Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ All Things Change In Time ❯ All Things Change In Time ( One-Shot )

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All Things Change In Time

By: TendoAkane

"Hello, anyone home?" I called out.

I threw my bags onto the floor of the dojo and glanced around. There were no immediate signs of life. I removed my coat and shoes and ventured further into my house to see if I could find my father or sisters.

My father was not in his usual seat at the Shogi board, nor was my oldest sister in the kitchen. My middle sister could not be heard upstairs in her room, neither could my fiancee be found making a wreck out of anything. Something felt different, something was not right.

For a moment I stood in the hall, hands on my hips, trying to figure out where everyone could be. I glanced at my watch, it was 4:15 and everyone should be home. Something was not right.

I tried again.

"Anybody here?"

I heard a rustling noise outside in the garden, so I opened the door and began to investigate. After not too much trouble I came across...

"Pchan! What are you doing out here? I missed you!"

I hadn't seen my beloved pet since I began college, and now that I was home on a break I knew I would have tons of time to spend with him. But even now as I held my little black piglet I knew something was wrong. He seemed to struggle, like he didn't want me holding him. He didn't even seem to know me. I put Pchan back on the ground and watched as he scampered back off into a bush, without even a glance behind him.

My heart felt a little heavy, I had never been rejected by my Pchan before.

I wiped away a stray tear and headed back inside to see if there was a note left for me as to where my family would be.

After searching the kitchen counters and table I began to get a little worried. Hadn't even my father remembered that I was coming home today? True that I had been away since August and now it was almost Christmas, but he couldn't have forgotten when I was coming home, could he? I was his little girl! There was no way he would forget me...

I decided to head up to my room and rest a little, so I grabbed my bags from the dojo and went upstairs.

There it was, third door on the left, on it hanging the little duck with my name on it. I smiled, at least some things were still the same. I turned the doorknob and instead of my room being the way I left it I saw...

Boxes stacked on top of each other, lawn furniture from the summer strewn about, and on my bed were piles of old newspapers and assorted junk that apparently nobody wanted.

I almost started to cry. Had I really been gone that long that my family felt they could turn my room into storage space? But no, in my typical fashion I grew angry. My aura was glowing, fangs grew in my mouth, and I screamed. If anyone had been in the room with me I think I would have killed them, I was so upset.

Just then my door was flung open and Nabiki stuck her head into the room.

"Oh, hey Akane, I didn't know you were home!" she then turned to what must have been someone behind her (I couldn't see who it was), giggled, and said, "I'll be right back!"

Nabiki, giggling? This was something new..

She focused her attention (mostly) back to me and, seeing my angered expression asked, "You ok?"

I practically exploded.


Nabiki took a step back. I guess she could tell I wasn't too happy.

"Well, uh, Dad's with Ms. Hanako, just like he has been every day these past few weeks. Kasumi doesn't live here anymore, but you knew that already. And I had..."

I began to sputter.

"Wh-what do you mean Kasumi doesn't live here anymore? And what's Dad doing with that psychotic teacher??"

Nabiki looked taken back.

"Dad's been dating her for a while now, and Kasumi married Dr Tofu a few months ago. You were at the wedding, duh."

My face was plastered with absolute shock.

"Wedding, what wedding? I wasn't there. No one even bothered to mention to me that they had set a date!"

Nabiki just shrugged.

"What happened to my room??"

"Well, I guess Dad decided that since you're not here and we needed some extra space that we could put the stuff in here..."

I was really fuming now. I closed my eyes and tried to calm down, but it didn't work.

I put a hand to my forehead and took a deep breath. Opening my eyes I said, "Look, I just need to be with Ranma for a little while. Where is he?


"You know, Ranma, my fiancee, where is he?"

Nabiki absently looked around the room.

"Well, he's definitely not in here, let's look downstairs."

"No, he's not downstairs. I was already down there, and he's not."

I barged past her and into Ranma's room where I found him laying on his futon. I noticed that all of Genma's things were gone, but in their place more feminine items had taken precedence.

I made a move to sit next to my fiancee, but he frowned. I tilted my head and stared at him.


"Oh, hey `Kane."

Ranma then smiled and stood up and walked towards me, arms open.

I grinned and ran to him and when I got there, kissed him. Ranma almost looked disgusted as he stood in shock for a moment, and then pushed me away.

I turned to see who or what had stolen his attention from me and saw my sister wrapped in a passionate embrace with my fiancee.

"Get your hands off of him!" I yelled, and ripped the two of them apart.

Ranma and Nabiki both became quite upset with me and if looks could kill, I wouldn't be alive right now.

"Akane, why are you trying to take my wife away from me?" Ranma said coldly.

I stared at him in shock. Wife? No! I was his fiancee. He was supposed to marry me. I hadn't been gone that long, only a few short months. And every day of those months I had counted down until I could be with him again. There was no way that he had gotten tired of waiting for me and married...my sister?

"What, how, when?" I stuttered, trying to hold back the tears.

Nabiki looked at me sweetly, but it was the kind of evil, deceiving sweetness that makes you sick the instant you touch any of it.

"Ranma loves me, dear sister. He decided that you weren't worth waiting for and we got married last month."

My gaze slid back to Ranma, the one who was supposed to love me for the rest of time. Before I had gone to college he promised to wait for me, told me he loved me more than anything, and here he was, married to my sister of all people.

I did my best not to cry.

"But Ranma, how...?"

Ranma held Nabiki close to him and spoke to me, his voice as cold and hard as steel.

"Go back, Akane, you don't belong here anymore. Go back to where you belong."

That was the last straw. I couldn't take it anymore. The tears erupted from my eyes as my aura flared up again. In true Ryoga fashion I hit the bottom of all depression and screamed out:



Ranma and Nabiki were swept up in my blast and shot through the roof along with half of Ranma's belongings. Last I heard they were flying across the Atlantic with no sign of stopping any time soon.

I collapsed on the floor and began sobbing. My oldest sister had married without me, my father was dating my most hated teacher from highschool, my fiancee married my other sister, I couldn't even call my room my own anymore, and my pet didn't even want to be with me. To top it all off, it was Christmas. I had no hope, no where to go, no one to turn to.

All of a sudden I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. I didn't bother to look up until I felt a hand resting on my shoulder. Lifting my eyes, I saw Ryoga next to me. I cried harder and he took me in his arms, telling me that it would be ok.

Pchan came in and hopped onto my lap, nuzzling my hand with his nose. I could see Ryoga smiling a little and it dawned on me that I had never seen Ryoga in the same place with Pchan.

I put two and two together and realized that Pchan must have been Ryoga's Jusenkyo curse, no wonder he never wanted to tell me what it was.

Oh well, I had nothing left in me to be angry with him. He must have gotten cured while I was gone and used something else to turn into Pchan so that I would still have my pet.

Looking up, I began to ask what Pchan really was when Ryoga put a finger to my lips and smiled at me.

I tilted my head and stared at him questioningly.

Ryoga just grinned that toothy grin that I have always loved about him and bent down to kiss me. He wasn't afraid, he didn't get a nosebleed, he just leaned in and when his lips touched mine, all my anger flew away and I wondered why I had even been upset in the first place.

I guess not all things that change are bad. This one certainly wasn't.
