Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction / Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Who to Blame ❯ And So It Begins ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Who to Blame

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"When I have been asked during these last weeks who caused the riots and the killing in L.A., my answer has been direct and simple: Who is to blame for the riots? The rioters are to blame. Who is to blame for the killings? The killers are to blame."

Dan Quayle

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"Have you got the files yet?" A young girl with golden brown hair tapped her foot impatiently.

Wordlessly, the much older woman handed her a nail file, which led to the girl hitting her upside the head.

"Just get the damn files. We've got a bloody flight to catch, idiot," she said, stalking out of the room.

Grumbling, Kaer Kallwyn printed out the documents needed. Now, in normal planes of existence, an elite hacker such as Kaer wouldn't let a mere child 14 years younger than her come anywhere near insulting her. This, however, wasn't a normal plane of existence in any imagining. Unless you have a very good imagination.

In the next room over, Chimera (the girl) swore as she saw the rest of the group sprawled across the basement room, playing a modified, less ethical version of Liar's Poker. Which shouldn't've been possible, and yet.

Even Unicorn, their technical researcher, and most upstanding citizen of the lot, was distracting Phoenix, her usual partner, and switching cards while he wasn't paying attention.

"PEOPLE! Remember that miraculous invention called a plane? We have to be on one in an hour. Let's MOVE!" she yelled, clapping her hands loudly.

The group of five scrambled to their feet, grabbing their stuff, as Kaer came in and thrust a fist full of papers at Chimera, who gave a slight nod.

"Right then. Let's go, people."

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Manticore sighed as he leaned against the plane window. As second youngest of the group, one of the two males of the group, and definitely the only straight one, it was slightly odd that he was the only one to see with a semblance of clarity.

Being on a team of assassins was weird. The fact that the leader was thirteen was weirder. The fact that they were now headed to Japan to capture two other teams of assassins was just plain wrong.

"I'm booooooored…" a voice from a few rows back whined.

He sighed. That would be Dragon, the fourth youngest at 19 years old. She had the maturity of an eight year old, and the attention span of a goldfish. And was annoying as hell.

Manticore, known to himself and a scant few others as Andrew Pennington, took a moment to study their sleeping leader. Chimera, aka Li Banner, was curled up against him, leaning away from the aisle, asleep. She was a cute girl, but would never be described as `pretty' or `beautiful'. Her eyes were a bit too deep set, and her nose too small for either of those terms to be used.

She had deep shadows under her currently closed silver eyes. Li had always had those circles, but lately they had gotten deeper. It was hard on her, he knew. Hell, it was hard for him, and he was three years older and only second in command.

He had known her for seven years, before Krieger had formed. Odd, in seven short years she had done a personality 180, and yet was still much the same. Only Li.

"Kierstaaaan, I'm booooored…." Dragon again. He rolled his eyes, and decided to get some sleep as well.

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Gotta end it there folks. Don't worry, more action in the next part.

FYI, Krieger (according to a Net translator) means `warrior' in German. Yeah. Don't ask.

The Krieger team is based off of me and my friends, and yes, their codenames are the names of mythological creatures. The next thing I'll upload will be profiles, which will be tomorrow during school, while I'm cosplaying as Crawford-sama. I have no clue why.

R/R, pease! (mis-spelling intentional)

Disclaimer: Okay, right now, I own all, so….