Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ A Wild Horse in Eberron ❯ Prologue. ( Chapter 1 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
The Last War has finally ended in the continent of Khorvaire; the nation of Cyre is no more. In its place a ravaged landscape dwelled by ghosts, constant spells that will kill any one it touches, the air of the old Cyre is filled with constant plums of acidic gas, no living creature can live in this climate…except for a race that only begun to gain consciousness, the warforged. Now, the warforged are machines, but unlike machines they have conscious. The warforged, were considered to be irrational creatures before the Last War. They had followed orders and used as proxy soldiers instead of the human fighting their own war…
The nation of Karnath borders the Northeast side of the old Cyre or as it is known now as the Mourneland. Karnath has been ravished by the Last War, but not to the point it has been to the point of the Mourneland. The King of Karnath has one deep secret that few know this secret is the result of “a deal with the devil.” He has taken this last step to protect his nation thus gained the support of the Blood of Vol.
When mentioned the Blood of Vol one cannot just move on to another subject since I have intrigued you with this show we say…cult. Blood of Vol is a cult but it does have a private army, the Emerald Claw. The Blood of Vol was created by Vol, a half-dragon and the other half vampire. When she was human, she was consumed by a greed and hatred none but the Fury can match. Thus began her downward spiral to creation of this cult of undead. It is their belief that being undead is a blessing, and it is their creed to spread their…compassion to everyone if they wanted or not. Vol herself was in the Lhazaar Principalities, before she tried to kill me with her army of undead, because of I took the necromancy portfolio and ascend to godhood. The citizens of the Principalities consist of pirates and the likes. Of course, my companion and friend, Grimlikin the god of grimlikins, mischief, wealth, and treachery, loves this place. Even though his idea of fun is stealing little shiny trinkets from other god. I gave him this land after the palace was wiped out by a Meteor Swarm courtesy of yours truly.
Between the land of Karnath and Vol's stronghold is a chain of Mountain. This is the home of my dwarves, Mror Holds. Mror Holds had remained neutral during the Last War. However, this does not mean they did not have any commercial involvement in the Last War. This is my stronghold and my home, I have been banished to this world by the Supreme god of the other world because I have gained too much power and offset the balance of good and evil too much in favor for evil. However, that is another story. Now my dwarves, before I came and became their protector and their inspiration for greatness, so I have been told that they have gained most of their military surplus during this war. Enough of my people's home, I will move on.
Southwest of my beloved Mror Holds, is the Talenta Plains, home of the halflings. They have some of the greatest relationship with reptilian creatures, however this land has also another race, which I have given my respect and began to worship me, the shrewd-like humanoids, Armands. It is through the Armands' eyes, which I began to understand the land of Khorvair.
South of the Talenta Plains is the land of my racial enemy…the elves, I am a duergar, in dwarven language it means grey dwarf. So I will not go into detail about this land other than this land is called Valenar and this land is also under my jurisdiction.
Northwest of Valenar, is the marsh of Q'barra, I have to kill off a black dragon to free the Armand from his control, thus they began to worship me. Thus technically Q'barra is under my control.
South of Valenar is the island where the drow, the dark elf, made their home and the Undying Court is held. The Undying Court is filled with goodness that could make me choke, because they are good undead. I have tried to eliminate their power they are no longer intelligent but mindless undead creature. However, they still are an eyesore and have good impulses.
This is the land east of the Mourneland, now we move on to the west side of Mourneland. Where should I begin…mmm…I shall begin in the Demon Waste, this is the main source of my magic. Every three thousand years I will return to this land to regain some of my power. This is a land dominated by Rakashas, cat-like demons.
East of the Demon Waste is the Eldeen Reaches, another home for the damn elves. Like Valenar, I will not go into too much detail. West of the Eldeen Reaches is the land known as Shadow Marches. Yes…this is another home of those blasted elves, but there is something in the Shadow Marches, which peaks my curiosity…the Cult of the Dragon Below. These people believe that one-day will explode from the inside out. The Dragon Below is the Dragon that control the lower half of this realm...Eberron is named after the Dragon that rules this realm. Droaam the land of the reptilians, the Talentans get most of their diplomatic support from Droaam. Aundair and Thrane are two places that need to be wipe off Eberron forever…their self-sacrificing doctrines can make anyone choke. Zilargo and Darguun are small nations that is not important.
Finally, we move to the land of Breland, one of the few nations that was unaffected by the Last War. The jewel of Breland, the city of Sharn, or known as the City of Tower, adequately named for the thousands of tower within its walls. This nation is where people have run to from the Last War. The city of Sharn is where I have met an extraordinary human named Saotome Ranma…
Abin Bazias
P.S. Ho-iatneh want me to inform you that he do not own Ranma