolished, it revealed Kunzite, Luna and Artemis. They all
Cologne walked over to them. "Kunzite...and two little kitties...let's
see.....how many ways are there to skin a cat?"
Ranma had passed out from all the comotion he caused. The three cats
were cornered, and for some reason Kunzite couldn't teleport away. He
knew Beryl had placed a shield over the room.
"Well, Kunzite...if I have to die, you're going with me," said Beryl.
"I have a bad feeling all of a sudden," said Rei.
"What? What is it? Did something go wrong? Is Kunzite alright? What
happened?" Zoycite asked, worried.
"I don't know, but I do know this much: Kunzite, Luna, and Artemis are
in grave danger." Rei said. "We need to help them...but how?"
"We could teleport, but who knows where we'll end up?" Sailorpluto
"Yeah," said Zoycite, "it took me forever to learn how to control
where I was going when I teleported. I could teleport there, but I can
only bring three people with me."
"Take Sailorsaturn, Sailormoon, and....Sailorvenus," said Sailorpluto.
"They are the strongest of all of us."
"Okay," said Zoycite.
Zoycite formed a barrier around the three of them and they
Queen Beryl was holding Kunzite up by the scruff of his neck when they
"I was wondering when you would return for your Kunzite, Zoisite-chan.
But now you are all too late, I am afraid, and you all shall die."
Beryl smiled wickedly.
Kunzite gave a small meow and pointed one paw to a pouch by Luna and
Artemis. As soon as Sailormoon looked at it, the pouch began to glow
brightly. The crystals in the pouch floated up into the sky and melded
together, forming the Silver Crystal. "Oh!" Beryl said, tossing
Kunzite to Cologne and she headed towards the crystal's blinding
light. "I finally have it!!! Ha ha ha ha ha!!! I have the crystal!!!!"
"No you don't!!! ZOI!" Zoycite blasted Queen Beryl with a tiny shower
of spikes.
Beryl dodged them, and suddenly the crytal flew over to Sailormoon's
Cresent Wand.
She began to glow brightly, like a star. When the light faded, the
Moon Princess was revealed to be...Sailormoon.
Both Sailorsaturn and Sailorvenus smiled. "You are the Princess,
Sailormoon," said Sailorvenus.
"No!!! NOO!!! That's my crystal!!! Give it to me!!!" Beryl yelled.
"Oh, I'll give it to you!!! COSMIC MOON POWER!!!" Sailormoon blasted
Beryl into the wall, then through it.
Suddenly Cologne created a barrier around Beryl and herself. "You can
not defeat the Amazon Warriors!!!"
"The Amazon Quartet, and the Amazon Trio were both defeated by the
Sailorsenshi, Old Bag!!!" Sailorvenus said. "Now eat this!!! VENUS
The blast sent Cologne and Beryl against the wall. In the meantime,
Zoycite had run over to Kunzite, and then picked him up in her arms.
"Kunzite-sama," Zoycite smiled. "I'm glad that you're alright."
Kunzite just began to purr loudly. He rubbed against Zoycite's cheek.
Beryl weakly got up to her feet and growled, "Sailormoon, you will not
defeat me. I killed your mother, and I killed you, and I can do it
"Not this time! I am the pretty sailor-suited warrior of justice,
Sailormoon! And in place of the moon-"
"And Venus!"
"And Saturn!"
"We'll punish you!!!" The three of them ended together.
"Oh, come on! I've heard Mousse give better speeches!" Cologne said.
"Ooohh... you Amazon witch!!!" Saturn glared. "We give better speeches
than that duck!"
"What did you say? What are you, a seer?" Cologne looked surprised and
"No. I am the messiah of silence, Sailorsaturn!!!" Saturn held up her
glave majestically.
"Agent of love and beauty, I am Supersailorvenus!!!" Venus yelled.
"You've already heard my speech, I'm not gonna do it again!"
Sailormoon declared. "MOON TIARA ACTION!!!"
Her tiara blasted Beryl in the gut, and smashed Cologne's staff. "YOU
Cologne hopped up and down, and her pendant from around her neck flew
into the air and cracked upon the hard floor. Suddenly Zoycite and
Kunzite began to glow.
"Uh-oh!" Saturn gasped.
Zoycite watched her body slowly transform back into his male form, and
Kunzite suddenly became a person again. In the corner, Shampoo stirs
back to life as a cat, but now she is forever trapped as a cat. If she
was to ever change back, she would die.
"Oh, my Shampoo!!!" Cologne bounced on her feet over to her cat
granddaughter. "You are okay, but now you are stuck as a cat
forever... FULL BODY CAT TONGUE.....it is for the best, Shampoo. You
no longer have to marry him... and you are freed of your obligations
to the tribe. Someday maybe I will find a way to change you back
safely....but until then..."
Shampoo just mewed. She was tired.
"Sailormoon!!! Use your new Cresent Wand and heal Beryl, Cologne, and
Shampoo!" said Luna, holding one paw up in the air.
"Right," said Sailormoon. "MOON HEALING ESCALATION!!!!"
"NOOOOOO!!!!" Beryl howled in pain, and as the evil was torn from her
body, she lost her already fragile mind, and became totally harmless.
Cologne and Shampoo looked the same, only Shampoo was human again, but
she still had her curse with her.
"What have you done to me?" Beryl pleaded. "Who am I?! Who are you?!
What am I doing here? Oh....oh....heh heh heh heh
heh....hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Hohoho!!!"
"Ohmigosh....she's lost her mind...that is Kondachi's laugh!!" Cologne
said. "Come along, Perfume....time to train to be an Amazon again!
Let's go!"
"Wait just one second....you still have one thing left to do..."
Zoisite said.
"Oh? And what's that?" Cologne asked, raising an eyebrow.
"CHANGE!!!" Zoisite splashed water on Cologne and Beryl.
Suddenly they were covered in light. When it faded, Cologne was a
frog, and Beryl was newt. Zoisite's laughter filled the air, along
with the other senshi who had just appeared along with Endymion.
"Endymion, just a quick question- who are you in this life?"
Sailormoon asked.
No answer, just laughter.
And they laughed all the rest of that night, and most of the next
In the end, Akane and Ranma were married (curseless, too, I might
add). The curse once placed upon Ranma was now upon Kuno, and he
realized who the pigtailed girl really was, and was thrown into a
psychiatric ward with his sister. Akane and Ranma had two children, a
boy and a girl. Funny. The girl looked just like her father did
Shampoo and Mousse married after she was freed from the Amazons
because of her death, and he finally beat her, and they hatched four
kittens and two ducklings.
Ryoga went to hike in the Lost Woods and was never heard from again.
Akane always wondered what happened to P-chan, and refused to eat pork
ever again.
Ranma kept his oath, and didn't tell Akane about Ryoga's little
Usagi and Mamoru eventually married at the end of Sailormoon
Sailorstars, Rei ran off with some guy she met named 'Dameon'. Ami
went off to study abroad, and eventually married Urwa. Naru and Umino
also married, and named their first son Nefrite, in his memory. Makoto
eventually broke it off with 'Andrew' and 'Rita' and is currently
dating him. Minako went off to become the new Spice girl, and
eventually married the man she left back in England.
Zoisite and Kunzite were healed that day, are currently living in San
Fransisco together with their adopted twins, Cobalite(female) and
Zincite(male). They live happily together.
Beryl regained her mind, became a great Amazon warrior, but was
defeated in a game of Yoshi's Cookie by a man named Lazarus, and they
married and had a few kids of their own.
Cologne and Happosai got back together, and after threating him like
Lorena Bobbit, he has stopped pursuing other women.
Any flames, etc. Can be mailed to sailortwilight@hotmail.com
and cobalite@yahoo.com.