Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Have A Blind Date With A Celebrety Bishie!! ❯ BOYS WILL BE BOYS AND GIRLS WILL BE THERE DATES!!! ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 8

Boys will be Boys and Girls Will Be There Dates!!!

Candy: "But if you don't know how to get out of these ropes *gulps* who does?"

Nicki: "Were all gonna.....DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Candy: "...*shakes head* good lord...she's right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Candy&Nicki: *screams* "Were all gonna stay here and die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Shizu: "HELLO!! I'm a demon!!!!!!!! All I gotta do is rip these stupid ropes up...if my hands weren't tied......."

Candy: -___-

*sweat drop*

Nicki: -____-

Aya: *thinks* ".....so does this means none of us can get us out of this?"

Yuna: "Well lets see........ Sicora although looks petite and harmless, is well trained in both martial arts and with a sword and is also very fast and very light on her feet...."

Sicora: *smile*

Yuna: "but...this cannot help us at all since she is all tied up...with us..."

Sicora: *frown*

Yuna: "But then there's Ayami! For although she is not a demon, she is a martial artist, and has the natural power to distort energy/matter."

Ayami: "Yup! I am the bomb!" *bobs head*

Yuna: *frowns* "However she is also tied up....and cannot perform her ability's with out her hands...."

Candy: "Ha ha! I think that bomb just went off!!!!!"

Ayami: *Evil big head* "Shuddup....."

Yuna: "And then there's you!! Candy!!!!"

Candy: "Yeah me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm gonna save the day! Go Candy! Go Candy!!!" *throws hands around*

Yuna: "......uhm actually no...you don't even have a power or ability to get us outta here..."

Candy: "...oh.....SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!" *curses constantly*

Aya: "HA HA!!!!!!"

Yuna: "But then there's you Aya! My co-host!! With the ability of time!! The Time goddess right?!"

Aya: "YEAH!!!!!"

Sakuya: "That could do nothing what's so ever to help us now...*snickers*...You actually thought you could do something didn't you?"

Aya: "....*pouts*..."

Yuna: "*thinks* hey Sakuya! Would you-"

Sakuya: "No..."

Yuna: "But-"

Sakuya: "No..."

Yuan: "Well then there's Hakura!!! Who's song can enslave demon males to do anything she wants them to do...however even if Hakura was able to do...we got no demon males around..."

Hakura: *mouth hanging open* "...DAMN!!!"

Yuna: "Yeah, but we still have Nicki!!!! Who's although power is mostly strength and graceful speed, she can also manipulate music into fighting weapons, mix dancing with fighting, and sings while she fights. The more she sings, the stronger she becomes!!!!!!!"

Nicki: "That's right!! My music can break you're windows as well as you're legs!!!!!!!"

Yuna: "But...we gots no music..."

Nicki: *miserable laugh* "Yeah unless I got music....there's no point."

Yuna: "But then we have you!! Kimberly!! You can do anything right!!!"

Kimberly: "Yeah I guess so!!!"

Sakuya: "Well then could you get us outta this contraption?"

Candy: "You mean ropes?"

Sakuya: -__-# "Yes ropes.....can you get us out of these...ropes?"

Kimberly: "No, no I don't think so..."

Yuna: "AND WHY NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?"

Kimberly: "I donno but I can't."

Everyone: -_________-#

Hakura: *sighs* "Joy..."

Nicki: *sad face*


Klu: *turns head*

Yuna: "Who also has no powers and can do absolutely nothing...except chop off peoples head.....okay.."

Klu: "But I also have one more power that I neglected to tell you about...Yuna..."

Everyone: O.O "Really?"

Klu: "Yes..."

Amanda: *wiggles in excitement* "But about me! But about me!"

Klu&Yuna: *vain twitch* "What...about...you......?"

Amanda: "I have the ability of fire all I haft to do is burn these ropes off and-"

Klu: "BURN!?"

Ayami: "FIRE!?"

Nicki: "Fire? Where, I see no fire.......ahhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Amanda: *blink blink* "Are you guy's idiots...there is no fire!!!!!!!!"

Ayami: "But you just mentioned-"

Yuna: "NO FIRE."

Amanda: "Why not?"

Yuna: "Well you see electricity is one thing....BUT FIRE CAN BURN!!"

Amanda: "But just the ropes, and if ya give me one shot I can-"

Everyone: *altogether* "NO!!!!!!!!!!!"

Klu: "Now listen up! I have one more ability you woman do not know of."

Everyone: "...then TELL US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Kimberly: "Yeah and hurry up!"

Koneko: "I'm getting sick of being tied up!!!"

Hakura: "And I'm just sick of you..."

Klu: *growls*

Candy: "HURRY UP KLU!!!"

Klu: *whistles and yells* "SERVANTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

*out of shadows appear to be five or four servants with scissors and water*

Everyone: O.O

Nicki: *whispers to Klu* "And all this time I thought you didn't have any powers."

Klu: *smirk* "You'd be amazed at what my voice could do alone......"

Back with the boys.........

Ranma: "How could you say you're stuck with idiots!!!!!!!!"

Mousse: "Yes!! WE are not idiots!!!!!!!!!!"

Bakura: "I would really have to agree with Ranma and Mousse, for you see we are not idiots."

Kiaba: *taps foot* "Are you buffoons done yet!"

Ramma&Mousse&Bakura: .......

Kiaba: "Good now lets head out."

Bakura: "But to where Kiaba?"

Kiaba: *stops* "To the woman...I need to pay a certain little friend a visit....."

Ranma: "Who?"

Kiaba: *turns around * "JUST FOLLOW BEHIND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Ranma: "Okay......"

Back with boys and......Dirty D.........

Sesshomaru: "That trash shoot ideal was pointless, it didn't lead us outside the premises."

Inuyasha: "Well at least we got some where...*smirks cockily* ...big bro."

Sesshomaru: *glare*

Hiei: "So where exactly are we?" *looks around*

Kurama: *sigh* "I don't know....."

Koga: "Well as long as where here lets have some fun." *jumps on red couch and flips on the TV*

Dirty D.: *comes out in red cat suit and black whip* "Oh...just the thought I had in mind...*smiles*....boys."

WHHHHHAAAAAPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!! *whip hits floor*

Koga: "Huh? Who's the brood in the cat suit?"

Inuyasha: "Someone we should be...*looks down at whip and gulps*..aware of...."


Dirty D.: "Yes you should, so here I go...MY name is Dirt D...but you cuties can call me Diana the groper....."

Koga: *high pitched voice* "Grop.....er?"

Kurama: "what is she taking about?"

Dirty D./Diana: ".....and its time...*big grin* TO HAVE SOME FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Hiei: *sweat drop* "Fun?"


Back with Marik and Jaken........

Jaken's mind: `who was that woman shouting my name.'

(Flash back-Hakura: "SIR JAKEN, JAKEN, JAKEN, JAKEN, JAKEN!!!!!!!!!!!....End of Flash back)

EVIL Marik: "Jaken."

Jaken: `She was a demon none the less, but how did she know me?'

EVIL Marik: "Jaken?"

Jaken: `I just don't know if-`


Jaken: "Oh yes! Sorry M'lord!!!! I didn't mean to keep you waiting I-"

EVIL Marik: *gets up* "Enough talk Jaken, we must venture out."

Jaken: *worried look* "But to where?"

EVIL Marik: "Well I was thinking...."

Back with girls.........

*Klu's dream*

Ayami: *smiles* "Queen Klu!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!!!!! For if it wasn't for you're bravery and magnificent voice to call upon the servants...we would have never gotten free!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Klu: *cocky smirk* "You're welcome, pitiful servant..."

Ayami: "Really!!!?"

Klu: "Yes, and with the highest honor...*hands over a toothbrush*...bathroom duty..."

Ayami: *grabs toothbrush and begins to tear up* "Oh my god!!! I love you!!!!"

Klu: "Yes....I know, everyone loves there Queen Klu..."

Nicki: "Yeah! I can't believe that you, the most beautiful woman in the world saved us with you're voice!!!! I bow to you!!!!" *starts to bow*

Klu: *smiles* "It was nothing, of course for one as beautiful and mighty as me, I shouldn't take all the credit."

Sicora: *kneels down* "Yes, and I as you're humble servant shall let you step on me. I shall be honored....if I was you're honorary floor!!!!"

Klu: "...*shakes head*...YES!!!!"

Sicora: *falls on floor and lays flat as QUEEN KLU walks over her* "Ouff! ......I am honored and happy!!"

Candy: "And I!! You're honored clown, I shall make you laugh....with EVERYTHING I GOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...in me."

Klu: "Yes you shall me a great clown and Sakuya...my honorary wizard..."

*Sakuya bows down and kisses Klu's Honored toes*

Sakuya: "And I am you're wizard......"

Klu: *big eye*

Sakuya: "That's all..."

Klu: *kicks aside Sakuya* "And Nicki...my honorary flower maid....."

Nicki: *In pink dress* "Yes and here, I shake thee a path of rose petals..."

Klu: *walks over petals* "And Amanda.....my only female worrier..."

Amanda: *in knight suit* "Whenever ya need my queen!!!!!!!"

Klu: "Yes you and my servant Hakura...come, and bring me the honorary pet...monkey Aya.."

Hakura: *runs over to Klu carrying Aya on a red pouch* "Here my queen you're honorary pet monkey...AYA!!"

Klu: "And with me a bishop...Koneko.."

Koneko: *walks out in bishop headdress and bows at Klu* "My queen..."

Klu: "And Kimberly...my advisor...*thinks* ......yes......"

*turns head*

Klu: "And last but not least my humble hoarse...YUNA!!!!!!!!!!!"

*Yuna appears in hoarse body but still had her head on*

Yuna: "......HEEEEE!! HEEEEE!!"

Klu: "Yes I know...my hoarse, *looks at Yuna* my servants, *looks at Hakura and Sicora* my wizard, *looks at Sakuya* my floor, *looks at Sicora again* my worrier, *looks at Amanda* my bishop, *looks at Koneko* and my my my my my my......."

*End of Dream*

Yuna: *slaps Klu* "Snap outta it!! Snap outta it!!!"

Klu: "Huh? Where am I?" *looks at everyone and realizes she was in a dream*

Sakuya: *eye twitches* "Loyal wizard.....?"

Sicora: *eye blazes* "So I'm you're floor mat now?"

Klu: "Uh?"

Hakura: *background fire* "MAID!!!!"

Yuna: "You're lucky Tetsu, Sara and Pepper came here before we rotted and died because if I'm going into the after life as a hoarse!!!!! I would've-"

Sakuya: *covers Yuna's mouth* -_______-# "Although I share Yuna's actions and sympathy's..........let's just leave now..."

Klu: *looks down* "Were free?!"

Candy: "And you're lucky too! With out Amanda's lazer eye's and Tetsu sword...we would've still be in ropes!!!"

Klu: "...oh....thank you...Tetsu...Sara....and Pepper......"

Sara&Pepper&Tetsu: *smile* "You're welcome."

*&*&*&*&*&*&&*&*&*&& ;**&*&*&*&*&*&*&*&*&*&*&*&* &*&*&*&*&*

(Ending Credits)

Sakuya: "A wizard...never thought I'd be a wizard......"

Sicora: "Or a floor mat..."

Candy: "But then again you gotta hand it to Yuna for slapping Klu."

Nicki: "Yeah I guess soo....but a SERVANT?!"

Aya: *chibi form* "I'm still a monkey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Nicki: *thinks* "....a royal monkey?"

Aya: *turns head* "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Hakura: "Maid...I'M A MAID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Kimberly: "What a bummer.........."

Koneko: "Bishop? What the heck is a bishop?"

Everyone: ................. "Yeah what is a bishop?"

Amanda: "hmmm...I Don't know, but I do know that being the only female worrier ain't that bad of a title in my book....."

Yuna: *laughs*

Amanda: *vain twitch* "..better than being a stupid hoarse.."

Yuna: "Half hoarse...."


Yuna: "Well actually because of that I was thinking the next chappie be dedicated to you, all about you and groping...*cocky grin* ...so you happy now?"

Dirty D.: *joyful tears* "A chappie all about me...and....the groping...of...BISHIES!! YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

*&**&*&*&*&*&&*&&*&& ;*&&*&*&*&*&&&*&**&*&*&*&am p;*&*&*&*&*&

R&R PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!