Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ [MSTing] Ukyo Gets What She Deserves ❯ Chapter 1

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
(And give yourself a severe case of eyestrain)

(The future isn't what it used to be....)



(A Ranma 1/2 Lemon MSTing)

MSTed From the Desk of Megane 6.7

This is a MSTing of a work of fiction created by another author.
Use of copyrighted and trademarked material is for entertainment
purposes only; no infringement on the original copyrights or
trademarks held by Best Brains, Inc. is intended or should be inferred.

Any random mention of certain anime characters, song titles, etc. are
the property of their respected creators/distributors/etc. Just covering
my own ass here folks....

"Ranma 1/2" is the property of Rumiko Takahashi and all the
distributors of her work.

"Ukyo Gets What She Deserves" is the property of RVincent and he's
welcome to it. I do not intend to offend him for making fun of his work
like this but I figure it's only a matter of time before someone does.
Think of this as another form of C&C. It's all meant in good fun. ;)

Warning: This fic contains mature content and scenes of lemon. If you
are offended by such material, simply delete it and it's gone. If not, enjoy!

(Cue "Mystery Science Theater 6.7 Love Theme" in 5... 4... 3....)

It's the not-too-distant future,
Last Sunday BC
There was this guy named Joel
Not so different from you or me
He worked at Gizmonic Institute
Just another guy in a red jumpsuit
He did a great job cleaning up the place,
But his bosses really hate him
So they shot him into space!!!!

(OH... MY... GODDESS!!!)

Crow and Tom:

(Instead of holding messed up video, Frank's holding a computer printout)

We'll send him crappy fanfics
The worst we can find (lalala)
He'll have to sit and read them all and we'll monitor his mind (lalala)

(Instead of where it shows the guys watching the movie, it shows them
ducking behind their seats for 'Artemis's Lover'.)

Now keep in mind Joel can't control
When the fanfics begin or end (lalala)
Because he used those special parts
To make his robot friends;


'Text only'?

'Oh, my!'

Tom Servo:

'I'm not a hentai!'

If your wondering how Joel eats and breathes
And other science facts (lalala)
Then repeat to yourself
*It's just a MiST*
You should really just relax

* * *


It was unusually quiet in the sub-basement of Deep 13 as
TV's Frank strolled in from the kitchen, half-eaten sandwich in hand.
He glanced at the floor to see a tray of tools and a pair of legs sticking
out of an access port of a computer in the wall.

The wall-sized computer had once doubled as a lottery number
picker and fortune teller but Dr. Forrester had somehow managed to
rebuild it into a modified scanner that would monitor Joel's mind during
the experiments and give its recommendations on which fanfics and
movies to send him. These recommendations would then be filed away
in Frank's file cabinets for later use.

Now, it seemed the computer, which Frank had decided to
nickname 'Little Brother', was stuck in a feedback loop and Dr. Forrester
had been working on it for hours trying to locate the problem. Frank had
offered to help only to be harshly rebuffed and immediately sent on an
errand. Shrugging, Frank walked over to the wall and leaned against it.

"So, Houston, do we have a problem or not?" Frank inquired as
he took another bite out of his peanut butter and bacon sandwich on rye.

A muffled grunt combined with a muffled curse was the only
response to the question before Dr. Clayton Forrester pulled himself out
of the access port with his legs. "I thought I told you to get me a half-inch
wrench!" Dr. Forrester spat at him, his face red with exertion and anger.

"Sorry, Steve, I looked all over Deep 13 but I couldn't... oh,
here it is!" Frank exclaimed as he reached into the tool tray and slapped
a half-inch wrench into Dr. Forrester's hand.

"Hmm... so it is." Dr. Forrester frowned as his eyes scanned the
tool tray. "Ahh... but the tray doesn't have a three-eighths-inch wrench and
I'll probably be needing one VERY soon. So why don't you shuffle off and
find it for me?" Dr. Forrester suggested in a patronizing voice.

"Aw, come on, isn't there anything I can do to help?" Frank

"Yeah! You can beat it!" Dr. Forrester retorted as he slid back
into the access port.

"Okay, I guess I'll just be going then." Frank replied as he turned
to leave only to suddenly pause as an idea struck him, a thoughtful look
washing over his face.

"Hey, Dr. F! I think I have an idea on how to fix 'Little Brother'!"
Frank said excitedly.

Another muffled curse was Dr. Forrester's only reply as the sounds
of tinkering continued unabated.

"No, really! I used to do this to fix the furnace in my old house all
the time! You just take a hammer...." Frank reached into the tool tray and
picked up a hammer. "Then you find the sweet spot...." Frank placed his
ear against the wall and gently tapped it in several different places with his
finger until he found what he was looking for. "Then, you tap the spot a
few times with the hammer...."

Frank brought the hammer up to the spot and struck it several
times. "Frank, what are you doing?!?" The now alarmed voice of Dr.
Forrester emerged from the access port. Abruptly, the computer began
to make clicking noises and the ancient 8-track reels slowly began to
turn again.

"Frank, NO!! I'm up to my wrists in wires and circuit boards!
AUUUUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGHHHH!!!" Dr. Forrester screamed in
agony as the computer fully came back into operation, giving him a jolt
that no overly-caffeinated cola could match. A few seconds later, the
sounds of voltage running rampant faded as white smoke bellowed out
from the access port.

"Oops, are you okay, Dr. F?" Frank asked, concerned. When
there was no response, Frank knelt down, grabbed Dr. Forrester's legs
and pulled him out of the access port. The smell of fried baloney drifted
its way into Frank's nostrils as he grimaced at the sight of his employer.

Dr. Forrester's face was frozen in shock, his eyes and mouth wide
open and his teeth clenched in pain. His singed hands were held up in
front of him, sizzling slightly as wisps of smoke rose from them and his
hair now bore a striking resemblance to Tina Turner's.

"Jeepers... looks like I fried him... what a way to go...." Frank
exclaimed in a hushed whisper as he tenderly placed his fingertips against
Dr. Forrester's eyelids and gently closed them. "Wow... I guess there's
only one thing left to do now...."

From out of nowhere, Beethoven's 9th Symphony began playing
loudly in the background as Frank rose to his feet and assumed a pose of
triumph, his sandwich still in hand.

"As of this moment, I, TV's Frank, hereby assume complete
control of this rogue experiment and Deep 13! I will drape myself in
green, continue Dr. F's work and receive all the perks of being top banana!
Like big fluffy towels that I can wash AND use! My choice of 1 OR 2%
milk with my cornflakes! 80s bands playing twenty-four hours a day!"

Frank took a deep breath and sighed with pleasure. "Oh yeah, this
is going to be sweETTTUUUHHH!!!" Frank croaked as a severely burned
hand shot up from below and grabbed his throat. Another severely burned
hand soon joined the first one, putting the big squeeze on his larynx while
shaking him like a rag doll.

As Frank struggled for air, he noticed the red light flashing on the
console and tried to get the doctor's attention by tapping his shoulder and
gesturing wildly at the screen with his sandwich....

* * *


"Well, there's still no answer from Gopher and Doc. Should we
go back to the Holocabana or what?" Crow T. Robot inquired.

Joel shrugged. "It's not like Dr. F to just forget about the experiment.
He's probably just putting the finishing touches on some new super secret evil
invention to show me up this week...."

"Maybe he left Frank in charge again and he decided to give
us a break this time?" Tom suggested.

Before Joel could reply, the viewscreen suddenly came to life to
reveal Dr. Forrester. His hands were wrapped in bandages but appeared
to be none the worse for wear. There was a muffled yelp of pain behind
him as Frank's body struggled to pull his head out of the wall where Dr.
Forrester had driven it completely through.

"Ah, Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup are here. Good. I'm
afraid I've been preoccupied the last few hours so I haven't had time to
do an invention this week...." Dr. Forrester began.

"Hey, what happened to Frank?" Joel interrupted.

"Oh, he's just brushing up on his ostrich impression... pay no
attention to the man behind the scientist!" Dr. Forrester chuckled at his
little joke before continuing. "Anyway, I'm just going to bow out gracefully
from the invention exchange this week and give you the floor, Mole. Don't
disappoint me now...."

"Sure, I guess we can do it if you're not prepared and all." Joel
replied with a shrug as he gestured at the counter where a VR headset sat.
Tom cleared his throat as he began the presentation.

"Are you like Joel? If so, then you're probably just as sick and
tired as he is of inflating movie ticket prices...."

"Yeah! It's bad enough that we have to sneak food into the theaters
because we consider paying ten bucks for a SMALL soda and popcorn to be
*somewhat* of a rip-off, but now even matinee ticket prices are skyrocketing!"
Joel exclaimed.

"And since the only alternative right now is to sit in a $2 theater
with a dinky screen, uncomfortable seats often containing individuals that
chuck raisinettes at your head for sport, and a stereo system left over from
the *Reagan* administration, Joel decided to invent a device that skips the
whole going to the theater process ENTIRELY and lets you enjoy your
favorite blockbusters from the comfort of your own home!" Crow added.

"Well, duh, Joel! What do you think VIDEOS and DVDs were
invented for? Not to mention the movie channels, pay-per-view, cable TV,
any of these things ring a bell?" Dr. Forrester remarked sarcastically.

"Oh sure, but this particular device, which I've decided to name the
VHTX, the Virtual Home Theater eXperience, lets you relax at home and
eat your reasonably priced food while virtually simulating the experience
of being at an actual movie theater! Tell him all the features, Tom!" Joel

"OK, Joel! Well, for starters, the VHTX can customize the
audience around you to your liking. You want em loud and enthusiastic?
You got it! You want it so quiet you can hear a pin drop? No problem!
You want privacy to make out with your girlfriend? The theater is all
yours! You want to watch others make out around you? Consider it done,
you voyeuristic freak, you!" Tom said cheerfully.

"Yep, and just to clarify the point about the girlfriend, you can
link your VHTX with others so that you can go to the virtual theater with
your friends, lovers or family! And for those of you that find THX and
Dolby Surround to be a little too loud for your tastes, you can easily adjust
the volume to a level that won't have your eardrums bleeding profusely...."
Joel added.

"But what about the theater itself, you ask? Well, you can
customize practically EVERYTHING! Like the brightness level of the
movie, the size and type of the theater screen, letterbox format or no
letterbox format, sticky floors or no-sticky floors... heck, we've even
included a mini game parody of paintball that lets you and your friends
chuck virtual theater food at each other if the movie turns out to be a turd.
Oh no! Incoming Twizzlers! Ahhhhh!" Crow wisecracked.

"And suffice it to say, with the VHTX, you'll never have to turn
around in your seat and yell 'FOCUS, DAMN YOU! FOCUS!!!' ever
again cause we've programmed the projectionist to be a bruiser that beats
the living crap out of anyone who complains about that. I mean, come on!
The guy's doing the best he can in there! It's not his fault if the projector
goes out of focus once in a while! Give him a break! Oh, what? You think
you know better than him? Come on, he doesn't sweat you! Take your best
shot, wise guy! He'll bounce you like a bad check, man! He'll... mppph!"
Joel clamped his hand over Tom's mouth, a sheepish expression on his

"Uh, what do you think, sirs?"

* * *


"I think your robot friend needs to spend a little less time talking
shop with Flashman...." Dr. Forrester smirked while winking to the
camera. "But enough inside jokes... I've got a dilly of a pickle for you
this week, Joel. It's a variation on a familiar lemon theme but with some
rather unusual twists and a plot that would confuse a Twin Peaks fan.
You'll be scratching your head for days after this one. Oh, did I mention
it's in script format? Well, IT IS!! Send 'em the fanfic, Frank...."

Frank attempted to yank his head out from the wall but with
no success. He ended up shrugging as Dr. Forrester rolled his eyes and
went over to the filing cabinet. Fortunately, for him, Frank had left the
experiment on top of the cabinet for a change and Dr. Forrester fed it
into the machine.

"Yes, Deep 13 Productions in association with RVincent,
proudly presents 'Ukyo Gets What She Deserves'! Or... does she?
BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!! God, I love this job!" Dr. Forrester
exclaimed cheerfully before cutting off thetransmission.

* * *


"Looks like we're in for another long, hard ride, guys...."
Tom noted.

"Yeah, really... please keep your hands and arms inside the
fanfic at all times until the screaming comes to a screeching halt,"
Crow remarked.

Joel chuckled. "Hey, we'll be okay. We've been through too
many bad lemon fanfics to crumble now. Besides, we've endured bad
Ukyo fics before, how much worse could this one be?"

Before Tom and Crow could point out the danger in asking
such an ominous question, alarms wailed and multicolored lights flashed.

"OHHHH, WE'VE GOT LEMON SIGN!!!" Joel cried out.

(Door 6: It slides open on both sides..)

(Door 5: It's made of beads. They explode out towards you, and you
move on..)

(Door 4: It falls toward you, missing your foot by inches.)

(Door 3: It's a castle gate, that rises into the ceiling..)

(Door 2. It's solid black marble. An Akahn floats from behind you and
touches the door. The door vanishes.)

(Door 1: It splits in four ways, twice.)

(Door .7: A beam of golden light erupts from the floor. You walk into it.)

Joel emerged from the light into the theater with Tom in his
arms, Crow emerging a moment later and following close behind.
Stepping over the air grate that prevented Tom from entering the theater
on his own, Joel placed him down on one of the theater seats and sat next
to him, Crow sitting on his right.

>Ukyo Gets What She Deserves

Tom: An apology from everyone that's written her OOC?

Crow: <chuckles> That'll take a while.

>By RVincent@aol.com

>Hey its me again. Most of my author's rant is
>at the bottom so I'll keep it brief up here.

Tom: <Vincent> Just an obscene gesture or three, I promise.

>This fanfic like most of mine is a lemon. Do not read it if your age
>falls into the catagory under 18.

Crow: Okay, I'll take thirty-something for three hundred, Alex.

>My e-mail address is above and at the bottom along with my web page

Joel: His web page has snakes?

Tom: I've heard of password protection but this is ridiculous!

>where you can read other fanfics from different series or more from
>Ranma 1/2,
>thank you and enjoy.

> <> = sounds or emotions
> * = thoughts

Joel: Does that mean scene changes are a row of random thoughts?

Tom: No, that's an entirely different line of thinking. Thank you!

>The scene is late at night, the sky is clear and the moon hangs full above,


>it seems as though it is midsummer and the weather is warm. Stars
>shine brightly in the darkened sky bringing a sense of life to the dark

Crow: Ooooo... spooky.

Joel: <Shaggy> Yoinks! This place is too scary for me! Come on, Scoob,
let's get back to the Mystery Van!

>The camera pans down to the Ucchan, its obvious that the place is
>closed, there are no lights visible inside, the door is shut, and it appears
>as though the place is deserted for the night.

Tom: Welcome to another hilarious episode of Ucchan's Funniest Home

>Suddenly a light comes to life in the apartment above the Ucchan. The
>camera focuses on it for a time then comes in for a closer look.

Joel: Hmm... We got ourselves a real Alfred Hitchcock here.

Crow: More like a Roger Corman.

>From the window sounds are heard, ranging from low to the sounds
>of chain and things being moved from time to time a sob would
>punctuate a sound, causing the sound to seem all the more intense.

Tom: Maybe Vincent Price should be narrating this?

>At last the camera moves effortlessly through the window and past the
>shade blocking our view. We see Ukyo, she appears looking feverishly
>for something,

Crow: <Ukyo> Where'd I put that damn Aspirin!?

>her back is turned to us and she has her head in the closet.

Tom: <Ukyo> All right! I've been looking for this for weeks!

>To her immediate left we see a sports bag, inside are various
>implements but we cannot make them out due to our distance.

Joel: Zoom lens! Try using them!

>Finally she turns around, we see that her eyes are red and puffy and
>she's crying.

Joel: <Ukyo> Waaaaah! Someone stole my jock straps!

Crow: <Ukyo> HOOOOOOONK! <sniff> Ohhhhhh... These damn
allergies will be the death of me... AH... AH... AHCHOO! AHCHOO!!!

>Ukyo: Tonight I'll get what I deserve

Joel: <Ukyo> Hey, if the title of the story says it, it MUST be true!

>Ranma <sob> tonight you'll pay the price.

Tom: <Ukyo> $12.50! Including tax!

>She flings the sports bag over her left shoulder, the camera stays where
>it is, it watches her exit.

Crow: <camera> All right, let's zoom in a little bit on her butt... oh yeah....

>Once she leaves the room it pans to the right, on the nightstand by her
>bed the clock reads 12:32.

Joel: <camera> Hmm, it's getting late. Maybe I'll pop over to Shampoo's
place and film her for a while....

>The camera backtracks out the window and descends toward the door
>of Ucchan's,

Tom: Did Cambot film this in his spare time?

Crow: <camera> *thump*... *thump*...

Joel: <director> Watch the doorknob! Don't ram the DOORKNOB!!

>the door fly's open, and out jogs Ukyo.

Tom: <Door> Ooops. Heh heh. *Zip* How embarrassing.

>She begins to head in the general direction of the Tendo Dojo, doing
>a little roof hopping along the way.

Tom and Joel: <singing> KICK YOUR KNEES UP! Kick your knees up!
Step in time! Kick your knees up! Step in time!

Crow: <Ukyo> Hey, wait a minute... these roofs are on FIRE!!! Ouch!
Ooh! Eee! Ooh! Owie! Ooh! Eee! Oww! Ooo! Eee! Ouch!

>The camera zooms in on Ukyo's face, its a mask of emotions, the only
>dominating emotion though is sadness.

Crow: All she needs now is the clown suit and she's ready for the opera.

>Suddenly we hear a voice out of nowhere; it sounds like Ukyo's but
>has an echo effect.

Joel: <voice> Watch out for snakes!

Crow: <Ukyo> Oh great, I'm tripping. Last time I ever bum a bad cheese
smoky off Konatsu....

>Ukyo: * After what I saw today, Akane and Ranma kissing behind that
>building I have only one thing to do.

Tom: <Ukyo> Snitch like a bitch and get em in trouble with the
principal! Hee hee hee!

Joel: <Principal Kuno> Ey, fo' kissin' on school propahty, dose kiddies
be cleanin' out de toilets, yeah!

>I cannot restore my honor through completing the engagement now,
>it's obvious that he's chosen Akane over <sob> me.

Crow: <Ukyo> Oh, woe is <sob> me!

>But there is one thing he can give me, I can take it from him and that
>way Akane can't have it <sob>

Tom: <Ukyo> If Lorena Bobbit can do it, so can I! <sob>

>it's gonna be tough, and I don't wanna do it but I have ta, after this I
><sob> I....have to <sob> leave forever! *

Joel: Tonight, the role of Ukyo Kuonji will be played by Gabbo.

>Once again Ukyo breaks down crying,

Tom: This story is pretty sad so far.

>her vision is blurred but she and us see the Tendo Dojo up ahead.
>Letting out one last anguished sob she steps up the pace and continues
>running toward the dojo. She makes it to the edge of the nearest roof
>and leaps off and amazingly lands atop the roof without making a sound.

Tom: <Ukyo> Hey! What happened to my Foley? Audio, what's the
problem here?!?

>She stays quite long enough to make sure the coast is clear, the camera
>catches up with her,

Crow: <camera> C-could you warn me... <wheeze> ....n-next time you
decide to run away l-like that? <gasp>

>she looks from side to side, a worried expression on her face.

Tom: <Ukyo> Hey, where's all this bright sunlight coming from? Uh-oh!
Did I wait a little TOO long for the coast to clear?

Joel: <Kasumi> Ukyo? Is that you up there? Would you like to join us
for breakfast?

Tom: <Ukyo> D'oh!

>Ukyo:<in a low voice> Damn it, I thought that since it was such a nice
>night Ranma would sleep out on the roof, this screws up everything.

Crow: <Bela Lugosi> How unfortunate! This will complicate everything!

Joel: How long has she been studying his bedtime habits anyway?

>She walks over to the edge of the roof with deliberate cautiousness. She
>removes the sports bag with a huff

Joel: She should cut back on the aerosol cans.

>and sits it down by her side, she grabs the edge of the roof, and in one
>swift motion allows herself to drop. The camera spins around so it
>facing her back. She's hanging from the edge starring into the window
>directly in front of her.

Crow: Suddenly we're playing a Tomb Raider game.

Tom: Ukyo Kuonji *IS* Lara Croft!

>She was in luck, the window was open, just a little, but enough, she
>reached out with her right hand and opened the window to several
>times its original size.

Crow: ...ripping a gigantic hole in the side of the house.

Tom: <Ukyo, sighing> Of all the cursed springs to fall into... why did
it have to be the spring of drowned She-Hulk?!?

>She jumped inside and landed quietly on the floor. She looks toward
>the floor, on it lay the sleeping forms of two things.

Crow: <Ukyo> Ack! Cockroaches! *STOMP* *STOMP* *STOMP*

>One appears to be a giant panda, and the other a teenage boy.

Joel: Gee, I wonder who THEY could be?

Crow: Refugees from 'The Great Panda Escape'?

>She reaches down and scoops up the boy in her arms with little or no
>effort. She walks once again toward the window and takes a glance

Tom: <Ukyo> Hmmm... should I take the panda? Nahhh, not worth
the trouble....

>Ukyo: * It's a good thing that I cooked that sleep spice into the
>Okonomoyaki Ranma ate for dinner, although he usually sleeps like a
>log I didn't want to risk it.

Crow: <Ukyo> I'd much rather have him sleeping like a baby.

>At least there aren't any worries about waking Genma up.*

>Genma's form suddenly rises from where it's laying.

Joel: <Ukyo> Get me! I'm a victim of coicumstance! Nyuk! Nyuk! Nyuk!

>A startled Ukyo eeps and jumps out the window. The form of Genma
>then rolls over as thought nothing happened.

Tom: <Genma> Fear not, boy! I sleep to squelch my laziness and also
in the name of PEACE! ZZZZZZzzzzzzz....

>The camera leaves the room and heads toward Ukyo who is lying on
>the ground she appears unhurt and Ranma still seems to be sleeping.

Crow: COPS is filmed on location in Nerima, Japan!

>She lays Ranma down on the ground and jumps onto the roof out of

Tom: Now THAT'S what I call a quickie.

Crow: <Rodeo Announcer> Time on that lay, please? Time?

>A few seconds later she jumps back down, her sports bag once
>again slung over her shoulder.

Joel: <Ukyo> Whew! Almost forgot my Gatorade!

>She retrieves Ranma and with a sudden burst of energy jumps up in the
>air and clears the wall of the Tendo Dojo.

Joel: <prison guard> Prisoner over the wall! Sound the alarm!

Crow and Tom: <imitates the sound of dogs barking>

>She starts to roof hop toward the west, she hazards a peek at her watch,
>the camera zooms in revealing the time to be 12:52.

Tom: <Ukyo> I've got to have him back by 6:00 or they'll charge me for
an extra day!

>The moon provides Ukyo with light on her trip to an unknown place.
>She leaps one final time landing on the ground, she has left the city,
>sights flash before our eyes, of forests and lakes and mountains.

Crow: She can fly! She can fly! She can... fly?

Joel: Maybe she hitched a ride with Falkor and Atreyu?

Tom: <Ukyo> YAHOO!!!

>Finally out view centers on a cabin, in the background you can see no
>city at all not even lights.

Crow: Oh great, now we're in Evil Dead.

Joel: Heh, maybe Ukyo's got the Necronomicon in that sports bag?

>Ukyo: <winded> Finally I made it.

Tom: <Ukyo> Now what were those words again? Klaatu... barada...
nik... nik... NUTS!!!

>She looks at her watch, the time now reading 2:23, she looks down at
>Ranma in her arms, although she cannot get mad at him her conviction
>is no less, her plan was going to work out.

Crow: So, let's recap... Ukyo drugged Ranma without his knowledge, then
broke into his house -- doing considerable property damage, I might add
-- and kidnapped him? And this is her way of restoring honor?!?

Tom: It makes perfect sense if you're one of her fanboys, Crow.

>She sits him down and the sports bag, searching though the bag she
>pulls out a set of keys, quickly moving to the door she opens it.
>She takes a moment to look inside, the place is well lit and it looks
>like its made entirely out of wood, there's a kitchen, what looks like
>a bathroom and bedroom area, a living room and more doors to the
>back, possibly a utility room.

Crow: <Ukyo> Wow, I didn't bother to check this place before, but
I got myself a pretty sweet deal here!

>She puts the keys on a rack by the door, turns around, scoops up
>Ranma and the sports bag, and heads back inside, closing the door
>behind her.

Joel: Maybe Genma hired Ukyou as a personal trainer for Ranma?

Tom: <Ukyo> Food is for ze weak! Ranma Saotome, I VILL BREAK

>She hauls Ranma over to the bead and sits him on it,

Crow: Ukyo dragged him all the way to New Orleans?

Tom: No, no, no! You're supposed to THROW the bead to get
him to take his top off!

>she is obviously tired from the tip but does not appear to need a break
>soon. She sits the bag on the side of the bed and opens the zipper.

Crow: Already? Boy, she doesn't waste time, does she?

>The only thing visible on the inside is chain, and lots of it, the amount
>of chain Mousse uses in most of his fights. She glances at Ranma one
>more time, she begins to doubt herself but thinks back to the kiss that
>she seen in the alley behind the building.

Joel: <Ukyo> Hokay, I'm all good and pissed again.

>Now with renewed effort she pulls a chain out of the bag. She takes
>one end and ties it to the end of one post of the bed its constructed
>out of thick wood and appears very sturdy. She takes the other end of
>the chain and pulls it taught, she then locks it onto Ranma's ankle and
>pulls it with all her might to test that it's firmly in place. She copies
>this act and ties down both of his arms and his legs.

Tom: Well, that's ONE way to tie someone down to a relationship.

>She turned to the side of the bed again and pulled a small pouch out
>of the bag.

Crow: <Ukyo> Let me just dip into my opium here....

>Ukyo: * Shampoo probably thinks that this was destroyed. She comes
>into my work bragging about this new potion that her great-grandmother
>made her out of secret Chinese herbs. How she was going to use it to get

Crow: Boy, there's NOTHING that Chinese herbs can't accomplish in
fanfiction, eh?

Tom: So not only did Shampoo show a considerable lack of intelligence
by telling Ukyo of her evil plan without expecting resistance but she
actually SOUGHT after Ukyo to brag about it? Even Ranma isn't THAT

>She expected me to just sit there and listen to it, she was wrong. I fought
>and fought, and fought

Tom: <Ukyo>...to keep from losing consciousness after Shampoo beat
the living crap out of me.

Crow: Yeah, float like a elephant, sting like a sloth, Ucchan!

>till I couldn't fight anymore, and I managed to drive her off. But she
>left behind this, and now its mine, and I'll use it to get Ranchan, if
>just for one night.

Tom: <Ukyo> Yes, I fought with honor and valor to prevent Shampoo
from misusing this potion... so *I* could be the one to misuse it!

>She said all of Ranchan's emotions would be magnified by ten and that
>base emotions such as lust would rule over other more logical emotions.

Crow: ...that were apparently lost on the vengeful Ukyo as well.

>I just hope this works, I only have twenty-four hours anyway before it
>wears off.

Joel: <Ukyo> And if it doesn't work, I can always try using it in my
okonomiyaki recipes....

>* Bottoms up Ranchan.

Tom: <Ranma> I can't! You chained me down, remember?

>Ukyo lifted the package to his lips, clamped his nostrils shut, and
>tipped the package vertical, spilling its contents in his mouth. Even
>in his near unconscious state his face managed a grimace as the liquid
>slid down.

Crow: Wouldn't he instinctively spit it back out if it tasted bad?

Joel: Nah, he's probably tasted a lot worse than that from Akane's

>She took a pair of scissors out of her bag now, she went to one of his
>pant legs and began cutting upward, removing his pants, then his shirt,
>but leaving him in his boxers.

Tom: <Ukyo> Awww... Little hearts! Kawaii!

>Ukyo watched intently, every now and then he would twitch or something
>but nothing really happened.

Crow: <Ukyo> Secret Chinese Herbs, my BUTT! I knew I should've
stuck with the Spanish Fly!

>After a few minuets she once again reached for her bag, she pulled a
>vial out, and held it to his nose. His eyes shot open and he pulled at his
>restraints his eyes darted around but he could see no one in his field of

>Ranma: Who are you , what do you want, you better let me go or
>you'll be sorry!

>Ukyo: * Wow he seems really angry

Crow: Gee, I wonder why?

Tom: <giggles>

>I wonder if the potion is doing this *

Joel: Yeah, the potion gives him one fleeting moment of logical thought
before the lemon frame of mind takes over.

>Sorry Ranchan, your the only one that's gonna be sorry voice picking
>up a little tonight I settle the score once and for all!

Tom: <Ukyou> Dammit! I thought I told the director no vocal cues... but
does he listen? Argh....

>Ukyo walked into view of Ranma, and Ukyo seen something in Ranma's
>face she had never seen in Ranma's face.

Crow: Ranma's acne.

>Complete absolute fear, not the crazed fear he got during the cat fist,
>but the look a man get when he knows that he's going to die.

Tom: Characterizationally speaking, of course.

Joel: Is that a real word?

>Because of this Ukyo decided to quickly go to plan B.

Crow: Turn Ranma loose and apologize profusely while claiming
temporary insanity with the slim hope that Ranma would see how
deeply you were hurt by what you witnessed between him and Akane
and perhaps give him something to think about?

Joel: No, that's plan G.

Crow: Ah.

>She reached behind her and in two quick pulls she was standing there
>in nothing but her underwear.

Tom: Ukyo apparently buys her clothes from a Magic shop.

>Ranma went from frightened to indecisive to lustful in a fraction of
>a second,

Joel: Forget mood swings, that was a mood blur!

>the potion was working well. Ranma leered at her with undisguised
>desire. She sat on the edge of the bed and Ranma once again began
>pulling at his chains.

Tom: <Ukyo> You yanking my chains, Ranma?

>Ukyo: Now Ranma, here is where I get what you owe me. <pause>
>You took something that can never be replaced and your father made
>a promise that can never be fulfilled.

>Now I'm going to take something from you that can never be replaced. ><pause>You're.....You're...<pause> your virginity. * Now lets see what
>he has to say..........

Tom: <pause>

Joel: <stop/eject>

Crow: <magnet>

>he's, he's just sitting there, this is the part where he's supposed to get
>all defensive and argue with me, and I tell him that it doesn't matter
>and I'll take it anyway.

Joel: <Ukyo> Boy, life's so much easier now that I've thrown away all
my morals and ethics! And come to think to it, I don't really need these
feelings of guilt or remorse either! They were holding me back anyway!
Just toss 'em in the trash!

>But he's just sitting th.......wait a second the potion, how could I forget,
>none of that matters to him right now, all he wants is my body. *

Crow: <Ukyo> *Like, DUH, Ukyo! You turned him into a sexually
frustrated vegetable, remember? I swear you'd forget your head if you
didn't keep it in the closet....*

>She stood up from her corner and walked over to the side of the bed.
>Ranma was frantically pulling at the chains and grunting, trying to
>get release. Ukyo was unsure of how to begin, sure she knew how to
>'do it'

Crow: <Ukyo> Heck, don't all women?

>but she didn't know how to start with Ranma all excited like this.

Joel: I would think it would make it considerably easier for Ukyo, since
getting REVENGE is supposed to be her primary motive for doing this....

>Her hands were shaking, her palms were clammy, and she wasn't really
>sure if she wanted to go through with it,

Crow: Look familiar, Joel?

Joel: Now that you mention... Hey!

Tom: But a quick mental flashback of Ranma and Akane kissing and
she was raring to go again!

>again she reflected on her course of action and decided for the last time
>she was doing the only thing that she could.

Crow: <Ukyo> Apologizing, sharing your feelings, talking it out... ALL
WRONG! Rape and kidnap, that's the way to go!

>She reached up and put her hand on his chin and pulled him into a kiss.
>He was like a vacuum cleaner, he practically sucked her lips off before
>pulling herself off him.

Joel: <Ukyo> Cripes, one more kiss like that and I'll look like Angelina Jolie!

>Ukyo: Well, I guess you're ready Ranma, here I come!

All: <singing> She's a man eater!

>She Jumped up on the bed and straddled his midsection and thrust her
>hips foreword. Even through the cotton of his boxers and her panties
>the sensation was great. She moved back and fourth with her hips while
>sliding her hands along his chest, leaving little red streaks as she went.

Joel: <Ukyo> Eeeugh! What's this stuff all over my hands?!?

Tom: I've heard of drawing blood in bed but peeling skin?

Crow: Maybe it's symbolism?

Tom: Looks more like AB+

>After only a few strokes back and fourth she decided that she was ready.
>She backed up off the bed and looked at Ranma, he was filled with a
>sense of loss, just looking at his pathetic face could have made almost
>anyone cry,

All: BUT....

>but Ukyo threw out her hand and in one quick motion ripped off his
>boxers leaving him naked as the day he was born. She removed her
>underwear as well and jumped back on the bed making it bounce

Crow: Yes, it's new bouncy undies! The perfect gift for the trampoline

>Once again Ranma had a almost insatiable look of lust in his eyes

Tom: How can a LOOK be almost insatiable? How does one satisfy a
look anyway?

>and he fought against his bonds but they held tight. She straddled him
>for a second time and slowly began her decent down his hot rod.

Crow: Oh please let that be the ONE and ONLY analogy for Ranma's
genitals in this story....

>Suddenly though Ranma bucked his hips up.
>Ukyo: Owwww... Damn! I can't believe you did that!

Tom: Oh right, you drug Ranma into becoming a mindless creature of
lust and now you expect him to be GENTLE? Give me a break!

>She looks into his face, all she can see is concern written all over it.

Joel: Jigglypuff strikes again.

>Ukyo: * Damn you Ranma, I wanted to do this my way, I wanted to be
>in control, but you took that away, you decided when YOU wanted me
>to lose my virginity. But now your virginity is mine too, I finally have
>my revenge, but I better finish what I started. *

Crow: <Ukyo> Hmmm... vengeance or lust, which am I more in the
mood for today?

Tom: <Ukyo> Sure, I hate Ranma's guts now for betraying me with
Akane, but, darn it, it just wouldn't be right for me to leave Ranma
sexually unsatisfied! Boy, the lengths I go through just to be polite!

>Ukyo looked down at Ranma's face and noticed for the first time the
>level of concern that he was displaying, for a moment she appears a
>little sad but soon she starts moving.

Joel: Yes, it's another moment of dramatic conflict brought to you by
Ukyo '<sob>' Kuonji.

>Ukyo: Maybe you do care for me after all Ranchan but with my luck
>it's just the potion talking.

Tom: Either that or the little voices in her head.

Crow: Considering what she's gotten away with so far, her luck is
nothing short of astounding.

>Ukyo's face was a mask of determination, not to say she wasn't enjoying
>it, far from it, it was just that she was a little more focused then Ranma,
>who let out a grunt or yowl at every movement.

Tom: <Ranma> GRUNT!! You're... YOWL!!! Breaking... GRUNT!
It... YOWL!!!

Joel: Am I the only one who's thinking Ukyo drank some of that potion
as well?

Crow: Nope.

>Ukyo's hands move up to her breasts and she starts to massage them
>with a circular motion, uttering little squeals of delight along the way.

Tom: <Ukyo> Who cares if he shattered my dreams and broke my heart!
The sex is FAN-TASTIC!!!

>She spead up the rhythm, soon she began to wish that she hadn't tied
>Ranma down so he could do more.

Joel: I can think of one crucial thing he could do....

Crow: Really? I have about a dozen I could rattle off right now....

Joel: Hentai.

Crow: Heh.

>In a couple of moments though all thoughts of this are forgotten, she
>was about to climax. Ranma went just a little before her, without warning
>he stiffened up and loaded her with hot cum.

Crow: <Ukyo> In fact, it's TOO HOT!!! YEOWWWWWWW!!!

>A few seconds latter Ukyo came too. She let her body roll to the side
>and fall off the bed,

Tom: Heh. There's a poopy for ya!

Joel: <director> CUT! You all right, Ukyo? Okay, good. Next time,
don't roll over quite so far, okay?

>she was breathing heavily but she could still move.

Crow: <Lloyd Bridges> By this time her loins were aching for air....

>Seconds later she heard a sound, it was low at first, barely audible. It
>grew in volume though,

All: <imitate the rising crescendo from Revolution Number 9>

>it took her a while to realize that it was Ranma who was making the noise,
>she pushed her face up with shaky arms and hazarded a look at Ranma.
>He had the most god-awful look of despair etched on his face Ukyo
>couldn't figure out what was causing it but as she looked down his body
>she found the culprit.

Joel: <Ukyo> Oh, THAT! Don't go worrying about THAT! Size doesn't
matter! Really!

>Ukyo: * With this potion it's sort of like he's under the cat fist, because
>his instincts control him.

Crow: Yeah! That's gotta be the ONLY LOGICAL REASON why
Ranma would be crying right now! Nailed it right on the head!

Joel: LITTLE sarcastic there, Crow?

Crow: Heh, well, maybe a little.

><long pause while she glances down his body>

Tom: <Ukyo> Geez, he's got more body hair than George 'The Animal'

>He's still hard, he isn't finished yet, he must want more, and that hard
>on is killing him. He'll have to live with it, I'm exhausted * She got up
>and went to lie down on the couch. As she was lying there the whimpering
>grew louder until Ranma was practically sobbing. Ukyo got up off the
>couch and stormed over to where Ranma was.

Crow: <Ukyo> Look, it's getting annoying, okay! Don't make me regret
kidnapping you, Ranma!

>Ukyo: <angry> OK Ranma, one more time, just one more and I'm
>going to sleep!

Tom: <Ukyo> Honestly! The things I have to do to get a little vengeance
around here!

>Ukyo straddled Ranma and started the act once again, but one time
>turned into two and two to three and so on

Joel: Sex is like Jell-O...

Crow: There's a lot of jiggling?

Joel: Um... actually I was going to say there's always room for more.

Crow: Right! But there's also a lot of jiggling!

Joel: <sighs> Yes, Crow. There's also a lot of jiggling.

Crow: Hee hee!

>until they had just completed their seventh session of making love.

Tom: Hmmm, I'm guessing she's not angry at him anymore.

>Ukyo collapsed on Ranma and he tried to stir her by moving his hips
>but that failed.

Crow: So next he tried the egg beater and....

>He started whimpering again. Ukyo seemed to stir for a moment, then
>all activity stopped then slowly she pushed herself up and to her feet on
>the side of the bed. She heard Ranma whimpering and turned to him.

Joel: <Ukyo> Hey, Wilt Chamberlain! Give it a rest, willya!

>Ukyo: * Well he's still horney as hell, him and his damn martial arts
>endurance. There is one thing that works to calm me down whenever
>I'm horney, a cold shower. *

Joel: Okay, I'll bite. Where did Ukyo pick up a French accent?

>She leaves the room for a second and when we next see her she has a
>large bucket of water, she sits it down next to the bed and looks at her
>watch 6:15 am. She once again lifted the bucket, this time to eye level.

>Ukyo: Let's see how you like this you horney beast!

Crow: Can YOU guess what's going to happen next?

>She throws the water all over Ranma but the results didn't click in her
>mind until the action was complete.

Tom: I guess having sex eight times in one night WOULD make you a
little light headed....

Crow: Not to mention raw as a....

Joel: Crow!

Crow: Sorry.

>Now where Ranma once laid there was a very wet, very naked, and
>very female Ranme with her hands

Joel: ...around Ukyo's throat as she strangled her.

Tom: And who the heck is Ranme anyway?

>and stood waiting for something, anything to happen. Female Ranma
>crouched up in a manner similar to that when she was a cat and
>pounced toward Ukyo.

Tom: It wasn't the cat fist, mind you, but it was pretty darn close!

Joel: Um... am I missing something or wasn't she supposed to be
chained to the bed?

Crow: The curse couldn't have shrunk her enough to get loose from
those chains! And how did she manage to break free when Male Ranma
couldn't even do it! Continuity, where art thou!?

>It didn't hurt as much as Ukyo expected, as a matter of fact she thought
>it felt pretty good. She opened her eyes and looked down, Ranma was
>attached to her chest gloaping her.

Joel: Gloaping her? Umm, sounds... interesting.

>Ukyo simply stood there shocked, she dropped to her knees and then
>fell forward. All that lovemaking and then this shock had made her faint.

Crow: But mostly it was the lovemaking.

>Ukyo awoke to one of the best things that she could think of,

Tom: A breakfast in bed that she won't have to do the dishes for later?

>her head was propped in the lap of the person she loved most in the
>world and on top of that this person was showing concern for her.

Joel: Her mom?

Tom: Nice thought, Joel, but I doubt it.

>Ukyo: Ranma?

>Ranma's face was overflowing with the undeniable look of relief. She
>grabbed Ukyo up in a hug and swung her around.

Crow: *crack*

Joel: <Ukyo> Ack! My spine!

>Ranma: Oh Ukyo, I was so worried, I didn't know what to do, I'm sorry,
>this must be my fault, please forgive me!

Tom: So this potion CONVENIENTLY erases memory too? Wait,
don't tell me! Shampoo added a little memory erasing shampoo in
case things went wrong?

Crow: Actually... that would make sense.

Joel: Except that she'd need to touch the pressure points on Ranma's
head to make it work.

Crow: Well, I didn't say it made a LOT of sense!

>Ukyo was perplexed by Ranma's actions,

Joel: Oh, the irony....

>then it came back to her, the reason why she was naked, and Ranma
>was naked, and everything in between.

Crow: <Ukyo> Damn... and people accuse Genma of being evil? Get a
load of ME!

>Ukyo: * The potion, of course! Uh oh, I better be careful with what I
>say or do. Or else things might not turn out too nicely.

Joel: To put it mildly.

>Ukyo simply stood there thinking to herself while Ranma rattled on.
>For once Ukyo was paying less attention to Ranma then thinking to

Crow: <bursts out laughing> For ONCE?!? Oh, I suppose Ukyo was
just thinking of Ranma when she kidnapped, drugged and ravaged the
poor guy!

>Ranma: I'll do anything to make it up to you! Please, I love you Ucchan,
>after what we did tonight I recommend that we get married immediately.
>Please, oh pretty please!

(Joel and the bots facefault out of their seats. They sit stunned on the floor
for several moments before returning to their seats, grumbling.)

Joel: Unbelievable....

Crow: Okay, that's it. I've given up on trying to see ANY redeemable
value in this fanfic. From this point on, it's TAKE NO PRISONERS.

Tom: <Shaft> You damn right!

>Ukyo: * Is it me or is Ranchan acting more girlish then usual, yet
>another affect of the potion I guess....wait a second did she say that
>she wanted to marry me, I think she did. Oh this is the happiest day
>of my life, but I couldn't take advantage of Ranma while the potion
>was affecting her, could I? *

Joel: Hey, why stop now? You're on a roll!

>Ukyo: <serious> Ranma I need to know for sure, do you really love me?

>Ranma: With all my heart my dear Ucchan.

>Ukyo: And do you promise that you will marry me, not Akane, not
>Shampoo, not anyone else but me.

>Ranma: You're the only one for me, I love you now and forever.

Joel: <Ukyo> Wow! If I had known things would work out like this, I
would have kidnapped and raped you a long... oops!

>Ukyo: * This must be a dream, things are too perfect. I love her so much
>and now she loves me back, I'm so happy that I could die.

Tom: Well, if you must... could you take this idiotic plot twist with you?

>Meanwhile while Ukyo was lost in thought Ranma noticed something
>else about Ukyo. Something that seemed to be standing out in Ranma's
>mind and the potion true to form kicked in.

Crow: <Ranma> She's got sperm in her hair! Sproingggg!

>Ukyo did not seem to notice it at first but when she did notice she was
>shocked. She looked down to see Ranma suckling one her right nipple
>while playing with one of her own.

Joel: Boy, she really IS out of it.

Crow: Joel, if you were lost in thought, how long would it take you to
notice a girl suckling your breast?

Joel: <blushing> Ummmm... chances are pretty good I'd notice her breath
on my chest first....

>She was so shocked by the sudden change in Ranma's interest that she
>simply stood there and looked at her.

Tom: <Ukyo> This is almost as easy as being in a Mike Rhea fic!

>It was not until Ranma decided to go further and reach towards Ukyo's
>neither regions as she seen this her eyes grew as wide as saucer plates
>and she decided that enough was enough.

>Ukyo: And just what do you think your doing Ranma?

Joel: <Ranma> Reaching towards your neither regions. Why...?

>Ranma: I'm showing how much I love you my darling Ucchan.

>Ukyo: But you've already shown me how much you love me several
>times tonight.

>Ranma: But not as a girl we never made love with me as a girl.

>Ukyo: <yelling> But I don't want to make love to you as a girl!

Crow: <Ukyo as Austin Powers> I want to make love to you as a
MAN, baby!

Joel: <Ukyo> Hey, I would do anything for love, but I won't do that!

>Ranma reeled back as if she was struck by some invisible force. The
>hurt look on her face radiated pure depression.

Joel: And people say Ryouga's heart is fragile?

Crow: <Ranma> B-but you're Saint Ukyo! The sweet, sensitive, caring
girl who loves me for who I am and never hits or insults me like that
tomboy Akane! You're suppose to love me no matter what form I'm in!
How can so many fanfic writers be wrong about us?!?

Tom: Cute, Crow. Real cute.

>Ranma: You hate me don't you? You <sob> hate me!

Tom: Hoo boy. Here we go again with the <sobs>....

>I know that I'm worthless, I know that you couldn't love someone
>cursed like I am. <her voice was breaking>

Joel: Much like the rope holding up any further suspension of disbelief.

Crow: Are you kidding? That thing snapped ages ago!

>I hate myself! Please <sob> please, I know that you hate me <sob> but
>would you do me a favor. Kill me! I'm a <sob> mistake, everybody
>hates me.....I'm no man among men......<sob>.....I'm nothing!

Tom: <Ukyo> *CLANG!* Get a frigging GRIP, Saotome! Cripes, do
you always WHINE like this when you've been drugged? If so, Akane
can have your sorry ass!

>Ukyo was totally shocked by this display, she never knew Ranma was
>this depressed about his curse.

Joel: <Ukyo> Or is it that the potion I used magnified Ranma's self-doubts
and insecurities by ten as well? Nahhhh, it must be the curse.

>Ukyo was getting sick to her stomach, she caused this, the red head that
>was curled up in a ball on the floor racked with sobs and screaming out
>about people hating her.

>Ukyo: * How could I deny Ranchan this, it's a small price to pay to
>make her feel better. *

Crow: <Ukyo> Yeah, no more of this talking through your problems
and sympathizing with them crap! Only the awesome power of SEX
can solve Ranma's emotional problems!

>Ranma come here, you can love me anyway that you want, just be
>careful I'm not used to this. Please Ranchan, I would do anything for
>you, you are a man among men and you are not a mistake, now
>come over here and love me.

Joel: <Ukyo> Prove you're a man among men by making love to me
as a WOMAN!

>Ranma: Really <sob> you don't care that I'm like this you still love me!
>I'm so happy Ucchan, I love you so much it hurts.

Tom: <Ukyo> Tell me about it! I could barely stand up when we were

>Ranma walked over to the bed where Ukyo was sitting and sat down
>next to her.

Tom: <Ukyo> Oh, by the way, how DID you get loose from your chains

Joel: <Ranma> Just call me Houdini, babycakes.

>Ukyo: * Ranma is waiting for me to make the first move, but what am
>I supposed to do, I've never done anything like this before. Maybe I'll
>do what Ranma was doing earlier, just maneuver my face down her

Joel: <Ukyo> Ah yes, I believe I'll start with a grunt and work my way
up to a throaty moan.

>move the arm, and start licking her nipples, piece of cake, actually its
>kind of nice.

Crow: <Ukyo> I should try this on myself someday!

Tom: Heh.

>Ranma's face shifted to a subtle happy smile. Her hands moved to the
>back of Ukyo's head and Ranma fell onto her back to give Ukyo more
>access to her body.

Joel: How much more does she need? She's practically inspected the
entire lot!

>Ukyo: * The curse must affect Ranma more then she lets on, in male
>form Ranma is the aggressor but right now more then anything
>Ranma seems submissive.

Crow: The same aggressor that was whining like a whipped pup for
sex when he was chained up?

>Ranma might not be complaining about this but on the inside I know
>that she wants more and I know just how to give it to her.

Joel: <Ukyo> If it works for me, it works for ALL women everywhere!

>When I forsook my woman hood all those years ago I also vowed never
>to masturbate again because it would remind me that I was a woman.
>I'm afraid I'm going to be a little out of practice at this but it will have
>to do. Just take my hand and move it down here and move this finger
>here and in and out.......*

Crow: <Ranma> ACK! Not THERE! Up a little!

Tom: <Ukyo> Hey, I said I was out of practice! Deal with it!

>Ranma's hips were bucking wildly, suddenly her face screwed up and
>her body tensed.

>Ranma: Uccchannnn!!!!

Joel: <Ukyo> That's my name, ask me again and I'll tell you the

>Ukyo: * Not bad for being ten years out of practice, I hope that this girl
>Ranma doesn't have the sex drive of the boy Ranma otherwise I might
>really be in for some trouble.

Crow: <Ukyo> And me without a pop-o-matic bubble.

>Is, is she sleeping, I think that she fell asleep. Now that's a relief, I'm
>pretty pooped myself, looks like its time for both of us to get some
>shut eye. *Good night my love......

All: <singing> Goodnight, my someone... Goodnight, my love....

>Hour's later Ukyo awoke to someone whispering in her ear.

Joel: <whispering> You have the right to remain silent... anything
you say, can and will be used against you in a court of law....

>Ranma: Ucchan.......Ucchan......wake up.......its almost one in the
>afternoon. You don't want to waste the day away do you?

Tom: <Ranma> We've got a lot more boinking to do!

>Ukyo just sat there pretending to be sleeping. Enjoying her Finance's
>attention. She was so happy that she could cry.

Crow: <Ukyo> Who needs a fiance when I've got MONEY to take care
of me!

Joel: Ah, the Nabiki Tendo Guide to Love.

>Ukyo: * Ranma's still here, what do I do? Look at the clock, see how
>much time I have before the potion wears off.......where is that stupid
>clock......ahhhhh its 12:48 still have plenty of time. What should I
>do......what do people do in the mornings......

Joel: Sleep in till noon?

Crow: Whenever possible.

Tom: Thank goodness this author always keeps us informed of what
time it is. Oops, speaking of which, it's time for a break, guys.

>I know I can make breakfast, that's it, breakfast......* Hey Ranchan, you
>up for some breakfast?

Joel: (standing up) Shouldn't that be lunch? It is 12:48 after all.

Crow: Lunch sounds good right about now. Wanna get some grub and
have ourselves a little chat afterwards, Tom?

Tom: A chat, huh? Eh, why not.

(Joel picks up Tom and follows Crow out of the theater)

* * *

#MST3K [+nl 3000] Insert Funny Slogan Here

* GoldenSpider-DuckofLove enters the chatroom

* TomServoPrime enters the chatroom

<TomServoPrime> The hell?!

<GoldenSpider-DuckofLove> hello ppl eny ladies 18+ here want 2 cyber
with a studly 21/m?

<TomServoPrime>: CROW!! You *know* we're the only people on the
stupid server, *especially* after you scared Gypsy off like that...

<GoldenSpider-DuckofLove> DoEs Ne1 hAvE pR0N?

<TomServoPrime> * TomServoPrime transforms into his Super-God-
Tom-Servo form and shoots his Gumball Ray of Death at GoldenSpider-

* GoldenSpider-DuckofLove sets mode +l 69

<TomServoPrime> I shot you. You're dead now.

<GoldenSpider-DuckofLove> Hah, no you didnt!! I'm the god, I'M THE

<GoldenSpider-DuckofLove> I decide who live and who dies. u die.

* TomServoPrime has been kicked out of #MST3K by GoldenSpider-
DuckofLove (Hah Hah AHAAAHAHA!!)

* TomServoDelta enters the chat room.

<TomServoDelta> Back.

<GoldenSpider-DuckofLove> WTF?!?

* TomServoDelta has been added as a host by TomServoDelta.

<GoldenSpider-DuckofLove> Hey! How did you lean the self op code?

* GoldenSpider-DuckofLove has been kicked out of #MST3K by
TomServoDelta (You won't live long enough for it to matter.)

* DonIncognito enters the chat room.

<DonIncognito> Op me?

<TomServoDelta> Oh come on, Crow... do you honestly think I'm that

<DonIncognito> Well I was kinda hoping...

* DonIncognito has been kicked out of #MST3K by TomServoDelta
(Hope in one hand, crap in the other, see which piles up first!)

* Joel enters the room.

<Joel> Hey, Tom.

<TomServoDelta> Hey, Joel, is it time to go back into the theater yet?

<Joel> Nah, I was bored and decided to kill some time. Where's Crow?

<TomServoDelta> Eh, probably off sulking somewhere. Serves him right
for messing with the almighty <imitates fanfare> OPS MASTER SERVO!!!

<Joel> That's cute, Tom. Speaking of which, mind if I have ops?

<TomServoDelta> Oh, sure!

* Joel has been added as a host by TomServoDelta

<Joel> Thanks!

* TomServoDelta has been kicked out of #MST3K by Joel
(<Dark Helmet> Fooled you!)

*Joel is now known as CrowingVictory

* <CrowingVictory> Heh heh heh... He never saw it coming....

* TomServoBeta enters the room.

* TomServoBeta has been added as a host by TomServoBeta

<TomServoBeta> It's go time, Beakman!

* CrowingVictory has been kicked out of #MST3K by TomServoBeta
(Who's your daddy, Crow?!?)

* 2LiveCrow enters the chat room

* 2LiveCrow has been added as a host by 2LiveCrow

<TomServoBeta> What the... ?!?

<2LiveCrow> HAHAHAHHAHAHA! Now its a fair fight!

* TomServoBeta has been kicked out of #MST3K by 2LiveCrow

* GigaTomBomb enters the chat room

<GigaTomBomb> Oh, it's on now!

* Joel enters the chat room

* 2LiveCrow has been kicked out of #MST3K by GigaTomBomb
(Payback's a b****, b****!!)

* TheBigCrowboski enters the chat room

* GigaTomBomb has been kicked out of #MST3K by TheBigCrowboski
(Ground control to Major Tom: you've been grounded!)

*TheWho'sTommy enters the chat room

<Joel> Guys... sorry to interupt but it's time to go back into the theater.

<TheWho'sTommy> Dang, already?

<TheBigCrowboski> Aw, just when we were really getting into it too...

<TheWho'sTommy> Shall we continue this RP later?

<TheBigCrowboski> Of course. BBL.

* TheWho'sTommy leaves the chat room. (I'm HUGE!)

* TheBigCrowboski leaves the chat room. (I'm too sexy for my gears.)

* Joel leaves the chat room. (Well, at least they haven't discovered
nuking yet....)

*GypsyRose enters the chat room

<GypsyRose> Whew! Thought those guys would never leave!

*Richard_Baseheart enters the chat room

<GypsyRose> Yayyyy! :) :) :)

<Richard_Baseheart> Ah, my darling, I must confess to being new at this...
so why don't you lead me through it....

<GypsyRose> Um... okay. :)

<GypsyRose> Oh my! I almost forgot!

*You have been kicked out of #MST3K by Gypsy (Sorry about this, but
sometimes a girl and her man need their privacy! ;P)


Hiya! I hope you're enjoying this MSTing so far! As with my other two part
MSTings, There's lots more fun and weirdness to come in the second part,
including another silly song parody by the Satellite of Love! So don't skip it
or you'll only be missing out on some great riffs and skits. ;)