Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ A Tail To Remember ❯ Questions Asked, Questions Raised--LIME ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
A Tail To Remember
Chapter Three: Questions Asked, Questions Raised

~Chikyuu, Several hundred feet above the ground~

Bulma gasped as her breath was taken away when she was
whisked away from the floating palace. She reacted only by instinct
as she wrapped her arms around Vejiita's neck and molded her body
to his, getting as close as possible to him within his embrace. Vejiita
grunted and held her tighter, adjusting his grip for her body's

Bulma caught her breath and looked around. They were flying
through a bank of puffy clouds. She looked into her ride's face,
studying his features and characteristics. She brushed a lock of
hair out of her eyes and touched Vejiita's cheek. He looked startled
at her touch and quickly recovered, forming his usual scowl of

"You know, you do look similar, Vejiita. I can see some of the
same facial characteristics."

"You're talking nonsense, Onna. I resemble the King, and
Seiika resembles his mate."

"You mean your mother?"

"I meant what I said, baka. She resembles his mate. I had
no mother. That would imply I was born, and nurtured in such a

She looked surprised at his comment. "What do you mean you
weren't born? Everyone is 'born', in one way or another."

He scowled a bit but continued anyway. "Saiya-jiin do not
grow their spawn within a female's womb. They have the capability
for it, yes, but in the higher-classes, the fetus is removed as soon as
possible and put into incubation tanks, where they will grow until
they are ready to handle the harsh environment that Vejiita-sei
offered. The females were warriors as well, and you did not know
when a fight or battle would break out. It could cause harm to the
child, so they were removed. The tanks sped the process as well,
cutting gestation time in half. In the tanks, a gestation period is
only three months. Within the womb, the spawn is 'born' about six
months after fertilization." They broke through the cloud bank and
soared through the stars, Vejiita unconsciously slowing down.

"So you and Seiika grew in the incubation tanks?"

He nodded. "Hn."

She looked into his face, and unconsciously curled closer to
him. "Do you ever miss Vejiita-sei, Vejiita? The people, and the

He snorted. "Why would I have useless feelings about some
debris floating in space? Onna, you talk too much!"

"Vejiita..." He just ignored her and directed his attention
straight ahead.

"Okay, then." Bulma knew she wouldn't get an answer for her
question, but asked another instead. "On Chikyuu, multiple births
are fairly common. Were they on Vejiita-sei?"

He shook his head and glanced at her as they swooped around
in the sky. "Iie. Actually, they are very rare. The scientists were
surprised to find two fertilized fetuses with the King's mate's womb.
They heralded it as a sign of the Legendary Super Saiya-jiin being
born." He smirked at her. "And they were right. I will become the
Legendary, no matter what."

She smiled at him and rested her head on his shoulder.
"Sure, Vejiita, whatever you say." She curled closer to him,
tucking her nose into the grooves of his well-defined neck. She
buried and wrapped a hand within his stiff, wiry, black hair. The
small female closed her blue eyes and quickly fell asleep, lulled into
slumber by his heartbeat and his warmth.

Vejiita looked down at the blue-haired female he carried in
his arms and scowled at her. But he couldn't keep the scowl for long.
It melted into a tender gaze that drifted over her form, settling on
her facial features. He burned the delicate structure of her
peaceful face into his memory as she slept on, unaware of the rest
of the world around her. He unconsciously held her even closer than
before and kept going into the night.


They arrived back at Capsule Corp, and Vejiita touched down
on Bulma's bedroom balcony. He pushed open the unlatched door
with his hip, careful not to disturb the delicate cargo nestled in his
arms. He laid her down on her bed as carefully as he could, but she
wouldn't let go of his hair. Gently, he pried her fingers open and
pulled her arm down. He lifted her up to get at the covers and
brought them over her, tucking her in for the night.

The Saiya-jiin Prince hesitated, and sitting on the bed next
to her, he bent over and brushed his lips over her exposed neck,
flicking his tongue across the vein that pulsed there. He pulled back
and stared into her face, brushing a stray lock of hair away from
her cheek. "What have you done to me, Onna?" he whispered out
loud, his black gaze burning a trail on her porcelain skin. "Why does
my stomach churn at the sight of you? Why do my fingers tremble
when I sense you are near? What are these sensations that block
my brain from rational thought when you speak to me?"

He was about to stand and leave, but Bulma's hand on his arm
froze him in place. He watched as she opened her eyes and spoke,
her own voice a husky whisper. "What have you done to me, Otoko?
Why do my toes tingle when you speak to me? Why does my spirit
ache when you are not near? Why does my blood boil when you look
my way?" She raised her hand from his arm, and touched his cheek,
her silky fingers caressing the olive skin softly. He closed his eyes
and leaned into the touch.

She brought up her other hand and drew his face down to
hers for a kiss. She pressed her lips upon his and poured through
that one gentle touch, skin upon skin, all of her pent-up emotions
that she was afraid to show, for her fear she would be shunned and
rejected by the Dark Prince was great.

Vejiita didn't know what to make of the motion, but knew
enough to know how to adapt to return the kiss, albeit a little
clumsily. He sensed that this was a big step for her, and responded
accordingly. He poured into his first kiss all of his locked-away
emotions for her; the own fear of ridicule and rejection, and the
shame for not knowing how to express them correctly in the first
place. She wrapped her arms around his neck and drew him closer,
deepening the kiss with her actions.

His eyes flew open when he felt her mouth open and her
tongue slide across his lips. Her tongue parted his slack lips and
slipped inside, caressing and exploring the unknown and undiscovered
depths. He started to pull away, but to his surprise, Bulma's grip
held him fast. She sped up her ministrations of the Dark Ouji, and
he finally gave in to her temptations, plunging into her mouth with
his own slick appendage, gently battling with her corresponding
muscle for dominance of the black orifaces.

His hands began to roam on their own, touching, teasing and
exploring her hair, neck, and shoulders. He finally broke free of her
grip and released her mouth, pulling away slightly to look into her
face; her usually pale features brightly flushed with nervousness
and arousal. He knew his was in the same state, and did nothing to
hide such a fact.

He panted above her, trying to regain the breath that had
been stolen in the virigin exchange. Bulma gave him a soft smile and
smoothed back his hair, only for it to bounce right back into place.
She giggled at the stubborn locks that were in synchronization with
his temperment; she brushed her hands across his forehead, tracing
the permanent scowl lines that were etched in his soft skin. He
made the crevices into trenches and she let out another giggle. Her
hand and fingers ventured lower and combed through his bristly
eyebrows; the tips caressing the thin eyelashes that lined the lids.
Vejiita let out a quiet moan as she slowly brought her lips up to
brush the nobby ridge where they met.

His groan deepened to a primal, growling sound--almost a
thick purr--within the back recesses of his throat as he buried his
face in the curves of her neck. He brought his teeth into play and
gave her light, feathery nips along her creamy neck and collarbone,
his tongue lightly retracing their path. Bulma moaned in response,
and buried her hands in his thick mane of hair, encouraging him
without words to continue with what he was doing.

Switching sides, he dragged his sharp canines across her
neck, feeling the thick veins pulse with her lifeblood under his
wandering tongue. He moved lower, to her shoulders, nipping a path
all the way down. He teased the moistened skin with his gloveless
fingers, the tips barely brushing across her skin. Bulma gasped at
the touch and she called out his name, her eyes screwed shut as the
sensations quickly rendered her senseless . She writhed under him,
trying to control the sweeping emotions that flew across her
hyperactive synapses. He drew back, gazing into her pleasure driven
features, studying her, searching for a sign. He just wasn't sure
what sign he was looking for.

Bulma opened her eyes when she felt Vejiita stop teasing her
neck. She looked into the searching face of the male next to her,
his midnight-hued eyes boring into her own twilight-hued ones. She
threw him a grin and tilted her head slightly to one side, returning
his stare with an equal amount of force and passion.

Vejiita took that as the sign he was looking for. He broke the
gaze of her and honored her with a gentle smile, a rare sight for the
Ouji. He lowered himself again and giving the base of her neck a
light lick and a small kiss, he bared his teeth and bit down, breaking
the thin skin with his sharp canines, creating a thin river of red
blood. He quickly lapped it up with his tongue and slowly sucked on
the wound, drawing out the excess life-giving essence. His eyes
rolled back in his head as the thick fluid poured down his throat, the
heady taste rich to his senses.

Bulma was not expecting him to bite her and she cried out in
shock and in pain. The painful sensations quickly changed for the
better as she purred under his careful attention to the site of the
wound, tingles shooting out from her neck, bouncing all over her
body with each sweep of his tongue and each draw of his firm lips.
She began to pant, the excitement he stirred deep within her
threatened to send her over an edge she had never experienced with
this male.

Vejiita pulled himself away from Bulma's neck, reluctantly
disconnecting himself from the addictive drink. The scent of her
blood filled his nose as he took in a deep, calming breath. But also
within that one intake, his keen sense of smell detected another
change--the scent of Bulma's arousal. He smirked at her, and with
one arm, pulled Bulma into his lap; straddling her across his legs so
she sat face-to-face with him. He turned his head away from her
and exposed his neck. "Mark me, Bulma, as I have Marked you."

She stared at his tanned face, his black eyes closed in
anticipation of her action. She touched his muscled neck, and the
cords of steel flexed from tension. "I won't be able to break the
skin; my teeth aren't as sharp as yours."

His voice was harsh with emotion, and he squeezed his eyes
shut in concentration. "You will, Onna. My ki is low enough. Just do
it." With an expression of doubt, she leaned forward and brushed
her lips across his skin. He shuddered at the tingly sensation she
created, but remained as still as possible. She kissed his neck,
jawline, and shoulders, running her tongue along the same path.
Vejiita growled deep in his throat, and gained a response of a purr.
He urged her to continue by turning his head even more, straining
the veins and arteries near the surface. They bulged with each beat
of his heart. Concentrating on one spot at the base of his neck,
right above the shoulder blade, Bulma sucked on the area, softening
the skin and drawing the blood closer to the surface. Without giving
Vejiita any early warning, she bared her small teeth and sank her
own incisors deep into the fleshiness of his neck, puncturing the
tanned skin. Bulma slowly lapped up the blood that flowed from the
flesh wound, noting that Saiya-jiin blood had a sweeter taste to it,
rather than the metallic taste human blood was known. She kissed
the Mark she created, taking special care of tiny puncture wounds,
forming a small circle. The blood had stopped flowing and she finally
looked up into the face of Her Prince.

Vejiita did get caught by surprise when she finally made the
Mark--he sucked in his breath and purred contentedly and his hands
gripped Bulma's waist tighter. A warm, pleasant tingling sensation
started at the sight of the wound, traveling throughout the rest of
his body, sending shivers up and down his spine. He opened his onyx
eyes and turned into His Princess' sapphire ones staring into his own.

"You know what this means, Onna, right?" Bulma hesitated
for a moment, thinking of what their actions actually meant, both in
a symbolic and physical nature. She nodded her head in response,
not breaking her gaze. "You are mine, now. And I am yours. We
have begun the Mating Ceremony. Nothing can sever these ties.
They are eternal." She brought up her hands and drew his face
closer to hers for a searing kiss. He returned it willingly, but soon
broke the contact. He looked deep into her eyes and gently enclosed
her nose between his teeth, and waited for her reaction, and

Soon, Vejiita felt, and with no hesitation on her part, Bulma
clasp his chin within her own set of small teeth, gripping his flesh in
a gentle hold. They stayed that way for several moments, and
Vejiita released the 'kiss.' He wrapped her in his powerful arms and
rested his chin on her shoulder, sighing quietly.

Bulma wrapped her own arms around his chest and returned
the sigh, her fingers caressing the hard muscles of his back. They
sat there, quiet, content to just bask in each other's presence.

She was the first to break the silence. "So, where do we go
from here?"

"Does it matter?"

She pulled back so she could see his expression. "Of course
it does, Vejiita." He rolled his eyes. She thought for a moment.
"You said the...Marking...was the beginning of the Mating Ceremony."
Bulma blinked at the word 'Mating.' But she shook her head, deciding
to think about the term later. "What's the rest?"

He closed his eyes in concentration, remembering learned
lessons from the past. "The Bond, itself, is in its infancy. It will be
complete when the Ceremony is performed. There are three stages
to the Ceremony. The Marking, the Bonding, and the Union." His
cheeks tinted a slight pink, and he bowed his head slightly.

Bulma looked at him confusedly. "And we just did the
Marking?" He opened his eyes and nodded. "What is involved with
the other two?"

He sighed, but continued, knowing she needed to know this.
"The Bonding is a ceremony that is performed, much like the
exchange of vows your human customs use. And the Union...is the
'physical completion' of the Ceremony."

She scrunched her face in confusion. "Physical completion?"
Her eyes widened with recognition as she saw him blush deeper. "Oh!
Physical completion!" Her lips parted, showing gleaming teeth, and
Bulma wrapped her arms around his neck, pressing the length of her
torso up against his chest. "I just might be ready for the next step,
Vejiita-chan," she purred at him.

He blushed even deeper and purred back at her, nuzzling her
jawline and ear. "I can tell you are, Onna, but I am not." Her eyes
widened as a thought crossed her mind. He scowled as he read her
expression. "The Ceremony that must be performed for the Bonding
to be complete needs to be prepared and readied. It can not just be
performed spontaneously. I must ready myself for it, and so must

Her expression softened and she leaned forward to nuzzle
his ear, and brush it with her lips. "Forget the ceremony--let's

His response to her offer was a throaty growl, and he pushed
her back and stood up, scooping her legs up in his arms. She
squealed and latched her arms around his neck. He walked around
the bed and laid her back down in her original position of the night.
The Prince stood up, drinking in the complete sight of her. He bent
down and bit her nose again; she responded in kind and wrapped her
arms around his neck. He released her nose and unwrapped her
arms. He stood up and pulled the blankets over her, re-tucking her
in for the night.

Bulma blinked in surprise. She definitely wasn't expecting
him to do that. She silently cursed his heritage and pride.

He smirked at her. "Not tonight, Onna. I have to train that
brat at dawn, remember? Get some sleep." He turned to leave and
retire in his room, but Bulma called out to him.

"Vejiita, matte." He stopped and turned around, a small
frown flashing across his features.


She patted the spot next to her in the king-size bed. "Stay
with me, tonight." He hesitated, and shook his head. "Onegai?"

He watched her expression get doe-eyed, and felt his resolve
crumble. He gave her a giant scowl and turned to the attached
bathroom. "Fine, Onna. Let me shower first." He closed the door
and Bulma giggled as she tore off the blankets.

She opened a set of drawers and changed into a pair of
flowered silk pajamas. She heard the water start to run and ran
into Vejiita's room, retrieving a clean pair of boxers, his normal
sleeping attire. She slipped into the very steamy bathroom and
placed them on the vanity, along with a fresh, fluffy towel. She let
out another giggle when she flushed the toilet on her way out,
making the water go extremely cold. Vejiita let out a string of
curses and peeked around the curtain to see Bulma closing the door.
He cursed again and continued with his shower.

When he finished and returned to Bulma's bedroom, he was
greeted with the sight of her sitting up in bed, a soft light on the
night stand haloing her body. He cursed himself mentally for
resisting such a sight. She gave him a shy smile and watched him
climb into bed next to her. She turned off the light and began to
get comfortable for the night.

Vejiita watched her form as she turned the light off. He felt
her move close to him and he lifted his arm to let her curl into his
body heat. He inhaled her scent--apples and a spice of some kind.
But what he savored most of all was her natural scent--she
definitely was all female--and still aroused, but that scent was
beginning to fade. He cursed himself once more for having such a
temptation, right in front of him--a willing temptation. And his. His
alone. He would prepare and preform the Mating Ceremony as soon
as possible--the tension in his stomach and in his soul would not let
the Bond go uncompleted for long. He buried his nose in her hair
and breathed deeply, covering himself that that intoxicating aroma.
He would never get enough. Vejiita then pulled the small female in
front of him closer, wrapping his arm securely around her tiny waist
and his tail around her leg.

Bulma snuggled close to his muscular body and felt contented
and safe. She reached for his free arm and wrapped it around her
neck, using his massive bicep for a convenient pillow. She breathed
in his scent; fresh-smelling from the shower with a hint of
tantalizing male-musk and...apples? She realized that he must have
used her shampoo. She gave a sigh of contentment and closed her

She turned her head and caught the corner of his slightly
slack mouth with hers. "Good night, Vejiita-chan."

"Hn." He paused for a moment. "'Night, Onna." With that,
they settled in for the night.

~The FarSide of Pluto~

The officers were assembled on the bridge of the Tokemonu,
watching the view screen display the Sol system in three dimensions.
One officer walked around the display, peering at the planets.
"Enlarge third from center."

The display filled with an image of a rotating Chikyuu. The
same officer spoke with disdain. "This is the only planet in this
system with intelligent inhabitants? How...puny. Look at all the
water. There's more water on the planet than land. There can't be
all that many people living on it."

"Oh, but there are, Violet. They live in thickly concentrated

"Marigold, are they technologically advanced?" Violet asked.

He shrugged. "They have a lot of room to grow, but they are
getting there. Some areas are more advanced than others, as in the
large cities, but that is to be expected." Marigold explained.

Another voice spoke up. "What about their protection?
Police force? Warriors?"

Marigold spoke again. "They have the customary police force,
Rose, but they are of no consequence. Pathetic nothings."


Marigold was hesitant. "They do have some warriors, called
'Z Senshi.' It's rumored that they were the ones that took on
Friezer on the now demolished Namek-sei and extinguished him."

Rose interrupted. "Friezer? I heard that he fell to

Violet perked up. "Vejiita-sei was demolished as well, by
Friezer. The race is dead."

A fourth voice spoke, quietly. "Vejiita no Ouji was supposed
to have worked for Friezer. Could he have been the one?"

"If it was, Daisy, then we might have a problem." Violet
sighed, turning away from the display and faced the fifth unnamed
officer. "What if there are Saiya-jiin on this waterball, Iris? What
will we do then? The Drones are no match to their ki abilities."

Iris spoke from the shadows. "We will deal with the
Saiya-jiin and their Z senshi when we arrive, if they are there at
all. The scientists are working on breeding a new strain of Drones at
this very moment, that produce their own ki, instead of using the
absorption discs we have in the past."

The other four nodded and watched Chikyuu rotate silently.
Daisy spoke up. "What of the Queen on Chikyuu? Will we be
able to find a suitable Queen?"

Marigold flipped through the papers in front of him. "Chikyuu
does have its strong females. We should find a suitable host for the
Queen to use with no problems." He looked up at Iris.

Iris nodded. "All right, then. Send the first set of Scout
Drones, and we'll see what happens. When would they arrive if
launched immediately?"

Violet hit a few keys on a console panel. "If we send Team
Alpha in the Light Pods, they would arrive on Chikyuu in about a
week, give a day or so."

Iris nodded again. "Good. Daisy, prepare your troops. You'll
follow in their flight. Dismissed." The four surrounding him nodded
and left the bridge to complete their assigned tasks. Iris continued
to watch Chikyuu rotate. "Saiya-jiin or no, Chikyuu will become part
of the Hive. I will see to it personally, if I must." He hit a button
and Chikyuu disappeared from the screen.


~Capsule Corp, That Same Night~

Later in the night, while the stars blinked brightly and the
waxing moon still shne bright in the sky, Vejiita was startled out of
his slumber by movement next to him. He saw, and felt, Bulma
tossing around restlessly. He scowled through bleary eyes and
flipped over. But soon flipped back when he heard her cry out. He
noticed she was still sleeping, but there was a thin sheen of sweat
that lined her forehead, and she was restlessly tossing her head
back and forth, mumbling incoherent words and sounds.

He reached over and shook her awake. "Onna...Onna. Bulma,
wake up!" She abruptly sat up, panting. Her eyes darted around
wildly, not focusing on anything in particular.

"Stay away, stay away! You won't get her!"

"What are you talking about, Onna?"

"Stay back! You won't get her!" She held her arms out in a
gesture that mimicked her words. She seemed to be protecting
something to her right.

Vejiita scowled. "You're talking nonsense! Won't get what?"

"Stop! Protect the Princess!"

Vejiita was officially thoroughly confused. Princess? His
eyes widened in realization. She was talking about Seiika! He
grabbed her shoulders. "What about the Princess? Where's

Bulma shook her head and moaned in despair. "Serori's down.
Goku's down, Vejiita's down! Gohan...Gohan! Transform and protect
the Princess!" With that, Bulma closed her eyes again and fell back
down on the bed.

Vejiita just stared at her in shock. Protect the Princess?
What creature would be so strong and powerful to knock both him
and Kakarotto down? And Serori? He frowned down at the woman
next to him. Why was she saying these things? A thought crossed
his mind--she was still sleeping! So it was a dream? Vejiita shook
Bulma again. "Bulma, wake up."

Bulma slowly blinked her eyes open and rubbed them in
confusion. "Vejiita? What's wrong? Why did you wake me up?"

"Wake you up?" He snorted. "Onna, you woke me up! What
were you dreaming about?"

She rubbed her eyes again. "Dreaming? I..." A look of
understanding crossed her face. "I was talking in my sleep again,
wasn't I?" He nodded impatiently. "I tend to do that. Gomen." She
looked away sheepishly.

"What were you dreaming about? You need to remember.
You must remember!"

She looked up at the ceiling, trying to remember the wisps of
her dream. "Let's see, I was eating some chocolate ice cream with
strawberries...oh wait. I won't get into that one." She giggled. He
snorted again, and crossed his arms. "Okay, okay. Let's see, I was
in a meadow. Almost everyone was there. There were these strange
black and white striped creatures everywhere; some were on the
ground and some were floating in the air." A faraway look crossed
her face as she talked. "I watched as the creatures attacked
everyone. The Chikyuu senshi and some others were the first to
fall, then a tall male--I don't recognize him. Then you and Goku fell.
Well, you didn't actually fall, but you stopped moving for some
reason. The three of you looked different, though. Your hair was
blond and you had green eyes--quite handsome, actually."

She gave him a smile. He didn't see or react to it because he
was staring out into the darkness. "Three Super Saiya-jiin. That
means I do reach the Super level!" He blinked and looked back at
Bulma. "Who's the third?"

She shrugged her shoulders in reply. "I don't know. He was
standing in front of a short female, though." She furrowed her
eyebrows. "The female looked a little like you, Vejiita-chan. Maybe
that's Serori and Seiika?"

He nodded in agreement. "They probably are, then. Then
what happened?"

She closed her eyes and concentrated on the fading wisps of
her dream. "Gohan arrived with two other males. The other two
were in Super Saiya-jiin form." She opened her eyes and blinked at
him. "Two more Saiya-jiin? Super ones, at that?"

He shook his head. "Never mind that, now. What happened
to Seiika?"

Bulma closed her eyes again. "Gohan-chan and the two others
start trashing these creatures, but the creatures are really strong.
The two new Saiya-jiin are struck with this green light. And Gohan
is attacking what looks like the leader, or someone in charge." She
opened her eyes and shook her head. "That's all I can remember.
That's when I woke up." She frowned deeply and rubbed her
temples. "These creatures are what Kami-sama sensed earlier,
aren't they? When I was younger, I used to have prophetic dreams.
Nothing big or anything, but it freaked my parents out. They went
away when I was around eleven or so. But if they're back, that
means trouble."

She scooted closer to the male next to her and wrapped her
arms around him. "Don't leave me, Otoko. Please don't leave me."

He scowled at her, but seeing tears welling up in her eyes,
softened his expression and placed an arm around her. "Don't worry,
Onna. Nothing will take you away from me." His face became stern.
"Nothing at all."

"I'll hold you to that, Vejiita."

He smirked at her. "I know you will. Now, go back to sleep.
You look like crap."

She slapped him on the chest lightly. "Shut up, baka. Like
you look better yourself." He laid down on his back, and pulled her
down and close to him in the process. She rested her head on his
broad chest and wrapped a free arm across him. Soon she was
asleep, but tossing restlessly again.

Vejiita growled at her tossing and turning, and brought her
into his arms once again. She woke up at the movement and
helplessly looked at him. "Gomen nasai. I keep seeing parts of the

He grunted and held her tighter. "Onna, the things I put up
with for you...If you showed as much violence in a battlefield than
you do in this bed, even Friezer would have run away screaming."
She just buried her face in his chest and sighed. Soon, a
low-pitched humming sound was heard, and Bulma felt Vejiita's chest
begin to vibrate in unison with the sound. The combination of the
vibrating, his heartbeat, and the heat he gave off from his body
quickly lulled her back into sleep.

Several times she woke up again, but Vejiita's humming put
her right back to sleep.

Vejiita, however did not sleep the rest of the night. He
thought about Bulma's dream and what consequences will befall
them. He swore mentally to himself about not being ready for an
attack, even though it hadn't happened yet. Then he remembered
his 'pupil' in the morning. He smirked and started to dream up
countless ways to take his frustration out on the brat. Finally, dawn
broke free of the night, and with a last look and brush of his lips on
her neck and nose, he vanished from Capsule Corp. and into the
sunrise, to train his first student to use his tail's abilities properly.
