Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction / Slam Dunk Fan Fiction ❯ Tensai ❯ Peices Form On The Board ( Chapter 1 )
Chapter 02 : Pieces form on the board
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A Ranma One Half & Slam Dunk Crossover Story
Disclaimer: I do not own Ranma, nor do I own Slam Dunk.
This story takes place at the beginning of the Ranma manga and the year before the slam dunk manga.
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Expecting the routine boot to the face greeting for a Saturday morning, Ranma was surprised when it never came. He was a bit shocked by this, as he was certain that it was one of his father's greatest pleasures in life. Nevertheless, he went for a quick bath and then put on a set of his new clothes. Black shorts, a red and white air Jordan shirt, and his new shoes, a pair of Nike air. Happy with this, he set about finding out the cause of this deviation from routine, not that he was complaining.
Once downstairs he was greeted with the usual faces, there appeared to be an addition however, a familiar looking boy with a spotted bandanna upon his brow. Curious about this new addition Ranma turned to his father and asked 'Who the hell is this, and why didn't you get me up for training this morning'.
Seemingly ignoring the question, Genma growls, "Foolish boy, since you seem to care so little for the Tendo clan and our art, and spend so much time slacking off, I have decided that you are no longer my heir. In case you don't remember, this is Ryoga; he arrived at Furinkan last Wednesday, seeking to challenge you. The challenge never occurred. Why is that?, any heir of the anything goes would have stepped up to the plate and met that challenge. As it seems that you are incapable of such a feat, I have now acquired an heir that is".
Snarling, Ranma replies, "So that's how it is eh, fine by me, it's not like you have anything more to teach me anyhow, I could beat you hands down from the age of twelve. Also, since I am no longer your precious heir, it is not my responsibility to unite the schools, that particular duty now falls to Ryoga", turning towards him Ranma says, "Good luck, heh, you'll need it", turns around and disappears from the room altogether, utterly disgusted with the entire affair.
As he made his way to the guest room he could hear his father going on about having such a worthless son, and that the school would be much better off without him. Grabbing his stuff he went back down to the living room and informed the lot of them in no uncertain terms just what he thought of them.
Namely Soun being absolutely pathetic, he was not even enough of a man to provide for his family. Akane, a psychotic bitch with delusions of grandeur. Nabiki, a cold manipulating piece of crap, and Kasumi, a mindless little drone. As for Genma and Ryoga he just beat the snot out of them. This being done he announced that as the Tendos had broken the pact, he would now leave with no loss of honour, as if any of them ever had any.
Informing them that there was nothing they could do, he made his way over to the clinic to ask Dr. Tofu where the nearest police station was. Around two hours later he found himself standing in front of a sprawling house twice the size of the Tendo training hall, it was located on the outskirts of Nerima, and by the looks of things, backed onto a mid sized mountain.
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Approaching the front door, he rang the bell.
After around a five-minute wait the door opened, and he was greeted by the sight of an elegant middle-aged woman in a navy blue, flower print kimono. The minute he saw her he knew who she was, it was his mother, Nodoka. Seconds after, he saw the light of recognition enter her eyes also, and he simply said, "Mother, I'm home".
With this soft greeting, she started weeping and told of how she had been certain that the two of them had died, as after the first three years of the trip, she had never received any communication from the two of them. Still hugging him tightly she went on to tell him that she had remarried six years ago, and had sold most of her belongings from the period of her life as Saotome Nodoka. Around a year after that she had met her new husband, Oda Mito, and his son Yohei who had lost his wife a number of years ago. Finding in each other a kindred soul, a year later they had been married. Two years after this event their first child, Yohko, had been born.
Overwhelmed from the unexpected event of her sons return, she asked him to tell her everything. Only to happy to oblige his mother, he began the sad tale. Cat fist, going without food, stealing, lying, the whole nine yards, he finished with the events that had occurred that very afternoon. Tired from the days events, as he was always more comfortable with actions than words, he had fallen asleep just as he ended the tale.
Horrified by his tale, his mother couldn't help but sit there mortified for the next few minutes. However seeing how worn out her son had become, she attempted to pick him up and take him to one of the guest bedrooms. Attempted being the key word here, he was much heavier than he looked. So after a moment of thought she placed one of the spare futons on the ground and rolled the boy gently onto it. This done she settled down to wait.
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Ranma awoke to a pair of hushed voices not far to his right, he was still a little disoriented, so his body acted automatically. He flipped up into a ready stance, after quickly scanning the area; he saw his mother and a young auburn haired girl, both wearing near identical looks of surprise on their face. Relieved beyond words by this, he scratched the back of his head, a habit he was trying to break, "Heh heh, sorry about that mom, its just that I'm used to constant attacks by Genma".
Then, looking towards the little girl he says "Hello, I'm Ranma" the little girl perks up at this and blurts out 'Really, your Ranma, my older brother". Hardly able to contain her excitement the little sprite rushes over to him and gives him a big hug.
"Now Yohko, let your brother go, he has had a rough time" Nodoka chides.
"Ok." Yohko chirps, and releases her hug, only to proceed to sit down in Ranmas lap.
Both Ranma and Nodoka laugh at her actions, but then get back to the business of catching up. They spent the next while talking about each other's lives, when suddenly Ranma thought to ask about his new brother, Yohei. To this enquiry, his mother told him that Yohei was rarely at home, the only time they saw the boy was breakfast and dinner, he was a year younger than Ranma, and occasionally got into trouble at school.
Comfortable with her sons presence now, his mother took him for a tour through the property, there was no dojo, however there was a large back yard, and as he had suspected, it backed onto the mountain, which contained a large number of tall trees, all in all not a bad place to train.
Once the tour was over Ranma decided to ask his mother for details on the anything goes grandmaster, someone Genma had always refused to speak of. He was now Ranmas only option for further advancement in anything goes. Only to happy to help her son, Nodoka told him that the last thing she heard about the man was that Genma and his training partner had buried him in a mountainside cave a few miles outside of Hokkaido.
Ranma was determined to continue with his training, so he told his mother that he would be leaving to find the man the next morning, he would return soon however, if he did not find him within three days to be exact.
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He caught the early train the next day, this allowed him to arrive in Hokkaido at eight in morning. After a few short moments of thought, he decided that the best plan would be to ask some of the locals for info. Around three hours later, after many dead end enquiries, he hit the jackpot. Apparently, there was a strange ward covered boulder on a hill around three miles to the west, it was easy to find as it could be seen from the main road out of town.
As this was the only likely point he had come across so far, he got the man to draw a map, just to be sure, and set off at a quick pace. Sure enough, upon arrival, he was greeted with the site of a huge bolder surrounded with intricate Shinto wards. It was on the side of a hill in the middle of nowhere.
Not one to waste time, Ranma sent a quick reverse spin kick into the boulder, splitting the thing straight down the middle. He entered the revealed cave not really knowing what to expect, so was not surprised when he found an wizened old man in a seemingly trance like state.
He was very short, no more than an inch above 3ft tall, yet, the figure had a presence that you would not believe, it bordered on the physical. The closer he approached to the figure, the more the presence increased, until, when he was but a meter away from him, without warning, his whole body was paralysed and the man was on his feet.
"Your Genma Saotomes son aren't you", the man demanded.
Not really surprised by the incredibly rapid actions, Ranma replied in the affirmative and then proceeded to tell him about the events of the last few days. The old man took a moment to examine Ranma's story, then replied.
"Not to worry son, I'll be happy to be your new sensei, it would be perfect revenge on those two fools that buried me here". That settled, the two made there way back into the city, both detailing to the other how they came to be in their current predicaments.
Happosai found the part about him no longer being the schools heir hilarious. He then proceeded to tell Ranma that the Saotome and Tendo schools were not really schools at all, they were merely facets of his anything goes school. The so called Saotome School was made up of the forms that focused on speed and Arial combat, and the Tendo School was that which focused on power and hand based manoeuvres. Both encompassed merely a fraction of the true forms of anything goes.
Neither taught the higher ki-abilities, they both merely detailed methods of building the reserves naturally available to the body. When asked about his supposed abnormal behaviour, he just pointed back towards the cave and said "It didn't get me very much did it, besides I could not absorb the excess chi from woman while in the cave, so I had to begin absorbing the chi from the environment, the chi I absorbed from women is what made me act as I did, since the chi was female, it sent mine out of whack and caused me to act strangely. The environmental chi though is neutral; it has no real effects on my conscious state, it is among the first things I will teach you. Now, what was that you were telling me about you playing some game, basketball I think it was, no game I have ever heard of."
Ranma then told the old master about basketball, he became a little interested he could tell, and when it was mentioned that Furinken High did not have a coach for their team, he said that he could fill the position, in this way he could work on basketball and martial arts at the same time. But first, he needed to learn all about the game, and see if the school would hire him. The train ride back to Nerima continued in much the same vein, and by the time they arrived, Happosai had about an equal understanding of the sport of basketball as Ranma did, unsatisfied with this he said that they would have to go to the next game, to see the described information in action.
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It was about 7pm that night when they arrived outside his mother's house; the trip had only taken one day. As Ranma made his way to the door, Happosai stopped him, and said not to trouble his mother for lodgings; he had decided to torment Soun and Genma, so he would be staying at the dojo. As it was his decision, Ranma gave Happosai directions to the school auditorium and told the diminutive man to meet him there tomorrow after school. Happosai seemed satisfied with this, as he bounded up into the air and out of sight. With his future in martial arts secure, Ranma announced that he had returned.
He was introduced to his new father and brother in law inside, his father in law seemed like a very nice person, he genuinely seemed to want to get to know him. Yohei on the other hand, was a different story. He was about four inches taller than Ranma, and when he saw this, seemed to instantly dismiss him, some type of street fighter then. Ranma had dealt with the type before, they only understood a beating. It did not really bother him, hopefully the two of them could work something out, but if his mother's description of Yoheis activities was correct, there was little chance of that.
Introductions done, Ranma proceeded to tell his mother of how his day had gone. When she heard that he had let Happosai out she got this angry expression on her face, his explanation quickly turned that look into a baffled expression when she heard that Happosai wasn't like that any more. Explanation finished, Nodoka informed him that she would like to see for herself, and told Ranma to invite the old master around for dinner the next night.
A little uncomfortable with the assessing looks his father in law was giving him, Ranma then asked to be shown to his room. Little Yohko was quick to take him up on the offer, grabbing him by the hand and dragging the boy the whole way.
Finally alone, he couldn't help but wonder what the future would now bring, in both the martial arts and basketball, either way, the future looked bright.
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Life however, had other ideas, the moment Ranma walked into his homeroom the next day, he knew that his school life just went straight to hell, as their was a new addition to the motley ranks, none other than Ryoga, the smug fool with no idea of what he had gotten himself into, heir of the school heh, heir of nothing more like it.
It seemed Ryoga's sole goal in life was to annoy Ranma, the minute he so much as looked in his direction, Ryoga started growling.
Deciding not to bother with the fool, as the longer he looked at the ridiculous sight the more he felt like laughing, Ranma concentrated on the morning lessons. While slightly boring they kept him occupied and temporarily allowed him to forget the presence of people like Ryoga and Akane.
By the time lunch rolled around, Ryoga seemed to have worked himself into a state of rage, not that it took much effort on his part, and soon began informing every one of his new status, and Ranmas apparent uselessness.
Well, if that's how he wanted it to go.
How the dim-witted idiot expected to be able to best him just because he was named heir Ranma did not know. He eventually decided not to bother, as it was inevitable that Ryoga would make a challenge, and then lose miserably. Ranma instead went to meet with the rest of the guys in the auditorium, now was as good a time as any to tell them about his little adventurous outing over the weekend.
Once inside the building, he could see that the group had started a game of one on one, the current participants being Jin and Akira. Even though they both had a similar build, their personal playing styles were completely different.
Jin concentrated his game mainly under the net, relying on the lay-up and slam-dunks.
Akira was more of a ranged player, though for some strange reason he got more of his three pointers in than standard two-point jump shots, deciding his news could wait for a while, Ranma settled down to watch, and was promptly informed he was playing the winner.
That sounded interesting, both of them were at least 4-inches taller than him so jump shots would be the most difficult. It should be a simple matter to make his way around either of them with his speed advantage for a shot from under the net.
In the end, Jin was a clear winner, as Akira just did not have a good enough shooting percentage to keep up with Jins power plays. As he walks by Akira calls out "C'mon Ranma, your up, time to shine." As Jin was the games current champion, Ranma got the honour of first possession of the ball. From the start he could see that Jin expected him just to charge in recklessly for the easy shot, he decided to try it, as he needed to test out his game.
Pouring on the speed, Ranma tried for a quick break down the side, making it around his side he went for the shot, only to find the ball was gone???
What the hell? it was impossible, there was no possible way that Jin could have kept up with that speed. Not having time to figure it out at the moment, Ranma quickly set himself to be ready for Jin's attack.
He was going for a dunk, he just knew it, and so bringing his body into position under the net, Ranma crouched in preparation for a block. As he expected, Jin came charging in, it was going to be a power play, so jumping the moment he heard Jins shoes leave the floor, he grabbed the ball from Jin on his way up. Yet, upon landing, Kenji called a defensive foul. Confused, he tried to remember what that was. Ah yes, he can't make contact with the offensive player if he is in possession of the ball and making a shot.
As this was one on one, a foul was a conceded point. Returning the ball to his opponent, he decided that it was time for payback, the moment he brought the ball into play Ranma was off like a shot, on the balls second contact with the smooth floor of the court, Ranma had stolen possession, and two seconds after that he turned around for the shot. Remembering his practice games, he got in the correct position for the shot, and was just releasing the ball when he could here the others start to call out. Before he knew it he turned around to find Jin in the air on course for his shot, once reached he knocked it out of bounds. The rest of them were now calling out "Face." or "Get that ball outa here." But he could tell that they were just mucking around.
Still in possession, Ranma now made sure to keep track of Jin's movements. Deciding to apply his martial arts he faked a shot, and Jin jumped. Now in the clear Ranma sped into the basket and made a spectacular reverse dunk. When he landed he turned around only to see everyone with ridiculously surprised looks on their faces. Only to jump up and start shouting.
Kenji - "Impossible, we haven't shown him how to fake, and that was one of the best I've seen to date".
Akira - "What the hell was that".
Kyo was just sitting there laughing his ass off, revenge was sweet!!
Leaving them to there fun, he checked his watch. Seeing there was only ten minutes left for lunch, he got serious, and told them about Happosai.
He was the grandmaster of the anything goes style, while having no real basketball experience, in terms of conditioning and strategy noone could compare. He then organized the lot of them to meet straight after school, as they would all need to go and see the vice-principle to get Happosai instated as coach. Satisfied that the afternoon's events were well planned, Ranma said his goodbyes, and made his way back to class.
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End Chapter Two. Slight Revision. As always, would like feedback on this and my other stories. Zaknafein. var PUpage="76001078"; var PUprop="geocities"; var yviContents='http://us.toto.geo.yahoo.com/toto?s=76001078&l=NE&b=1& amp;t=1047831142';yviR='us';yfiEA(0);geovisit();